program main c*********************************************************************72 c cc MAIN is the main program for NAS. c c Discussion: c c This is a version of the NAS kernel benchmark program, c whose original version was created by David Bailey, c dated 17 December 1984. c c Each of the tests begins by filling arrays with pseudorandom values c generated by the recursion: c x(n+1) = 5^7 * x(n) (mod 2^30) c This recursion will generate 2^28 (approx. 268 million) numbers c before repeating. For this scheme to work properly, the hardware c multiply operation must be correct to 47 bits of precision. c c Licensing: c c This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. c c Modified: c c 03 November 2010 c c Author: c c Original FORTRAN77 version by David Bailey. c This FORTRAN77 version by John Burkardt. c implicit none double precision er(8) double precision fp(8) integer i character*8 pn(8) double precision rt(8) double precision te double precision tf double precision tm(8) double precision tt data pn / & 'MXM', & 'CFFT2D', & 'CHOLSKY', & 'BTRIX', & 'GMTRY', & 'EMIT', & 'VPENTA', & 'Total'/ te = 0.0D+00 tf = 0.0D+00 tt = 0.0D+00 call timestamp ( ) write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'NAS:' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' FORTRAN77 version' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) & ' The NAS kernel benchmark program' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' Program Error FP Ops' & //' Seconds MFLOPS' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' do i = 1, 7 if ( i .eq. 1 ) then call mxmtst ( er(1), fp(1), tm(1) ) else if ( i .eq. 2 ) then call ffttst ( er(2), fp(2), tm(2) ) else if ( i .eq. 3 ) then call chotst ( er(3), fp(3), tm(3) ) else if ( i .eq. 4 ) then call btrtst ( er(4), fp(4), tm(4) ) else if ( i .eq. 5 ) then call gmttst ( er(5), fp(5), tm(5) ) else if ( i .eq. 6 ) then call emitst ( er(6), fp(6), tm(6) ) else if ( i .eq. 7 ) then call vpetst ( er(7), fp(7), tm(7) ) end if rt(i) = 1.0D-06 * fp(i) / tm(i) write ( *, '(1x,a8,1p2e15.4,0pf12.4,f12.2)' ) & pn(i), er(i), fp(i), tm(i), rt(i) te = te + er(i) tf = tf + fp(i) tt = tt + tm(i) end do er(8) = te fp(8) = tf tm(8) = tt rt(8) = 1.0D-06 * tf / tt i = 8 write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(1x,a8,1p2e15.4,0pf12.4,f12.2)' ) & pn(i), er(i), fp(i), tm(i), rt(i) write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'NAS:' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' Normal end of execution.' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' call timestamp ( ) stop end function cptime ( ) c*********************************************************************72 c cc CPTIME returns a reading of the CPU or elapsed time clock. c c Licensing: c c This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. c c Modified: c c 03 November 2010 c c Author: c c Original FORTRAN77 version by David Bailey. c This FORTRAN77 version by John Burkardt. c implicit none double precision cptime cptime = second ( ) return end subroutine copy ( n, a, b ) c*********************************************************************72 c cc COPY copies a double precision vector. c c Licensing: c c This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. c c Modified: c c 03 November 2010 c c Author: c c Original FORTRAN77 version by David Bailey. c This FORTRAN77 version by John Burkardt. c implicit none integer n double precision a(n) double precision b(n) integer i do i = 1, n b(i) = a(i) end do return end subroutine mxmtst ( er, fp, tm ) c*********************************************************************72 c cc MXMTST is the test program for MXM. c c Licensing: c c This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. c c Modified: c c 03 November 2010 c c Author: c c Original FORTRAN77 version by David Bailey. c This FORTRAN77 version by John Burkardt. c implicit none integer l integer m integer n parameter ( l = 256 ) parameter ( m = 128 ) parameter ( n = 64 ) double precision a(l,m) double precision ans double precision b(m,n) double precision c(l,n) double precision cptime double precision er double precision f7 double precision fp integer i integer ii integer it integer j double precision t double precision t30 double precision tm it = 100 ans = 35.2026179738722D+00 c c Random initialization. c f7 = 78125.0D+00 t30 = 1073741824.0D+00 t = f7 / t30 do j = 1, m do i = 1, l t = dmod ( f7 * t, 1.0D+00 ) a(i,j) = t end do end do do j = 1, n do i = 1, m t = dmod ( f7 * t, 1.0D+00 ) b(i,j) = t end do end do c c Timing. c tm = cptime ( ) do ii = 1, it call mxm ( a, b, c, l, m, n ) end do tm = cptime ( ) - tm c c Results. c er = dabs ( ( c(19,19) - ans ) / ans ) fp = dble ( 2 * it * l * m * n ) return end subroutine mxm ( a, b, c, l, m, n ) c*********************************************************************72 c cc MXM computes the matrix product C = A * B. c c Discussion: c c The function uses 4-way unrolled loops to carry out matrix multiplication. c c M must be a multiple of 4. c c Licensing: c c This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. c c Modified: c c 03 November 2010 c c Author: c c Original FORTRAN77 version by David Bailey. c This FORTRAN77 version by John Burkardt. c implicit none integer l integer m integer n double precision a(l,m) double precision b(m,n) double precision c(l,n) integer i integer j integer k do k = 1, n do i = 1, l c(i,k) = 0.0D+00 end do end do do j = 1, m, 4 do k = 1, n do i = 1, l c(i,k) = c(i,k) & + a(i,j) * b(j,k) & + a(i,j+1) * b(j+1,k) & + a(i,j+2) * b(j+2,k) & + a(i,j+3) * b(j+3,k) end do end do end do return end subroutine ffttst ( er, fp, tm ) c*********************************************************************72 c cc FFTTST is the test program for CFFT2D1 and CFFTD2. c c Licensing: c c This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. c c Modified: c c 03 November 2010 c c Author: c c Original FORTRAN77 version by David Bailey. c This FORTRAN77 version by John Burkardt. c implicit none integer m integer m1 integer n parameter ( m = 128 ) parameter ( m1 = 128 ) parameter ( n = 256 ) double precision ans double precision cptime double complex ct double precision er double precision f7 double precision fp integer i integer ip(2*n) integer it integer j integer k double precision rmn double precision t1 double precision t2 double precision t30 double precision tm double complex w1(m) double complex w2(n) double complex x(m1,n) double complex y it = 100 ans = 0.894799941219277D+00 rmn = 1.0D+00 / dble ( m * n ) c c Random initialization. c f7 = 78125.0D+00 t30 = 1073741824.0D+00 t2 = f7 / t30 do j = 1, n do i = 1, m t1 = dmod ( f7 * t2, 1.0D+00 ) t2 = dmod ( f7 * t1, 1.0D+00 ) x(i,j) = dcmplx ( t1, t2 ) end do end do call cfft2d1 ( 0, m, m1, n, x, w1, ip ) call cfft2d2 ( 0, m, m1, n, x, w2, ip ) c c Timing. c tm = cptime ( ) do k = 1, it do j = 1, n do i = 1, m x(i,j) = rmn * x(i,j) end do end do call cfft2d1 ( 1, m, m1, n, x, w1, ip ) call cfft2d2 ( 1, m, m1, n, x, w2, ip ) call cfft2d2 ( -1, m, m1, n, x, w2, ip ) call cfft2d1 ( -1, m, m1, n, x, w1, ip ) end do tm = cptime ( ) - tm c c Results. c er = dabs ( ( dble ( x(19,19) ) - ans ) / ans ) fp = dble ( it * m * n ) * ( 2.0D+00 & + 10.0D+00 * dlog ( dble ( m * n ) ) / dlog ( 2.0D+00 ) ) return end subroutine cfft2d1 ( is, m, m1, n, x, w, ip ) c*********************************************************************72 c cc CFFT2D1 performs complex radix 2 FFT's on the first dimension. c c Licensing: c c This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. c c Modified: c c 03 November 2010 c c Author: c c Original FORTRAN77 version by David Bailey. c This FORTRAN77 version by John Burkardt. c implicit none integer m integer m1 integer n double complex ct double complex cx integer i integer i1 integer i2 integer ii integer im integer ip(2,m) integer is integer j integer k integer l integer m2 double precision pi double precision t double complex w(m) double complex x(m1,n) pi = 3.141592653589793D+00 c c If IS = 0 then initialize only. c m2 = m / 2 if ( is .eq. 0 ) then do i = 1, m2 t = 2.0D+00 * pi * dble ( i - 1 ) / dble ( m ) w(i) = dcmplx ( dcos ( t ), dsin ( t ) ) end do return end if c c Perform forward or backward FFT's according to IS = 1 or -1. c do i = 1, m ip(1,i) = i end do l = 1 i1 = 1 120 continue i2 = 3 - i1 do j = l, m2, l cx = w(j-l+1) if ( is .lt. 0 ) then cx = dconjg ( cx ) end if do i = j - l + 1, j ii = ip(i1,i) ip(i2,i+j-l) = ii im = ip(i1,i+m2) ip(i2,i+j) = im do k = 1, n ct = x(ii,k) - x(im,k) x(ii,k) = x(ii,k) + x(im,k) x(im,k) = ct * cx end do end do end do l = 2 * l i1 = i2 if ( l .le. m2 ) then go to 120 end if do i = 1, m ii = ip(i1,i) if ( i .lt. ii ) then do k = 1, n ct = x(i,k) x(i,k) = x(ii,k) x(ii,k) = ct end do end if end do return end subroutine cfft2d2 ( is, m, m1, n, x, w, ip ) c*********************************************************************72 c cc CFFT2D2 performs complex radix 2 FFT's on the second dimension. c c Licensing: c c This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. c c Modified: c c 03 November 2010 c c Author: c c Original FORTRAN77 version by David Bailey. c This FORTRAN77 version by John Burkardt. c implicit none integer m1 integer n double complex ct double complex cx integer i integer i1 integer i2 integer ii integer im integer ip(2,n) integer is integer j integer k integer l integer m integer n2 double precision pi double precision t double complex w(n) double complex x(m1,n) pi = 3.141592653589793D+00 c c If IS = 0, then initialize only. c n2 = n / 2 if ( is .eq. 0 ) then do i = 1, n2 t = 2.0D+00 * pi * dble ( i - 1 ) / dble ( n ) w(i) = dcmplx ( dcos ( t ), dsin ( t ) ) end do return end if c c Perform forward or backward FFT's according to IS = 1 or -1. c do i = 1, n ip(1,i) = i end do l = 1 i1 = 1 120 continue i2 = 3 - i1 do j = l, n2, l cx = w(j-l+1) if ( is .lt. 0 ) then cx = dconjg ( cx ) end if do i = j - l + 1, j ii = ip(i1,i) ip(i2,i+j-l) = ii im = ip(i1,i+n2) ip(i2,i+j) = im do k = 1, m ct = x(k,ii) - x(k,im) x(k,ii) = x(k,ii) + x(k,im) x(k,im) = ct * cx end do end do end do l = 2 * l i1 = i2 if ( l .le. n2 ) then go to 120 end if do i = 1, n ii = ip(i1,i) if ( i .lt. ii ) then do k = 1, m ct = x(k,i) x(k,i) = x(k,ii) x(k,ii) = ct end do end if end do return end subroutine chotst ( er, fp, tm ) c*********************************************************************72 c cc CHOTST is the test program for CHOLSKY. c c Licensing: c c This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. c c Modified: c c 03 November 2010 c c Author: c c Original FORTRAN77 version by David Bailey. c This FORTRAN77 version by John Burkardt. c implicit none integer ida integer m integer n integer nmat integer nrhs parameter ( ida = 250 ) parameter ( m = 4 ) parameter ( n = 40 ) parameter ( nmat = 250 ) parameter ( nrhs = 3 ) double precision a(0:ida,-m:0,0:n) double precision ans double precision ax(0:ida,-m:0,0:n) double precision b(0:nrhs,0:nmat,0:n) double precision bx(0:nrhs,0:nmat,0:n) double precision cptime double precision er double precision f7 double precision fp integer i integer it integer j integer k integer la integer lb double precision t double precision t30 double precision tm it = 200 ans = 5177.88531774562D+00 la = ( ida + 1 ) * ( m + 1 ) * ( n + 1 ) lb = ( nrhs + 1 ) * ( nmat + 1 ) * ( n + 1 ) c c Random initialization. c f7 = 78125.0D+00 t30 = 1073741824.0D+00 t = f7 / t30 do k = 0, n do j = - m, 0 do i = 0, ida t = dmod ( f7 * t, 1.0D+00 ) ax(i,j,k) = t end do end do end do do k = 0, n do j = 0, nmat do i = 0, nrhs t = dmod ( f7 * t, 1.0D+00 ) bx(i,j,k) = t end do end do end do c c Timing. c tm = cptime ( ) do j = 1, it call copy ( la, ax, a ) call copy ( lb, bx, b ) call cholsky ( ida, nmat, m, n, a, nrhs, ida, b ) end do tm = cptime ( ) - tm c c Results. c er = dabs ( ( b(1,19,19) - ans ) / ans ) fp = dble ( it * ( nmat + 1 ) * 4403 ) return end subroutine cholsky ( ida, nmat, m, n, a, nrhs, idb, b ) c*********************************************************************72 c cc CHOLSKY carries out Cholesky decomposition and back substitution. c c Discussion: c c The Cholesky decomposition is performed on a set of input matrices c which are provided as a single three-dimensional array. c c Licensing: c c This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. c c Modified: c c 03 November 2010 c c Author: c c Original FORTRAN77 version by David Bailey. c This FORTRAN77 version by John Burkardt. c implicit none integer ida integer idb integer m integer n integer nrhs double precision a(0:ida,-m:0, 0:n) double precision b(0:nrhs,0:idb,0:n) double precision eps double precision epss(0:256) integer i integer i0 integer j integer jj integer k integer l integer nmat eps = 1.0D-13 c c Cholesky decomposition. c do j = 0, n i0 = max ( -m, -j ) c c Off diagonal elements. c do i = i0, -1 do jj = i0 - i, -1 do l = 0, nmat a(l,i,j) = a(l,i,j) - a(l,jj,i+j) * a(l,i+jj,j) end do end do do l = 0, nmat a(l,i,j) = a(l,i,j) * a(l,0,i+j) end do end do c c Store inverse of diagonal elements. c do l = 0, nmat epss(l) = eps * a(l,0,j) end do do jj = i0, -1 do l = 0, nmat a(l,0,j) = a(l,0,j) - a(l,jj,j) ** 2 end do end do do l = 0, nmat a(l,0,j) = 1.0D+00 / dsqrt ( dabs ( epss(l) + a(l,0,j) ) ) end do end do c c Solution. c do i = 0, nrhs do k = 0, n do l = 0, nmat b(i,l,k) = b(i,l,k) * a(l,0,k) end do do jj = 1, min ( m, n - k ) do l = 0, nmat b(i,l,k+jj) = b(i,l,k+jj) - a(l,-jj,k+jj) * b(i,l,k) end do end do end do do k = n, 0, -1 do l = 0, nmat b(i,l,k) = b(i,l,k) * a(l,0,k) end do do jj = 1, min ( m, k ) do l = 0, nmat b(i,l,k-jj) = b(i,l,k-jj) - a(l,-jj,k) * b(i,l,k) end do end do end do end do return end subroutine btrtst ( er, fp, tm ) c*********************************************************************72 c cc BTRTST is the test program for BTRIX. c c Licensing: c c This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. c c Modified: c c 03 November 2010 c c Author: c c Original FORTRAN77 version by David Bailey. c This FORTRAN77 version by John Burkardt. c implicit none integer jd integer kd integer ld integer md parameter ( jd = 30 ) parameter ( kd = 30 ) parameter ( ld = 30 ) parameter ( md = 30 ) double precision a(5,5,md,md) double precision ans double precision b(5,5,md,md) double precision bx(5,5,md,md) double precision c(5,5,md,md) double precision cptime double precision er double precision f7 double precision fp integer i integer ii integer it integer j integer je integer js integer k integer l integer le integer ls integer nb integer ns double precision s(jd,kd,ld,5) double precision sx(jd,kd,ld,5) double precision t double precision t30 double precision tm js = 2 je = 29 ls = 2 le = 29 it = 20 ans = -0.286282658663962D+00 nb = 25 * md * md ns = jd * kd * ld * 5 c c Random initialization. c f7 = 78125.0D+00 t30 = 1073741824.0D+00 t = f7 / t30 do l = 1, md do k = 1, md do j = 1, 5 do i = 1, 5 t = dmod ( f7 * t, 1.0D+00 ) a(i,j,k,l) = t t = dmod ( f7 * t, 1.0D+00 ) bx(i,j,k,l) = t t = dmod ( f7 * t, 1.0D+00 ) c(i,j,k,l) = t end do end do end do end do do l = 1, 5 do k = 1, ld do j = 1, kd do i = 1, jd t = dmod ( f7 * t, 1.0D+00 ) sx(i,j,k,l) = t end do end do end do end do c c Timing. c tm = cptime ( ) do ii = 1, it call copy ( ns, sx, s ) do k = 1, kd call copy ( nb, bx, b ) call btrix ( js, je, ls, le, k, jd, kd, ld, md, & a, b, c, s ) end do end do tm = cptime ( ) - tm c c Results. c er = dabs ( ( s(19,19,19,1) - ans ) / ans ) fp = dble ( it * md * ( le - 1 ) * 19165 ) return end subroutine btrix ( js, je, ls, le, k, jd, kd, ld, md, & a, b, c, s ) c*********************************************************************72 c cc BTRIX is a block tridiagonal solver in one direction. c c Discussion: c c The array has four dimensions. The routine solves along the c "J" index. c c Licensing: c c This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. c c Modified: c c 03 November 2010 c c Author: c c Original FORTRAN77 version by David Bailey. c This FORTRAN77 version by John Burkardt. c implicit none integer jd integer kd integer ld integer md double precision a(5,5,md,md) double precision b(5,5,md,md) double precision c(5,5,md,md) double precision c1 double precision c2 double precision c3 double precision c4 double precision c5 double precision d1 double precision d2 double precision d3 double precision d4 double precision d5 integer j integer je integer jem1 integer js integer k integer l integer le integer ls double precision l11(md) double precision l21(md) double precision l31(md) double precision l41(md) double precision l51(md) double precision l22(md) double precision l32(md) double precision l33(md) double precision l42(md) double precision l43(md) double precision l44(md) double precision l52(md) double precision l53(md) double precision l54(md) double precision l55(md) integer m integer n double precision s(jd,kd,ld,5) double precision u12(md) double precision u13(md) double precision u14(md) double precision u15(md) double precision u23(md) double precision u24(md) double precision u25(md) double precision u34(md) double precision u35(md) double precision u45(md) c c Part 1. Forward block sweep. c do j = js, je c c Step 1. Construct L(I) in B. c if ( j .ne. js ) then do m = 1, 5 do n = 1, 5 do l = ls, le b(m,n,j,l) = b(m,n,j,l) & - a(m,1,j,l) * b(1,n,j-1,l) & - a(m,2,j,l) * b(2,n,j-1,l) & - a(m,3,j,l) * b(3,n,j-1,l) & - a(m,4,j,l) * b(4,n,j-1,l) & - a(m,5,j,l) * b(5,n,j-1,l) end do end do end do end if c c Step 2. Compute L inverse. c c A. Decompose L(I) into L and U. c do l = ls, le l11(l) = 1.0D+00 / b(1,1,j,l) u12(l) = b(1,2,j,l) * l11(l) u13(l) = b(1,3,j,l) * l11(l) u14(l) = b(1,4,j,l) * l11(l) u15(l) = b(1,5,j,l) * l11(l) l21(l) = b(2,1,j,l) l22(l) = 1.0D+00 / ( b(2,2,j,l) - l21(l) * u12(l) ) u23(l) = ( b(2,3,j,l) - l21(l) * u13(l) ) * l22(l) u24(l) = ( b(2,4,j,l) - l21(l) * u14(l) ) * l22(l) u25(l) = ( b(2,5,j,l) - l21(l) * u15(l) ) * l22(l) l31(l) = b(3,1,j,l) l32(l) = b(3,2,j,l) - l31(l) * u12(l) l33(l) = 1.0D+00 / & ( b(3,3,j,l) - l31(l) * u13(l) - l32(l) * u23(l) ) u34(l) = ( b(3,4,j,l) - l31(l) * u14(l) & - l32(l) * u24(l) ) * l33(l) u35(l) = ( b(3,5,j,l) - l31(l) * u15(l) & - l32(l) * u25(l) ) * l33(l) end do do l = ls, le l41(l) = b(4,1,j,l) l42(l) = b(4,2,j,l) - l41(l) * u12(l) l43(l) = b(4,3,j,l) - l41(l) * u13(l) - l42(l) * u23(l) l44(l) = 1.0D+00 / ( b(4,4,j,l) - l41(l) * u14(l) & - l42(l) * u24(l) - l43(l) * u34(l) ) u45(l) = ( b(4,5,j,l) - l41(l) * u15(l) - l42(l) * u25(l) & - l43(l) * u35(l) ) * l44(l) l51(l) = b(5,1,j,l) l52(l) = b(5,2,j,l) - l51(l) * u12(l) l53(l) = b(5,3,j,l) - l51(l) * u13(l) - l52(l) * u23(l) l54(l) = b(5,4,j,l) - l51(l) * u14(l) - l52(l) * u24(l) & - l53(l) * u34(l) l55(l) = 1.0D+00 / & ( b(5,5,j,l) - l51(l) * u15(l) - l52(l) * u25(l) & - l53(l) * u35(l) - l54(l) * u45(l) ) end do c c Step 3. Solve for intermediate vector. c c A. Construct the right hand side. c if ( j .ne. js ) then do m = 1, 5 do l = ls, le s(j,k,l,m) = s(j,k,l,m) & - a(m,1,j,l) * s(j-1,k,l,1) & - a(m,2,j,l) * s(j-1,k,l,2) & - a(m,3,j,l) * s(j-1,k,l,3) & - a(m,4,j,l) * s(j-1,k,l,4) & - a(m,5,j,l) * s(j-1,k,l,5) end do end do end if c c B. intermediate vector. c c Forward substitution. c do l = ls, le d1 = s(j,k,l,1) * l11(l) d2 = ( s(j,k,l,2) - l21(l) * d1 ) * l22(l) d3 = ( s(j,k,l,3) - l31(l) * d1 - l32(l) * d2 ) * l33(l) d4 = ( s(j,k,l,4) - l41(l) * d1 - l42(l) * d2 & - l43(l) * d3 ) * l44(l) d5 = ( s(j,k,l,5) - l51(l) * d1 - l52(l) * d2 - l53(l) * d3 & - l54(l) * d4 ) * l55(l) c c Backward substitution. c s(j,k,l,5) = d5 s(j,k,l,4) = d4 - u45(l) * d5 s(j,k,l,3) = d3 - u34(l) * s(j,k,l,4) - u35(l) * d5 s(j,k,l,2) = d2 - u23(l) * s(j,k,l,3) - u24(l) * s(j,k,l,4) & - u25(l) * d5 s(j,k,l,1) = d1 - u12(l) * s(j,k,l,2) - u13(l) * s(j,k,l,3) & - u14(l) * s(j,k,l,4) - u15(l) * d5 end do c c Step 4. Construct U(I) = inverse(L(I))*C(I+1) by columns and store in B. c if ( j .ne. je ) then do n = 1, 5 do l = ls, le c c Forward substitution. c c1 = c(1,n,j,l) * l11(l) c2 = ( c(2,n,j,l) - l21(l) * c1 ) * l22(l) c3 = ( c(3,n,j,l) - l31(l) * c1 - l32(l) * c2 ) * l33(l) c4 = ( c(4,n,j,l) - l41(l) * c1 - l42(l) * c2 & - l43(l) * c3 ) * l44(l) c5 = ( c(5,n,j,l) - l51(l) * c1 - l52(l) * c2 & - l53(l) * c3 - l54(l) * c4 ) * l55(l) c c Backward substitution. c b(5,n,j,l) = c5 b(4,n,j,l) = c4 - u45(l) * c5 b(3,n,j,l) = c3 - u34(l) * b(4,n,j,l) - u35(l) * c5 b(2,n,j,l) = c2 - u23(l) * b(3,n,j,l) & - u24(l) * b(4,n,j,l) - u25(l) * c5 b(1,n,j,l) = c1 - u12(l) * b(2,n,j,l) & - u13(l) * b(3,n,j,l) - u14(l) * b(4,n,j,l) & - u15(l) * c5 end do end do end if end do c c Part 2. Backward block sweep. c jem1 = je - 1 do j = jem1, js, -1 do m = 1, 5 do l = ls, le s(j,k,l,m) = s(j,k,l,m) & - b(m,1,j,l) * s(j+1,k,l,1) & - b(m,2,j,l) * s(j+1,k,l,2) & - b(m,3,j,l) * s(j+1,k,l,3) & - b(m,4,j,l) * s(j+1,k,l,4) & - b(m,5,j,l) * s(j+1,k,l,5) end do end do end do return end subroutine gmttst ( er, fp, tm ) c*********************************************************************72 c cc GMTTST is the test program for GMTRY. c c Licensing: c c This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. c c Modified: c c 03 November 2010 c c Author: c c Original FORTRAN77 version by David Bailey. c This FORTRAN77 version by John Burkardt. c implicit none integer nb integer nw parameter ( nb = 5 ) parameter ( nw = 100 ) double precision ans double precision cptime double precision er double precision f7 double precision fp integer i integer it integer j integer lw integer nwall(nb) double complex proj(nw,nb) double precision rmatrx(nw*nb,nw*nb) double precision t1 double precision t2 double precision t30 double precision tm double complex wall(nw,nb) double precision xmax(nb) double complex z1 double complex zcr(nw,nb) double complex zi double complex zz it = 2 ans = -2.57754233214174D+00 lw = 2 * nw * nb c c Random initialization. c f7 = 78125.0D+00 t30 = 1073741824.0D+00 t2 = f7 / t30 do j = 1, nb nwall(j) = nw end do do j = 1, nb do i = 1, nw t1 = dmod ( f7 * t2, 1.0D+00 ) t2 = dmod ( f7 * t1, 1.0D+00 ) wall(i,j) = dcmplx ( t1, t2 ) end do end do c c Timing. c tm = cptime ( ) do i = 1, it call gmtry ( nb, nw, nwall, proj, rmatrx, wall, xmax, zcr ) end do tm = cptime ( ) - tm c c Results. c er = dabs ( ( rmatrx(19,19) - ans ) / ans ) fp = dble ( it ) * ( dble ( 120 * ( nb * nw ) ** 2 ) & + 0.666D+00 * dble ( nb * nw ) ** 3 ) return end subroutine gmtry ( nb, nw, nwall, proj, rmatrx, wall, xmax, zcr ) c*********************************************************************72 c cc GMTRY computes solid-related arrays. c c Discussion: c c This function was extracted from a vortex method program. c It sets up arrays needed for the computation, and performs c Gauss elimination on the matrix of wall-influence coefficients. c c Licensing: c c This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. c c Modified: c c 03 November 2010 c c Author: c c Original FORTRAN77 version by David Bailey. c This FORTRAN77 version by John Burkardt. c implicit none integer nb integer nw double precision arcl double precision dum integer i integer i0 integer j integer j0 integer k integer kp integer kron integer ks integer l integer l1 integer l2 integer ls integer matdim integer nwall(nb) double precision period double precision pi double precision pidp double complex proj(nw,nb) double precision r0 double precision rmatrx(nw*nb,nw*nb) double precision sig2 double precision sigma double complex wall(nw,nb) double precision xmax(nb) double precision ylimit double precision ymax double precision ymin double complex z1 double complex zcr(nw,nb) double complex zi double complex zz pi = 3.141592653589793D+00 period = 3.0D+00 c c Compute arclength. c matdim = 0 arcl = 0.0D+00 ymin = 1.0D+30 ymax = -1.0D+30 pidp = pi / period do l = 1, nb matdim = matdim + nwall(l) do k = 1, nwall(l) arcl = arcl + cdabs ( wall(k,l) - wall(1+mod(k,nwall(l)),l) ) end do end do c c Compute core radius. c r0 = 0.5D+00 * arcl / dble ( matdim ) sigma = r0 / 2.0D+00 c c Define creation points. c do l = 1, nb do k = 1, nwall(l) zz = wall(1+mod(k+nwall(l)-2,nwall(l)),l) & - wall(1+mod(k,nwall(l)),l) zcr(k,l) = wall(k,l) & + dcmplx ( 0.0D+00, r0 / cdabs ( zz ) ) * zz end do c c Check that wall and creation points are not crossed due to c too sharp a concave kink or an error in defining the body. c Also find highest, lowest and right-most point. c xmax(l) = dreal ( zcr(1,l) ) ls = 0 do k = 1, nwall(l) ymin = min ( ymin, dimag ( zcr(k,l) ) ) ymax = max ( ymax, dimag ( zcr(k,l) ) ) xmax(l) = max ( xmax(l), dreal ( zcr(k,l) ) ) kp = 1 + mod ( k, nwall(l) ) if ( 0.0D+00 .lt. dreal ( ( zcr(kp,l) - zcr(k,l) ) * & dconjg ( wall(kp,l) - wall(k,l) ) ) ) then ls = l ks = k end if end do end do c c The "main period" will be between ylimit and ylimit + period. c ylimit = ( ymin - period + ymax ) / 2.0D+00 c c Project creation points into main period. This is technical. c do l = 1, nb do k = 1, nwall(l) proj(k,l) = zcr(k,l) & - dcmplx ( 0.0D+00, period * & ( int ( 5.0D+00 + ( dimag ( zcr(k,l) ) - ylimit ) / period ) & - 5.0D+00 ) ) end do end do c c Compute matrix. c sig2 = ( 2.0D+00 * pidp * sigma ) ** 2 i0 = 0 do l1 = 1, nb j0 = 0 do l2 = 1, nb if ( l1 .eq. l2 ) then kron = 1 else kron = 0 end if do j = 1, nwall(l2) rmatrx(i0+1,j0+j) = kron z1 = cdexp ( ( wall(1,l1) - zcr(j,l2) ) * pidp ) z1 = z1 - 1.0D+00 / z1 dum = sig2 + dreal ( z1 )**2 + dimag ( z1 )**2 do i = 2, nwall(l1) zi = cdexp ( ( wall(i,l1) - zcr(j,l2) ) * pidp ) zz = zi - 1.0D+00 / zi rmatrx(i0+i,j0+j) = -0.25D+00 / pi * dlog ( dum / & ( sig2 + dreal ( zz ) ** 2 + dimag ( zz ) ** 2 ) ) end do end do j0 = j0 + nwall(l2) end do i0 = i0 + nwall(l1) end do c c Gauss elimination. c do i = 1, matdim rmatrx(i,i) = 1.0D+00 / rmatrx(i,i) do j = i + 1, matdim rmatrx(j,i) = rmatrx(j,i) * rmatrx(i,i) do k = i + 1, matdim rmatrx(j,k) = rmatrx(j,k) - rmatrx(j,i) * rmatrx(i,k) end do end do end do return end subroutine emitst ( er, fp, tm ) c*********************************************************************72 c cc EMITST is the test program for EMIT. c c Licensing: c c This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. c c Modified: c c 03 November 2010 c c Author: c c Original FORTRAN77 version by David Bailey. c This FORTRAN77 version by John Burkardt. c implicit none integer nb integer nv integer nvm integer nw parameter ( nb = 5 ) parameter ( nv = 1000 ) parameter ( nvm = 1500 ) parameter ( nw = 100 ) double precision ans double precision cp(nw,nb) double precision cptime double precision dpds(nw,nb) double complex dum3 double precision er double complex expmwk double complex expmz(nvm) double complex expwkl double complex expz(nvm) double precision f7 double complex force(nb) double precision fp double precision gamma(nvm) integer i integer it integer j integer nwall(nb) double precision ps(nvm) double precision psi(nw) double complex refpt(nb) double precision rhs(nw*nb) double precision rmatrx(nw*nb,nw*nb) double precision rmom(nb) double precision t1 double precision t2 double precision t30 double precision tm double complex uupstr double complex wall(nw,nb) double complex z(nvm) double complex zcr(nw,nb) it = 10 ans = 6.0088546832072D+00 ! ! Random initialization. ! f7 = 78125.0D+00 t30 = 1073741824.0D+00 t2 = f7 / t30 do j = 1, nb nwall(j) = nw refpt(j) = 0.0D+00 force(j) = 0.0D+00 rmom(j) = 0.0D+00 do i = 1, nw t1 = dmod ( f7 * t2, 1.0D+00 ) t2 = dmod ( f7 * t1, 1.0D+00 ) wall(i,j) = dcmplx ( t1, t2 ) t1 = dmod ( f7 * t2, 1.0D+00 ) t2 = dmod ( f7 * t1, 1.0D+00 ) zcr(i,j) = dcmplx ( t1, t2 ) dpds(i,j) = 0.0D+00 end do end do do j = 1, nw * nb rmatrx(j,j) = 1.0D+00 do i = 1, j - 1 t2 = dmod ( f7 * t2, 1.0D+00 ) rmatrx(i,j) = 0.001D+00 * t2 rmatrx(j,i) = 0.001D+00 * t2 end do end do do i = 1, nvm t1 = dmod ( f7 * t2, 1.0D+00 ) t2 = dmod ( f7 * t1, 1.0D+00 ) z(i) = dcmplx ( t1, t2 ) t2 = dmod ( f7 * t2, 1.0D+00 ) gamma(i) = t2 end do c c Timing. c tm = cptime ( ) do i = 1, it call emit ( nb, nvm, nw, cp, dpds, expmz, expz, force, & gamma, nwall, ps, psi, refpt, rhs, rmatrx, rmom, wall, & z, zcr ) end do tm = cptime ( ) - tm c c Results. c er = dabs ( ( rhs(19) - ans ) / ans ) fp = dble ( it * ( 56 * nv + nb * nw & * ( 97 + 44 * nv + 2 * nb * nw ) ) ) return end subroutine emit ( nb, nvm, nw, cp, dpds, expmz, expz, force, & gamma, nwall, ps, psi, refpt, rhs, rmatrx, rmom, wall, z, zcr ) c*********************************************************************72 c cc EMIT creates new vortices according to certain boundary conditions. c c Discussion: c c This function was extracted from a vortex method program. c It emits new vortices to satisfy the boundary condition. c It also finishes computing pressure, forces, and other quantities. c c Licensing: c c This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. c c Modified: c c 03 November 2010 c c Author: c c Original FORTRAN77 version by David Bailey. c This FORTRAN77 version by John Burkardt. c implicit none integer nb integer nvm integer nw double precision chord double precision cp(nw,nb) double precision cpm double precision cupst double precision delt double precision dpds(nw,nb) double complex dum3 double complex expmwk double complex expmz(nvm) double complex expwkl double complex expz(nvm) double complex force(nb) double precision gamma(nvm) integer i integer i0 integer j integer k integer l integer matdim integer nolld integer nv integer nwall(nb) double precision period double precision pi double precision pidp double precision ps(nvm) double precision psi(nw) double complex refpt(nb) double precision rhs(nw*nb) double precision rmatrx(nw*nb,nw*nb) double precision rmom(nb) double precision sig2 double precision sps double precision u0 double complex uupstr double complex wall(nw,nb) double complex z(nvm) double complex zcr(nw,nb) double complex zz period = 3.0D+00 sig2 = 3.0D+00 u0 = 4.0D+00 matdim = 500 delt = 1.0D+00 chord = 5.0D+00 pi = 3.141592653589793D+00 uupstr = dcmplx ( 3.0D+00, 4.0D+00 ) c c Store exp(z(i)) and exp(-z(i)) to reduce work in inner loop. c c Note that the NV used here is a variable, whereas the NV in the c calling program is a constant. They are separate quantities. c nv = 1000 pidp = pi / period do i = 1, nv expz(i) = cdexp ( z(i) * pidp ) expmz(i) = 1.0D+00 / expz(i) end do i0 = 0 cupst = ( dreal ( uupstr ) ) ** 2 + ( dimag ( uupstr ) ) ** 2 do l = 1, nb do k = 1, nwall(l) expwkl = cdexp ( wall(k,l) * pidp ) expmwk = 1.0D+00 / expwkl sps = 0.0D+00 do i = 1, nv dum3 = expz(i) * expmwk - expwkl * expmz(i) ps(i) = gamma(i) * dlog ( dreal ( dum3 ) ** 2 + & dimag ( dum3 ) ** 2 + sig2 ) sps = sps + ps(i) end do psi(k) = dimag ( wall(k,l) & * dconjg ( uupstr + dcmplx ( 0.0D+00, u0 ) ) ) & - sps * 0.25D+00 / pi end do c c Compute the right-hand side. c do k = 1, nwall(l) rhs(i0+k) = psi(k) - psi(1) end do i0 = i0 + nwall(l) end do c c Solve the system. c do i = 1, matdim do j = i + 1, matdim rhs(j) = rhs(j) - rmatrx(j,i) * rhs(i) end do end do do i = matdim, 1, -1 rhs(i) = rmatrx(i,i) * rhs(i) do j = 1, i - 1 rhs(j) = rhs(j) - rmatrx(j,i) * rhs(i) end do end do c c Create new vortices. c nolld = nv i0 = 0 do l = 1, nb do k = 1, nwall(l) c c Put the new vortex at the end of the array. c nv = nv + 1 z(nv) = zcr(k,l) gamma(nv) = rhs(i0+k) c c Record the gain of linear and angular momentum. c force(l) = force(l) + gamma(nv) * z(nv) rmom(l) = rmom(l) & + gamma(nv) * ( dreal ( z(nv) - refpt(l) ) ** 2 & + dimag ( z(nv) - refpt(l) ) ** 2 ) dpds(k,l) = dpds(k,l) - gamma(nv) end do c c Filter and integrate pressure gradient to get pressure. c cp(1,l) = 0.0D+00 cpm = -1.0D+30 do k = 2, nwall(l) cp(k,l) = cp(k-1,l) + ( 3.0D+00 * ( dpds(k,l) + dpds(k-1,l) ) & + dpds(1+mod(k,nwall(l)),l) & + dpds(1+mod(k+nwall(l)-3,nwall(l)),l) ) & / ( 4.0D+00 * delt * cupst ) cpm = max ( cpm, cp(k,l) ) end do c c Normalize the pressure. c do k = 1, nwall(l) cp(k,l) = cp(k,l) - cpm end do c c Finish computing force and moment, as time rate of change of linear c and angular momentum. c force(l) = force(l) & * dcmplx ( 0.0D+00, 2.0D+00 / ( delt * chord * cupst ) ) rmom(l) = rmom(l) * 2.0D+00 / ( delt * chord ** 2 * cupst ) i0 = i0 + nwall(l) end do return end subroutine vpetst ( er, fp, tm ) c*********************************************************************72 c cc VPETST is the test program for VPENTA. c c Licensing: c c This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. c c Modified: c c 03 November 2010 c c Author: c c Original FORTRAN77 version by David Bailey. c This FORTRAN77 version by John Burkardt. c implicit none integer jl integer ju integer kl integer ku integer nja integer njb parameter ( jl = 1 ) parameter ( ju = 128 ) parameter ( kl = 1 ) parameter ( ku = 128 ) parameter ( nja = 128 ) parameter ( njb = 128 ) double precision a(nja,njb) double precision ans double precision b(nja,njb) double precision c(nja,njb) double precision cptime double precision d(nja,njb) double precision e(nja,njb) double precision er double precision f(nja,njb,3) double precision f7 double precision fp double precision fx(nja,njb,3) integer i integer it integer j integer k integer lf double precision t double precision t30 double precision tm double precision x(nja,njb) double precision y(nja,njb) it = 400 ans = -0.354649411858726D+00 lf = nja * njb * 3 c c Random initialization. c f7 = 78125.0D+00 t30 = 1073741824.0D+00 t = f7 / t30 do j = kl, ku do i = jl, ju t = dmod ( f7 * t, 1.0D+00 ) a(i,j) = t t = dmod ( f7 * t, 1.0D+00 ) b(i,j) = t t = dmod ( f7 * t, 1.0D+00 ) c(i,j) = t t = dmod ( f7 * t, 1.0D+00 ) d(i,j) = t t = dmod ( f7 * t, 1.0D+00 ) e(i,j) = t do k = 1, 3 t = dmod ( f7 * t, 1.0D+00 ) fx(i,j,k) = t end do end do end do c c Timing. c tm = cptime ( ) do i = 1, it call copy ( lf, fx, f ) call vpenta ( jl, ju, kl, ku, nja, njb, a, b, c, d, e, f, & x, y ) end do tm = cptime ( ) - tm c c Results. c er = dabs ( ( f(19,19,1) - ans ) / ans ) fp = dble ( it * ku * ( 40 * ku - 53 ) ) return end subroutine vpenta ( jl, ju, kl, ku, nja, njb, a, b, c, d, e, f, & x, y ) c*********************************************************************72 c cc VPENTA inverts 3 pentadiagonal systems simultaneously. c c Licensing: c c This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. c c Modified: c c 03 November 2010 c c Author: c c Original FORTRAN77 version by David Bailey. c This FORTRAN77 version by John Burkardt. c implicit none integer jl integer ju integer kl integer ku integer nja integer njb double precision a(nja,njb) double precision b(nja,njb) double precision c(nja,njb) double precision d(nja,njb) double precision e(nja,njb) double precision f(nja,njb,3) integer j integer jx integer k double precision rld double precision rld1 double precision rld2 double precision rldi double precision x(nja,njb) double precision y(nja,njb) c c Start forward generation process and sweep. c j = jl do k = kl, ku rld = c(j,k) rldi = 1.0D+00 / rld f(j,k,1) = f(j,k,1) * rldi f(j,k,2) = f(j,k,2) * rldi f(j,k,3) = f(j,k,3) * rldi x(j,k) = d(j,k) * rldi y(j,k) = e(j,k) * rldi end do j = jl + 1 do k = kl, ku rld1 = b(j,k) rld = c(j,k) - rld1 * x(j-1,k) rldi = 1.0D+00 / rld f(j,k,1) = ( f(j,k,1) - rld1 * f(j-1,k,1) ) * rldi f(j,k,2) = ( f(j,k,2) - rld1 * f(j-1,k,2) ) * rldi f(j,k,3) = ( f(j,k,3) - rld1 * f(j-1,k,3) ) * rldi x(j,k) = ( d(j,k) - rld1 * y(j-1,k) ) * rldi y(j,k) = e(j,k) * rldi end do do j = jl + 2, ju - 2 do k = kl, ku rld2 = a(j,k) rld1 = b(j,k) - rld2 * x(j-2,k) rld = c(j,k) - ( rld2 * y(j-2,k) + rld1 * x(j-1,k) ) rldi = 1.0D+00 / rld f(j,k,1) = ( f(j,k,1) - rld2 * f(j-2,k,1) & - rld1 * f(j-1,k,1) ) * rldi f(j,k,2) = ( f(j,k,2) - rld2 * f(j-2,k,2) & - rld1 * f(j-1,k,2) ) * rldi f(j,k,3) = ( f(j,k,3) - rld2 * f(j-2,k,3) & - rld1 * f(j-1,k,3) ) * rldi x(j,k) = ( d(j,k) - rld1 * y(j-1,k) ) * rldi y(j,k) = e(j,k) * rldi end do end do j = ju - 1 do k = kl, ku rld2 = a(j,k) rld1 = b(j,k) - rld2 * x(j-2,k) rld = c(j,k) - ( rld2 * y(j-2,k) + rld1 * x(j-1,k) ) rldi = 1.0D+00 / rld f(j,k,1) = ( f(j,k,1) - rld2 * f(j-2,k,1) - rld1 * f(j-1,k,1) ) & * rldi f(j,k,2) = ( f(j,k,2) - rld2 * f(j-2,k,2) - rld1 * f(j-1,k,2) ) & * rldi f(j,k,3) = ( f(j,k,3) - rld2 * f(j-2,k,3) - rld1 * f(j-1,k,3) ) & * rldi x(j,k) = ( d(j,k) - rld1 * y(j-1,k) ) * rldi end do j = ju do k = kl, ku rld2 = a(j,k) rld1 = b(j,k) - rld2 * x(j-2,k) rld = c(j,k) - ( rld2 * y(j-2,k) + rld1 * x(j-1,k) ) rldi = 1.0D+00 / rld f(j,k,1) = ( f(j,k,1) - rld2 * f(j-2,k,1) - rld1 * f(j-1,k,1) ) & * rldi f(j,k,2) = ( f(j,k,2) - rld2 * f(j-2,k,2) - rld1 * f(j-1,k,2) ) & * rldi f(j,k,3) = ( f(j,k,3) - rld2 * f(j-2,k,3) - rld1 * f(j-1,k,3) ) & * rldi end do c c Back sweep solution. c do k = kl, ku f(ju,k,1) = f(ju,k,1) f(ju,k,2) = f(ju,k,2) f(ju,k,3) = f(ju,k,3) f(ju-1,k,1) = f(ju-1,k,1) - x(ju-1,k) * f(ju,k,1) f(ju-1,k,2) = f(ju-1,k,2) - x(ju-1,k) * f(ju,k,2) f(ju-1,k,3) = f(ju-1,k,3) - x(ju-1,k) * f(ju,k,3) end do do j = 2, ju - jl jx = ju - j do k = kl, ku f(jx,k,1) = f(jx,k,1) - x(jx,k) * f(jx+1,k,1) - & y(jx,k) * f(jx+2,k,1) f(jx,k,2) = f(jx,k,2) - x(jx,k) * f(jx+1,k,2) - & y(jx,k) * f(jx+2,k,2) f(jx,k,3) = f(jx,k,3) - x(jx,k) * f(jx+1,k,3) - & y(jx,k) * f(jx+2,k,3) end do end do return end subroutine timestamp ( ) c*********************************************************************72 c cc TIMESTAMP prints out the current YMDHMS date as a timestamp. c c Licensing: c c This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. c c Modified: c c 12 January 2007 c c Author: c c John Burkardt c c Parameters: c c None c implicit none character * ( 8 ) ampm integer d character * ( 8 ) date integer h integer m integer mm character * ( 9 ) month(12) integer n integer s character * ( 10 ) time integer y save month data month / & 'January ', 'February ', 'March ', 'April ', & 'May ', 'June ', 'July ', 'August ', & 'September', 'October ', 'November ', 'December ' / call date_and_time ( date, time ) read ( date, '(i4,i2,i2)' ) y, m, d read ( time, '(i2,i2,i2,1x,i3)' ) h, n, s, mm if ( h .lt. 12 ) then ampm = 'AM' else if ( h .eq. 12 ) then if ( n .eq. 0 .and. s .eq. 0 ) then ampm = 'Noon' else ampm = 'PM' end if else h = h - 12 if ( h .lt. 12 ) then ampm = 'PM' else if ( h .eq. 12 ) then if ( n .eq. 0 .and. s .eq. 0 ) then ampm = 'Midnight' else ampm = 'AM' end if end if end if write ( *, & '(i2,1x,a,1x,i4,2x,i2,a1,i2.2,a1,i2.2,a1,i3.3,1x,a)' ) & d, month(m), y, h, ':', n, ':', s, '.', mm, ampm return end