16 January 2013 5:12:37.254 PM NEWTON_RC_PRB FORTRAN77 version Test the REVNEW library. which solves a nonlinear equation using reverse communication. TEST01 Seek solution of F(X) = 0 Initial Values: I X FX 1 0.00000 1.00000 2 0.00000 4.00000 3 0.00000 9.00000 4 0.00000 16.0000 |FX( 4)|= 16.0000 |FX( 4)|= 4.00000 |FX( 4)|= 1.00000 |FX( 4)|= 0.250000 |FX( 4)|= 0.625000E-01 |FX( 4)|= 0.156250E-01 |FX( 4)|= 0.390626E-02 |FX( 4)|= 0.976569E-03 |FX( 4)|= 0.244144E-03 |FX( 4)|= 0.610369E-04 |FX( 4)|= 0.152597E-04 |FX( 4)|= 0.381513E-05 |FX( 4)|= 0.953892E-06 Convergence: I X FX 1 0.999756 0.595974E-07 2 1.99951 0.238397E-06 3 2.99927 0.536398E-06 4 3.99902 0.953892E-06 NEWTON_RC_PRB: Normal end of execution. 16 January 2013 5:12:37.254 PM