function bcrh(xll,xrr,iz,c,a,bh,f,sgn) c*********************************************************************72 c cc BCRH c c Author: c c Paul Swarztrauber, Roland Sweet. c dimension a(*) ,c(*) ,bh(*) external f common /ccblk/ npp ,k ,eps ,cnv , & nm ,ncmplx ,ik xl = xll xr = xrr dx = .5*abs(xr-xl) 101 x = .5*(xl+xr) if (sgn*f(x,iz,c,a,bh)) 103,105,102 102 xr = x go to 104 103 xl = x 104 dx = .5*dx if (dx-cnv) 105,105,101 105 bcrh = .5*(xl+xr) return end subroutine blktr1 ( n, an, bn, cn, m, am, bm, cm, idimy, y, b, & w1, w2, w3, wd, ww, wu, prdct, cprdct ) c*********************************************************************72 c cc BLKTR1 is a utility routine for BLKTRI. c c Discussion: c c b contains the roots of all the b polynomials c c w1,w2,w3,wd,ww,wu are all working arrays c c prdct is either prodp or prod depending on whether the boundary c conditions in the m direction are periodic or not c c cprdct is either cprodp or cprod which are the complex versions c of prodp and prod. these are called in the event that some c of the roots of the b sub p polynomial are complex c c Author: c c Paul Swarztrauber, Roland Sweet. c integer idimy integer m integer n real am(m) real an(n) real b(*) real bm(m) real bn(n) real cm(m) real cn(n) real cnv real eps integer ik integer k integer ncmplx integer nm integer npp real w1(1) real w2(1) real w3(1) real wd(1) real wu(1) real ww(1) real y(idimy,n) c external cprdct external prdct c common /cblkt/ npp ,k ,eps ,cnv , & nm ,ncmplx ,ik c c c Begin reduction phase. c kdo = k-1 do l=1,kdo ir = l-1 i2 = 2**ir i1 = i2/2 i3 = i2+i1 i4 = i2+i2 irm1 = ir-1 call indxb (i2,ir,im2,nm2) call indxb (i1,irm1,im3,nm3) call indxb (i3,irm1,im1,nm1) call prdct (nm2,b(im2),nm3,b(im3),nm1,b(im1),0,dum,y(1,i2),w3, & m,am,bm,cm,wd,ww,wu) if = 2**k do 108 i=i4,if,i4 if (i-nm) 101,101,108 101 ipi1 = i+i1 ipi2 = i+i2 ipi3 = i+i3 call indxc (i,ir,idxc,nc) if (i-if) 102,108,108 102 continue call indxa (i,ir,idxa,na) call indxb (i-i1,irm1,im1,nm1) call indxb (ipi2,ir,ip2,np2) call indxb (ipi1,irm1,ip1,np1) call indxb (ipi3,irm1,ip3,np3) call prdct (nm1,b(im1),0,dum,0,dum,na,an(idxa),w3,w1,m,am, & bm,cm,wd,ww,wu) if (ipi2-nm) 105,105,103 103 do j=1,m w3(j) = 0. w2(j) = 0. end do go to 106 105 continue call prdct (np2,b(ip2),np1,b(ip1),np3,b(ip3),0,dum, & y(1,ipi2),w3,m,am,bm,cm,wd,ww,wu) call prdct (np1,b(ip1),0,dum,0,dum,nc,cn(idxc),w3,w2,m,am, & bm,cm,wd,ww,wu) 106 continue do j=1,m y(j,i) = w1(j)+w2(j)+y(j,i) end do 108 continue end do if (npp) 132,110,132 c c The periodic case is treated using the capacitance matrix method c 110 if = 2**k i = if/2 i1 = i/2 call indxb (i-i1,k-2,im1,nm1) call indxb (i+i1,k-2,ip1,np1) call indxb (i,k-1,iz,nz) call prdct (nz,b(iz),nm1,b(im1),np1,b(ip1),0,dum,y(1,i),w1,m,am, & bm,cm,wd,ww,wu) izr = i do j=1,m w2(j) = w1(j) end do do 113 ll=2,k l = k-ll+1 ir = l-1 i2 = 2**ir i1 = i2/2 i = i2 call indxc (i,ir,idxc,nc) call indxb (i,ir,iz,nz) call indxb (i-i1,ir-1,im1,nm1) call indxb (i+i1,ir-1,ip1,np1) call prdct (np1,b(ip1),0,dum,0,dum,nc,cn(idxc),w1,w1,m,am,bm, & cm,wd,ww,wu) do j=1,m w1(j) = y(j,i)+w1(j) end do call prdct (nz,b(iz),nm1,b(im1),np1,b(ip1),0,dum,w1,w1,m,am, & bm,cm,wd,ww,wu) 113 continue do 118 ll=2,k l = k-ll+1 ir = l-1 i2 = 2**ir i1 = i2/2 i4 = i2+i2 ifd = if-i2 do 117 i=i2,ifd,i4 if (i-i2-izr) 117,114,117 114 if (i-nm) 115,115,118 115 call indxa (i,ir,idxa,na) call indxb (i,ir,iz,nz) call indxb (i-i1,ir-1,im1,nm1) call indxb (i+i1,ir-1,ip1,np1) call prdct (nm1,b(im1),0,dum,0,dum,na,an(idxa),w2,w2,m,am, & bm,cm,wd,ww,wu) do j=1,m w2(j) = y(j,i)+w2(j) end do call prdct (nz,b(iz),nm1,b(im1),np1,b(ip1),0,dum,w2,w2,m, & am,bm,cm,wd,ww,wu) izr = i if (i-nm) 117,119,117 117 continue 118 continue 119 do j=1,m y(j,nm+1) = y(j,nm+1)-cn(nm+1)*w1(j)-an(nm+1)*w2(j) end do call indxb (if/2,k-1,im1,nm1) call indxb (if,k-1,ip,np) if (ncmplx) 121,122,121 121 call cprdct (nm+1,b(ip),nm1,b(im1),0,dum,0,dum,y(1,nm+1), & y(1,nm+1),m,am,bm,cm,w1,w3,ww) go to 123 122 call prdct (nm+1,b(ip),nm1,b(im1),0,dum,0,dum,y(1,nm+1), & y(1,nm+1),m,am,bm,cm,wd,ww,wu) 123 do j=1,m w1(j) = an(1)*y(j,nm+1) w2(j) = cn(nm)*y(j,nm+1) y(j,1) = y(j,1)-w1(j) y(j,nm) = y(j,nm)-w2(j) end do do 126 l=1,kdo ir = l-1 i2 = 2**ir i4 = i2+i2 i1 = i2/2 i = i4 call indxa (i,ir,idxa,na) call indxb (i-i2,ir,im2,nm2) call indxb (i-i2-i1,ir-1,im3,nm3) call indxb (i-i1,ir-1,im1,nm1) call prdct (nm2,b(im2),nm3,b(im3),nm1,b(im1),0,dum,w1,w1,m,am, & bm,cm,wd,ww,wu) call prdct (nm1,b(im1),0,dum,0,dum,na,an(idxa),w1,w1,m,am,bm, & cm,wd,ww,wu) do j=1,m y(j,i) = y(j,i)-w1(j) end do 126 continue izr = nm do 131 l=1,kdo ir = l-1 i2 = 2**ir i1 = i2/2 i3 = i2+i1 i4 = i2+i2 irm1 = ir-1 do 130 i=i4,if,i4 ipi1 = i+i1 ipi2 = i+i2 ipi3 = i+i3 if (ipi2-izr) 127,128,127 127 if (i-izr) 130,131,130 128 call indxc (i,ir,idxc,nc) call indxb (ipi2,ir,ip2,np2) call indxb (ipi1,irm1,ip1,np1) call indxb (ipi3,irm1,ip3,np3) call prdct (np2,b(ip2),np1,b(ip1),np3,b(ip3),0,dum,w2,w2,m, & am,bm,cm,wd,ww,wu) call prdct (np1,b(ip1),0,dum,0,dum,nc,cn(idxc),w2,w2,m,am, & bm,cm,wd,ww,wu) do j=1,m y(j,i) = y(j,i)-w2(j) end do izr = i go to 131 130 continue 131 continue c c begin back substitution phase c 132 do 144 ll=1,k l = k-ll+1 ir = l-1 irm1 = ir-1 i2 = 2**ir i1 = i2/2 i4 = i2+i2 ifd = if-i2 do 143 i=i2,ifd,i4 if (i-nm) 133,133,143 133 imi1 = i-i1 imi2 = i-i2 ipi1 = i+i1 ipi2 = i+i2 call indxa (i,ir,idxa,na) call indxc (i,ir,idxc,nc) call indxb (i,ir,iz,nz) call indxb (imi1,irm1,im1,nm1) call indxb (ipi1,irm1,ip1,np1) if (i-i2) 134,134,136 134 do j=1,m w1(j) = 0.0 end do go to 137 136 call prdct (nm1,b(im1),0,dum,0,dum,na,an(idxa),y(1,imi2), & w1,m,am,bm,cm,wd,ww,wu) 137 if (ipi2-nm) 140,140,138 138 do j=1,m w2(j) = 0. end do go to 141 140 call prdct (np1,b(ip1),0,dum,0,dum,nc,cn(idxc),y(1,ipi2), & w2,m,am,bm,cm,wd,ww,wu) 141 do j=1,m w1(j) = y(j,i)+w1(j)+w2(j) end do call prdct (nz,b(iz),nm1,b(im1),np1,b(ip1),0,dum,w1,y(1,i), & m,am,bm,cm,wd,ww,wu) 143 continue 144 continue return end subroutine blktri ( iflg, np, n, an, bn, cn, mp, m, am, bm, cm, & idimy, y, ierror, w ) c*********************************************************************72 c cc BLKTRI solves a linear system derived from a separable elliptic equation. c c The routine solves a system of linear equations of the form c c an(j)*x(i,j-1) + am(i)*x(i-1,j) + (bn(j)+bm(i))*x(i,j) c c + cn(j)*x(i,j+1) + cm(i)*x(i+1,j) = y(i,j) c c for i = 1,2,...,m and j = 1,2,...,n. c c i+1 and i-1 are evaluated modulo m and j+1 and j-1 modulo n, i.e., c c x(i,0) = x(i,n), x(i,n+1) = x(i,1), c x(0,j) = x(m,j), x(m+1,j) = x(1,j). c c These equations usually result from the discretization of c separable elliptic equations. boundary conditions may be c dirichlet, neumann, or periodic. c c c on input c c iflg c = 0 initialization only. certain quantities that depend on np, c n, an, bn, and cn are computed and stored in the work c array w. c c = 1 the quantities that were computed in the initialization are c used to obtain the solution x(i,j). c c note a call with iflg=0 takes approximately one half the time c time as a call with iflg = 1. however, the c initialization does not have to be repeated unless np, n, c an, bn, or cn change. c c np c = 0 if an(1) and cn(n) are not both zero, which corresponds to c periodic boundary conditions. c = 1 if an(1) = cn(n) = 0. c c n c the number of unknowns in the j-direction. n must be greater c than 4. the operation count is proportional to mnlog2(n), hence c n should be selected less than or equal to m. c c an,bn,cn c one-dimensional arrays of length n that specify the coefficients c in the linear equations given above. c c mp c = 0 if am(1) and cm(m) are not both zero, which corresponds to c periodic boundary conditions. c = 1 if am(1) = cm(m) = 0 . c c m c the number of unknowns in the i-direction. m must be greater c than 4. c c am,bm,cm c one-dimensional arrays of length m that specify the coefficients c in the linear equations given above. c c idimy c the row (or first) dimension of the two-dimensional array y as c it appears in the program calling blktri. this parameter is c used to specify the variable dimension of y. idimy must be at c least m. c c y c a two-dimensional array that specifies the values of the right c side of the linear system of equations given above. y must be c dimensioned at least m*n. c c w c a one-dimensional array that must be provided by the user for c work space. c if np=1 define k=int(log2(n))+1 and set l=2**(k+1) then c w must have dimension (k-2)*l+k+5+max(2n,6m) c c if np=0 define k=int(log2(n-1))+1 and set l=2**(k+1) then c w must have dimension (k-2)*l+k+5+2n+max(2n,6m) c c **important** for purposes of checking, the required dimension c of w is computed by blktri and stored in w(1) c in floating point format. c c on output c c y c contains the solution x. c c ierror c an error flag that indicates invalid input parameters. except c for number zero, a solution is not attempted. c c = 0 no error. c = 1 m is less than 5 c = 2 n is less than 5 c = 3 idimy is less than m. c = 4 blktri failed while computing results that depend on the c coefficient arrays an, bn, cn. check these arrays. c = 5 an(j)*cn(j-1) is less than 0 for some j. possible reasons c for this condition are c 1. the arrays an and cn are not correct c 2. too large a grid spacing was used in the discretization c of the elliptic equation c 3. the linear equations resulted from a partial c differential equation which was not elliptic c c w c contains intermediate values that must not be destroyed if c blktri will be called again with iflg=1. w(1) contains the c number of locations required by w in floating point format. c c * * * * * * * program specifications * * * * * * * * * * * * c c dimension of an(n),bn(n),cn(n),am(m),bm(m),cm(m),y(idimy,n) c arguments w(see argument list) c c latest june 1979 c revision c c required blktri,blktri,prod,prodp,cprod,cprodp,compb,indxa, c subprograms indxb,indxc,ppadd,psgf,ppsgf,ppspf,bsrh,tevls, c epmach,store c c special the algorithm may fail if abs(bm(i)+bn(j)) is less c conditions than abs(am(i))+abs(an(j))+abs(cm(i))+abs(cn(j)) c for some i and j. the algorithm will also fail if c an(j)*cn(j-1) is less than zero for some j c see the discription of the output parameter ierror. c c common cblkt,value c blocks c c specialist paul swarztrauber c c history version 1 september 1973 c version 2 april 1976 c version 3 june 1979 c c algorithm generalized cyclic reduction (see reference below) c c references swarztrauber,p. and r. sweet, 'efficient fortran c subprograms for the solution of elliptic equations' c ncar tn/ia-109, july, 1975, 138 pp. c c swarztrauber p. n.,a direct method for the discrete c solution of separable elliptic equations, c SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis,11(1974) pp. 1136-1150. c integer idimy integer m integer n real am(m) real an(n) real bm(m) real bn(n) real cm(m) real cn(n) real w(*) real y(idimy,n) external cprod external cprodp external prod external prodp c common /cblkt/ npp ,k ,eps ,cnv , & nm ,ncmplx ,ik c nm = n ierror = 0 c c Test input. c if ( m .lt. 5 ) then ierror = 1 write(*,*)' ' write(*,*)'BLKTRI - Fatal error!' write(*,*)' M must be at least 5.' write(*,*)' Your input value is M = ', m stop 1 end if if ( n .lt. 5 ) then ierror = 2 write(*,*)' ' write(*,*)'BLKTRI - Fatal error!' write(*,*)' N must be at least 5.' write(*,*)' Your input value is N = ', n stop 1 end if if ( idimy .lt. m ) then ierror = 3 write(*,*)' ' write(*,*)'BLKTRI - Fatal error!' write(*,*)' IDIMY must be at least M.' write(*,*)' Your input values are IDIMY = ', idimy write(*,*)' M = ', m stop 1 end if c c Set up array indices. c nh = n npp = np if ( npp .ne. 0 ) then nh = nh+1 end if ik = 2 k = 1 10 continue ik = ik+ik k = k+1 if ( nh .gt. ik ) go to 10 nl = ik ik = ik+ik nl = nl-1 iwah = (k-2)*ik+k+6 c c Divide W into working subarrays. c if ( npp .ne. 0 ) then iw1 = iwah iwbh = iw1+nm w(1) = float(iw1-1+max(2*nm,6*m) ) else iwbh = iwah+nm+nm iw1 = iwbh w(1) = float(iw1-1+max(2*nm,6*m)) nm = nm-1 end if c c Compute the roots of the B polynomials. c iw2 = iw1+m iw3 = iw2+m iwd = iw3+m iww = iwd+m iwu = iww+m if ( iflg .eq. 0 ) then call compb ( nl, ierror, an, bn, cn, w(2), w(iwah), w(iwbh) ) return end if c c Solve the linear system. c if ( mp .ne. 0 ) then call blktr1 ( nl, an, bn, cn, m, am, bm, cm, idimy, y, w(2), & w(iw1), w(iw2), w(iw3), w(iwd), w(iww), w(iwu), prod, & cprod ) else call blktr1 ( nl, an, bn, cn, m, am, bm, cm, idimy, y, w(2), & w(iw1), w(iw2), w(iw3), w(iwd), w(iww), w(iwu), prodp, & cprodp ) end if return end function bsrh (xll,xrr,iz,c,a,bh,f,sgn) c*********************************************************************72 c cc BSRH c dimension a(*) ,c(*) ,bh(*) c external f c common /cblkt/ npp ,k ,eps ,cnv , & nm ,ncmplx ,ik c xl = xll xr = xrr dx = .5*abs(xr-xl) 101 continue x = .5*(xl+xr) if (sgn*f(x,iz,c,a,bh)) 103,105,102 102 xr = x go to 104 103 xl = x 104 dx = .5*dx if ( go to 101 105 bsrh = .5*(xl+xr) return end subroutine cblkt1 (n,an,bn,cn,m,am,bm,cm,idimy,y,b,w1,w2,w3,wd, & ww,wu,prdct,cprdct) c*********************************************************************72 c cc cblkt1 solves the linear system c c b contains the roots of all the b polynomials c w1,w2,w3,wd,ww,wu are all working arrays c prdct is either procp or proc depending on whether the boundary c conditions in the m direction are periodic or not c cprdct is either cprocp or cproc which are called if some of the zeros c of the b polynomials are complex. c c dimension an(*) ,bn(*) ,cn(*) ,am(*) , & bm(*) ,cm(*) ,b(*) ,w1(*) , & w2(*) ,w3(*) ,wd(*) ,ww(*) , & wu(*) ,y(idimy,*) c external cprdct external prdct c common /ccblk/ npp ,k ,eps ,cnv , & nm ,ncmplx ,ik complex am ,bm ,cm ,y , & w1 ,w2 ,w3 ,wd , & ww ,wu c c begin reduction phase c kdo = k-1 do 109 l=1,kdo ir = l-1 i2 = 2**ir i1 = i2/2 i3 = i2+i1 i4 = i2+i2 irm1 = ir-1 call inxcb (i2,ir,im2,nm2) call inxcb (i1,irm1,im3,nm3) call inxcb (i3,irm1,im1,nm1) call prdct (nm2,b(im2),nm3,b(im3),nm1,b(im1),0,dum,y(1,i2),w3, & m,am,bm,cm,wd,ww,wu) if = 2**k do 108 i=i4,if,i4 if (i-nm) 101,101,108 101 ipi1 = i+i1 ipi2 = i+i2 ipi3 = i+i3 call inxcc (i,ir,idxc,nc) if (i-if) 102,108,108 102 call inxca (i,ir,idxa,na) call inxcb (i-i1,irm1,im1,nm1) call inxcb (ipi2,ir,ip2,np2) call inxcb (ipi1,irm1,ip1,np1) call inxcb (ipi3,irm1,ip3,np3) call prdct (nm1,b(im1),0,dum,0,dum,na,an(idxa),w3,w1,m,am, & bm,cm,wd,ww,wu) if (ipi2-nm) 105,105,103 103 do j=1,m w3(j) = (0.,0.) w2(j) = (0.,0.) end do go to 106 105 call prdct (np2,b(ip2),np1,b(ip1),np3,b(ip3),0,dum, & y(1,ipi2),w3,m,am,bm,cm,wd,ww,wu) call prdct (np1,b(ip1),0,dum,0,dum,nc,cn(idxc),w3,w2,m,am, & bm,cm,wd,ww,wu) 106 do 107 j=1,m y(j,i) = w1(j)+w2(j)+y(j,i) 107 continue 108 continue 109 continue if (npp) 132,110,132 c c the periodic case is treated using the capacitance matrix method c 110 if = 2**k i = if/2 i1 = i/2 call inxcb (i-i1,k-2,im1,nm1) call inxcb (i+i1,k-2,ip1,np1) call inxcb (i,k-1,iz,nz) call prdct (nz,b(iz),nm1,b(im1),np1,b(ip1),0,dum,y(1,i),w1,m,am, & bm,cm,wd,ww,wu) izr = i do 111 j=1,m w2(j) = w1(j) 111 continue do 113 ll=2,k l = k-ll+1 ir = l-1 i2 = 2**ir i1 = i2/2 i = i2 call inxcc (i,ir,idxc,nc) call inxcb (i,ir,iz,nz) call inxcb (i-i1,ir-1,im1,nm1) call inxcb (i+i1,ir-1,ip1,np1) call prdct (np1,b(ip1),0,dum,0,dum,nc,cn(idxc),w1,w1,m,am,bm, & cm,wd,ww,wu) do j=1,m w1(j) = y(j,i)+w1(j) end do call prdct (nz,b(iz),nm1,b(im1),np1,b(ip1),0,dum,w1,w1,m,am, & bm,cm,wd,ww,wu) 113 continue do 118 ll=2,k l = k-ll+1 ir = l-1 i2 = 2**ir i1 = i2/2 i4 = i2+i2 ifd = if-i2 do 117 i=i2,ifd,i4 if (i-i2-izr) 117,114,117 114 if (i-nm) 115,115,118 115 call inxca (i,ir,idxa,na) call inxcb (i,ir,iz,nz) call inxcb (i-i1,ir-1,im1,nm1) call inxcb (i+i1,ir-1,ip1,np1) call prdct (nm1,b(im1),0,dum,0,dum,na,an(idxa),w2,w2,m,am, & bm,cm,wd,ww,wu) do 116 j=1,m w2(j) = y(j,i)+w2(j) 116 continue call prdct (nz,b(iz),nm1,b(im1),np1,b(ip1),0,dum,w2,w2,m, & am,bm,cm,wd,ww,wu) izr = i if (i-nm) 117,119,117 117 continue 118 continue 119 do 120 j=1,m y(j,nm+1) = y(j,nm+1)-cn(nm+1)*w1(j)-an(nm+1)*w2(j) 120 continue call inxcb (if/2,k-1,im1,nm1) call inxcb (if,k-1,ip,np) if (ncmplx) 121,122,121 121 call cprdct (nm+1,b(ip),nm1,b(im1),0,dum,0,dum,y(1,nm+1), & y(1,nm+1),m,am,bm,cm,w1,w3,ww) go to 123 122 call prdct (nm+1,b(ip),nm1,b(im1),0,dum,0,dum,y(1,nm+1), & y(1,nm+1),m,am,bm,cm,wd,ww,wu) 123 do 124 j=1,m w1(j) = an(1)*y(j,nm+1) w2(j) = cn(nm)*y(j,nm+1) y(j,1) = y(j,1)-w1(j) y(j,nm) = y(j,nm)-w2(j) 124 continue do 126 l=1,kdo ir = l-1 i2 = 2**ir i4 = i2+i2 i1 = i2/2 i = i4 call inxca (i,ir,idxa,na) call inxcb (i-i2,ir,im2,nm2) call inxcb (i-i2-i1,ir-1,im3,nm3) call inxcb (i-i1,ir-1,im1,nm1) call prdct (nm2,b(im2),nm3,b(im3),nm1,b(im1),0,dum,w1,w1,m,am, & bm,cm,wd,ww,wu) call prdct (nm1,b(im1),0,dum,0,dum,na,an(idxa),w1,w1,m,am,bm, & cm,wd,ww,wu) do 125 j=1,m y(j,i) = y(j,i)-w1(j) 125 continue 126 continue c izr = nm do 131 l=1,kdo ir = l-1 i2 = 2**ir i1 = i2/2 i3 = i2+i1 i4 = i2+i2 irm1 = ir-1 do 130 i=i4,if,i4 ipi1 = i+i1 ipi2 = i+i2 ipi3 = i+i3 if (ipi2-izr) 127,128,127 127 if (i-izr) 130,131,130 128 call inxcc (i,ir,idxc,nc) call inxcb (ipi2,ir,ip2,np2) call inxcb (ipi1,irm1,ip1,np1) call inxcb (ipi3,irm1,ip3,np3) call prdct (np2,b(ip2),np1,b(ip1),np3,b(ip3),0,dum,w2,w2,m, & am,bm,cm,wd,ww,wu) call prdct (np1,b(ip1),0,dum,0,dum,nc,cn(idxc),w2,w2,m,am, & bm,cm,wd,ww,wu) do 129 j=1,m y(j,i) = y(j,i)-w2(j) 129 continue izr = i go to 131 130 continue 131 continue c c begin back substitution phase c 132 do 144 ll=1,k l = k-ll+1 ir = l-1 irm1 = ir-1 i2 = 2**ir i1 = i2/2 i4 = i2+i2 ifd = if-i2 do 143 i=i2,ifd,i4 if (i-nm) 133,133,143 133 imi1 = i-i1 imi2 = i-i2 ipi1 = i+i1 ipi2 = i+i2 call inxca (i,ir,idxa,na) call inxcc (i,ir,idxc,nc) call inxcb (i,ir,iz,nz) call inxcb (imi1,irm1,im1,nm1) call inxcb (ipi1,irm1,ip1,np1) if (i-i2) 134,134,136 134 do 135 j=1,m w1(j) = (0.,0.) 135 continue go to 137 136 call prdct (nm1,b(im1),0,dum,0,dum,na,an(idxa),y(1,imi2), & w1,m,am,bm,cm,wd,ww,wu) 137 if (ipi2-nm) 140,140,138 138 do 139 j=1,m w2(j) = (0.,0.) 139 continue go to 141 140 call prdct (np1,b(ip1),0,dum,0,dum,nc,cn(idxc),y(1,ipi2), & w2,m,am,bm,cm,wd,ww,wu) 141 do 142 j=1,m w1(j) = y(j,i)+w1(j)+w2(j) 142 continue call prdct (nz,b(iz),nm1,b(im1),np1,b(ip1),0,dum,w1,y(1,i), & m,am,bm,cm,wd,ww,wu) 143 continue 144 continue return end subroutine cblktr (iflg,np,n,an,bn,cn,mp,m,am,bm,cm,idimy,y, & ierror,w) c*********************************************************************72 c cc CBLKTR is a complex version of BLKTRI. c c both routines solve a system of linear equations of the form c c an(j)*x(i,j-1) + am(i)*x(i-1,j) + (bn(j)+bm(i))*x(i,j) c c + cn(j)*x(i,j+1) + cm(i)*x(i+1,j) = y(i,j) c c for i = 1,2,...,m and j = 1,2,...,n. c c i+1 and i-1 are evaluated modulo m and j+1 and j-1 modulo n, i.e., c c x(i,0) = x(i,n), x(i,n+1) = x(i,1), c x(0,j) = x(m,j), x(m+1,j) = x(1,j). c c these equations usually result from the discretization of c separable elliptic equations. boundary conditions may be c dirichlet, neumann, or periodic. c c c * * * * * * * * * * on input * * * * * * * * * * c c iflg c = 0 initialization only. certain quantities that depend on np, c n, an, bn, and cn are computed and stored in the work c array w. c = 1 the quantities that were computed in the initialization are c used to obtain the solution x(i,j). c c note a call with iflg=0 takes approximately one half the time c time as a call with iflg = 1 . however, the c initialization does not have to be repeated unless np, n, c an, bn, or cn change. c c np c = 0 if an(1) and cn(n) are not zero, which corresponds to c periodic bounary conditions. c = 1 if an(1) and cn(n) are zero. c c n c the number of unknowns in the j-direction. n must be greater c than 4. the operation count is proportional to mnlog2(n), hence c n should be selected less than or equal to m. c c an,bn,cn c real one-dimensional arrays of length n that specify the c coefficients in the linear equations given above. c c mp c = 0 if am(1) and cm(m) are not zero, which corresponds to c periodic boundary conditions. c = 1 if am(1) = cm(m) = 0 . c c m c the number of unknowns in the i-direction. m must be greater c than 4. c c am,bm,cm c complex one-dimensional arrays of length m that specify the c coefficients in the linear equations given above. c c idimy c the row (or first) dimension of the two-dimensional array y as c it appears in the program calling blktri. this parameter is c used to specify the variable dimension of y. idimy must be at c least m. c c y c a complex two-dimensional array that specifies the values of the c right side of the linear system of equations given above. y must c be dimensioned y(idimy,n) with idimy .ge. m. c c w c a one-dimensional array that must be provided by the user for c work space. c if np=1 define k=int(log2(n))+1 and set l=2**(k+1) then c w must have dimension (k-2)*l+k+5+max(2n,12m) c c if np=0 define k=int(log2(n-1))+1 and set l=2**(k+1) then c w must have dimension (k-2)*l+k+5+2n+max(2n,12m) c c **important** for purposes of checking, the required dimension c of w is computed by blktri and stored in w(1) c in floating point format. c c * * * * * * * * * * on output * * * * * * * * * * c c y c contains the solution x. c c ierror c an error flag that indicates invalid input parameters. except c for number zero, a solution is not attempted. c c = 0 no error. c = 1 m is less than 5 c = 2 n is less than 5 c = 3 idimy is less than m. c = 4 blktri failed while computing results that depend on the c coefficient arrays an, bn, cn. check these arrays. c = 5 an(j)*cn(j-1) is less than 0 for some j. possible reasons c for this condition are c 1. the arrays an and cn are not correct c 2. too large a grid spacing was used in the discretization c of the elliptic equation c 3. the linear equations resulted from a partial c differential equation which was not elliptic c c w c contains intermediate values that must not be destroyed if c cblktr will be called again with iflg=1. w(1) contains the c number of locations required by w in floating point format. c c * * * * * * * program specifications * * * * * * * * * * * * c c dimension of an(n),bn(n),cn(n),am(m),bm(m),cm(m),y(idimy,n) c arguments w(see argument list) c c latest june 1979 c revision c c required cblktr,cblkt1,proc,procp,cproc,cprocp,ccmpb,inxca, c subprograms inxcb,inxcc,cpadd,pgsf,ppgsf,pppsf,bcrh,tevlc, c epmach,store c c special the algorithm may fail if abs(bm(i)+bn(j)) is less c conditions than abs(am(i))+abs(an(j))+abs(cm(i))+abs(cn(j)) c for some i and j. the algorithm will also fail if c an(j)*cn(j-1) is less than zero for some j c see the discription of the output parameter ierror. c c common ccblk c blocks c c i/o none c c precision single c c specialist paul swarztrauber c c language fortran c c history cblktr is a complex version of blktri (version 3) c c algorithm generalized cyclic reduction (see reference below) c c space c required control data 7600 c c portability american national standards institute fortran. c the approximate machine accuracy is computed in c function epmach c c required none c resident c routines c c references swarztrauber,p. and r. sweet, 'efficient fortran c subprograms for the solution of elliptic equations' c ncar tn/ia-109, july, 1975, 138 pp. c c swarztrauber p. n.,a direct method for the discrete c solution of separable elliptic equations, c SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis,11(1974) pp. 1136-1150. c dimension an(*) ,bn(*) ,cn(*) ,am(*) , & bm(*) ,cm(*) ,y(idimy,*) ,w(*) external proc ,procp ,cproc ,cprocp common /ccblk/ npp ,k ,eps ,cnv , & nm ,ncmplx ,ik complex am ,bm ,cm ,y c c test m and n for the proper form c nm = n m2 = m+m ierror = 0 if (m-5) 101,102,102 101 ierror = 1 go to 119 102 if (nm-5) 103,104,104 103 ierror = 2 go to 119 104 if (idimy-m) 105,106,106 105 ierror = 3 go to 119 106 nh = n npp = np if (npp) 107,108,107 107 nh = nh+1 108 ik = 2 k = 1 109 ik = ik+ik k = k+1 if (nh-ik) 110,110,109 110 nl = ik ik = ik+ik nl = nl-1 iwah = (k-2)*ik+k+6 if (npp) 111,112,111 c c divide w into working sub arrays c 111 iw1 = iwah iwbh = iw1+nm w(1) = float(iw1-1+max0(2*nm,12*m)) go to 113 112 iwbh = iwah+nm+nm iw1 = iwbh w(1) = float(iw1-1+max0(2*nm,12*m)) nm = nm-1 c c ccmpb computes the roots of the b polynomials c 113 continue c 113 if (ierror) 119,114,119 114 iw2 = iw1+m2 iw3 = iw2+m2 iwd = iw3+m2 iww = iwd+m2 iwu = iww+m2 if (iflg) 116,115,116 115 call ccmpb (nl,ierror,an,bn,cn,w(2),w(iwah),w(iwbh)) go to 119 116 if (mp) 117,118,117 c c cblkt1 solves the linear system c 117 call cblkt1 (nl,an,bn,cn,m,am,bm,cm,idimy,y,w(2),w(iw1),w(iw2), & w(iw3),w(iwd),w(iww),w(iwu),proc,cproc) go to 119 118 call cblkt1 (nl,an,bn,cn,m,am,bm,cm,idimy,y,w(2),w(iw1),w(iw2), & w(iw3),w(iwd),w(iww),w(iwu),procp,cprocp) 119 continue return end subroutine ccmpb (n,ierror,an,bn,cn,b,ah,bh) c*********************************************************************72 c cc CCMPB computes the roots of the b polynomials using routine c tevlc which is a modification the eispack program tqlrat. c ierror is set to 4 if either tevlc fails or if a(j+1)*c(j) is c less than zero for some j. ah,bh are temporary work arrays. c dimension an(1) ,bn(1) ,cn(1) ,b(1) , & ah(1) ,bh(1) common /ccblk/ npp ,k ,eps ,cnv , & nm ,ncmplx ,ik eps = epmach() bnorm = abs(bn(1)) do 102 j=2,nm bnorm = amax1(bnorm,abs(bn(j))) arg = an(j)*cn(j-1) if (arg) 119,101,101 101 b(j) = sign(sqrt(arg),an(j)) 102 continue cnv = eps*bnorm if = 2**k kdo = k-1 do 108 l=1,kdo ir = l-1 i2 = 2**ir i4 = i2+i2 ipl = i4-1 ifd = if-i4 do 107 i=i4,ifd,i4 call inxcb (i,l,ib,nb) if (nb) 108,108,103 103 js = i-ipl jf = js+nb-1 ls = 0 do 104 j=js,jf ls = ls+1 bh(ls) = bn(j) ah(ls) = b(j) 104 continue call tevlc (nb,bh,ah,ierror) if (ierror) 118,105,118 105 lh = ib-1 do 106 j=1,nb lh = lh+1 b(lh) = -bh(j) 106 continue 107 continue 108 continue do 109 j=1,nm b(j) = -bn(j) 109 continue if (npp) 117,110,117 110 nmp = nm+1 nb = nm+nmp do 112 j=1,nb l1 = mod(j-1,nmp)+1 l2 = mod(j+nm-1,nmp)+1 arg = an(l1)*cn(l2) if (arg) 119,111,111 111 bh(j) = sign(sqrt(arg),-an(l1)) ah(j) = -bn(l1) 112 continue call tevlc (nb,ah,bh,ierror) if (ierror) 118,113,118 113 call inxcb (if,k-1,j2,lh) call inxcb (if/2,k-1,j1,lh) j2 = j2+1 lh = j2 n2m2 = j2+nm+nm-2 114 d1 = abs(b(j1)-b(j2-1)) d2 = abs(b(j1)-b(j2)) d3 = abs(b(j1)-b(j2+1)) if ((d2 .lt. d1) .and. (d2 .lt. d3)) go to 115 b(lh) = b(j2) j2 = j2+1 lh = lh+1 if (j2-n2m2) 114,114,116 115 j2 = j2+1 j1 = j1+1 if (j2-n2m2) 114,114,116 116 b(lh) = b(n2m2+1) call inxcb (if,k-1,j1,j2) j2 = j1+nmp+nmp call cpadd (nm+1,ierror,an,cn,b(j1),b(j1),b(j2)) 117 return 118 ierror = 4 return 119 ierror = 5 return end subroutine chkpr4(iorder,a,b,m,mbdcnd,c,d,n,nbdcnd,cofx,idmn, &ierror) c*********************************************************************72 c cc CHKPR4 checks the input parameters. c external cofx c c check definition of solution region c ierror = 1 if ( .or. return c c check boundary switches c ierror = 2 if ( .or. return ierror = 3 if ( .or. return c c check first dimension in calling routine c ierror = 5 if (idmn .lt. 7) return c c check m c ierror = 6 if ( .or. return c c check n c ierror = 7 if (n .lt. 5) return c c check iorder c ierror = 8 if ( .and. return c c check intl c c c check that equation is elliptic c dlx = (b-a)/float(m) do 30 i=2,m xi = a+float(i-1)*dlx call cofx (xi,ai,bi,ci) if ( go to 10 ierror=10 return 10 continue 30 continue c c no error found c ierror = 0 return end subroutine chkprm (intl,iorder,a,b,m,mbdcnd,c,d,n,nbdcnd,cofx, & cofy,idmn,ierror) c*********************************************************************72 c cc CHKPRM checks the input parameters for errors. c external cofx ,cofy c c check definition of solution region c ierror = 1 if ( .or. return c c check boundary switches c ierror = 2 if ( .or. return ierror = 3 if ( .or. return c c check first dimension in calling routine c ierror = 5 if (idmn .lt. 7) return c c check m c ierror = 6 if ( .or. return c c check n c ierror = 7 if (n .lt. 5) return c c check iorder c ierror = 8 if ( .and. return c c check intl c ierror = 9 if ( .and. return c c check that equation is elliptic c dlx = (b-a)/float(m) dly = (d-c)/float(n) do 30 i=2,m xi = a+float(i-1)*dlx call cofx (xi,ai,bi,ci) do 20 j=2,n yj = c+float(j-1)*dly call cofy (yj,dj,ej,fj) if (ai*dj .gt. 0.0) go to 10 ierror = 10 return 10 continue 20 continue 30 continue c c no error found c ierror = 0 return end subroutine chksn4(mbdcnd,nbdcnd,alpha,beta,cofx,singlr) c*********************************************************************72 c cc CHKSN4 checks if the PDE that SEPX4 must solve is a singular operator. c common /spl4/ kswx ,kswy ,k ,l , & ait ,bit ,cit ,dit , & mit ,nit ,is ,ms , & js ,ns ,dlx ,dly , & tdlx3 ,tdly3 ,dlx4 ,dly4 logical singlr external cofx singlr = .false. c c check if the boundary conditions are c entirely periodic and/or mixed c if (( .and. .or. & ( .and. return c c check that mixed conditions are pure neuman c if (mbdcnd .ne. 3) go to 10 if ( .or. return 10 continue c c check that non-derivative coefficient functions c are zero c do 30 i=is,ms xi = ait+float(i-1)*dlx call cofx (xi,ai,bi,ci) if (ci .ne. 0.0) return 30 continue c c the operator must be singular if this point is reached c singlr = .true. return end subroutine chksng (mbdcnd,nbdcnd,alpha,beta,gama,xnu,cofx,cofy, & singlr) c*********************************************************************72 c cc CHKSNG checks if the PDE that SEPELI must solve is a singular operator. c external cofx external cofy c common /splp/ kswx ,kswy ,k ,l , & ait ,bit ,cit ,dit , & mit ,nit ,is ,ms , & js ,ns ,dlx ,dly , & tdlx3 ,tdly3 ,dlx4 ,dly4 logical singlr singlr = .false. c c check if the boundary conditions are c entirely periodic and/or mixed c if (( .and. .or. & ( .and. return c c check that mixed conditions are pure neuman c if (mbdcnd .ne. 3) go to 10 if ( .or. return 10 if (nbdcnd .ne. 3) go to 20 if ( .or. return 20 continue c c check that non-derivative coefficient functions c are zero c do 30 i=is,ms xi = ait+float(i-1)*dlx call cofx (xi,ai,bi,ci) if (ci .ne. 0.0) return 30 continue do 40 j=js,ns yj = cit+float(j-1)*dly call cofy (yj,dj,ej,fj) if (fj .ne. 0.0) return 40 continue c c the operator must be singular if this point is reached c singlr = .true. return end subroutine cmgnbn (nperod,n,mperod,m,a,b,c,idimy,y,ierror,w) c*********************************************************************72 c cc CMGNBN: complex generalized Buneman algorithm, linear equation solver. c c c c * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * c * * c * f i s h p a k * c * * c * * c * a package of fortran subprograms for the solution of * c * * c * separable elliptic partial differential equations * c * * c * (version 3.1 , october 1980) * c * * c * by * c * * c * john adams, paul swarztrauber and roland sweet * c * * c * of * c * * c * the national center for atmospheric research * c * * c * boulder, colorado (80307) u.s.a. * c * * c * which is sponsored by * c * * c * the national science foundation * c * * c * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * c c c * * * * * * * * * purpose * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * c c c cmgnbn solves the complex linear system of equations c c a(i)*x(i-1,j) + b(i)*x(i,j) + c(i)*x(i+1,j) c c + x(i,j-1) - 2.*x(i,j) + x(i,j+1) = y(i,j) c c for i = 1,2,...,m and j = 1,2,...,n. c c the indices i+1 and i-1 are evaluated modulo m, i.e., c x(0,j) = x(m,j) and x(m+1,j) = x(1,j), and x(i,0) may be equal to c 0, x(i,2), or x(i,n) and x(i,n+1) may be equal to 0, x(i,n-1), or c x(i,1) depending on an input parameter. c c c * * * * * * * * parameter description * * * * * * * * * * c c * * * * * * on input * * * * * * c c nperod c indicates the values that x(i,0) and x(i,n+1) are assumed to c have. c c = 0 if x(i,0) = x(i,n) and x(i,n+1) = x(i,1). c = 1 if x(i,0) = x(i,n+1) = 0 . c = 2 if x(i,0) = 0 and x(i,n+1) = x(i,n-1). c = 3 if x(i,0) = x(i,2) and x(i,n+1) = x(i,n-1). c = 4 if x(i,0) = x(i,2) and x(i,n+1) = 0. c c n c the number of unknowns in the j-direction. n must be greater c than 2. c c mperod c = 0 if a(1) and c(m) are not zero c = 1 if a(1) = c(m) = 0 c c m c the number of unknowns in the i-direction. n must be greater c than 2. c c a,b,c c one-dimensional complex arrays of length m that specify the c coefficients in the linear equations given above. if mperod = 0 c the array elements must not depend upon the index i, but must be c constant. specifically, the subroutine checks the following c condition c c a(i) = c(1) c c(i) = c(1) c b(i) = b(1) c c for i=1,2,...,m. c c idimy c the row (or first) dimension of the two-dimensional array y as c it appears in the program calling cmgnbn. this parameter is c used to specify the variable dimension of y. idimy must be at c least m. c c y c a two-dimensional complex array that specifies the values of the c right side of the linear system of equations given above. y c must be dimensioned at least m*n. c c w c a one-dimensional complex array that must be provided by the c user for work space. w may require up to 4*n + c (10 + int(log2(n)))*m locations. the actual number of locations c used is computed by cmgnbn and is returned in location w(1). c c c * * * * * * on output * * * * * * c c y c contains the solution x. c c ierror c an error flag which indicates invalid input parameters except c for number zero, a solution is not attempted. c c = 0 no error. c = 1 m .le. 2 . c = 2 n .le. 2 c = 3 idimy .lt. m c = 4 nperod .lt. 0 or nperod .gt. 4 c = 5 mperod .lt. 0 or mperod .gt. 1 c = 6 a(i) .ne. c(1) or c(i) .ne. c(1) or b(i) .ne. b(1) for c some i=1,2,...,m. c = 7 a(1) .ne. 0 or c(m) .ne. 0 and mperod = 1 c c w c w(1) contains the required length of w. c c * * * * * * * program specifications * * * * * * * * * * * * c c dimension of a(m),b(m),c(m),y(idimy,n),w(see parameter list) c arguments c c latest june 1979 c revision c c subprograms cmgnbn,cmposd,cmposn,cmposp,cmpcsg,cmpmrg, c required cmptrx,cmptr3,pimach c c special none c conditions c c common none c blocks c c i/o none c c precision single c c specialist roland sweet c c language fortran c c history written by roland sweet at ncar in june, 1977 c c algorithm the linear system is solved by a cyclic reduction c algorithm described in the reference. c c space 4944(decimal) = 11520(octal) locations on the ncar c required control data 7600 c c timing and the execution time t on the ncar control data c accuracy 7600 for subroutine cmgnbn is roughly proportional c to m*n*log2(n), but also depends on the input c parameter nperod. some typical values are listed c in the table below. c to measure the accuracy of the algorithm a c uniform random number generator was used to create c a solution array x for the system given in the c 'purpose' with c c a(i) = c(i) = -0.5*b(i) = 1, i=1,2,...,m c c and, when mperod = 1 c c a(1) = c(m) = 0 c a(m) = c(1) = 2. c c the solution x was substituted into the given sys- c tem and a right side y was computed. using this c array y subroutine cmgnbn was called to produce an c approximate solution z. then the relative error, c defined as c c e = max(cabs(z(i,j)-x(i,j)))/max(cabs(x(i,j))) c c where the two maxima are taken over all i=1,2,...,m c and j=1,2,...,n, was computed. the value of e is c given in the table below for some typical values of c m and n. c c c m (=n) mperod nperod t(msecs) e c ------ ------ ------ -------- ------ c c 31 0 0 77 1.e-12 c 31 1 1 45 4.e-13 c 31 1 3 91 2.e-12 c 32 0 0 59 7.e-14 c 32 1 1 65 5.e-13 c 32 1 3 97 2.e-13 c 33 0 0 80 6.e-13 c 33 1 1 67 5.e-13 c 33 1 3 76 3.e-12 c 63 0 0 350 5.e-12 c 63 1 1 215 6.e-13 c 63 1 3 412 1.e-11 c 64 0 0 264 1.e-13 c 64 1 1 287 3.e-12 c 64 1 3 421 3.e-13 c 65 0 0 338 2.e-12 c 65 1 1 292 5.e-13 c 65 1 3 329 1.e-11 c c portability american national standards institue fortran. c all machine dependent constants are located in the c the machine dependent constant pi is defined in c function pimach. c c required cos c resident c routines c c reference sweet, r., 'a cyclic reduction algorithm for c solving block tridiagonal systems of arbitrary c dimensions,' siam j. on numer. anal., c 14(sept., 1977), pp. 706-720. c c * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * c c complex a ,b ,c ,y , & w ,a1 dimension y(idimy,1) dimension w(1) ,b(1) ,a(1) ,c(1) ierror = 0 if (m .le. 2) ierror = 1 if (n .le. 2) ierror = 2 if (idimy .lt. m) ierror = 3 if ( .or. ierror = 4 if ( .or. ierror = 5 if (mperod .eq. 1) go to 102 do 101 i=2,m if (cabs(a(i)-c(1)) .ne. 0.) go to 103 if (cabs(c(i)-c(1)) .ne. 0.) go to 103 if (cabs(b(i)-b(1)) .ne. 0.) go to 103 101 continue go to 104 102 if (cabs(a(1)).ne.0. .and. cabs(c(m)).ne.0.) ierror = 7 go to 104 103 ierror = 6 104 if (ierror .ne. 0) return iwba = m+1 iwbb = iwba+m iwbc = iwbb+m iwb2 = iwbc+m iwb3 = iwb2+m iww1 = iwb3+m iww2 = iww1+m iww3 = iww2+m iwd = iww3+m iwtcos = iwd+m iwp = iwtcos+4*n do 106 i=1,m k = iwba+i-1 w(k) = -a(i) k = iwbc+i-1 w(k) = -c(i) k = iwbb+i-1 w(k) = 2.-b(i) do 105 j=1,n y(i,j) = -y(i,j) 105 continue 106 continue mp = mperod+1 np = nperod+1 go to (114,107),mp 107 go to (108,109,110,111,123),np 108 call cmposp (m,n,w(iwba),w(iwbb),w(iwbc),y,idimy,w,w(iwb2), & w(iwb3),w(iww1),w(iww2),w(iww3),w(iwd),w(iwtcos), & w(iwp)) go to 112 109 call cmposd (m,n,1,w(iwba),w(iwbb),w(iwbc),y,idimy,w,w(iww1), & w(iwd),w(iwtcos),w(iwp)) go to 112 110 call cmposn (m,n,1,2,w(iwba),w(iwbb),w(iwbc),y,idimy,w,w(iwb2), & w(iwb3),w(iww1),w(iww2),w(iww3),w(iwd),w(iwtcos), & w(iwp)) go to 112 111 call cmposn (m,n,1,1,w(iwba),w(iwbb),w(iwbc),y,idimy,w,w(iwb2), & w(iwb3),w(iww1),w(iww2),w(iww3),w(iwd),w(iwtcos), & w(iwp)) 112 ipstor = real(w(iww1)) irev = 2 if (nperod .eq. 4) go to 124 113 go to (127,133),mp 114 continue c c reorder unknowns when mp =0 c mh = (m+1)/2 mhm1 = mh-1 modd = 1 if (mh*2 .eq. m) modd = 2 do 119 j=1,n do 115 i=1,mhm1 mhpi = mh+i mhmi = mh-i w(i) = y(mhmi,j)-y(mhpi,j) w(mhpi) = y(mhmi,j)+y(mhpi,j) 115 continue w(mh) = 2.*y(mh,j) go to (117,116),modd 116 w(m) = 2.*y(m,j) 117 continue do 118 i=1,m y(i,j) = w(i) 118 continue 119 continue k = iwbc+mhm1-1 i = iwba+mhm1 w(k) = (0.,0.) w(i) = (0.,0.) w(k+1) = 2.*w(k+1) go to (120,121),modd 120 continue k = iwbb+mhm1-1 w(k) = w(k)-w(i-1) w(iwbc-1) = w(iwbc-1)+w(iwbb-1) go to 122 121 w(iwbb-1) = w(k+1) 122 continue go to 107 c c reverse columns when nperod = 4 c 123 irev = 1 nby2 = n/2 124 do 126 j=1,nby2 mskip = n+1-j do 125 i=1,m a1 = y(i,j) y(i,j) = y(i,mskip) y(i,mskip) = a1 125 continue 126 continue go to (110,113),irev 127 continue do 132 j=1,n do 128 i=1,mhm1 mhmi = mh-i mhpi = mh+i w(mhmi) = .5*(y(mhpi,j)+y(i,j)) w(mhpi) = .5*(y(mhpi,j)-y(i,j)) 128 continue w(mh) = .5*y(mh,j) go to (130,129),modd 129 w(m) = .5*y(m,j) 130 continue do 131 i=1,m y(i,j) = w(i) 131 continue 132 continue 133 continue c c return storage requirements for w array. c w(1) = cmplx(float(ipstor+iwp-1),0.) return end subroutine cmpcsg (n,ijump,fnum,fden,a) c*********************************************************************72 c cc CMPCSG computes required cosine values in ascending order. c c when ijump .gt. 1 the routine computes values c c 2*cos(j*pi/l) , j=1,2,...,l and j .ne. 0(mod n/ijump+1) c c where l = ijump*(n/ijump+1). c c c when ijump = 1 it computes c c 2*cos((j-fnum)*pi/(n+fden)) , j=1, 2, ... ,n c c where c fnum = 0.5, fden = 0.0, for regular reduction values c fnum = 0.0, fden = 1.0, for b-r and c-r when istag = 1 c fnum = 0.0, fden = 0.5, for b-r and c-r when istag = 2 c fnum = 0.5, fden = 0.5, for b-r and c-r when istag = 2 c in cmposn only. c complex a dimension a(*) pi = pimach() if (n .eq. 0) go to 105 if (ijump .eq. 1) go to 103 k3 = n/ijump+1 k4 = k3-1 pibyn = pi/float(n+ijump) do 102 k=1,ijump k1 = (k-1)*k3 k5 = (k-1)*k4 do 101 i=1,k4 x = k1+i k2 = k5+i a(k2) = cmplx(-2.*cos(x*pibyn),0.) 101 continue 102 continue go to 105 103 continue np1 = n+1 y = pi/(float(n)+fden) do 104 i=1,n x = float(np1-i)-fnum a(i) = cmplx(2.*cos(x*y),0.) 104 continue 105 continue return end subroutine cmpmrg (tcos,i1,m1,i2,m2,i3) c*********************************************************************72 c cc CMPMRG merges two ascending strings of numbers. c complex tcos ,x ,y dimension tcos(*) c c c this subroutine merges two ascending strings of numbers in the c array tcos. the first string is of length m1 and starts at c tcos(i1+1). the second string is of length m2 and starts at c tcos(i2+1). the merged string goes into tcos(i3+1). c c j1 = 1 j2 = 1 j = i3 if (m1 .eq. 0) go to 107 if (m2 .eq. 0) go to 104 101 j = j+1 l = j1+i1 x = tcos(l) l = j2+i2 y = tcos(l) if (real(x-y)) 102,102,103 102 tcos(j) = x j1 = j1+1 if (j1 .gt. m1) go to 106 go to 101 103 tcos(j) = y j2 = j2+1 if (j2 .le. m2) go to 101 if (j1 .gt. m1) go to 109 104 k = j-j1+1 do 105 j=j1,m1 m = k+j l = j+i1 tcos(m) = tcos(l) 105 continue go to 109 106 continue if (j2 .gt. m2) go to 109 107 k = j-j2+1 do 108 j=j2,m2 m = k+j l = j+i2 tcos(m) = tcos(l) 108 continue 109 continue return end subroutine cmposd (mr,nr,istag,ba,bb,bc,q,idimq,b,w,d,tcos,p) c*********************************************************************72 c cc CMPOSD solves Poisson's equation for Dirichlet boundary conditions. c c istag = 1 if the last diagonal block is the matrix a. c istag = 2 if the last diagonal block is the matrix a+i. c complex ba ,bb ,bc ,q , & b ,w ,d ,tcos , & p ,t dimension q(idimq,1) ,ba(1) ,bb(1) ,bc(1) , & tcos(1) ,b(1) ,d(1) ,w(1) , & p(1) m = mr n = nr fi = 1./float(istag) ip = -m ipstor = 0 jsh = 0 go to (101,102),istag 101 kr = 0 irreg = 1 if (n .gt. 1) go to 106 tcos(1) = (0.,0.) go to 103 102 kr = 1 jstsav = 1 irreg = 2 if (n .gt. 1) go to 106 tcos(1) = cmplx(-1.,0.) 103 do 104 i=1,m b(i) = q(i,1) 104 continue call cmptrx (1,0,m,ba,bb,bc,b,tcos,d,w) do 105 i=1,m q(i,1) = b(i) 105 continue go to 183 106 lr = 0 do 107 i=1,m p(i) = cmplx(0.,0.) 107 continue nun = n jst = 1 jsp = n c c irreg = 1 when no irregularities have occurred, otherwise it is 2. c 108 l = 2*jst nodd = 2-2*((nun+1)/2)+nun c c nodd = 1 when nun is odd, otherwise it is 2. c go to (110,109),nodd 109 jsp = jsp-l go to 111 110 jsp = jsp-jst if (irreg .ne. 1) jsp = jsp-l 111 continue c c regular reduction c call cmpcsg (jst,1,0.5,0.0,tcos) if (l .gt. jsp) go to 118 do 117 j=l,jsp,l jm1 = j-jsh jp1 = j+jsh jm2 = j-jst jp2 = j+jst jm3 = jm2-jsh jp3 = jp2+jsh if (jst .ne. 1) go to 113 do 112 i=1,m b(i) = 2.*q(i,j) q(i,j) = q(i,jm2)+q(i,jp2) 112 continue go to 115 113 do 114 i=1,m t = q(i,j)-q(i,jm1)-q(i,jp1)+q(i,jm2)+q(i,jp2) b(i) = t+q(i,j)-q(i,jm3)-q(i,jp3) q(i,j) = t 114 continue 115 continue call cmptrx (jst,0,m,ba,bb,bc,b,tcos,d,w) do 116 i=1,m q(i,j) = q(i,j)+b(i) 116 continue 117 continue c c reduction for last unknown c 118 go to (119,136),nodd 119 go to (152,120),irreg c c odd number of unknowns c 120 jsp = jsp+l j = jsp jm1 = j-jsh jp1 = j+jsh jm2 = j-jst jp2 = j+jst jm3 = jm2-jsh go to (123,121),istag 121 continue if (jst .ne. 1) go to 123 do 122 i=1,m b(i) = q(i,j) q(i,j) = cmplx(0.,0.) 122 continue go to 130 123 go to (124,126),noddpr 124 do 125 i=1,m ip1 = ip+i b(i) = .5*(q(i,jm2)-q(i,jm1)-q(i,jm3))+p(ip1)+q(i,j) 125 continue go to 128 126 do 127 i=1,m b(i) = .5*(q(i,jm2)-q(i,jm1)-q(i,jm3))+q(i,jp2)-q(i,jp1)+q(i,j) 127 continue 128 do 129 i=1,m q(i,j) = .5*(q(i,j)-q(i,jm1)-q(i,jp1)) 129 continue 130 call cmptrx (jst,0,m,ba,bb,bc,b,tcos,d,w) ip = ip+m ipstor = max0(ipstor,ip+m) do 131 i=1,m ip1 = ip+i p(ip1) = q(i,j)+b(i) b(i) = q(i,jp2)+p(ip1) 131 continue if (lr .ne. 0) go to 133 do 132 i=1,jst krpi = kr+i tcos(krpi) = tcos(i) 132 continue go to 134 133 continue call cmpcsg (lr,jstsav,0.,fi,tcos(jst+1)) call cmpmrg (tcos,0,jst,jst,lr,kr) 134 continue call cmpcsg (kr,jstsav,0.0,fi,tcos) call cmptrx (kr,kr,m,ba,bb,bc,b,tcos,d,w) do 135 i=1,m ip1 = ip+i q(i,j) = q(i,jm2)+b(i)+p(ip1) 135 continue lr = kr kr = kr+l go to 152 c c even number of unknowns c 136 jsp = jsp+l j = jsp jm1 = j-jsh jp1 = j+jsh jm2 = j-jst jp2 = j+jst jm3 = jm2-jsh go to (137,138),irreg 137 continue jstsav = jst ideg = jst kr = l go to 139 138 call cmpcsg (kr,jstsav,0.0,fi,tcos) call cmpcsg (lr,jstsav,0.0,fi,tcos(kr+1)) ideg = kr kr = kr+jst 139 if (jst .ne. 1) go to 141 irreg = 2 do 140 i=1,m b(i) = q(i,j) q(i,j) = q(i,jm2) 140 continue go to 150 141 do 142 i=1,m b(i) = q(i,j)+.5*(q(i,jm2)-q(i,jm1)-q(i,jm3)) 142 continue go to (143,145),irreg 143 do 144 i=1,m q(i,j) = q(i,jm2)+.5*(q(i,j)-q(i,jm1)-q(i,jp1)) 144 continue irreg = 2 go to 150 145 continue go to (146,148),noddpr 146 do 147 i=1,m ip1 = ip+i q(i,j) = q(i,jm2)+p(ip1) 147 continue ip = ip-m go to 150 148 do 149 i=1,m q(i,j) = q(i,jm2)+q(i,j)-q(i,jm1) 149 continue 150 call cmptrx (ideg,lr,m,ba,bb,bc,b,tcos,d,w) do 151 i=1,m q(i,j) = q(i,j)+b(i) 151 continue 152 nun = nun/2 noddpr = nodd jsh = jst jst = 2*jst if (nun .ge. 2) go to 108 c c start solution. c j = jsp do 153 i=1,m b(i) = q(i,j) 153 continue go to (154,155),irreg 154 continue call cmpcsg (jst,1,0.5,0.0,tcos) ideg = jst go to 156 155 kr = lr+jst call cmpcsg (kr,jstsav,0.0,fi,tcos) call cmpcsg (lr,jstsav,0.0,fi,tcos(kr+1)) ideg = kr 156 continue call cmptrx (ideg,lr,m,ba,bb,bc,b,tcos,d,w) jm1 = j-jsh jp1 = j+jsh go to (157,159),irreg 157 do 158 i=1,m q(i,j) = .5*(q(i,j)-q(i,jm1)-q(i,jp1))+b(i) 158 continue go to 164 159 go to (160,162),noddpr 160 do 161 i=1,m ip1 = ip+i q(i,j) = p(ip1)+b(i) 161 continue ip = ip-m go to 164 162 do 163 i=1,m q(i,j) = q(i,j)-q(i,jm1)+b(i) 163 continue 164 continue c c start back substitution. c jst = jst/2 jsh = jst/2 nun = 2*nun if (nun .gt. n) go to 183 do 182 j=jst,n,l jm1 = j-jsh jp1 = j+jsh jm2 = j-jst jp2 = j+jst if (j .gt. jst) go to 166 do 165 i=1,m b(i) = q(i,j)+q(i,jp2) 165 continue go to 170 166 if (jp2 .le. n) go to 168 do 167 i=1,m b(i) = q(i,j)+q(i,jm2) 167 continue if (jst .lt. jstsav) irreg = 1 go to (170,171),irreg 168 do 169 i=1,m b(i) = q(i,j)+q(i,jm2)+q(i,jp2) 169 continue 170 continue call cmpcsg (jst,1,0.5,0.0,tcos) ideg = jst jdeg = 0 go to 172 171 if (j+l .gt. n) lr = lr-jst kr = jst+lr call cmpcsg (kr,jstsav,0.0,fi,tcos) call cmpcsg (lr,jstsav,0.0,fi,tcos(kr+1)) ideg = kr jdeg = lr 172 continue call cmptrx (ideg,jdeg,m,ba,bb,bc,b,tcos,d,w) if (jst .gt. 1) go to 174 do 173 i=1,m q(i,j) = b(i) 173 continue go to 182 174 if (jp2 .gt. n) go to 177 175 do 176 i=1,m q(i,j) = .5*(q(i,j)-q(i,jm1)-q(i,jp1))+b(i) 176 continue go to 182 177 go to (175,178),irreg 178 if (j+jsh .gt. n) go to 180 do 179 i=1,m ip1 = ip+i q(i,j) = b(i)+p(ip1) 179 continue ip = ip-m go to 182 180 do 181 i=1,m q(i,j) = b(i)+q(i,j)-q(i,jm1) 181 continue 182 continue l = l/2 go to 164 183 continue c c return storage requirements for p vectors. c w(1) = cmplx(float(ipstor),0.) return end subroutine cmposn (m,n,istag,mixbnd,a,bb,c,q,idimq,b,b2,b3,w,w2, & w3,d,tcos,p) c*********************************************************************72 c cc CMPOSN solves Poisson's equation with Neumann boundary conditions. c c istag = 1 if the last diagonal block is a. c istag = 2 if the last diagonal block is a-i. c mixbnd = 1 if have neumann boundary conditions at both boundaries. c mixbnd = 2 if have neumann boundary conditions at bottom and c dirichlet condition at top. (for this case, must have istag = 1.) c complex a ,bb ,c ,q , & b ,b2 ,b3 ,w , & w2 ,w3 ,d ,tcos , & p ,fi ,t dimension a(*) ,bb(*) ,c(*) ,q(idimq,*) , & b(*) ,b2(*) ,b3(*) ,w(*) , & w2(*) ,w3(*) ,d(*) ,tcos(*) , & k(4) ,p(*) equivalence (k(1),k1) ,(k(2),k2) ,(k(3),k3) ,(k(4),k4) fistag = 3-istag fnum = 1./float(istag) fden = 0.5*float(istag-1) mr = m ip = -mr ipstor = 0 i2r = 1 jr = 2 nr = n nlast = n kr = 1 lr = 0 go to (101,103),istag 101 continue do 102 i=1,mr q(i,n) = .5*q(i,n) 102 continue go to (103,104),mixbnd 103 if (n .le. 3) go to 155 104 continue jr = 2*i2r nrod = 1 if ((nr/2)*2 .eq. nr) nrod = 0 go to (105,106),mixbnd 105 jstart = 1 go to 107 106 jstart = jr nrod = 1-nrod 107 continue jstop = nlast-jr if (nrod .eq. 0) jstop = jstop-i2r call cmpcsg (i2r,1,0.5,0.0,tcos) i2rby2 = i2r/2 if (jstop .ge. jstart) go to 108 j = jr go to 116 108 continue c c regular reduction. c do 115 j=jstart,jstop,jr jp1 = j+i2rby2 jp2 = j+i2r jp3 = jp2+i2rby2 jm1 = j-i2rby2 jm2 = j-i2r jm3 = jm2-i2rby2 if (j .ne. 1) go to 109 jm1 = jp1 jm2 = jp2 jm3 = jp3 109 continue if (i2r .ne. 1) go to 111 if (j .eq. 1) jm2 = jp2 do 110 i=1,mr b(i) = 2.*q(i,j) q(i,j) = q(i,jm2)+q(i,jp2) 110 continue go to 113 111 continue do 112 i=1,mr fi = q(i,j) q(i,j) = q(i,j)-q(i,jm1)-q(i,jp1)+q(i,jm2)+q(i,jp2) b(i) = fi+q(i,j)-q(i,jm3)-q(i,jp3) 112 continue 113 continue call cmptrx (i2r,0,mr,a,bb,c,b,tcos,d,w) do 114 i=1,mr q(i,j) = q(i,j)+b(i) 114 continue c c end of reduction for regular unknowns. c 115 continue c c begin special reduction for last unknown. c j = jstop+jr 116 nlast = j jm1 = j-i2rby2 jm2 = j-i2r jm3 = jm2-i2rby2 if (nrod .eq. 0) go to 128 c c odd number of unknowns c if (i2r .ne. 1) go to 118 do 117 i=1,mr b(i) = fistag*q(i,j) q(i,j) = q(i,jm2) 117 continue go to 126 118 do 119 i=1,mr b(i) = q(i,j)+.5*(q(i,jm2)-q(i,jm1)-q(i,jm3)) 119 continue if (nrodpr .ne. 0) go to 121 do 120 i=1,mr ii = ip+i q(i,j) = q(i,jm2)+p(ii) 120 continue ip = ip-mr go to 123 121 continue do 122 i=1,mr q(i,j) = q(i,j)-q(i,jm1)+q(i,jm2) 122 continue 123 if (lr .eq. 0) go to 124 call cmpcsg (lr,1,0.5,fden,tcos(kr+1)) go to 126 124 continue do 125 i=1,mr b(i) = fistag*b(i) 125 continue 126 continue call cmpcsg (kr,1,0.5,fden,tcos) call cmptrx (kr,lr,mr,a,bb,c,b,tcos,d,w) do 127 i=1,mr q(i,j) = q(i,j)+b(i) 127 continue kr = kr+i2r go to 151 128 continue c c even number of unknowns c jp1 = j+i2rby2 jp2 = j+i2r if (i2r .ne. 1) go to 135 do 129 i=1,mr b(i) = q(i,j) 129 continue call cmptrx (1,0,mr,a,bb,c,b,tcos,d,w) ip = 0 ipstor = mr go to (133,130),istag 130 do 131 i=1,mr p(i) = b(i) b(i) = b(i)+q(i,n) 131 continue tcos(1) = cmplx(1.,0.) tcos(2) = cmplx(0.,0.) call cmptrx (1,1,mr,a,bb,c,b,tcos,d,w) do 132 i=1,mr q(i,j) = q(i,jm2)+p(i)+b(i) 132 continue go to 150 133 continue do 134 i=1,mr p(i) = b(i) q(i,j) = q(i,jm2)+2.*q(i,jp2)+3.*b(i) 134 continue go to 150 135 continue do 136 i=1,mr b(i) = q(i,j)+.5*(q(i,jm2)-q(i,jm1)-q(i,jm3)) 136 continue if (nrodpr .ne. 0) go to 138 do 137 i=1,mr ii = ip+i b(i) = b(i)+p(ii) 137 continue go to 140 138 continue do 139 i=1,mr b(i) = b(i)+q(i,jp2)-q(i,jp1) 139 continue 140 continue call cmptrx (i2r,0,mr,a,bb,c,b,tcos,d,w) ip = ip+mr ipstor = max0(ipstor,ip+mr) do 141 i=1,mr ii = ip+i p(ii) = b(i)+.5*(q(i,j)-q(i,jm1)-q(i,jp1)) b(i) = p(ii)+q(i,jp2) 141 continue if (lr .eq. 0) go to 142 call cmpcsg (lr,1,0.5,fden,tcos(i2r+1)) call cmpmrg (tcos,0,i2r,i2r,lr,kr) go to 144 142 do 143 i=1,i2r ii = kr+i tcos(ii) = tcos(i) 143 continue 144 call cmpcsg (kr,1,0.5,fden,tcos) if (lr .ne. 0) go to 145 go to (146,145),istag 145 continue call cmptrx (kr,kr,mr,a,bb,c,b,tcos,d,w) go to 148 146 continue do 147 i=1,mr b(i) = fistag*b(i) 147 continue 148 continue do 149 i=1,mr ii = ip+i q(i,j) = q(i,jm2)+p(ii)+b(i) 149 continue 150 continue lr = kr kr = kr+jr 151 continue go to (152,153),mixbnd 152 nr = (nlast-1)/jr+1 if (nr .le. 3) go to 155 go to 154 153 nr = nlast/jr if (nr .le. 1) go to 192 154 i2r = jr nrodpr = nrod go to 104 155 continue c c begin solution c j = 1+jr jm1 = j-i2r jp1 = j+i2r jm2 = nlast-i2r if (nr .eq. 2) go to 184 if (lr .ne. 0) go to 170 if (n .ne. 3) go to 161 c c case n = 3. c go to (156,168),istag 156 continue do 157 i=1,mr b(i) = q(i,2) 157 continue tcos(1) = cmplx(0.,0.) call cmptrx (1,0,mr,a,bb,c,b,tcos,d,w) do 158 i=1,mr q(i,2) = b(i) b(i) = 4.*b(i)+q(i,1)+2.*q(i,3) 158 continue tcos(1) = cmplx(-2.,0.) tcos(2) = cmplx(2.,0.) i1 = 2 i2 = 0 call cmptrx (i1,i2,mr,a,bb,c,b,tcos,d,w) do 159 i=1,mr q(i,2) = q(i,2)+b(i) b(i) = q(i,1)+2.*q(i,2) 159 continue tcos(1) = (0.,0.) call cmptrx (1,0,mr,a,bb,c,b,tcos,d,w) do 160 i=1,mr q(i,1) = b(i) 160 continue jr = 1 i2r = 0 go to 194 c c case n = 2**p+1 c 161 continue go to (162,170),istag 162 continue do 163 i=1,mr b(i) = q(i,j)+.5*q(i,1)-q(i,jm1)+q(i,nlast)-q(i,jm2) 163 continue call cmpcsg (jr,1,0.5,0.0,tcos) call cmptrx (jr,0,mr,a,bb,c,b,tcos,d,w) do 164 i=1,mr q(i,j) = .5*(q(i,j)-q(i,jm1)-q(i,jp1))+b(i) b(i) = q(i,1)+2.*q(i,nlast)+4.*q(i,j) 164 continue jr2 = 2*jr call cmpcsg (jr,1,0.0,0.0,tcos) do 165 i=1,jr i1 = jr+i i2 = jr+1-i tcos(i1) = -tcos(i2) 165 continue call cmptrx (jr2,0,mr,a,bb,c,b,tcos,d,w) do 166 i=1,mr q(i,j) = q(i,j)+b(i) b(i) = q(i,1)+2.*q(i,j) 166 continue call cmpcsg (jr,1,0.5,0.0,tcos) call cmptrx (jr,0,mr,a,bb,c,b,tcos,d,w) do 167 i=1,mr q(i,1) = .5*q(i,1)-q(i,jm1)+b(i) 167 continue go to 194 c c case of general n with nr = 3 . c 168 do 169 i=1,mr b(i) = q(i,2) q(i,2) = (0.,0.) b2(i) = q(i,3) b3(i) = q(i,1) 169 continue jr = 1 i2r = 0 j = 2 go to 177 170 continue do 171 i=1,mr b(i) = .5*q(i,1)-q(i,jm1)+q(i,j) 171 continue if (nrod .ne. 0) go to 173 do 172 i=1,mr ii = ip+i b(i) = b(i)+p(ii) 172 continue go to 175 173 do 174 i=1,mr b(i) = b(i)+q(i,nlast)-q(i,jm2) 174 continue 175 continue do 176 i=1,mr t = .5*(q(i,j)-q(i,jm1)-q(i,jp1)) q(i,j) = t b2(i) = q(i,nlast)+t b3(i) = q(i,1)+2.*t 176 continue 177 continue k1 = kr+2*jr-1 k2 = kr+jr tcos(k1+1) = (-2.,0.) k4 = k1+3-istag call cmpcsg (k2+istag-2,1,0.0,fnum,tcos(k4)) k4 = k1+k2+1 call cmpcsg (jr-1,1,0.0,1.0,tcos(k4)) call cmpmrg (tcos,k1,k2,k1+k2,jr-1,0) k3 = k1+k2+lr call cmpcsg (jr,1,0.5,0.0,tcos(k3+1)) k4 = k3+jr+1 call cmpcsg (kr,1,0.5,fden,tcos(k4)) call cmpmrg (tcos,k3,jr,k3+jr,kr,k1) if (lr .eq. 0) go to 178 call cmpcsg (lr,1,0.5,fden,tcos(k4)) call cmpmrg (tcos,k3,jr,k3+jr,lr,k3-lr) call cmpcsg (kr,1,0.5,fden,tcos(k4)) 178 k3 = kr k4 = kr call cmptr3 (mr,a,bb,c,k,b,b2,b3,tcos,d,w,w2,w3) do 179 i=1,mr b(i) = b(i)+b2(i)+b3(i) 179 continue tcos(1) = (2.,0.) call cmptrx (1,0,mr,a,bb,c,b,tcos,d,w) do 180 i=1,mr q(i,j) = q(i,j)+b(i) b(i) = q(i,1)+2.*q(i,j) 180 continue call cmpcsg (jr,1,0.5,0.0,tcos) call cmptrx (jr,0,mr,a,bb,c,b,tcos,d,w) if (jr .ne. 1) go to 182 do 181 i=1,mr q(i,1) = b(i) 181 continue go to 194 182 continue do 183 i=1,mr q(i,1) = .5*q(i,1)-q(i,jm1)+b(i) 183 continue go to 194 184 continue if (n .ne. 2) go to 188 c c case n = 2 c do 185 i=1,mr b(i) = q(i,1) 185 continue tcos(1) = (0.,0.) call cmptrx (1,0,mr,a,bb,c,b,tcos,d,w) do 186 i=1,mr q(i,1) = b(i) b(i) = 2.*(q(i,2)+b(i))*fistag 186 continue tcos(1) = cmplx(-fistag,0.) tcos(2) = cmplx(2.,0.) call cmptrx (2,0,mr,a,bb,c,b,tcos,d,w) do 187 i=1,mr q(i,1) = q(i,1)+b(i) 187 continue jr = 1 i2r = 0 go to 194 188 continue c c case of general n and nr = 2 . c do 189 i=1,mr ii = ip+i b3(i) = (0.,0.) b(i) = q(i,1)+2.*p(ii) q(i,1) = .5*q(i,1)-q(i,jm1) b2(i) = 2.*(q(i,1)+q(i,nlast)) 189 continue k1 = kr+jr-1 tcos(k1+1) = (-2.,0.) k4 = k1+3-istag call cmpcsg (kr+istag-2,1,0.0,fnum,tcos(k4)) k4 = k1+kr+1 call cmpcsg (jr-1,1,0.0,1.0,tcos(k4)) call cmpmrg (tcos,k1,kr,k1+kr,jr-1,0) call cmpcsg (kr,1,0.5,fden,tcos(k1+1)) k2 = kr k4 = k1+k2+1 call cmpcsg (lr,1,0.5,fden,tcos(k4)) k3 = lr k4 = 0 call cmptr3 (mr,a,bb,c,k,b,b2,b3,tcos,d,w,w2,w3) do 190 i=1,mr b(i) = b(i)+b2(i) 190 continue tcos(1) = (2.,0.) call cmptrx (1,0,mr,a,bb,c,b,tcos,d,w) do 191 i=1,mr q(i,1) = q(i,1)+b(i) 191 continue go to 194 192 do 193 i=1,mr b(i) = q(i,nlast) 193 continue go to 196 194 continue c c start back substitution. c j = nlast-jr do 195 i=1,mr b(i) = q(i,nlast)+q(i,j) 195 continue 196 jm2 = nlast-i2r if (jr .ne. 1) go to 198 do 197 i=1,mr q(i,nlast) = (0.,0.) 197 continue go to 202 198 continue if (nrod .ne. 0) go to 200 do 199 i=1,mr ii = ip+i q(i,nlast) = p(ii) 199 continue ip = ip-mr go to 202 200 do 201 i=1,mr q(i,nlast) = q(i,nlast)-q(i,jm2) 201 continue 202 continue call cmpcsg (kr,1,0.5,fden,tcos) call cmpcsg (lr,1,0.5,fden,tcos(kr+1)) if (lr .ne. 0) go to 204 do 203 i=1,mr b(i) = fistag*b(i) 203 continue 204 continue call cmptrx (kr,lr,mr,a,bb,c,b,tcos,d,w) do 205 i=1,mr q(i,nlast) = q(i,nlast)+b(i) 205 continue nlastp = nlast 206 continue jstep = jr jr = i2r i2r = i2r/2 if (jr .eq. 0) go to 222 go to (207,208),mixbnd 207 jstart = 1+jr go to 209 208 jstart = jr 209 continue kr = kr-jr if (nlast+jr .gt. n) go to 210 kr = kr-jr nlast = nlast+jr jstop = nlast-jstep go to 211 210 continue jstop = nlast-jr 211 continue lr = kr-jr call cmpcsg (jr,1,0.5,0.0,tcos) do 221 j=jstart,jstop,jstep jm2 = j-jr jp2 = j+jr if (j .ne. jr) go to 213 do 212 i=1,mr b(i) = q(i,j)+q(i,jp2) 212 continue go to 215 213 continue do 214 i=1,mr b(i) = q(i,j)+q(i,jm2)+q(i,jp2) 214 continue 215 continue if (jr .ne. 1) go to 217 do 216 i=1,mr q(i,j) = (0.,0.) 216 continue go to 219 217 continue jm1 = j-i2r jp1 = j+i2r do 218 i=1,mr q(i,j) = .5*(q(i,j)-q(i,jm1)-q(i,jp1)) 218 continue 219 continue call cmptrx (jr,0,mr,a,bb,c,b,tcos,d,w) do 220 i=1,mr q(i,j) = q(i,j)+b(i) 220 continue 221 continue nrod = 1 if (nlast+i2r .le. n) nrod = 0 if (nlastp .ne. nlast) go to 194 go to 206 222 continue c c return storage requirements for p vectors. c w(1) = cmplx(float(ipstor),0.) return end subroutine cmposp (m,n,a,bb,c,q,idimq,b,b2,b3,w,w2,w3,d,tcos,p) c*********************************************************************72 c cc CMPOSP solves poisson equation with periodic boundary conditions. c complex a ,bb ,c ,q , & b ,b2 ,b3 ,w , & w2 ,w3 ,d ,tcos , & p ,s ,t dimension a(*) ,bb(*) ,c(*) ,q(idimq,*) , & b(*) ,b2(*) ,b3(*) ,w(*) , & w2(*) ,w3(*) ,d(*) ,tcos(*) , & p(*) mr = m nr = (n+1)/2 nrm1 = nr-1 if (2*nr .ne. n) go to 107 c c even number of unknowns c do 102 j=1,nrm1 nrmj = nr-j nrpj = nr+j do 101 i=1,mr s = q(i,nrmj)-q(i,nrpj) t = q(i,nrmj)+q(i,nrpj) q(i,nrmj) = s q(i,nrpj) = t 101 continue 102 continue do 103 i=1,mr q(i,nr) = 2.*q(i,nr) q(i,n) = 2.*q(i,n) 103 continue call cmposd (mr,nrm1,1,a,bb,c,q,idimq,b,w,d,tcos,p) ipstor = real(w(1)) call cmposn (mr,nr+1,1,1,a,bb,c,q(1,nr),idimq,b,b2,b3,w,w2,w3,d, & tcos,p) ipstor = max0(ipstor,int(real(w(1)))) do 105 j=1,nrm1 nrmj = nr-j nrpj = nr+j do 104 i=1,mr s = .5*(q(i,nrpj)+q(i,nrmj)) t = .5*(q(i,nrpj)-q(i,nrmj)) q(i,nrmj) = s q(i,nrpj) = t 104 continue 105 continue do 106 i=1,mr q(i,nr) = .5*q(i,nr) q(i,n) = .5*q(i,n) 106 continue go to 118 107 continue c c odd number of unknowns c do 109 j=1,nrm1 nrpj = n+1-j do 108 i=1,mr s = q(i,j)-q(i,nrpj) t = q(i,j)+q(i,nrpj) q(i,j) = s q(i,nrpj) = t 108 continue 109 continue do 110 i=1,mr q(i,nr) = 2.*q(i,nr) 110 continue lh = nrm1/2 do 112 j=1,lh nrmj = nr-j do 111 i=1,mr s = q(i,j) q(i,j) = q(i,nrmj) q(i,nrmj) = s 111 continue 112 continue call cmposd (mr,nrm1,2,a,bb,c,q,idimq,b,w,d,tcos,p) ipstor = real(w(1)) call cmposn (mr,nr,2,1,a,bb,c,q(1,nr),idimq,b,b2,b3,w,w2,w3,d, & tcos,p) ipstor = max0(ipstor,int(real(w(1)))) do 114 j=1,nrm1 nrpj = nr+j do 113 i=1,mr s = .5*(q(i,nrpj)+q(i,j)) t = .5*(q(i,nrpj)-q(i,j)) q(i,nrpj) = t q(i,j) = s 113 continue 114 continue do 115 i=1,mr q(i,nr) = .5*q(i,nr) 115 continue do 117 j=1,lh nrmj = nr-j do 116 i=1,mr s = q(i,j) q(i,j) = q(i,nrmj) q(i,nrmj) = s 116 continue 117 continue 118 continue c c return storage requirements for p vectors. c w(1) = cmplx(float(ipstor),0.) return end subroutine cmptr3 (m,a,b,c,k,y1,y2,y3,tcos,d,w1,w2,w3) c*********************************************************************72 c cc CMPTR3 solves a tridiagonal system. c complex a ,b ,c ,y1 , & y2 ,y3 ,tcos ,d , & w1 ,w2 ,w3 ,x , & xx ,z dimension a(*) ,b(*) ,c(*) ,k(4) , & tcos(*) ,y1(*) ,y2(*) ,y3(*) , & d(*) ,w1(*) ,w2(*) ,w3(*) mm1 = m-1 k1 = k(1) k2 = k(2) k3 = k(3) k4 = k(4) f1 = k1+1 f2 = k2+1 f3 = k3+1 f4 = k4+1 k2k3k4 = k2+k3+k4 if (k2k3k4 .eq. 0) go to 101 l1 = f1/f2 l2 = f1/f3 l3 = f1/f4 lint1 = 1 lint2 = 1 lint3 = 1 kint1 = k1 kint2 = kint1+k2 kint3 = kint2+k3 101 continue do 115 n=1,k1 x = tcos(n) if (k2k3k4 .eq. 0) go to 107 if (n .ne. l1) go to 103 do 102 i=1,m w1(i) = y1(i) 102 continue 103 if (n .ne. l2) go to 105 do 104 i=1,m w2(i) = y2(i) 104 continue 105 if (n .ne. l3) go to 107 do 106 i=1,m w3(i) = y3(i) 106 continue 107 continue z = 1./(b(1)-x) d(1) = c(1)*z y1(1) = y1(1)*z y2(1) = y2(1)*z y3(1) = y3(1)*z do 108 i=2,m z = 1./(b(i)-x-a(i)*d(i-1)) d(i) = c(i)*z y1(i) = (y1(i)-a(i)*y1(i-1))*z y2(i) = (y2(i)-a(i)*y2(i-1))*z y3(i) = (y3(i)-a(i)*y3(i-1))*z 108 continue do 109 ip=1,mm1 i = m-ip y1(i) = y1(i)-d(i)*y1(i+1) y2(i) = y2(i)-d(i)*y2(i+1) y3(i) = y3(i)-d(i)*y3(i+1) 109 continue if (k2k3k4 .eq. 0) go to 115 if (n .ne. l1) go to 111 i = lint1+kint1 xx = x-tcos(i) do 110 i=1,m y1(i) = xx*y1(i)+w1(i) 110 continue lint1 = lint1+1 l1 = (float(lint1)*f1)/f2 111 if (n .ne. l2) go to 113 i = lint2+kint2 xx = x-tcos(i) do 112 i=1,m y2(i) = xx*y2(i)+w2(i) 112 continue lint2 = lint2+1 l2 = (float(lint2)*f1)/f3 113 if (n .ne. l3) go to 115 i = lint3+kint3 xx = x-tcos(i) do 114 i=1,m y3(i) = xx*y3(i)+w3(i) 114 continue lint3 = lint3+1 l3 = (float(lint3)*f1)/f4 115 continue return end subroutine cmptrx (idegbr,idegcr,m,a,b,c,y,tcos,d,w) c*********************************************************************72 c cc CMPTRX solves a system of linear equations where the c coefficient matrix is a rational function in the matrix given by c tridiagonal ( . . . , a(i), b(i), c(i), . . . ). c complex a ,b ,c ,y , & tcos ,d ,w ,x , & xx ,z dimension a(*) ,b(*) ,c(*) ,y(*) , & tcos(*) ,d(*) ,w(*) mm1 = m-1 fb = idegbr+1 fc = idegcr+1 l = fb/fc lint = 1 do 108 k=1,idegbr x = tcos(k) if (k .ne. l) go to 102 i = idegbr+lint xx = x-tcos(i) do 101 i=1,m w(i) = y(i) y(i) = xx*y(i) 101 continue 102 continue z = 1./(b(1)-x) d(1) = c(1)*z y(1) = y(1)*z do 103 i=2,mm1 z = 1./(b(i)-x-a(i)*d(i-1)) d(i) = c(i)*z y(i) = (y(i)-a(i)*y(i-1))*z 103 continue z = b(m)-x-a(m)*d(mm1) if (cabs(z) .ne. 0.) go to 104 y(m) = (0.,0.) go to 105 104 y(m) = (y(m)-a(m)*y(mm1))/z 105 continue do 106 ip=1,mm1 i = m-ip y(i) = y(i)-d(i)*y(i+1) 106 continue if (k .ne. l) go to 108 do 107 i=1,m y(i) = y(i)+w(i) 107 continue lint = lint+1 l = (float(lint)*fb)/fc 108 continue return end subroutine cofx (x,af,bf,cf) c*********************************************************************72 c cc COFX sets coefficients in the x-direction. c af = (x+1.)**2 bf = 2.0*(x+1.) cf = -x return end subroutine cofx4(x,af,bf,cf) c*********************************************************************72 c cc COFX4 sets coefficients in the x-direction. c af = (x+1.)**2 bf = 2.0*(x+1.) cf = -x return end subroutine cofy (y,df,ef,ff) c*********************************************************************72 c cc COFY sets coefficients in y direction c df = exp(y) ef = 0.0 ff = -y return end subroutine compb (n,ierror,an,bn,cn,b,ah,bh) c*********************************************************************72 c cc COMPB computes the roots of the b polynomials using subroutine c tevls which is a modification the eispack program tqlrat. c ierror is set to 4 if either tevls fails or if a(j+1)*c(j) is c less than zero for some j. ah,bh are temporary work arrays. c dimension an(*) ,bn(*) ,cn(*) ,b(*) , & ah(*) ,bh(*) common /cblkt/ npp ,k ,eps ,cnv , & nm ,ncmplx ,ik eps = epmach() bnorm = abs(bn(1)) do 102 j=2,nm bnorm = amax1(bnorm,abs(bn(j))) arg = an(j)*cn(j-1) if (arg) 119,101,101 101 b(j) = sign(sqrt(arg),an(j)) 102 continue cnv = eps*bnorm if = 2**k kdo = k-1 do 108 l=1,kdo ir = l-1 i2 = 2**ir i4 = i2+i2 ipl = i4-1 ifd = if-i4 do 107 i=i4,ifd,i4 call indxb (i,l,ib,nb) if (nb) 108,108,103 103 js = i-ipl jf = js+nb-1 ls = 0 do 104 j=js,jf ls = ls+1 bh(ls) = bn(j) ah(ls) = b(j) 104 continue call tevls (nb,bh,ah,ierror) if (ierror) 118,105,118 105 lh = ib-1 do 106 j=1,nb lh = lh+1 b(lh) = -bh(j) 106 continue 107 continue 108 continue do 109 j=1,nm b(j) = -bn(j) 109 continue if (npp) 117,110,117 110 nmp = nm+1 nb = nm+nmp do 112 j=1,nb l1 = mod(j-1,nmp)+1 l2 = mod(j+nm-1,nmp)+1 arg = an(l1)*cn(l2) if (arg) 119,111,111 111 bh(j) = sign(sqrt(arg),-an(l1)) ah(j) = -bn(l1) 112 continue call tevls (nb,ah,bh,ierror) if (ierror) 118,113,118 113 call indxb (if,k-1,j2,lh) call indxb (if/2,k-1,j1,lh) j2 = j2+1 lh = j2 n2m2 = j2+nm+nm-2 114 d1 = abs(b(j1)-b(j2-1)) d2 = abs(b(j1)-b(j2)) d3 = abs(b(j1)-b(j2+1)) if ((d2 .lt. d1) .and. (d2 .lt. d3)) go to 115 b(lh) = b(j2) j2 = j2+1 lh = lh+1 if (j2-n2m2) 114,114,116 115 j2 = j2+1 j1 = j1+1 if (j2-n2m2) 114,114,116 116 b(lh) = b(n2m2+1) call indxb (if,k-1,j1,j2) j2 = j1+nmp+nmp call ppadd (nm+1,ierror,an,cn,b(j1),b(j1),b(j2)) 117 return 118 ierror = 4 return 119 ierror = 5 return end subroutine cosgen (n,ijump,fnum,fden,a) c*********************************************************************72 c cc COSGEN computes required cosine values in ascending order. c c this subroutine computes required cosine values in ascending c order. when ijump .gt. 1 the routine computes values c c 2*cos(j*pi/l) , j=1,2,...,l and j .ne. 0(mod n/ijump+1) c c where l = ijump*(n/ijump+1). c c c when ijump = 1 it computes c c 2*cos((j-fnum)*pi/(n+fden)) , j=1, 2, ... ,n c c where c fnum = 0.5, fden = 0.0, for regular reduction values c fnum = 0.0, fden = 1.0, for b-r and c-r when istag = 1 c fnum = 0.0, fden = 0.5, for b-r and c-r when istag = 2 c fnum = 0.5, fden = 0.5, for b-r and c-r when istag = 2 c in poisn2 only. c dimension a(*) pi = pimach() if (n .eq. 0) go to 105 if (ijump .eq. 1) go to 103 k3 = n/ijump+1 k4 = k3-1 pibyn = pi/float(n+ijump) do 102 k=1,ijump k1 = (k-1)*k3 k5 = (k-1)*k4 do 101 i=1,k4 x = k1+i k2 = k5+i a(k2) = -2.*cos(x*pibyn) 101 continue 102 continue go to 105 103 continue np1 = n+1 y = pi/(float(n)+fden) do 104 i=1,n x = float(np1-i)-fnum a(i) = 2.*cos(x*y) 104 continue 105 continue return end SUBROUTINE COSQB (N,X,WSAVE) c*********************************************************************72 c cc COSQB backward cosine quarter wave transform. c DIMENSION X(*) ,WSAVE(*) DATA TSQRT2 /2.82842712474619/ IF (N-2) 101,102,103 101 X(1) = 4.*X(1) RETURN 102 X1 = 4.*(X(1)+X(2)) X(2) = TSQRT2*(X(1)-X(2)) X(1) = X1 RETURN 103 CALL COSQB1 (N,X,WSAVE,WSAVE(N+1)) RETURN END SUBROUTINE COSQB1 (N,X,W,XH) c*********************************************************************72 c cc COSQB1 is a utility routine for COSQB. c DIMENSION X(*) ,W(*) ,XH(*) NS2 = (N+1)/2 NP2 = N+2 DO 101 I=3,N,2 XIM1 = X(I-1)+X(I) X(I) = X(I)-X(I-1) X(I-1) = XIM1 101 CONTINUE X(1) = X(1)+X(1) MODN = MOD(N,2) IF (MODN .EQ. 0) X(N) = X(N)+X(N) CALL RFFTB (N,X,XH) DO 102 K=2,NS2 KC = NP2-K XH(K) = W(K-1)*X(KC)+W(KC-1)*X(K) XH(KC) = W(K-1)*X(K)-W(KC-1)*X(KC) 102 CONTINUE IF (MODN .EQ. 0) X(NS2+1) = W(NS2)*(X(NS2+1)+X(NS2+1)) DO 103 K=2,NS2 KC = NP2-K X(K) = XH(K)+XH(KC) X(KC) = XH(K)-XH(KC) 103 CONTINUE X(1) = X(1)+X(1) RETURN END SUBROUTINE COSQF (N,X,WSAVE) c*********************************************************************72 c cc COSQF forward cosine quarter wave transform. c DIMENSION X(*) ,WSAVE(*) DATA SQRT2 /1.4142135623731/ IF (N-2) 102,101,103 101 TSQX = SQRT2*X(2) X(2) = X(1)-TSQX X(1) = X(1)+TSQX 102 RETURN 103 CALL COSQF1 (N,X,WSAVE,WSAVE(N+1)) RETURN END SUBROUTINE COSQF1 (N,X,W,XH) c*********************************************************************72 c cc COSQF1 is a utility routine for COSQF. c DIMENSION X(*) ,W(*) ,XH(*) NS2 = (N+1)/2 NP2 = N+2 DO 101 K=2,NS2 KC = NP2-K XH(K) = X(K)+X(KC) XH(KC) = X(K)-X(KC) 101 CONTINUE MODN = MOD(N,2) IF (MODN .EQ. 0) XH(NS2+1) = X(NS2+1)+X(NS2+1) DO 102 K=2,NS2 KC = NP2-K X(K) = W(K-1)*XH(KC)+W(KC-1)*XH(K) X(KC) = W(K-1)*XH(K)-W(KC-1)*XH(KC) 102 CONTINUE IF (MODN .EQ. 0) X(NS2+1) = W(NS2)*XH(NS2+1) CALL RFFTF (N,X,XH) DO 103 I=3,N,2 XIM1 = X(I-1)-X(I) X(I) = X(I-1)+X(I) X(I-1) = XIM1 103 CONTINUE RETURN END SUBROUTINE COSQI (N,WSAVE) c*********************************************************************72 c cc COSQI initializes the cosine quarter wave transform. c DIMENSION WSAVE(*) DATA PIH /1.57079632679491/ DT = PIH/FLOAT(N) FK = 0. DO 101 K=1,N FK = FK+1. WSAVE(K) = COS(FK*DT) 101 CONTINUE CALL RFFTI (N,WSAVE(N+1)) RETURN END SUBROUTINE COST (N,X,WSAVE) c*********************************************************************72 c cc COST cosine transform. c DIMENSION X(*) ,WSAVE(*) NM1 = N-1 NP1 = N+1 NS2 = N/2 IF (N-2) 106,101,102 101 X1H = X(1)+X(2) X(2) = X(1)-X(2) X(1) = X1H RETURN 102 IF (N .GT. 3) GO TO 103 X1P3 = X(1)+X(3) TX2 = X(2)+X(2) X(2) = X(1)-X(3) X(1) = X1P3+TX2 X(3) = X1P3-TX2 RETURN 103 C1 = X(1)-X(N) X(1) = X(1)+X(N) DO 104 K=2,NS2 KC = NP1-K T1 = X(K)+X(KC) T2 = X(K)-X(KC) C1 = C1+WSAVE(KC)*T2 T2 = WSAVE(K)*T2 X(K) = T1-T2 X(KC) = T1+T2 104 CONTINUE MODN = MOD(N,2) IF (MODN .NE. 0) X(NS2+1) = X(NS2+1)+X(NS2+1) CALL RFFTF (NM1,X,WSAVE(N+1)) XIM2 = X(2) X(2) = C1 DO 105 I=4,N,2 XI = X(I) X(I) = X(I-2)-X(I-1) X(I-1) = XIM2 XIM2 = XI 105 CONTINUE IF (MODN .NE. 0) X(N) = XIM2 106 RETURN END SUBROUTINE COSTI (N,WSAVE) c*********************************************************************72 c cc COSTI initializes the cosine transform. c DIMENSION WSAVE(*) DATA PI /3.14159265358979/ IF (N .LE. 3) RETURN NM1 = N-1 NP1 = N+1 NS2 = N/2 DT = PI/FLOAT(NM1) FK = 0. DO 101 K=2,NS2 KC = NP1-K FK = FK+1. WSAVE(K) = 2.*SIN(FK*DT) WSAVE(KC) = 2.*COS(FK*DT) 101 CONTINUE CALL RFFTI (NM1,WSAVE(N+1)) RETURN END subroutine cpadd (n,ierror,a,c,cbp,bp,bh) c*********************************************************************72 c cc CPADD computes the eigenvalues of the periodic tridiagonal matrix c with coefficients an,bn,cn c c n is the order of the bh and bp polynomials c on output bp contians the eigenvalues c cbp is the same as bp except type complex c bh is used to temporarily store the roots of the b hat polynomial c which enters through bp c complex cf ,cx ,fsg ,hsg , & dd ,f ,fp ,fpp , & cdis ,r1 ,r2 ,r3 , & cbp dimension a(*) ,c(*) ,bp(*) ,bh(*) , & cbp(*) common /ccblk/ npp ,k ,eps ,cnv , & nm ,ncmplx ,ik external pgsf ,pppsf ,ppgsf scnv = sqrt(cnv) iz = n izm = iz-1 izm2 = iz-2 if (bp(n)-bp(1)) 101,142,103 101 do j=1,n nt = n-j bh(j) = bp(nt+1) end do go to 105 103 do j=1,n bh(j) = bp(j) end do 105 ncmplx = 0 modiz = mod(iz,2) is = 1 if (modiz) 106,107,106 106 if (a(1)) 110,142,107 107 xl = bh(1) db = bh(3)-bh(1) 108 xl = xl-db if (pgsf(xl,iz,c,a,bh)) 108,108,109 109 sgn = -1. cbp(1) = cmplx(bcrh(xl,bh(1),iz,c,a,bh,pgsf,sgn),0.) is = 2 110 if = iz-1 if (modiz) 111,112,111 111 if (a(1)) 112,142,115 112 xr = bh(iz) db = bh(iz)-bh(iz-2) 113 xr = xr+db if (pgsf(xr,iz,c,a,bh)) 113,114,114 114 sgn = 1. cbp(iz) = cmplx(bcrh(bh(iz),xr,iz,c,a,bh,pgsf,sgn),0.) if = iz-2 115 do 136 ig=is,if,2 xl = bh(ig) xr = bh(ig+1) sgn = -1. xm = bcrh(xl,xr,iz,c,a,bh,pppsf,sgn) psg = pgsf(xm,iz,c,a,bh) if (abs(psg)-eps) 118,118,116 116 if (psg*ppgsf(xm,iz,c,a,bh)) 117,118,119 c c case of a real zero c 117 sgn = 1. cbp(ig) = cmplx(bcrh(bh(ig),xm,iz,c,a,bh,pgsf,sgn),0.) sgn = -1. cbp(ig+1) = cmplx(bcrh(xm,bh(ig+1),iz,c,a,bh,pgsf,sgn),0.) go to 136 c c case of a multiple zero c 118 cbp(ig) = cmplx(xm,0.) cbp(ig+1) = cmplx(xm,0.) go to 136 c c case of a complex zero c 119 it = 0 icv = 0 cx = cmplx(xm,0.) 120 fsg = (1.,0.) hsg = (1.,0.) fp = (0.,0.) fpp = (0.,0.) do 121 j=1,iz dd = 1./(cx-bh(j)) fsg = fsg*a(j)*dd hsg = hsg*c(j)*dd fp = fp+dd fpp = fpp-dd*dd 121 continue if (modiz) 123,122,123 122 f = (1.,0.)-fsg-hsg go to 124 123 f = (1.,0.)+fsg+hsg 124 i3 = 0 if (cabs(fp)) 126,126,125 125 i3 = 1 r3 = -f/fp 126 i2 = 0 if (cabs(fpp)) 132,132,127 127 i2 = 1 cdis = csqrt(fp**2-2.*f*fpp) r1 = cdis-fp r2 = -fp-cdis if (cabs(r1)-cabs(r2)) 129,129,128 128 r1 = r1/fpp go to 130 129 r1 = r2/fpp 130 r2 = 2.*f/fpp/r1 if (cabs(r2) .lt. cabs(r1)) r1 = r2 if (i3) 133,133,131 131 if (cabs(r3) .lt. cabs(r1)) r1 = r3 go to 133 132 r1 = r3 133 cx = cx+r1 it = it+1 if (it .gt. 50) go to 142 if (cabs(r1) .gt. scnv) go to 120 if (icv) 134,134,135 134 icv = 1 go to 120 135 cbp(ig) = cx cbp(ig+1) = conjg(cx) 136 continue if (cabs(cbp(n))-cabs(cbp(1))) 137,142,139 137 nhalf = n/2 do 138 j=1,nhalf nt = n-j cx = cbp(j) cbp(j) = cbp(nt+1) cbp(nt+1) = cx 138 continue 139 ncmplx = 1 do 140 j=2,iz if (aimag(cbp(j))) 143,140,143 140 continue ncmplx = 0 do 141 j=2,iz bp(j) = real(cbp(j)) 141 continue go to 143 142 ierror = 4 143 continue return end subroutine cproc (nd,bd,nm1,bm1,nm2,bm2,na,aa,x,y,m,a,b,c,d,w,yy) c*********************************************************************72 c cc CPROC applies a sequence of matrix operations to the vector x and c stores the result in y c aa array containing scalar multipliers of the vector x c nd,nm1,nm2 are the lengths of the arrays bd,bm1,bm2 respectively c bd,bm1,bm2 are arrays containing roots of certian b polynomials c na is the length of the array aa c x,y the matrix operations are applied to x and the result is y c a,b,c are arrays which contain the tridiagonal matrix c m is the order of the matrix c d,w are work arrays c isgn determines whether or not a change in sign is made c complex y ,d ,w ,bd , & crt ,den ,y1 ,y2 , & x ,a ,b ,c dimension a(*) ,b(*) ,c(*) ,x(*) , & y(*) ,d(*) ,w(*) ,bd(*) , & bm1(*) ,bm2(*) ,aa(*) ,yy(*) do j=1,m y(j) = x(j) end do mm = m-1 id = nd m1 = nm1 m2 = nm2 ia = na 102 iflg = 0 if (id) 109,109,103 103 crt = bd(id) id = id-1 c c begin solution to system c d(m) = a(m)/(b(m)-crt) w(m) = y(m)/(b(m)-crt) do 104 j=2,mm k = m-j den = b(k+1)-crt-c(k+1)*d(k+2) d(k+1) = a(k+1)/den w(k+1) = (y(k+1)-c(k+1)*w(k+2))/den 104 continue den = b(1)-crt-c(1)*d(2) if (cabs(den)) 105,106,105 105 y(1) = (y(1)-c(1)*w(2))/den go to 107 106 y(1) = (1.,0.) 107 do 108 j=2,m y(j) = w(j)-d(j)*y(j-1) 108 continue 109 if (m1) 110,110,112 110 if (m2) 121,121,111 111 rt = bm2(m2) m2 = m2-1 go to 117 112 if (m2) 113,113,114 113 rt = bm1(m1) m1 = m1-1 go to 117 114 if (abs(bm1(m1))-abs(bm2(m2))) 116,116,115 115 rt = bm1(m1) m1 = m1-1 go to 117 116 rt = bm2(m2) m2 = m2-1 117 y1 = (b(1)-rt)*y(1)+c(1)*y(2) if (mm-2) 120,118,118 c c matrix multiplication c 118 do 119 j=2,mm y2 = a(j)*y(j-1)+(b(j)-rt)*y(j)+c(j)*y(j+1) y(j-1) = y1 y1 = y2 119 continue 120 y(m) = a(m)*y(m-1)+(b(m)-rt)*y(m) y(m-1) = y1 iflg = 1 go to 102 121 if (ia) 124,124,122 122 rt = aa(ia) ia = ia-1 iflg = 1 c c scalar multiplication c do 123 j=1,m y(j) = rt*y(j) 123 continue 124 if (iflg) 125,125,102 125 return end subroutine cprocp (nd,bd,nm1,bm1,nm2,bm2,na,aa,x,y,m,a,b,c,d,u,yy) c*********************************************************************72 c cc CPROCP applies a sequence of matrix operations to the vector x and c stores the result in y c c bd,bm1,bm2 are arrays containing roots of certian b polynomials c nd,nm1,nm2 are the lengths of the arrays bd,bm1,bm2 respectively c aa array containing scalar multipliers of the vector x c na is the length of the array aa c x,y the matrix operations are applied to x and the result is y c a,b,c are arrays which contain the tridiagonal matrix c m is the order of the matrix c d,u are work arrays c isgn determines whether or not a change in sign is made c complex y ,d ,u ,v , & den ,bh ,ym ,am , & y1 ,y2 ,yh ,bd , & crt ,x ,a ,b ,c dimension a(*) ,b(*) ,c(*) ,x(*) , & y(*) ,d(*) ,u(*) ,bd(*) , & bm1(*) ,bm2(*) ,aa(*) ,yy(*) do j=1,m y(j) = x(j) end do mm = m-1 mm2 = m-2 id = nd m1 = nm1 m2 = nm2 ia = na 102 iflg = 0 if (id) 111,111,103 103 crt = bd(id) id = id-1 iflg = 1 c c begin solution to system c bh = b(m)-crt ym = y(m) den = b(1)-crt d(1) = c(1)/den u(1) = a(1)/den y(1) = y(1)/den v = c(m) if (mm2-2) 106,104,104 104 do 105 j=2,mm2 den = b(j)-crt-a(j)*d(j-1) d(j) = c(j)/den u(j) = -a(j)*u(j-1)/den y(j) = (y(j)-a(j)*y(j-1))/den bh = bh-v*u(j-1) ym = ym-v*y(j-1) v = -v*d(j-1) 105 continue 106 den = b(m-1)-crt-a(m-1)*d(m-2) d(m-1) = (c(m-1)-a(m-1)*u(m-2))/den y(m-1) = (y(m-1)-a(m-1)*y(m-2))/den am = a(m)-v*d(m-2) bh = bh-v*u(m-2) ym = ym-v*y(m-2) den = bh-am*d(m-1) if (cabs(den)) 107,108,107 107 y(m) = (ym-am*y(m-1))/den go to 109 108 y(m) = (1.,0.) 109 y(m-1) = y(m-1)-d(m-1)*y(m) do 110 j=2,mm k = m-j y(k) = y(k)-d(k)*y(k+1)-u(k)*y(m) 110 continue 111 if (m1) 112,112,114 112 if (m2) 123,123,113 113 rt = bm2(m2) m2 = m2-1 go to 119 114 if (m2) 115,115,116 115 rt = bm1(m1) m1 = m1-1 go to 119 116 if (abs(bm1(m1))-abs(bm2(m2))) 118,118,117 117 rt = bm1(m1) m1 = m1-1 go to 119 118 rt = bm2(m2) m2 = m2-1 c c matrix multiplication c 119 yh = y(1) y1 = (b(1)-rt)*y(1)+c(1)*y(2)+a(1)*y(m) if (mm-2) 122,120,120 120 do 121 j=2,mm y2 = a(j)*y(j-1)+(b(j)-rt)*y(j)+c(j)*y(j+1) y(j-1) = y1 y1 = y2 121 continue 122 y(m) = a(m)*y(m-1)+(b(m)-rt)*y(m)+c(m)*yh y(m-1) = y1 iflg = 1 go to 102 123 if (ia) 126,126,124 124 rt = aa(ia) ia = ia-1 iflg = 1 c c scalar multiplication c do 125 j=1,m y(j) = rt*y(j) 125 continue 126 if (iflg) 127,127,102 127 return end subroutine cprod (nd,bd,nm1,bm1,nm2,bm2,na,aa,x,yy,m,a,b,c,d,w,y) c*********************************************************************72 c cc cprod applies a sequence of matrix operations to the vector x and c stores the result in yy (complex case) c aa array containing scalar multipliers of the vector x c nd,nm1,nm2 are the lengths of the arrays bd,bm1,bm2 respectively c bd,bm1,bm2 are arrays containing roots of certian b polynomials c na is the length of the array aa c x,yy the matrix operations are applied to x and the result is yy c a,b,c are arrays which contain the tridiagonal matrix c m is the order of the matrix c d,w,y are working arrays c isgn determines whether or not a change in sign is made c integer na integer nd integer nm1 integer nm2 c real aa(na) complex bd(nd) real x(m) complex y(m) complex d ,w , & crt ,den ,y1 ,y2 dimension a(*) ,b(*) ,c(*) , & d(*) ,w(*) , & bm1(*) ,bm2(*) ,yy(*) c do 101 j=1,m y(j) = cmplx(x(j),0.) 101 continue mm = m-1 id = nd m1 = nm1 m2 = nm2 ia = na 102 iflg = 0 if (id) 109,109,103 103 crt = bd(id) id = id-1 c c begin solution to system c d(m) = a(m)/(b(m)-crt) w(m) = y(m)/(b(m)-crt) do 104 j=2,mm k = m-j den = b(k+1)-crt-c(k+1)*d(k+2) d(k+1) = a(k+1)/den w(k+1) = (y(k+1)-c(k+1)*w(k+2))/den 104 continue den = b(1)-crt-c(1)*d(2) if (cabs(den)) 105,106,105 105 y(1) = (y(1)-c(1)*w(2))/den go to 107 106 y(1) = (1.,0.) 107 do 108 j=2,m y(j) = w(j)-d(j)*y(j-1) 108 continue 109 if (m1) 110,110,112 110 if (m2) 121,121,111 111 rt = bm2(m2) m2 = m2-1 go to 117 112 if (m2) 113,113,114 113 rt = bm1(m1) m1 = m1-1 go to 117 114 if (abs(bm1(m1))-abs(bm2(m2))) 116,116,115 115 rt = bm1(m1) m1 = m1-1 go to 117 116 rt = bm2(m2) m2 = m2-1 117 y1 = (b(1)-rt)*y(1)+c(1)*y(2) if (mm-2) 120,118,118 c c matrix multiplication c 118 do 119 j=2,mm y2 = a(j)*y(j-1)+(b(j)-rt)*y(j)+c(j)*y(j+1) y(j-1) = y1 y1 = y2 119 continue 120 y(m) = a(m)*y(m-1)+(b(m)-rt)*y(m) y(m-1) = y1 iflg = 1 go to 102 121 if (ia) 124,124,122 122 rt = aa(ia) ia = ia-1 iflg = 1 c c scalar multiplication c do 123 j=1,m y(j) = rt*y(j) 123 continue 124 if (iflg) 125,125,102 125 do 126 j=1,m yy(j) = real(y(j)) 126 continue return end subroutine cprodp (nd,bd,nm1,bm1,nm2,bm2,na,aa,x,yy,m,a,b,c,d,u,y) c*********************************************************************72 c cc cprodp applies a sequence of matrix operations to the vector x and c stores the result in yy periodic boundary conditions c and complex case c c bd,bm1,bm2 are arrays containing roots of certian b polynomials c nd,nm1,nm2 are the lengths of the arrays bd,bm1,bm2 respectively c aa array containing scalar multipliers of the vector x c na is the length of the array aa c x,yy the matrix operations are applied to x and the result is yy c a,b,c are arrays which contain the tridiagonal matrix c m is the order of the matrix c d,u,y are working arrays c isgn determines whether or not a change in sign is made c complex y ,d ,u ,v , & den ,bh ,ym ,am , & y1 ,y2 ,yh ,bd , & crt dimension a(*) ,b(*) ,c(*) ,x(*) , & y(*) ,d(*) ,u(*) ,bd(*) , & bm1(*) ,bm2(*) ,aa(*) ,yy(*) do j=1,m y(j) = cmplx(x(j),0.) end do mm = m-1 mm2 = m-2 id = nd m1 = nm1 m2 = nm2 ia = na 102 iflg = 0 if (id) 111,111,103 103 crt = bd(id) id = id-1 iflg = 1 c c begin solution to system c bh = b(m)-crt ym = y(m) den = b(1)-crt d(1) = c(1)/den u(1) = a(1)/den y(1) = y(1)/den v = cmplx(c(m),0.) if (mm2-2) 106,104,104 104 do 105 j=2,mm2 den = b(j)-crt-a(j)*d(j-1) d(j) = c(j)/den u(j) = -a(j)*u(j-1)/den y(j) = (y(j)-a(j)*y(j-1))/den bh = bh-v*u(j-1) ym = ym-v*y(j-1) v = -v*d(j-1) 105 continue 106 den = b(m-1)-crt-a(m-1)*d(m-2) d(m-1) = (c(m-1)-a(m-1)*u(m-2))/den y(m-1) = (y(m-1)-a(m-1)*y(m-2))/den am = a(m)-v*d(m-2) bh = bh-v*u(m-2) ym = ym-v*y(m-2) den = bh-am*d(m-1) if (cabs(den)) 107,108,107 107 y(m) = (ym-am*y(m-1))/den go to 109 108 y(m) = (1.,0.) 109 y(m-1) = y(m-1)-d(m-1)*y(m) do 110 j=2,mm k = m-j y(k) = y(k)-d(k)*y(k+1)-u(k)*y(m) 110 continue 111 if (m1) 112,112,114 112 if (m2) 123,123,113 113 rt = bm2(m2) m2 = m2-1 go to 119 114 if (m2) 115,115,116 115 rt = bm1(m1) m1 = m1-1 go to 119 116 if (abs(bm1(m1))-abs(bm2(m2))) 118,118,117 117 rt = bm1(m1) m1 = m1-1 go to 119 118 rt = bm2(m2) m2 = m2-1 c c matrix multiplication c 119 yh = y(1) y1 = (b(1)-rt)*y(1)+c(1)*y(2)+a(1)*y(m) if (mm-2) 122,120,120 120 do 121 j=2,mm y2 = a(j)*y(j-1)+(b(j)-rt)*y(j)+c(j)*y(j+1) y(j-1) = y1 y1 = y2 121 continue 122 y(m) = a(m)*y(m-1)+(b(m)-rt)*y(m)+c(m)*yh y(m-1) = y1 iflg = 1 go to 102 123 if (ia) 126,126,124 124 rt = aa(ia) ia = ia-1 iflg = 1 c c scalar multiplication c do 125 j=1,m y(j) = rt*y(j) 125 continue 126 if (iflg) 127,127,102 127 do 128 j=1,m yy(j) = real(y(j)) 128 continue return end subroutine defe4 ( cofx, idmn, usol, grhs ) c*********************************************************************72 c cc DEFE4 first approximates the truncation error given by c trun1(x,y)=dlx**2*tx+dly**2*ty where c tx=afun(x)*uxxxx/12.0+bfun(x)*uxxx/6.0 on the interior and c at the boundaries if periodic(here uxxx,uxxxx are the third c and fourth partial derivatives of u with respect to x). c tx is of the form afun(x)/3.0*(uxxxx/4.0+uxxx/dlx) c at x=a or x=b if the boundary condition there is mixed. c tx=0.0 along specified boundaries. ty has symmetric form c in y with x,afun(x),bfun(x) replaced by y,dfun(y),efun(y). c the second order solution in usol is used to approximate c (via second order finite differencing) the trun1ation error c and the result is added to the right hand side in grhs c and then transferred to usol to be used as a new right c hand side when calling BLKTRI for a fourth order solution. c common /spl4/ kswx ,kswy ,k ,l , & ait ,bit ,cit ,dit , & mit ,nit ,is ,ms , & js ,ns ,dlx ,dly , & tdlx3 ,tdly3 ,dlx4 ,dly4 dimension grhs(idmn,*) ,usol(idmn,*) external cofx c c c compute truncation error approximation over the entire mesh c do 30 i=is,ms xi = ait+float(i-1)*dlx call cofx (xi,ai,bi,ci) do 30 j=js,ns c c compute partial derivative approximations at (xi,yj) c call dx4(usol,idmn,i,j,uxxx,uxxxx) call dy4(usol,idmn,i,j,uyyy,uyyyy) tx = ai*uxxxx/12.0+bi*uxxx/6.0 ty=uyyyy/12.0 c c reset form of trun1ation if at boundary which is non-periodic c if (kswx.eq.1 .or. ( .and. go to 10 tx = ai/3.0*(uxxxx/4.0+uxxx/dlx) 10 if (kswy.eq.1 .or. ( .and. go to 20 ty = (uyyyy/4.0+uyyy/dly)/3.0 20 grhs(i,j)=grhs(i,j)+dly**2*(dlx**2*tx+dly**2*ty) 30 continue c c reset the right hand side in usol c do 60 i=is,ms do 50 j=js,ns usol(i,j) = grhs(i,j) 50 continue 60 continue return end subroutine defer (cofx,cofy,idmn,usol,grhs) c*********************************************************************72 c cc DEFER first approximates the truncation error given by c trun1(x,y)=dlx**2*tx+dly**2*ty where c tx=afun(x)*uxxxx/12.0+bfun(x)*uxxx/6.0 on the interior and c at the boundaries if periodic(here uxxx,uxxxx are the third c and fourth partial derivatives of u with respect to x). c tx is of the form afun(x)/3.0*(uxxxx/4.0+uxxx/dlx) c at x=a or x=b if the boundary condition there is mixed. c tx=0.0 along specified boundaries. ty has symmetric form c in y with x,afun(x),bfun(x) replaced by y,dfun(y),efun(y). c the second order solution in usol is used to approximate c (via second order finite differencing) the trun1ation error c and the result is added to the right hand side in grhs c and then transferred to usol to be used as a new right c hand side when calling BLKTRI for a fourth order solution. c common /splp/ kswx ,kswy ,k ,l , & ait ,bit ,cit ,dit , & mit ,nit ,is ,ms , & js ,ns ,dlx ,dly , & tdlx3 ,tdly3 ,dlx4 ,dly4 dimension grhs(idmn,*) ,usol(idmn,*) external cofx ,cofy c c compute trun1ation error approximation over the entire mesh c do 40 j=js,ns yj = cit+float(j-1)*dly call cofy (yj,dj,ej,fj) do 30 i=is,ms xi = ait+float(i-1)*dlx call cofx (xi,ai,bi,ci) c c compute partial derivative approximations at (xi,yj) c call dx (usol,idmn,i,j,uxxx,uxxxx) call dy (usol,idmn,i,j,uyyy,uyyyy) tx = ai*uxxxx/12.0+bi*uxxx/6.0 ty = dj*uyyyy/12.0+ej*uyyy/6.0 c c reset form of trun1ation if at boundary which is non-periodic c if (kswx.eq.1 .or. ( .and. go to 10 tx = ai/3.0*(uxxxx/4.0+uxxx/dlx) 10 if (kswy.eq.1 .or. ( .and. go to 20 ty = dj/3.0*(uyyyy/4.0+uyyy/dly) 20 grhs(i,j) = grhs(i,j)+dlx**2*tx+dly**2*ty 30 continue 40 continue c c Reset the right hand side in USOL. c do i = is, ms do j = js, ns usol(i,j) = grhs(i,j) end do end do return end subroutine dx (u,idmn,i,j,uxxx,uxxxx) c*********************************************************************72 c cc DX computes second order finite difference c approximations to the third and fourth x c partial derivatives of u at the (i,j) mesh point c common /splp/ kswx ,kswy ,k ,l , & ait ,bit ,cit ,dit , & mit ,nit ,is ,ms , & js ,ns ,dlx ,dly , & tdlx3 ,tdly3 ,dlx4 ,dly4 dimension u(idmn,*) if ( .and. go to 50 if (i .eq. 1) go to 10 if (i .eq. 2) go to 30 if (i .eq. k-1) go to 60 if (i .eq. k) go to 80 c c compute partial derivative approximations at x=a c 10 if (kswx .eq. 1) go to 20 uxxx = (-5.0*u(1,j)+18.0*u(2,j)-24.0*u(3,j)+14.0*u(4,j)- & 3.0*u(5,j))/(tdlx3) uxxxx = (3.0*u(1,j)-14.0*u(2,j)+26.0*u(3,j)-24.0*u(4,j)+ & 11.0*u(5,j)-2.0*u(6,j))/dlx4 return c c periodic at x=a c 20 uxxx = (-u(k-2,j)+2.0*u(k-1,j)-2.0*u(2,j)+u(3,j))/(tdlx3) uxxxx = (u(k-2,j)-4.0*u(k-1,j)+6.0*u(1,j)-4.0*u(2,j)+u(3,j))/dlx4 return c c compute partial derivative approximations at x=a+dlx c 30 if (kswx .eq. 1) go to 40 uxxx = (-3.0*u(1,j)+10.0*u(2,j)-12.0*u(3,j)+6.0*u(4,j)-u(5,j))/ & tdlx3 uxxxx = (2.0*u(1,j)-9.0*u(2,j)+16.0*u(3,j)-14.0*u(4,j)+6.0*u(5,j)- & u(6,j))/dlx4 return c c periodic at x=a+dlx c 40 uxxx = (-u(k-1,j)+2.0*u(1,j)-2.0*u(3,j)+u(4,j))/(tdlx3) uxxxx = (u(k-1,j)-4.0*u(1,j)+6.0*u(2,j)-4.0*u(3,j)+u(4,j))/dlx4 return c c compute partial derivative approximations on the interior c 50 continue uxxx = (-u(i-2,j)+2.0*u(i-1,j)-2.0*u(i+1,j)+u(i+2,j))/tdlx3 uxxxx = (u(i-2,j)-4.0*u(i-1,j)+6.0*u(i,j)-4.0*u(i+1,j)+u(i+2,j))/ & dlx4 return c c compute partial derivative approximations at x=b-dlx c 60 if (kswx .eq. 1) go to 70 uxxx = (u(k-4,j)-6.0*u(k-3,j)+12.0*u(k-2,j)-10.0*u(k-1,j)+ & 3.0*u(k,j))/tdlx3 uxxxx = (-u(k-5,j)+6.0*u(k-4,j)-14.0*u(k-3,j)+16.0*u(k-2,j)- & 9.0*u(k-1,j)+2.0*u(k,j))/dlx4 return c c periodic at x=b-dlx c 70 uxxx = (-u(k-3,j)+2.0*u(k-2,j)-2.0*u(1,j)+u(2,j))/tdlx3 uxxxx = (u(k-3,j)-4.0*u(k-2,j)+6.0*u(k-1,j)-4.0*u(1,j)+u(2,j))/ & dlx4 return c c compute partial derivative approximations at x=b c 80 uxxx = -(3.0*u(k-4,j)-14.0*u(k-3,j)+24.0*u(k-2,j)-18.0*u(k-1,j)+ & 5.0*u(k,j))/tdlx3 uxxxx = (-2.0*u(k-5,j)+11.0*u(k-4,j)-24.0*u(k-3,j)+26.0*u(k-2,j)- & 14.0*u(k-1,j)+3.0*u(k,j))/dlx4 return end subroutine dx4(u,idmn,i,j,uxxx,uxxxx) c*********************************************************************72 c cc DX4 computes second order finite difference c approximations to the third and fourth x c partial derivatives of u at the (i,j) mesh point c common /spl4/ kswx ,kswy ,k ,l , & ait ,bit ,cit ,dit , & mit ,nit ,is ,ms , & js ,ns ,dlx ,dly , & tdlx3 ,tdly3 ,dlx4 ,dly4 dimension u(idmn,*) if ( .and. go to 50 if (i .eq. 1) go to 10 if (i .eq. 2) go to 30 if (i .eq. k-1) go to 60 if (i .eq. k) go to 80 c c compute partial derivative approximations at x=a c 10 if (kswx .eq. 1) go to 20 uxxx = (-5.0*u(1,j)+18.0*u(2,j)-24.0*u(3,j)+14.0*u(4,j)- & 3.0*u(5,j))/(tdlx3) uxxxx = (3.0*u(1,j)-14.0*u(2,j)+26.0*u(3,j)-24.0*u(4,j)+ & 11.0*u(5,j)-2.0*u(6,j))/dlx4 return c c periodic at x=a c 20 uxxx = (-u(k-2,j)+2.0*u(k-1,j)-2.0*u(2,j)+u(3,j))/(tdlx3) uxxxx = (u(k-2,j)-4.0*u(k-1,j)+6.0*u(1,j)-4.0*u(2,j)+u(3,j))/dlx4 return c c compute partial derivative approximations at x=a+dlx c 30 if (kswx .eq. 1) go to 40 uxxx = (-3.0*u(1,j)+10.0*u(2,j)-12.0*u(3,j)+6.0*u(4,j)-u(5,j))/ & tdlx3 uxxxx = (2.0*u(1,j)-9.0*u(2,j)+16.0*u(3,j)-14.0*u(4,j)+6.0*u(5,j)- & u(6,j))/dlx4 return c c periodic at x=a+dlx c 40 uxxx = (-u(k-1,j)+2.0*u(1,j)-2.0*u(3,j)+u(4,j))/(tdlx3) uxxxx = (u(k-1,j)-4.0*u(1,j)+6.0*u(2,j)-4.0*u(3,j)+u(4,j))/dlx4 return c c compute partial derivative approximations on the interior c 50 continue uxxx = (-u(i-2,j)+2.0*u(i-1,j)-2.0*u(i+1,j)+u(i+2,j))/tdlx3 uxxxx = (u(i-2,j)-4.0*u(i-1,j)+6.0*u(i,j)-4.0*u(i+1,j)+u(i+2,j))/ & dlx4 return c c compute partial derivative approximations at x=b-dlx c 60 if (kswx .eq. 1) go to 70 uxxx = (u(k-4,j)-6.0*u(k-3,j)+12.0*u(k-2,j)-10.0*u(k-1,j)+ & 3.0*u(k,j))/tdlx3 uxxxx = (-u(k-5,j)+6.0*u(k-4,j)-14.0*u(k-3,j)+16.0*u(k-2,j)- & 9.0*u(k-1,j)+2.0*u(k,j))/dlx4 return c c periodic at x=b-dlx c 70 uxxx = (-u(k-3,j)+2.0*u(k-2,j)-2.0*u(1,j)+u(2,j))/tdlx3 uxxxx = (u(k-3,j)-4.0*u(k-2,j)+6.0*u(k-1,j)-4.0*u(1,j)+u(2,j))/ & dlx4 return c c compute partial derivative approximations at x=b c 80 uxxx = -(3.0*u(k-4,j)-14.0*u(k-3,j)+24.0*u(k-2,j)-18.0*u(k-1,j)+ & 5.0*u(k,j))/tdlx3 uxxxx = (-2.0*u(k-5,j)+11.0*u(k-4,j)-24.0*u(k-3,j)+26.0*u(k-2,j)- & 14.0*u(k-1,j)+3.0*u(k,j))/dlx4 return end subroutine dy (u,idmn,i,j,uyyy,uyyyy) c*********************************************************************72 c cc DY computes second order finite difference c approximations to the third and fourth y c partial derivatives of u at the (i,j) mesh point c common /splp/ kswx ,kswy ,k ,l , & ait ,bit ,cit ,dit , & mit ,nit ,is ,ms , & js ,ns ,dlx ,dly , & tdlx3 ,tdly3 ,dlx4 ,dly4 dimension u(idmn,*) if ( .and. go to 50 if (j .eq. 1) go to 10 if (j .eq. 2) go to 30 if (j .eq. l-1) go to 60 if (j .eq. l) go to 80 c c compute partial derivative approximations at y=c c 10 if (kswy .eq. 1) go to 20 uyyy = (-5.0*u(i,1)+18.0*u(i,2)-24.0*u(i,3)+14.0*u(i,4)- & 3.0*u(i,5))/tdly3 uyyyy = (3.0*u(i,1)-14.0*u(i,2)+26.0*u(i,3)-24.0*u(i,4)+ & 11.0*u(i,5)-2.0*u(i,6))/dly4 return c c periodic at x=a c 20 uyyy = (-u(i,l-2)+2.0*u(i,l-1)-2.0*u(i,2)+u(i,3))/tdly3 uyyyy = (u(i,l-2)-4.0*u(i,l-1)+6.0*u(i,1)-4.0*u(i,2)+u(i,3))/dly4 return c c compute partial derivative approximations at y=c+dly c 30 if (kswy .eq. 1) go to 40 uyyy = (-3.0*u(i,1)+10.0*u(i,2)-12.0*u(i,3)+6.0*u(i,4)-u(i,5))/ & tdly3 uyyyy = (2.0*u(i,1)-9.0*u(i,2)+16.0*u(i,3)-14.0*u(i,4)+6.0*u(i,5)- & u(i,6))/dly4 return c c periodic at y=c+dly c 40 uyyy = (-u(i,l-1)+2.0*u(i,1)-2.0*u(i,3)+u(i,4))/tdly3 uyyyy = (u(i,l-1)-4.0*u(i,1)+6.0*u(i,2)-4.0*u(i,3)+u(i,4))/dly4 return c c compute partial derivative approximations on the interior c 50 continue uyyy = (-u(i,j-2)+2.0*u(i,j-1)-2.0*u(i,j+1)+u(i,j+2))/tdly3 uyyyy = (u(i,j-2)-4.0*u(i,j-1)+6.0*u(i,j)-4.0*u(i,j+1)+u(i,j+2))/ & dly4 return c c compute partial derivative approximations at y=d-dly c 60 if (kswy .eq. 1) go to 70 uyyy = (u(i,l-4)-6.0*u(i,l-3)+12.0*u(i,l-2)-10.0*u(i,l-1)+ & 3.0*u(i,l))/tdly3 uyyyy = (-u(i,l-5)+6.0*u(i,l-4)-14.0*u(i,l-3)+16.0*u(i,l-2)- & 9.0*u(i,l-1)+2.0*u(i,l))/dly4 return c c periodic at y=d-dly c 70 continue uyyy = (-u(i,l-3)+2.0*u(i,l-2)-2.0*u(i,1)+u(i,2))/tdly3 uyyyy = (u(i,l-3)-4.0*u(i,l-2)+6.0*u(i,l-1)-4.0*u(i,1)+u(i,2))/ & dly4 return c c compute partial derivative approximations at y=d c 80 uyyy = -(3.0*u(i,l-4)-14.0*u(i,l-3)+24.0*u(i,l-2)-18.0*u(i,l-1)+ & 5.0*u(i,l))/tdly3 uyyyy = (-2.0*u(i,l-5)+11.0*u(i,l-4)-24.0*u(i,l-3)+26.0*u(i,l-2)- & 14.0*u(i,l-1)+3.0*u(i,l))/dly4 return end subroutine dy4(u,idmn,i,j,uyyy,uyyyy) c*********************************************************************72 c cc DY4 computes second order finite difference c approximations to the third and fourth y c partial derivatives of u at the (i,j) mesh point c common /spl4/ kswx ,kswy ,k ,l , & ait ,bit ,cit ,dit , & mit ,nit ,is ,ms , & js ,ns ,dlx ,dly , & tdlx3 ,tdly3 ,dlx4 ,dly4 dimension u(idmn,*) if ( .and. go to 50 if (j .eq. 1) go to 10 if (j .eq. 2) go to 30 if (j .eq. l-1) go to 60 if (j .eq. l) go to 80 c c compute partial derivative approximations at y=c c 10 if (kswy .eq. 1) go to 20 uyyy = (-5.0*u(i,1)+18.0*u(i,2)-24.0*u(i,3)+14.0*u(i,4)- & 3.0*u(i,5))/tdly3 uyyyy = (3.0*u(i,1)-14.0*u(i,2)+26.0*u(i,3)-24.0*u(i,4)+ & 11.0*u(i,5)-2.0*u(i,6))/dly4 return c c periodic at x=a c 20 uyyy = (-u(i,l-2)+2.0*u(i,l-1)-2.0*u(i,2)+u(i,3))/tdly3 uyyyy = (u(i,l-2)-4.0*u(i,l-1)+6.0*u(i,1)-4.0*u(i,2)+u(i,3))/dly4 return c c compute partial derivative approximations at y=c+dly c 30 if (kswy .eq. 1) go to 40 uyyy = (-3.0*u(i,1)+10.0*u(i,2)-12.0*u(i,3)+6.0*u(i,4)-u(i,5))/ & tdly3 uyyyy = (2.0*u(i,1)-9.0*u(i,2)+16.0*u(i,3)-14.0*u(i,4)+6.0*u(i,5)- & u(i,6))/dly4 return c c periodic at y=c+dly c 40 uyyy = (-u(i,l-1)+2.0*u(i,1)-2.0*u(i,3)+u(i,4))/tdly3 uyyyy = (u(i,l-1)-4.0*u(i,1)+6.0*u(i,2)-4.0*u(i,3)+u(i,4))/dly4 return c c compute partial derivative approximations on the interior c 50 continue uyyy = (-u(i,j-2)+2.0*u(i,j-1)-2.0*u(i,j+1)+u(i,j+2))/tdly3 uyyyy = (u(i,j-2)-4.0*u(i,j-1)+6.0*u(i,j)-4.0*u(i,j+1)+u(i,j+2))/ & dly4 return c c compute partial derivative approximations at y=d-dly c 60 if (kswy .eq. 1) go to 70 uyyy = (u(i,l-4)-6.0*u(i,l-3)+12.0*u(i,l-2)-10.0*u(i,l-1)+ & 3.0*u(i,l))/tdly3 uyyyy = (-u(i,l-5)+6.0*u(i,l-4)-14.0*u(i,l-3)+16.0*u(i,l-2)- & 9.0*u(i,l-1)+2.0*u(i,l))/dly4 return c c periodic at y=d-dly c 70 continue uyyy = (-u(i,l-3)+2.0*u(i,l-2)-2.0*u(i,1)+u(i,2))/tdly3 uyyyy = (u(i,l-3)-4.0*u(i,l-2)+6.0*u(i,l-1)-4.0*u(i,1)+u(i,2))/ & dly4 return c c compute partial derivative approximations at y=d c 80 uyyy = -(3.0*u(i,l-4)-14.0*u(i,l-3)+24.0*u(i,l-2)-18.0*u(i,l-1)+ & 5.0*u(i,l))/tdly3 uyyyy = (-2.0*u(i,l-5)+11.0*u(i,l-4)-24.0*u(i,l-3)+26.0*u(i,l-2)- & 14.0*u(i,l-1)+3.0*u(i,l))/dly4 return end function epmach () c*********************************************************************72 c cc EPMACH computes an approximate machiine epsilon (accuracy) c common /value/ v eps = 1. 101 eps = eps/10. call store (eps+1.) if (v-1.) 102,102,101 102 epmach = 100.*eps return end subroutine fdump c*********************************************************************72 c cc FDUMP creates an error dump. c c***BEGIN PROLOGUE FDUMP c***PURPOSE Symbolic dump (should be locally written). c***LIBRARY SLATEC (XERROR) c***CATEGORY R3 c***TYPE ALL (FDUMP-A) c***KEYWORDS ERROR, XERMSG c***AUTHOR Jones, R. E., (SNLA) c***DESCRIPTION c c ***Note*** Machine Dependent Routine c FDUMP is intended to be replaced by a locally written c version which produces a symbolic dump. Failing this, c it should be replaced by a version which prints the c subprogram nesting list. Note that this dump must be c printed on each of up to five files, as indicated by the c XGETUA routine. See XSETUA and XGETUA for details. c c Written by Ron Jones, with SLATEC Common Math Library Subcommittee c c***REFERENCES (NONE) c***ROUTINES CALLED (NONE) c***REVISION HISTORY (YYMMDD) c 790801 DATE WRITTEN c 861211 REVISION DATE from Version 3.2 c 891214 Prologue converted to Version 4.0 format. (BAB) c***END PROLOGUE FDUMP c***FIRST EXECUTABLE STATEMENT FDUMP return end subroutine genbun (nperod,n,mperod,m,a,b,c,idimy,y,ierror,w) c*********************************************************************72 c cc GENBUN: generalized Buneman algorithm, linear equation solver. c c * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * c * * c * f i s h p a k * c * * c * * c * a package of fortran subprograms for the solution of * c * * c * separable elliptic partial differential equations * c * * c * (version 3.1 , october 1980) * c * * c * by * c * * c * john adams, paul swarztrauber and roland sweet * c * * c * of * c * * c * the national center for atmospheric research * c * * c * boulder, colorado (80307) u.s.a. * c * * c * which is sponsored by * c * * c * the national science foundation * c * * c * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * c c c * * * * * * * * * purpose * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * c c c genbun solves the linear system of equations c c a(i)*x(i-1,j) + b(i)*x(i,j) + c(i)*x(i+1,j) c c + x(i,j-1) - 2.*x(i,j) + x(i,j+1) = y(i,j) c c for i = 1,2,...,m and j = 1,2,...,n. c c the indices i+1 and i-1 are evaluated modulo m, i.e., c x(0,j) = x(m,j) and x(m+1,j) = x(1,j), and x(i,0) may be equal to c 0, x(i,2), or x(i,n) and x(i,n+1) may be equal to 0, x(i,n-1), or c x(i,1) depending on an input parameter. c c c * * * * * * * * parameter description * * * * * * * * * * c c * * * * * * on input * * * * * * c c nperod c indicates the values that x(i,0) and x(i,n+1) are assumed to c have. c c = 0 if x(i,0) = x(i,n) and x(i,n+1) = x(i,1). c = 1 if x(i,0) = x(i,n+1) = 0 . c = 2 if x(i,0) = 0 and x(i,n+1) = x(i,n-1). c = 3 if x(i,0) = x(i,2) and x(i,n+1) = x(i,n-1). c = 4 if x(i,0) = x(i,2) and x(i,n+1) = 0. c c n c the number of unknowns in the j-direction. n must be greater c than 2. c c mperod c = 0 if a(1) and c(m) are not zero c = 1 if a(1) = c(m) = 0 c c m c the number of unknowns in the i-direction. m must be greater c than 2. c c a,b,c c one-dimensional arrays of length m that specify the c coefficients in the linear equations given above. if mperod = 0 c the array elements must not depend upon the index i, but must be c constant. specifically, the subroutine checks the following c condition c c a(i) = c(1) c c(i) = c(1) c b(i) = b(1) c c for i=1,2,...,m. c c idimy c the row (or first) dimension of the two-dimensional array y as c it appears in the program calling genbun. this parameter is c used to specify the variable dimension of y. idimy must be at c least m. c c y c a two-dimensional array that specifies the values of the right c side of the linear system of equations given above. y must be c dimensioned at least m*n. c c w c a one-dimensional array that must be provided by the user for c work space. w may require up to 4*n + (10 + int(log2(n)))*m c locations. the actual number of locations used is computed by c genbun and is returned in location w(1). c c c * * * * * * on output * * * * * * c c y c contains the solution x. c c ierror c an error flag that indicates invalid input parameters except c for number zero, a solution is not attempted. c c = 0 no error. c = 1 m .le. 2 . c = 2 n .le. 2 c = 3 idimy .lt. m c = 4 nperod .lt. 0 or nperod .gt. 4 c = 5 mperod .lt. 0 or mperod .gt. 1 c = 6 a(i) .ne. c(1) or c(i) .ne. c(1) or b(i) .ne. b(1) for c some i=1,2,...,m. c = 7 a(1) .ne. 0 or c(m) .ne. 0 and mperod = 1 c c w c w(1) contains the required length of w. c c * * * * * * * program specifications * * * * * * * * * * * * c c dimension of a(m),b(m),c(m),y(idimy,n),w(see parameter list) c arguments c c latest june 1, 1976 c revision c c subprograms genbun,poisd2,poisn2,poisp2,cosgen,merge,trix,tri3, c required pimach c c special none c conditions c c common none c blocks c c i/o none c c precision single c c specialist roland sweet c c language fortran c c history standardized april 1, 1973 c revised august 20,1973 c revised january 1, 1976 c c algorithm the linear system is solved by a cyclic reduction c algorithm described in the reference. c c space 4944(decimal) = 11520(octal) locations on the ncar c required control data 7600 c c timing and the execution time t on the ncar control data c accuracy 7600 for subroutine genbun is roughly proportional c to m*n*log2(n), but also depends on the input c parameter nperod. some typical values are listed c in the table below. more comprehensive timing c charts may be found in the reference. c to measure the accuracy of the algorithm a c uniform random number generator was used to create c a solution array x for the system given in the c 'purpose' with c c a(i) = c(i) = -0.5*b(i) = 1, i=1,2,...,m c c and, when mperod = 1 c c a(1) = c(m) = 0 c a(m) = c(1) = 2. c c the solution x was substituted into the given sys- c tem and, using double precision, a right side y was c computed. using this array y subroutine genbun was c called to produce an approximate solution z. then c the relative error, defined as c c e = max(abs(z(i,j)-x(i,j)))/max(abs(x(i,j))) c c where the two maxima are taken over all i=1,2,...,m c and j=1,2,...,n, was computed. the value of e is c given in the table below for some typical values of c m and n. c c c m (=n) mperod nperod t(msecs) e c ------ ------ ------ -------- ------ c c 31 0 0 36 6.e-14 c 31 1 1 21 4.e-13 c 31 1 3 41 3.e-13 c 32 0 0 29 9.e-14 c 32 1 1 32 3.e-13 c 32 1 3 48 1.e-13 c 33 0 0 36 9.e-14 c 33 1 1 30 4.e-13 c 33 1 3 34 1.e-13 c 63 0 0 150 1.e-13 c 63 1 1 91 1.e-12 c 63 1 3 173 2.e-13 c 64 0 0 122 1.e-13 c 64 1 1 128 1.e-12 c 64 1 3 199 6.e-13 c 65 0 0 143 2.e-13 c 65 1 1 120 1.e-12 c 65 1 3 138 4.e-13 c c portability american national standards institue fortran. c all machine dependent constants are located in the c function pimach. c c required cos c resident c routines c c reference sweet, r., 'a cyclic reduction algorithm for c solving block tridiagonal systems of arbitrary c dimensions,' siam j. on numer. anal., c 14(sept., 1977), pp. 706-720. c c * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * c c dimension y(idimy,1) dimension w(1) ,b(1) ,a(1) ,c(1) ierror = 0 if (m .le. 2) ierror = 1 if (n .le. 2) ierror = 2 if (idimy .lt. m) ierror = 3 if ( .or. ierror = 4 if ( .or. ierror = 5 if (mperod .eq. 1) go to 102 do 101 i=2,m if (a(i) .ne. c(1)) go to 103 if (c(i) .ne. c(1)) go to 103 if (b(i) .ne. b(1)) go to 103 101 continue go to 104 102 if (a(1).ne.0. .or. c(m).ne.0.) ierror = 7 go to 104 103 ierror = 6 104 if (ierror .ne. 0) return mp1 = m+1 iwba = mp1 iwbb = iwba+m iwbc = iwbb+m iwb2 = iwbc+m iwb3 = iwb2+m iww1 = iwb3+m iww2 = iww1+m iww3 = iww2+m iwd = iww3+m iwtcos = iwd+m iwp = iwtcos+4*n do 106 i=1,m k = iwba+i-1 w(k) = -a(i) k = iwbc+i-1 w(k) = -c(i) k = iwbb+i-1 w(k) = 2.-b(i) do 105 j=1,n y(i,j) = -y(i,j) 105 continue 106 continue mp = mperod+1 np = nperod+1 go to (114,107),mp 107 go to (108,109,110,111,123),np 108 call poisp2 (m,n,w(iwba),w(iwbb),w(iwbc),y,idimy,w,w(iwb2), & w(iwb3),w(iww1),w(iww2),w(iww3),w(iwd),w(iwtcos), & w(iwp)) go to 112 109 call poisd2 (m,n,1,w(iwba),w(iwbb),w(iwbc),y,idimy,w,w(iww1), & w(iwd),w(iwtcos),w(iwp)) go to 112 110 call poisn2 (m,n,1,2,w(iwba),w(iwbb),w(iwbc),y,idimy,w,w(iwb2), & w(iwb3),w(iww1),w(iww2),w(iww3),w(iwd),w(iwtcos), & w(iwp)) go to 112 111 call poisn2 (m,n,1,1,w(iwba),w(iwbb),w(iwbc),y,idimy,w,w(iwb2), & w(iwb3),w(iww1),w(iww2),w(iww3),w(iwd),w(iwtcos), & w(iwp)) 112 ipstor = w(iww1) irev = 2 if (nperod .eq. 4) go to 124 113 go to (127,133),mp 114 continue c c reorder unknowns when mp =0 c mh = (m+1)/2 mhm1 = mh-1 modd = 1 if (mh*2 .eq. m) modd = 2 do 119 j=1,n do 115 i=1,mhm1 mhpi = mh+i mhmi = mh-i w(i) = y(mhmi,j)-y(mhpi,j) w(mhpi) = y(mhmi,j)+y(mhpi,j) 115 continue w(mh) = 2.*y(mh,j) go to (117,116),modd 116 w(m) = 2.*y(m,j) 117 continue do 118 i=1,m y(i,j) = w(i) 118 continue 119 continue k = iwbc+mhm1-1 i = iwba+mhm1 w(k) = 0. w(i) = 0. w(k+1) = 2.*w(k+1) go to (120,121),modd 120 continue k = iwbb+mhm1-1 w(k) = w(k)-w(i-1) w(iwbc-1) = w(iwbc-1)+w(iwbb-1) go to 122 121 w(iwbb-1) = w(k+1) 122 continue go to 107 c c reverse columns when nperod = 4. c 123 irev = 1 nby2 = n/2 124 do 126 j=1,nby2 mskip = n+1-j do 125 i=1,m a1 = y(i,j) y(i,j) = y(i,mskip) y(i,mskip) = a1 125 continue 126 continue go to (110,113),irev 127 continue do 132 j=1,n do 128 i=1,mhm1 mhmi = mh-i mhpi = mh+i w(mhmi) = .5*(y(mhpi,j)+y(i,j)) w(mhpi) = .5*(y(mhpi,j)-y(i,j)) 128 continue w(mh) = .5*y(mh,j) go to (130,129),modd 129 w(m) = .5*y(m,j) 130 continue do 131 i=1,m y(i,j) = w(i) 131 continue 132 continue 133 continue c c return storage requirements for w array. c w(1) = ipstor+iwp-1 return end subroutine hstcrt (a,b,m,mbdcnd,bda,bdb,c,d,n,nbdcnd,bdc,bdd, & elmbda,f,idimf,pertrb,ierror,w) c*********************************************************************72 c cc HSTCRT: 2D staggered grid Cartesian coordinates five point scheme. c c c * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * c * * c * f i s h p a k * c * * c * * c * a package of fortran subprograms for the solution of * c * * c * separable elliptic partial differential equations * c * * c * (version 3.1 , october 1980) * c * * c * by * c * * c * john adams, paul swarztrauber and roland sweet * c * * c * of * c * * c * the national center for atmospheric research * c * * c * boulder, colorado (80307) u.s.a. * c * * c * which is sponsored by * c * * c * the national science foundation * c * * c * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * c c c * * * * * * * * * purpose * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * c c hstcrt solves the standard five-point finite difference c approximation on a staggered grid to the helmholtz equation in c cartesian coordinates c c (d/dx)(du/dx) + (d/dy)(du/dy) + lambda*u = f(x,y) c c * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * c c * * * * * * * * parameter description * * * * * * * * * * c c * * * * * * on input * * * * * * c c a,b c the range of x, i.e. a .le. x .le. b. a must be less than b. c c m c the number of grid points in the interval (a,b). the grid points c in the x-direction are given by x(i) = a + (i-0.5)dx for c i=1,2,...,m where dx =(b-a)/m. m must be greater than 2. c c mbdcnd c indicates the type of boundary conditions at x = a and x = b. c c = 0 if the solution is periodic in x, c u(m+i,j) = u(i,j). c c = 1 if the solution is specified at x = a and x = b. c c = 2 if the solution is specified at x = a and the derivative c of the solution with respect to x is specified at x = b. c c = 3 if the derivative of the solution with respect to x is c specified at x = a and x = b. c c = 4 if the derivative of the solution with respect to x is c specified at x = a and the solution is specified at x = b. c c bda c a one-dimensional array of length n that specifies the boundary c values (if any) of the solution at x = a. when mbdcnd = 1 or 2, c c bda(j) = u(a,y(j)) , j=1,2,...,n. c c when mbdcnd = 3 or 4, c c bda(j) = (d/dx)u(a,y(j)) , j=1,2,...,n. c c bdb c a one-dimensional array of length n that specifies the boundary c values of the solution at x = b. when mbdcnd = 1 or 4 c c bdb(j) = u(b,y(j)) , j=1,2,...,n. c c when mbdcnd = 2 or 3 c c bdb(j) = (d/dx)u(b,y(j)) , j=1,2,...,n. c c c,d c the range of y, i.e. c .le. y .le. d. c must be less c than d. c c n c the number of unknowns in the interval (c,d). the unknowns in c the y-direction are given by y(j) = c + (j-0.5)dy, c j=1,2,...,n, where dy = (d-c)/n. n must be greater than 2. c c nbdcnd c indicates the type of boundary conditions at y = c c and y = d. c c = 0 if the solution is periodic in y, i.e. c u(i,j) = u(i,n+j). c c = 1 if the solution is specified at y = c and y = d. c c = 2 if the solution is specified at y = c and the derivative c of the solution with respect to y is specified at y = d. c c = 3 if the derivative of the solution with respect to y is c specified at y = c and y = d. c c = 4 if the derivative of the solution with respect to y is c specified at y = c and the solution is specified at y = d. c c bdc c a one dimensional array of length m that specifies the boundary c values of the solution at y = c. when nbdcnd = 1 or 2, c c bdc(i) = u(x(i),c) , i=1,2,...,m. c c when nbdcnd = 3 or 4, c c bdc(i) = (d/dy)u(x(i),c), i=1,2,...,m. c c when nbdcnd = 0, bdc is a dummy variable. c c bdd c a one-dimensional array of length m that specifies the boundary c values of the solution at y = d. when nbdcnd = 1 or 4, c c bdd(i) = u(x(i),d) , i=1,2,...,m. c c when nbdcnd = 2 or 3, c c bdd(i) = (d/dy)u(x(i),d) , i=1,2,...,m. c c when nbdcnd = 0, bdd is a dummy variable. c c elmbda c the constant lambda in the helmholtz equation. if lambda is c greater than 0, a solution may not exist. however, hstcrt will c attempt to find a solution. c c f c a two-dimensional array that specifies the values of the right c side of the helmholtz equation. for i=1,2,...,m and j=1,2,...,n c c f(i,j) = f(x(i),y(j)) . c c f must be dimensioned at least m x n. c c idimf c the row (or first) dimension of the array f as it appears in the c program calling hstcrt. this parameter is used to specify the c variable dimension of f. idimf must be at least m. c c w c a one-dimensional array that must be provided by the user for c work space. w may require up to 13m + 4n + m*int(log2(n)) c locations. the actual number of locations used is computed by c hstcrt and is returned in the location w(1). c c c * * * * * * on output * * * * * * c c f c contains the solution u(i,j) of the finite difference c approximation for the grid point (x(i),y(j)) for c i=1,2,...,m, j=1,2,...,n. c c pertrb c if a combination of periodic or derivative boundary conditions is c specified for a poisson equation (lambda = 0), a solution may not c exist. pertrb is a constant, calculated and subtracted from f, c which ensures that a solution exists. hstcrt then computes this c solution, which is a least squares solution to the original c approximation. this solution plus any constant is also a c solution; hence, the solution is not unique. the value of pertrb c should be small compared to the right side f. otherwise, a c solution is obtained to an essentially different problem. this c comparison should always be made to insure that a meaningful c solution has been obtained. c c ierror c an error flag that indicates invalid input parameters. c except to numbers 0 and 6, a solution is not attempted. c c = 0 no error c c = 1 a .ge. b c c = 2 mbdcnd .lt. 0 or mbdcnd .gt. 4 c c = 3 c .ge. d c c = 4 n .le. 2 c c = 5 nbdcnd .lt. 0 or nbdcnd .gt. 4 c c = 6 lambda .gt. 0 c c = 7 idimf .lt. m c c = 8 m .le. 2 c c since this is the only means of indicating a possibly c incorrect call to hstcrt, the user should test ierror after c the call. c c w c w(1) contains the required length of w. c c c * * * * * * * program specifications * * * * * * * * * * * * c c dimension of bda(n),bdb(n),bdc(m),bdd(m),f(idimf,n), c arguments w(see argument list) c c latest june 1, 1977 c revision c c subprograms hstcrt,poistg,postg2,genbun,poisd2,poisn2,poisp2, c required cosgen,merge,trix,tri3,pimach c c special none c conditions c c common none c blocks c c i/o none c c precision single c c specialist roland sweet c c language fortran c c history written by roland sweet at ncar in january , 1977 c c algorithm this subroutine defines the finite-difference c equations, incorporates boundary data, adjusts the c right side when the system is singular and calls c either poistg or genbun which solves the linear c system of equations. c c space 8131(decimal) = 17703(octal) locations on the c required ncar control data 7600 c c timing and the execution time t on the ncar control data c accuracy 7600 for subroutine hstcrt is roughly proportional c to m*n*log2(n). some typical values are listed in c the table below. c the solution process employed results in a loss c of no more than four significant digits for n and m c as large as 64. more detailed information about c accuracy can be found in the documentation for c poistg which is the routine that c actually solves the finite difference equations. c c c m(=n) mbdcnd nbdcnd t(msecs) c ----- ------ ------ -------- c c 32 1-4 1-4 56 c 64 1-4 1-4 230 c c portability american national standards institute fortran. c all machine dependent constants are located in the c function pimach. c c required cos c resident c routines c c reference schumann, u. and r. sweet,"a direct method for c the solution of poisson"s equation with neumann c boundary conditions on a staggered grid of c arbitrary size," j. comp. phys. 20(1976), c pp. 171-182. c dimension f(idimf,1) ,bda(1) ,bdb(1) ,bdc(1) , & bdd(1) ,w(1) c c check for invalid parameters. c ierror = 0 if (a .ge. b) ierror = 1 if ( .or. ierror = 2 if (c .ge. d) ierror = 3 if (n .le. 2) ierror = 4 if ( .or. ierror = 5 if (idimf .lt. m) ierror = 7 if (m .le. 2) ierror = 8 if (ierror .ne. 0) return nperod = nbdcnd mperod = 0 if (mbdcnd .gt. 0) mperod = 1 deltax = (b-a)/float(m) twdelx = 1./deltax delxsq = 2./deltax**2 deltay = (d-c)/float(n) twdely = 1./deltay delysq = deltay**2 twdysq = 2./delysq np = nbdcnd+1 mp = mbdcnd+1 c c define the a,b,c coefficients in w-array. c id2 = m id3 = id2+m id4 = id3+m s = (deltay/deltax)**2 st2 = 2.*s do 101 i=1,m w(i) = s j = id2+i w(j) = -st2+elmbda*delysq j = id3+i w(j) = s 101 continue c c enter boundary data for x-boundaries. c go to (111,102,102,104,104),mp 102 do 103 j=1,n f(1,j) = f(1,j)-bda(j)*delxsq 103 continue w(id2+1) = w(id2+1)-w(1) go to 106 104 do 105 j=1,n f(1,j) = f(1,j)+bda(j)*twdelx 105 continue w(id2+1) = w(id2+1)+w(1) 106 go to (111,107,109,109,107),mp 107 do 108 j=1,n f(m,j) = f(m,j)-bdb(j)*delxsq 108 continue w(id3) = w(id3)-w(1) go to 111 109 do 110 j=1,n f(m,j) = f(m,j)-bdb(j)*twdelx 110 continue w(id3) = w(id3)+w(1) 111 continue c c enter boundary data for y-boundaries. c go to (121,112,112,114,114),np 112 do 113 i=1,m f(i,1) = f(i,1)-bdc(i)*twdysq 113 continue go to 116 114 do 115 i=1,m f(i,1) = f(i,1)+bdc(i)*twdely 115 continue 116 go to (121,117,119,119,117),np 117 do 118 i=1,m f(i,n) = f(i,n)-bdd(i)*twdysq 118 continue go to 121 119 do 120 i=1,m f(i,n) = f(i,n)-bdd(i)*twdely 120 continue 121 continue do 123 i=1,m do 122 j=1,n f(i,j) = f(i,j)*delysq 122 continue 123 continue if (mperod .eq. 0) go to 124 w(1) = 0. w(id4) = 0. 124 continue pertrb = 0. if (elmbda) 133,126,125 125 ierror = 6 go to 133 126 go to (127,133,133,127,133),mp 127 go to (128,133,133,128,133),np c c for singular problems must adjust data to insure that a solution c will exist. c 128 continue s = 0. do 130 j=1,n do 129 i=1,m s = s+f(i,j) 129 continue 130 continue pertrb = s/float(m*n) do 132 j=1,n do 131 i=1,m f(i,j) = f(i,j)-pertrb 131 continue 132 continue pertrb = pertrb/delysq c c solve the equation. c 133 continue if (nperod .eq. 0) go to 134 call poistg (nperod,n,mperod,m,w(1),w(id2+1),w(id3+1),idimf,f, & ierr1,w(id4+1)) go to 135 134 continue call genbun (nperod,n,mperod,m,w(1),w(id2+1),w(id3+1),idimf,f, & ierr1,w(id4+1)) 135 continue w(1) = w(id4+1)+3.*float(m) return end subroutine hstcs1 (intl,a,b,m,mbdcnd,bda,bdb,c,d,n,nbdcnd,bdc, & bdd,elmbda,f,idimf,pertrb,ierr1,am,bm,cm,an, & bn,cn,snth,rsq,wrk) c*********************************************************************72 c cc HSTCS1 is a utility routine for HSTCSP. c dimension bda(1) ,bdb(1) ,bdc(1) ,bdd(1) , & f(idimf,1) ,am(1) ,bm(1) ,cm(1) , & an(1) ,bn(1) ,cn(1) ,snth(1) , & rsq(1) ,wrk(1) dth = (b-a)/float(m) dthsq = dth*dth do 101 i=1,m snth(i) = sin(a+(float(i)-0.5)*dth) 101 continue dr = (d-c)/float(n) do 102 j=1,n rsq(j) = (c+(float(j)-0.5)*dr)**2 102 continue c c multiply right side by r(j)**2 c do 104 j=1,n x = rsq(j) do 103 i=1,m f(i,j) = x*f(i,j) 103 continue 104 continue c c define coefficients am,bm,cm c x = 1./(2.*cos(dth/2.)) do 105 i=2,m am(i) = (snth(i-1)+snth(i))*x cm(i-1) = am(i) 105 continue am(1) = sin(a) cm(m) = sin(b) do 106 i=1,m x = 1./snth(i) y = x/dthsq am(i) = am(i)*y cm(i) = cm(i)*y bm(i) = elmbda*x*x-am(i)-cm(i) 106 continue c c define coefficients an,bn,cn c x = c/dr do 107 j=1,n an(j) = (x+float(j-1))**2 cn(j) = (x+float(j))**2 bn(j) = -(an(j)+cn(j)) 107 continue isw = 1 nb = nbdcnd if (c.eq.0. .and. nb.eq.2) nb = 6 c c enter data on theta boundaries c go to (108,108,110,110,112,112,108,110,112),mbdcnd 108 bm(1) = bm(1)-am(1) x = 2.*am(1) do 109 j=1,n f(1,j) = f(1,j)-x*bda(j) 109 continue go to 112 110 bm(1) = bm(1)+am(1) x = dth*am(1) do 111 j=1,n f(1,j) = f(1,j)+x*bda(j) 111 continue 112 continue go to (113,115,115,113,113,115,117,117,117),mbdcnd 113 bm(m) = bm(m)-cm(m) x = 2.*cm(m) do 114 j=1,n f(m,j) = f(m,j)-x*bdb(j) 114 continue go to 117 115 bm(m) = bm(m)+cm(m) x = dth*cm(m) do 116 j=1,n f(m,j) = f(m,j)-x*bdb(j) 116 continue 117 continue c c enter data on r boundaries c go to (118,118,120,120,122,122),nb 118 bn(1) = bn(1)-an(1) x = 2.*an(1) do 119 i=1,m f(i,1) = f(i,1)-x*bdc(i) 119 continue go to 122 120 bn(1) = bn(1)+an(1) x = dr*an(1) do 121 i=1,m f(i,1) = f(i,1)+x*bdc(i) 121 continue 122 continue go to (123,125,125,123,123,125),nb 123 bn(n) = bn(n)-cn(n) x = 2.*cn(n) do 124 i=1,m f(i,n) = f(i,n)-x*bdd(i) 124 continue go to 127 125 bn(n) = bn(n)+cn(n) x = dr*cn(n) do 126 i=1,m f(i,n) = f(i,n)-x*bdd(i) 126 continue 127 continue c c check for singular problem. if singular, perturb f. c pertrb = 0. go to (137,137,128,137,137,128,137,128,128),mbdcnd 128 go to (137,137,129,137,137,129),nb 129 if (elmbda) 137,131,130 130 ierr1 = 10 go to 137 131 continue isw = 2 do 133 i=1,m x = 0. do 132 j=1,n x = x+f(i,j) 132 continue pertrb = pertrb+x*snth(i) 133 continue x = 0. do 134 j=1,n x = x+rsq(j) 134 continue pertrb = 2.*(pertrb*sin(dth/2.))/(x*(cos(a)-cos(b))) do 136 j=1,n x = rsq(j)*pertrb do 135 i=1,m f(i,j) = f(i,j)-x 135 continue 136 continue 137 continue a2 = 0. do 138 i=1,m a2 = a2+f(i,1) 138 continue a2 = a2/rsq(1) c c Initialize BLKTRI. c if (intl .ne. 0) go to 139 call blktri (0,1,n,an,bn,cn,1,m,am,bm,cm,idimf,f,ierr1,wrk) 139 continue c c call BLKTRI to solve system of equations. c call blktri (1,1,n,an,bn,cn,1,m,am,bm,cm,idimf,f,ierr1,wrk) if ( .or. .or. go to 143 a1 = 0. a3 = 0. do 140 i=1,m a1 = a1+snth(i)*f(i,1) a3 = a3+snth(i) 140 continue a1 = a1+rsq(1)*a2/2. if (mbdcnd .eq. 3) & a1 = a1+(sin(b)*bdb(1)-sin(a)*bda(1))/(2.*(b-a)) a1 = a1/a3 a1 = bdc(1)-a1 do 142 i=1,m do 141 j=1,n f(i,j) = f(i,j)+a1 141 continue 142 continue 143 continue return end subroutine hstcsp (intl,a,b,m,mbdcnd,bda,bdb,c,d,n,nbdcnd,bdc, & bdd,elmbda,f,idimf,pertrb,ierror,w) c*********************************************************************72 c cc HSTCSP 2D staggered grid axisymmetric spherical coordinates, five point scheme. c c c * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * c * * c * f i s h p a k * c * * c * * c * a package of fortran subprograms for the solution of * c * * c * separable elliptic partial differential equations * c * * c * (version 3.1 , october 1980) * c * * c * by * c * * c * john adams, paul swarztrauber and roland sweet * c * * c * of * c * * c * the national center for atmospheric research * c * * c * boulder, colorado (80307) u.s.a. * c * * c * which is sponsored by * c * * c * the national science foundation * c * * c * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * c c c * * * * * * * * * purpose * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * c c hstcsp solves the standard five-point finite difference c approximation on a staggered grid to the modified helmholtz equation c in spherical coordinates assuming axisymmetry (no dependence on c longitude) c c (1/r**2)(d/dr)(r**2(du/dr)) + c c 1/(r**2*sin(theta))(d/dtheta)(sin(theta)(du/dtheta)) + c c (lambda/(r*sin(theta))**2)u = f(theta,r) c c where theta is colatitude and r is the radial coordinate. c this two-dimensional modified helmholtz equation results from c the fourier transform of the three-dimensional poisson equation. c c * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * c c c * * * * * * * * parameter description * * * * * * * * * * c c c * * * * * * on input * * * * * * c c intl c = 0 on initial entry to hstcsp or if any of the arguments c c, d, n, or nbdcnd are changed from a previous call c c = 1 if c, d, n, and nbdcnd are all unchanged from previous c call to hstcsp c c note: a call with intl = 0 takes approximately 1.5 times as much c time as a call with intl = 1. once a call with intl = 0 c has been made then subsequent solutions corresponding to c different f, bda, bdb, bdc, and bdd can be obtained c faster with intl = 1 since initialization is not repeated. c c a,b c the range of theta (colatitude), i.e. a .le. theta .le. b. a c must be less than b and a must be non-negative. a and b are in c radians. a = 0 corresponds to the north pole and b = pi c corresponds to the south pole. c c * * * important * * * c c if b is equal to pi, then b must be computed using the statement c c b = pimach() c c this insures that b in the user"s program is equal to pi in this c program which permits several tests of the input parameters that c otherwise would not be possible. c c * * * * * * * * * * * * c c m c the number of grid points in the interval (a,b). the grid points c in the theta-direction are given by theta(i) = a + (i-0.5)dtheta c for i=1,2,...,m where dtheta =(b-a)/m. m must be greater than 4. c c mbdcnd c indicates the type of boundary conditions at theta = a and c theta = b. c c = 1 if the solution is specified at theta = a and theta = b. c (see notes 1, 2 below) c c = 2 if the solution is specified at theta = a and the derivative c of the solution with respect to theta is specified at c theta = b (see notes 1, 2 below). c c = 3 if the derivative of the solution with respect to theta is c specified at theta = a (see notes 1, 2 below) and theta = b. c c = 4 if the derivative of the solution with respect to theta is c specified at theta = a (see notes 1, 2 below) and the c solution is specified at theta = b. c c = 5 if the solution is unspecified at theta = a = 0 and the c solution is specified at theta = b. (see note 2 below) c c = 6 if the solution is unspecified at theta = a = 0 and the c derivative of the solution with respect to theta is c specified at theta = b (see note 2 below). c c = 7 if the solution is specified at theta = a and the c solution is unspecified at theta = b = pi. c c = 8 if the derivative of the solution with respect to c theta is specified at theta = a (see note 1 below) c and the solution is unspecified at theta = b = pi. c c = 9 if the solution is unspecified at theta = a = 0 and c theta = b = pi. c c notes: 1. if a = 0, do not use mbdcnd = 1,2,3,4,7 or 8, c but instead use mbdcnd = 5, 6, or 9. c c 2. if b = pi, do not use mbdcnd = 1,2,3,4,5 or 6, c but instead use mbdcnd = 7, 8, or 9. c c when a = 0 and/or b = pi the only meaningful boundary c condition is du/dtheta = 0. (see d. greenspan, 'numerical c analysis of elliptic boundary value problems,' harper and c row, 1965, chapter 5.) c c bda c a one-dimensional array of length n that specifies the boundary c values (if any) of the solution at theta = a. when c mbdcnd = 1, 2, or 7, c c bda(j) = u(a,r(j)) , j=1,2,...,n. c c when mbdcnd = 3, 4, or 8, c c bda(j) = (d/dtheta)u(a,r(j)) , j=1,2,...,n. c c when mbdcnd has any other value, bda is a dummy variable. c c bdb c a one-dimensional array of length n that specifies the boundary c values of the solution at theta = b. when mbdcnd = 1, 4, or 5, c c bdb(j) = u(b,r(j)) , j=1,2,...,n. c c when mbdcnd = 2,3, or 6, c c bdb(j) = (d/dtheta)u(b,r(j)) , j=1,2,...,n. c c when mbdcnd has any other value, bdb is a dummy variable. c c c,d c the range of r , i.e. c .le. r .le. d. c c must be less than d. c must be non-negative. c c n c the number of unknowns in the interval (c,d). the unknowns in c the r-direction are given by r(j) = c + (j-0.5)dr, c j=1,2,...,n, where dr = (d-c)/n. n must be greater than 4. c c nbdcnd c indicates the type of boundary conditions at r = c c and r = d. c c = 1 if the solution is specified at r = c and r = d. c c = 2 if the solution is specified at r = c and the derivative c of the solution with respect to r is specified at c r = d. (see note 1 below) c c = 3 if the derivative of the solution with respect to r is c specified at r = c and r = d. c c = 4 if the derivative of the solution with respect to r is c specified at r = c and the solution is specified at c r = d. c c = 5 if the solution is unspecified at r = c = 0 (see note 2 c below) and the solution is specified at r = d. c c = 6 if the solution is unspecified at r = c = 0 (see note 2 c below) and the derivative of the solution with respect to r c is specified at r = d. c c note 1: if c = 0 and mbdcnd = 3,6,8 or 9, the system of equations c to be solved is singular. the unique solution is c determined by extrapolation to the specification of c u(theta(1),c). but in these cases the right side of the c system will be perturbed by the constant pertrb. c c note 2: nbdcnd = 5 or 6 cannot be used with mbdcnd = 1, 2, 4, 5, c or 7 (the former indicates that the solution is c unspecified at r = 0; the latter indicates that the c solution is specified). use instead nbdcnd = 1 or 2. c c bdc c a one dimensional array of length m that specifies the boundary c values of the solution at r = c. when nbdcnd = 1 or 2, c c bdc(i) = u(theta(i),c) , i=1,2,...,m. c c when nbdcnd = 3 or 4, c c bdc(i) = (d/dr)u(theta(i),c), i=1,2,...,m. c c when nbdcnd has any other value, bdc is a dummy variable. c c bdd c a one-dimensional array of length m that specifies the boundary c values of the solution at r = d. when nbdcnd = 1 or 4, c c bdd(i) = u(theta(i),d) , i=1,2,...,m. c c when nbdcnd = 2 or 3, c c bdd(i) = (d/dr)u(theta(i),d) , i=1,2,...,m. c c when nbdcnd has any other value, bdd is a dummy variable. c c elmbda c the constant lambda in the modified helmholtz equation. if c lambda is greater than 0, a solution may not exist. however, c hstcsp will attempt to find a solution. c c f c a two-dimensional array that specifies the values of the right c side of the modified helmholtz equation. for i=1,2,...,m and c j=1,2,...,n c c f(i,j) = f(theta(i),r(j)) . c c f must be dimensioned at least m x n. c c idimf c the row (or first) dimension of the array f as it appears in the c program calling hstcsp. this parameter is used to specify the c variable dimension of f. idimf must be at least m. c c w c a one-dimensional array that must be provided by the user for c work space. with k = int(log2(n))+1 and l = 2**(k+1), w may c require up to (k-2)*l+k+max(2n,6m)+4(n+m)+5 locations. the c actual number of locations used is computed by hstcsp and is c returned in the location w(1). c c c * * * * * * on output * * * * * * c c f c contains the solution u(i,j) of the finite difference c approximation for the grid point (theta(i),r(j)) for c i=1,2,...,m, j=1,2,...,n. c c pertrb c if a combination of periodic, derivative, or unspecified c boundary conditions is specified for a poisson equation c (lambda = 0), a solution may not exist. pertrb is a con- c stant, calculated and subtracted from f, which ensures c that a solution exists. hstcsp then computes this c solution, which is a least squares solution to the c original approximation. this solution plus any constant is also c a solution; hence, the solution is not unique. the value of c pertrb should be small compared to the right side f. c otherwise, a solution is obtained to an essentially different c problem. this comparison should always be made to insure that c a meaningful solution has been obtained. c c ierror c an error flag that indicates invalid input parameters. c except for numbers 0 and 10, a solution is not attempted. c c = 0 no error c c = 1 a .lt. 0 or b .gt. pi c c = 2 a .ge. b c c = 3 mbdcnd .lt. 1 or mbdcnd .gt. 9 c c = 4 c .lt. 0 c c = 5 c .ge. d c c = 6 nbdcnd .lt. 1 or nbdcnd .gt. 6 c c = 7 n .lt. 5 c c = 8 nbdcnd = 5 or 6 and mbdcnd = 1, 2, 4, 5, or 7 c c = 9 c .gt. 0 and nbdcnd .ge. 5 c c = 10 elmbda .gt. 0 c c = 11 idimf .lt. m c c = 12 m .lt. 5 c c = 13 a = 0 and mbdcnd =1,2,3,4,7 or 8 c c = 14 b = pi and mbdcnd .le. 6 c c = 15 a .gt. 0 and mbdcnd = 5, 6, or 9 c c = 16 b .lt. pi and mbdcnd .ge. 7 c c = 17 lambda .ne. 0 and nbdcnd .ge. 5 c c since this is the only means of indicating a possibly c incorrect call to hstcsp, the user should test ierror after c the call. c c w c w(1) contains the required length of w. also w contains c intermediate values that must not be destroyed if hstcsp c will be called again with intl = 1. c c c * * * * * * * program specifications * * * * * * * * * * * * c c dimension of bda(n),bdb(n),bdc(m),bdd(m),f(idimf,n), c arguments w(see argument list) c c latest june 1979 c revision c c subprograms hstcsp,hstcs1,blktri,blktr1,indxa,indxb,indxc, c required prod,prodp,cprod,cprodp,ppadd,psgf,bsrh,ppsgf, c ppspf,compb,tevls,epmach,store c c special none c conditions c c common cblkt,valu1 c blocks c c i/o none c c precision single c c specialist roland sweet c c language fortran c c history written by roland sweet at ncar in may, 1977 c c algorithm this subroutine defines the finite-difference c equations, incorporates boundary data, adjusts the c right side when the system is singular and calls c blktri which solves the linear system of equations. c c space 5269(decimal) = 12225(octal) locations on the c required ncar control data 7600 c c timing and the execution time t on the ncar control data c accuracy 7600 for subroutine hstcsp is roughly proportional c to m*n*log2(n), but depends on the input parameter c intl. some values are listed in the table below. c the solution process employed results in a loss c of no more than four significant digits for n and m c as large as 64. more detailed information about c accuracy can be found in the documentation for c blktri which is the routine that c actually solves the finite difference equations. c c c m(=n) intl mbdcnd(=nbdcnd) t(msecs) c ----- ---- --------------- -------- c c 32 0 1-6 132 c 32 1 1-6 88 c 64 0 1-6 546 c 64 1 1-6 380 c c portability american national standards institute fortran. c an approximate machine epsilon is computed in c function pimach. c c required cos,sin,cabs,csqrt c resident c routines c c reference swarztrauber, p.n., "a direct method for the c discrete solution of separable elliptic equations," c SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis 11(1974), pp. 1136-1150. c arbitrary size," j. comp. phys. 20(1976), c pp. 171-182. c c * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * c dimension f(idimf,1) ,bda(1) ,bdb(1) ,bdc(1) , & bdd(1) ,w(1) pi = pimach() c c check for invalid input parameters c ierror = 0 if ( .or. ierror = 1 if (a .ge. b) ierror = 2 if ( .or. ierror = 3 if (c .lt. 0.) ierror = 4 if (c .ge. d) ierror = 5 if ( .or. ierror = 6 if (n .lt. 5) ierror = 7 if ((nbdcnd.eq.5 .or. nbdcnd.eq.6) .and. (mbdcnd.eq.1 .or. & mbdcnd.eq.2 .or. mbdcnd.eq.4 .or. mbdcnd.eq.5 .or. & mbdcnd.eq.7)) & ierror = 8 if ( .and. ierror = 9 if (idimf .lt. m) ierror = 11 if (m .lt. 5) ierror = 12 if (a.eq.0. .and. .and. .and. & ierror = 13 if (b.eq.pi .and. mbdcnd.le.6) ierror = 14 if ( .and. (mbdcnd.eq.5 .or. mbdcnd.eq.6 .or. mbdcnd.eq.9)) & ierror = 15 if ( .and. ierror = 16 if ( .and. ierror = 17 if (ierror .ne. 0) go to 101 iwbm = m+1 iwcm = iwbm+m iwan = iwcm+m iwbn = iwan+n iwcn = iwbn+n iwsnth = iwcn+n iwrsq = iwsnth+m iwwrk = iwrsq+n ierr1 = 0 call hstcs1 (intl,a,b,m,mbdcnd,bda,bdb,c,d,n,nbdcnd,bdc,bdd, & elmbda,f,idimf,pertrb,ierr1,w,w(iwbm),w(iwcm), & w(iwan),w(iwbn),w(iwcn),w(iwsnth),w(iwrsq),w(iwwrk)) w(1) = w(iwwrk)+float(iwwrk-1) ierror = ierr1 101 continue return end subroutine hstcyl (a,b,m,mbdcnd,bda,bdb,c,d,n,nbdcnd,bdc,bdd, & elmbda,f,idimf,pertrb,ierror,w) c*********************************************************************72 c cc HSTCYL 2D staggered grid cylindrical coordinates five point scheme. c c * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * c * * c * f i s h p a k * c * * c * * c * a package of fortran subprograms for the solution of * c * * c * separable elliptic partial differential equations * c * * c * (version 3.1 , october 1980) * c * * c * by * c * * c * john adams, paul swarztrauber and roland sweet * c * * c * of * c * * c * the national center for atmospheric research * c * * c * boulder, colorado (80307) u.s.a. * c * * c * which is sponsored by * c * * c * the national science foundation * c * * c * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * c c c * * * * * * * * * purpose * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * c c hstcyl solves the standard five-point finite difference c approximation on a staggered grid to the modified helmholtz c equation in cylindrical coordinates c c (1/r)(d/dr)(r(du/dr)) + (d/dz)(du/dz) c c + lambda*(1/r**2)*u = f(r,z) c c this two-dimensional modified helmholtz equation results c from the fourier transform of a three-dimensional poisson c equation. c c * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * c c * * * * * * * * parameter description * * * * * * * * * * c c * * * * * * on input * * * * * * c c a,b c the range of r, i.e. a .le. r .le. b. a must be less than b and c a must be non-negative. c c m c the number of grid points in the interval (a,b). the grid points c in the r-direction are given by r(i) = a + (i-0.5)dr for c i=1,2,...,m where dr =(b-a)/m. m must be greater than 2. c c mbdcnd c indicates the type of boundary conditions at r = a and r = b. c c = 1 if the solution is specified at r = a (see note below) and c r = b. c c = 2 if the solution is specified at r = a (see note below) and c the derivative of the solution with respect to r is c specified at r = b. c c = 3 if the derivative of the solution with respect to r is c specified at r = a (see note below) and r = b. c c = 4 if the derivative of the solution with respect to r is c specified at r = a (see note below) and the solution is c specified at r = b. c c = 5 if the solution is unspecified at r = a = 0 and the solution c is specified at r = b. c c = 6 if the solution is unspecified at r = a = 0 and the c derivative of the solution with respect to r is specified at c r = b. c c note: if a = 0, do not use mbdcnd = 1,2,3, or 4, but instead c use mbdcnd = 5 or 6. the resulting approximation gives c the only meaningful boundary condition, i.e. du/dr = 0. c (see d. greenspan, 'introductory numerical analysis of c elliptic boundary value problems,' harper and row, 1965, c chapter 5.) c c bda c a one-dimensional array of length n that specifies the boundary c values (if any) of the solution at r = a. when mbdcnd = 1 or 2, c c bda(j) = u(a,z(j)) , j=1,2,...,n. c c when mbdcnd = 3 or 4, c c bda(j) = (d/dr)u(a,z(j)) , j=1,2,...,n. c c when mbdcnd = 5 or 6, bda is a dummy variable. c c bdb c a one-dimensional array of length n that specifies the boundary c values of the solution at r = b. when mbdcnd = 1,4, or 5, c c bdb(j) = u(b,z(j)) , j=1,2,...,n. c c when mbdcnd = 2,3, or 6, c c bdb(j) = (d/dr)u(b,z(j)) , j=1,2,...,n. c c c,d c the range of z, i.e. c .le. z .le. d. c must be less c than d. c c n c the number of unknowns in the interval (c,d). the unknowns in c the z-direction are given by z(j) = c + (j-0.5)dz, c j=1,2,...,n, where dz = (d-c)/n. n must be greater than 2. c c nbdcnd c indicates the type of boundary conditions at z = c c and z = d. c c = 0 if the solution is periodic in z, i.e. c u(i,j) = u(i,n+j). c c = 1 if the solution is specified at z = c and z = d. c c = 2 if the solution is specified at z = c and the derivative c of the solution with respect to z is specified at c z = d. c c = 3 if the derivative of the solution with respect to z is c specified at z = c and z = d. c c = 4 if the derivative of the solution with respect to z is c specified at z = c and the solution is specified at c z = d. c c bdc c a one dimensional array of length m that specifies the boundary c values of the solution at z = c. when nbdcnd = 1 or 2, c c bdc(i) = u(r(i),c) , i=1,2,...,m. c c when nbdcnd = 3 or 4, c c bdc(i) = (d/dz)u(r(i),c), i=1,2,...,m. c c when nbdcnd = 0, bdc is a dummy variable. c c bdd c a one-dimensional array of length m that specifies the boundary c values of the solution at z = d. when nbdcnd = 1 or 4, c c bdd(i) = u(r(i),d) , i=1,2,...,m. c c when nbdcnd = 2 or 3, c c bdd(i) = (d/dz)u(r(i),d) , i=1,2,...,m. c c when nbdcnd = 0, bdd is a dummy variable. c c elmbda c the constant lambda in the modified helmholtz equation. if c lambda is greater than 0, a solution may not exist. however, c hstcyl will attempt to find a solution. lambda must be zero c when mbdcnd = 5 or 6. c c f c a two-dimensional array that specifies the values of the right c side of the modified helmholtz equation. for i=1,2,...,m c and j=1,2,...,n c c f(i,j) = f(r(i),z(j)) . c c f must be dimensioned at least m x n. c c idimf c the row (or first) dimension of the array f as it appears in the c program calling hstcyl. this parameter is used to specify the c variable dimension of f. idimf must be at least m. c c w c a one-dimensional array that must be provided by the user for c work space. w may require up to 13m + 4n + m*int(log2(n)) c locations. the actual number of locations used is computed by c hstcyl and is returned in the location w(1). c c c * * * * * * on output * * * * * * c c f c contains the solution u(i,j) of the finite difference c approximation for the grid point (r(i),z(j)) for c i=1,2,...,m, j=1,2,...,n. c c pertrb c if a combination of periodic, derivative, or unspecified c boundary conditions is specified for a poisson equation c (lambda = 0), a solution may not exist. pertrb is a con- c stant, calculated and subtracted from f, which ensures c that a solution exists. hstcyl then computes this c solution, which is a least squares solution to the c original approximation. this solution plus any constant is also c a solution; hence, the solution is not unique. the value of c pertrb should be small compared to the right side f. c otherwise, a solution is obtained to an essentially different c problem. this comparison should always be made to insure that c a meaningful solution has been obtained. c c ierror c an error flag that indicates invalid input parameters. c except to numbers 0 and 11, a solution is not attempted. c c = 0 no error c c = 1 a .lt. 0 c c = 2 a .ge. b c c = 3 mbdcnd .lt. 1 or mbdcnd .gt. 6 c c = 4 c .ge. d c c = 5 n .le. 2 c c = 6 nbdcnd .lt. 0 or nbdcnd .gt. 4 c c = 7 a = 0 and mbdcnd = 1,2,3, or 4 c c = 8 a .gt. 0 and mbdcnd .ge. 5 c c = 9 m .le. 2 c c = 10 idimf .lt. m c c = 11 lambda .gt. 0 c c = 12 a=0, mbdcnd .ge. 5, elmbda .ne. 0 c c since this is the only means of indicating a possibly c incorrect call to hstcyl, the user should test ierror after c the call. c c w c w(1) contains the required length of w. c c c * * * * * * * program specifications * * * * * * * * * * * * c c dimension of bda(n),bdb(n),bdc(m),bdd(m),f(idimf,n), c arguments w(see argument list) c c latest june 1, 1977 c revision c c subprograms hstcyl,poistg,postg2,genbun,poisd2,poisn2,poisp2, c required cosgen,merge,trix,tri3,pimach c c special none c conditions c c common none c blocks c c i/o none c c precision single c c specialist roland sweet c c language fortran c c history written by roland sweet at ncar in march, 1977 c c algorithm this subroutine defines the finite-difference c equations, incorporates boundary data, adjusts the c right side when the system is singular and calls c either poistg or genbun which solves the linear c system of equations. c c space 8228(decimal) = 20044(octal) locations on the c required ncar control data 7600 c c timing and the execution time t on the ncar control data c accuracy 7600 for subroutine hstcyl is roughly proportional c to m*n*log2(n). some typical values are listed in c the table below. c the solution process employed results in a loss c of no more than four significant digits for n and m c as large as 64. more detailed information about c accuracy can be found in the documentation for c poistg which is the routine that c actually solves the finite difference equations. c c c m(=n) mbdcnd nbdcnd t(msecs) c ----- ------ ------ -------- c c 32 1-6 1-4 56 c 64 1-6 1-4 230 c c portability american national standards institute fortran. c all machine dependent constants are located in the c function pimach. c c required cos c resident c routines c c reference schumann, u. and r. sweet,"a direct method for c the solution of poisson"s equation with neumann c boundary conditions on a staggered grid of c arbitrary size," j. comp. phys. 20(1976), c pp. 171-182. c c * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * c dimension f(idimf,1) ,bda(1) ,bdb(1) ,bdc(1) , & bdd(1) ,w(1) ierror = 0 if (a .lt. 0.) ierror = 1 if (a .ge. b) ierror = 2 if (mbdcnd.le.0 .or. ierror = 3 if (c .ge. d) ierror = 4 if (n .le. 2) ierror = 5 if ( .or. ierror = 6 if (a.eq.0. .and. .and. ierror = 7 if ( .and. ierror = 8 if (idimf .lt. m) ierror = 10 if (m .le. 2) ierror = 9 if (a.eq.0. .and. .and. ierror = 12 if (ierror .ne. 0) return deltar = (b-a)/float(m) dlrsq = deltar**2 deltht = (d-c)/float(n) dlthsq = deltht**2 np = nbdcnd+1 c c define a,b,c coefficients in w-array. c iwb = m iwc = iwb+m iwr = iwc+m do 101 i=1,m j = iwr+i w(j) = a+(float(i)-0.5)*deltar w(i) = (a+float(i-1)*deltar)/(dlrsq*w(j)) k = iwc+i w(k) = (a+float(i)*deltar)/(dlrsq*w(j)) k = iwb+i w(k) = elmbda/w(j)**2-2./dlrsq 101 continue c c enter boundary data for r-boundaries. c go to (102,102,104,104,106,106),mbdcnd 102 a1 = 2.*w(1) w(iwb+1) = w(iwb+1)-w(1) do 103 j=1,n f(1,j) = f(1,j)-a1*bda(j) 103 continue go to 106 104 a1 = deltar*w(1) w(iwb+1) = w(iwb+1)+w(1) do 105 j=1,n f(1,j) = f(1,j)+a1*bda(j) 105 continue 106 continue go to (107,109,109,107,107,109),mbdcnd 107 w(iwc) = w(iwc)-w(iwr) a1 = 2.*w(iwr) do 108 j=1,n f(m,j) = f(m,j)-a1*bdb(j) 108 continue go to 111 109 w(iwc) = w(iwc)+w(iwr) a1 = deltar*w(iwr) do 110 j=1,n f(m,j) = f(m,j)-a1*bdb(j) 110 continue c c enter boundary data for theta-boundaries. c 111 a1 = 2./dlthsq go to (121,112,112,114,114),np 112 do 113 i=1,m f(i,1) = f(i,1)-a1*bdc(i) 113 continue go to 116 114 a1 = 1./deltht do 115 i=1,m f(i,1) = f(i,1)+a1*bdc(i) 115 continue 116 a1 = 2./dlthsq go to (121,117,119,119,117),np 117 do 118 i=1,m f(i,n) = f(i,n)-a1*bdd(i) 118 continue go to 121 119 a1 = 1./deltht do 120 i=1,m f(i,n) = f(i,n)-a1*bdd(i) 120 continue 121 continue c c adjust right side of singular problems to insure existence of a c solution. c pertrb = 0. if (elmbda) 130,123,122 122 ierror = 11 go to 130 123 go to (130,130,124,130,130,124),mbdcnd 124 go to (125,130,130,125,130),np 125 continue do 127 i=1,m a1 = 0. do 126 j=1,n a1 = a1+f(i,j) 126 continue j = iwr+i pertrb = pertrb+a1*w(j) 127 continue pertrb = pertrb/(float(m*n)*0.5*(a+b)) do 129 i=1,m do 128 j=1,n f(i,j) = f(i,j)-pertrb 128 continue 129 continue 130 continue c c multiply i-th equation through by deltht**2 c do 132 i=1,m w(i) = w(i)*dlthsq j = iwc+i w(j) = w(j)*dlthsq j = iwb+i w(j) = w(j)*dlthsq do 131 j=1,n f(i,j) = f(i,j)*dlthsq 131 continue 132 continue lp = nbdcnd w(1) = 0. w(iwr) = 0. c c call genbun to solve the system of equations. c if (nbdcnd .eq. 0) go to 133 call poistg (lp,n,1,m,w,w(iwb+1),w(iwc+1),idimf,f,ierr1,w(iwr+1)) go to 134 133 call genbun (lp,n,1,m,w,w(iwb+1),w(iwc+1),idimf,f,ierr1,w(iwr+1)) 134 continue w(1) = w(iwr+1)+3.*float(m) return end subroutine hstplr (a,b,m,mbdcnd,bda,bdb,c,d,n,nbdcnd,bdc,bdd, & elmbda,f,idimf,pertrb,ierror,w) c*********************************************************************72 c cc HSTPLR 2D staggered grid polar coordinates five point scheme. c c c * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * c * * c * f i s h p a k * c * * c * * c * a package of fortran subprograms for the solution of * c * * c * separable elliptic partial differential equations * c * * c * (version 3.1 , october 1980) * c * * c * by * c * * c * john adams, paul swarztrauber and roland sweet * c * * c * of * c * * c * the national center for atmospheric research * c * * c * boulder, colorado (80307) u.s.a. * c * * c * which is sponsored by * c * * c * the national science foundation * c * * c * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * c c c * * * * * * * * * purpose * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * c c hstplr solves the standard five-point finite difference c approximation on a staggered grid to the helmholtz equation in c polar coordinates c c (1/r)(d/dr)(r(du/dr)) + (1/r**2)(d/dtheta)(du/dtheta) c c + lambda*u = f(r,theta) c c * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * c c * * * * * * * * parameter description * * * * * * * * * * c c * * * * * * on input * * * * * * c c a,b c the range of r, i.e. a .le. r .le. b. a must be less than b and c a must be non-negative. c c m c the number of grid points in the interval (a,b). the grid points c in the r-direction are given by r(i) = a + (i-0.5)dr for c i=1,2,...,m where dr =(b-a)/m. m must be greater than 2. c c mbdcnd c indicates the type of boundary conditions at r = a and r = b. c c = 1 if the solution is specified at r = a and r = b. c c = 2 if the solution is specified at r = a and the derivative c of the solution with respect to r is specified at r = b. c (see note 1 below) c c = 3 if the derivative of the solution with respect to r is c specified at r = a (see note 2 below) and r = b. c c = 4 if the derivative of the solution with respect to r is c specified at r = a (see note 2 below) and the solution is c specified at r = b. c c = 5 if the solution is unspecified at r = a = 0 and the solution c is specified at r = b. c c = 6 if the solution is unspecified at r = a = 0 and the c derivative of the solution with respect to r is specified at c r = b. c c note 1: if a = 0, mbdcnd = 2, and nbdcnd = 0 or 3, the system of c equations to be solved is singular. the unique solution c is determined by extrapolation to the specification of c u(0,theta(1)). but in this case the right side of the c system will be perturbed by the constant pertrb. c c note 2: if a = 0, do not use mbdcnd = 3 or 4, but instead use c mbdcnd = 1,2,5, or 6. c c bda c a one-dimensional array of length n that specifies the boundary c values (if any) of the solution at r = a. when mbdcnd = 1 or 2, c c bda(j) = u(a,theta(j)) , j=1,2,...,n. c c when mbdcnd = 3 or 4, c c bda(j) = (d/dr)u(a,theta(j)) , j=1,2,...,n. c c when mbdcnd = 5 or 6, bda is a dummy variable. c c bdb c a one-dimensional array of length n that specifies the boundary c values of the solution at r = b. when mbdcnd = 1,4, or 5, c c bdb(j) = u(b,theta(j)) , j=1,2,...,n. c c when mbdcnd = 2,3, or 6, c c bdb(j) = (d/dr)u(b,theta(j)) , j=1,2,...,n. c c c,d c the range of theta, i.e. c .le. theta .le. d. c must be less c than d. c c n c the number of unknowns in the interval (c,d). the unknowns in c the theta-direction are given by theta(j) = c + (j-0.5)dt, c j=1,2,...,n, where dt = (d-c)/n. n must be greater than 2. c c nbdcnd c indicates the type of boundary conditions at theta = c c and theta = d. c c = 0 if the solution is periodic in theta, i.e. c u(i,j) = u(i,n+j). c c = 1 if the solution is specified at theta = c and theta = d c (see note below). c c = 2 if the solution is specified at theta = c and the derivative c of the solution with respect to theta is specified at c theta = d (see note below). c c = 3 if the derivative of the solution with respect to theta is c specified at theta = c and theta = d. c c = 4 if the derivative of the solution with respect to theta is c specified at theta = c and the solution is specified at c theta = d (see note below). c c note: when nbdcnd = 1, 2, or 4, do not use mbdcnd = 5 or 6 (the c former indicates that the solution is specified at r = 0; the c latter indicates the solution is unspecified at r = 0). use c instead mbdcnd = 1 or 2. c c bdc c a one dimensional array of length m that specifies the boundary c values of the solution at theta = c. when nbdcnd = 1 or 2, c c bdc(i) = u(r(i),c) , i=1,2,...,m. c c when nbdcnd = 3 or 4, c c bdc(i) = (d/dtheta)u(r(i),c), i=1,2,...,m. c c when nbdcnd = 0, bdc is a dummy variable. c c bdd c a one-dimensional array of length m that specifies the boundary c values of the solution at theta = d. when nbdcnd = 1 or 4, c c bdd(i) = u(r(i),d) , i=1,2,...,m. c c when nbdcnd = 2 or 3, c c bdd(i) = (d/dtheta)u(r(i),d) , i=1,2,...,m. c c when nbdcnd = 0, bdd is a dummy variable. c c elmbda c the constant lambda in the helmholtz equation. if lambda is c greater than 0, a solution may not exist. however, hstplr will c attempt to find a solution. c c f c a two-dimensional array that specifies the values of the right c side of the helmholtz equation. for i=1,2,...,m and j=1,2,...,n c c f(i,j) = f(r(i),theta(j)) . c c f must be dimensioned at least m x n. c c idimf c the row (or first) dimension of the array f as it appears in the c program calling hstplr. this parameter is used to specify the c variable dimension of f. idimf must be at least m. c c w c a one-dimensional array that must be provided by the user for c work space. w may require up to 13m + 4n + m*int(log2(n)) c locations. the actual number of locations used is computed by c hstplr and is returned in the location w(1). c c c * * * * * * on output * * * * * * c c f c contains the solution u(i,j) of the finite difference c approximation for the grid point (r(i),theta(j)) for c i=1,2,...,m, j=1,2,...,n. c c pertrb c if a combination of periodic, derivative, or unspecified c boundary conditions is specified for a poisson equation c (lambda = 0), a solution may not exist. pertrb is a con- c stant, calculated and subtracted from f, which ensures c that a solution exists. hstplr then computes this c solution, which is a least squares solution to the c original approximation. this solution plus any constant is also c a solution; hence, the solution is not unique. the value of c pertrb should be small compared to the right side f. c otherwise, a solution is obtained to an essentially different c problem. this comparison should always be made to insure that c a meaningful solution has been obtained. c c ierror c an error flag that indicates invalid input parameters. c except to numbers 0 and 11, a solution is not attempted. c c = 0 no error c c = 1 a .lt. 0 c c = 2 a .ge. b c c = 3 mbdcnd .lt. 1 or mbdcnd .gt. 6 c c = 4 c .ge. d c c = 5 n .le. 2 c c = 6 nbdcnd .lt. 0 or nbdcnd .gt. 4 c c = 7 a = 0 and mbdcnd = 3 or 4 c c = 8 a .gt. 0 and mbdcnd .ge. 5 c c = 9 mbdcnd .ge. 5 and nbdcnd .ne. 0 or 3 c c = 10 idimf .lt. m c c = 11 lambda .gt. 0 c c = 12 m .le. 2 c c since this is the only means of indicating a possibly c incorrect call to hstplr, the user should test ierror after c the call. c c w c w(1) contains the required length of w. c c c * * * * * * * program specifications * * * * * * * * * * * * c c dimension of bda(n),bdb(n),bdc(m),bdd(m),f(idimf,n), c arguments w(see argument list) c c latest june 1, 1977 c revision c c subprograms hstplr,poistg,postg2,genbun,poisd2,poisn2,poisp2, c required cosgen,merge,trix,tri3,pimach c c special none c conditions c c common none c blocks c c i/o none c c precision single c c c specialist roland sweet c c language fortran c c history written by roland sweet at ncar in february, 1977 c c algorithm this subroutine defines the finite-difference c equations, incorporates boundary data, adjusts the c right side when the system is singular and calls c either poistg or genbun which solves the linear c system of equations. c c space 8265(decimal) = 20111(octal) locations on the c required ncar control data 7600 c c timing and the execution time t on the ncar control data c accuracy 7600 for subroutine hstplr is roughly proportional c to m*n*log2(n). some typical values are listed in c the table below. c the solution process employed results in a loss c of no more than four significant digits for n and m c as large as 64. more detailed information about c accuracy can be found in the documentation for c poistg which is the routine that c actually solves the finite difference equations. c c c m(=n) mbdcnd nbdcnd t(msecs) c ----- ------ ------ -------- c c 32 1-6 1-4 56 c 64 1-6 1-4 230 c c portability american national standards institute fortran. c all machine dependent constants are located in the c function pimach. c c required cos c resident c routines c c reference schumann, u. and r. sweet,"a direct method for c the solution of poisson"s equation with neumann c boundary conditions on a staggered grid of c arbitrary size," j. comp. phys. 20(1976), c pp. 171-182. c c * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * c dimension f(idimf,1) dimension bda(1) ,bdb(1) ,bdc(1) ,bdd(1) , & w(1) ierror = 0 if (a .lt. 0.) ierror = 1 if (a .ge. b) ierror = 2 if (mbdcnd.le.0 .or. ierror = 3 if (c .ge. d) ierror = 4 if (n .le. 2) ierror = 5 if ( .or. ierror = 6 if (a.eq.0. .and. (mbdcnd.eq.3 .or. mbdcnd.eq.4)) ierror = 7 if ( .and. ierror = 8 if ( .and. .and. ierror = 9 if (idimf .lt. m) ierror = 10 if (m .le. 2) ierror = 12 if (ierror .ne. 0) return deltar = (b-a)/float(m) dlrsq = deltar**2 deltht = (d-c)/float(n) dlthsq = deltht**2 np = nbdcnd+1 isw = 1 mb = mbdcnd if (a.eq.0. .and. mbdcnd.eq.2) mb = 6 c c define a,b,c coefficients in w-array. c iwb = m iwc = iwb+m iwr = iwc+m do 101 i=1,m j = iwr+i w(j) = a+(float(i)-0.5)*deltar w(i) = (a+float(i-1)*deltar)/dlrsq k = iwc+i w(k) = (a+float(i)*deltar)/dlrsq k = iwb+i w(k) = (elmbda-2./dlrsq)*w(j) 101 continue do 103 i=1,m j = iwr+i a1 = w(j) do 102 j=1,n f(i,j) = a1*f(i,j) 102 continue 103 continue c c enter boundary data for r-boundaries. c go to (104,104,106,106,108,108),mb 104 a1 = 2.*w(1) w(iwb+1) = w(iwb+1)-w(1) do 105 j=1,n f(1,j) = f(1,j)-a1*bda(j) 105 continue go to 108 106 a1 = deltar*w(1) w(iwb+1) = w(iwb+1)+w(1) do 107 j=1,n f(1,j) = f(1,j)+a1*bda(j) 107 continue 108 go to (109,111,111,109,109,111),mb 109 a1 = 2.*w(iwr) w(iwc) = w(iwc)-w(iwr) do 110 j=1,n f(m,j) = f(m,j)-a1*bdb(j) 110 continue go to 113 111 a1 = deltar*w(iwr) w(iwc) = w(iwc)+w(iwr) do 112 j=1,n f(m,j) = f(m,j)-a1*bdb(j) 112 continue c c enter boundary data for theta-boundaries. c 113 a1 = 2./dlthsq go to (123,114,114,116,116),np 114 do 115 i=1,m j = iwr+i f(i,1) = f(i,1)-a1*bdc(i)/w(j) 115 continue go to 118 116 a1 = 1./deltht do 117 i=1,m j = iwr+i f(i,1) = f(i,1)+a1*bdc(i)/w(j) 117 continue 118 a1 = 2./dlthsq go to (123,119,121,121,119),np 119 do 120 i=1,m j = iwr+i f(i,n) = f(i,n)-a1*bdd(i)/w(j) 120 continue go to 123 121 a1 = 1./deltht do 122 i=1,m j = iwr+i f(i,n) = f(i,n)-a1*bdd(i)/w(j) 122 continue 123 continue c c adjust right side of singular problems to insure existence of a c solution. c pertrb = 0. if (elmbda) 133,125,124 124 ierror = 11 go to 133 125 go to (133,133,126,133,133,126),mb 126 go to (127,133,133,127,133),np 127 continue isw = 2 do 129 j=1,n do 128 i=1,m pertrb = pertrb+f(i,j) 128 continue 129 continue pertrb = pertrb/(float(m*n)*0.5*(a+b)) do 131 i=1,m j = iwr+i a1 = pertrb*w(j) do 130 j=1,n f(i,j) = f(i,j)-a1 130 continue 131 continue a2 = 0. do 132 j=1,n a2 = a2+f(1,j) 132 continue a2 = a2/w(iwr+1) 133 continue c c multiply i-th equation through by r(i)*deltht**2 c do 135 i=1,m j = iwr+i a1 = dlthsq*w(j) w(i) = a1*w(i) j = iwc+i w(j) = a1*w(j) j = iwb+i w(j) = a1*w(j) do 134 j=1,n f(i,j) = a1*f(i,j) 134 continue 135 continue lp = nbdcnd w(1) = 0. w(iwr) = 0. c c call poistg or genbun to solve the system of equations. c if (lp .eq. 0) go to 136 call poistg (lp,n,1,m,w,w(iwb+1),w(iwc+1),idimf,f,ierr1,w(iwr+1)) go to 137 136 call genbun (lp,n,1,m,w,w(iwb+1),w(iwc+1),idimf,f,ierr1,w(iwr+1)) 137 continue w(1) = w(iwr+1)+3.*float(m) if ( .or. .or. go to 141 a1 = 0. do 138 j=1,n a1 = a1+f(1,j) 138 continue a1 = (a1-dlrsq*a2/16.)/float(n) if (nbdcnd .eq. 3) a1 = a1+(bdd(1)-bdc(1))/(d-c) a1 = bda(1)-a1 do 140 i=1,m do 139 j=1,n f(i,j) = f(i,j)+a1 139 continue 140 continue 141 continue return end subroutine hstssp (a,b,m,mbdcnd,bda,bdb,c,d,n,nbdcnd,bdc,bdd, & elmbda,f,idimf,pertrb,ierror,w) c*********************************************************************72 c cc HSTSSP 2D staggered unit sphere coordinates five point scheme. c c c * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * c * * c * f i s h p a k * c * * c * * c * a package of fortran subprograms for the solution of * c * * c * separable elliptic partial differential equations * c * * c * (version 3.1 , october 1980) * c * * c * by * c * * c * john adams, paul swarztrauber and roland sweet * c * * c * of * c * * c * the national center for atmospheric research * c * * c * boulder, colorado (80307) u.s.a. * c * * c * which is sponsored by * c * * c * the national science foundation * c * * c * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * c c c * * * * * * * * * purpose * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * c c hstssp solves the standard five-point finite difference c approximation on a staggered grid to the helmholtz equation in c spherical coordinates and on the surface of the unit sphere c (radius of 1) c c (1/sin(theta))(d/dtheta)(sin(theta)(du/dtheta)) + c c (1/sin(theta)**2)(d/dphi)(du/dphi) + lambda*u = f(theta,phi) c c where theta is colatitude and phi is longitude. c c * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * c c * * * * * * * * parameter description * * * * * * * * * * c c * * * * * * on input * * * * * * c c a,b c the range of theta (colatitude), i.e. a .le. theta .le. b. a c must be less than b and a must be non-negative. a and b are in c radians. a = 0 corresponds to the north pole and b = pi c corresponds to the south pole. c c c * * * important * * * c c if b is equal to pi, then b must be computed using the statement c c b = pimach() c c this insures that b in the user"s program is equal to pi in this c program which permits several tests of the input parameters that c otherwise would not be possible. c c * * * * * * * * * * * * c c c c m c the number of grid points in the interval (a,b). the grid points c in the theta-direction are given by theta(i) = a + (i-0.5)dtheta c for i=1,2,...,m where dtheta =(b-a)/m. m must be greater than 2. c c mbdcnd c indicates the type of boundary conditions at theta = a and c theta = b. c c = 1 if the solution is specified at theta = a and theta = b. c (see note 3 below) c c = 2 if the solution is specified at theta = a and the derivative c of the solution with respect to theta is specified at c theta = b (see notes 2 and 3 below). c c = 3 if the derivative of the solution with respect to theta is c specified at theta = a (see notes 1, 2 below) and theta = b. c c = 4 if the derivative of the solution with respect to theta is c specified at theta = a (see notes 1 and 2 below) and the c solution is specified at theta = b. c c = 5 if the solution is unspecified at theta = a = 0 and the c solution is specified at theta = b. (see note 3 below) c c = 6 if the solution is unspecified at theta = a = 0 and the c derivative of the solution with respect to theta is c specified at theta = b (see note 2 below). c c = 7 if the solution is specified at theta = a and the c solution is unspecified at theta = b = pi. (see note 3 below) c c = 8 if the derivative of the solution with respect to c theta is specified at theta = a (see note 1 below) c and the solution is unspecified at theta = b = pi. c c = 9 if the solution is unspecified at theta = a = 0 and c theta = b = pi. c c notes: 1. if a = 0, do not use mbdcnd = 3, 4, or 8, c but instead use mbdcnd = 5, 6, or 9. c c 2. if b = pi, do not use mbdcnd = 2, 3, or 6, c but instead use mbdcnd = 7, 8, or 9. c c 3. when the solution is specified at theta = 0 and/or c theta = pi and the other boundary conditions are c combinations of unspecified, normal derivative, or c periodicity a singular system results. the unique c solution is determined by extrapolation to the c specification of the solution at either theta = 0 or c theta = pi. but in these cases the right side of the c system will be perturbed by the constant pertrb. c c bda c a one-dimensional array of length n that specifies the boundary c values (if any) of the solution at theta = a. when c mbdcnd = 1, 2, or 7, c c bda(j) = u(a,phi(j)) , j=1,2,...,n. c c when mbdcnd = 3, 4, or 8, c c bda(j) = (d/dtheta)u(a,phi(j)) , j=1,2,...,n. c c when mbdcnd has any other value, bda is a dummy variable. c c bdb c a one-dimensional array of length n that specifies the boundary c values of the solution at theta = b. when mbdcnd = 1,4, or 5, c c bdb(j) = u(b,phi(j)) , j=1,2,...,n. c c when mbdcnd = 2,3, or 6, c c bdb(j) = (d/dtheta)u(b,phi(j)) , j=1,2,...,n. c c when mbdcnd has any other value, bdb is a dummy variable. c c c,d c the range of phi (longitude), i.e. c .le. phi .le. d. c c must be less than d. if d-c = 2*pi, periodic boundary c conditions are usually prescribed. c c n c the number of unknowns in the interval (c,d). the unknowns in c the phi-direction are given by phi(j) = c + (j-0.5)dphi, c j=1,2,...,n, where dphi = (d-c)/n. n must be greater than 2. c c nbdcnd c indicates the type of boundary conditions at phi = c c and phi = d. c c = 0 if the solution is periodic in phi, i.e. c u(i,j) = u(i,n+j). c c = 1 if the solution is specified at phi = c and phi = d c (see note below). c c = 2 if the solution is specified at phi = c and the derivative c of the solution with respect to phi is specified at c phi = d (see note below). c c = 3 if the derivative of the solution with respect to phi is c specified at phi = c and phi = d. c c = 4 if the derivative of the solution with respect to phi is c specified at phi = c and the solution is specified at c phi = d (see note below). c c note: when nbdcnd = 1, 2, or 4, do not use mbdcnd = 5, 6, 7, 8, c or 9 (the former indicates that the solution is specified at c a pole; the latter indicates the solution is unspecified). use c instead mbdcnd = 1 or 2. c c bdc c a one dimensional array of length m that specifies the boundary c values of the solution at phi = c. when nbdcnd = 1 or 2, c c bdc(i) = u(theta(i),c) , i=1,2,...,m. c c when nbdcnd = 3 or 4, c c bdc(i) = (d/dphi)u(theta(i),c), i=1,2,...,m. c c when nbdcnd = 0, bdc is a dummy variable. c c bdd c a one-dimensional array of length m that specifies the boundary c values of the solution at phi = d. when nbdcnd = 1 or 4, c c bdd(i) = u(theta(i),d) , i=1,2,...,m. c c when nbdcnd = 2 or 3, c c bdd(i) = (d/dphi)u(theta(i),d) , i=1,2,...,m. c c when nbdcnd = 0, bdd is a dummy variable. c c elmbda c the constant lambda in the helmholtz equation. if lambda is c greater than 0, a solution may not exist. however, hstssp will c attempt to find a solution. c c f c a two-dimensional array that specifies the values of the right c side of the helmholtz equation. for i=1,2,...,m and j=1,2,...,n c c f(i,j) = f(theta(i),phi(j)) . c c f must be dimensioned at least m x n. c c idimf c the row (or first) dimension of the array f as it appears in the c program calling hstssp. this parameter is used to specify the c variable dimension of f. idimf must be at least m. c c w c a one-dimensional array that must be provided by the user for c work space. w may require up to 13m + 4n + m*int(log2(n)) c locations. the actual number of locations used is computed by c hstssp and is returned in the location w(1). c c c * * * * * * on output * * * * * * c c f c contains the solution u(i,j) of the finite difference c approximation for the grid point (theta(i),phi(j)) for c i=1,2,...,m, j=1,2,...,n. c c pertrb c if a combination of periodic, derivative, or unspecified c boundary conditions is specified for a poisson equation c (lambda = 0), a solution may not exist. pertrb is a con- c stant, calculated and subtracted from f, which ensures c that a solution exists. hstssp then computes this c solution, which is a least squares solution to the c original approximation. this solution plus any constant is also c a solution; hence, the solution is not unique. the value of c pertrb should be small compared to the right side f. c otherwise, a solution is obtained to an essentially different c problem. this comparison should always be made to insure that c a meaningful solution has been obtained. c c ierror c an error flag that indicates invalid input parameters. c except to numbers 0 and 14, a solution is not attempted. c c = 0 no error c c = 1 a .lt. 0 or b .gt. pi c c = 2 a .ge. b c c = 3 mbdcnd .lt. 1 or mbdcnd .gt. 9 c c = 4 c .ge. d c c = 5 n .le. 2 c c = 6 nbdcnd .lt. 0 or nbdcnd .gt. 4 c c = 7 a .gt. 0 and mbdcnd = 5, 6, or 9 c c = 8 a = 0 and mbdcnd = 3, 4, or 8 c c = 9 b .lt. pi and mbdcnd .ge. 7 c c = 10 b = pi and mbdcnd = 2,3, or 6 c c = 11 mbdcnd .ge. 5 and ndbcnd = 1, 2, or 4 c c = 12 idimf .lt. m c c = 13 m .le. 2 c c = 14 lambda .gt. 0 c c since this is the only means of indicating a possibly c incorrect call to hstssp, the user should test ierror after c the call. c c w c w(1) contains the required length of w. c c c * * * * * * * program specifications * * * * * * * * * * * * c c dimension of bda(n),bdb(n),bdc(m),bdd(m),f(idimf,n), c arguments w(see argument list) c c latest june 1, 1977 c revision c c subprograms hstssp,poistg,postg2,genbun,poisd2,poisn2,poisp2, c required cosgen,merge,trix,tri3,pimach c c special none c conditions c c common none c blocks c c i/o none c c precision single c c specialist roland sweet c c language fortran c c history written by roland sweet at ncar in april, 1977 c c algorithm this subroutine defines the finite-difference c equations, incorporates boundary data, adjusts the c right side when the system is singular and calls c either poistg or genbun which solves the linear c system of equations. c c space 8427(decimal) = 20353(octal) locations on the c required ncar control data 7600 c c timing and the execution time t on the ncar control data c accuracy 7600 for subroutine hstssp is roughly proportional c to m*n*log2(n). some typical values are listed in c the table below. c the solution process employed results in a loss c of no more than four significant digits for n and m c as large as 64. more detailed information about c accuracy can be found in the documentation for c poistg which is the routine that c actually solves the finite difference equations. c c c m(=n) mbdcnd nbdcnd t(msecs) c ----- ------ ------ -------- c c 32 1-9 1-4 56 c 64 1-9 1-4 230 c c portability american national standards institute fortran. c all machine dependent constants are located in the c function pimach. c c required cos c resident c routines c c reference schumann, u. and r. sweet,"a direct method for c the solution of poisson"s equation with neumann c boundary conditions on a staggered grid of c arbitrary size," j. comp. phys. 20(1976), c pp. 171-182. c c * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * c dimension f(idimf,1) ,bda(1) ,bdb(1) ,bdc(1) , & bdd(1) ,w(1) ierror = 0 pi = pimach() if ( .or. ierror = 1 if (a .ge. b) ierror = 2 if (mbdcnd.le.0 .or. ierror = 3 if (c .ge. d) ierror = 4 if (n .le. 2) ierror = 5 if ( .or. ierror = 6 if ( .and. (mbdcnd.eq.5 .or. mbdcnd.eq.6 .or. mbdcnd.eq.9)) & ierror = 7 if (a.eq.0. .and. (mbdcnd.eq.3 .or. mbdcnd.eq.4 .or. mbdcnd.eq.8)) & ierror = 8 if ( .and. ierror = 9 if (b.eq.pi .and. (mbdcnd.eq.2 .or. mbdcnd.eq.3 .or. mbdcnd.eq.6)) & ierror = 10 if ( .and. & (nbdcnd.eq.1 .or. nbdcnd.eq.2 .or. nbdcnd.eq.4)) ierror = 11 if (idimf .lt. m) ierror = 12 if (m .le. 2) ierror = 13 if (ierror .ne. 0) return deltar = (b-a)/float(m) dlrsq = deltar**2 deltht = (d-c)/float(n) dlthsq = deltht**2 np = nbdcnd+1 isw = 1 jsw = 1 mb = mbdcnd if (elmbda .ne. 0.) go to 105 go to (101,102,105,103,101,105,101,105,105),mbdcnd 101 if ( .or. go to 105 mb = 9 go to 104 102 if (a .ne. 0.) go to 105 mb = 6 go to 104 103 if (b .ne. pi) go to 105 mb = 8 104 jsw = 2 105 continue c c define a,b,c coefficients in w-array. c iwb = m iwc = iwb+m iwr = iwc+m iws = iwr+m do 106 i=1,m j = iwr+i w(j) = sin(a+(float(i)-0.5)*deltar) w(i) = sin((a+float(i-1)*deltar))/dlrsq 106 continue mm1 = m-1 do 107 i=1,mm1 k = iwc+i w(k) = w(i+1) j = iwr+i k = iwb+i w(k) = elmbda*w(j)-(w(i)+w(i+1)) 107 continue w(iwr) = sin(b)/dlrsq w(iwc) = elmbda*w(iws)-(w(m)+w(iwr)) do 109 i=1,m j = iwr+i a1 = w(j) do 108 j=1,n f(i,j) = a1*f(i,j) 108 continue 109 continue c c enter boundary data for theta-boundaries. c go to (110,110,112,112,114,114,110,112,114),mb 110 a1 = 2.*w(1) w(iwb+1) = w(iwb+1)-w(1) do 111 j=1,n f(1,j) = f(1,j)-a1*bda(j) 111 continue go to 114 112 a1 = deltar*w(1) w(iwb+1) = w(iwb+1)+w(1) do 113 j=1,n f(1,j) = f(1,j)+a1*bda(j) 113 continue 114 go to (115,117,117,115,115,117,119,119,119),mb 115 a1 = 2.*w(iwr) w(iwc) = w(iwc)-w(iwr) do 116 j=1,n f(m,j) = f(m,j)-a1*bdb(j) 116 continue go to 119 117 a1 = deltar*w(iwr) w(iwc) = w(iwc)+w(iwr) do 118 j=1,n f(m,j) = f(m,j)-a1*bdb(j) 118 continue c c enter boundary data for phi-boundaries. c 119 a1 = 2./dlthsq go to (129,120,120,122,122),np 120 do 121 i=1,m j = iwr+i f(i,1) = f(i,1)-a1*bdc(i)/w(j) 121 continue go to 124 122 a1 = 1./deltht do 123 i=1,m j = iwr+i f(i,1) = f(i,1)+a1*bdc(i)/w(j) 123 continue 124 a1 = 2./dlthsq go to (129,125,127,127,125),np 125 do 126 i=1,m j = iwr+i f(i,n) = f(i,n)-a1*bdd(i)/w(j) 126 continue go to 129 127 a1 = 1./deltht do 128 i=1,m j = iwr+i f(i,n) = f(i,n)-a1*bdd(i)/w(j) 128 continue 129 continue c c adjust right side of singular problems to insure existence of a c solution. c pertrb = 0. if (elmbda) 139,131,130 130 ierror = 14 go to 139 131 go to (139,139,132,139,139,132,139,132,132),mb 132 go to (133,139,139,133,139),np 133 continue isw = 2 do 135 j=1,n do 134 i=1,m pertrb = pertrb+f(i,j) 134 continue 135 continue a1 = float(n)*(cos(a)-cos(b))/(2.*sin(0.5*deltar)) pertrb = pertrb/a1 do 137 i=1,m j = iwr+i a1 = pertrb*w(j) do 136 j=1,n f(i,j) = f(i,j)-a1 136 continue 137 continue a2 = 0. a3 = 0. do 138 j=1,n a2 = a2+f(1,j) a3 = a3+f(m,j) 138 continue a2 = a2/w(iwr+1) a3 = a3/w(iws) 139 continue c c multiply i-th equation through by r(i)*deltht**2 c do 141 i=1,m j = iwr+i a1 = dlthsq*w(j) w(i) = a1*w(i) j = iwc+i w(j) = a1*w(j) j = iwb+i w(j) = a1*w(j) do 140 j=1,n f(i,j) = a1*f(i,j) 140 continue 141 continue lp = nbdcnd w(1) = 0. w(iwr) = 0. c c call poistg or genbun to solve the system of equations. c if (nbdcnd .eq. 0) go to 142 call poistg (lp,n,1,m,w,w(iwb+1),w(iwc+1),idimf,f,ierr1,w(iwr+1)) go to 143 142 call genbun (lp,n,1,m,w,w(iwb+1),w(iwc+1),idimf,f,ierr1,w(iwr+1)) 143 continue w(1) = w(iwr+1)+3.*float(m) if ( .or. go to 150 if (mb .ne. 8) go to 145 a1 = 0. do 144 j=1,n a1 = a1+f(m,j) 144 continue a1 = (a1-dlrsq*a3/16.)/float(n) if (nbdcnd .eq. 3) a1 = a1+(bdd(m)-bdc(m))/(d-c) a1 = bdb(1)-a1 go to 147 145 a1 = 0. do 146 j=1,n a1 = a1+f(1,j) 146 continue a1 = (a1-dlrsq*a2/16.)/float(n) if (nbdcnd .eq. 3) a1 = a1+(bdd(1)-bdc(1))/(d-c) a1 = bda(1)-a1 147 do 149 i=1,m do 148 j=1,n f(i,j) = f(i,j)+a1 148 continue 149 continue 150 continue return end subroutine hw3crt (xs,xf,l,lbdcnd,bdxs,bdxf,ys,yf,m,mbdcnd,bdys, & bdyf,zs,zf,n,nbdcnd,bdzs,bdzf,elmbda,ldimf, & mdimf,f,pertrb,ierror,w) c*********************************************************************72 c cc HW3CRT 3D standard grid Cartesian coordinates seven point scheme. c c c * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * c * * c * f i s h p a k * c * * c * * c * a package of fortran subprograms for the solution of * c * * c * separable elliptic partial differential equations * c * * c * (version 3.1 , october 1980) * c * * c * by * c * * c * john adams, paul swarztrauber and roland sweet * c * * c * of * c * * c * the national center for atmospheric research * c * * c * boulder, colorado (80307) u.s.a. * c * * c * which is sponsored by * c * * c * the national science foundation * c * * c * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * c c c * * * * * * * * * purpose * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * c c hw3crt solves the standard seven-point finite c difference approximation to the helmholtz equation in cartesian c coordinates: c c (d/dx)(du/dx) + (d/dy)(du/dy) + (d/dz)(du/dz) c c + lambda*u = f(x,y,z) . c c * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * c c c * * * * * * * * parameter description * * * * * * * * * * c c c * * * * * * on input * * * * * * c c xs,xf c the range of x, i.e. xs .le. x .le. xf . c xs must be less than xf. c c l c the number of panels into which the interval (xs,xf) is c subdivided. hence, there will be l+1 grid points in the c x-direction given by x(i) = xs+(i-1)dx for i=1,2,...,l+1, c where dx = (xf-xs)/l is the panel width. l must be at c least 5 . c c lbdcnd c indicates the type of boundary conditions at x = xs and x = xf. c c = 0 if the solution is periodic in x, i.e. c u(l+i,j,k) = u(i,j,k). c = 1 if the solution is specified at x = xs and x = xf. c = 2 if the solution is specified at x = xs and the derivative c of the solution with respect to x is specified at x = xf. c = 3 if the derivative of the solution with respect to x is c specified at x = xs and x = xf. c = 4 if the derivative of the solution with respect to x is c specified at x = xs and the solution is specified at x=xf. c c bdxs c a two-dimensional array that specifies the values of the c derivative of the solution with respect to x at x = xs. c when lbdcnd = 3 or 4, c c bdxs(j,k) = (d/dx)u(xs,y(j),z(k)), j=1,2,...,m+1, c k=1,2,...,n+1. c c when lbdcnd has any other value, bdxs is a dummy variable. c bdxs must be dimensioned at least (m+1)*(n+1). c c bdxf c a two-dimensional array that specifies the values of the c derivative of the solution with respect to x at x = xf. c when lbdcnd = 2 or 3, c c bdxf(j,k) = (d/dx)u(xf,y(j),z(k)), j=1,2,...,m+1, c k=1,2,...,n+1. c c when lbdcnd has any other value, bdxf is a dummy variable. c bdxf must be dimensioned at least (m+1)*(n+1). c c ys,yf c the range of y, i.e. ys .le. y .le. yf. c ys must be less than yf. c c m c the number of panels into which the interval (ys,yf) is c subdivided. hence, there will be m+1 grid points in the c y-direction given by y(j) = ys+(j-1)dy for j=1,2,...,m+1, c where dy = (yf-ys)/m is the panel width. m must be at c least 5 . c c mbdcnd c indicates the type of boundary conditions at y = ys and y = yf. c c = 0 if the solution is periodic in y, i.e. c u(i,m+j,k) = u(i,j,k). c = 1 if the solution is specified at y = ys and y = yf. c = 2 if the solution is specified at y = ys and the derivative c of the solution with respect to y is specified at y = yf. c = 3 if the derivative of the solution with respect to y is c specified at y = ys and y = yf. c = 4 if the derivative of the solution with respect to y is c specified at y = ys and the solution is specified at y=yf. c c bdys c a two-dimensional array that specifies the values of the c derivative of the solution with respect to y at y = ys. c when mbdcnd = 3 or 4, c c bdys(i,k) = (d/dy)u(x(i),ys,z(k)), i=1,2,...,l+1, c k=1,2,...,n+1. c c when mbdcnd has any other value, bdys is a dummy variable. c bdys must be dimensioned at least (l+1)*(n+1). c c bdyf c a two-dimensional array that specifies the values of the c derivative of the solution with respect to y at y = yf. c when mbdcnd = 2 or 3, c c bdyf(i,k) = (d/dy)u(x(i),yf,z(k)), i=1,2,...,l+1, c k=1,2,...,n+1. c c when mbdcnd has any other value, bdyf is a dummy variable. c bdyf must be dimensioned at least (l+1)*(n+1). c c zs,zf c the range of z, i.e. zs .le. z .le. zf. c zs must be less than zf. c c n c the number of panels into which the interval (zs,zf) is c subdivided. hence, there will be n+1 grid points in the c z-direction given by z(k) = zs+(k-1)dz for k=1,2,...,n+1, c where dz = (zf-zs)/n is the panel width. n must be at least 5. c c nbdcnd c indicates the type of boundary conditions at z = zs and z = zf. c c = 0 if the solution is periodic in z, i.e. c u(i,j,n+k) = u(i,j,k). c = 1 if the solution is specified at z = zs and z = zf. c = 2 if the solution is specified at z = zs and the derivative c of the solution with respect to z is specified at z = zf. c = 3 if the derivative of the solution with respect to z is c specified at z = zs and z = zf. c = 4 if the derivative of the solution with respect to z is c specified at z = zs and the solution is specified at z=zf. c c bdzs c a two-dimensional array that specifies the values of the c derivative of the solution with respect to z at z = zs. c when nbdcnd = 3 or 4, c c bdzs(i,j) = (d/dz)u(x(i),y(j),zs), i=1,2,...,l+1, c j=1,2,...,m+1. c c when nbdcnd has any other value, bdzs is a dummy variable. c bdzs must be dimensioned at least (l+1)*(m+1). c c bdzf c a two-dimensional array that specifies the values of the c derivative of the solution with respect to z at z = zf. c when nbdcnd = 2 or 3, c c bdzf(i,j) = (d/dz)u(x(i),y(j),zf), i=1,2,...,l+1, c j=1,2,...,m+1. c c when nbdcnd has any other value, bdzf is a dummy variable. c bdzf must be dimensioned at least (l+1)*(m+1). c c elmbda c the constant lambda in the helmholtz equation. if c lambda .gt. 0, a solution may not exist. however, hw3crt will c attempt to find a solution. c c f c a three-dimensional array that specifies the values of the c right side of the helmholtz equation and boundary values (if c any). for i=2,3,...,l, j=2,3,...,m, and k=2,3,...,n c c f(i,j,k) = f(x(i),y(j),z(k)). c c on the boundaries f is defined by c c lbdcnd f(1,j,k) f(l+1,j,k) c ------ --------------- --------------- c c 0 f(xs,y(j),z(k)) f(xs,y(j),z(k)) c 1 u(xs,y(j),z(k)) u(xf,y(j),z(k)) c 2 u(xs,y(j),z(k)) f(xf,y(j),z(k)) j=1,2,...,m+1 c 3 f(xs,y(j),z(k)) f(xf,y(j),z(k)) k=1,2,...,n+1 c 4 f(xs,y(j),z(k)) u(xf,y(j),z(k)) c c mbdcnd f(i,1,k) f(i,m+1,k) c ------ --------------- --------------- c c 0 f(x(i),ys,z(k)) f(x(i),ys,z(k)) c 1 u(x(i),ys,z(k)) u(x(i),yf,z(k)) c 2 u(x(i),ys,z(k)) f(x(i),yf,z(k)) i=1,2,...,l+1 c 3 f(x(i),ys,z(k)) f(x(i),yf,z(k)) k=1,2,...,n+1 c 4 f(x(i),ys,z(k)) u(x(i),yf,z(k)) c c nbdcnd f(i,j,1) f(i,j,n+1) c ------ --------------- --------------- c c 0 f(x(i),y(j),zs) f(x(i),y(j),zs) c 1 u(x(i),y(j),zs) u(x(i),y(j),zf) c 2 u(x(i),y(j),zs) f(x(i),y(j),zf) i=1,2,...,l+1 c 3 f(x(i),y(j),zs) f(x(i),y(j),zf) j=1,2,...,m+1 c 4 f(x(i),y(j),zs) u(x(i),y(j),zf) c c f must be dimensioned at least (l+1)*(m+1)*(n+1). c c note: c c if the table calls for both the solution u and the right side f c on a boundary, then the solution must be specified. c c ldimf c the row (or first) dimension of the arrays f,bdys,bdyf,bdzs, c and bdzf as it appears in the program calling hw3crt. this c parameter is used to specify the variable dimension of these c arrays. ldimf must be at least l+1. c c mdimf c the column (or second) dimension of the array f and the row (or c first) dimension of the arrays bdxs and bdxf as it appears in c the program calling hw3crt. this parameter is used to specify c the variable dimension of these arrays. c mdimf must be at least m+1. c c w c a one-dimensional array that must be provided by the user for c work space. the length of w must be at least 30 + l + m + 5*n c + max(l,m,n) + 7*(int((l+1)/2) + int((m+1)/2)) c c c * * * * * * on output * * * * * * c c f c contains the solution u(i,j,k) of the finite difference c approximation for the grid point (x(i),y(j),z(k)) for c i=1,2,...,l+1, j=1,2,...,m+1, and k=1,2,...,n+1. c c pertrb c if a combination of periodic or derivative boundary conditions c is specified for a poisson equation (lambda = 0), a solution c may not exist. pertrb is a constant, calculated and subtracted c from f, which ensures that a solution exists. pwscrt then c computes this solution, which is a least squares solution to c the original approximation. this solution is not unique and is c unnormalized. the value of pertrb should be small compared to c the right side f. otherwise, a solution is obtained to an c essentially different problem. this comparison should always c be made to insure that a meaningful solution has been obtained. c c ierror c an error flag that indicates invalid input parameters. except c for numbers 0 and 12, a solution is not attempted. c c = 0 no error c = 1 xs .ge. xf c = 2 l .lt. 5 c = 3 lbdcnd .lt. 0 .or. lbdcnd .gt. 4 c = 4 ys .ge. yf c = 5 m .lt. 5 c = 6 mbdcnd .lt. 0 .or. mbdcnd .gt. 4 c = 7 zs .ge. zf c = 8 n .lt. 5 c = 9 nbdcnd .lt. 0 .or. nbdcnd .gt. 4 c = 10 ldimf .lt. l+1 c = 11 mdimf .lt. m+1 c = 12 lambda .gt. 0 c c since this is the only means of indicating a possibly incorrect c call to hw3crt, the user should test ierror after the call. c c c * * * * * * * program specifications * * * * * * * * * * * * c c dimension of bdxs(mdimf,n+1),bdxf(mdimf,n+1),bdys(ldimf,n+1), c arguments bdyf(ldimf,n+1),bdzs(ldimf,m+1),bdzf(ldimf,m+1), c f(ldimf,mdimf,n+1),w(see argument list) c c latest december 1, 1978 c revision c c subprograms hw3crt,pois3d,pos3d1,trid,rffti,rfftf,rfftf1, c required rfftb,rfftb1,costi,cost,sinti,sint,cosqi,cosqf, c cosqf1,cosqb,cosqb1,sinqi,sinqf,sinqb,cffti, c cffti1,cfftb,cfftb1,passb2,passb3,passb4,passb, c cfftf,cfftf1,passf1,passf2,passf3,passf4,passf, c pimach c c special none c conditions c c common value c blocks c c i/o none c c precision single c c specialist roland sweet c c language fortran c c history written by roland sweet at ncar in july,1977 c c algorithm this subroutine defines the finite difference c equations, incorporates boundary data, and c adjusts the right side of singular systems and c then calls pois3d to solve the system. c c space 7862(decimal) = 17300(octal) locations on the c required ncar control data 7600 c c timing and the execution time t on the ncar control data c accuracy 7600 for subroutine hw3crt is roughly proportional c to l*m*n*(log2(l)+log2(m)+5), but also depends on c input parameters lbdcnd and mbdcnd. some typical c values are listed in the table below. c the solution process employed results in a loss c of no more than three significant digits for l,m an c n as large as 32. more detailed information about c accuracy can be found in the documentation for c pois3d which is the routine that actuall c solves the finite difference equations. c c c l(=m=n) lbdcnd(=mbdcnd=nbdcnd) t(msecs) c ------- ---------------------- -------- c c 16 0 300 c 16 1 302 c 16 3 348 c 32 0 1925 c 32 1 1929 c 32 3 2109 c c portability american national standards institute fortran. c the machine dependent constant pi is defined in c function pimach. c c required cos,sin,atan c resident c routines c c reference none c c required cos,sin,atan c resident c routines c c reference none c c * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * c dimension bdxs(mdimf,*) ,bdxf(mdimf,*) , & bdys(ldimf,*) ,bdyf(ldimf,*) , & bdzs(ldimf,*) ,bdzf(ldimf,*) , & f(ldimf,mdimf,*) ,w(*) c c check for invalid input. c ierror = 0 if (xf .le. xs) ierror = 1 if (l .lt. 5) ierror = 2 if ( .or. ierror = 3 if (yf .le. ys) ierror = 4 if (m .lt. 5) ierror = 5 if ( .or. ierror = 6 if (zf .le. zs) ierror = 7 if (n .lt. 5) ierror = 8 if ( .or. ierror = 9 if (ldimf .lt. l+1) ierror = 10 if (mdimf .lt. m+1) ierror = 11 if (ierror .ne. 0) go to 188 dy = (yf-ys)/float(m) twbydy = 2./dy c2 = 1./(dy**2) mstart = 1 mstop = m mp1 = m+1 mp = mbdcnd+1 go to (104,101,101,102,102),mp 101 mstart = 2 102 go to (104,104,103,103,104),mp 103 mstop = mp1 104 munk = mstop-mstart+1 dz = (zf-zs)/float(n) twbydz = 2./dz np = nbdcnd+1 c3 = 1./(dz**2) np1 = n+1 nstart = 1 nstop = n go to (108,105,105,106,106),np 105 nstart = 2 106 go to (108,108,107,107,108),np 107 nstop = np1 108 nunk = nstop-nstart+1 lp1 = l+1 dx = (xf-xs)/float(l) c1 = 1./(dx**2) twbydx = 2./dx lp = lbdcnd+1 lstart = 1 lstop = l c c enter boundary data for x-boundaries. c go to (122,109,109,112,112),lp 109 lstart = 2 do 111 j=mstart,mstop do 110 k=nstart,nstop f(2,j,k) = f(2,j,k)-c1*f(1,j,k) 110 continue 111 continue go to 115 112 do 114 j=mstart,mstop do 113 k=nstart,nstop f(1,j,k) = f(1,j,k)+twbydx*bdxs(j,k) 113 continue 114 continue 115 go to (122,116,119,119,116),lp 116 do 118 j=mstart,mstop do 117 k=nstart,nstop f(l,j,k) = f(l,j,k)-c1*f(lp1,j,k) 117 continue 118 continue go to 122 119 lstop = lp1 do 121 j=mstart,mstop do 120 k=nstart,nstop f(lp1,j,k) = f(lp1,j,k)-twbydx*bdxf(j,k) 120 continue 121 continue 122 lunk = lstop-lstart+1 c c enter boundary data for y-boundaries. c go to (136,123,123,126,126),mp 123 do 125 i=lstart,lstop do 124 k=nstart,nstop f(i,2,k) = f(i,2,k)-c2*f(i,1,k) 124 continue 125 continue go to 129 126 do 128 i=lstart,lstop do 127 k=nstart,nstop f(i,1,k) = f(i,1,k)+twbydy*bdys(i,k) 127 continue 128 continue 129 go to (136,130,133,133,130),mp 130 do 132 i=lstart,lstop do 131 k=nstart,nstop f(i,m,k) = f(i,m,k)-c2*f(i,mp1,k) 131 continue 132 continue go to 136 133 do 135 i=lstart,lstop do 134 k=nstart,nstop f(i,mp1,k) = f(i,mp1,k)-twbydy*bdyf(i,k) 134 continue 135 continue 136 continue c c enter boundary data for z-boundaries. c go to (150,137,137,140,140),np 137 do 139 i=lstart,lstop do 138 j=mstart,mstop f(i,j,2) = f(i,j,2)-c3*f(i,j,1) 138 continue 139 continue go to 143 140 do 142 i=lstart,lstop do 141 j=mstart,mstop f(i,j,1) = f(i,j,1)+twbydz*bdzs(i,j) 141 continue 142 continue 143 go to (150,144,147,147,144),np 144 do 146 i=lstart,lstop do 145 j=mstart,mstop f(i,j,n) = f(i,j,n)-c3*f(i,j,np1) 145 continue 146 continue go to 150 147 do 149 i=lstart,lstop do 148 j=mstart,mstop f(i,j,np1) = f(i,j,np1)-twbydz*bdzf(i,j) 148 continue 149 continue c c define a,b,c coefficients in w-array. c 150 continue iwb = nunk+1 iwc = iwb+nunk iww = iwc+nunk do 151 k=1,nunk i = iwc+k-1 w(k) = c3 w(i) = c3 i = iwb+k-1 w(i) = -2.*c3+elmbda 151 continue go to (155,155,153,152,152),np 152 w(iwc) = 2.*c3 153 go to (155,155,154,154,155),np 154 w(iwb-1) = 2.*c3 155 continue pertrb = 0. c c for singular problems adjust data to insure a solution will exist. c go to (156,172,172,156,172),lp 156 go to (157,172,172,157,172),mp 157 go to (158,172,172,158,172),np 158 if (elmbda) 172,160,159 159 ierror = 12 go to 172 160 continue mstpm1 = mstop-1 lstpm1 = lstop-1 nstpm1 = nstop-1 xlp = (2+lp)/3 ylp = (2+mp)/3 zlp = (2+np)/3 s1 = 0. do 164 k=2,nstpm1 do 162 j=2,mstpm1 do 161 i=2,lstpm1 s1 = s1+f(i,j,k) 161 continue s1 = s1+(f(1,j,k)+f(lstop,j,k))/xlp 162 continue s2 = 0. do 163 i=2,lstpm1 s2 = s2+f(i,1,k)+f(i,mstop,k) 163 continue s2 = (s2+(f(1,1,k)+f(1,mstop,k)+f(lstop,1,k)+f(lstop,mstop,k))/ & xlp)/ylp s1 = s1+s2 164 continue s = (f(1,1,1)+f(lstop,1,1)+f(1,1,nstop)+f(lstop,1,nstop)+ & f(1,mstop,1)+f(lstop,mstop,1)+f(1,mstop,nstop)+ & f(lstop,mstop,nstop))/(xlp*ylp) do 166 j=2,mstpm1 do 165 i=2,lstpm1 s = s+f(i,j,1)+f(i,j,nstop) 165 continue 166 continue s2 = 0. do 167 i=2,lstpm1 s2 = s2+f(i,1,1)+f(i,1,nstop)+f(i,mstop,1)+f(i,mstop,nstop) 167 continue s = s2/ylp+s s2 = 0. do 168 j=2,mstpm1 s2 = s2+f(1,j,1)+f(1,j,nstop)+f(lstop,j,1)+f(lstop,j,nstop) 168 continue s = s2/xlp+s pertrb = (s/zlp+s1)/((float(lunk+1)-xlp)*(float(munk+1)-ylp)* & (float(nunk+1)-zlp)) do 171 i=1,lunk do 170 j=1,munk do 169 k=1,nunk f(i,j,k) = f(i,j,k)-pertrb 169 continue 170 continue 171 continue 172 continue nperod = 0 if (nbdcnd .eq. 0) go to 173 nperod = 1 w(1) = 0. w(iww-1) = 0. 173 continue call pois3d (lbdcnd,lunk,c1,mbdcnd,munk,c2,nperod,nunk,w,w(iwb), & w(iwc),ldimf,mdimf,f(lstart,mstart,nstart),ir,w(iww)) c c fill in sides for periodic boundary conditions. c if (lp .ne. 1) go to 180 if (mp .ne. 1) go to 175 do 174 k=nstart,nstop f(1,mp1,k) = f(1,1,k) 174 continue mstop = mp1 175 if (np .ne. 1) go to 177 do 176 j=mstart,mstop f(1,j,np1) = f(1,j,1) 176 continue nstop = np1 177 do 179 j=mstart,mstop do 178 k=nstart,nstop f(lp1,j,k) = f(1,j,k) 178 continue 179 continue 180 continue if (mp .ne. 1) go to 185 if (np .ne. 1) go to 182 do 181 i=lstart,lstop f(i,1,np1) = f(i,1,1) 181 continue nstop = np1 182 do 184 i=lstart,lstop do 183 k=nstart,nstop f(i,mp1,k) = f(i,1,k) 183 continue 184 continue 185 continue if (np .ne. 1) go to 188 do 187 i=lstart,lstop do 186 j=mstart,mstop f(i,j,np1) = f(i,j,1) 186 continue 187 continue 188 continue return end subroutine hwscrt (a,b,m,mbdcnd,bda,bdb,c,d,n,nbdcnd,bdc,bdd, & elmbda,f,idimf,pertrb,ierror,w) c*********************************************************************72 c cc HWSCRT 2D standard grid Cartesian coordinates five point scheme. c c c * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * c * * c * f i s h p a k * c * * c * * c * a package of fortran subprograms for the solution of * c * * c * separable elliptic partial differential equations * c * * c * (version 3.1 , october 1980) * c * * c * by * c * * c * john adams, paul swarztrauber and roland sweet * c * * c * of * c * * c * the national center for atmospheric research * c * * c * boulder, colorado (80307) u.s.a. * c * * c * which is sponsored by * c * * c * the national science foundation * c * * c * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * c c c * * * * * * * * * purpose * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * c c hwscrt solves the standard five-point finite c difference approximation to the helmholtz equation in cartesian c coordinates: c c (d/dx)(du/dx) + (d/dy)(du/dy) + lambda*u = f(x,y). c c c c * * * * * * * * parameter description * * * * * * * * * * c c * * * * * * on input * * * * * * c c a,b c the range of x, i.e., a .le. x .le. b. a must be less than b. c c m c the number of panels into which the interval (a,b) is c subdivided. hence, there will be m+1 grid points in the c x-direction given by x(i) = a+(i-1)dx for i = 1,2,...,m+1, c where dx = (b-a)/m is the panel width. m must be greater than 3. c c mbdcnd c indicates the type of boundary conditions at x = a and x = b. c c = 0 if the solution is periodic in x, i.e., u(i,j) = u(m+i,j). c = 1 if the solution is specified at x = a and x = b. c = 2 if the solution is specified at x = a and the derivative of c the solution with respect to x is specified at x = b. c = 3 if the derivative of the solution with respect to x is c specified at x = a and x = b. c = 4 if the derivative of the solution with respect to x is c specified at x = a and the solution is specified at x = b. c c bda c a one-dimensional array of length n+1 that specifies the values c of the derivative of the solution with respect to x at x = a. c when mbdcnd = 3 or 4, c c bda(j) = (d/dx)u(a,y(j)), j = 1,2,...,n+1 . c c when mbdcnd has any other value, bda is a dummy variable. c c bdb c a one-dimensional array of length n+1 that specifies the values c of the derivative of the solution with respect to x at x = b. c when mbdcnd = 2 or 3, c c bdb(j) = (d/dx)u(b,y(j)), j = 1,2,...,n+1 . c c when mbdcnd has any other value bdb is a dummy variable. c c c,d c the range of y, i.e., c .le. y .le. d. c must be less than d. c c n c the number of panels into which the interval (c,d) is c subdivided. hence, there will be n+1 grid points in the c y-direction given by y(j) = c+(j-1)dy for j = 1,2,...,n+1, where c dy = (d-c)/n is the panel width. n must be greater than 3. c c nbdcnd c indicates the type of boundary conditions at y = c and y = d. c c = 0 if the solution is periodic in y, i.e., u(i,j) = u(i,n+j). c = 1 if the solution is specified at y = c and y = d. c = 2 if the solution is specified at y = c and the derivative of c the solution with respect to y is specified at y = d. c = 3 if the derivative of the solution with respect to y is c specified at y = c and y = d. c = 4 if the derivative of the solution with respect to y is c specified at y = c and the solution is specified at y = d. c c bdc c a one-dimensional array of length m+1 that specifies the values c of the derivative of the solution with respect to y at y = c. c when nbdcnd = 3 or 4, c c bdc(i) = (d/dy)u(x(i),c), i = 1,2,...,m+1 . c c when nbdcnd has any other value, bdc is a dummy variable. c c bdd c a one-dimensional array of length m+1 that specifies the values c of the derivative of the solution with respect to y at y = d. c when nbdcnd = 2 or 3, c c bdd(i) = (d/dy)u(x(i),d), i = 1,2,...,m+1 . c c when nbdcnd has any other value, bdd is a dummy variable. c c elmbda c the constant lambda in the helmholtz equation. if c lambda .gt. 0, a solution may not exist. however, hwscrt will c attempt to find a solution. c c f c a two-dimensional array which specifies the values of the right c side of the helmholtz equation and boundary values (if any). c for i = 2,3,...,m and j = 2,3,...,n c c f(i,j) = f(x(i),y(j)). c c on the boundaries f is defined by c c mbdcnd f(1,j) f(m+1,j) c ------ --------- -------- c c 0 f(a,y(j)) f(a,y(j)) c 1 u(a,y(j)) u(b,y(j)) c 2 u(a,y(j)) f(b,y(j)) j = 1,2,...,n+1 c 3 f(a,y(j)) f(b,y(j)) c 4 f(a,y(j)) u(b,y(j)) c c c nbdcnd f(i,1) f(i,n+1) c ------ --------- -------- c c 0 f(x(i),c) f(x(i),c) c 1 u(x(i),c) u(x(i),d) c 2 u(x(i),c) f(x(i),d) i = 1,2,...,m+1 c 3 f(x(i),c) f(x(i),d) c 4 f(x(i),c) u(x(i),d) c c f must be dimensioned at least (m+1)*(n+1). c c note c c if the table calls for both the solution u and the right side f c at a corner then the solution must be specified. c c idimf c the row (or first) dimension of the array f as it appears in the c program calling hwscrt. this parameter is used to specify the c variable dimension of f. idimf must be at least m+1 . c c w c a one-dimensional array that must be provided by the user for c work space. w may require up to 4*(n+1) + c (13 + int(log2(n+1)))*(m+1) locations. the actual number of c locations used is computed by hwscrt and is returned in location c w(1). c c c * * * * * * on output * * * * * * c c f c contains the solution u(i,j) of the finite difference c approximation for the grid point (x(i),y(j)), i = 1,2,...,m+1, c j = 1,2,...,n+1 . c c pertrb c if a combination of periodic or derivative boundary conditions c is specified for a poisson equation (lambda = 0), a solution may c not exist. pertrb is a constant, calculated and subtracted from c f, which ensures that a solution exists. hwscrt then computes c this solution, which is a least squares solution to the original c approximation. this solution plus any constant is also a c solution. hence, the solution is not unique. the value of c pertrb should be small compared to the right side f. otherwise, c a solution is obtained to an essentially different problem. c this comparison should always be made to insure that a c meaningful solution has been obtained. c c ierror c an error flag that indicates invalid input parameters. except c for numbers 0 and 6, a solution is not attempted. c c = 0 no error. c = 1 a .ge. b. c = 2 mbdcnd .lt. 0 or mbdcnd .gt. 4 . c = 3 c .ge. d. c = 4 n .le. 3 c = 5 nbdcnd .lt. 0 or nbdcnd .gt. 4 . c = 6 lambda .gt. 0 . c = 7 idimf .lt. m+1 . c = 8 m .le. 3 c c since this is the only means of indicating a possibly incorrect c call to hwscrt, the user should test ierror after the call. c c w c w(1) contains the required length of w. c c c * * * * * * * program specifications * * * * * * * * * * * * c c c dimension of bda(n+1),bdb(n+1),bdc(m+1),bdd(m+1),f(idimf,n+1), c arguments w(see argument list) c c latest june 1, 1976 c revision c c subprograms hwscrt,genbun,poisd2,poisn2,poisp2,cosgen,merge, c required trix,tri3,pimach c c special none c conditions c c common none c blocks c c i/o none c c precision single c c specialist roland sweet c c language fortran c c history standardized september 1, 1973 c revised april 1, 1976 c c algorithm the routine defines the finite difference c equations, incorporates boundary data, and adjusts c the right side of singular systems and then calls c genbun to solve the system. c c space 13110(octal) = 5704(decimal) locations on the ncar c required control data 7600 c c timing and the execution time t on the ncar control data c accuracy 7600 for subroutine hwscrt is roughly proportional c to m*n*log2(n), but also depends on the input c parameters nbdcnd and mbdcnd. some typical values c are listed in the table below. c the solution process employed results in a loss c of no more than three significant digits for n and c m as large as 64. more detailed information about c accuracy can be found in the documentation for c genbun which is the routine that c solves the finite difference equations. c c c m(=n) mbdcnd nbdcnd t(msecs) c ----- ------ ------ -------- c c 32 0 0 31 c 32 1 1 23 c 32 3 3 36 c 64 0 0 128 c 64 1 1 96 c 64 3 3 142 c c portability american national standards institute fortran. c all machine dependent constants are located in the c function pimach. c c reference swarztrauber,p. and r. sweet, 'efficient fortran c subprograms for the solution of elliptic equations' c ncar tn/ia-109, july, 1975, 138 pp. c dimension f(idimf,*) dimension bda(*) ,bdb(*) ,bdc(*) ,bdd(*) , & w(*) c c check for invalid parameters. c ierror = 0 if (a .ge. b) ierror = 1 if ( .or. ierror = 2 if (c .ge. d) ierror = 3 if (n .le. 3) ierror = 4 if ( .or. ierror = 5 if (idimf .lt. m+1) ierror = 7 if (m .le. 3) ierror = 8 if (ierror .ne. 0) return nperod = nbdcnd mperod = 0 if (mbdcnd .gt. 0) mperod = 1 deltax = (b-a)/float(m) twdelx = 2./deltax delxsq = 1./deltax**2 deltay = (d-c)/float(n) twdely = 2./deltay delysq = 1./deltay**2 np = nbdcnd+1 np1 = n+1 mp = mbdcnd+1 mp1 = m+1 nstart = 1 nstop = n nskip = 1 go to (104,101,102,103,104),np 101 nstart = 2 go to 104 102 nstart = 2 103 nstop = np1 nskip = 2 104 nunk = nstop-nstart+1 c c enter boundary data for x-boundaries. c mstart = 1 mstop = m mskip = 1 go to (117,105,106,109,110),mp 105 mstart = 2 go to 107 106 mstart = 2 mstop = mp1 mskip = 2 107 do 108 j=nstart,nstop f(2,j) = f(2,j)-f(1,j)*delxsq 108 continue go to 112 109 mstop = mp1 mskip = 2 110 do 111 j=nstart,nstop f(1,j) = f(1,j)+bda(j)*twdelx 111 continue 112 go to (113,115),mskip 113 do 114 j=nstart,nstop f(m,j) = f(m,j)-f(mp1,j)*delxsq 114 continue go to 117 115 do 116 j=nstart,nstop f(mp1,j) = f(mp1,j)-bdb(j)*twdelx 116 continue 117 munk = mstop-mstart+1 c c enter boundary data for y-boundaries. c go to (127,118,118,120,120),np 118 do 119 i=mstart,mstop f(i,2) = f(i,2)-f(i,1)*delysq 119 continue go to 122 120 do 121 i=mstart,mstop f(i,1) = f(i,1)+bdc(i)*twdely 121 continue 122 go to (123,125),nskip 123 do 124 i=mstart,mstop f(i,n) = f(i,n)-f(i,np1)*delysq 124 continue go to 127 125 do 126 i=mstart,mstop f(i,np1) = f(i,np1)-bdd(i)*twdely 126 continue c c multiply right side by deltay**2. c 127 delysq = deltay*deltay do 129 i=mstart,mstop do 128 j=nstart,nstop f(i,j) = f(i,j)*delysq 128 continue 129 continue c c define the a,b,c coefficients in w-array. c id2 = munk id3 = id2+munk id4 = id3+munk s = delysq*delxsq st2 = 2.*s do 130 i=1,munk w(i) = s j = id2+i w(j) = -st2+elmbda*delysq j = id3+i w(j) = s 130 continue if (mp .eq. 1) go to 131 w(1) = 0. w(id4) = 0. 131 continue go to (135,135,132,133,134),mp 132 w(id2) = st2 go to 135 133 w(id2) = st2 134 w(id3+1) = st2 135 continue pertrb = 0. if (elmbda) 144,137,136 136 ierror = 6 go to 144 137 if ((nbdcnd.eq.0 .or. nbdcnd.eq.3) .and. & (mbdcnd.eq.0 .or. mbdcnd.eq.3)) go to 138 go to 144 c c for singular problems must adjust data to insure that a solution c will exist. c 138 a1 = 1. a2 = 1. if (nbdcnd .eq. 3) a2 = 2. if (mbdcnd .eq. 3) a1 = 2. s1 = 0. msp1 = mstart+1 mstm1 = mstop-1 nsp1 = nstart+1 nstm1 = nstop-1 do 140 j=nsp1,nstm1 s = 0. do 139 i=msp1,mstm1 s = s+f(i,j) 139 continue s1 = s1+s*a1+f(mstart,j)+f(mstop,j) 140 continue s1 = a2*s1 s = 0. do 141 i=msp1,mstm1 s = s+f(i,nstart)+f(i,nstop) 141 continue s1 = s1+s*a1+f(mstart,nstart)+f(mstart,nstop)+f(mstop,nstart)+ & f(mstop,nstop) s = (2.+float(nunk-2)*a2)*(2.+float(munk-2)*a1) pertrb = s1/s do 143 j=nstart,nstop do 142 i=mstart,mstop f(i,j) = f(i,j)-pertrb 142 continue 143 continue pertrb = pertrb/delysq c c solve the equation. c 144 call genbun (nperod,nunk,mperod,munk,w(1),w(id2+1),w(id3+1), & idimf,f(mstart,nstart),ierr1,w(id4+1)) w(1) = w(id4+1)+3.*float(munk) c c fill in identical values when have periodic boundary conditions. c if (nbdcnd .ne. 0) go to 146 do 145 i=mstart,mstop f(i,np1) = f(i,1) 145 continue 146 if (mbdcnd .ne. 0) go to 148 do 147 j=nstart,nstop f(mp1,j) = f(1,j) 147 continue if (nbdcnd .eq. 0) f(mp1,np1) = f(1,np1) 148 continue return end subroutine hwscs1 (intl,ts,tf,m,mbdcnd,bdts,bdtf,rs,rf,n,nbdcnd, & bdrs,bdrf,elmbda,f,idimf,pertrb,w,s,an,bn,cn, & r,am,bm,cm,sint,bmh) c*********************************************************************72 c cc HWSCS1 is a utility routine for HWSCSP. c dimension f(idimf,*) ,bdrs(*) ,bdrf(*) ,bdts(*) , & bdtf(*) ,am(*) ,bm(*) ,cm(*) , & an(*) ,bn(*) ,cn(*) ,s(*) , & r(*) ,sint(*) ,bmh(*) ,w(*) pi = pimach() eps = epmach() mp1 = m+1 dth = (tf-ts)/float(m) tdt = dth+dth hdth = dth/2. sdts = 1./(dth*dth) do 102 i=1,mp1 theta = ts+float(i-1)*dth sint(i) = sin(theta) if (sint(i)) 101,102,101 101 t1 = sdts/sint(i) am(i) = t1*sin(theta-hdth) cm(i) = t1*sin(theta+hdth) bm(i) = -(am(i)+cm(i)) 102 continue np1 = n+1 dr = (rf-rs)/float(n) hdr = dr/2. tdr = dr+dr dr2 = dr*dr czr = 6.*dth/(dr2*(cos(ts)-cos(tf))) do 103 j=1,np1 r(j) = rs+float(j-1)*dr an(j) = (r(j)-hdr)**2/dr2 cn(j) = (r(j)+hdr)**2/dr2 bn(j) = -(an(j)+cn(j)) 103 continue mp = 1 np = 1 c c boundary condition at phi=ps c go to (104,104,105,105,106,106,104,105,106),mbdcnd 104 at = am(2) its = 2 go to 107 105 at = am(1) its = 1 cm(1) = cm(1)+am(1) go to 107 106 its = 1 bm(1) = -4.*sdts cm(1) = -bm(1) c c boundary condition at phi=pf c 107 go to (108,109,109,108,108,109,110,110,110),mbdcnd 108 ct = cm(m) itf = m go to 111 109 ct = cm(m+1) am(m+1) = am(m+1)+cm(m+1) itf = m+1 go to 111 110 itf = m+1 am(m+1) = 4.*sdts bm(m+1) = -am(m+1) 111 wts = sint(its+1)*am(its+1)/cm(its) wtf = sint(itf-1)*cm(itf-1)/am(itf) itsp = its+1 itfm = itf-1 c c boundary condition at r=rs c ictr = 0 go to (112,112,113,113,114,114),nbdcnd 112 ar = an(2) jrs = 2 go to 118 113 ar = an(1) jrs = 1 cn(1) = cn(1)+an(1) go to 118 114 jrs = 2 ictr = 1 s(n) = an(n)/bn(n) do 115 j=3,n l = n-j+2 s(l) = an(l)/(bn(l)-cn(l)*s(l+1)) 115 continue s(2) = -s(2) do 116 j=3,n s(j) = -s(j)*s(j-1) 116 continue wtnm = wts+wtf do 117 i=itsp,itfm wtnm = wtnm+sint(i) 117 continue yps = czr*wtnm*(s(2)-1.) c c boundary condition at r=rf c 118 go to (119,120,120,119,119,120),nbdcnd 119 cr = cn(n) jrf = n go to 121 120 cr = cn(n+1) an(n+1) = an(n+1)+cn(n+1) jrf = n+1 121 wrs = an(jrs+1)*r(jrs)**2/cn(jrs) wrf = cn(jrf-1)*r(jrf)**2/an(jrf) wrz = an(jrs)/czr jrsp = jrs+1 jrfm = jrf-1 munk = itf-its+1 nunk = jrf-jrs+1 do 122 i=its,itf bmh(i) = bm(i) 122 continue ising = 0 go to (132,132,123,132,132,123),nbdcnd 123 go to (132,132,124,132,132,124,132,124,124),mbdcnd 124 if (elmbda) 132,125,125 125 ising = 1 sum = wts*wrs+wts*wrf+wtf*wrs+wtf*wrf if (ictr) 126,127,126 126 sum = sum+wrz 127 do 129 j=jrsp,jrfm r2 = r(j)**2 do 128 i=itsp,itfm sum = sum+r2*sint(i) 128 continue 129 continue do 130 j=jrsp,jrfm sum = sum+(wts+wtf)*r(j)**2 130 continue do 131 i=itsp,itfm sum = sum+(wrs+wrf)*sint(i) 131 continue hne = sum 132 go to (133,133,133,133,134,134,133,133,134),mbdcnd 133 bm(its) = bmh(its)+elmbda/sint(its)**2 134 go to (135,135,135,135,135,135,136,136,136),mbdcnd 135 bm(itf) = bmh(itf)+elmbda/sint(itf)**2 136 do 137 i=itsp,itfm bm(i) = bmh(i)+elmbda/sint(i)**2 137 continue go to (138,138,140,140,142,142,138,140,142),mbdcnd 138 do 139 j=jrs,jrf f(2,j) = f(2,j)-at*f(1,j)/r(j)**2 139 continue go to 142 140 do 141 j=jrs,jrf f(1,j) = f(1,j)+tdt*bdts(j)*at/r(j)**2 141 continue 142 go to (143,145,145,143,143,145,147,147,147),mbdcnd 143 do 144 j=jrs,jrf f(m,j) = f(m,j)-ct*f(m+1,j)/r(j)**2 144 continue go to 147 145 do 146 j=jrs,jrf f(m+1,j) = f(m+1,j)-tdt*bdtf(j)*ct/r(j)**2 146 continue 147 go to (151,151,153,153,148,148),nbdcnd 148 if (mbdcnd-3) 155,149,155 149 yhld = f(its,1)-czr/tdt*(sin(tf)*bdtf(2)-sin(ts)*bdts(2)) do 150 i=1,mp1 f(i,1) = yhld 150 continue go to 155 151 rs2 = (rs+dr)**2 do 152 i=its,itf f(i,2) = f(i,2)-ar*f(i,1)/rs2 152 continue go to 155 153 do 154 i=its,itf f(i,1) = f(i,1)+tdr*bdrs(i)*ar/rs**2 154 continue 155 go to (156,158,158,156,156,158),nbdcnd 156 rf2 = (rf-dr)**2 do 157 i=its,itf f(i,n) = f(i,n)-cr*f(i,n+1)/rf2 157 continue go to 160 158 do 159 i=its,itf f(i,n+1) = f(i,n+1)-tdr*bdrf(i)*cr/rf**2 159 continue 160 continue pertrb = 0. if (ising) 161,170,161 161 sum = wts*wrs*f(its,jrs)+wts*wrf*f(its,jrf)+wtf*wrs*f(itf,jrs)+ & wtf*wrf*f(itf,jrf) if (ictr) 162,163,162 162 sum = sum+wrz*f(its,1) 163 do 165 j=jrsp,jrfm r2 = r(j)**2 do 164 i=itsp,itfm sum = sum+r2*sint(i)*f(i,j) 164 continue 165 continue do 166 j=jrsp,jrfm sum = sum+r(j)**2*(wts*f(its,j)+wtf*f(itf,j)) 166 continue do 167 i=itsp,itfm sum = sum+sint(i)*(wrs*f(i,jrs)+wrf*f(i,jrf)) 167 continue pertrb = sum/hne do 169 j=1,np1 do 168 i=1,mp1 f(i,j) = f(i,j)-pertrb 168 continue 169 continue 170 do 172 j=jrs,jrf rsq = r(j)**2 do 171 i=its,itf f(i,j) = rsq*f(i,j) 171 continue 172 continue iflg = intl 173 call blktri (iflg,np,nunk,an(jrs),bn(jrs),cn(jrs),mp,munk, & am(its),bm(its),cm(its),idimf,f(its,jrs),ierror,w) iflg = iflg+1 if (iflg-1) 174,173,174 174 if (nbdcnd) 177,175,177 175 do 176 i=1,mp1 f(i,jrf+1) = f(i,jrs) 176 continue 177 if (mbdcnd) 180,178,180 178 do 179 j=1,np1 f(itf+1,j) = f(its,j) 179 continue 180 xp = 0. if (ictr) 181,188,181 181 if (ising) 186,182,186 182 sum = wts*f(its,2)+wtf*f(itf,2) do 183 i=itsp,itfm sum = sum+sint(i)*f(i,2) 183 continue yph = czr*sum xp = (f(its,1)-yph)/yps do 185 j=jrs,jrf xps = xp*s(j) do 184 i=its,itf f(i,j) = f(i,j)+xps 184 continue 185 continue 186 do 187 i=1,mp1 f(i,1) = xp 187 continue 188 return end subroutine hwscsp (intl,ts,tf,m,mbdcnd,bdts,bdtf,rs,rf,n,nbdcnd, & bdrs,bdrf,elmbda,f,idimf,pertrb,ierror,w) c*********************************************************************72 c cc HWSCSP 2D standard grid axisymmetric spherical coordinates, five point scheme. c c * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * c * * c * f i s h p a k * c * * c * * c * a package of fortran subprograms for the solution of * c * * c * separable elliptic partial differential equations * c * * c * (version 3.1 , october 1980) * c * * c * by * c * * c * john adams, paul swarztrauber and roland sweet * c * * c * of * c * * c * the national center for atmospheric research * c * * c * boulder, colorado (80307) u.s.a. * c * * c * which is sponsored by * c * * c * the national science foundation * c * * c * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * c c hwscsp solves a finite difference approximation to the c modified helmholtz equation in spherical coordinates assuming c axisymmetry (no dependence on longitude) c c (1/r**2)(d/dr)((r**2)(d/dr)u) c c + (1/(r**2)sin(theta))(d/dtheta)(sin(theta)(d/dtheta)u) c c + (lambda/(rsin(theta))**2)u = f(theta,r). c c this two dimensional modified helmholtz equation results from c the fourier transform of the three dimensional poisson equation c c * * * * * * * * * * on input * * * * * * * * * * c c intl c = 0 on initial entry to hwscsp or if any of the arguments c rs, rf, n, nbdcnd are changed from a previous call. c = 1 if rs, rf, n, nbdcnd are all unchanged from previous call c to hwscsp. c c note a call with intl=0 takes approximately 1.5 times as c much time as a call with intl = 1 . once a call with c intl = 0 has been made then subsequent solutions c corresponding to different f, bdts, bdtf, bdrs, bdrf can c be obtained faster with intl = 1 since initialization is c not repeated. c c ts,tf c the range of theta (colatitude), i.e., ts .le. theta .le. tf. c ts must be less than tf. ts and tf are in radians. a ts of c zero corresponds to the north pole and a tf of pi corresponds c to the south pole. c c * * * * * * * * * * * * * * important * * * * * * * * * * * * * * c c if tf is equal to pi then it must be computed using the statement c tf = pimach(). this insures that tf in the users program is c equal to pi in this program which permits several tests of the c input parameters that otherwise would not be possible. c c m c the number of panels into which the interval (ts,tf) is c subdivided. hence, there will be m+1 grid points in the c theta-direction given by theta(k) = (i-1)dtheta+ts for c i = 1,2,...,m+1, where dtheta = (tf-ts)/m is the panel width. c c mbdcnd c indicates the type of boundary condition at theta = ts and c theta = tf. c c = 1 if the solution is specified at theta = ts and theta = tf. c = 2 if the solution is specified at theta = ts and the c derivative of the solution with respect to theta is c specified at theta = tf (see note 2 below). c = 3 if the derivative of the solution with respect to theta is c specified at theta = ts and theta = tf (see notes 1,2 c below). c = 4 if the derivative of the solution with respect to theta is c specified at theta = ts (see note 1 below) and the c solution is specified at theta = tf. c = 5 if the solution is unspecified at theta = ts = 0 and the c solution is specified at theta = tf. c = 6 if the solution is unspecified at theta = ts = 0 and the c derivative of the solution with respect to theta is c specified at theta = tf (see note 2 below). c = 7 if the solution is specified at theta = ts and the c solution is unspecified at theta = tf = pi. c = 8 if the derivative of the solution with respect to theta is c specified at theta = ts (see note 1 below) and the solution c is unspecified at theta = tf = pi. c = 9 if the solution is unspecified at theta = ts = 0 and c theta = tf = pi. c c notes: 1. if ts = 0, do not use mbdcnd = 3,4, or 8, but c instead use mbdcnd = 5,6, or 9 . c 2. if tf = pi, do not use mbdcnd = 2,3, or 6, but c instead use mbdcnd = 7,8, or 9 . c c bdts c a one-dimensional array of length n+1 that specifies the values c of the derivative of the solution with respect to theta at c theta = ts. when mbdcnd = 3,4, or 8, c c bdts(j) = (d/dtheta)u(ts,r(j)), j = 1,2,...,n+1 . c c when mbdcnd has any other value, bdts is a dummy variable. c c bdtf c a one-dimensional array of length n+1 that specifies the values c of the derivative of the solution with respect to theta at c theta = tf. when mbdcnd = 2,3, or 6, c c bdtf(j) = (d/dtheta)u(tf,r(j)), j = 1,2,...,n+1 . c c when mbdcnd has any other value, bdtf is a dummy variable. c c rs,rf c the range of r, i.e., rs .le. r .lt. rf. rs must be less than c rf. rs must be non-negative. c c n c the number of panels into which the interval (rs,rf) is c subdivided. hence, there will be n+1 grid points in the c r-direction given by r(j) = (j-1)dr+rs for j = 1,2,...,n+1, c where dr = (rf-rs)/n is the panel width. c n must be greater than 2 c c nbdcnd c indicates the type of boundary condition at r = rs and r = rf. c c = 1 if the solution is specified at r = rs and r = rf. c = 2 if the solution is specified at r = rs and the derivative c of the solution with respect to r is specified at r = rf. c = 3 if the derivative of the solution with respect to r is c specified at r = rs and r = rf. c = 4 if the derivative of the solution with respect to r is c specified at rs and the solution is specified at r = rf. c = 5 if the solution is unspecified at r = rs = 0 (see note c below) and the solution is specified at r = rf. c = 6 if the solution is unspecified at r = rs = 0 (see note c below) and the derivative of the solution with respect to c r is specified at r = rf. c c note: nbdcnd = 5 or 6 cannot be used with c mbdcnd = 1,2,4,5, or 7 (the former indicates that the c solution is unspecified at r = 0, the latter c indicates that the solution is specified). c use instead c nbdcnd = 1 or 2 . c c bdrs c a one-dimensional array of length m+1 that specifies the values c of the derivative of the solution with respect to r at r = rs. c when nbdcnd = 3 or 4, c c bdrs(i) = (d/dr)u(theta(i),rs), i = 1,2,...,m+1 . c c when nbdcnd has any other value, bdrs is a dummy variable. c c bdrf c a one-dimensional array of length m+1 that specifies the values c of the derivative of the solution with respect to r at r = rf. c when nbdcnd = 2,3, or 6, c c bdrf(i) = (d/dr)u(theta(i),rf), i = 1,2,...,m+1 . c c when nbdcnd has any other value, bdrf is a dummy variable. c c elmbda c the constant lambda in the helmholtz equation. if c lambda .gt. 0, a solution may not exist. however, hwscsp will c attempt to find a solution. if nbdcnd = 5 or 6 or c mbdcnd = 5,6,7,8, or 9, elmbda must be zero. c c f c a two-dimensional array that specifies the value of the right c side of the helmholtz equation and boundary values (if any). c for i = 2,3,...,m and j = 2,3,...,n c c f(i,j) = f(theta(i),r(j)). c c on the boundaries f is defined by c c mbdcnd f(1,j) f(m+1,j) c ------ ---------- ---------- c c 1 u(ts,r(j)) u(tf,r(j)) c 2 u(ts,r(j)) f(tf,r(j)) c 3 f(ts,r(j)) f(tf,r(j)) c 4 f(ts,r(j)) u(tf,r(j)) c 5 f(0,r(j)) u(tf,r(j)) j = 1,2,...,n+1 c 6 f(0,r(j)) f(tf,r(j)) c 7 u(ts,r(j)) f(pi,r(j)) c 8 f(ts,r(j)) f(pi,r(j)) c 9 f(0,r(j)) f(pi,r(j)) c c nbdcnd f(i,1) f(i,n+1) c ------ -------------- -------------- c c 1 u(theta(i),rs) u(theta(i),rf) c 2 u(theta(i),rs) f(theta(i),rf) c 3 f(theta(i),rs) f(theta(i),rf) c 4 f(theta(i),rs) u(theta(i),rf) i = 1,2,...,m+1 c 5 f(ts,0) u(theta(i),rf) c 6 f(ts,0) f(theta(i),rf) c c f must be dimensioned at least (m+1)*(n+1). c c note c c if the table calls for both the solution u and the right side f c at a corner then the solution must be specified. c c idimf c the row (or first) dimension of the array f as it appears in the c program calling hwscsp. this parameter is used to specify the c variable dimension of f. idimf must be at least m+1 . c c w c a one-dimensional array that must be provided by the user for c work space. its length can be computed from the formula below c which depends on the value of nbdcnd c c if nbdcnd=2,4 or 6 define nunk=n c if nbdcnd=1 or 5 define nunk=n-1 c if nbdcnd=3 define nunk=n+1 c c now set k=int(log2(nunk))+1 and l=2**(k+1) then w must be c dimensioned at least (k-2)*l+k+5*(m+n)+max(2*n,6*m)+23 c c **important** for purposes of checking, the required length c of w is computed by hwscsp and stored in w(1) c in floating point format. c c c * * * * * * * * * * on output * * * * * * * * * * c c f c contains the solution u(i,j) of the finite difference c approximation for the grid point (theta(i),r(j)), c i = 1,2,...,m+1, j = 1,2,...,n+1 . c c pertrb c if a combination of periodic or derivative boundary conditions c is specified for a poisson equation (lambda = 0), a solution may c not exist. pertrb is a constant, calculated and subtracted from c f, which ensures that a solution exists. hwscsp then computes c this solution, which is a least squares solution to the original c approximation. this solution is not unique and is unnormalized. c the value of pertrb should be small compared to the right side c f. otherwise , a solution is obtained to an essentially c different problem. this comparison should always be made to c insure that a meaningful solution has been obtained. c c ierror c an error flag that indicates invalid input parameters. except c for numbers 0 and 10, a solution is not attempted. c c = 1 or c = 2 c = 3 c = 4 or c = 5 c = 6 c = 7 c = 8 or c = 9 c = 10 c = 11 and c = 12 and nbdcnd equals 5 or 6 c = 13 mbdcnd equals 5,6 or 9 and c = 14 and c = 15 ts.eq.0 and mbdcnd equals 3,4 or 8 c = 16 tf.eq.pi and mbdcnd equals 2,3 or 6 c = 17 and c = 18 and mbdcnd equals 1,2,4,5 or 7 c c since this is the only means of indicating a possliby incorrect c call to hwscsp, the user should test ierror after a call. c c w c contains intermediate values that must not be destroyed if c hwscsp will be called again with intl = 1. w(1) contains the c number of locations which w must have c c * * * * * * * program specifications * * * * * * * * * * * * c c dimension of bdts(n+1),bdtf(n+1),bdrs(m+1),bdrf(m+1), c arguments f(idimf,n+1),w(see argument list) c c latest june 1979 c revision c c subprograms hwscsp,hwscs1,blktri,blktr1,prod,prodp,cprod,cprodp c required ,combp,ppadd,psgf,bsrh,ppsgf,ppspf,tevls,indxa, c ,indxb,indxc,epmach,store c c special c conditions c c common cblkt,value c blocks c c i/o none c c precision single c c specialist paul n swarztrauber c c language fortran c c history version 1 september 1973 c version 2 april 1976 c version 3 june 1979 c c algorithm the routine defines the finite difference c equations, incorporates boundary data, and adjusts c the right side of singular systems and then calls c blktri to solve the system. c c space c required c c portability american national standards institute fortran. c the machine accuracy is computed approximately c in function epmach c c required none c resident c routines c c reference swarztrauber,p. and r. sweet, 'efficient fortran c subprograms for the solution of elliptic equations' c ncar tn/ia-109, july, 1975, 138 pp. c dimension f(idimf,*) ,bdts(*) ,bdtf(*) ,bdrs(*) , & bdrf(*) ,w(*) pi = pimach() ierror = 0 if ( .or. ierror = 1 if (ts .ge. tf) ierror = 2 if (m .lt. 5) ierror = 3 if ( .or. ierror = 4 if (rs .lt. 0.) ierror = 5 if (rs .ge. rf) ierror = 6 if (n .lt. 5) ierror = 7 if ( .or. ierror = 8 if (elmbda .gt. 0.) ierror = 9 if (idimf .lt. m+1) ierror = 10 if ( .and. ierror = 11 if ( .and. (nbdcnd.eq.5 .or. nbdcnd.eq.6)) ierror = 12 if ((mbdcnd.eq.5 .or. mbdcnd.eq.6 .or. mbdcnd.eq.9) .and. & ierror = 13 if ( .and. ierror = 14 if (ts.eq.0. .and. & (mbdcnd.eq.4 .or. mbdcnd.eq.8 .or. mbdcnd.eq.3)) ierror = 15 if (tf.eq.pi .and. & (mbdcnd.eq.2 .or. mbdcnd.eq.3 .or. mbdcnd.eq.6)) ierror = 16 if ( .and. ierror = 17 if ( .and. (mbdcnd.eq.1 .or. mbdcnd.eq.2 .or. & mbdcnd.eq.5 .or. mbdcnd.eq.7)) & ierror = 18 if ( .and. return nck = n go to (101,103,102,103,101,103),nbdcnd 101 nck = nck-1 go to 103 102 nck = nck+1 103 l = 2 k = 1 104 l = l+l k = k+1 if (nck-l) 105,105,104 105 l = l+l np1 = n+1 mp1 = m+1 i1 = (k-2)*l+k+max0(2*n,6*m)+13 i2 = i1+np1 i3 = i2+np1 i4 = i3+np1 i5 = i4+np1 i6 = i5+np1 i7 = i6+mp1 i8 = i7+mp1 i9 = i8+mp1 i10 = i9+mp1 w(1) = float(i10+m) call hwscs1 (intl,ts,tf,m,mbdcnd,bdts,bdtf,rs,rf,n,nbdcnd,bdrs, & bdrf,elmbda,f,idimf,pertrb,w(2),w(i1),w(i2),w(i3), & w(i4),w(i5),w(i6),w(i7),w(i8),w(i9),w(i10)) return end subroutine hwscyl (a,b,m,mbdcnd,bda,bdb,c,d,n,nbdcnd,bdc,bdd, & elmbda,f,idimf,pertrb,ierror,w) c*********************************************************************72 c cc HWSCYL 2D standard grid cylindrical coordinates five point scheme. c c c * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * c * * c * f i s h p a k * c * * c * * c * a package of fortran subprograms for the solution of * c * * c * separable elliptic partial differential equations * c * * c * (version 3.1 , october 1980) * c * * c * by * c * * c * john adams, paul swarztrauber and roland sweet * c * * c * of * c * * c * the national center for atmospheric research * c * * c * boulder, colorado (80307) u.s.a. * c * * c * which is sponsored by * c * * c * the national science foundation * c * * c * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * c c c * * * * * * * * * purpose * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * c c c hwscyl solves a finite difference approximation to the c helmholtz equation in cylindrical coordinates: c c (1/r)(d/dr)(r(du/dr)) + (d/dz)(du/dz) c c + (lambda/r**2)u = f(r,z) c c this modified helmholtz equation results from the fourier c transform of the three-dimensional poisson equation. c c * * * * * * * * parameter description * * * * * * * * * * c c * * * * * * on input * * * * * * c c a,b c the range of r, i.e., a .le. r .le. b. a must be less than b c and a must be non-negative. c c m c the number of panels into which the interval (a,b) is c subdivided. hence, there will be m+1 grid points in the c r-direction given by r(i) = a+(i-1)dr, for i = 1,2,...,m+1, c where dr = (b-a)/m is the panel width. m must be greater than 3. c c mbdcnd c indicates the type of boundary conditions at r = a and r = b. c c = 1 if the solution is specified at r = a and r = b. c = 2 if the solution is specified at r = a and the derivative of c the solution with respect to r is specified at r = b. c = 3 if the derivative of the solution with respect to r is c specified at r = a (see note below) and r = b. c = 4 if the derivative of the solution with respect to r is c specified at r = a (see note below) and the solution is c specified at r = b. c = 5 if the solution is unspecified at r = a = 0 and the c solution is specified at r = b. c = 6 if the solution is unspecified at r = a = 0 and the c derivative of the solution with respect to r is specified c at r = b. c c note: if a = 0, do not use mbdcnd = 3 or 4, but instead use c mbdcnd = 1,2,5, or 6 . c c bda c a one-dimensional array of length n+1 that specifies the values c of the derivative of the solution with respect to r at r = a. c when mbdcnd = 3 or 4, c c bda(j) = (d/dr)u(a,z(j)), j = 1,2,...,n+1 . c c when mbdcnd has any other value, bda is a dummy variable. c c bdb c a one-dimensional array of length n+1 that specifies the values c of the derivative of the solution with respect to r at r = b. c when mbdcnd = 2,3, or 6, c c bdb(j) = (d/dr)u(b,z(j)), j = 1,2,...,n+1 . c c when mbdcnd has any other value, bdb is a dummy variable. c c c,d c the range of z, i.e., c .le. z .le. d. c must be less than d. c c n c the number of panels into which the interval (c,d) is c subdivided. hence, there will be n+1 grid points in the c z-direction given by z(j) = c+(j-1)dz, for j = 1,2,...,n+1, c where dz = (d-c)/n is the panel width. n must be greater than 3. c c nbdcnd c indicates the type of boundary conditions at z = c and z = d. c c = 0 if the solution is periodic in z, i.e., u(i,1) = u(i,n+1). c = 1 if the solution is specified at z = c and z = d. c = 2 if the solution is specified at z = c and the derivative of c the solution with respect to z is specified at z = d. c = 3 if the derivative of the solution with respect to z is c specified at z = c and z = d. c = 4 if the derivative of the solution with respect to z is c specified at z = c and the solution is specified at z = d. c c bdc c a one-dimensional array of length m+1 that specifies the values c of the derivative of the solution with respect to z at z = c. c when nbdcnd = 3 or 4, c c bdc(i) = (d/dz)u(r(i),c), i = 1,2,...,m+1 . c c when nbdcnd has any other value, bdc is a dummy variable. c c bdd c a one-dimensional array of length m+1 that specifies the values c of the derivative of the solution with respect to z at z = d. c when nbdcnd = 2 or 3, c c bdd(i) = (d/dz)u(r(i),d), i = 1,2,...,m+1 . c c when nbdcnd has any other value, bdd is a dummy variable. c c elmbda c the constant lambda in the helmholtz equation. if c lambda .gt. 0, a solution may not exist. however, hwscyl will c attempt to find a solution. lambda must be zero when c mbdcnd = 5 or 6 . c c f c a two-dimensional array that specifies the values of the right c side of the helmholtz equation and boundary data (if any). for c i = 2,3,...,m and j = 2,3,...,n c c f(i,j) = f(r(i),z(j)). c c on the boundaries f is defined by c c mbdcnd f(1,j) f(m+1,j) c ------ --------- --------- c c 1 u(a,z(j)) u(b,z(j)) c 2 u(a,z(j)) f(b,z(j)) c 3 f(a,z(j)) f(b,z(j)) j = 1,2,...,n+1 c 4 f(a,z(j)) u(b,z(j)) c 5 f(0,z(j)) u(b,z(j)) c 6 f(0,z(j)) f(b,z(j)) c c nbdcnd f(i,1) f(i,n+1) c ------ --------- --------- c c 0 f(r(i),c) f(r(i),c) c 1 u(r(i),c) u(r(i),d) c 2 u(r(i),c) f(r(i),d) i = 1,2,...,m+1 c 3 f(r(i),c) f(r(i),d) c 4 f(r(i),c) u(r(i),d) c c f must be dimensioned at least (m+1)*(n+1). c c note c c if the table calls for both the solution u and the right side f c at a corner then the solution must be specified. c c idimf c the row (or first) dimension of the array f as it appears in the c program calling hwscyl. this parameter is used to specify the c variable dimension of f. idimf must be at least m+1 . c c w c a one-dimensional array that must be provided by the user for c work space. w may require up to 4*(n+1) + c (13 + int(log2(n+1)))*(m+1) locations. the actual number of c locations used is computed by hwscyl and is returned in location c w(1). c c c * * * * * * on output * * * * * * c c f c contains the solution u(i,j) of the finite difference c approximation for the grid point (r(i),z(j)), i = 1,2,...,m+1, c j = 1,2,...,n+1 . c c pertrb c if one specifies a combination of periodic, derivative, and c unspecified boundary conditions for a poisson equation c (lambda = 0), a solution may not exist. pertrb is a constant, c calculated and subtracted from f, which ensures that a solution c exists. hwscyl then computes this solution, which is a least c squares solution to the original approximation. this solution c plus any constant is also a solution. hence, the solution is c not unique. the value of pertrb should be small compared to the c right side f. otherwise, a solution is obtained to an c essentially different problem. this comparison should always c be made to insure that a meaningful solution has been obtained. c c ierror c an error flag which indicates invalid input parameters. except c for numbers 0 and 11, a solution is not attempted. c c = 0 no error. c = 1 a .lt. 0 . c = 2 a .ge. b. c = 3 mbdcnd .lt. 1 or mbdcnd .gt. 6 . c = 4 c .ge. d. c = 5 n .le. 3 c = 6 nbdcnd .lt. 0 or nbdcnd .gt. 4 . c = 7 a = 0, mbdcnd = 3 or 4 . c = 8 a .gt. 0, mbdcnd .ge. 5 . c = 9 a = 0, lambda .ne. 0, mbdcnd .ge. 5 . c = 10 idimf .lt. m+1 . c = 11 lambda .gt. 0 . c = 12 m .le. 3 c c since this is the only means of indicating a possibly incorrect c call to hwscyl, the user should test ierror after the call. c c w c w(1) contains the required length of w. c c c * * * * * * * program specifications * * * * * * * * * * * * c c dimension of bda(n+1),bdb(n+1),bdc(m+1),bdd(m+1),f(idimf,n+1), c arguments w(see argument list) c c latest june 1, 1976 c revision c c subprograms hwscyl,genbun,poisd2,poisn2,poisp2,cosgen,merge, c required trix,tri3,pimach c c special none c conditions c c common none c blocks c c i/o none c c precision single c c specialist roland sweet c c language fortran c c history standardized september 1, 1973 c revised april 1, 1976 c c algorithm the routine defines the finite difference c equations, incorporates boundary data, and adjusts c the right side of singular systems and then calls c genbun to solve the system. c c space 5818(decimal) = 13272(octal) locations on the ncar c required control data 7600 c c timing and the execution time t on the ncar control data c accuracy 7600 for subroutine hwscyl is roughly proportional c to m*n*log2(n), but also depends on the input c parameters nbdcnd and mbdcnd. some typical values c are listed in the table below. c the solution process employed results in a loss c of no more than three significant digits for n and c m as large as 64. more detailed information about c accuracy can be found in the documentation for c genbun which is the routine that c solves the finite difference equations. c c c m(=n) mbdcnd nbdcnd t(msecs) c ----- ------ ------ -------- c c 32 1 0 31 c 32 1 1 23 c 32 3 3 36 c 64 1 0 128 c 64 1 1 96 c 64 3 3 142 c c portability american national standards institute fortran. c all machine dependent constants are located in the c function pimach. c c required cos c resident c routines c c reference swarztrauber,p. and r. sweet, 'efficient fortran c subprograms for the solution of elliptic equations' c ncar tn/ia-109, july, 1975, 138 pp. c c * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * c c dimension f(idimf,*) dimension bda(*) ,bdb(*) ,bdc(*) ,bdd(*) , & w(*) c c check for invalid parameters. c ierror = 0 if (a .lt. 0.) ierror = 1 if (a .ge. b) ierror = 2 if (mbdcnd.le.0 .or. ierror = 3 if (c .ge. d) ierror = 4 if (n .le. 3) ierror = 5 if (nbdcnd.le.-1 .or. ierror = 6 if (a.eq.0. .and. (mbdcnd.eq.3 .or. mbdcnd.eq.4)) ierror = 7 if ( .and. ierror = 8 if (a.eq.0. .and. .and. ierror = 9 if (idimf .lt. m+1) ierror = 10 if (m .le. 3) ierror = 12 if (ierror .ne. 0) return mp1 = m+1 deltar = (b-a)/float(m) dlrby2 = deltar/2. dlrsq = deltar**2 np1 = n+1 deltht = (d-c)/float(n) dlthsq = deltht**2 np = nbdcnd+1 c c define range of indices i and j for unknowns u(i,j). c mstart = 2 mstop = m go to (104,103,102,101,101,102),mbdcnd 101 mstart = 1 go to 104 102 mstart = 1 103 mstop = mp1 104 munk = mstop-mstart+1 nstart = 1 nstop = n go to (108,105,106,107,108),np 105 nstart = 2 go to 108 106 nstart = 2 107 nstop = np1 108 nunk = nstop-nstart+1 c c define a,b,c coefficients in w-array. c id2 = munk id3 = id2+munk id4 = id3+munk id5 = id4+munk id6 = id5+munk istart = 1 a1 = 2./dlrsq ij = 0 if (mbdcnd.eq.3 .or. mbdcnd.eq.4) ij = 1 if (mbdcnd .le. 4) go to 109 w(1) = 0. w(id2+1) = -2.*a1 w(id3+1) = 2.*a1 istart = 2 ij = 1 109 do 110 i=istart,munk r = a+float(i-ij)*deltar j = id5+i w(j) = r j = id6+i w(j) = 1./r**2 w(i) = (r-dlrby2)/(r*dlrsq) j = id3+i w(j) = (r+dlrby2)/(r*dlrsq) k = id6+i j = id2+i w(j) = -a1+elmbda*w(k) 110 continue go to (114,111,112,113,114,112),mbdcnd 111 w(id2) = a1 go to 114 112 w(id2) = a1 113 w(id3+1) = a1*float(istart) 114 continue c c enter boundary data for r-boundaries. c go to (115,115,117,117,119,119),mbdcnd 115 a1 = w(1) do 116 j=nstart,nstop f(2,j) = f(2,j)-a1*f(1,j) 116 continue go to 119 117 a1 = 2.*deltar*w(1) do 118 j=nstart,nstop f(1,j) = f(1,j)+a1*bda(j) 118 continue 119 go to (120,122,122,120,120,122),mbdcnd 120 a1 = w(id4) do 121 j=nstart,nstop f(m,j) = f(m,j)-a1*f(mp1,j) 121 continue go to 124 122 a1 = 2.*deltar*w(id4) do 123 j=nstart,nstop f(mp1,j) = f(mp1,j)-a1*bdb(j) 123 continue c c enter boundary data for z-boundaries. c 124 a1 = 1./dlthsq l = id5-mstart+1 go to (134,125,125,127,127),np 125 do 126 i=mstart,mstop f(i,2) = f(i,2)-a1*f(i,1) 126 continue go to 129 127 a1 = 2./deltht do 128 i=mstart,mstop f(i,1) = f(i,1)+a1*bdc(i) 128 continue 129 a1 = 1./dlthsq go to (134,130,132,132,130),np 130 do 131 i=mstart,mstop f(i,n) = f(i,n)-a1*f(i,np1) 131 continue go to 134 132 a1 = 2./deltht do 133 i=mstart,mstop f(i,np1) = f(i,np1)-a1*bdd(i) 133 continue 134 continue c c adjust right side of singular problems to insure existence of a c solution. c pertrb = 0. if (elmbda) 146,136,135 135 ierror = 11 go to 146 136 w(id5+1) = .5*(w(id5+2)-dlrby2) go to (146,146,138,146,146,137),mbdcnd 137 w(id5+1) = .5*w(id5+1) 138 go to (140,146,146,139,146),np 139 a2 = 2. go to 141 140 a2 = 1. 141 k = id5+munk w(k) = .5*(w(k-1)+dlrby2) s = 0. do 143 i=mstart,mstop s1 = 0. nsp1 = nstart+1 nstm1 = nstop-1 do 142 j=nsp1,nstm1 s1 = s1+f(i,j) 142 continue k = i+l s = s+(a2*s1+f(i,nstart)+f(i,nstop))*w(k) 143 continue s2 = float(m)*a+(.75+float((m-1)*(m+1)))*dlrby2 if (mbdcnd .eq. 3) s2 = s2+.25*dlrby2 s1 = (2.+a2*float(nunk-2))*s2 pertrb = s/s1 do 145 i=mstart,mstop do 144 j=nstart,nstop f(i,j) = f(i,j)-pertrb 144 continue 145 continue 146 continue c c multiply i-th equation through by deltht**2 to put equation into c correct form for subroutine genbun. c do 148 i=mstart,mstop k = i-mstart+1 w(k) = w(k)*dlthsq j = id2+k w(j) = w(j)*dlthsq j = id3+k w(j) = w(j)*dlthsq do 147 j=nstart,nstop f(i,j) = f(i,j)*dlthsq 147 continue 148 continue w(1) = 0. w(id4) = 0. c c call genbun to solve the system of equations. c call genbun (nbdcnd,nunk,1,munk,w(1),w(id2+1),w(id3+1),idimf, & f(mstart,nstart),ierr1,w(id4+1)) w(1) = w(id4+1)+3.*float(munk) if (nbdcnd .ne. 0) go to 150 do 149 i=mstart,mstop f(i,np1) = f(i,1) 149 continue 150 continue return end subroutine hwsplr (a,b,m,mbdcnd,bda,bdb,c,d,n,nbdcnd,bdc,bdd, & elmbda,f,idimf,pertrb,ierror,w) c*********************************************************************72 c cc HWSPLR 2D standard grid polar coordinates five point scheme. c c c * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * c * * c * f i s h p a k * c * * c * * c * a package of fortran subprograms for the solution of * c * * c * separable elliptic partial differential equations * c * * c * (version 3.1 , october 1980) * c * * c * by * c * * c * john adams, paul swarztrauber and roland sweet * c * * c * of * c * * c * the national center for atmospheric research * c * * c * boulder, colorado (80307) u.s.a. * c * * c * which is sponsored by * c * * c * the national science foundation * c * * c * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * c c c * * * * * * * * * purpose * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * c c c hwsplr solves a finite difference approximation to the c helmholtz equation in polar coordinates: c c (1/r)(d/dr)(r(du/dr)) + (1/r**2)(d/dtheta)(du/dtheta) c c + lambda*u = f(r,theta). c c c c c * * * * * * * * parameter description * * * * * * * * * * c c * * * * * * on input * * * * * * c c a,b c the range of r, i.e., a .le. r .le. b. a must be less than b c and a must be non-negative. c c m c the number of panels into which the interval (a,b) is c subdivided. hence, there will be m+1 grid points in the c r-direction given by r(i) = a+(i-1)dr, for i = 1,2,...,m+1, c where dr = (b-a)/m is the panel width. m must be greater than 3. c c mbdcnd c indicates the type of boundary condition at r = a and r = b. c c = 1 if the solution is specified at r = a and r = b. c = 2 if the solution is specified at r = a and the derivative of c the solution with respect to r is specified at r = b. c = 3 if the derivative of the solution with respect to r is c specified at r = a (see note below) and r = b. c = 4 if the derivative of the solution with respect to r is c specified at r = a (see note below) and the solution is c specified at r = b. c = 5 if the solution is unspecified at r = a = 0 and the c solution is specified at r = b. c = 6 if the solution is unspecified at r = a = 0 and the c derivative of the solution with respect to r is specified c at r = b. c c note: if a = 0, do not use mbdcnd = 3 or 4, but instead use c mbdcnd = 1,2,5, or 6 . c c bda c a one-dimensional array of length n+1 that specifies the values c of the derivative of the solution with respect to r at r = a. c when mbdcnd = 3 or 4, c c bda(j) = (d/dr)u(a,theta(j)), j = 1,2,...,n+1 . c c when mbdcnd has any other value, bda is a dummy variable. c c bdb c a one-dimensional array of length n+1 that specifies the values c of the derivative of the solution with respect to r at r = b. c when mbdcnd = 2,3, or 6, c c bdb(j) = (d/dr)u(b,theta(j)), j = 1,2,...,n+1 . c c when mbdcnd has any other value, bdb is a dummy variable. c c c,d c the range of theta, i.e., c .le. theta .le. d. c must be less c than d. c c n c the number of panels into which the interval (c,d) is c subdivided. hence, there will be n+1 grid points in the c theta-direction given by theta(j) = c+(j-1)dtheta for c j = 1,2,...,n+1, where dtheta = (d-c)/n is the panel width. n c must be greater than 3. c c nbdcnd c indicates the type of boundary conditions at theta = c and c and theta = d. c c = 0 if the solution is periodic in theta, i.e., c u(i,j) = u(i,n+j). c = 1 if the solution is specified at theta = c and theta = d c (see note below). c = 2 if the solution is specified at theta = c and the c derivative of the solution with respect to theta is c specified at theta = d (see note below). c = 4 if the derivative of the solution with respect to theta is c specified at theta = c and the solution is specified at c theta = d (see note below). c c note: when nbdcnd = 1,2, or 4, do not use mbdcnd = 5 or 6 c (the former indicates that the solution is specified at c r = 0, the latter indicates the solution is unspecified c at r = 0). use instead mbdcnd = 1 or 2 . c c bdc c a one-dimensional array of length m+1 that specifies the values c of the derivative of the solution with respect to theta at c theta = c. when nbdcnd = 3 or 4, c c bdc(i) = (d/dtheta)u(r(i),c), i = 1,2,...,m+1 . c c when nbdcnd has any other value, bdc is a dummy variable. c c bdd c a one-dimensional array of length m+1 that specifies the values c of the derivative of the solution with respect to theta at c theta = d. when nbdcnd = 2 or 3, c c bdd(i) = (d/dtheta)u(r(i),d), i = 1,2,...,m+1 . c c when nbdcnd has any other value, bdd is a dummy variable. c c elmbda c the constant lambda in the helmholtz equation. if c lambda .lt. 0, a solution may not exist. however, hwsplr will c attempt to find a solution. c c f c a two-dimensional array that specifies the values of the right c side of the helmholtz equation and boundary values (if any). c for i = 2,3,...,m and j = 2,3,...,n c c f(i,j) = f(r(i),theta(j)). c c on the boundaries f is defined by c c mbdcnd f(1,j) f(m+1,j) c ------ ------------- ------------- c c 1 u(a,theta(j)) u(b,theta(j)) c 2 u(a,theta(j)) f(b,theta(j)) c 3 f(a,theta(j)) f(b,theta(j)) c 4 f(a,theta(j)) u(b,theta(j)) j = 1,2,...,n+1 c 5 f(0,0) u(b,theta(j)) c 6 f(0,0) f(b,theta(j)) c c nbdcnd f(i,1) f(i,n+1) c ------ --------- --------- c c 0 f(r(i),c) f(r(i),c) c 1 u(r(i),c) u(r(i),d) c 2 u(r(i),c) f(r(i),d) i = 1,2,...,m+1 c 3 f(r(i),c) f(r(i),d) c 4 f(r(i),c) u(r(i),d) c c f must be dimensioned at least (m+1)*(n+1). c c note c c if the table calls for both the solution u and the right side f c at a corner then the solution must be specified. c c c idimf c the row (or first) dimension of the array f as it appears in the c program calling hwsplr. this parameter is used to specify the c variable dimension of f. idimf must be at least m+1 . c c w c a one-dimensional array that must be provided by the user for c work space. w may require up to 4*(n+1) + c (13 + int(log2(n+1)))*(m+1) locations. the actual number of c locations used is computed by hwsplr and is returned in location c w(1). c c c * * * * * * on output * * * * * * c c f c contains the solution u(i,j) of the finite difference c approximation for the grid point (r(i),theta(j)), c i = 1,2,...,m+1, j = 1,2,...,n+1 . c c pertrb c if a combination of periodic, derivative, or unspecified c boundary conditions is specified for a poisson equation c (lambda = 0), a solution may not exist. pertrb is a constant, c calculated and subtracted from f, which ensures that a solution c exists. hwsplr then computes this solution, which is a least c squares solution to the original approximation. this solution c plus any constant is also a solution. hence, the solution is c not unique. pertrb should be small compared to the right side. c otherwise, a solution is obtained to an essentially different c problem. this comparison should always be made to insure that a c meaningful solutin has been obtained. c c ierror c an error flag that indicates invalid input parameters. except c for numbers 0 and 11, a solution is not attempted. c c = 0 no error. c = 1 a .lt. 0 . c = 2 a .ge. b. c = 3 mbdcnd .lt. 1 or mbdcnd .gt. 6 . c = 4 c .ge. d. c = 5 n .le. 3 c = 6 nbdcnd .lt. 0 or .gt. 4 . c = 7 a = 0, mbdcnd = 3 or 4 . c = 8 a .gt. 0, mbdcnd .ge. 5 . c = 9 mbdcnd .ge. 5, nbdcnd .ne. 0 and nbdcnd .ne. 3 . c = 10 idimf .lt. m+1 . c = 11 lambda .gt. 0 . c = 12 m .le. 3 c c since this is the only means of indicating a possibly incorrect c call to hwsplr, the user should test ierror after the call. c c w c w(1) contains the required length of w. c c c * * * * * * * program specifications * * * * * * * * * * * * c c dimension of bda(n+1),bdb(n+1),bdc(m+1),bdd(m+1),f(idimf,n+1), c arguments w(see argument list) c c latest june 1, 1976 c revision c c subprograms hwsplr,genbun,poisd2,poisn2,poisp2,cosgen,merge, c required trix,tri3,pimach c c special none c conditions c c common none c blocks c c i/o c c precision single c c specialist roland sweet c c language fortran c c history standardized april 1, 1973 c revised january 1, 1976 c c algorithm the routine defines the finite difference c equations, incorporates boundary data, and adjusts c the right side of singular systems and then calls c genbun to solve the system. c c space 13430(octal) = 5912(decimal) locations on the ncar c required control data 7600 c c timing and the execution time t on the ncar control data c accuracy 7600 for subroutine hwsplr is roughly proportional c to m*n*log2(n), but also depends on the input c parameters nbdcnd and mbdcnd. some typical values c are listed in the table below. c the solution process employed results in a loss c of no more than three significant digits for n and c m as large as 64. more detailed information about c accuracy can be found in the documentation for c genbun which is the routine that c solves the finite difference equations. c c c m(=n) mbdcnd nbdcnd t(msecs) c ----- ------ ------ -------- c c 32 1 0 31 c 32 1 1 23 c 32 3 3 36 c 64 1 0 128 c 64 1 1 96 c 64 3 3 142 c c portability american national standards institute fortran. c all machine dependent constants are located in the c function pimach. c c required cos c resident c routines c c reference swarztrauber,p. and r. sweet, 'efficient fortran c subprograms for the solution of elliptic equations' c ncar tn/ia-109, july, 1975, 138 pp. c dimension f(idimf,*) dimension bda(*) ,bdb(*) ,bdc(*) ,bdd(*) , & w(*) c c check for invalid parameters. c ierror = 0 if (a .lt. 0.) ierror = 1 if (a .ge. b) ierror = 2 if (mbdcnd.le.0 .or. ierror = 3 if (c .ge. d) ierror = 4 if (n .le. 3) ierror = 5 if (nbdcnd.le.-1 .or. ierror = 6 if (a.eq.0. .and. (mbdcnd.eq.3 .or. mbdcnd.eq.4)) ierror = 7 if ( .and. ierror = 8 if ( .and. .and. ierror = 9 if (idimf .lt. m+1) ierror = 10 if (m .le. 3) ierror = 12 if (ierror .ne. 0) return mp1 = m+1 deltar = (b-a)/float(m) dlrby2 = deltar/2. dlrsq = deltar**2 np1 = n+1 deltht = (d-c)/float(n) dlthsq = deltht**2 np = nbdcnd+1 c c define range of indices i and j for unknowns u(i,j). c mstart = 2 mstop = mp1 go to (101,105,102,103,104,105),mbdcnd 101 mstop = m go to 105 102 mstart = 1 go to 105 103 mstart = 1 104 mstop = m 105 munk = mstop-mstart+1 nstart = 1 nstop = n go to (109,106,107,108,109),np 106 nstart = 2 go to 109 107 nstart = 2 108 nstop = np1 109 nunk = nstop-nstart+1 c c define a,b,c coefficients in w-array. c id2 = munk id3 = id2+munk id4 = id3+munk id5 = id4+munk id6 = id5+munk a1 = 2./dlrsq ij = 0 if (mbdcnd.eq.3 .or. mbdcnd.eq.4) ij = 1 do 110 i=1,munk r = a+float(i-ij)*deltar j = id5+i w(j) = r j = id6+i w(j) = 1./r**2 w(i) = (r-dlrby2)/(r*dlrsq) j = id3+i w(j) = (r+dlrby2)/(r*dlrsq) j = id2+i w(j) = -a1+elmbda 110 continue go to (114,111,112,113,114,111),mbdcnd 111 w(id2) = a1 go to 114 112 w(id2) = a1 113 w(id3+1) = a1 114 continue c c enter boundary data for r-boundaries. c go to (115,115,117,117,119,119),mbdcnd 115 a1 = w(1) do 116 j=nstart,nstop f(2,j) = f(2,j)-a1*f(1,j) 116 continue go to 119 117 a1 = 2.*deltar*w(1) do 118 j=nstart,nstop f(1,j) = f(1,j)+a1*bda(j) 118 continue 119 go to (120,122,122,120,120,122),mbdcnd 120 a1 = w(id4) do 121 j=nstart,nstop f(m,j) = f(m,j)-a1*f(mp1,j) 121 continue go to 124 122 a1 = 2.*deltar*w(id4) do 123 j=nstart,nstop f(mp1,j) = f(mp1,j)-a1*bdb(j) 123 continue c c enter boundary data for theta-boundaries. c 124 a1 = 1./dlthsq l = id5-mstart+1 lp = id6-mstart+1 go to (134,125,125,127,127),np 125 do 126 i=mstart,mstop j = i+lp f(i,2) = f(i,2)-a1*w(j)*f(i,1) 126 continue go to 129 127 a1 = 2./deltht do 128 i=mstart,mstop j = i+lp f(i,1) = f(i,1)+a1*w(j)*bdc(i) 128 continue 129 a1 = 1./dlthsq go to (134,130,132,132,130),np 130 do 131 i=mstart,mstop j = i+lp f(i,n) = f(i,n)-a1*w(j)*f(i,np1) 131 continue go to 134 132 a1 = 2./deltht do 133 i=mstart,mstop j = i+lp f(i,np1) = f(i,np1)-a1*w(j)*bdd(i) 133 continue 134 continue c c adjust right side of equation for unknown at pole when have c derivative specified boundary conditions. c if ( .and. nbdcnd.eq.3) & f(1,1) = f(1,1)-(bdd(2)-bdc(2))*4./(float(n)*deltht*dlrsq) c c adjust right side of singular problems to insure existence of a c solution. c pertrb = 0. if (elmbda) 144,136,135 135 ierror = 11 go to 144 136 if ( .and. go to 144 s2 = 0. go to (144,144,137,144,144,138),mbdcnd 137 w(id5+1) = .5*(w(id5+2)-dlrby2) s2 = .25*deltar 138 a2 = 2. if (nbdcnd .eq. 0) a2 = 1. j = id5+munk w(j) = .5*(w(j-1)+dlrby2) s = 0. do 140 i=mstart,mstop s1 = 0. ij = nstart+1 k = nstop-1 do 139 j=ij,k s1 = s1+f(i,j) 139 continue j = i+l s = s+(a2*s1+f(i,nstart)+f(i,nstop))*w(j) 140 continue s2 = float(m)*a+deltar*(float((m-1)*(m+1))*.5+.25)+s2 s1 = (2.+a2*float(nunk-2))*s2 if (mbdcnd .eq. 3) go to 141 s2 = float(n)*a2*deltar/8. s = s+f(1,1)*s2 s1 = s1+s2 141 continue pertrb = s/s1 do 143 i=mstart,mstop do 142 j=nstart,nstop f(i,j) = f(i,j)-pertrb 142 continue 143 continue 144 continue c c multiply i-th equation through by (r(i)*deltht)**2. c do 146 i=mstart,mstop k = i-mstart+1 j = i+lp a1 = dlthsq/w(j) w(k) = a1*w(k) j = id2+k w(j) = a1*w(j) j = id3+k w(j) = a1*w(j) do 145 j=nstart,nstop f(i,j) = a1*f(i,j) 145 continue 146 continue w(1) = 0. w(id4) = 0. c c call genbun to solve the system of equations. c call genbun (nbdcnd,nunk,1,munk,w(1),w(id2+1),w(id3+1),idimf, & f(mstart,nstart),ierr1,w(id4+1)) iwstor = w(id4+1)+3.*float(munk) go to (157,157,157,157,148,147),mbdcnd c c adjust the solution as necessary for the problems where a = 0. c 147 if (elmbda .ne. 0.) go to 148 ypole = 0. go to 155 148 continue j = id5+munk w(j) = w(id2)/w(id3) do 149 ip=3,munk i = munk-ip+2 j = id5+i lp = id2+i k = id3+i w(j) = w(i)/(w(lp)-w(k)*w(j+1)) 149 continue w(id5+1) = -.5*dlthsq/(w(id2+1)-w(id3+1)*w(id5+2)) do 150 i=2,munk j = id5+i w(j) = -w(j)*w(j-1) 150 continue s = 0. do 151 j=nstart,nstop s = s+f(2,j) 151 continue a2 = nunk if (nbdcnd .eq. 0) go to 152 s = s-.5*(f(2,nstart)+f(2,nstop)) a2 = a2-1. 152 ypole = (.25*dlrsq*f(1,1)-s/a2)/(w(id5+1)-1.+elmbda*dlrsq*.25) do 154 i=mstart,mstop k = l+i do 153 j=nstart,nstop f(i,j) = f(i,j)+ypole*w(k) 153 continue 154 continue 155 do 156 j=1,np1 f(1,j) = ypole 156 continue 157 continue if (nbdcnd .ne. 0) go to 159 do 158 i=mstart,mstop f(i,np1) = f(i,1) 158 continue 159 continue w(1) = iwstor return end subroutine hwsss1 (ts,tf,m,mbdcnd,bdts,bdtf,ps,pf,n,nbdcnd,bdps, & bdpf,elmbda,f,idimf,pertrb,am,bm,cm,sn,ss, & sint,d) c*********************************************************************72 c cc HWSSS1 is a utility routine for HWSSSP. c dimension f(idimf,*) ,bdts(*) ,bdtf(*) ,bdps(*) , & bdpf(*) ,am(*) ,bm(*) ,cm(*) , & ss(*) ,sn(*) ,d(*) ,sint(*) c pi = pimach() tpi = pi+pi hpi = pi/2. mp1 = m+1 np1 = n+1 fn = n fm = m dth = (tf-ts)/fm hdth = dth/2. tdt = dth+dth dphi = (pf-ps)/fn tdp = dphi+dphi dphi2 = dphi*dphi edp2 = elmbda*dphi2 dth2 = dth*dth cp = 4./(fn*dth2) wp = fn*sin(hdth)/4. do 102 i=1,mp1 fim1 = i-1 theta = fim1*dth+ts sint(i) = sin(theta) if (sint(i)) 101,102,101 101 t1 = 1./(dth2*sint(i)) am(i) = t1*sin(theta-hdth) cm(i) = t1*sin(theta+hdth) bm(i) = -am(i)-cm(i)+elmbda 102 continue inp = 0 isp = 0 c c boundary condition at theta=ts c mbr = mbdcnd+1 go to (103,104,104,105,105,106,106,104,105,106),mbr 103 its = 1 go to 107 104 at = am(2) its = 2 go to 107 105 at = am(1) its = 1 cm(1) = am(1)+cm(1) go to 107 106 at = am(2) inp = 1 its = 2 c c boundary condition theta=tf c 107 go to (108,109,110,110,109,109,110,111,111,111),mbr 108 itf = m go to 112 109 ct = cm(m) itf = m go to 112 110 ct = cm(m+1) am(m+1) = am(m+1)+cm(m+1) itf = m+1 go to 112 111 itf = m isp = 1 ct = cm(m) c c compute homogeneous solution with solution at pole equal to one c 112 itsp = its+1 itfm = itf-1 wts = sint(its+1)*am(its+1)/cm(its) wtf = sint(itf-1)*cm(itf-1)/am(itf) munk = itf-its+1 if (isp) 116,116,113 113 d(its) = cm(its)/bm(its) do 114 i=itsp,m d(i) = cm(i)/(bm(i)-am(i)*d(i-1)) 114 continue ss(m) = -d(m) iid = m-its do 115 ii=1,iid i = m-ii ss(i) = -d(i)*ss(i+1) 115 continue ss(m+1) = 1. 116 if (inp) 120,120,117 117 sn(1) = 1. d(itf) = am(itf)/bm(itf) iid = itf-2 do 118 ii=1,iid i = itf-ii d(i) = am(i)/(bm(i)-cm(i)*d(i+1)) 118 continue sn(2) = -d(2) do 119 i=3,itf sn(i) = -d(i)*sn(i-1) 119 continue c c boundary conditions at phi=ps c 120 nbr = nbdcnd+1 wps = 1. wpf = 1. go to (121,122,122,123,123),nbr 121 jps = 1 go to 124 122 jps = 2 go to 124 123 jps = 1 wps = .5 c c boundary condition at phi=pf c 124 go to (125,126,127,127,126),nbr 125 jpf = n go to 128 126 jpf = n go to 128 127 wpf = .5 jpf = n+1 128 jpsp = jps+1 jpfm = jpf-1 nunk = jpf-jps+1 fjj = jpfm-jpsp+1 c c scale coefficients for subroutine genbun c do 129 i=its,itf cf = dphi2*sint(i)*sint(i) am(i) = cf*am(i) bm(i) = cf*bm(i) cm(i) = cf*cm(i) 129 continue am(its) = 0. cm(itf) = 0. ising = 0 go to (130,138,138,130,138,138,130,138,130,130),mbr 130 go to (131,138,138,131,138),nbr 131 if (elmbda) 138,132,132 132 ising = 1 sum = wts*wps+wts*wpf+wtf*wps+wtf*wpf if (inp) 134,134,133 133 sum = sum+wp 134 if (isp) 136,136,135 135 sum = sum+wp 136 sum1 = 0. do 137 i=itsp,itfm sum1 = sum1+sint(i) 137 continue sum = sum+fjj*(sum1+wts+wtf) sum = sum+(wps+wpf)*sum1 hne = sum 138 go to (146,142,142,144,144,139,139,142,144,139),mbr 139 if (nbdcnd-3) 146,140,146 140 yhld = f(1,jps)-4./(fn*dphi*dth2)*(bdpf(2)-bdps(2)) do 141 j=1,np1 f(1,j) = yhld 141 continue go to 146 142 do 143 j=jps,jpf f(2,j) = f(2,j)-at*f(1,j) 143 continue go to 146 144 do 145 j=jps,jpf f(1,j) = f(1,j)+tdt*bdts(j)*at 145 continue 146 go to (154,150,152,152,150,150,152,147,147,147),mbr 147 if (nbdcnd-3) 154,148,154 148 yhld = f(m+1,jps)-4./(fn*dphi*dth2)*(bdpf(m)-bdps(m)) do 149 j=1,np1 f(m+1,j) = yhld 149 continue go to 154 150 do 151 j=jps,jpf f(m,j) = f(m,j)-ct*f(m+1,j) 151 continue go to 154 152 do 153 j=jps,jpf f(m+1,j) = f(m+1,j)-tdt*bdtf(j)*ct 153 continue 154 go to (159,155,155,157,157),nbr 155 do 156 i=its,itf f(i,2) = f(i,2)-f(i,1)/(dphi2*sint(i)*sint(i)) 156 continue go to 159 157 do 158 i=its,itf f(i,1) = f(i,1)+tdp*bdps(i)/(dphi2*sint(i)*sint(i)) 158 continue 159 go to (164,160,162,162,160),nbr 160 do 161 i=its,itf f(i,n) = f(i,n)-f(i,n+1)/(dphi2*sint(i)*sint(i)) 161 continue go to 164 162 do 163 i=its,itf f(i,n+1) = f(i,n+1)-tdp*bdpf(i)/(dphi2*sint(i)*sint(i)) 163 continue 164 continue pertrb = 0. if (ising) 165,176,165 165 sum = wts*wps*f(its,jps)+wts*wpf*f(its,jpf)+wtf*wps*f(itf,jps)+ & wtf*wpf*f(itf,jpf) if (inp) 167,167,166 166 sum = sum+wp*f(1,jps) 167 if (isp) 169,169,168 168 sum = sum+wp*f(m+1,jps) 169 do 171 i=itsp,itfm sum1 = 0. do 170 j=jpsp,jpfm sum1 = sum1+f(i,j) 170 continue sum = sum+sint(i)*sum1 171 continue sum1 = 0. sum2 = 0. do 172 j=jpsp,jpfm sum1 = sum1+f(its,j) sum2 = sum2+f(itf,j) 172 continue sum = sum+wts*sum1+wtf*sum2 sum1 = 0. sum2 = 0. do 173 i=itsp,itfm sum1 = sum1+sint(i)*f(i,jps) sum2 = sum2+sint(i)*f(i,jpf) 173 continue sum = sum+wps*sum1+wpf*sum2 pertrb = sum/hne do 175 j=1,np1 do 174 i=1,mp1 f(i,j) = f(i,j)-pertrb 174 continue 175 continue c c scale right side for subroutine genbun c 176 do 178 i=its,itf cf = dphi2*sint(i)*sint(i) do 177 j=jps,jpf f(i,j) = cf*f(i,j) 177 continue 178 continue call genbun (nbdcnd,nunk,1,munk,am(its),bm(its),cm(its),idimf, & f(its,jps),ierror,d) if (ising) 186,186,179 179 if (inp) 183,183,180 180 if (isp) 181,181,186 181 do 182 j=1,np1 f(1,j) = 0. 182 continue go to 209 183 if (isp) 186,186,184 184 do 185 j=1,np1 f(m+1,j) = 0. 185 continue go to 209 186 if (inp) 193,193,187 187 sum = wps*f(its,jps)+wpf*f(its,jpf) do 188 j=jpsp,jpfm sum = sum+f(its,j) 188 continue dfn = cp*sum dnn = cp*((wps+wpf+fjj)*(sn(2)-1.))+elmbda dsn = cp*(wps+wpf+fjj)*sn(m) if (isp) 189,189,194 189 cnp = (f(1,1)-dfn)/dnn do 191 i=its,itf hld = cnp*sn(i) do 190 j=jps,jpf f(i,j) = f(i,j)+hld 190 continue 191 continue do 192 j=1,np1 f(1,j) = cnp 192 continue go to 209 193 if (isp) 209,209,194 194 sum = wps*f(itf,jps)+wpf*f(itf,jpf) do 195 j=jpsp,jpfm sum = sum+f(itf,j) 195 continue dfs = cp*sum dss = cp*((wps+wpf+fjj)*(ss(m)-1.))+elmbda dns = cp*(wps+wpf+fjj)*ss(2) if (inp) 196,196,200 196 csp = (f(m+1,1)-dfs)/dss do 198 i=its,itf hld = csp*ss(i) do 197 j=jps,jpf f(i,j) = f(i,j)+hld 197 continue 198 continue do 199 j=1,np1 f(m+1,j) = csp 199 continue go to 209 200 rtn = f(1,1)-dfn rts = f(m+1,1)-dfs if (ising) 202,202,201 201 csp = 0. cnp = rtn/dnn go to 205 202 if (abs(dnn)-abs(dsn)) 204,204,203 203 den = dss-dns*dsn/dnn rts = rts-rtn*dsn/dnn csp = rts/den cnp = (rtn-csp*dns)/dnn go to 205 204 den = dns-dss*dnn/dsn rtn = rtn-rts*dnn/dsn csp = rtn/den cnp = (rts-dss*csp)/dsn 205 do 207 i=its,itf hld = cnp*sn(i)+csp*ss(i) do 206 j=jps,jpf f(i,j) = f(i,j)+hld 206 continue 207 continue do 208 j=1,np1 f(1,j) = cnp f(m+1,j) = csp 208 continue 209 if (nbdcnd) 212,210,212 210 do 211 i=1,mp1 f(i,jpf+1) = f(i,jps) 211 continue 212 return end subroutine hwsssp (ts,tf,m,mbdcnd,bdts,bdtf,ps,pf,n,nbdcnd,bdps, & bdpf,elmbda,f,idimf,pertrb,ierror,w) c*********************************************************************72 c cc HWSSSP 2D standard unit sphere coordinates five point scheme. c c * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * c * * c * f i s h p a k * c * * c * * c * a package of fortran subprograms for the solution of * c * * c * separable elliptic partial differential equations * c * * c * (version 3.1 , october 1980) * c * * c * by * c * * c * john adams, paul swarztrauber and roland sweet * c * * c * of * c * * c * the national center for atmospheric research * c * * c * boulder, colorado (80307) u.s.a. * c * * c * which is sponsored by * c * * c * the national science foundation * c * * c * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * c c hwsssp solves a finite difference approximation to the c helmholtz equation in spherical coordinates and on the surface of c the unit sphere (radius of 1): c c (1/sin(theta))(d/dtheta)(sin(theta)(du/dtheta)) c c + (1/sin(theta)**2)(d/dphi)(du/dphi) c c + lambda*u = f(theta,phi) c c where theta is colatitude and phi is longitude. c c * * * * * * * * parameter description * * * * * * * * * * c c * * * * * * on input * * * * * * c c ts,tf c the range of theta (colatitude), i.e., ts .le. theta .le. tf. c ts must be less than tf. ts and tf are in radians. a ts of c zero corresponds to the north pole and a tf of pi corresponds to c the south pole. c c * * * * * * * * * * * * * * important * * * * * * * * * * * * * * c c if tf is equal to pi then it must be computed using the statement c tf = pimach(). this insures that tf in the users program is c equal to pi in this program which permits several tests of the c input parameters that otherwise would not be possible. c c c m c the number of panels into which the interval (ts,tf) is c subdivided. hence, there will be m+1 grid points in the c theta-direction given by theta(i) = (i-1)dtheta+ts for c i = 1,2,...,m+1, where dtheta = (tf-ts)/m is the panel width. c m must be greater than 5 c c mbdcnd c indicates the type of boundary condition at theta = ts and c theta = tf. c c = 1 if the solution is specified at theta = ts and theta = tf. c = 2 if the solution is specified at theta = ts and the c derivative of the solution with respect to theta is c specified at theta = tf (see note 2 below). c = 3 if the derivative of the solution with respect to theta is c specified at theta = ts and theta = tf (see notes 1,2 c below). c = 4 if the derivative of the solution with respect to theta is c specified at theta = ts (see note 1 below) and the c solution is specified at theta = tf. c = 5 if the solution is unspecified at theta = ts = 0 and the c solution is specified at theta = tf. c = 6 if the solution is unspecified at theta = ts = 0 and the c derivative of the solution with respect to theta is c specified at theta = tf (see note 2 below). c = 7 if the solution is specified at theta = ts and the c solution is unspecified at theta = tf = pi. c = 8 if the derivative of the solution with respect to theta is c specified at theta = ts (see note 1 below) and the c solution is unspecified at theta = tf = pi. c = 9 if the solution is unspecified at theta = ts = 0 and c theta = tf = pi. c c notes: 1. if ts = 0, do not use mbdcnd = 3,4, or 8, but c instead use mbdcnd = 5,6, or 9 . c 2. if tf = pi, do not use mbdcnd = 2,3, or 6, but c instead use mbdcnd = 7,8, or 9 . c c bdts c a one-dimensional array of length n+1 that specifies the values c of the derivative of the solution with respect to theta at c theta = ts. when mbdcnd = 3,4, or 8, c c bdts(j) = (d/dtheta)u(ts,phi(j)), j = 1,2,...,n+1 . c c when mbdcnd has any other value, bdts is a dummy variable. c c bdtf c a one-dimensional array of length n+1 that specifies the values c of the derivative of the solution with respect to theta at c theta = tf. when mbdcnd = 2,3, or 6, c c bdtf(j) = (d/dtheta)u(tf,phi(j)), j = 1,2,...,n+1 . c c when mbdcnd has any other value, bdtf is a dummy variable. c c ps,pf c the range of phi (longitude), i.e., ps .le. phi .le. pf. ps c must be less than pf. ps and pf are in radians. if ps = 0 and c pf = 2*pi, periodic boundary conditions are usually prescribed. c c * * * * * * * * * * * * * * important * * * * * * * * * * * * * * c c if pf is equal to 2*pi then it must be computed using the c statement pf = 2.*pimach(). this insures that pf in the users c program is equal to 2*pi in this program which permits tests of c the input parameters that otherwise would not be possible. c c c n c the number of panels into which the interval (ps,pf) is c subdivided. hence, there will be n+1 grid points in the c phi-direction given by phi(j) = (j-1)dphi+ps for c j = 1,2,...,n+1, where dphi = (pf-ps)/n is the panel width. c n must be greater than 4 c c nbdcnd c indicates the type of boundary condition at phi = ps and c phi = pf. c c = 0 if the solution is periodic in phi, i.e., c u(i,j) = u(i,n+j). c = 1 if the solution is specified at phi = ps and phi = pf c (see note below). c = 2 if the solution is specified at phi = ps (see note below) c and the derivative of the solution with respect to phi is c specified at phi = pf. c = 3 if the derivative of the solution with respect to phi is c specified at phi = ps and phi = pf. c = 4 if the derivative of the solution with respect to phi is c specified at ps and the solution is specified at phi = pf c (see note below). c c note: nbdcnd = 1,2, or 4 cannot be used with c mbdcnd = 5,6,7,8, or 9 (the former indicates that the c solution is specified at a pole, the latter c indicates that the solution is unspecified). c use instead c mbdcnd = 1 or 2 . c c bdps c a one-dimensional array of length m+1 that specifies the values c of the derivative of the solution with respect to phi at c phi = ps. when nbdcnd = 3 or 4, c c bdps(i) = (d/dphi)u(theta(i),ps), i = 1,2,...,m+1 . c c when nbdcnd has any other value, bdps is a dummy variable. c c bdpf c a one-dimensional array of length m+1 that specifies the values c of the derivative of the solution with respect to phi at c phi = pf. when nbdcnd = 2 or 3, c c bdpf(i) = (d/dphi)u(theta(i),pf), i = 1,2,...,m+1 . c c when nbdcnd has any other value, bdpf is a dummy variable. c c elmbda c the constant lambda in the helmholtz equation. if c lambda .gt. 0, a solution may not exist. however, hwsssp will c attempt to find a solution. c c f c a two-dimensional array that specifies the value of the right c side of the helmholtz equation and boundary values (if any). c for i = 2,3,...,m and j = 2,3,...,n c c f(i,j) = f(theta(i),phi(j)). c c on the boundaries f is defined by c c mbdcnd f(1,j) f(m+1,j) c ------ ------------ ------------ c c 1 u(ts,phi(j)) u(tf,phi(j)) c 2 u(ts,phi(j)) f(tf,phi(j)) c 3 f(ts,phi(j)) f(tf,phi(j)) c 4 f(ts,phi(j)) u(tf,phi(j)) c 5 f(0,ps) u(tf,phi(j)) j = 1,2,...,n+1 c 6 f(0,ps) f(tf,phi(j)) c 7 u(ts,phi(j)) f(pi,ps) c 8 f(ts,phi(j)) f(pi,ps) c 9 f(0,ps) f(pi,ps) c c nbdcnd f(i,1) f(i,n+1) c ------ -------------- -------------- c c 0 f(theta(i),ps) f(theta(i),ps) c 1 u(theta(i),ps) u(theta(i),pf) c 2 u(theta(i),ps) f(theta(i),pf) i = 1,2,...,m+1 c 3 f(theta(i),ps) f(theta(i),pf) c 4 f(theta(i),ps) u(theta(i),pf) c c f must be dimensioned at least (m+1)*(n+1). c note c c if the table calls for both the solution u and the right side f c at a corner then the solution must be specified. c c c idimf c the row (or first) dimension of the array f as it appears in the c program calling hwsssp. this parameter is used to specify the c variable dimension of f. idimf must be at least m+1 . c c w c a one-dimensional array that must be provided by the user for c work space. w may require up to 4*(n+1)+(16+int(log2(n+1)))(m+1) c locations. the actual number of locations used is computed by c hwsssp and is output in location w(1). int( ) denotes the c fortran integer function. c c c * * * * * * * * * * on output * * * * * * * * * * c c f c contains the solution u(i,j) of the finite difference c approximation for the grid point (theta(i),phi(j)), c i = 1,2,...,m+1, j = 1,2,...,n+1 . c c pertrb c if one specifies a combination of periodic, derivative or c unspecified boundary conditions for a poisson equation c (lambda = 0), a solution may not exist. pertrb is a constant, c calculated and subtracted from f, which ensures that a solution c exists. hwsssp then computes this solution, which is a least c squares solution to the original approximation. this solution c is not unique and is unnormalized. the value of pertrb should c be small compared to the right side f. otherwise , a solution c is obtained to an essentially different problem. this comparison c should always be made to insure that a meaningful solution has c been obtained c c ierror c an error flag that indicates invalid input parameters. except c for numbers 0 and 8, a solution is not attempted. c c = 0 no error c = 1 or c = 2 c = 3 or c = 4 or c = 5 c = 6 c = 7 c = 8 or c = 9 c = 10 c = 11 nbdcnd equals 1,2 or 4 and c = 12 ts.eq.0 and mbdcnd equals 3,4 or 8 c = 13 tf.eq.pi and mbdcnd equals 2,3 or 6 c = 14 mbdcnd equals 5,6 or 9 and c = 15 and c c since this is the only means of indicating a possibly incorrect c call to hwsssp, the user should test ierror after a call. c c w c contains intermediate values that must not be destroyed if c hwsssp will be called again with intl = 1. w(1) contains the c required length of w . c c c c * * * * * * * program specifications * * * * * * * * * * * * c c dimension of bdts(n+1),bdtf(n+1),bdps(m+1),bdpf(m+1), c arguments f(idimf,n+1),w(see argument list) c c latest january 1978 c revision c c c subprograms hwsssp,hwsss1,genbun,poisd2,poisn2,poisp2,cosgen,me c required trix,tri3,pimach c c special none c conditions c c common none c blocks c c i/o none c c precision single c c specialist paul swarztrauber c c language fortran c c history version 1 - september 1973 c version 2 - april 1976 c version 3 - january 1978 c c algorithm the routine defines the finite difference c equations, incorporates boundary data, and adjusts c the right side of singular systems and then calls c genbun to solve the system. c c space c required control data 7600 c c timing and the execution time t on the ncar control data c accuracy 7600 for subroutine hwsssp is roughly proportional c to m*n*log2(n), but also depends on the input c parameters nbdcnd and mbdcnd. some typical values c are listed in the table below. c the solution process employed results in a loss c of no more than three significant digits for n and c m as large as 64. more detailed information about c accuracy can be found in the documentation for c genbun which is the routine that c solves the finite difference equations. c c c m(=n) mbdcnd nbdcnd t(msecs) c ----- ------ ------ -------- c c 32 0 0 31 c 32 1 1 23 c 32 3 3 36 c 64 0 0 128 c 64 1 1 96 c 64 3 3 142 c c portability american national standards institute fortran. c all machine dependent constants are located in the c function pimach. c c required sin,cos c resident c routines c c reperences p. n. swarztrauber,the direct solution of the c discrete poisson equation on the surface of a c sphere, SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis,15(1974),pp 212-215 c c swarztrauber,p. and r. sweet, 'efficient fortran c subprograms for the solution of elliptic equations' c ncar tn/ia-109, july, 1975, 138 pp. c c * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * c dimension f(idimf,1) ,bdts(1) ,bdtf(1) ,bdps(1) , & bdpf(1) ,w(1) nbr = nbdcnd+1 pi = pimach() tpi = 2.*pi ierror = 0 if ( .or. ierror = 1 if (ts .ge. tf) ierror = 2 if ( .or. ierror = 3 if ( .or. ierror = 4 if (ps .ge. pf) ierror = 5 if (n .lt. 5) ierror = 6 if (m .lt. 5) ierror = 7 if ( .or. ierror = 8 if (elmbda .gt. 0.) ierror = 9 if (idimf .lt. m+1) ierror = 10 if ((nbdcnd.eq.1 .or. nbdcnd.eq.2 .or. nbdcnd.eq.4) .and. & ierror = 11 if (ts.eq.0. .and. & (mbdcnd.eq.3 .or. mbdcnd.eq.4 .or. mbdcnd.eq.8)) ierror = 12 if (tf.eq.pi .and. & (mbdcnd.eq.2 .or. mbdcnd.eq.3 .or. mbdcnd.eq.6)) ierror = 13 if ((mbdcnd.eq.5 .or. mbdcnd.eq.6 .or. mbdcnd.eq.9) .and. & ierror = 14 if ( .and. ierror = 15 if ( .and. return call hwsss1 (ts,tf,m,mbdcnd,bdts,bdtf,ps,pf,n,nbdcnd,bdps,bdpf, & elmbda,f,idimf,pertrb,w,w(m+2),w(2*m+3),w(3*m+4), & w(4*m+5),w(5*m+6),w(6*m+7)) w(1) = w(6*m+7)+float(6*(m+1)) return end subroutine indxa (i,ir,idxa,na) c*********************************************************************72 c cc INDXA c common /cblkt/ npp ,k ,eps ,cnv , & nm ,ncmplx ,ik na = 2**ir idxa = i-na+1 if (i-nm) 102,102,101 101 na = 0 102 return end subroutine indxb (i,ir,idx,idp) c*********************************************************************72 c cc INDXB indexes the first root of the B(I,IR) polynomial. c c b(idx) is the location of the first root of the b(i,ir) polynomial c common /cblkt/ npp ,k ,eps ,cnv , & nm ,ncmplx ,ik idp = 0 if (ir) 107,101,103 101 if (i-nm) 102,102,107 102 idx = i idp = 1 return 103 izh = 2**ir id = i-izh-izh idx = id+id+(ir-1)*ik+ir+(ik-i)/izh+4 ipl = izh-1 idp = izh+izh-1 if (i-ipl-nm) 105,105,104 104 idp = 0 return 105 if (i+ipl-nm) 107,107,106 106 idp = nm+ipl-i+1 107 return end subroutine indxc (i,ir,idxc,nc) c*********************************************************************72 c cc INDXC c common /cblkt/ npp ,k ,eps ,cnv , & nm ,ncmplx ,ik nc = 2**ir idxc = i if (idxc+nc-1-nm) 102,102,101 101 nc = 0 102 return end subroutine inxca (i,ir,idxa,na) c*********************************************************************72 c cc INXCA c common /ccblk/ npp ,k ,eps ,cnv , & nm ,ncmplx ,ik na = 2**ir idxa = i-na+1 if (i-nm) 102,102,101 101 na = 0 102 return end subroutine inxcb (i,ir,idx,idp) c*********************************************************************72 c cc INXCB c c b(idx) is the location of the first root of the b(i,ir) polynomial c common /ccblk/ npp ,k ,eps ,cnv , & nm ,ncmplx ,ik idp = 0 if (ir) 107,101,103 101 if (i-nm) 102,102,107 102 idx = i idp = 1 return 103 izh = 2**ir id = i-izh-izh idx = id+id+(ir-1)*ik+ir+(ik-i)/izh+4 ipl = izh-1 idp = izh+izh-1 if (i-ipl-nm) 105,105,104 104 idp = 0 return 105 if (i+ipl-nm) 107,107,106 106 idp = nm+ipl-i+1 107 return end subroutine inxcc (i,ir,idxc,nc) c*********************************************************************72 c cc INXCC c common /ccblk/ npp ,k ,eps ,cnv , & nm ,ncmplx ,ik nc = 2**ir idxc = i if (idxc+nc-1-nm) 102,102,101 101 nc = 0 102 return end function j4save (iwhich, ivalue, iset) c*********************************************************************72 c cc J4SAVE sets or gets variables needed by the error handler. c c***BEGIN PROLOGUE J4SAVE c***SUBSIDIARY c***PURPOSE Save or recall global variables needed by error c handling routines. c***LIBRARY SLATEC (XERROR) c***TYPE INTEGER (J4SAVE-I) c***KEYWORDS ERROR MESSAGES, ERROR NUMBER, RECALL, SAVE, XERROR c***AUTHOR Jones, R. E., (SNLA) c***DESCRIPTION c c Abstract c J4SAVE saves and recalls several global variables needed c by the library error handling routines. c c Description of Parameters c --Input-- c IWHICH - Index of item desired. c = 1 Refers to current error number. c = 2 Refers to current error control flag. c = 3 Refers to current unit number to which error c messages are to be sent. (0 means use standard.) c = 4 Refers to the maximum number of times any c message is to be printed (as set by XERMAX). c = 5 Refers to the total number of units to which c each error message is to be written. c = 6 Refers to the 2nd unit for error messages c = 7 Refers to the 3rd unit for error messages c = 8 Refers to the 4th unit for error messages c = 9 Refers to the 5th unit for error messages c IVALUE - The value to be set for the IWHICH-th parameter, c if ISET is .TRUE. . c ISET - If ISET=.TRUE., the IWHICH-th parameter will BE c given the value, IVALUE. If ISET=.FALSE., the c IWHICH-th parameter will be unchanged, and IVALUE c is a dummy parameter. c --Output-- c The (old) value of the IWHICH-th parameter will be returned c in the function value, J4SAVE. c c***SEE ALSO XERMSG c***REFERENCES R. E. Jones and D. K. Kahaner, XERROR, the SLATEC c Error-handling Package, SAND82-0800, Sandia c Laboratories, 1982. c***ROUTINES CALLED (NONE) c***REVISION HISTORY (YYMMDD) c 790801 DATE WRITTEN c 891214 Prologue converted to Version 4.0 format. (BAB) c 900205 Minor modifications to prologue. (WRB) c 900402 Added TYPE section. (WRB) c 910411 Added KEYWORDS section. (WRB) c 920501 Reformatted the REFERENCES section. (WRB) c***END PROLOGUE J4SAVE logical iset integer iparam(9) save iparam data iparam(1),iparam(2),iparam(3),iparam(4)/0,2,0,10/ data iparam(5)/1/ data iparam(6),iparam(7),iparam(8),iparam(9)/0,0,0,0/ c***FIRST EXECUTABLE STATEMENT J4SAVE j4save = iparam(iwhich) if (iset) iparam(iwhich) = ivalue return end subroutine merge (tcos,i1,m1,i2,m2,i3) c*********************************************************************72 c cc MERGE merges two ascending strings of numbers in the array TCOS. c c the first string is of length m1 and starts at c tcos(i1+1). the second string is of length m2 and starts at c tcos(i2+1). the merged string goes into tcos(i3+1). c dimension tcos(*) j1 = 1 j2 = 1 j = i3 if (m1 .eq. 0) go to 107 if (m2 .eq. 0) go to 104 101 j = j+1 l = j1+i1 x = tcos(l) l = j2+i2 y = tcos(l) if (x-y) 102,102,103 102 tcos(j) = x j1 = j1+1 if (j1 .gt. m1) go to 106 go to 101 103 tcos(j) = y j2 = j2+1 if (j2 .le. m2) go to 101 if (j1 .gt. m1) go to 109 104 k = j-j1+1 do 105 j=j1,m1 m = k+j l = j+i1 tcos(m) = tcos(l) 105 continue go to 109 106 continue if (j2 .gt. m2) go to 109 107 k = j-j2+1 do 108 j=j2,m2 m = k+j l = j+i2 tcos(m) = tcos(l) 108 continue 109 continue return end subroutine minso4 (usol,idmn,zn,zm,pertb) c*********************************************************************72 c cc MINSO4 orthogonalizes the array usol with respect to c the constant array in a weighted least squares norm c common /spl4/ kswx ,kswy ,k ,l , & ait ,bit ,cit ,dit , & mit ,nit ,is ,ms , & js ,ns ,dlx ,dly , & tdlx3 ,tdly3 ,dlx4 ,dly4 dimension usol(idmn,*) ,zn(*) ,zm(*) c c entry at minso4 occurrs when the final solution is c to be minimized with respect to the weighted c least squares norm c istr = 1 ifnl = k jstr = 1 jfnl = l c c compute weighted inner products c ute = 0.0 ete = 0.0 do 20 i=is,ms ii = i-is+1 do 10 j=js,ns jj = j-js+1 ete = ete+zm(ii)*zn(jj) ute = ute+usol(i,j)*zm(ii)*zn(jj) 10 continue 20 continue c c set perturbation parameter c pertrb = ute/ete c c subtract off constant pertrb c do 40 i=istr,ifnl do 30 j=jstr,jfnl usol(i,j) = usol(i,j)-pertrb 30 continue 40 continue return end subroutine minsol (usol,idmn,zn,zm,pertb) c*********************************************************************72 c cc MINSOL orthogonalizes the array usol with respect to c the constant array in a weighted least squares norm c common /splp/ kswx ,kswy ,k ,l , & ait ,bit ,cit ,dit , & mit ,nit ,is ,ms , & js ,ns ,dlx ,dly , & tdlx3 ,tdly3 ,dlx4 ,dly4 dimension usol(idmn,*) ,zn(*) ,zm(*) c c entry at minsol occurrs when the final solution is c to be minimized with respect to the weighted c least squares norm c istr = 1 ifnl = k jstr = 1 jfnl = l c c compute weighted inner products c ute = 0.0 ete = 0.0 do 20 i=is,ms ii = i-is+1 do 10 j=js,ns jj = j-js+1 ete = ete+zm(ii)*zn(jj) ute = ute+usol(i,j)*zm(ii)*zn(jj) 10 continue 20 continue c c set perturbation parameter c pertrb = ute/ete c c subtract off constant pertrb c do 40 i=istr,ifnl do 30 j=jstr,jfnl usol(i,j) = usol(i,j)-pertrb 30 continue 40 continue return end subroutine ortho4 (usol,idmn,zn,zm,pertrb) c*********************************************************************72 c cc ORTHO4 orthogonalizes the array usol with respect to c the constant array in a weighted least squares norm c common /spl4/ kswx ,kswy ,k ,l , & ait ,bit ,cit ,dit , & mit ,nit ,is ,ms , & js ,ns ,dlx ,dly , & tdlx3 ,tdly3 ,dlx4 ,dly4 dimension usol(idmn,*) ,zn(*) ,zm(*) istr = is ifnl = ms jstr = js jfnl = ns c c compute weighted inner products c ute = 0.0 ete = 0.0 do 20 i=is,ms ii = i-is+1 do 10 j=js,ns jj = j-js+1 ete = ete+zm(ii)*zn(jj) ute = ute+usol(i,j)*zm(ii)*zn(jj) 10 continue 20 continue c c set perturbation parameter c pertrb = ute/ete c c subtract off constant pertrb c do 40 i=istr,ifnl do 30 j=jstr,jfnl usol(i,j) = usol(i,j)-pertrb 30 continue 40 continue return end subroutine orthog (usol,idmn,zn,zm,pertrb) c*********************************************************************72 c cc ORTHOG orthogonalizes the array usol with respect to c the constant array in a weighted least squares norm c common /splp/ kswx ,kswy ,k ,l , & ait ,bit ,cit ,dit , & mit ,nit ,is ,ms , & js ,ns ,dlx ,dly , & tdlx3 ,tdly3 ,dlx4 ,dly4 dimension usol(idmn,*) ,zn(*) ,zm(*) istr = is ifnl = ms jstr = js jfnl = ns c c compute weighted inner products c ute = 0.0 ete = 0.0 do 20 i=is,ms ii = i-is+1 do 10 j=js,ns jj = j-js+1 ete = ete+zm(ii)*zn(jj) ute = ute+usol(i,j)*zm(ii)*zn(jj) 10 continue 20 continue c c set perturbation parameter c pertrb = ute/ete c c subtract off constant pertrb c do 40 i=istr,ifnl do 30 j=jstr,jfnl usol(i,j) = usol(i,j)-pertrb 30 continue 40 continue return end function pgsf (x,iz,c,a,bh) c*********************************************************************72 c cc PGSF c dimension a(*) ,c(*) ,bh(*) fsg = 1. hsg = 1. do 101 j=1,iz dd = 1./(x-bh(j)) fsg = fsg*a(j)*dd hsg = hsg*c(j)*dd 101 continue if (mod(iz,2)) 103,102,103 102 pgsf = 1.-fsg-hsg return 103 pgsf = 1.+fsg+hsg return end function pimach () c*********************************************************************72 c cc PIMACH supplies the value of the constant pi correct to c machine precision where c c pi=3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971693993751058209749446 c real pimach pimach = 3.14159265358979 return end subroutine pois3d (lperod,l,c1,mperod,m,c2,nperod,n,a,b,c,ldimf, & mdimf,f,ierror,w) c*********************************************************************72 c cc POIS3D solves a special set of linear equations. c c pois3d solves the linear system of equations c c c1*(x(i-1,j,k)-2.*x(i,j,k)+x(i+1,j,k)) c + c2*(x(i,j-1,k)-2.*x(i,j,k)+x(i,j+1,k)) c + a(k)*x(i,j,k-1)+b(k)*x(i,j,k)+c(k)*x(i,j,k+1) = f(i,j,k) c c for i=1,2,...,l , j=1,2,...,m , and k=1,2,...,n . c c the indices k-1 and k+1 are evaluated modulo n, i.e. c x(i,j,0) = x(i,j,n) and x(i,j,n+1) = x(i,j,1). the unknowns c x(0,j,k), x(l+1,j,k), x(i,0,k), and x(i,m+1,k) are assumed to take c on certain prescribed values described below. c c * * * * * * * * parameter description * * * * * * * * * * c c c * * * * * * on input * * * * * * c c lperod indicates the values that x(0,j,k) and x(l+1,j,k) are c assumed to have. c c = 0 if x(0,j,k) = x(l,j,k) and x(l+1,j,k) = x(1,j,k). c = 1 if x(0,j,k) = x(l+1,j,k) = 0. c = 2 if x(0,j,k) = 0 and x(l+1,j,k) = x(l-1,j,k). c = 3 if x(0,j,k) = x(2,j,k) and x(l+1,j,k) = x(l-1,j,k). c = 4 if x(0,j,k) = x(2,j,k) and x(l+1,j,k) = 0. c c l the number of unknowns in the i-direction. l must be at c least 3. c c c1 the real constant that appears in the above equation. c c mperod indicates the values that x(i,0,k) and x(i,m+1,k) are c assumed to have. c c = 0 if x(i,0,k) = x(i,m,k) and x(i,m+1,k) = x(i,1,k). c = 1 if x(i,0,k) = x(i,m+1,k) = 0. c = 2 if x(i,0,k) = 0 and x(i,m+1,k) = x(i,m-1,k). c = 3 if x(i,0,k) = x(i,2,k) and x(i,m+1,k) = x(i,m-1,k). c = 4 if x(i,0,k) = x(i,2,k) and x(i,m+1,k) = 0. c c m the number of unknowns in the j-direction. m must be at c least 3. c c c2 the real constant which appears in the above equation. c c nperod = 0 if a(1) and c(n) are not zero. c = 1 if a(1) = c(n) = 0. c c n the number of unknowns in the k-direction. n must be at c least 3. c c c a,b,c one-dimensional arrays of length n that specify the c coefficients in the linear equations given above. c c if nperod = 0 the array elements must not depend upon the c index k, but must be constant. specifically,the c routine checks the following condition c c a(k) = c(1) c c(k) = c(1) c b(k) = b(1) c c for k=1,2,...,n. c c ldimf the row (or first) dimension of the three-dimensional c array f as it appears in the program calling pois3d. c this parameter is used to specify the variable dimension c of f. ldimf must be at least l. c c mdimf the column (or second) dimension of the three-dimensional c array f as it appears in the program calling pois3d. c this parameter is used to specify the variable dimension c of f. mdimf must be at least m. c c f a three-dimensional array that specifies the values of c the right side of the linear system of equations given c above. f must be dimensioned at least l x m x n. c c w a one-dimensional array that must be provided by the c user for work space. the length of w must be at least c 30 + l + m + 2*n + max(l,m,n) + c 7*(int((l+1)/2) + int((m+1)/2)). c c c * * * * * * on output * * * * * * c c f contains the solution x. c c ierror an error flag that indicates invalid input parameters. c except for number zero, a solution is not attempted. c = 0 no error c = 1 if lperod .lt. 0 or .gt. 4 c = 2 if l .lt. 3 c = 3 if mperod .lt. 0 or .gt. 4 c = 4 if m .lt. 3 c = 5 if nperod .lt. 0 or .gt. 1 c = 6 if n .lt. 3 c = 7 if ldimf .lt. l c = 8 if mdimf .lt. m c = 9 if a(k) .ne. c(1) or c(k) .ne. c(1) or b(i) .ne.b(1) c for some k=1,2,...,n. c = 10 if nperod = 1 and a(1) .ne. 0 or c(n) .ne. 0 c c since this is the only means of indicating a possibly c incorrect call to pois3d, the user should test ierror c after the call. c c c * * * * * * * program specifications * * * * * * * * * * * * c c dimension of a(n),b(n),c(n),f(ldimf,mdimf,n), c arguments w(see argument list) c c latest december 1, 1978 c revision c c subprograms pois3d,pos3d1,trid,rffti,rfftf,rfftf1,rfftb, c required rfftb1,costi,cost,sinti,sint,cosqi,cosqf,cosqf1 c cosqb,cosqb1,sinqi,sinqf,sinqb,cffti,cffti1, c cfftb,cfftb1,passb2,passb3,passb4,passb,cfftf, c cfftf1,passf1,passf2,passf3,passf4,passf,pimach, c c special none c conditions c c common value c blocks c c i/o none c c precision single c c specialist roland sweet c c language fortran c c history written by roland sweet at ncar in july,1977 c c algorithm this subroutine solves three-dimensional block c tridiagonal linear systems arising from finite c difference approximations to three-dimensional c poisson equations using the fourier transform c package sclrfftpak written by paul swarztrauber. c c space 6561(decimal) = 14641(octal) locations on the c required ncar control data 7600 c c timing and the execution time t on the ncar control data c accuracy 7600 for subroutine pois3d is roughly proportional c to l*m*n*(log2(l)+log2(m)+5), but also depends on c input parameters lperod and mperod. some typical c values are listed in the table below when nperod=0. c to measure the accuracy of the algorithm a c uniform random number generator was used to create c a solution array x for the system given in the c 'purpose' with c c a(k) = c(k) = -0.5*b(k) = 1, k=1,2,...,n c c and, when nperod = 1 c c a(1) = c(n) = 0 c a(n) = c(1) = 2. c c the solution x was substituted into the given sys- c tem and, using double precision, a right side y was c computed. using this array y subroutine pois was c called to produce an approximate solution z. then c the relative error, defined as c c e = max(abs(z(i,j,k)-x(i,j,k)))/max(abs(x(i,j,k))) c c where the two maxima are taken over i=1,2,...,l, c j=1,2,...,m and k=1,2,...,n, was computed. the c value of e is given in the table below for some c typical values of l,m and n. c c c l(=m=n) lperod mperod t(msecs) e c ------ ------ ------ -------- ------ c c 16 0 0 272 1.e-13 c 15 1 1 287 4.e-13 c 17 3 3 338 2.e-13 c 32 0 0 1755 2.e-13 c 31 1 1 1894 2.e-12 c 33 3 3 2042 7.e-13 c c c portability american national standards institute fortran. c the machine dependent constant pi is defined in c function pimach. c c required cos,sin,atan c resident c routines c c reference none c dimension a(*) ,b(*) ,c(*) , & f(ldimf,mdimf,*) ,w(*) ,save(6) lp = lperod+1 mp = mperod+1 np = nperod+1 c c check for invalid input. c ierror = 0 if ( .or. ierror = 1 if (l .lt. 3) ierror = 2 if ( .or. ierror = 3 if (m .lt. 3) ierror = 4 if ( .or. ierror = 5 if (n .lt. 3) ierror = 6 if (ldimf .lt. l) ierror = 7 if (mdimf .lt. m) ierror = 8 if (np .ne. 1) go to 103 do 101 k=1,n if (a(k) .ne. c(1)) go to 102 if (c(k) .ne. c(1)) go to 102 if (b(k) .ne. b(1)) go to 102 101 continue go to 104 102 ierror = 9 103 if (nperod.eq.1 .and. (a(1).ne.0. .or. c(n).ne.0.)) ierror = 10 104 if (ierror .ne. 0) go to 122 iwyrt = l+1 iwt = iwyrt+m iwd = iwt+max0(l,m,n)+1 iwbb = iwd+n iwx = iwbb+n iwy = iwx+7*((l+1)/2)+15 go to (105,114),np c c reorder unknowns when nperod = 0. c 105 nh = (n+1)/2 nhm1 = nh-1 nodd = 1 if (2*nh .eq. n) nodd = 2 do 111 i=1,l do 110 j=1,m do 106 k=1,nhm1 nhpk = nh+k nhmk = nh-k w(k) = f(i,j,nhmk)-f(i,j,nhpk) w(nhpk) = f(i,j,nhmk)+f(i,j,nhpk) 106 continue w(nh) = 2.*f(i,j,nh) go to (108,107),nodd 107 w(n) = 2.*f(i,j,n) 108 do 109 k=1,n f(i,j,k) = w(k) 109 continue 110 continue 111 continue save(1) = c(nhm1) save(2) = a(nh) save(3) = c(nh) save(4) = b(nhm1) save(5) = b(n) save(6) = a(n) c(nhm1) = 0. a(nh) = 0. c(nh) = 2.*c(nh) go to (112,113),nodd 112 b(nhm1) = b(nhm1)-a(nh-1) b(n) = b(n)+a(n) go to 114 113 a(n) = c(nh) 114 continue call pos3d1 (lp,l,mp,m,n,a,b,c,ldimf,mdimf,f,w,w(iwyrt),w(iwt), & w(iwd),w(iwx),w(iwy),c1,c2,w(iwbb)) go to (115,122),np 115 do 121 i=1,l do 120 j=1,m do 116 k=1,nhm1 nhmk = nh-k nhpk = nh+k w(nhmk) = .5*(f(i,j,nhpk)+f(i,j,k)) w(nhpk) = .5*(f(i,j,nhpk)-f(i,j,k)) 116 continue w(nh) = .5*f(i,j,nh) go to (118,117),nodd 117 w(n) = .5*f(i,j,n) 118 do 119 k=1,n f(i,j,k) = w(k) 119 continue 120 continue 121 continue c(nhm1) = save(1) a(nh) = save(2) c(nh) = save(3) b(nhm1) = save(4) b(n) = save(5) a(n) = save(6) 122 continue return end subroutine poisd2 (mr,nr,istag,ba,bb,bc,q,idimq,b,w,d,tcos,p) c*********************************************************************72 c cc POISD2 solves Poisson's equation for Dirichlet boundary conditions. c c istag = 1 if the last diagonal block is the matrix a. c istag = 2 if the last diagonal block is the matrix a+i. c dimension q(idimq,*) ,ba(*) ,bb(*) ,bc(*) , & tcos(*) ,b(*) ,d(*) ,w(*) , & p(*) m = mr n = nr jsh = 0 fi = 1./float(istag) ip = -m ipstor = 0 go to (101,102),istag 101 kr = 0 irreg = 1 if (n .gt. 1) go to 106 tcos(1) = 0. go to 103 102 kr = 1 jstsav = 1 irreg = 2 if (n .gt. 1) go to 106 tcos(1) = -1. 103 do 104 i=1,m b(i) = q(i,1) 104 continue call trix (1,0,m,ba,bb,bc,b,tcos,d,w) do 105 i=1,m q(i,1) = b(i) 105 continue go to 183 106 lr = 0 do 107 i=1,m p(i) = 0. 107 continue nun = n jst = 1 jsp = n c c irreg = 1 when no irregularities have occurred, otherwise it is 2. c 108 l = 2*jst nodd = 2-2*((nun+1)/2)+nun c c nodd = 1 when nun is odd, otherwise it is 2. c go to (110,109),nodd 109 jsp = jsp-l go to 111 110 jsp = jsp-jst if (irreg .ne. 1) jsp = jsp-l 111 continue c c regular reduction c call cosgen (jst,1,0.5,0.0,tcos) if (l .gt. jsp) go to 118 do 117 j=l,jsp,l jm1 = j-jsh jp1 = j+jsh jm2 = j-jst jp2 = j+jst jm3 = jm2-jsh jp3 = jp2+jsh if (jst .ne. 1) go to 113 do 112 i=1,m b(i) = 2.*q(i,j) q(i,j) = q(i,jm2)+q(i,jp2) 112 continue go to 115 113 do 114 i=1,m t = q(i,j)-q(i,jm1)-q(i,jp1)+q(i,jm2)+q(i,jp2) b(i) = t+q(i,j)-q(i,jm3)-q(i,jp3) q(i,j) = t 114 continue 115 continue call trix (jst,0,m,ba,bb,bc,b,tcos,d,w) do 116 i=1,m q(i,j) = q(i,j)+b(i) 116 continue 117 continue c c reduction for last unknown c 118 go to (119,136),nodd 119 go to (152,120),irreg c c odd number of unknowns c 120 jsp = jsp+l j = jsp jm1 = j-jsh jp1 = j+jsh jm2 = j-jst jp2 = j+jst jm3 = jm2-jsh go to (123,121),istag 121 continue if (jst .ne. 1) go to 123 do 122 i=1,m b(i) = q(i,j) q(i,j) = 0. 122 continue go to 130 123 go to (124,126),noddpr 124 do 125 i=1,m ip1 = ip+i b(i) = .5*(q(i,jm2)-q(i,jm1)-q(i,jm3))+p(ip1)+q(i,j) 125 continue go to 128 126 do 127 i=1,m b(i) = .5*(q(i,jm2)-q(i,jm1)-q(i,jm3))+q(i,jp2)-q(i,jp1)+q(i,j) 127 continue 128 do 129 i=1,m q(i,j) = .5*(q(i,j)-q(i,jm1)-q(i,jp1)) 129 continue 130 call trix (jst,0,m,ba,bb,bc,b,tcos,d,w) ip = ip+m ipstor = max0(ipstor,ip+m) do 131 i=1,m ip1 = ip+i p(ip1) = q(i,j)+b(i) b(i) = q(i,jp2)+p(ip1) 131 continue if (lr .ne. 0) go to 133 do 132 i=1,jst krpi = kr+i tcos(krpi) = tcos(i) 132 continue go to 134 133 continue call cosgen (lr,jstsav,0.,fi,tcos(jst+1)) call merge (tcos,0,jst,jst,lr,kr) 134 continue call cosgen (kr,jstsav,0.0,fi,tcos) call trix (kr,kr,m,ba,bb,bc,b,tcos,d,w) do 135 i=1,m ip1 = ip+i q(i,j) = q(i,jm2)+b(i)+p(ip1) 135 continue lr = kr kr = kr+l go to 152 c c even number of unknowns c 136 jsp = jsp+l j = jsp jm1 = j-jsh jp1 = j+jsh jm2 = j-jst jp2 = j+jst jm3 = jm2-jsh go to (137,138),irreg 137 continue jstsav = jst ideg = jst kr = l go to 139 138 call cosgen (kr,jstsav,0.0,fi,tcos) call cosgen (lr,jstsav,0.0,fi,tcos(kr+1)) ideg = kr kr = kr+jst 139 if (jst .ne. 1) go to 141 irreg = 2 do 140 i=1,m b(i) = q(i,j) q(i,j) = q(i,jm2) 140 continue go to 150 141 do 142 i=1,m b(i) = q(i,j)+.5*(q(i,jm2)-q(i,jm1)-q(i,jm3)) 142 continue go to (143,145),irreg 143 do 144 i=1,m q(i,j) = q(i,jm2)+.5*(q(i,j)-q(i,jm1)-q(i,jp1)) 144 continue irreg = 2 go to 150 145 continue go to (146,148),noddpr 146 do 147 i=1,m ip1 = ip+i q(i,j) = q(i,jm2)+p(ip1) 147 continue ip = ip-m go to 150 148 do 149 i=1,m q(i,j) = q(i,jm2)+q(i,j)-q(i,jm1) 149 continue 150 call trix (ideg,lr,m,ba,bb,bc,b,tcos,d,w) do 151 i=1,m q(i,j) = q(i,j)+b(i) 151 continue 152 nun = nun/2 noddpr = nodd jsh = jst jst = 2*jst if (nun .ge. 2) go to 108 c c start solution. c j = jsp do 153 i=1,m b(i) = q(i,j) 153 continue go to (154,155),irreg 154 continue call cosgen (jst,1,0.5,0.0,tcos) ideg = jst go to 156 155 kr = lr+jst call cosgen (kr,jstsav,0.0,fi,tcos) call cosgen (lr,jstsav,0.0,fi,tcos(kr+1)) ideg = kr 156 continue call trix (ideg,lr,m,ba,bb,bc,b,tcos,d,w) jm1 = j-jsh jp1 = j+jsh go to (157,159),irreg 157 do 158 i=1,m q(i,j) = .5*(q(i,j)-q(i,jm1)-q(i,jp1))+b(i) 158 continue go to 164 159 go to (160,162),noddpr 160 do 161 i=1,m ip1 = ip+i q(i,j) = p(ip1)+b(i) 161 continue ip = ip-m go to 164 162 do 163 i=1,m q(i,j) = q(i,j)-q(i,jm1)+b(i) 163 continue 164 continue c c start back substitution. c jst = jst/2 jsh = jst/2 nun = 2*nun if (nun .gt. n) go to 183 do 182 j=jst,n,l jm1 = j-jsh jp1 = j+jsh jm2 = j-jst jp2 = j+jst if (j .gt. jst) go to 166 do 165 i=1,m b(i) = q(i,j)+q(i,jp2) 165 continue go to 170 166 if (jp2 .le. n) go to 168 do 167 i=1,m b(i) = q(i,j)+q(i,jm2) 167 continue if (jst .lt. jstsav) irreg = 1 go to (170,171),irreg 168 do 169 i=1,m b(i) = q(i,j)+q(i,jm2)+q(i,jp2) 169 continue 170 continue call cosgen (jst,1,0.5,0.0,tcos) ideg = jst jdeg = 0 go to 172 171 if (j+l .gt. n) lr = lr-jst kr = jst+lr call cosgen (kr,jstsav,0.0,fi,tcos) call cosgen (lr,jstsav,0.0,fi,tcos(kr+1)) ideg = kr jdeg = lr 172 continue call trix (ideg,jdeg,m,ba,bb,bc,b,tcos,d,w) if (jst .gt. 1) go to 174 do 173 i=1,m q(i,j) = b(i) 173 continue go to 182 174 if (jp2 .gt. n) go to 177 175 do 176 i=1,m q(i,j) = .5*(q(i,j)-q(i,jm1)-q(i,jp1))+b(i) 176 continue go to 182 177 go to (175,178),irreg 178 if (j+jsh .gt. n) go to 180 do 179 i=1,m ip1 = ip+i q(i,j) = b(i)+p(ip1) 179 continue ip = ip-m go to 182 180 do 181 i=1,m q(i,j) = b(i)+q(i,j)-q(i,jm1) 181 continue 182 continue l = l/2 go to 164 183 continue c c return storage requirements for p vectors. c w(1) = ipstor return end subroutine poisn2 (m,n,istag,mixbnd,a,bb,c,q,idimq,b,b2,b3,w,w2, & w3,d,tcos,p) c*********************************************************************72 c cc POISN2 solves Poisson's equation with Neumann boundary conditions. c c istag = 1 if the last diagonal block is a. c istag = 2 if the last diagonal block is a-i. c mixbnd = 1 if have neumann boundary conditions at both boundaries. c mixbnd = 2 if have neumann boundary conditions at bottom and c dirichlet condition at top. (for this case, must have istag = 1.) c dimension a(*) ,bb(*) ,c(*) ,q(idimq,*) , & b(*) ,b2(*) ,b3(*) ,w(*) , & w2(*) ,w3(*) ,d(*) ,tcos(*) , & k(4) ,p(*) equivalence (k(1),k1) ,(k(2),k2) ,(k(3),k3) ,(k(4),k4) fistag = 3-istag fnum = 1./float(istag) fden = 0.5*float(istag-1) mr = m ip = -mr ipstor = 0 i2r = 1 jr = 2 nr = n nlast = n kr = 1 lr = 0 go to (101,103),istag 101 continue do 102 i=1,mr q(i,n) = .5*q(i,n) 102 continue go to (103,104),mixbnd 103 if (n .le. 3) go to 155 104 continue jr = 2*i2r nrod = 1 if ((nr/2)*2 .eq. nr) nrod = 0 go to (105,106),mixbnd 105 jstart = 1 go to 107 106 jstart = jr nrod = 1-nrod 107 continue jstop = nlast-jr if (nrod .eq. 0) jstop = jstop-i2r call cosgen (i2r,1,0.5,0.0,tcos) i2rby2 = i2r/2 if (jstop .ge. jstart) go to 108 j = jr go to 116 108 continue c c regular reduction. c do 115 j=jstart,jstop,jr jp1 = j+i2rby2 jp2 = j+i2r jp3 = jp2+i2rby2 jm1 = j-i2rby2 jm2 = j-i2r jm3 = jm2-i2rby2 if (j .ne. 1) go to 109 jm1 = jp1 jm2 = jp2 jm3 = jp3 109 continue if (i2r .ne. 1) go to 111 if (j .eq. 1) jm2 = jp2 do 110 i=1,mr b(i) = 2.*q(i,j) q(i,j) = q(i,jm2)+q(i,jp2) 110 continue go to 113 111 continue do 112 i=1,mr fi = q(i,j) q(i,j) = q(i,j)-q(i,jm1)-q(i,jp1)+q(i,jm2)+q(i,jp2) b(i) = fi+q(i,j)-q(i,jm3)-q(i,jp3) 112 continue 113 continue call trix (i2r,0,mr,a,bb,c,b,tcos,d,w) do 114 i=1,mr q(i,j) = q(i,j)+b(i) 114 continue c c end of reduction for regular unknowns. c 115 continue c c begin special reduction for last unknown. c j = jstop+jr 116 nlast = j jm1 = j-i2rby2 jm2 = j-i2r jm3 = jm2-i2rby2 if (nrod .eq. 0) go to 128 c c odd number of unknowns c if (i2r .ne. 1) go to 118 do 117 i=1,mr b(i) = fistag*q(i,j) q(i,j) = q(i,jm2) 117 continue go to 126 118 do 119 i=1,mr b(i) = q(i,j)+.5*(q(i,jm2)-q(i,jm1)-q(i,jm3)) 119 continue if (nrodpr .ne. 0) go to 121 do 120 i=1,mr ii = ip+i q(i,j) = q(i,jm2)+p(ii) 120 continue ip = ip-mr go to 123 121 continue do 122 i=1,mr q(i,j) = q(i,j)-q(i,jm1)+q(i,jm2) 122 continue 123 if (lr .eq. 0) go to 124 call cosgen (lr,1,0.5,fden,tcos(kr+1)) go to 126 124 continue do 125 i=1,mr b(i) = fistag*b(i) 125 continue 126 continue call cosgen (kr,1,0.5,fden,tcos) call trix (kr,lr,mr,a,bb,c,b,tcos,d,w) do 127 i=1,mr q(i,j) = q(i,j)+b(i) 127 continue kr = kr+i2r go to 151 128 continue c c even number of unknowns c jp1 = j+i2rby2 jp2 = j+i2r if (i2r .ne. 1) go to 135 do 129 i=1,mr b(i) = q(i,j) 129 continue call trix (1,0,mr,a,bb,c,b,tcos,d,w) ip = 0 ipstor = mr go to (133,130),istag 130 do 131 i=1,mr p(i) = b(i) b(i) = b(i)+q(i,n) 131 continue tcos(1) = 1. tcos(2) = 0. call trix (1,1,mr,a,bb,c,b,tcos,d,w) do 132 i=1,mr q(i,j) = q(i,jm2)+p(i)+b(i) 132 continue go to 150 133 continue do 134 i=1,mr p(i) = b(i) q(i,j) = q(i,jm2)+2.*q(i,jp2)+3.*b(i) 134 continue go to 150 135 continue do 136 i=1,mr b(i) = q(i,j)+.5*(q(i,jm2)-q(i,jm1)-q(i,jm3)) 136 continue if (nrodpr .ne. 0) go to 138 do 137 i=1,mr ii = ip+i b(i) = b(i)+p(ii) 137 continue go to 140 138 continue do 139 i=1,mr b(i) = b(i)+q(i,jp2)-q(i,jp1) 139 continue 140 continue call trix (i2r,0,mr,a,bb,c,b,tcos,d,w) ip = ip+mr ipstor = max0(ipstor,ip+mr) do 141 i=1,mr ii = ip+i p(ii) = b(i)+.5*(q(i,j)-q(i,jm1)-q(i,jp1)) b(i) = p(ii)+q(i,jp2) 141 continue if (lr .eq. 0) go to 142 call cosgen (lr,1,0.5,fden,tcos(i2r+1)) call merge (tcos,0,i2r,i2r,lr,kr) go to 144 142 do 143 i=1,i2r ii = kr+i tcos(ii) = tcos(i) 143 continue 144 call cosgen (kr,1,0.5,fden,tcos) if (lr .ne. 0) go to 145 go to (146,145),istag 145 continue call trix (kr,kr,mr,a,bb,c,b,tcos,d,w) go to 148 146 continue do 147 i=1,mr b(i) = fistag*b(i) 147 continue 148 continue do 149 i=1,mr ii = ip+i q(i,j) = q(i,jm2)+p(ii)+b(i) 149 continue 150 continue lr = kr kr = kr+jr 151 continue go to (152,153),mixbnd 152 nr = (nlast-1)/jr+1 if (nr .le. 3) go to 155 go to 154 153 nr = nlast/jr if (nr .le. 1) go to 192 154 i2r = jr nrodpr = nrod go to 104 155 continue c c begin solution c j = 1+jr jm1 = j-i2r jp1 = j+i2r jm2 = nlast-i2r if (nr .eq. 2) go to 184 if (lr .ne. 0) go to 170 if (n .ne. 3) go to 161 c c case n = 3. c go to (156,168),istag 156 continue do 157 i=1,mr b(i) = q(i,2) 157 continue tcos(1) = 0. call trix (1,0,mr,a,bb,c,b,tcos,d,w) do 158 i=1,mr q(i,2) = b(i) b(i) = 4.*b(i)+q(i,1)+2.*q(i,3) 158 continue tcos(1) = -2. tcos(2) = 2. i1 = 2 i2 = 0 call trix (i1,i2,mr,a,bb,c,b,tcos,d,w) do 159 i=1,mr q(i,2) = q(i,2)+b(i) b(i) = q(i,1)+2.*q(i,2) 159 continue tcos(1) = 0. call trix (1,0,mr,a,bb,c,b,tcos,d,w) do 160 i=1,mr q(i,1) = b(i) 160 continue jr = 1 i2r = 0 go to 194 c c case n = 2**p+1 c 161 continue go to (162,170),istag 162 continue do 163 i=1,mr b(i) = q(i,j)+.5*q(i,1)-q(i,jm1)+q(i,nlast)-q(i,jm2) 163 continue call cosgen (jr,1,0.5,0.0,tcos) call trix (jr,0,mr,a,bb,c,b,tcos,d,w) do 164 i=1,mr q(i,j) = .5*(q(i,j)-q(i,jm1)-q(i,jp1))+b(i) b(i) = q(i,1)+2.*q(i,nlast)+4.*q(i,j) 164 continue jr2 = 2*jr call cosgen (jr,1,0.0,0.0,tcos) do 165 i=1,jr i1 = jr+i i2 = jr+1-i tcos(i1) = -tcos(i2) 165 continue call trix (jr2,0,mr,a,bb,c,b,tcos,d,w) do 166 i=1,mr q(i,j) = q(i,j)+b(i) b(i) = q(i,1)+2.*q(i,j) 166 continue call cosgen (jr,1,0.5,0.0,tcos) call trix (jr,0,mr,a,bb,c,b,tcos,d,w) do 167 i=1,mr q(i,1) = .5*q(i,1)-q(i,jm1)+b(i) 167 continue go to 194 c c case of general n with nr = 3 . c 168 do 169 i=1,mr b(i) = q(i,2) q(i,2) = 0. b2(i) = q(i,3) b3(i) = q(i,1) 169 continue jr = 1 i2r = 0 j = 2 go to 177 170 continue do 171 i=1,mr b(i) = .5*q(i,1)-q(i,jm1)+q(i,j) 171 continue if (nrod .ne. 0) go to 173 do 172 i=1,mr ii = ip+i b(i) = b(i)+p(ii) 172 continue go to 175 173 do 174 i=1,mr b(i) = b(i)+q(i,nlast)-q(i,jm2) 174 continue 175 continue do 176 i=1,mr t = .5*(q(i,j)-q(i,jm1)-q(i,jp1)) q(i,j) = t b2(i) = q(i,nlast)+t b3(i) = q(i,1)+2.*t 176 continue 177 continue k1 = kr+2*jr-1 k2 = kr+jr tcos(k1+1) = -2. k4 = k1+3-istag call cosgen (k2+istag-2,1,0.0,fnum,tcos(k4)) k4 = k1+k2+1 call cosgen (jr-1,1,0.0,1.0,tcos(k4)) call merge (tcos,k1,k2,k1+k2,jr-1,0) k3 = k1+k2+lr call cosgen (jr,1,0.5,0.0,tcos(k3+1)) k4 = k3+jr+1 call cosgen (kr,1,0.5,fden,tcos(k4)) call merge (tcos,k3,jr,k3+jr,kr,k1) if (lr .eq. 0) go to 178 call cosgen (lr,1,0.5,fden,tcos(k4)) call merge (tcos,k3,jr,k3+jr,lr,k3-lr) call cosgen (kr,1,0.5,fden,tcos(k4)) 178 k3 = kr k4 = kr call tri3 (mr,a,bb,c,k,b,b2,b3,tcos,d,w,w2,w3) do 179 i=1,mr b(i) = b(i)+b2(i)+b3(i) 179 continue tcos(1) = 2. call trix (1,0,mr,a,bb,c,b,tcos,d,w) do 180 i=1,mr q(i,j) = q(i,j)+b(i) b(i) = q(i,1)+2.*q(i,j) 180 continue call cosgen (jr,1,0.5,0.0,tcos) call trix (jr,0,mr,a,bb,c,b,tcos,d,w) if (jr .ne. 1) go to 182 do 181 i=1,mr q(i,1) = b(i) 181 continue go to 194 182 continue do 183 i=1,mr q(i,1) = .5*q(i,1)-q(i,jm1)+b(i) 183 continue go to 194 184 continue if (n .ne. 2) go to 188 c c case n = 2 c do 185 i=1,mr b(i) = q(i,1) 185 continue tcos(1) = 0. call trix (1,0,mr,a,bb,c,b,tcos,d,w) do 186 i=1,mr q(i,1) = b(i) b(i) = 2.*(q(i,2)+b(i))*fistag 186 continue tcos(1) = -fistag tcos(2) = 2. call trix (2,0,mr,a,bb,c,b,tcos,d,w) do 187 i=1,mr q(i,1) = q(i,1)+b(i) 187 continue jr = 1 i2r = 0 go to 194 188 continue c c case of general n and nr = 2 . c do 189 i=1,mr ii = ip+i b3(i) = 0. b(i) = q(i,1)+2.*p(ii) q(i,1) = .5*q(i,1)-q(i,jm1) b2(i) = 2.*(q(i,1)+q(i,nlast)) 189 continue k1 = kr+jr-1 tcos(k1+1) = -2. k4 = k1+3-istag call cosgen (kr+istag-2,1,0.0,fnum,tcos(k4)) k4 = k1+kr+1 call cosgen (jr-1,1,0.0,1.0,tcos(k4)) call merge (tcos,k1,kr,k1+kr,jr-1,0) call cosgen (kr,1,0.5,fden,tcos(k1+1)) k2 = kr k4 = k1+k2+1 call cosgen (lr,1,0.5,fden,tcos(k4)) k3 = lr k4 = 0 call tri3 (mr,a,bb,c,k,b,b2,b3,tcos,d,w,w2,w3) do 190 i=1,mr b(i) = b(i)+b2(i) 190 continue tcos(1) = 2. call trix (1,0,mr,a,bb,c,b,tcos,d,w) do 191 i=1,mr q(i,1) = q(i,1)+b(i) 191 continue go to 194 192 do 193 i=1,mr b(i) = q(i,nlast) 193 continue go to 196 194 continue c c start back substitution. c j = nlast-jr do 195 i=1,mr b(i) = q(i,nlast)+q(i,j) 195 continue 196 jm2 = nlast-i2r if (jr .ne. 1) go to 198 do 197 i=1,mr q(i,nlast) = 0. 197 continue go to 202 198 continue if (nrod .ne. 0) go to 200 do 199 i=1,mr ii = ip+i q(i,nlast) = p(ii) 199 continue ip = ip-mr go to 202 200 do 201 i=1,mr q(i,nlast) = q(i,nlast)-q(i,jm2) 201 continue 202 continue call cosgen (kr,1,0.5,fden,tcos) call cosgen (lr,1,0.5,fden,tcos(kr+1)) if (lr .ne. 0) go to 204 do 203 i=1,mr b(i) = fistag*b(i) 203 continue 204 continue call trix (kr,lr,mr,a,bb,c,b,tcos,d,w) do 205 i=1,mr q(i,nlast) = q(i,nlast)+b(i) 205 continue nlastp = nlast 206 continue jstep = jr jr = i2r i2r = i2r/2 if (jr .eq. 0) go to 222 go to (207,208),mixbnd 207 jstart = 1+jr go to 209 208 jstart = jr 209 continue kr = kr-jr if (nlast+jr .gt. n) go to 210 kr = kr-jr nlast = nlast+jr jstop = nlast-jstep go to 211 210 continue jstop = nlast-jr 211 continue lr = kr-jr call cosgen (jr,1,0.5,0.0,tcos) do 221 j=jstart,jstop,jstep jm2 = j-jr jp2 = j+jr if (j .ne. jr) go to 213 do 212 i=1,mr b(i) = q(i,j)+q(i,jp2) 212 continue go to 215 213 continue do 214 i=1,mr b(i) = q(i,j)+q(i,jm2)+q(i,jp2) 214 continue 215 continue if (jr .ne. 1) go to 217 do 216 i=1,mr q(i,j) = 0. 216 continue go to 219 217 continue jm1 = j-i2r jp1 = j+i2r do 218 i=1,mr q(i,j) = .5*(q(i,j)-q(i,jm1)-q(i,jp1)) 218 continue 219 continue call trix (jr,0,mr,a,bb,c,b,tcos,d,w) do 220 i=1,mr q(i,j) = q(i,j)+b(i) 220 continue 221 continue nrod = 1 if (nlast+i2r .le. n) nrod = 0 if (nlastp .ne. nlast) go to 194 go to 206 222 continue c c return storage requirements for p vectors. c w(1) = ipstor return end subroutine poisp2 (m,n,a,bb,c,q,idimq,b,b2,b3,w,w2,w3,d,tcos,p) c*********************************************************************72 c cc POISP2 solves Poisson's equation with periodic boundary conditions. c dimension a(*) ,bb(*) ,c(*) ,q(idimq,*) , & b(*) ,b2(*) ,b3(*) ,w(*) , & w2(*) ,w3(*) ,d(*) ,tcos(*) , & p(*) mr = m nr = (n+1)/2 nrm1 = nr-1 if (2*nr .ne. n) go to 107 c c even number of unknowns c do 102 j=1,nrm1 nrmj = nr-j nrpj = nr+j do 101 i=1,mr s = q(i,nrmj)-q(i,nrpj) t = q(i,nrmj)+q(i,nrpj) q(i,nrmj) = s q(i,nrpj) = t 101 continue 102 continue do 103 i=1,mr q(i,nr) = 2.*q(i,nr) q(i,n) = 2.*q(i,n) 103 continue call poisd2 (mr,nrm1,1,a,bb,c,q,idimq,b,w,d,tcos,p) ipstor = w(1) call poisn2 (mr,nr+1,1,1,a,bb,c,q(1,nr),idimq,b,b2,b3,w,w2,w3,d, & tcos,p) ipstor = max0(ipstor,int(w(1))) do 105 j=1,nrm1 nrmj = nr-j nrpj = nr+j do 104 i=1,mr s = .5*(q(i,nrpj)+q(i,nrmj)) t = .5*(q(i,nrpj)-q(i,nrmj)) q(i,nrmj) = s q(i,nrpj) = t 104 continue 105 continue do 106 i=1,mr q(i,nr) = .5*q(i,nr) q(i,n) = .5*q(i,n) 106 continue go to 118 107 continue c c odd number of unknowns c do 109 j=1,nrm1 nrpj = n+1-j do 108 i=1,mr s = q(i,j)-q(i,nrpj) t = q(i,j)+q(i,nrpj) q(i,j) = s q(i,nrpj) = t 108 continue 109 continue do 110 i=1,mr q(i,nr) = 2.*q(i,nr) 110 continue lh = nrm1/2 do 112 j=1,lh nrmj = nr-j do 111 i=1,mr s = q(i,j) q(i,j) = q(i,nrmj) q(i,nrmj) = s 111 continue 112 continue call poisd2 (mr,nrm1,2,a,bb,c,q,idimq,b,w,d,tcos,p) ipstor = w(1) call poisn2 (mr,nr,2,1,a,bb,c,q(1,nr),idimq,b,b2,b3,w,w2,w3,d, & tcos,p) ipstor = max0(ipstor,int(w(1))) do 114 j=1,nrm1 nrpj = nr+j do 113 i=1,mr s = .5*(q(i,nrpj)+q(i,j)) t = .5*(q(i,nrpj)-q(i,j)) q(i,nrpj) = t q(i,j) = s 113 continue 114 continue do 115 i=1,mr q(i,nr) = .5*q(i,nr) 115 continue do 117 j=1,lh nrmj = nr-j do 116 i=1,mr s = q(i,j) q(i,j) = q(i,nrmj) q(i,nrmj) = s 116 continue 117 continue 118 continue c c return storage requirements for p vectors. c w(1) = ipstor return end subroutine poistg (nperod,n,mperod,m,a,b,c,idimy,y,ierror,w) c*********************************************************************72 c cc POISTG solves a special set of linear equations. c c * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * c * * c * f i s h p a k * c * * c * * c * a package of fortran subprograms for the solution of * c * * c * separable elliptic partial differential equations * c * * c * (version 3.1 , october 1980) * c * * c * by * c * * c * john adams, paul swarztrauber and roland sweet * c * * c * of * c * * c * the national center for atmospheric research * c * * c * boulder, colorado (80307) u.s.a. * c * * c * which is sponsored by * c * * c * the national science foundation * c * * c * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * c c c * * * * * * * * * purpose * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * c c c poistg solves the linear system of equations c c a(i)*x(i-1,j) + b(i)*x(i,j) + c(i)*x(i+1,j) c + x(i,j-1) - 2.*x(i,j) + x(i,j+1) = y(i,j) c c for i=1,2,...,m and j=1,2,...,n. c c the indices i+1 and i-1 are evaluated modulo m, i.e. c x(0,j) = x(m,j) and x(m+1,j) = x(1,j), and x(i,0) may be equal to c x(i,1) or -x(i,1) and x(i,n+1) may be equal to x(i,n) or -x(i,n) c depending on an input parameter. c c c * * * * * * * * parameter description * * * * * * * * * * c c * * * * * * on input * * * * * * c c nperod c indicates the values which x(i,0) and x(i,n+1) are assumed c to have. c = 1 if x(i,0) = -x(i,1) and x(i,n+1) = -x(i,n) c = 2 if x(i,0) = -x(i,1) and x(i,n+1) = x(i,n) c = 3 if x(i,0) = x(i,1) and x(i,n+1) = x(i,n) c = 4 if x(i,0) = x(i,1) and x(i,n+1) = -x(i,n) c c n c the number of unknowns in the j-direction. n must c be greater than 2. c c mperod c = 0 if a(1) and c(m) are not zero c = 1 if a(1) = c(m) = 0 c c m c the number of unknowns in the i-direction. m must c be greater than 2. c c a,b,c c one-dimensional arrays of length m that specify the coefficients c in the linear equations given above. if mperod = 0 the array c elements must not depend on the index i, but must be constant. c specifically, the subroutine checks the following condition c c a(i) = c(1) c b(i) = b(1) c c(i) = c(1) c c for i = 1, 2, ..., m. c c idimy c the row (or first) dimension of the two-dimensional array y as c it appears in the program calling poistg. this parameter is c used to specify the variable dimension of y. idimy must be at c least m. c c y c a two-dimensional array that specifies the values of the c right side of the linear system of equations given above. c y must be dimensioned at least m x n. c c w c a one-dimensional work array that must be provided by the user c for work space. w may require up to 9m + 4n + m(int(log2(n))) c locations. the actual number of locations used is computed by c poistg and returned in location w(1). c c c * * * * * * on output * * * * * * c c y c contains the solution x. c c ierror c an error flag that indicates invalid input parameters. except c for number zero, a solution is not attempted. c = 0 no error c = 1 if m .le. 2 c = 2 if n .le. 2 c = 3 idimy .lt. m c = 4 if nperod .lt. 1 or nperod .gt. 4 c = 5 if mperod .lt. 0 or mperod .gt. 1 c = 6 if mperod = 0 and c a(i) .ne. c(1) or b(i) .ne. b(1) or c(i) .ne. c(1) c for some i = 1, 2, ..., m. c = 7 if mperod .eq. 1 .and. (a(1).ne.0 .or. c(m).ne.0) c c w c w(1) contains the required length of w. c c c * * * * * * * program specifications * * * * * * * * * * * * c c dimension of a(m),b(m),c(m),y(idimy,n), c arguments w(see argument list) c c latest june 1, 1977 c revision c c subprograms poistg,postg2,cosgen,merge,trix,tri3,pimach c required c c special none c conditions c c common none c blocks c c i/o none c c precision single c c specialist roland sweet c c language fortran c c history written by roland sweet in 1973 c revised by roland sweet in 1977 c c algorithm this subroutine is an implementation of the c algorithm presented in the reference. c c space 3297(decimal) = 6341(octal) locations on the c required ncar control data 7600 c c timing and the execution time t on the ncar control data c accuracy 7600 for subroutine poistg is roughly proportional c to m*n*log2(n). some typical values are listed c in the table below. more comprehensive timing c charts may be found in the reference. c to measure the accuracy of the algorithm a c uniform random number generator was used to create c a solution array x for the system given in the c 'purpose' with c c a(i) = c(i) = -0.5*b(i) = 1, i=1,2,...,m c c and, when mperod = 1 c c a(1) = c(m) = 0 c b(1) = b(m) =-1. c c the solution x was substituted into the given sys- c tem and, using double precision, a right side y was c computed. using this array y subroutine poistg was c called to produce an approximate solution z. then c the relative error, defined as c c e = max(abs(z(i,j)-x(i,j)))/max(abs(x(i,j))) c c where the two maxima are taken over all i=1,2,...,m c and j=1,2,...,n, was computed. the value of e is c given in the table below for some typical values of c m and n. c c c m (=n) mperod nperod t(msecs) e c ------ ------ ------ -------- ------ c c 31 0-1 1-4 45 9.e-13 c 31 1 1 21 4.e-13 c 31 1 3 41 3.e-13 c 32 0-1 1-4 51 3.e-12 c 32 1 1 32 3.e-13 c 32 1 3 48 1.e-13 c 33 0-1 1-4 42 1.e-12 c 33 1 1 30 4.e-13 c 33 1 3 34 1.e-13 c 63 0-1 1-4 186 3.e-12 c 63 1 1 91 1.e-12 c 63 1 3 173 2.e-13 c 64 0-1 1-4 209 4.e-12 c 64 1 1 128 1.e-12 c 64 1 3 199 6.e-13 c 65 0-1 1-4 143 2.e-13 c 65 1 1 160 1.e-11 c 65 1 3 138 4.e-13 c c portability american national standards institute fortran. c all machine dependent constants are located in the c function pimach. c c required cos c resident c routines c c reference schumann, u. and r. sweet,"a direct method for c the solution of poisson"s equation with neumann c boundary conditions on a staggered grid of c arbitrary size," j. comp. phys. 20(1976), c pp. 171-182. c dimension y(idimy,*) dimension w(*) ,b(*) ,a(*) ,c(*) ierror = 0 if (m .le. 2) ierror = 1 if (n .le. 2) ierror = 2 if (idimy .lt. m) ierror = 3 if ( .or. ierror = 4 if ( .or. ierror = 5 if (mperod .eq. 1) go to 103 do 101 i=1,m if (a(i) .ne. c(1)) go to 102 if (c(i) .ne. c(1)) go to 102 if (b(i) .ne. b(1)) go to 102 101 continue go to 104 102 ierror = 6 return 103 if (a(1).ne.0. .or. c(m).ne.0.) ierror = 7 104 if (ierror .ne. 0) return iwba = m+1 iwbb = iwba+m iwbc = iwbb+m iwb2 = iwbc+m iwb3 = iwb2+m iww1 = iwb3+m iww2 = iww1+m iww3 = iww2+m iwd = iww3+m iwtcos = iwd+m iwp = iwtcos+4*n do 106 i=1,m k = iwba+i-1 w(k) = -a(i) k = iwbc+i-1 w(k) = -c(i) k = iwbb+i-1 w(k) = 2.-b(i) do 105 j=1,n y(i,j) = -y(i,j) 105 continue 106 continue np = nperod mp = mperod+1 go to (110,107),mp 107 continue go to (108,108,108,119),nperod 108 continue call postg2 (np,n,m,w(iwba),w(iwbb),w(iwbc),idimy,y,w,w(iwb2), & w(iwb3),w(iww1),w(iww2),w(iww3),w(iwd),w(iwtcos), & w(iwp)) ipstor = w(iww1) irev = 2 if (nperod .eq. 4) go to 120 109 continue go to (123,129),mp 110 continue c c reorder unknowns when mp =0 c mh = (m+1)/2 mhm1 = mh-1 modd = 1 if (mh*2 .eq. m) modd = 2 do 115 j=1,n do 111 i=1,mhm1 mhpi = mh+i mhmi = mh-i w(i) = y(mhmi,j)-y(mhpi,j) w(mhpi) = y(mhmi,j)+y(mhpi,j) 111 continue w(mh) = 2.*y(mh,j) go to (113,112),modd 112 w(m) = 2.*y(m,j) 113 continue do 114 i=1,m y(i,j) = w(i) 114 continue 115 continue k = iwbc+mhm1-1 i = iwba+mhm1 w(k) = 0. w(i) = 0. w(k+1) = 2.*w(k+1) go to (116,117),modd 116 continue k = iwbb+mhm1-1 w(k) = w(k)-w(i-1) w(iwbc-1) = w(iwbc-1)+w(iwbb-1) go to 118 117 w(iwbb-1) = w(k+1) 118 continue go to 107 119 continue c c reverse columns when nperod = 4. c irev = 1 nby2 = n/2 np = 2 120 do 122 j=1,nby2 mskip = n+1-j do 121 i=1,m a1 = y(i,j) y(i,j) = y(i,mskip) y(i,mskip) = a1 121 continue 122 continue go to (108,109),irev 123 continue do 128 j=1,n do 124 i=1,mhm1 mhmi = mh-i mhpi = mh+i w(mhmi) = .5*(y(mhpi,j)+y(i,j)) w(mhpi) = .5*(y(mhpi,j)-y(i,j)) 124 continue w(mh) = .5*y(mh,j) go to (126,125),modd 125 w(m) = .5*y(m,j) 126 continue do 127 i=1,m y(i,j) = w(i) 127 continue 128 continue 129 continue c c return storage requirements for w array. c w(1) = ipstor+iwp-1 return end subroutine pos3d1 (lp,l,mp,m,n,a,b,c,ldimf,mdimf,f,xrt,yrt,t,d, & wx,wy,c1,c2,bb) c*********************************************************************72 c cc POS3D1 c dimension a(*) ,b(*) ,c(*) , & f(ldimf,mdimf,*) ,xrt(*) ,yrt(*) , & t(*) ,d(*) ,wx(*) ,wy(*) , & bb(*) pi = pimach() lr = l mr = m nr = n c c generate transform roots c lrdel = ((lp-1)*(lp-3)*(lp-5))/3 scalx = lr+lrdel dx = pi/(2.*scalx) go to (108,103,101,102,101),lp 101 di = 0.5 scalx = 2.*scalx go to 104 102 di = 1.0 go to 104 103 di = 0.0 104 do 105 i=1,lr xrt(i) = -4.*c1*(sin((float(i)-di)*dx))**2 105 continue scalx = 2.*scalx go to (112,106,110,107,111),lp 106 call sinti (lr,wx) go to 112 107 call costi (lr,wx) go to 112 108 xrt(1) = 0. xrt(lr) = -4.*c1 do 109 i=3,lr,2 xrt(i-1) = -4.*c1*(sin(float((i-1))*dx))**2 xrt(i) = xrt(i-1) 109 continue call rffti (lr,wx) go to 112 110 call sinqi (lr,wx) go to 112 111 call cosqi (lr,wx) 112 continue mrdel = ((mp-1)*(mp-3)*(mp-5))/3 scaly = mr+mrdel dy = pi/(2.*scaly) go to (120,115,113,114,113),mp 113 dj = 0.5 scaly = 2.*scaly go to 116 114 dj = 1.0 go to 116 115 dj = 0.0 116 do 117 j=1,mr yrt(j) = -4.*c2*(sin((float(j)-dj)*dy))**2 117 continue scaly = 2.*scaly go to (124,118,122,119,123),mp 118 call sinti (mr,wy) go to 124 119 call costi (mr,wy) go to 124 120 yrt(1) = 0. yrt(mr) = -4.*c2 do 121 j=3,mr,2 yrt(j-1) = -4.*c2*(sin(float((j-1))*dy))**2 yrt(j) = yrt(j-1) 121 continue call rffti (mr,wy) go to 124 122 call sinqi (mr,wy) go to 124 123 call cosqi (mr,wy) 124 continue ifwrd = 1 is = 1 125 continue c c transform x c do 141 j=1,mr do 140 k=1,nr do 126 i=1,lr t(i) = f(i,j,k) 126 continue go to (127,130,131,134,135),lp 127 go to (128,129),ifwrd 128 call rfftf (lr,t,wx) go to 138 129 call rfftb (lr,t,wx) go to 138 130 call sint (lr,t,wx) go to 138 131 go to (132,133),ifwrd 132 call sinqf (lr,t,wx) go to 138 133 call sinqb (lr,t,wx) go to 138 134 call cost (lr,t,wx) go to 138 135 go to (136,137),ifwrd 136 call cosqf (lr,t,wx) go to 138 137 call cosqb (lr,t,wx) 138 continue do 139 i=1,lr f(i,j,k) = t(i) 139 continue 140 continue 141 continue go to (142,164),ifwrd c c transform y c 142 continue do 158 i=1,lr do 157 k=1,nr do 143 j=1,mr t(j) = f(i,j,k) 143 continue go to (144,147,148,151,152),mp 144 go to (145,146),ifwrd 145 call rfftf (mr,t,wy) go to 155 146 call rfftb (mr,t,wy) go to 155 147 call sint (mr,t,wy) go to 155 148 go to (149,150),ifwrd 149 call sinqf (mr,t,wy) go to 155 150 call sinqb (mr,t,wy) go to 155 151 call cost (mr,t,wy) go to 155 152 go to (153,154),ifwrd 153 call cosqf (mr,t,wy) go to 155 154 call cosqb (mr,t,wy) 155 continue do 156 j=1,mr f(i,j,k) = t(j) 156 continue 157 continue 158 continue go to (159,125),ifwrd 159 continue c c solve tridiagonal systems in z c do 163 i=1,lr do 162 j=1,mr do 160 k=1,nr bb(k) = b(k)+xrt(i)+yrt(j) t(k) = f(i,j,k) 160 continue call trid (nr,a,bb,c,t,d) do 161 k=1,nr f(i,j,k) = t(k) 161 continue 162 continue 163 continue ifwrd = 2 is = -1 go to 142 164 continue do 167 i=1,lr do 166 j=1,mr do 165 k=1,nr f(i,j,k) = f(i,j,k)/(scalx*scaly) 165 continue 166 continue 167 continue return end subroutine postg2 (nperod,n,m,a,bb,c,idimq,q,b,b2,b3,w,w2,w3,d, & tcos,p) c*********************************************************************72 c cc POSTG2 solves Poisson's equation on a staggered grid. c c dimension a(*) ,bb(*) ,c(*) ,q(idimq,*) , & b(*) ,b2(*) ,b3(*) ,w(*) , & w2(*) ,w3(*) ,d(*) ,tcos(*) , & k(4) ,p(*) equivalence (k(1),k1) ,(k(2),k2) ,(k(3),k3) ,(k(4),k4) np = nperod fnum = 0.5*float(np/3) fnum2 = 0.5*float(np/2) mr = m ip = -mr ipstor = 0 i2r = 1 jr = 2 nr = n nlast = n kr = 1 lr = 0 if (nr .le. 3) go to 142 101 continue jr = 2*i2r nrod = 1 if ((nr/2)*2 .eq. nr) nrod = 0 jstart = 1 jstop = nlast-jr if (nrod .eq. 0) jstop = jstop-i2r i2rby2 = i2r/2 if (jstop .ge. jstart) go to 102 j = jr go to 115 102 continue c c regular reduction. c ijump = 1 do 114 j=jstart,jstop,jr jp1 = j+i2rby2 jp2 = j+i2r jp3 = jp2+i2rby2 jm1 = j-i2rby2 jm2 = j-i2r jm3 = jm2-i2rby2 if (j .ne. 1) go to 106 call cosgen (i2r,1,fnum,0.5,tcos) if (i2r .ne. 1) go to 104 do 103 i=1,mr b(i) = q(i,1) q(i,1) = q(i,2) 103 continue go to 112 104 do 105 i=1,mr b(i) = q(i,1)+0.5*(q(i,jp2)-q(i,jp1)-q(i,jp3)) q(i,1) = q(i,jp2)+q(i,1)-q(i,jp1) 105 continue go to 112 106 continue go to (107,108),ijump 107 continue ijump = 2 call cosgen (i2r,1,0.5,0.0,tcos) 108 continue if (i2r .ne. 1) go to 110 do 109 i=1,mr b(i) = 2.*q(i,j) q(i,j) = q(i,jm2)+q(i,jp2) 109 continue go to 112 110 do 111 i=1,mr fi = q(i,j) q(i,j) = q(i,j)-q(i,jm1)-q(i,jp1)+q(i,jm2)+q(i,jp2) b(i) = fi+q(i,j)-q(i,jm3)-q(i,jp3) 111 continue 112 continue call trix (i2r,0,mr,a,bb,c,b,tcos,d,w) do 113 i=1,mr q(i,j) = q(i,j)+b(i) 113 continue c c end of reduction for regular unknowns. c 114 continue c c begin special reduction for last unknown. c j = jstop+jr 115 nlast = j jm1 = j-i2rby2 jm2 = j-i2r jm3 = jm2-i2rby2 if (nrod .eq. 0) go to 125 c c odd number of unknowns c if (i2r .ne. 1) go to 117 do 116 i=1,mr b(i) = q(i,j) q(i,j) = q(i,jm2) 116 continue go to 123 117 do 118 i=1,mr b(i) = q(i,j)+.5*(q(i,jm2)-q(i,jm1)-q(i,jm3)) 118 continue if (nrodpr .ne. 0) go to 120 do 119 i=1,mr ii = ip+i q(i,j) = q(i,jm2)+p(ii) 119 continue ip = ip-mr go to 122 120 continue do 121 i=1,mr q(i,j) = q(i,j)-q(i,jm1)+q(i,jm2) 121 continue 122 if (lr .eq. 0) go to 123 call cosgen (lr,1,fnum2,0.5,tcos(kr+1)) 123 continue call cosgen (kr,1,fnum2,0.5,tcos) call trix (kr,lr,mr,a,bb,c,b,tcos,d,w) do 124 i=1,mr q(i,j) = q(i,j)+b(i) 124 continue kr = kr+i2r go to 141 125 continue c c even number of unknowns c jp1 = j+i2rby2 jp2 = j+i2r if (i2r .ne. 1) go to 129 do 126 i=1,mr b(i) = q(i,j) 126 continue tcos(1) = 0. call trix (1,0,mr,a,bb,c,b,tcos,d,w) ip = 0 ipstor = mr do 127 i=1,mr p(i) = b(i) b(i) = b(i)+q(i,n) 127 continue tcos(1) = -1.+2.*float(np/2) tcos(2) = 0. call trix (1,1,mr,a,bb,c,b,tcos,d,w) do 128 i=1,mr q(i,j) = q(i,jm2)+p(i)+b(i) 128 continue go to 140 129 continue do 130 i=1,mr b(i) = q(i,j)+.5*(q(i,jm2)-q(i,jm1)-q(i,jm3)) 130 continue if (nrodpr .ne. 0) go to 132 do 131 i=1,mr ii = ip+i b(i) = b(i)+p(ii) 131 continue go to 134 132 continue do 133 i=1,mr b(i) = b(i)+q(i,jp2)-q(i,jp1) 133 continue 134 continue call cosgen (i2r,1,0.5,0.0,tcos) call trix (i2r,0,mr,a,bb,c,b,tcos,d,w) ip = ip+mr ipstor = max0(ipstor,ip+mr) do 135 i=1,mr ii = ip+i p(ii) = b(i)+.5*(q(i,j)-q(i,jm1)-q(i,jp1)) b(i) = p(ii)+q(i,jp2) 135 continue if (lr .eq. 0) go to 136 call cosgen (lr,1,fnum2,0.5,tcos(i2r+1)) call merge (tcos,0,i2r,i2r,lr,kr) go to 138 136 do 137 i=1,i2r ii = kr+i tcos(ii) = tcos(i) 137 continue 138 call cosgen (kr,1,fnum2,0.5,tcos) call trix (kr,kr,mr,a,bb,c,b,tcos,d,w) do 139 i=1,mr ii = ip+i q(i,j) = q(i,jm2)+p(ii)+b(i) 139 continue 140 continue lr = kr kr = kr+jr 141 continue nr = (nlast-1)/jr+1 if (nr .le. 3) go to 142 i2r = jr nrodpr = nrod go to 101 142 continue c c begin solution c j = 1+jr jm1 = j-i2r jp1 = j+i2r jm2 = nlast-i2r if (nr .eq. 2) go to 180 if (lr .ne. 0) go to 167 if (n .ne. 3) go to 156 c c case n = 3. c go to (143,148,143),np 143 do 144 i=1,mr b(i) = q(i,2) b2(i) = q(i,1)+q(i,3) b3(i) = 0. 144 continue go to (146,146,145),np 145 tcos(1) = -1. tcos(2) = 1. k1 = 1 go to 147 146 tcos(1) = -2. tcos(2) = 1. tcos(3) = -1. k1 = 2 147 k2 = 1 k3 = 0 k4 = 0 go to 150 148 do 149 i=1,mr b(i) = q(i,2) b2(i) = q(i,3) b3(i) = q(i,1) 149 continue call cosgen (3,1,0.5,0.0,tcos) tcos(4) = -1. tcos(5) = 1. tcos(6) = -1. tcos(7) = 1. k1 = 3 k2 = 2 k3 = 1 k4 = 1 150 call tri3 (mr,a,bb,c,k,b,b2,b3,tcos,d,w,w2,w3) do 151 i=1,mr b(i) = b(i)+b2(i)+b3(i) 151 continue go to (153,153,152),np 152 tcos(1) = 2. call trix (1,0,mr,a,bb,c,b,tcos,d,w) 153 do 154 i=1,mr q(i,2) = b(i) b(i) = q(i,1)+b(i) 154 continue tcos(1) = -1.+4.*fnum call trix (1,0,mr,a,bb,c,b,tcos,d,w) do 155 i=1,mr q(i,1) = b(i) 155 continue jr = 1 i2r = 0 go to 188 c c case n = 2**p+1 c 156 continue do 157 i=1,mr b(i) = q(i,j)+q(i,1)-q(i,jm1)+q(i,nlast)-q(i,jm2) 157 continue go to (158,160,158),np 158 do 159 i=1,mr b2(i) = q(i,1)+q(i,nlast)+q(i,j)-q(i,jm1)-q(i,jp1) b3(i) = 0. 159 continue k1 = nlast-1 k2 = nlast+jr-1 call cosgen (jr-1,1,0.0,1.0,tcos(nlast)) tcos(k2) = 2.*float(np-2) call cosgen (jr,1,0.5-fnum,0.5,tcos(k2+1)) k3 = (3-np)/2 call merge (tcos,k1,jr-k3,k2-k3,jr+k3,0) k1 = k1-1+k3 call cosgen (jr,1,fnum,0.5,tcos(k1+1)) k2 = jr k3 = 0 k4 = 0 go to 162 160 do 161 i=1,mr fi = (q(i,j)-q(i,jm1)-q(i,jp1))/2. b2(i) = q(i,1)+fi b3(i) = q(i,nlast)+fi 161 continue k1 = nlast+jr-1 k2 = k1+jr-1 call cosgen (jr-1,1,0.0,1.0,tcos(k1+1)) call cosgen (nlast,1,0.5,0.0,tcos(k2+1)) call merge (tcos,k1,jr-1,k2,nlast,0) k3 = k1+nlast-1 k4 = k3+jr call cosgen (jr,1,0.5,0.5,tcos(k3+1)) call cosgen (jr,1,0.0,0.5,tcos(k4+1)) call merge (tcos,k3,jr,k4,jr,k1) k2 = nlast-1 k3 = jr k4 = jr 162 call tri3 (mr,a,bb,c,k,b,b2,b3,tcos,d,w,w2,w3) do 163 i=1,mr b(i) = b(i)+b2(i)+b3(i) 163 continue if (np .ne. 3) go to 164 tcos(1) = 2. call trix (1,0,mr,a,bb,c,b,tcos,d,w) 164 do 165 i=1,mr q(i,j) = b(i)+.5*(q(i,j)-q(i,jm1)-q(i,jp1)) b(i) = q(i,j)+q(i,1) 165 continue call cosgen (jr,1,fnum,0.5,tcos) call trix (jr,0,mr,a,bb,c,b,tcos,d,w) do 166 i=1,mr q(i,1) = q(i,1)-q(i,jm1)+b(i) 166 continue go to 188 c c case of general n with nr = 3 . c 167 continue do 168 i=1,mr b(i) = q(i,1)-q(i,jm1)+q(i,j) 168 continue if (nrod .ne. 0) go to 170 do 169 i=1,mr ii = ip+i b(i) = b(i)+p(ii) 169 continue go to 172 170 do 171 i=1,mr b(i) = b(i)+q(i,nlast)-q(i,jm2) 171 continue 172 continue do 173 i=1,mr t = .5*(q(i,j)-q(i,jm1)-q(i,jp1)) q(i,j) = t b2(i) = q(i,nlast)+t b3(i) = q(i,1)+t 173 continue k1 = kr+2*jr call cosgen (jr-1,1,0.0,1.0,tcos(k1+1)) k2 = k1+jr tcos(k2) = 2.*float(np-2) k4 = (np-1)*(3-np) k3 = k2+1-k4 call cosgen (kr+jr+k4,1,float(k4)/2.,1.-float(k4),tcos(k3)) k4 = 1-np/3 call merge (tcos,k1,jr-k4,k2-k4,kr+jr+k4,0) if (np .eq. 3) k1 = k1-1 k2 = kr+jr k4 = k1+k2 call cosgen (kr,1,fnum2,0.5,tcos(k4+1)) k3 = k4+kr call cosgen (jr,1,fnum,0.5,tcos(k3+1)) call merge (tcos,k4,kr,k3,jr,k1) k4 = k3+jr call cosgen (lr,1,fnum2,0.5,tcos(k4+1)) call merge (tcos,k3,jr,k4,lr,k1+k2) call cosgen (kr,1,fnum2,0.5,tcos(k3+1)) k3 = kr k4 = kr call tri3 (mr,a,bb,c,k,b,b2,b3,tcos,d,w,w2,w3) do 174 i=1,mr b(i) = b(i)+b2(i)+b3(i) 174 continue if (np .ne. 3) go to 175 tcos(1) = 2. call trix (1,0,mr,a,bb,c,b,tcos,d,w) 175 do 176 i=1,mr q(i,j) = q(i,j)+b(i) b(i) = q(i,1)+q(i,j) 176 continue call cosgen (jr,1,fnum,0.5,tcos) call trix (jr,0,mr,a,bb,c,b,tcos,d,w) if (jr .ne. 1) go to 178 do 177 i=1,mr q(i,1) = b(i) 177 continue go to 188 178 continue do 179 i=1,mr q(i,1) = q(i,1)-q(i,jm1)+b(i) 179 continue go to 188 180 continue c c case of general n and nr = 2 . c do 181 i=1,mr ii = ip+i b3(i) = 0. b(i) = q(i,1)+p(ii) q(i,1) = q(i,1)-q(i,jm1) b2(i) = q(i,1)+q(i,nlast) 181 continue k1 = kr+jr k2 = k1+jr call cosgen (jr-1,1,0.0,1.0,tcos(k1+1)) go to (182,183,182),np 182 tcos(k2) = 2.*float(np-2) call cosgen (kr,1,0.0,1.0,tcos(k2+1)) go to 184 183 call cosgen (kr+1,1,0.5,0.0,tcos(k2)) 184 k4 = 1-np/3 call merge (tcos,k1,jr-k4,k2-k4,kr+k4,0) if (np .eq. 3) k1 = k1-1 k2 = kr call cosgen (kr,1,fnum2,0.5,tcos(k1+1)) k4 = k1+kr call cosgen (lr,1,fnum2,0.5,tcos(k4+1)) k3 = lr k4 = 0 call tri3 (mr,a,bb,c,k,b,b2,b3,tcos,d,w,w2,w3) do 185 i=1,mr b(i) = b(i)+b2(i) 185 continue if (np .ne. 3) go to 186 tcos(1) = 2. call trix (1,0,mr,a,bb,c,b,tcos,d,w) 186 do 187 i=1,mr q(i,1) = q(i,1)+b(i) 187 continue 188 continue c c start back substitution. c j = nlast-jr do 189 i=1,mr b(i) = q(i,nlast)+q(i,j) 189 continue jm2 = nlast-i2r if (jr .ne. 1) go to 191 do 190 i=1,mr q(i,nlast) = 0. 190 continue go to 195 191 continue if (nrod .ne. 0) go to 193 do 192 i=1,mr ii = ip+i q(i,nlast) = p(ii) 192 continue ip = ip-mr go to 195 193 do 194 i=1,mr q(i,nlast) = q(i,nlast)-q(i,jm2) 194 continue 195 continue call cosgen (kr,1,fnum2,0.5,tcos) call cosgen (lr,1,fnum2,0.5,tcos(kr+1)) call trix (kr,lr,mr,a,bb,c,b,tcos,d,w) do 196 i=1,mr q(i,nlast) = q(i,nlast)+b(i) 196 continue nlastp = nlast 197 continue jstep = jr jr = i2r i2r = i2r/2 if (jr .eq. 0) go to 210 jstart = 1+jr kr = kr-jr if (nlast+jr .gt. n) go to 198 kr = kr-jr nlast = nlast+jr jstop = nlast-jstep go to 199 198 continue jstop = nlast-jr 199 continue lr = kr-jr call cosgen (jr,1,0.5,0.0,tcos) do 209 j=jstart,jstop,jstep jm2 = j-jr jp2 = j+jr if (j .ne. jr) go to 201 do 200 i=1,mr b(i) = q(i,j)+q(i,jp2) 200 continue go to 203 201 continue do 202 i=1,mr b(i) = q(i,j)+q(i,jm2)+q(i,jp2) 202 continue 203 continue if (jr .ne. 1) go to 205 do 204 i=1,mr q(i,j) = 0. 204 continue go to 207 205 continue jm1 = j-i2r jp1 = j+i2r do 206 i=1,mr q(i,j) = .5*(q(i,j)-q(i,jm1)-q(i,jp1)) 206 continue 207 continue call trix (jr,0,mr,a,bb,c,b,tcos,d,w) do 208 i=1,mr q(i,j) = q(i,j)+b(i) 208 continue 209 continue nrod = 1 if (nlast+i2r .le. n) nrod = 0 if (nlastp .ne. nlast) go to 188 go to 197 210 continue c c return storage requirements for p vectors. c w(1) = ipstor return end subroutine ppadd (n,ierror,a,c,cbp,bp,bh) c*********************************************************************72 c cc PPADD computes the eigenvalues of the periodic tridiagonal matrix c with coefficients an,bn,cn c c n is the order of the bh and bp polynomials c on output bp contians the eigenvalues c cbp is the same as bp except type complex c bh is used to temporarily store the roots of the b hat polynomial c which enters through bp c complex cf ,cx ,fsg ,hsg , & dd ,f ,fp ,fpp , & cdis ,r1 ,r2 ,r3 , & cbp dimension a(*) ,c(*) ,bp(*) ,bh(*) , & cbp(*) common /cblkt/ npp ,k ,eps ,cnv , & nm ,ncmplx ,ik external psgf ,ppspf ,ppsgf scnv = sqrt(cnv) iz = n izm = iz-1 izm2 = iz-2 if (bp(n)-bp(1)) 101,142,103 101 do 102 j=1,n nt = n-j bh(j) = bp(nt+1) 102 continue go to 105 103 do 104 j=1,n bh(j) = bp(j) 104 continue 105 ncmplx = 0 modiz = mod(iz,2) is = 1 if (modiz) 106,107,106 106 if (a(1)) 110,142,107 107 xl = bh(1) db = bh(3)-bh(1) 108 xl = xl-db if (psgf(xl,iz,c,a,bh)) 108,108,109 109 sgn = -1. cbp(1) = cmplx(bsrh(xl,bh(1),iz,c,a,bh,psgf,sgn),0.) is = 2 110 if = iz-1 if (modiz) 111,112,111 111 if (a(1)) 112,142,115 112 xr = bh(iz) db = bh(iz)-bh(iz-2) 113 xr = xr+db if (psgf(xr,iz,c,a,bh)) 113,114,114 114 sgn = 1. cbp(iz) = cmplx(bsrh(bh(iz),xr,iz,c,a,bh,psgf,sgn),0.) if = iz-2 115 do 136 ig=is,if,2 xl = bh(ig) xr = bh(ig+1) sgn = -1. xm = bsrh(xl,xr,iz,c,a,bh,ppspf,sgn) psg = psgf(xm,iz,c,a,bh) if (abs(psg)-eps) 118,118,116 116 if (psg*ppsgf(xm,iz,c,a,bh)) 117,118,119 c c case of a real zero c 117 sgn = 1. cbp(ig) = cmplx(bsrh(bh(ig),xm,iz,c,a,bh,psgf,sgn),0.) sgn = -1. cbp(ig+1) = cmplx(bsrh(xm,bh(ig+1),iz,c,a,bh,psgf,sgn),0.) go to 136 c c case of a multiple zero c 118 cbp(ig) = cmplx(xm,0.) cbp(ig+1) = cmplx(xm,0.) go to 136 c c case of a complex zero c 119 it = 0 icv = 0 cx = cmplx(xm,0.) 120 fsg = (1.,0.) hsg = (1.,0.) fp = (0.,0.) fpp = (0.,0.) do 121 j=1,iz dd = 1./(cx-bh(j)) fsg = fsg*a(j)*dd hsg = hsg*c(j)*dd fp = fp+dd fpp = fpp-dd*dd 121 continue if (modiz) 123,122,123 122 f = (1.,0.)-fsg-hsg go to 124 123 f = (1.,0.)+fsg+hsg 124 i3 = 0 if (cabs(fp)) 126,126,125 125 i3 = 1 r3 = -f/fp 126 i2 = 0 if (cabs(fpp)) 132,132,127 127 i2 = 1 cdis = csqrt(fp**2-2.*f*fpp) r1 = cdis-fp r2 = -fp-cdis if (cabs(r1)-cabs(r2)) 129,129,128 128 r1 = r1/fpp go to 130 129 r1 = r2/fpp 130 r2 = 2.*f/fpp/r1 if (cabs(r2) .lt. cabs(r1)) r1 = r2 if (i3) 133,133,131 131 if (cabs(r3) .lt. cabs(r1)) r1 = r3 go to 133 132 r1 = r3 133 cx = cx+r1 it = it+1 if (it .gt. 50) go to 142 if (cabs(r1) .gt. scnv) go to 120 if (icv) 134,134,135 134 icv = 1 go to 120 135 cbp(ig) = cx cbp(ig+1) = conjg(cx) 136 continue if (cabs(cbp(n))-cabs(cbp(1))) 137,142,139 137 nhalf = n/2 do 138 j=1,nhalf nt = n-j cx = cbp(j) cbp(j) = cbp(nt+1) cbp(nt+1) = cx 138 continue 139 ncmplx = 1 do 140 j=2,iz if (aimag(cbp(j))) 143,140,143 140 continue ncmplx = 0 do 141 j=2,iz bp(j) = real(cbp(j)) 141 continue go to 143 142 ierror = 4 143 continue return end function ppgsf (x,iz,c,a,bh) c*********************************************************************72 c cc PPGSF c dimension a(1) ,c(1) ,bh(1) sum = 0. do 101 j=1,iz sum = sum-1./(x-bh(j))**2 101 continue ppgsf = sum return end function pppsf (x,iz,c,a,bh) c*********************************************************************72 c cc PPPSF c dimension a(1) ,c(1) ,bh(1) sum = 0. do 101 j=1,iz sum = sum+1./(x-bh(j)) 101 continue pppsf = sum return end function ppsgf (x,iz,c,a,bh) c*********************************************************************72 c cc PPSGF c dimension a(1) ,c(1) ,bh(1) sum = 0. do 101 j=1,iz sum = sum-1./(x-bh(j))**2 101 continue ppsgf = sum return end function ppspf (x,iz,c,a,bh) c*********************************************************************72 c cc PPSPF c dimension a(1) ,c(1) ,bh(1) sum = 0. do 101 j=1,iz sum = sum+1./(x-bh(j)) 101 continue ppspf = sum return end subroutine proc (nd,bd,nm1,bm1,nm2,bm2,na,aa,x,y,m,a,b,c,d,w,u) c*********************************************************************72 c cc PROC applies a sequence of matrix operations to the vector x and c stores the result in y c bd,bm1,bm2 are arrays containing roots of certian b polynomials c nd,nm1,nm2 are the lengths of the arrays bd,bm1,bm2 respectively c aa array containing scalar multipliers of the vector x c na is the length of the array aa c x,y the matrix operations are applied to x and the result is y c a,b,c are arrays which contain the tridiagonal matrix c m is the order of the matrix c d,w,u are working arrays c is determines whether or not a change in sign is made c dimension a(*) ,b(*) ,c(*) ,x(*) , & y(*) ,d(*) ,w(*) ,bd(*) , & bm1(*) ,bm2(*) ,aa(*) ,u(*) complex x ,y ,a ,b , & c ,d ,w ,u , & den do 101 j=1,m w(j) = x(j) y(j) = w(j) 101 continue mm = m-1 id = nd ibr = 0 m1 = nm1 m2 = nm2 ia = na 102 if (ia) 105,105,103 103 rt = aa(ia) if (nd .eq. 0) rt = -rt ia = ia-1 c c scalar multiplication c do 104 j=1,m y(j) = rt*w(j) 104 continue 105 if (id) 125,125,106 106 rt = bd(id) id = id-1 if (id .eq. 0) ibr = 1 c c begin solution to system c d(m) = a(m)/(b(m)-rt) w(m) = y(m)/(b(m)-rt) do 107 j=2,mm k = m-j den = b(k+1)-rt-c(k+1)*d(k+2) d(k+1) = a(k+1)/den w(k+1) = (y(k+1)-c(k+1)*w(k+2))/den 107 continue den = b(1)-rt-c(1)*d(2) w(1) = (1.,0.) if (cabs(den)) 108,109,108 108 w(1) = (y(1)-c(1)*w(2))/den 109 do 110 j=2,m w(j) = w(j)-d(j)*w(j-1) 110 continue if (na) 113,113,102 111 do 112 j=1,m y(j) = w(j) 112 continue ibr = 1 go to 102 113 if (m1) 114,114,115 114 if (m2) 111,111,120 115 if (m2) 117,117,116 116 if (abs(bm1(m1))-abs(bm2(m2))) 120,120,117 117 if (ibr) 118,118,119 118 if (abs(bm1(m1)-bd(id))-abs(bm1(m1)-rt)) 111,119,119 119 rt = rt-bm1(m1) m1 = m1-1 go to 123 120 if (ibr) 121,121,122 121 if (abs(bm2(m2)-bd(id))-abs(bm2(m2)-rt)) 111,122,122 122 rt = rt-bm2(m2) m2 = m2-1 123 do 124 j=1,m y(j) = y(j)+rt*w(j) 124 continue go to 102 125 return end subroutine procp (nd,bd,nm1,bm1,nm2,bm2,na,aa,x,y,m,a,b,c,d,u,w) c*********************************************************************72 c cc PROCP applies a sequence of matrix operations to the vector x and c stores the result in y periodic boundary conditions c c bd,bm1,bm2 are arrays containing roots of certian b polynomials c nd,nm1,nm2 are the lengths of the arrays bd,bm1,bm2 respectively c aa array containing scalar multipliers of the vector x c na is the length of the array aa c x,y the matrix operations are applied to x and the result is y c a,b,c are arrays which contain the tridiagonal matrix c m is the order of the matrix c d,u,w are working arrays c is determines whether or not a change in sign is made c dimension a(*) ,b(*) ,c(*) ,x(*) , & y(*) ,d(*) ,u(*) ,bd(*) , & bm1(*) ,bm2(*) ,aa(*) ,w(*) complex x ,y ,a ,b , & c ,d ,u ,w , & den ,ym ,v ,bh ,am do 101 j=1,m y(j) = x(j) w(j) = y(j) 101 continue mm = m-1 mm2 = m-2 id = nd ibr = 0 m1 = nm1 m2 = nm2 ia = na 102 if (ia) 105,105,103 103 rt = aa(ia) if (nd .eq. 0) rt = -rt ia = ia-1 do 104 j=1,m y(j) = rt*w(j) 104 continue 105 if (id) 128,128,106 106 rt = bd(id) id = id-1 if (id .eq. 0) ibr = 1 c c begin solution to system c bh = b(m)-rt ym = y(m) den = b(1)-rt d(1) = c(1)/den u(1) = a(1)/den w(1) = y(1)/den v = c(m) if (mm2-2) 109,107,107 107 do 108 j=2,mm2 den = b(j)-rt-a(j)*d(j-1) d(j) = c(j)/den u(j) = -a(j)*u(j-1)/den w(j) = (y(j)-a(j)*w(j-1))/den bh = bh-v*u(j-1) ym = ym-v*w(j-1) v = -v*d(j-1) 108 continue 109 den = b(m-1)-rt-a(m-1)*d(m-2) d(m-1) = (c(m-1)-a(m-1)*u(m-2))/den w(m-1) = (y(m-1)-a(m-1)*w(m-2))/den am = a(m)-v*d(m-2) bh = bh-v*u(m-2) ym = ym-v*w(m-2) den = bh-am*d(m-1) if (cabs(den)) 110,111,110 110 w(m) = (ym-am*w(m-1))/den go to 112 111 w(m) = (1.,0.) 112 w(m-1) = w(m-1)-d(m-1)*w(m) do 113 j=2,mm k = m-j w(k) = w(k)-d(k)*w(k+1)-u(k)*w(m) 113 continue if (na) 116,116,102 114 do 115 j=1,m y(j) = w(j) 115 continue ibr = 1 go to 102 116 if (m1) 117,117,118 117 if (m2) 114,114,123 118 if (m2) 120,120,119 119 if (abs(bm1(m1))-abs(bm2(m2))) 123,123,120 120 if (ibr) 121,121,122 121 if (abs(bm1(m1)-bd(id))-abs(bm1(m1)-rt)) 114,122,122 122 rt = rt-bm1(m1) m1 = m1-1 go to 126 123 if (ibr) 124,124,125 124 if (abs(bm2(m2)-bd(id))-abs(bm2(m2)-rt)) 114,125,125 125 rt = rt-bm2(m2) m2 = m2-1 126 do 127 j=1,m y(j) = y(j)+rt*w(j) 127 continue go to 102 128 return end subroutine prod (nd,bd,nm1,bm1,nm2,bm2,na,aa,x,y,m,a,b,c,d,w,u) c*********************************************************************72 c cc PROD applies a sequence of matrix operations to the vector x and c stores the result in y c c bd,bm1,bm2 are arrays containing roots of certain b polynomials c nd,nm1,nm2 are the lengths of the arrays bd,bm1,bm2 respectively c aa array containing scalar multipliers of the vector x c na is the length of the array aa c x,y the matrix operations are applied to x and the result is y c a,b,c are arrays which contain the tridiagonal matrix c m is the order of the matrix c d,w,u are working arrays c is determines whether or not a change in sign is made c real a(*) dimension b(*) ,c(*) ,x(*) , & y(*) ,d(*) ,w(*) ,bd(*) , & bm1(*) ,bm2(*) ,aa(*) ,u(*) c do j=1,m w(j) = x(j) y(j) = w(j) end do mm = m-1 id = nd ibr = 0 m1 = nm1 m2 = nm2 ia = na 102 if (ia) 105,105,103 103 rt = aa(ia) if (nd .eq. 0) rt = -rt ia = ia-1 c c scalar multiplication c do j=1,m y(j) = rt*w(j) end do 105 continue if ( id .le. 0 ) then return end if rt = bd(id) id = id-1 if (id .eq. 0) ibr = 1 c c Begin solution. c d(m) = a(m)/(b(m)-rt) w(m) = y(m)/(b(m)-rt) do j = 2, mm k = m-j den = b(k+1)-rt-c(k+1)*d(k+2) if ( den .eq. 0.0 ) then write(*,*)' ' write(*,*)'PROD - Fatal error!' write(*,*)' Zero denominator, J=',j stop end if d(k+1) = a(k+1)/den w(k+1) = (y(k+1)-c(k+1)*w(k+2))/den end do den = b(1)-rt-c(1)*d(2) if (den .ne. 0.0) then w(1) = (y(1)-c(1)*w(2))/den else w(1) = 1.0 end if do j=2,m w(j) = w(j)-d(j)*w(j-1) end do if (na) 113,113,102 111 do j=1,m y(j) = w(j) end do ibr = 1 go to 102 113 if (m1) 114,114,115 114 if (m2) 111,111,120 115 if (m2) 117,117,116 116 if (abs(bm1(m1))-abs(bm2(m2))) 120,120,117 117 if (ibr) 118,118,119 118 if (abs(bm1(m1)-bd(id))-abs(bm1(m1)-rt)) 111,119,119 119 rt = rt-bm1(m1) m1 = m1-1 go to 123 120 if (ibr) 121,121,122 121 if (abs(bm2(m2)-bd(id))-abs(bm2(m2)-rt)) 111,122,122 122 rt = rt-bm2(m2) m2 = m2-1 123 do j=1,m y(j) = y(j)+rt*w(j) end do go to 102 end subroutine prodp (nd,bd,nm1,bm1,nm2,bm2,na,aa,x,y,m,a,b,c,d,u,w) c*********************************************************************72 c cc PRODP applies a sequence of matrix operations to the vector x c and stores the result in y periodic boundary conditions c c bd,bm1,bm2 are arrays containing roots of certian b polynomials c nd,nm1,nm2 are the lengths of the arrays bd,bm1,bm2 respectively c aa array containing scalar multipliers of the vector x c na is the length of the array aa c x,y the matrix operations are applied to x and the result is y c a,b,c are arrays which contain the tridiagonal matrix c m is the order of the matrix c d,u,w are working arrays c is determines whether or not a change in sign is made c dimension a(1) ,b(1) ,c(1) ,x(1) , & y(1) ,d(1) ,u(1) ,bd(1) , & bm1(1) ,bm2(1) ,aa(1) ,w(1) do j=1,m y(j) = x(j) w(j) = y(j) end do mm = m-1 mm2 = m-2 id = nd ibr = 0 m1 = nm1 m2 = nm2 ia = na 102 if (ia) 105,105,103 103 rt = aa(ia) if (nd .eq. 0) rt = -rt ia = ia-1 do j=1,m y(j) = rt*w(j) end do 105 if (id) 128,128,106 106 rt = bd(id) id = id-1 if (id .eq. 0) ibr = 1 c c begin solution to system c bh = b(m)-rt ym = y(m) den = b(1)-rt d(1) = c(1)/den u(1) = a(1)/den w(1) = y(1)/den v = c(m) if (mm2-2) 109,107,107 107 do j=2,mm2 den = b(j)-rt-a(j)*d(j-1) d(j) = c(j)/den u(j) = -a(j)*u(j-1)/den w(j) = (y(j)-a(j)*w(j-1))/den bh = bh-v*u(j-1) ym = ym-v*w(j-1) v = -v*d(j-1) end do 109 den = b(m-1)-rt-a(m-1)*d(m-2) d(m-1) = (c(m-1)-a(m-1)*u(m-2))/den w(m-1) = (y(m-1)-a(m-1)*w(m-2))/den am = a(m)-v*d(m-2) bh = bh-v*u(m-2) ym = ym-v*w(m-2) den = bh-am*d(m-1) if (den) 110,111,110 110 w(m) = (ym-am*w(m-1))/den go to 112 111 w(m) = 1. 112 w(m-1) = w(m-1)-d(m-1)*w(m) do j=2,mm k = m-j w(k) = w(k)-d(k)*w(k+1)-u(k)*w(m) end do if (na) 116,116,102 114 do j=1,m y(j) = w(j) end do ibr = 1 go to 102 116 if (m1) 117,117,118 117 if (m2) 114,114,123 118 if (m2) 120,120,119 119 if (abs(bm1(m1))-abs(bm2(m2))) 123,123,120 120 if (ibr) 121,121,122 121 if (abs(bm1(m1)-bd(id))-abs(bm1(m1)-rt)) 114,122,122 122 rt = rt-bm1(m1) m1 = m1-1 go to 126 123 if (ibr) 124,124,125 124 if (abs(bm2(m2)-bd(id))-abs(bm2(m2)-rt)) 114,125,125 125 rt = rt-bm2(m2) m2 = m2-1 126 do j=1,m y(j) = y(j)+rt*w(j) end do go to 102 128 return end function psgf (x,iz,c,a,bh) c*********************************************************************72 c cc PSGF c dimension a(1) ,c(1) ,bh(1) fsg = 1. hsg = 1. do 101 j=1,iz dd = 1./(x-bh(j)) fsg = fsg*a(j)*dd hsg = hsg*c(j)*dd 101 continue if (mod(iz,2)) 103,102,103 102 psgf = 1.-fsg-hsg return 103 psgf = 1.+fsg+hsg return end SUBROUTINE RADB2 (IDO,L1,CC,CH,WA1) c*********************************************************************72 c cc RADB2 - backward Fourier transform, radix 2. c DIMENSION CC(IDO,2,L1) ,CH(IDO,L1,2) , 1 WA1(1) DO 101 K=1,L1 CH(1,K,1) = CC(1,1,K)+CC(IDO,2,K) CH(1,K,2) = CC(1,1,K)-CC(IDO,2,K) 101 CONTINUE IF (IDO-2) 107,105,102 102 IDP2 = IDO+2 DO 104 K=1,L1 DO 103 I=3,IDO,2 IC = IDP2-I CH(I-1,K,1) = CC(I-1,1,K)+CC(IC-1,2,K) TR2 = CC(I-1,1,K)-CC(IC-1,2,K) CH(I,K,1) = CC(I,1,K)-CC(IC,2,K) TI2 = CC(I,1,K)+CC(IC,2,K) CH(I-1,K,2) = WA1(I-2)*TR2-WA1(I-1)*TI2 CH(I,K,2) = WA1(I-2)*TI2+WA1(I-1)*TR2 103 CONTINUE 104 CONTINUE IF (MOD(IDO,2) .EQ. 1) RETURN 105 DO 106 K=1,L1 CH(IDO,K,1) = CC(IDO,1,K)+CC(IDO,1,K) CH(IDO,K,2) = -(CC(1,2,K)+CC(1,2,K)) 106 CONTINUE 107 RETURN END SUBROUTINE RADB3 (IDO,L1,CC,CH,WA1,WA2) c*********************************************************************72 c cc RADB3 - backward Fourier transform, radix 3. c DIMENSION CC(IDO,3,L1) ,CH(IDO,L1,3) , 1 WA1(1) ,WA2(1) DATA TAUR,TAUI /-.5,.866025403784439/ DO 101 K=1,L1 TR2 = CC(IDO,2,K)+CC(IDO,2,K) CR2 = CC(1,1,K)+TAUR*TR2 CH(1,K,1) = CC(1,1,K)+TR2 CI3 = TAUI*(CC(1,3,K)+CC(1,3,K)) CH(1,K,2) = CR2-CI3 CH(1,K,3) = CR2+CI3 101 CONTINUE IF (IDO .EQ. 1) RETURN IDP2 = IDO+2 DO 103 K=1,L1 DO 102 I=3,IDO,2 IC = IDP2-I TR2 = CC(I-1,3,K)+CC(IC-1,2,K) CR2 = CC(I-1,1,K)+TAUR*TR2 CH(I-1,K,1) = CC(I-1,1,K)+TR2 TI2 = CC(I,3,K)-CC(IC,2,K) CI2 = CC(I,1,K)+TAUR*TI2 CH(I,K,1) = CC(I,1,K)+TI2 CR3 = TAUI*(CC(I-1,3,K)-CC(IC-1,2,K)) CI3 = TAUI*(CC(I,3,K)+CC(IC,2,K)) DR2 = CR2-CI3 DR3 = CR2+CI3 DI2 = CI2+CR3 DI3 = CI2-CR3 CH(I-1,K,2) = WA1(I-2)*DR2-WA1(I-1)*DI2 CH(I,K,2) = WA1(I-2)*DI2+WA1(I-1)*DR2 CH(I-1,K,3) = WA2(I-2)*DR3-WA2(I-1)*DI3 CH(I,K,3) = WA2(I-2)*DI3+WA2(I-1)*DR3 102 CONTINUE 103 CONTINUE RETURN END SUBROUTINE RADB4 (IDO,L1,CC,CH,WA1,WA2,WA3) c*********************************************************************72 c cc RADB4 - backward Fourier transform, radix 4. c DIMENSION CC(IDO,4,L1) ,CH(IDO,L1,4) , 1 WA1(1) ,WA2(1) ,WA3(1) DATA SQRT2 /1.414213562373095/ DO 101 K=1,L1 TR1 = CC(1,1,K)-CC(IDO,4,K) TR2 = CC(1,1,K)+CC(IDO,4,K) TR3 = CC(IDO,2,K)+CC(IDO,2,K) TR4 = CC(1,3,K)+CC(1,3,K) CH(1,K,1) = TR2+TR3 CH(1,K,2) = TR1-TR4 CH(1,K,3) = TR2-TR3 CH(1,K,4) = TR1+TR4 101 CONTINUE IF (IDO-2) 107,105,102 102 IDP2 = IDO+2 DO 104 K=1,L1 DO 103 I=3,IDO,2 IC = IDP2-I TI1 = CC(I,1,K)+CC(IC,4,K) TI2 = CC(I,1,K)-CC(IC,4,K) TI3 = CC(I,3,K)-CC(IC,2,K) TR4 = CC(I,3,K)+CC(IC,2,K) TR1 = CC(I-1,1,K)-CC(IC-1,4,K) TR2 = CC(I-1,1,K)+CC(IC-1,4,K) TI4 = CC(I-1,3,K)-CC(IC-1,2,K) TR3 = CC(I-1,3,K)+CC(IC-1,2,K) CH(I-1,K,1) = TR2+TR3 CR3 = TR2-TR3 CH(I,K,1) = TI2+TI3 CI3 = TI2-TI3 CR2 = TR1-TR4 CR4 = TR1+TR4 CI2 = TI1+TI4 CI4 = TI1-TI4 CH(I-1,K,2) = WA1(I-2)*CR2-WA1(I-1)*CI2 CH(I,K,2) = WA1(I-2)*CI2+WA1(I-1)*CR2 CH(I-1,K,3) = WA2(I-2)*CR3-WA2(I-1)*CI3 CH(I,K,3) = WA2(I-2)*CI3+WA2(I-1)*CR3 CH(I-1,K,4) = WA3(I-2)*CR4-WA3(I-1)*CI4 CH(I,K,4) = WA3(I-2)*CI4+WA3(I-1)*CR4 103 CONTINUE 104 CONTINUE IF (MOD(IDO,2) .EQ. 1) RETURN 105 CONTINUE DO 106 K=1,L1 TI1 = CC(1,2,K)+CC(1,4,K) TI2 = CC(1,4,K)-CC(1,2,K) TR1 = CC(IDO,1,K)-CC(IDO,3,K) TR2 = CC(IDO,1,K)+CC(IDO,3,K) CH(IDO,K,1) = TR2+TR2 CH(IDO,K,2) = SQRT2*(TR1-TI1) CH(IDO,K,3) = TI2+TI2 CH(IDO,K,4) = -SQRT2*(TR1+TI1) 106 CONTINUE 107 RETURN END SUBROUTINE RADB5 (IDO,L1,CC,CH,WA1,WA2,WA3,WA4) c*********************************************************************72 c cc RADB5 - backward Fourier transform, radix 5. c DIMENSION CC(IDO,5,L1) ,CH(IDO,L1,5) , 1 WA1(1) ,WA2(1) ,WA3(1) ,WA4(1) DATA TR11,TI11,TR12,TI12 /.309016994374947,.951056516295154, 1-.809016994374947,.587785252292473/ DO 101 K=1,L1 TI5 = CC(1,3,K)+CC(1,3,K) TI4 = CC(1,5,K)+CC(1,5,K) TR2 = CC(IDO,2,K)+CC(IDO,2,K) TR3 = CC(IDO,4,K)+CC(IDO,4,K) CH(1,K,1) = CC(1,1,K)+TR2+TR3 CR2 = CC(1,1,K)+TR11*TR2+TR12*TR3 CR3 = CC(1,1,K)+TR12*TR2+TR11*TR3 CI5 = TI11*TI5+TI12*TI4 CI4 = TI12*TI5-TI11*TI4 CH(1,K,2) = CR2-CI5 CH(1,K,3) = CR3-CI4 CH(1,K,4) = CR3+CI4 CH(1,K,5) = CR2+CI5 101 CONTINUE IF (IDO .EQ. 1) RETURN IDP2 = IDO+2 DO 103 K=1,L1 DO 102 I=3,IDO,2 IC = IDP2-I TI5 = CC(I,3,K)+CC(IC,2,K) TI2 = CC(I,3,K)-CC(IC,2,K) TI4 = CC(I,5,K)+CC(IC,4,K) TI3 = CC(I,5,K)-CC(IC,4,K) TR5 = CC(I-1,3,K)-CC(IC-1,2,K) TR2 = CC(I-1,3,K)+CC(IC-1,2,K) TR4 = CC(I-1,5,K)-CC(IC-1,4,K) TR3 = CC(I-1,5,K)+CC(IC-1,4,K) CH(I-1,K,1) = CC(I-1,1,K)+TR2+TR3 CH(I,K,1) = CC(I,1,K)+TI2+TI3 CR2 = CC(I-1,1,K)+TR11*TR2+TR12*TR3 CI2 = CC(I,1,K)+TR11*TI2+TR12*TI3 CR3 = CC(I-1,1,K)+TR12*TR2+TR11*TR3 CI3 = CC(I,1,K)+TR12*TI2+TR11*TI3 CR5 = TI11*TR5+TI12*TR4 CI5 = TI11*TI5+TI12*TI4 CR4 = TI12*TR5-TI11*TR4 CI4 = TI12*TI5-TI11*TI4 DR3 = CR3-CI4 DR4 = CR3+CI4 DI3 = CI3+CR4 DI4 = CI3-CR4 DR5 = CR2+CI5 DR2 = CR2-CI5 DI5 = CI2-CR5 DI2 = CI2+CR5 CH(I-1,K,2) = WA1(I-2)*DR2-WA1(I-1)*DI2 CH(I,K,2) = WA1(I-2)*DI2+WA1(I-1)*DR2 CH(I-1,K,3) = WA2(I-2)*DR3-WA2(I-1)*DI3 CH(I,K,3) = WA2(I-2)*DI3+WA2(I-1)*DR3 CH(I-1,K,4) = WA3(I-2)*DR4-WA3(I-1)*DI4 CH(I,K,4) = WA3(I-2)*DI4+WA3(I-1)*DR4 CH(I-1,K,5) = WA4(I-2)*DR5-WA4(I-1)*DI5 CH(I,K,5) = WA4(I-2)*DI5+WA4(I-1)*DR5 102 CONTINUE 103 CONTINUE RETURN END SUBROUTINE RADBG (IDO,IP,L1,IDL1,CC,C1,C2,CH,CH2,WA) c*********************************************************************72 c cc RADBG - backward Fourier transform, general radix. c DIMENSION CH(IDO,L1,IP) ,CC(IDO,IP,L1) , 1 C1(IDO,L1,IP) ,C2(IDL1,IP), 2 CH2(IDL1,IP) ,WA(1) DATA TPI/6.28318530717959/ ARG = TPI/FLOAT(IP) DCP = COS(ARG) DSP = SIN(ARG) IDP2 = IDO+2 NBD = (IDO-1)/2 IPP2 = IP+2 IPPH = (IP+1)/2 IF (IDO .LT. L1) GO TO 103 DO 102 K=1,L1 DO 101 I=1,IDO CH(I,K,1) = CC(I,1,K) 101 CONTINUE 102 CONTINUE GO TO 106 103 DO 105 I=1,IDO DO 104 K=1,L1 CH(I,K,1) = CC(I,1,K) 104 CONTINUE 105 CONTINUE 106 DO 108 J=2,IPPH JC = IPP2-J J2 = J+J DO 107 K=1,L1 CH(1,K,J) = CC(IDO,J2-2,K)+CC(IDO,J2-2,K) CH(1,K,JC) = CC(1,J2-1,K)+CC(1,J2-1,K) 107 CONTINUE 108 CONTINUE IF (IDO .EQ. 1) GO TO 116 IF (NBD .LT. L1) GO TO 112 DO 111 J=2,IPPH JC = IPP2-J DO 110 K=1,L1 DO 109 I=3,IDO,2 IC = IDP2-I CH(I-1,K,J) = CC(I-1,2*J-1,K)+CC(IC-1,2*J-2,K) CH(I-1,K,JC) = CC(I-1,2*J-1,K)-CC(IC-1,2*J-2,K) CH(I,K,J) = CC(I,2*J-1,K)-CC(IC,2*J-2,K) CH(I,K,JC) = CC(I,2*J-1,K)+CC(IC,2*J-2,K) 109 CONTINUE 110 CONTINUE 111 CONTINUE GO TO 116 112 DO 115 J=2,IPPH JC = IPP2-J DO 114 I=3,IDO,2 IC = IDP2-I DO 113 K=1,L1 CH(I-1,K,J) = CC(I-1,2*J-1,K)+CC(IC-1,2*J-2,K) CH(I-1,K,JC) = CC(I-1,2*J-1,K)-CC(IC-1,2*J-2,K) CH(I,K,J) = CC(I,2*J-1,K)-CC(IC,2*J-2,K) CH(I,K,JC) = CC(I,2*J-1,K)+CC(IC,2*J-2,K) 113 CONTINUE 114 CONTINUE 115 CONTINUE 116 AR1 = 1. AI1 = 0. DO 120 L=2,IPPH LC = IPP2-L AR1H = DCP*AR1-DSP*AI1 AI1 = DCP*AI1+DSP*AR1 AR1 = AR1H DO 117 IK=1,IDL1 C2(IK,L) = CH2(IK,1)+AR1*CH2(IK,2) C2(IK,LC) = AI1*CH2(IK,IP) 117 CONTINUE DC2 = AR1 DS2 = AI1 AR2 = AR1 AI2 = AI1 DO 119 J=3,IPPH JC = IPP2-J AR2H = DC2*AR2-DS2*AI2 AI2 = DC2*AI2+DS2*AR2 AR2 = AR2H DO 118 IK=1,IDL1 C2(IK,L) = C2(IK,L)+AR2*CH2(IK,J) C2(IK,LC) = C2(IK,LC)+AI2*CH2(IK,JC) 118 CONTINUE 119 CONTINUE 120 CONTINUE DO 122 J=2,IPPH DO 121 IK=1,IDL1 CH2(IK,1) = CH2(IK,1)+CH2(IK,J) 121 CONTINUE 122 CONTINUE DO 124 J=2,IPPH JC = IPP2-J DO 123 K=1,L1 CH(1,K,J) = C1(1,K,J)-C1(1,K,JC) CH(1,K,JC) = C1(1,K,J)+C1(1,K,JC) 123 CONTINUE 124 CONTINUE IF (IDO .EQ. 1) GO TO 132 IF (NBD .LT. L1) GO TO 128 DO 127 J=2,IPPH JC = IPP2-J DO 126 K=1,L1 DO 125 I=3,IDO,2 CH(I-1,K,J) = C1(I-1,K,J)-C1(I,K,JC) CH(I-1,K,JC) = C1(I-1,K,J)+C1(I,K,JC) CH(I,K,J) = C1(I,K,J)+C1(I-1,K,JC) CH(I,K,JC) = C1(I,K,J)-C1(I-1,K,JC) 125 CONTINUE 126 CONTINUE 127 CONTINUE GO TO 132 128 DO 131 J=2,IPPH JC = IPP2-J DO 130 I=3,IDO,2 DO 129 K=1,L1 CH(I-1,K,J) = C1(I-1,K,J)-C1(I,K,JC) CH(I-1,K,JC) = C1(I-1,K,J)+C1(I,K,JC) CH(I,K,J) = C1(I,K,J)+C1(I-1,K,JC) CH(I,K,JC) = C1(I,K,J)-C1(I-1,K,JC) 129 CONTINUE 130 CONTINUE 131 CONTINUE 132 CONTINUE IF (IDO .EQ. 1) RETURN DO 133 IK=1,IDL1 C2(IK,1) = CH2(IK,1) 133 CONTINUE DO 135 J=2,IP DO 134 K=1,L1 C1(1,K,J) = CH(1,K,J) 134 CONTINUE 135 CONTINUE IF (NBD .GT. L1) GO TO 139 IS = -IDO DO 138 J=2,IP IS = IS+IDO IDIJ = IS DO 137 I=3,IDO,2 IDIJ = IDIJ+2 DO 136 K=1,L1 C1(I-1,K,J) = WA(IDIJ-1)*CH(I-1,K,J)-WA(IDIJ)*CH(I,K,J) C1(I,K,J) = WA(IDIJ-1)*CH(I,K,J)+WA(IDIJ)*CH(I-1,K,J) 136 CONTINUE 137 CONTINUE 138 CONTINUE GO TO 143 139 IS = -IDO DO 142 J=2,IP IS = IS+IDO DO 141 K=1,L1 IDIJ = IS DO 140 I=3,IDO,2 IDIJ = IDIJ+2 C1(I-1,K,J) = WA(IDIJ-1)*CH(I-1,K,J)-WA(IDIJ)*CH(I,K,J) C1(I,K,J) = WA(IDIJ-1)*CH(I,K,J)+WA(IDIJ)*CH(I-1,K,J) 140 CONTINUE 141 CONTINUE 142 CONTINUE 143 RETURN END SUBROUTINE RADF2 (IDO,L1,CC,CH,WA1) c*********************************************************************72 c cc RADF2 - forward Fourier transform, radix 2. c DIMENSION CH(IDO,2,L1) ,CC(IDO,L1,2) , 1 WA1(1) DO 101 K=1,L1 CH(1,1,K) = CC(1,K,1)+CC(1,K,2) CH(IDO,2,K) = CC(1,K,1)-CC(1,K,2) 101 CONTINUE IF (IDO-2) 107,105,102 102 IDP2 = IDO+2 DO 104 K=1,L1 DO 103 I=3,IDO,2 IC = IDP2-I TR2 = WA1(I-2)*CC(I-1,K,2)+WA1(I-1)*CC(I,K,2) TI2 = WA1(I-2)*CC(I,K,2)-WA1(I-1)*CC(I-1,K,2) CH(I,1,K) = CC(I,K,1)+TI2 CH(IC,2,K) = TI2-CC(I,K,1) CH(I-1,1,K) = CC(I-1,K,1)+TR2 CH(IC-1,2,K) = CC(I-1,K,1)-TR2 103 CONTINUE 104 CONTINUE IF (MOD(IDO,2) .EQ. 1) RETURN 105 DO 106 K=1,L1 CH(1,2,K) = -CC(IDO,K,2) CH(IDO,1,K) = CC(IDO,K,1) 106 CONTINUE 107 RETURN END SUBROUTINE RADF3 (IDO,L1,CC,CH,WA1,WA2) c*********************************************************************72 c cc RADF3 - forward Fourier transform, radix 3. c DIMENSION CH(IDO,3,L1) ,CC(IDO,L1,3) , 1 WA1(1) ,WA2(1) DATA TAUR,TAUI /-.5,.866025403784439/ DO 101 K=1,L1 CR2 = CC(1,K,2)+CC(1,K,3) CH(1,1,K) = CC(1,K,1)+CR2 CH(1,3,K) = TAUI*(CC(1,K,3)-CC(1,K,2)) CH(IDO,2,K) = CC(1,K,1)+TAUR*CR2 101 CONTINUE IF (IDO .EQ. 1) RETURN IDP2 = IDO+2 DO 103 K=1,L1 DO 102 I=3,IDO,2 IC = IDP2-I DR2 = WA1(I-2)*CC(I-1,K,2)+WA1(I-1)*CC(I,K,2) DI2 = WA1(I-2)*CC(I,K,2)-WA1(I-1)*CC(I-1,K,2) DR3 = WA2(I-2)*CC(I-1,K,3)+WA2(I-1)*CC(I,K,3) DI3 = WA2(I-2)*CC(I,K,3)-WA2(I-1)*CC(I-1,K,3) CR2 = DR2+DR3 CI2 = DI2+DI3 CH(I-1,1,K) = CC(I-1,K,1)+CR2 CH(I,1,K) = CC(I,K,1)+CI2 TR2 = CC(I-1,K,1)+TAUR*CR2 TI2 = CC(I,K,1)+TAUR*CI2 TR3 = TAUI*(DI2-DI3) TI3 = TAUI*(DR3-DR2) CH(I-1,3,K) = TR2+TR3 CH(IC-1,2,K) = TR2-TR3 CH(I,3,K) = TI2+TI3 CH(IC,2,K) = TI3-TI2 102 CONTINUE 103 CONTINUE RETURN END SUBROUTINE RADF4 (IDO,L1,CC,CH,WA1,WA2,WA3) c*********************************************************************72 c cc RADF4 - forward Fourier transform, radix 4. c DIMENSION CC(IDO,L1,4) ,CH(IDO,4,L1) , 1 WA1(1) ,WA2(1) ,WA3(1) DATA HSQT2 /.7071067811865475/ DO 101 K=1,L1 TR1 = CC(1,K,2)+CC(1,K,4) TR2 = CC(1,K,1)+CC(1,K,3) CH(1,1,K) = TR1+TR2 CH(IDO,4,K) = TR2-TR1 CH(IDO,2,K) = CC(1,K,1)-CC(1,K,3) CH(1,3,K) = CC(1,K,4)-CC(1,K,2) 101 CONTINUE IF (IDO-2) 107,105,102 102 IDP2 = IDO+2 DO 104 K=1,L1 DO 103 I=3,IDO,2 IC = IDP2-I CR2 = WA1(I-2)*CC(I-1,K,2)+WA1(I-1)*CC(I,K,2) CI2 = WA1(I-2)*CC(I,K,2)-WA1(I-1)*CC(I-1,K,2) CR3 = WA2(I-2)*CC(I-1,K,3)+WA2(I-1)*CC(I,K,3) CI3 = WA2(I-2)*CC(I,K,3)-WA2(I-1)*CC(I-1,K,3) CR4 = WA3(I-2)*CC(I-1,K,4)+WA3(I-1)*CC(I,K,4) CI4 = WA3(I-2)*CC(I,K,4)-WA3(I-1)*CC(I-1,K,4) TR1 = CR2+CR4 TR4 = CR4-CR2 TI1 = CI2+CI4 TI4 = CI2-CI4 TI2 = CC(I,K,1)+CI3 TI3 = CC(I,K,1)-CI3 TR2 = CC(I-1,K,1)+CR3 TR3 = CC(I-1,K,1)-CR3 CH(I-1,1,K) = TR1+TR2 CH(IC-1,4,K) = TR2-TR1 CH(I,1,K) = TI1+TI2 CH(IC,4,K) = TI1-TI2 CH(I-1,3,K) = TI4+TR3 CH(IC-1,2,K) = TR3-TI4 CH(I,3,K) = TR4+TI3 CH(IC,2,K) = TR4-TI3 103 CONTINUE 104 CONTINUE IF (MOD(IDO,2) .EQ. 1) RETURN 105 CONTINUE DO 106 K=1,L1 TI1 = -HSQT2*(CC(IDO,K,2)+CC(IDO,K,4)) TR1 = HSQT2*(CC(IDO,K,2)-CC(IDO,K,4)) CH(IDO,1,K) = TR1+CC(IDO,K,1) CH(IDO,3,K) = CC(IDO,K,1)-TR1 CH(1,2,K) = TI1-CC(IDO,K,3) CH(1,4,K) = TI1+CC(IDO,K,3) 106 CONTINUE 107 RETURN END SUBROUTINE RADF5 (IDO,L1,CC,CH,WA1,WA2,WA3,WA4) c*********************************************************************72 c cc RADF5 - forward Fourier transform, radix 5. c DIMENSION CC(IDO,L1,5) ,CH(IDO,5,L1) , 1 WA1(*) ,WA2(*) ,WA3(*) ,WA4(*) DATA TR11,TI11,TR12,TI12 /.309016994374947,.951056516295154, 1-.809016994374947,.587785252292473/ DO 101 K=1,L1 CR2 = CC(1,K,5)+CC(1,K,2) CI5 = CC(1,K,5)-CC(1,K,2) CR3 = CC(1,K,4)+CC(1,K,3) CI4 = CC(1,K,4)-CC(1,K,3) CH(1,1,K) = CC(1,K,1)+CR2+CR3 CH(IDO,2,K) = CC(1,K,1)+TR11*CR2+TR12*CR3 CH(1,3,K) = TI11*CI5+TI12*CI4 CH(IDO,4,K) = CC(1,K,1)+TR12*CR2+TR11*CR3 CH(1,5,K) = TI12*CI5-TI11*CI4 101 CONTINUE IF (IDO .EQ. 1) RETURN IDP2 = IDO+2 DO 103 K=1,L1 DO 102 I=3,IDO,2 IC = IDP2-I DR2 = WA1(I-2)*CC(I-1,K,2)+WA1(I-1)*CC(I,K,2) DI2 = WA1(I-2)*CC(I,K,2)-WA1(I-1)*CC(I-1,K,2) DR3 = WA2(I-2)*CC(I-1,K,3)+WA2(I-1)*CC(I,K,3) DI3 = WA2(I-2)*CC(I,K,3)-WA2(I-1)*CC(I-1,K,3) DR4 = WA3(I-2)*CC(I-1,K,4)+WA3(I-1)*CC(I,K,4) DI4 = WA3(I-2)*CC(I,K,4)-WA3(I-1)*CC(I-1,K,4) DR5 = WA4(I-2)*CC(I-1,K,5)+WA4(I-1)*CC(I,K,5) DI5 = WA4(I-2)*CC(I,K,5)-WA4(I-1)*CC(I-1,K,5) CR2 = DR2+DR5 CI5 = DR5-DR2 CR5 = DI2-DI5 CI2 = DI2+DI5 CR3 = DR3+DR4 CI4 = DR4-DR3 CR4 = DI3-DI4 CI3 = DI3+DI4 CH(I-1,1,K) = CC(I-1,K,1)+CR2+CR3 CH(I,1,K) = CC(I,K,1)+CI2+CI3 TR2 = CC(I-1,K,1)+TR11*CR2+TR12*CR3 TI2 = CC(I,K,1)+TR11*CI2+TR12*CI3 TR3 = CC(I-1,K,1)+TR12*CR2+TR11*CR3 TI3 = CC(I,K,1)+TR12*CI2+TR11*CI3 TR5 = TI11*CR5+TI12*CR4 TI5 = TI11*CI5+TI12*CI4 TR4 = TI12*CR5-TI11*CR4 TI4 = TI12*CI5-TI11*CI4 CH(I-1,3,K) = TR2+TR5 CH(IC-1,2,K) = TR2-TR5 CH(I,3,K) = TI2+TI5 CH(IC,2,K) = TI5-TI2 CH(I-1,5,K) = TR3+TR4 CH(IC-1,4,K) = TR3-TR4 CH(I,5,K) = TI3+TI4 CH(IC,4,K) = TI4-TI3 102 CONTINUE 103 CONTINUE RETURN END SUBROUTINE RADFG (IDO,IP,L1,IDL1,CC,C1,C2,CH,CH2,WA) c*********************************************************************72 c cc RADFG - forward Fourier transform, general radix. c DIMENSION CH(IDO,L1,IP) ,CC(IDO,IP,L1) , 1 C1(IDO,L1,IP) ,C2(IDL1,IP), 2 CH2(IDL1,IP) ,WA(*) DATA TPI/6.28318530717959/ ARG = TPI/FLOAT(IP) DCP = COS(ARG) DSP = SIN(ARG) IPPH = (IP+1)/2 IPP2 = IP+2 IDP2 = IDO+2 NBD = (IDO-1)/2 IF (IDO .EQ. 1) GO TO 119 DO 101 IK=1,IDL1 CH2(IK,1) = C2(IK,1) 101 CONTINUE DO 103 J=2,IP DO 102 K=1,L1 CH(1,K,J) = C1(1,K,J) 102 CONTINUE 103 CONTINUE IF (NBD .GT. L1) GO TO 107 IS = -IDO DO 106 J=2,IP IS = IS+IDO IDIJ = IS DO 105 I=3,IDO,2 IDIJ = IDIJ+2 DO 104 K=1,L1 CH(I-1,K,J) = WA(IDIJ-1)*C1(I-1,K,J)+WA(IDIJ)*C1(I,K,J) CH(I,K,J) = WA(IDIJ-1)*C1(I,K,J)-WA(IDIJ)*C1(I-1,K,J) 104 CONTINUE 105 CONTINUE 106 CONTINUE GO TO 111 107 IS = -IDO DO 110 J=2,IP IS = IS+IDO DO 109 K=1,L1 IDIJ = IS DO 108 I=3,IDO,2 IDIJ = IDIJ+2 CH(I-1,K,J) = WA(IDIJ-1)*C1(I-1,K,J)+WA(IDIJ)*C1(I,K,J) CH(I,K,J) = WA(IDIJ-1)*C1(I,K,J)-WA(IDIJ)*C1(I-1,K,J) 108 CONTINUE 109 CONTINUE 110 CONTINUE 111 IF (NBD .LT. L1) GO TO 115 DO 114 J=2,IPPH JC = IPP2-J DO 113 K=1,L1 DO 112 I=3,IDO,2 C1(I-1,K,J) = CH(I-1,K,J)+CH(I-1,K,JC) C1(I-1,K,JC) = CH(I,K,J)-CH(I,K,JC) C1(I,K,J) = CH(I,K,J)+CH(I,K,JC) C1(I,K,JC) = CH(I-1,K,JC)-CH(I-1,K,J) 112 CONTINUE 113 CONTINUE 114 CONTINUE GO TO 121 115 DO 118 J=2,IPPH JC = IPP2-J DO 117 I=3,IDO,2 DO 116 K=1,L1 C1(I-1,K,J) = CH(I-1,K,J)+CH(I-1,K,JC) C1(I-1,K,JC) = CH(I,K,J)-CH(I,K,JC) C1(I,K,J) = CH(I,K,J)+CH(I,K,JC) C1(I,K,JC) = CH(I-1,K,JC)-CH(I-1,K,J) 116 CONTINUE 117 CONTINUE 118 CONTINUE GO TO 121 119 DO 120 IK=1,IDL1 C2(IK,1) = CH2(IK,1) 120 CONTINUE 121 DO 123 J=2,IPPH JC = IPP2-J DO 122 K=1,L1 C1(1,K,J) = CH(1,K,J)+CH(1,K,JC) C1(1,K,JC) = CH(1,K,JC)-CH(1,K,J) 122 CONTINUE 123 CONTINUE C AR1 = 1. AI1 = 0. DO 127 L=2,IPPH LC = IPP2-L AR1H = DCP*AR1-DSP*AI1 AI1 = DCP*AI1+DSP*AR1 AR1 = AR1H DO 124 IK=1,IDL1 CH2(IK,L) = C2(IK,1)+AR1*C2(IK,2) CH2(IK,LC) = AI1*C2(IK,IP) 124 CONTINUE DC2 = AR1 DS2 = AI1 AR2 = AR1 AI2 = AI1 DO 126 J=3,IPPH JC = IPP2-J AR2H = DC2*AR2-DS2*AI2 AI2 = DC2*AI2+DS2*AR2 AR2 = AR2H DO 125 IK=1,IDL1 CH2(IK,L) = CH2(IK,L)+AR2*C2(IK,J) CH2(IK,LC) = CH2(IK,LC)+AI2*C2(IK,JC) 125 CONTINUE 126 CONTINUE 127 CONTINUE DO 129 J=2,IPPH DO 128 IK=1,IDL1 CH2(IK,1) = CH2(IK,1)+C2(IK,J) 128 CONTINUE 129 CONTINUE C IF (IDO .LT. L1) GO TO 132 DO 131 K=1,L1 DO 130 I=1,IDO CC(I,1,K) = CH(I,K,1) 130 CONTINUE 131 CONTINUE GO TO 135 132 DO 134 I=1,IDO DO 133 K=1,L1 CC(I,1,K) = CH(I,K,1) 133 CONTINUE 134 CONTINUE 135 DO 137 J=2,IPPH JC = IPP2-J J2 = J+J DO 136 K=1,L1 CC(IDO,J2-2,K) = CH(1,K,J) CC(1,J2-1,K) = CH(1,K,JC) 136 CONTINUE 137 CONTINUE IF (IDO .EQ. 1) RETURN IF (NBD .LT. L1) GO TO 141 DO 140 J=2,IPPH JC = IPP2-J J2 = J+J DO 139 K=1,L1 DO 138 I=3,IDO,2 IC = IDP2-I CC(I-1,J2-1,K) = CH(I-1,K,J)+CH(I-1,K,JC) CC(IC-1,J2-2,K) = CH(I-1,K,J)-CH(I-1,K,JC) CC(I,J2-1,K) = CH(I,K,J)+CH(I,K,JC) CC(IC,J2-2,K) = CH(I,K,JC)-CH(I,K,J) 138 CONTINUE 139 CONTINUE 140 CONTINUE RETURN 141 DO 144 J=2,IPPH JC = IPP2-J J2 = J+J DO 143 I=3,IDO,2 IC = IDP2-I DO 142 K=1,L1 CC(I-1,J2-1,K) = CH(I-1,K,J)+CH(I-1,K,JC) CC(IC-1,J2-2,K) = CH(I-1,K,J)-CH(I-1,K,JC) CC(I,J2-1,K) = CH(I,K,J)+CH(I,K,JC) CC(IC,J2-2,K) = CH(I,K,JC)-CH(I,K,J) 142 CONTINUE 143 CONTINUE 144 CONTINUE RETURN END SUBROUTINE RFFTB (N,R,WSAVE) c*********************************************************************72 c cc RFFTB - backward Fourier transform. c DIMENSION R(*) ,WSAVE(*) IF (N .EQ. 1) RETURN CALL RFFTB1 (N,R,WSAVE,WSAVE(N+1),WSAVE(2*N+1)) RETURN END SUBROUTINE RFFTB1 (N,C,CH,WA,IFAC) c*********************************************************************72 c cc RFFTB1 is a utility routine for RFFTB c DIMENSION CH(*) ,C(*) ,WA(*) ,IFAC(*) NF = IFAC(2) NA = 0 L1 = 1 IW = 1 DO 116 K1=1,NF IP = IFAC(K1+2) L2 = IP*L1 IDO = N/L2 IDL1 = IDO*L1 IF (IP .NE. 4) GO TO 103 IX2 = IW+IDO IX3 = IX2+IDO IF (NA .NE. 0) GO TO 101 CALL RADB4 (IDO,L1,C,CH,WA(IW),WA(IX2),WA(IX3)) GO TO 102 101 CALL RADB4 (IDO,L1,CH,C,WA(IW),WA(IX2),WA(IX3)) 102 NA = 1-NA GO TO 115 103 IF (IP .NE. 2) GO TO 106 IF (NA .NE. 0) GO TO 104 CALL RADB2 (IDO,L1,C,CH,WA(IW)) GO TO 105 104 CALL RADB2 (IDO,L1,CH,C,WA(IW)) 105 NA = 1-NA GO TO 115 106 IF (IP .NE. 3) GO TO 109 IX2 = IW+IDO IF (NA .NE. 0) GO TO 107 CALL RADB3 (IDO,L1,C,CH,WA(IW),WA(IX2)) GO TO 108 107 CALL RADB3 (IDO,L1,CH,C,WA(IW),WA(IX2)) 108 NA = 1-NA GO TO 115 109 IF (IP .NE. 5) GO TO 112 IX2 = IW+IDO IX3 = IX2+IDO IX4 = IX3+IDO IF (NA .NE. 0) GO TO 110 CALL RADB5 (IDO,L1,C,CH,WA(IW),WA(IX2),WA(IX3),WA(IX4)) GO TO 111 110 CALL RADB5 (IDO,L1,CH,C,WA(IW),WA(IX2),WA(IX3),WA(IX4)) 111 NA = 1-NA GO TO 115 112 IF (NA .NE. 0) GO TO 113 CALL RADBG (IDO,IP,L1,IDL1,C,C,C,CH,CH,WA(IW)) GO TO 114 113 CALL RADBG (IDO,IP,L1,IDL1,CH,CH,CH,C,C,WA(IW)) 114 IF (IDO .EQ. 1) NA = 1-NA 115 L1 = L2 IW = IW+(IP-1)*IDO 116 CONTINUE IF (NA .EQ. 0) RETURN DO 117 I=1,N C(I) = CH(I) 117 CONTINUE RETURN END SUBROUTINE RFFTF (N,R,WSAVE) c*********************************************************************72 c cc RFFTF - forward Fourier transform. c DIMENSION R(*) ,WSAVE(*) IF (N .EQ. 1) RETURN CALL RFFTF1 (N,R,WSAVE,WSAVE(N+1),WSAVE(2*N+1)) RETURN END SUBROUTINE RFFTF1 (N,C,CH,WA,IFAC) c*********************************************************************72 c cc RFFTF1 is a utility routine for RFFTF. c DIMENSION CH(*) ,C(*) ,WA(*) ,IFAC(*) NF = IFAC(2) NA = 1 L2 = N IW = N DO 111 K1=1,NF KH = NF-K1 IP = IFAC(KH+3) L1 = L2/IP IDO = N/L2 IDL1 = IDO*L1 IW = IW-(IP-1)*IDO NA = 1-NA IF (IP .NE. 4) GO TO 102 IX2 = IW+IDO IX3 = IX2+IDO IF (NA .NE. 0) GO TO 101 CALL RADF4 (IDO,L1,C,CH,WA(IW),WA(IX2),WA(IX3)) GO TO 110 101 CALL RADF4 (IDO,L1,CH,C,WA(IW),WA(IX2),WA(IX3)) GO TO 110 102 IF (IP .NE. 2) GO TO 104 IF (NA .NE. 0) GO TO 103 CALL RADF2 (IDO,L1,C,CH,WA(IW)) GO TO 110 103 CALL RADF2 (IDO,L1,CH,C,WA(IW)) GO TO 110 104 IF (IP .NE. 3) GO TO 106 IX2 = IW+IDO IF (NA .NE. 0) GO TO 105 CALL RADF3 (IDO,L1,C,CH,WA(IW),WA(IX2)) GO TO 110 105 CALL RADF3 (IDO,L1,CH,C,WA(IW),WA(IX2)) GO TO 110 106 IF (IP .NE. 5) GO TO 108 IX2 = IW+IDO IX3 = IX2+IDO IX4 = IX3+IDO IF (NA .NE. 0) GO TO 107 CALL RADF5 (IDO,L1,C,CH,WA(IW),WA(IX2),WA(IX3),WA(IX4)) GO TO 110 107 CALL RADF5 (IDO,L1,CH,C,WA(IW),WA(IX2),WA(IX3),WA(IX4)) GO TO 110 108 IF (IDO .EQ. 1) NA = 1-NA IF (NA .NE. 0) GO TO 109 CALL RADFG (IDO,IP,L1,IDL1,C,C,C,CH,CH,WA(IW)) NA = 1 GO TO 110 109 CALL RADFG (IDO,IP,L1,IDL1,CH,CH,CH,C,C,WA(IW)) NA = 0 110 L2 = L1 111 CONTINUE IF (NA .EQ. 1) RETURN DO 112 I=1,N C(I) = CH(I) 112 CONTINUE RETURN END SUBROUTINE RFFTI (N,WSAVE) c*********************************************************************72 c cc RFFTI - initialized Fourier transform. c DIMENSION WSAVE(*) IF (N .EQ. 1) RETURN CALL RFFTI1 (N,WSAVE(N+1),WSAVE(2*N+1)) RETURN END SUBROUTINE RFFTI1 (N,WA,IFAC) c*********************************************************************72 c cc RFFTI1 is a utility routine for RFFTI. c DIMENSION WA(*) ,IFAC(*) ,NTRYH(4) DATA NTRYH(1),NTRYH(2),NTRYH(3),NTRYH(4)/4,2,3,5/ NL = N NF = 0 J = 0 101 J = J+1 IF (J-4) 102,102,103 102 NTRY = NTRYH(J) GO TO 104 103 NTRY = NTRY+2 104 NQ = NL/NTRY NR = NL-NTRY*NQ IF (NR) 101,105,101 105 NF = NF+1 IFAC(NF+2) = NTRY NL = NQ IF (NTRY .NE. 2) GO TO 107 IF (NF .EQ. 1) GO TO 107 DO 106 I=2,NF IB = NF-I+2 IFAC(IB+2) = IFAC(IB+1) 106 CONTINUE IFAC(3) = 2 107 IF (NL .NE. 1) GO TO 104 IFAC(1) = N IFAC(2) = NF TPI = 6.28318530717959 ARGH = TPI/FLOAT(N) IS = 0 NFM1 = NF-1 L1 = 1 IF (NFM1 .EQ. 0) RETURN DO 110 K1=1,NFM1 IP = IFAC(K1+2) LD = 0 L2 = L1*IP IDO = N/L2 IPM = IP-1 DO 109 J=1,IPM LD = LD+L1 I = IS ARGLD = FLOAT(LD)*ARGH FI = 0. DO 108 II=3,IDO,2 I = I+2 FI = FI+1. ARG = FI*ARGLD WA(I-1) = COS(ARG) WA(I) = SIN(ARG) 108 CONTINUE IS = IS+IDO 109 CONTINUE L1 = L2 110 CONTINUE RETURN END subroutine sepeli (intl,iorder,a,b,m,mbdcnd,bda,alpha,bdb,beta,c, & d,n,nbdcnd,bdc,gama,bdd,xnu,cofx,cofy,grhs, & usol,idmn,w,pertrb,ierror) c*********************************************************************72 c cc SEPELI 2D general separable elliptic problem, second or fourth order scheme. c c * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * c * * c * f i s h p a k * c * * c * * c * a package of fortran subprograms for the solution of * c * * c * separable elliptic partial differential equations * c * * c * (version 3.1 , october 1980) * c * * c * by * c * * c * john adams, paul swarztrauber and roland sweet * c * * c * of * c * * c * the national center for atmospheric research * c * * c * boulder, colorado (80307) u.s.a. * c * * c * which is sponsored by * c * * c * the national science foundation * c * * c * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * c c c c dimension of bda(n+1), bdb(n+1), bdc(m+1), bdd(m+1), c arguments usol(idmn,n+1), grhs(idmn,n+1), c w (see argument list) c c latest revision march 1977 c c purpose sepeli solves for either the second-order c finite difference approximation or a c fourth-order approximation to a separable c elliptic equation c c 2 2 c af(x)*d u/dx + bf(x)*du/dx + cf(x)*u + c 2 2 c df(y)*d u/dy + ef(y)*du/dy + ff(y)*u c c = g(x,y) c c on a rectangle (x greater than or equal to a c and less than or equal to b; y greater than c or equal to c and less than or equal to d). c any combination of periodic or mixed boundary c conditions is allowed. c c purpose the possible boundary conditions are: c in the x-direction: c (0) periodic, u(x+b-a,y)=u(x,y) for all y,x c (1) u(a,y), u(b,y) are specified for all y c (2) u(a,y), du(b,y)/dx+beta*u(b,y) are c specified for all y c (3) du(a,y)/dx+alpha*u(a,y),du(b,y)/dx+ c beta*u(b,y) are specified for all y c (4) du(a,y)/dx+alpha*u(a,y),u(b,y) are c specified for all y c c in the y-direction: c (0) periodic, u(x,y+d-c)=u(x,y) for all x,y c (1) u(x,c),u(x,d) are specified for all x c (2) u(x,c),du(x,d)/dy+xnu*u(x,d) are specified c for all x c (3) du(x,c)/dy+gama*u(x,c),du(x,d)/dy+ c xnu*u(x,d) are specified for all x c (4) du(x,c)/dy+gama*u(x,c),u(x,d) are c specified for all x c c arguments c c on input intl c = 0 on initial entry to sepeli or if any of c the arguments c, d, n, nbdcnd, cofy are c changed from a previous call c = 1 if c, d, n, nbdcnd, cofy are unchanged c from the previous call. c c iorder c = 2 if a second-order approximation is sought c = 4 if a fourth-order approximation is sought c c a,b c the range of the x-independent variable; c i.e., x is greater than or equal to a and c less than or equal to b. a must be less than c b. c c m c the number of panels into which the interval c [a,b] is subdivided. hence, there will be c m+1 grid points in the x-direction given by c xi=a+(i-1)*dlx for i=1,2,...,m+1 where c dlx=(b-a)/m is the panel width. m must be c less than idmn and greater than 5. c c mbdcnd c indicates the type of boundary condition at c x=a and x=b c = 0 if the solution is periodic in x; i.e., c u(x+b-a,y)=u(x,y) for all y,x c = 1 if the solution is specified at x=a and c x=b; i.e., u(a,y) and u(b,y) are c specified for all y c = 2 if the solution is specified at x=a and c the boundary condition is mixed at x=b; c i.e., u(a,y) and du(b,y)/dx+beta*u(b,y) c are specified for all y c = 3 if the boundary conditions at x=a and x=b c are mixed; i.e., du(a,y)/dx+alpha*u(a,y) c and du(b,y)/dx+beta*u(b,y) are specified c for all y c = 4 if the boundary condition at x=a is mixed c and the solution is specified at x=b; c i.e., du(a,y)/dx+alpha*u(a,y) and u(b,y) c are specified for all y c c bda c a one-dimensional array of length n+1 that c specifies the values of du(a,y)/dx+ c alpha*u(a,y) at x=a, when mbdcnd=3 or 4. c bda(j) = du(a,yj)/dx+alpha*u(a,yj); c j=1,2,...,n+1 c when mbdcnd has any other value, bda is a c dummy parameter. c c on input alpha c the scalar multiplying the solution in case c of a mixed boundary condition at x=a (see c argument bda). if mbdcnd ' 3,4 then alpha is c a dummy parameter. c c bdb c a one-dimensional array of length n+1 that c specifies the values of du(b,y)/dx+ c beta*u(b,y) at x=b. when mbdcnd=2 or 3 c bdb(j) = du(b,yj)/dx+beta*u(b,yj); c j=1,2,...,n+1 c when mbdcnd has any other value, bdb is a c dummy parameter. c c beta c the scalar multiplying the solution in case c of a mixed boundary condition at x=b (see c argument bdb). if mbdcnd'2,3 then beta is a c dummy parameter. c c c,d c the range of the y-independent variable; c i.e., y is greater than or equal to c and c less than or equal to d. c must be less than c d. c c n c the number of panels into which the interval c [c,d] is subdivided. hence, there will be c n+1 grid points in the y-direction given by c yj=c+(j-1)*dly for j=1,2,...,n+1 where c dly=(d-c)/n is the panel width. in addition, c n must be greater than 4. c c nbdcnd c indicates the types of boundary conditions at c y=c and y=d c = 0 if the solution is periodic in y; i.e., c u(x,y+d-c)=u(x,y) for all x,y c = 1 if the solution is specified at y=c and c y = d, i.e., u(x,c) and u(x,d) are c specified for all x c = 2 if the solution is specified at y=c and c the boundary condition is mixed at y=d; c i.e., u(x,c) and du(x,d)/dy+xnu*u(x,d) c are specified for all x c = 3 if the boundary conditions are mixed at c y=c and y=d; i.e., du(x,d)/dy+gama*u(x,c) c and du(x,d)/dy+xnu*u(x,d) are specified c for all x c = 4 if the boundary condition is mixed at y=c c and the solution is specified at y=d; c i.e. du(x,c)/dy+gama*u(x,c) and u(x,d) c are specified for all x c c bdc c a one-dimensional array of length m+1 that c specifies the value of du(x,c)/dy+gama*u(x,c) c at y=c. when nbdcnd=3 or 4 c bdc(i) = du(xi,c)/dy + gama*u(xi,c); c i=1,2,...,m+1. c when nbdcnd has any other value, bdc is a c dummy parameter. c c gama c the scalar multiplying the solution in case c of a mixed boundary condition at y=c (see c argument bdc). if nbdcnd'3,4 then gama is a c dummy parameter. c c bdd c a one-dimensional array of length m+1 that c specifies the value of du(x,d)/dy + c xnu*u(x,d) at y=c. when nbdcnd=2 or 3 c bdd(i) = du(xi,d)/dy + xnu*u(xi,d); c i=1,2,...,m+1. c when nbdcnd has any other value, bdd is a c dummy parameter. c c xnu c the scalar multiplying the solution in case c of a mixed boundary condition at y=d (see c argument bdd). if nbdcnd'2 or 3 then xnu is c a dummy parameter. c c cofx c a user-supplied subprogram with c parameters x, afun, bfun, cfun which c returns the values of the x-dependent c coefficients af(x), bf(x), cf(x) in c the elliptic equation at x. c c cofy c a user-supplied subprogram with c parameters y, dfun, efun, ffun which c returns the values of the y-dependent c coefficients df(y), ef(y), ff(y) in c the elliptic equation at y. c c note: cofx and cofy must be declared external c in the calling routine. the values returned in c afun and dfun must satisfy afun*dfun greater c than 0 for a less than x less than b, c c less than y less than d (see ierror=10). c the coefficients provided may lead to a matrix c equation which is not diagonally dominant in c which case solution may fail (see ierror=4). c c grhs c a two-dimensional array that specifies the c values of the right-hand side of the elliptic c equation; i.e., grhs(i,j)=g(xi,yi), for c i=2,...,m; j=2,...,n. at the boundaries, c grhs is defined by c c mbdcnd grhs(1,j) grhs(m+1,j) c ------ --------- ----------- c 0 g(a,yj) g(b,yj) c 1 * * c 2 * g(b,yj) j=1,2,...,n+1 c 3 g(a,yj) g(b,yj) c 4 g(a,yj) * c c nbdcnd grhs(i,1) grhs(i,n+1) c ------ --------- ----------- c 0 g(xi,c) g(xi,d) c 1 * * c 2 * g(xi,d) i=1,2,...,m+1 c 3 g(xi,c) g(xi,d) c 4 g(xi,c) * c c where * means these quantites are not used. c grhs should be dimensioned idmn by at least c n+1 in the calling routine. c c usol c a two-dimensional array that specifies the c values of the solution along the boundaries. c at the boundaries, usol is defined by c c mbdcnd usol(1,j) usol(m+1,j) c ------ --------- ----------- c 0 * * c 1 u(a,yj) u(b,yj) c 2 u(a,yj) * j=1,2,...,n+1 c 3 * * c 4 * u(b,yj) c c nbdcnd usol(i,1) usol(i,n+1) c ------ --------- ----------- c 0 * * c 1 u(xi,c) u(xi,d) c 2 u(xi,c) * i=1,2,...,m+1 c 3 * * c 4 * u(xi,d) c c where * means the quantites are not used in c the solution. c c if iorder=2, the user may equivalence grhs c and usol to save space. note that in this c case the tables specifying the boundaries of c the grhs and usol arrays determine the c boundaries uniquely except at the corners. c if the tables call for both g(x,y) and c u(x,y) at a corner then the solution must be c chosen. for example, if mbdcnd=2 and c nbdcnd=4, then u(a,c), u(a,d), u(b,d) must be c chosen at the corners in addition to g(b,c). c c if iorder=4, then the two arrays, usol and c grhs, must be distinct. c c usol should be dimensioned idmn by at least c n+1 in the calling routine. c c idmn c the row (or first) dimension of the arrays c grhs and usol as it appears in the program c calling sepeli. this parameter is used to c specify the variable dimension of grhs and c usol. idmn must be at least 7 and greater c than or equal to m+1. c c w c a one-dimensional array that must be provided c by the user for work space. let c k=int(log2(n+1))+1 and set l=2**(k+1). c then (k-2)*l+k+10*n+12*m+27 will suffice c as a length of w. the actual length of w in c the calling routine must be set in w(1) (see c ierror=11). c c on output usol c contains the approximate solution to the c elliptic equation. usol(i,j) is the c approximation to u(xi,yj) for i=1,2...,m+1 c and j=1,2,...,n+1. the approximation has c error o(dlx**2+dly**2) if called with c iorder=2 and o(dlx**4+dly**4) if called with c iorder=4. c c w c contains intermediate values that must not be c destroyed if sepeli is called again with c intl=1. in addition w(1) contains the exact c minimal length (in floating point) required c for the work space (see ierror=11). c c pertrb c if a combination of periodic or derivative c boundary conditions (i.e., alpha=beta=0 if c mbdcnd=3; gama=xnu=0 if nbdcnd=3) is c specified and if the coefficients of u(x,y) c in the separable elliptic equation are zero c (i.e., cf(x)=0 for x greater than or equal to c a and less than or equal to b; ff(y)=0 for c y greater than or equal to c and less than c or equal to d) then a solution may not exist. c pertrb is a constant calculated and c subtracted from the right-hand side of the c matrix equations generated by sepeli which c insures that a solution exists. sepeli then c computes this solution which is a weighted c minimal least squares solution to the c original problem. c c ierror c an error flag that indicates invalid input c parameters or failure to find a solution c = 0 no error c = 1 if a greater than b or c greater than d c = 2 if mbdcnd less than 0 or mbdcnd greater c than 4 c = 3 if nbdcnd less than 0 or nbdcnd greater c than 4 c = 4 if attempt to find a solution fails. c (the linear system generated is not c diagonally dominant.) c = 5 if idmn is too small (see discussion of c idmn) c = 6 if m is too small or too large (see c discussion of m) c = 7 if n is too small (see discussion of n) c = 8 if iorder is not 2 or 4 c = 9 if intl is not 0 or 1 c = 10 if afun*dfun less than or equal to 0 for c some interior mesh point (xi,yj) c = 11 if the work space length input in w(1) c is less than the exact minimal work c space length required output in w(1). c c note (concerning ierror=4): for the c coefficients input through cofx, cofy, the c discretization may lead to a block c tridiagonal linear system which is not c diagonally dominant (for example, this c happens if cfun=0 and bfun/(2.*dlx) greater c than afun/dlx**2). in this case solution may c fail. this cannot happen in the limit as c dlx, dly approach zero. hence, the condition c may be remedied by taking larger values for m c or n. c c entry points sepeli, spelip, chkprm, chksng, orthog, minsol, c trisp, defer, dx, dy, blktri, blktr1, indxb, c indxa, indxc, prod, prodp, cprod, cprodp, c ppadd, psgf, bsrh, ppsgf, ppspf, compb, c trun1, stor1, tqlrat c c special conditions none c c common blocks splp, cblkt, valu1 c c i/o none c c precision single c c specialist john c. adams, ncar, boulder, colorado 80307 c c language fortran c c history developed at ncar during 1975-76. c c algorithm sepeli automatically discretizes the separable c elliptic equation which is then solved by a c generalized cyclic reduction algorithm in c blktri. the fourth-order solution c is obtained using 'deferred corrections' which c is described and referenced in sections, c references and method. c c space required 14654 (octal) = 6572 (decimal) c c accuracy and timing the following computational results were c obtained by solving the sample problem at the c end of this write-up on the control data 7600. c the op count is proportional to m*n*log2(n). c in contrast to the other routines in this c chapter, accuracy is tested by computing and c tabulating second- and fourth-order c discretization errors. below is a table c containing computational results. the times c given do not include initialization (i.e., c times are for intl=1). note that the c fourth-order accuracy is not realized until the c mesh is sufficiently refined. c c second-order fourth-order second-order fourth-order c m n execution time execution time error error c (m sec) (m sec) c 6 6 6 14 6.8e-1 1.2e0 c 14 14 23 58 1.4e-1 1.8e-1 c 30 30 100 247 3.2e-2 9.7e-3 c 62 62 445 1,091 7.5e-3 3.0e-4 c 126 126 2,002 4,772 1.8e-3 3.5e-6 c c portability there are no mahcine-dependent constants. c c required resident sqrtf, abs, cabs, logf c routines c c references keller, h.b., numerical methods for two-point c boundary-value problems, blaisdel (1968), c waltham, mass. c c swarztrauber, p., and r. sweet (1975): c efficient fortran subprograms for the c solution of elliptic partial differential c equations. ncar technical note c ncar-tn/ia-109, pp. 135-137. c c c c dimension grhs(idmn,1) ,usol(idmn,1) dimension bda(1) ,bdb(1) ,bdc(1) ,bdd(1) , & w(1) external cofx ,cofy c c check input parameters c call chkprm (intl,iorder,a,b,m,mbdcnd,c,d,n,nbdcnd,cofx,cofy, & idmn,ierror) if (ierror .ne. 0) return c c compute minimum work space and check work space length input c l = n+1 if (nbdcnd .eq. 0) l = n logb2n = int(alog(float(l)+0.5)/alog(2.0))+1 ll = 2**(logb2n+1) k = m+1 l = n+1 length = (logb2n-2)*ll+logb2n+max0(2*l,6*k)+5 if (nbdcnd .eq. 0) length = length+2*l ierror = 11 linput = int(w(1)+0.5) loutpt = length+6*(k+l)+1 w(1) = float(loutpt) if (loutpt .gt. linput) return ierror = 0 c c set work space indices c i1 = length+2 i2 = i1+l i3 = i2+l i4 = i3+l i5 = i4+l i6 = i5+l i7 = i6+l i8 = i7+k i9 = i8+k i10 = i9+k i11 = i10+k i12 = i11+k i13 = 2 call spelip (intl,iorder,a,b,m,mbdcnd,bda,alpha,bdb,beta,c,d,n, & nbdcnd,bdc,gama,bdd,xnu,cofx,cofy,w(i1),w(i2),w(i3), & w(i4),w(i5),w(i6),w(i7),w(i8),w(i9),w(i10),w(i11), & w(i12),grhs,usol,idmn,w(i13),pertrb,ierror) return end subroutine sepx4(iorder,a,b,m,mbdcnd,bda,alpha,bdb,beta,c,d,n, &nbdcnd,bdc,bdd,cofx,grhs,usol,idmn,w,pertrb,ierror) c*********************************************************************72 c cc SEPX4 2D restricted separable elliptic problem, second or fourth order scheme. c c * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * c * * c * f i s h p a k * c * * c * * c * a package of fortran subprograms for the solution of * c * * c * separable elliptic partial differential equations * c * * c * (version 3.1 , october 1980) * c * * c * by * c * * c * john adams, paul swarztrauber and roland sweet * c * * c * of * c * * c * the national center for atmospheric research * c * * c * boulder, colorado (80307) u.s.a. * c * * c * which is sponsored by * c * * c * the national science foundation * c * * c * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * c c c c c dimension of bda(n+1), bdb(n+1), bdc(m+1), bdd(m+1), c arguments usol(idmn,n+1), grhs(idmn,n+1), c w (see argument list) c c latest revision october 1980 c c c purpose sepx4 solves for either the second-order c finite difference approximation or a c a fourth-order approximation to the c solution of a separable elliptic equation c af(x)*uxx+bf(x)*ux+cf(x)*u+uyy = g(x,y) c c on a rectangle (x greater than or equal to a c and less than or equal to b; y greater than c or equal to c and less than or equal to d). c any combination of periodic or mixed boundary c conditions is allowed. c if boundary conditions in the x direction c are periodic (see mbdcnd=0 below) then the c coefficients must satisfy c af(x)=c1,bf(x)=0,cf(x)=c2 for all x. c here c1,c2 are constants, c c the possible boundary conditions are c in the x-direction: c (0) periodic, u(x+b-a,y)=u(x,y) for all y,x c (1) u(a,y), u(b,y) are specified for all y c (2) u(a,y), du(b,y)/dx+beta*u(b,y) are c specified for all y c (3) du(a,y)/dx+alpha*u(a,y),du(b,y)/dx+ c beta*u(b,y) are specified for all y c (4) du(a,y)/dx+alpha*u(a,y),u(b,y) are c specified for all y c c in the y-direction: c (0) periodic, u(x,y+d-c)=u(x,y) for all x,y c (1) u(x,c),u(x,d) are specified for all x c (2) u(x,c),du(x,d)/dy are specified for all x c (3) du(x,c)/dy,du(x,d)/dy are specified for c all x c (4) du(x,c)/dy,u(x,d) are specified for all x c c usage call sepx4(iorder,a,b,m,mbdcnd,bda,alpha,bdb, c beta,c,d,n,nbdcnd,bdc,bdd,cofx, c grhs,usol,idmn,w,pertrb,ierror) c c arguments c c c iorder c = 2 if a second-order approximation is sought c = 4 if a fourth-order approximation is sought c c a,b c the range of the x-independent variable; c i.e., x is greater than or equal to a and c less than or equal to b. a must be less than c b. c c m c the number of panels into which the interval c [a,b] is subdivided. hence, there will be c m+1 grid points in the x-direction given by c xi=a+(i-1)*dlx for i=1,2,...,m+1 where c dlx=(b-a)/m is the panel width. m must be c less than idmn and greater than 5. c c mbdcnd c indicates the type of boundary condition at c x=a and x=b c = 0 if the solution is periodic in x; i.e., c u(x+b-a,y)=u(x,y) for all y,x c = 1 if the solution is specified at x=a and c x=b; i.e., u(a,y) and u(b,y) are c specified for all y c = 2 if the solution is specified at x=a and c the boundary condition is mixed at x=b; c i.e., u(a,y) and du(b,y)/dx+beta*u(b,y) c are specified for all y c = 3 if the boundary conditions at x=a and x=b c are mixed; i.e., du(a,y)/dx+alpha*u(a,y) c and du(b,y)/dx+beta*u(b,y) are specified c for all y c = 4 if the boundary condition at x=a is mixed c and the solution is specified at x=b; c i.e., du(a,y)/dx+alpha*u(a,y) and u(b,y) c are specified for all y c c bda c a one-dimensional array of length n+1 that c specifies the values of du(a,y)/dx+ c alpha*u(a,y) at x=a, when mbdcnd=3 or 4. c bda(j) = du(a,yj)/dx+alpha*u(a,yj); c j=1,2,...,n+1 c when mbdcnd has any other value, bda is a c dummy parameter. c c on input alpha c the scalar multiplying the solution in case c of a mixed boundary condition at x=a (see c argument bda). if mbdcnd ' 3,4 then alpha is c a dummy parameter. c c bdb c a one-dimensional array of length n+1 that c specifies the values of du(b,y)/dx+ c beta*u(b,y) at x=b. when mbdcnd=2 or 3 c bdb(j) = du(b,yj)/dx+beta*u(b,yj); c j=1,2,...,n+1 c when mbdcnd has any other value, bdb is a c dummy parameter. c c beta c the scalar multiplying the solution in case c of a mixed boundary condition at x=b (see c argument bdb). if mbdcnd'2,3 then beta is a c dummy parameter. c c c,d c the range of the y-independent variable; c i.e., y is greater than or equal to c and c less than or equal to d. c must be less than c d. c c n c the number of panels into which the interval c [c,d] is subdivided. hence, there will be c n+1 grid points in the y-direction given by c yj=c+(j-1)*dly for j=1,2,...,n+1 where c dly=(d-c)/n is the panel width. in addition, c n must be greater than 4. c c nbdcnd c indicates the types of boundary conditions at c y=c and y=d c = 0 if the solution is periodic in y; i.e., c u(x,y+d-c)=u(x,y) for all x,y c = 1 if the solution is specified at y=c and c y = d, i.e., u(x,c) and u(x,d) are c specified for all x c = 2 if the solution is specified at y=c and c the boundary condition is mixed at y=d; c i.e., du(x,c)/dy and u(x,d) c are specified for all x c = 3 if the boundary conditions are mixed at c y=cand y=d i.e., du(x,d)/dy c and du(x,d)/dy are specified c for all x c = 4 if the boundary condition is mixed at y=c c and the solution is specified at y=d; c i.e. du(x,c)/dy+gama*u(x,c) and u(x,d) c are specified for all x c c bdc c a one-dimensional array of length m+1 that c specifies the value du(x,c)/dy c at y=c. when nbdcnd=3 or 4 c bdc(i) = du(xi,c)/dy c i=1,2,...,m+1. c when nbdcnd has any other value, bdc is a c dummy parameter. c c c bdd c a one-dimensional array of length m+1 that c specified the value of du(x,d)/dy c at y=d. when nbdcnd=2 or 3 c bdd(i)=du(xi,d)/dy c i=1,2,...,m+1. c when nbdcnd has any other value, bdd is a c dummy parameter. c c c cofx c a user-supplied subprogram with c parameters x, afun, bfun, cfun which c returns the values of the x-dependent c coefficients af(x), bf(x), cf(x) in c the elliptic equation at x. c if boundary conditions in the x direction c are periodic then the coefficients c must satisfy af(x)=c1,bf(x)=0,cf(x)=c2 for c all x. here and c2 are constants. c c note that cofx must be declared external c in the calling routine. c c grhs c a two-dimensional array that specifies the c values of the right-hand side of the elliptic c equation; i.e., grhs(i,j)=g(xi,yi), for c i=2,...,m; j=2,...,n. at the boundaries, c grhs is defined by c c mbdcnd grhs(1,j) grhs(m+1,j) c ------ --------- ----------- c 0 g(a,yj) g(b,yj) c 1 * * c 2 * g(b,yj) j=1,2,...,n+1 c 3 g(a,yj) g(b,yj) c 4 g(a,yj) * c c nbdcnd grhs(i,1) grhs(i,n+1) c ------ --------- ----------- c 0 g(xi,c) g(xi,d) c 1 * * c 2 * g(xi,d) i=1,2,...,m+1 c 3 g(xi,c) g(xi,d) c 4 g(xi,c) * c c where * means these quantites are not used. c grhs should be dimensioned idmn by at least c n+1 in the calling routine. c c usol c a two-dimensional array that specifies the c values of the solution along the boundaries. c at the boundaries, usol is defined by c c mbdcnd usol(1,j) usol(m+1,j) c ------ --------- ----------- c 0 * * c 1 u(a,yj) u(b,yj) c 2 u(a,yj) * j=1,2,...,n+1 c 3 * * c 4 * u(b,yj) c c nbdcnd usol(i,1) usol(i,n+1) c ------ --------- ----------- c 0 * * c 1 u(xi,c) u(xi,d) c 2 u(xi,c) * i=1,2,...,m+1 c 3 * * c 4 * u(xi,d) c c where * means the quantites are not used in c the solution. c c if iorder=2, the user may equivalence grhs c and usol to save space. note that in this c case the tables specifying the boundaries of c the grhs and usol arrays determine the c boundaries uniquely except at the corners. c if the tables call for both g(x,y) and c u(x,y) at a corner then the solution must be c chosen. for example, if mbdcnd=2 and c nbdcnd=4, then u(a,c), u(a,d), u(b,d) must be c chosen at the corners in addition to g(b,c). c c if iorder=4, then the two arrays, usol and c grhs, must be distinct. c c usol should be dimensioned idmn by at least c n+1 in the calling routine. c c idmn c the row (or first) dimension of the arrays c grhs and usol as it appears in the program c calling sepx4. this parameter is used to c specify the variable dimension of grhs and c usol. idmn must be at least 7 and greater c than or equal to m+1. c c w c a one-dimensional array that must be provided c by the user for work space. c 10*n+(16+int(log2(n)))*(m+1)+23 will suffice c as a length for w. the actual length of c w in the calling routine must be set in w(1) c (see ierror=11). c on output usol c contains the approximate solution to the c elliptic equation. usol(i,j) is the c approximation to u(xi,yj) for i=1,2...,m+1 c and j=1,2,...,n+1. the approximation has c error o(dlx**2+dly**2) if called with c iorder=2 and o(dlx**4+dly**4) if called with c iorder=4. c c w c contains intermediate values that must not be c destroyed if sepx4 is called again with c intl=1. in addition w(1) contains the exact c minimal length (in floating point) required c for the work space (see ierror=11). c c pertrb c if a combination of periodic or derivative c boundary conditions (i.e., alpha=beta=0 if c mbdcnd=3) is specified and if cf(x)=0 for all x c then a solution to the discretized matrix c equation may not exist (reflecting the non- c uniqueness of solutions to the pde). pertrb c is a constant calculated and subtracted from c the right hand side of the matrix equation c insuring the existence of a solution. c sepx4 computes this solution which is a c weighted minimal least squares solution to c the original problem. if singularity is c not detected pertrb=0.0 is returned by c sepx4. c c ierror c an error flag that indicates invalid input c parameters or failure to find a solution c = 0 no error c = 1 if a greater than b or c greater than d c = 2 if mbdcnd less than 0 or mbdcnd greater c than 4 c = 3 if nbdcnd less than 0 or nbdcnd greater c than 4 c = 4 if attempt to find a solution fails. c (the linear system generated is not c diagonally dominant.) c = 5 if idmn is too small (see discussion of c idmn) c = 6 if m is too small or too large (see c discussion of m) c = 7 if n is too small (see discussion of n) c = 8 if iorder is not 2 or 4 c = 9 if intl is not 0 or 1 c = 10 if afun is less than or equal to zero c for some interior mesh point xi c some interior mesh point (xi,yj) c = 11 if the work space length input in w(1) c is less than the exact minimal work c space length required output in w(1). c = 12 if mbdcnd=0 and af(x)=cf(x)=constant c or bf(x)=0 for all x is not true. c c c special conditions none c c common blocks spl4 c c i/o none c c precision single c c required library none c files c c specialist john c. adams, ncar, boulder, colorado 80307 c c language fortran c c c entry points sepx4,speli4,chkpr4,chksn4,ortho4,minso4,tris4, c defe4,dx4,dy4 c c history sepx4 was developed by modifying the ulib c routine sepeli during october 1978. c it should be used instead of sepeli whenever c possible. the increase in speed is at least c a factor of three. c c algorithm sepx4 automatically discretizes the separable c elliptic equation which is then solved by a c generalized cyclic reduction algorithm in the c pois. the fourth order solution c is obtained using the technique of c defferred corrections referenced below. c c c references keller, h.b., numerical methods for two-point c boundary-value problems, blaisdel (1968), c waltham, mass. c c swarztrauber, p., and r. sweet (1975): c efficient fortran subprograms for the c solution of elliptic partial differential c equations. ncar technical note c ncar-tn/ia-109, pp. 135-137. c c c c dimension grhs(idmn,1) ,usol(idmn,1) dimension bda(1) ,bdb(1) ,bdc(1) ,bdd(1) , & w(1) external cofx c c check input parameters c call chkpr4(iorder,a,b,m,mbdcnd,c,d,n,nbdcnd,cofx,idmn,ierror) if (ierror .ne. 0) return c c compute minimum work space and check work space length input c l = n+1 if (nbdcnd .eq. 0) l = n k = m+1 l = n+1 c estimate log base 2 of n log2n=int(alog(float(n+1))/alog(2.0)+0.5) length=4*(n+1)+(10+log2n)*(m+1) ierror = 11 linput = int(w(1)+0.5) loutpt = length+6*(k+l)+1 w(1) = float(loutpt) if (loutpt .gt. linput) return ierror = 0 c c set work space indices c i1 = length+2 i2 = i1+l i3 = i2+l i4 = i3+l i5 = i4+l i6 = i5+l i7 = i6+l i8 = i7+k i9 = i8+k i10 = i9+k i11 = i10+k i12 = i11+k i13 = 2 call speli4(iorder,a,b,m,mbdcnd,bda,alpha,bdb,beta,c,d,n, &nbdcnd,bdc,bdd,cofx,w(i1),w(i2),w(i3), & w(i4),w(i5),w(i6),w(i7),w(i8),w(i9),w(i10),w(i11), & w(i12),grhs,usol,idmn,w(i13),pertrb,ierror) return end SUBROUTINE SINQB (N,X,WSAVE) c*********************************************************************72 c cc SINQB backward sine quarter wave transform. c DIMENSION X(*) ,WSAVE(*) IF (N .GT. 1) GO TO 101 X(1) = 4.*X(1) RETURN 101 NS2 = N/2 DO 102 K=2,N,2 X(K) = -X(K) 102 CONTINUE CALL COSQB (N,X,WSAVE) DO 103 K=1,NS2 KC = N-K XHOLD = X(K) X(K) = X(KC+1) X(KC+1) = XHOLD 103 CONTINUE RETURN END SUBROUTINE SINQF (N,X,WSAVE) c*********************************************************************72 c cc SINQF forward sine quarter wave transform. c DIMENSION X(*) ,WSAVE(*) IF (N .EQ. 1) RETURN NS2 = N/2 DO 101 K=1,NS2 KC = N-K XHOLD = X(K) X(K) = X(KC+1) X(KC+1) = XHOLD 101 CONTINUE CALL COSQF (N,X,WSAVE) DO 102 K=2,N,2 X(K) = -X(K) 102 CONTINUE RETURN END SUBROUTINE SINQI (N,WSAVE) c*********************************************************************72 c cc SINQI initializes the sine quarter wave transform. c DIMENSION WSAVE(*) CALL COSQI (N,WSAVE) RETURN END SUBROUTINE SINT (N,X,WSAVE) c*********************************************************************72 c cc SINT: the sine transform. c DIMENSION X(*) ,WSAVE(*) NP1 = N+1 IW1 = N/2+1 IW2 = IW1+NP1 IW3 = IW2+NP1 CALL SINT1(N,X,WSAVE,WSAVE(IW1),WSAVE(IW2),WSAVE(IW3)) RETURN END SUBROUTINE SINT1(N,WAR,WAS,XH,X,IFAC) DIMENSION WAR(*),WAS(*),X(*),XH(*),IFAC(*) DATA SQRT3 /1.73205080756888/ DO 100 I=1,N XH(I) = WAR(I) WAR(I) = X(I) 100 CONTINUE IF (N-2) 101,102,103 101 XH(1) = XH(1)+XH(1) GO TO 106 102 XHOLD = SQRT3*(XH(1)+XH(2)) XH(2) = SQRT3*(XH(1)-XH(2)) XH(1) = XHOLD GO TO 106 103 NP1 = N+1 NS2 = N/2 X(1) = 0. DO 104 K=1,NS2 KC = NP1-K T1 = XH(K)-XH(KC) T2 = WAS(K)*(XH(K)+XH(KC)) X(K+1) = T1+T2 X(KC+1) = T2-T1 104 CONTINUE MODN = MOD(N,2) IF (MODN .NE. 0) X(NS2+2) = 4.*XH(NS2+1) CALL RFFTF1 (NP1,X,XH,WAR,IFAC) XH(1) = .5*X(1) DO 105 I=3,N,2 XH(I-1) = -X(I) XH(I) = XH(I-2)+X(I-1) 105 CONTINUE IF (MODN .NE. 0) GO TO 106 XH(N) = -X(N+1) 106 DO 107 I=1,N X(I) = WAR(I) WAR(I) = XH(I) 107 CONTINUE RETURN END SUBROUTINE SINTI (N,WSAVE) c*********************************************************************72 c cc SINTI initializes the sine transform. c DIMENSION WSAVE(*) DATA PI /3.14159265358979/ IF (N .LE. 1) RETURN NS2 = N/2 NP1 = N+1 DT = PI/FLOAT(NP1) DO 101 K=1,NS2 WSAVE(K) = 2.*SIN(K*DT) 101 CONTINUE CALL RFFTI (NP1,WSAVE(NS2+1)) RETURN END subroutine speli4(iorder,a,b,m,mbdcnd, &bda,alpha,bdb,beta,c,d,n,nbdcnd,bdc,bdd,cofx,an,bn, & cn,dn,un,zn,am,bm,cm,dm,um,zm,grhs,usol,idmn, & w,pertrb,ierror) c*********************************************************************72 c cc SPELI4 sets up vectors and arrays for input to BLKTRI c and computes a second order solution in usol. a return jump to c sepx4 occurrs if iorder=2. if iorder=4 a fourth order c solution is generated in usol. c dimension bda(1) ,bdb(1) ,bdc(1) ,bdd(1) , & w(1) dimension grhs(idmn,1) ,usol(idmn,1) dimension an(1) ,bn(1) ,cn(1) ,dn(1) , & un(1) ,zn(1) dimension am(1) ,bm(1) ,cm(1) ,dm(1) , & um(1) ,zm(1) common /spl4/ kswx ,kswy ,k ,l , & ait ,bit ,cit ,dit , & mit ,nit ,is ,ms , & js ,ns ,dlx ,dly , & tdlx3 ,tdly3 ,dlx4 ,dly4 logical singlr external cofx c c c set parameters internally c kswx = mbdcnd+1 kswy = nbdcnd+1 k = m+1 l = n+1 ait = a bit = b cit = c dit = d dly=(dit-cit)/float(n) c c set right hand side values from grhs in usol on the interior c and non-specified boundaries. c do 20 i=2,m do 10 j=2,n usol(i,j)=dly**2*grhs(i,j) 10 continue 20 continue if (kswx.eq.2 .or. kswx.eq.3) go to 40 do 30 j=2,n usol(1,j)=dly**2*grhs(1,j) 30 continue 40 continue if (kswx.eq.2 .or. kswx.eq.5) go to 60 do 50 j=2,n usol(k,j)=dly**2*grhs(k,j) 50 continue 60 continue if (kswy.eq.2 .or. kswy.eq.3) go to 80 do 70 i=2,m usol(i,1)=dly**2*grhs(i,1) 70 continue 80 continue if (kswy.eq.2 .or. kswy.eq.5) go to 100 do 90 i=2,m usol(i,l)=dly**2*grhs(i,l) 90 continue 100 continue if ( .and. .and. .and. &usol(1,1)=dly**2*grhs(1,1) if ( .and. .and. .and. &usol(k,1)=dly**2*grhs(k,1) if ( .and. .and. .and. &usol(1,l)=dly**2*grhs(1,l) if ( .and. .and. .and. &usol(k,l)=dly**2*grhs(k,l) i1 = 1 c c set switches for periodic or non-periodic boundaries c mp=1 if(kswx.eq.1) mp=0 np=nbdcnd c c set dlx,dly and size of block tri-diagonal system generated c in nint,mint c dlx = (bit-ait)/float(m) mit = k-1 if (kswx .eq. 2) mit = k-2 if (kswx .eq. 4) mit = k dly = (dit-cit)/float(n) nit = l-1 if (kswy .eq. 2) nit = l-2 if (kswy .eq. 4) nit = l tdlx3 = 2.0*dlx**3 dlx4 = dlx**4 tdly3 = 2.0*dly**3 dly4 = dly**4 c c set subscript limits for portion of array to input to BLKTRI. c is = 1 js = 1 if (kswx.eq.2 .or. kswx.eq.3) is = 2 if (kswy.eq.2 .or. kswy.eq.3) js = 2 ns = nit+js-1 ms = mit+is-1 c c set x - direction c do 110 i=1,mit xi = ait+float(is+i-2)*dlx call cofx (xi,ai,bi,ci) axi = (ai/dlx-0.5*bi)/dlx bxi = -2.*ai/dlx**2+ci cxi = (ai/dlx+0.5*bi)/dlx am(i)=dly**2*axi bm(i)=dly**2*bxi cm(i)=dly**2*cxi 110 continue c c set y direction c do 120 j=1,nit dyj=1.0 eyj=-2.0 fyj=1.0 an(j) = dyj bn(j) = eyj cn(j) = fyj 120 continue c c adjust edges in x direction unless periodic c ax1 = am(1) cxm = cm(mit) go to (170,130,150,160,140),kswx c c dirichlet-dirichlet in x direction c 130 am(1) = 0.0 cm(mit) = 0.0 go to 170 c c mixed-dirichlet in x direction c 140 am(1) = 0.0 bm(1) = bm(1)+2.*alpha*dlx*ax1 cm(1) = cm(1)+ax1 cm(mit) = 0.0 go to 170 c c dirichlet-mixed in x direction c 150 am(1) = 0.0 am(mit) = am(mit)+cxm bm(mit) = bm(mit)-2.*beta*dlx*cxm cm(mit) = 0.0 go to 170 c c mixed - mixed in x direction c 160 continue am(1) = 0.0 bm(1) = bm(1)+2.*dlx*alpha*ax1 cm(1) = cm(1)+ax1 am(mit) = am(mit)+cxm bm(mit) = bm(mit)-2.*dlx*beta*cxm cm(mit) = 0.0 170 continue c c adjust in y direction unless periodic c dy1 = an(1) fyn = cn(nit) gama=0.0 xnu=0.0 go to (220,180,200,210,190),kswy c c dirichlet-dirichlet in y direction c 180 continue an(1) = 0.0 cn(nit) = 0.0 go to 220 c c mixed-dirichlet in y direction c 190 continue an(1) = 0.0 bn(1) = bn(1)+2.*dly*gama*dy1 cn(1) = cn(1)+dy1 cn(nit) = 0.0 go to 220 c c dirichlet-mixed in y direction c 200 an(1) = 0.0 an(nit) = an(nit)+fyn bn(nit) = bn(nit)-2.*dly*xnu*fyn cn(nit) = 0.0 go to 220 c c mixed - mixed direction in y direction c 210 continue an(1) = 0.0 bn(1) = bn(1)+2.*dly*gama*dy1 cn(1) = cn(1)+dy1 an(nit) = an(nit)+fyn bn(nit) = bn(nit)-2.0*dly*xnu*fyn cn(nit) = 0.0 220 if (kswx .eq. 1) go to 270 c c adjust usol along x edge c do 260 j=js,ns if ( .and. go to 230 usol(is,j) = usol(is,j)-ax1*usol(1,j) go to 240 230 usol(is,j) = usol(is,j)+2.0*dlx*ax1*bda(j) 240 if ( .and. go to 250 usol(ms,j) = usol(ms,j)-cxm*usol(k,j) go to 260 250 usol(ms,j) = usol(ms,j)-2.0*dlx*cxm*bdb(j) 260 continue 270 if (kswy .eq. 1) go to 320 c c adjust usol along y edge c do 310 i=is,ms if ( .and. go to 280 usol(i,js) = usol(i,js)-dy1*usol(i,1) go to 290 280 usol(i,js) = usol(i,js)+2.0*dly*dy1*bdc(i) 290 if ( .and. go to 300 usol(i,ns) = usol(i,ns)-fyn*usol(i,l) go to 310 300 usol(i,ns) = usol(i,ns)-2.0*dly*fyn*bdd(i) 310 continue 320 continue c c save adjusted edges in grhs if iorder=4 c if (iorder .ne. 4) go to 350 do 330 j=js,ns grhs(is,j) = usol(is,j) grhs(ms,j) = usol(ms,j) 330 continue do 340 i=is,ms grhs(i,js) = usol(i,js) grhs(i,ns) = usol(i,ns) 340 continue 350 continue iord = iorder pertrb = 0.0 c c check if operator is singular c call chksn4(mbdcnd,nbdcnd,alpha,beta,cofx,singlr) c c compute non-zero eigenvector in null space of transpose c if singular c if (singlr) call tris4 (mit,am,bm,cm,dm,um,zm) if (singlr) call tris4 (nit,an,bn,cn,dn,un,zn) c c adjust right hand side if necessary c 360 continue if (singlr) call ortho4 (usol,idmn,zn,zm,pertrb) c c compute solution c c save adjusted right hand side in grhs do 444 j=js,ns do 444 i=is,ms grhs(i,j)=usol(i,j) 444 continue call genbun(np,nit,mp,mit,am,bm,cm,idmn,usol(is,js),ieror,w) c check if error detected in pois c this can only correspond to ierror=12 if(ieror.eq.0) go to 224 c set error flag if improper coefficients input to pois ierror=12 return 224 continue if (ierror .ne. 0) return c c set periodic boundaries if necessary c if (kswx .ne. 1) go to 380 do 370 j=1,l usol(k,j) = usol(1,j) 370 continue 380 if (kswy .ne. 1) go to 400 do 390 i=1,k usol(i,l) = usol(i,1) 390 continue 400 continue c c minimize solution with respect to weighted least squares c norm if operator is singular c if (singlr) call minso4 (usol,idmn,zn,zm,prtrb) c c return if defe4red corrections and a fourth order solution are c not flagged c if (iord .eq. 2) return iord = 2 c c compute new right hand side for fourth order solution c call defe4(cofx,idmn,usol,grhs) go to 360 end subroutine spelip (intl,iorder,a,b,m,mbdcnd,bda,alpha,bdb,beta,c, & d,n,nbdcnd,bdc,gama,bdd,xnu,cofx,cofy,an,bn, & cn,dn,un,zn,am,bm,cm,dm,um,zm,grhs,usol,idmn, & w,pertrb,ierror) c*********************************************************************72 c cc SPELIP sets up vectors and arrays for input to BLKTRI c and computes a second order solution in usol. a return jump to c sepeli occurrs if iorder=2. if iorder=4 a fourth order c solution is generated in usol. c dimension bda(1) ,bdb(1) ,bdc(1) ,bdd(1) , & w(1) dimension grhs(idmn,1) ,usol(idmn,1) dimension an(1) ,bn(1) ,cn(1) ,dn(1) , & un(1) ,zn(1) dimension am(1) ,bm(1) ,cm(1) ,dm(1) , & um(1) ,zm(1) common /splp/ kswx ,kswy ,k ,l , & ait ,bit ,cit ,dit , & mit ,nit ,is ,ms , & js ,ns ,dlx ,dly , & tdlx3 ,tdly3 ,dlx4 ,dly4 logical singlr external cofx ,cofy c c set parameters internally c kswx = mbdcnd+1 kswy = nbdcnd+1 k = m+1 l = n+1 ait = a bit = b cit = c dit = d c c set right hand side values from grhs in usol on the interior c and non-specified boundaries. c do 20 i=2,m do 10 j=2,n usol(i,j) = grhs(i,j) 10 continue 20 continue if (kswx.eq.2 .or. kswx.eq.3) go to 40 do 30 j=2,n usol(1,j) = grhs(1,j) 30 continue 40 continue if (kswx.eq.2 .or. kswx.eq.5) go to 60 do 50 j=2,n usol(k,j) = grhs(k,j) 50 continue 60 continue if (kswy.eq.2 .or. kswy.eq.3) go to 80 do 70 i=2,m usol(i,1) = grhs(i,1) 70 continue 80 continue if (kswy.eq.2 .or. kswy.eq.5) go to 100 do 90 i=2,m usol(i,l) = grhs(i,l) 90 continue 100 continue if ( .and. .and. .and. & usol(1,1) = grhs(1,1) if ( .and. .and. .and. & usol(k,1) = grhs(k,1) if ( .and. .and. .and. & usol(1,l) = grhs(1,l) if ( .and. .and. .and. & usol(k,l) = grhs(k,l) i1 = 1 c c set switches for periodic or non-periodic boundaries c mp = 1 np = 1 if (kswx .eq. 1) mp = 0 if (kswy .eq. 1) np = 0 c c set dlx,dly and size of block tri-diagonal system generated c in nint,mint c dlx = (bit-ait)/float(m) mit = k-1 if (kswx .eq. 2) mit = k-2 if (kswx .eq. 4) mit = k dly = (dit-cit)/float(n) nit = l-1 if (kswy .eq. 2) nit = l-2 if (kswy .eq. 4) nit = l tdlx3 = 2.0*dlx**3 dlx4 = dlx**4 tdly3 = 2.0*dly**3 dly4 = dly**4 c c set subscript limits for portion of array to input to BLKTRI. c is = 1 js = 1 if (kswx.eq.2 .or. kswx.eq.3) is = 2 if (kswy.eq.2 .or. kswy.eq.3) js = 2 ns = nit+js-1 ms = mit+is-1 c c set x - direction c do 110 i=1,mit xi = ait+float(is+i-2)*dlx call cofx (xi,ai,bi,ci) axi = (ai/dlx-0.5*bi)/dlx bxi = -2.*ai/dlx**2+ci cxi = (ai/dlx+0.5*bi)/dlx am(i) = axi bm(i) = bxi cm(i) = cxi 110 continue c c set y direction c do 120 j=1,nit yj = cit+float(js+j-2)*dly call cofy (yj,dj,ej,fj) dyj = (dj/dly-0.5*ej)/dly eyj = (-2.*dj/dly**2+fj) fyj = (dj/dly+0.5*ej)/dly an(j) = dyj bn(j) = eyj cn(j) = fyj 120 continue c c adjust edges in x direction unless periodic c ax1 = am(1) cxm = cm(mit) go to (170,130,150,160,140),kswx c c dirichlet-dirichlet in x direction c 130 am(1) = 0.0 cm(mit) = 0.0 go to 170 c c mixed-dirichlet in x direction c 140 am(1) = 0.0 bm(1) = bm(1)+2.*alpha*dlx*ax1 cm(1) = cm(1)+ax1 cm(mit) = 0.0 go to 170 c c dirichlet-mixed in x direction c 150 am(1) = 0.0 am(mit) = am(mit)+cxm bm(mit) = bm(mit)-2.*beta*dlx*cxm cm(mit) = 0.0 go to 170 c c mixed - mixed in x direction c 160 continue am(1) = 0.0 bm(1) = bm(1)+2.*dlx*alpha*ax1 cm(1) = cm(1)+ax1 am(mit) = am(mit)+cxm bm(mit) = bm(mit)-2.*dlx*beta*cxm cm(mit) = 0.0 170 continue c c adjust in y direction unless periodic c dy1 = an(1) fyn = cn(nit) go to (220,180,200,210,190),kswy c c dirichlet-dirichlet in y direction c 180 continue an(1) = 0.0 cn(nit) = 0.0 go to 220 c c mixed-dirichlet in y direction c 190 continue an(1) = 0.0 bn(1) = bn(1)+2.*dly*gama*dy1 cn(1) = cn(1)+dy1 cn(nit) = 0.0 go to 220 c c dirichlet-mixed in y direction c 200 an(1) = 0.0 an(nit) = an(nit)+fyn bn(nit) = bn(nit)-2.*dly*xnu*fyn cn(nit) = 0.0 go to 220 c c mixed - mixed direction in y direction c 210 continue an(1) = 0.0 bn(1) = bn(1)+2.*dly*gama*dy1 cn(1) = cn(1)+dy1 an(nit) = an(nit)+fyn bn(nit) = bn(nit)-2.0*dly*xnu*fyn cn(nit) = 0.0 220 if (kswx .eq. 1) go to 270 c c adjust usol along x edge c do 260 j=js,ns if ( .and. go to 230 usol(is,j) = usol(is,j)-ax1*usol(1,j) go to 240 230 usol(is,j) = usol(is,j)+2.0*dlx*ax1*bda(j) 240 if ( .and. go to 250 usol(ms,j) = usol(ms,j)-cxm*usol(k,j) go to 260 250 usol(ms,j) = usol(ms,j)-2.0*dlx*cxm*bdb(j) 260 continue 270 if (kswy .eq. 1) go to 320 c c adjust usol along y edge c do 310 i=is,ms if ( .and. go to 280 usol(i,js) = usol(i,js)-dy1*usol(i,1) go to 290 280 usol(i,js) = usol(i,js)+2.0*dly*dy1*bdc(i) 290 if ( .and. go to 300 usol(i,ns) = usol(i,ns)-fyn*usol(i,l) go to 310 300 usol(i,ns) = usol(i,ns)-2.0*dly*fyn*bdd(i) 310 continue 320 continue c c save adjusted edges in grhs if iorder=4 c if (iorder .ne. 4) go to 350 do 330 j=js,ns grhs(is,j) = usol(is,j) grhs(ms,j) = usol(ms,j) 330 continue do 340 i=is,ms grhs(i,js) = usol(i,js) grhs(i,ns) = usol(i,ns) 340 continue 350 continue iord = iorder pertrb = 0.0 c c check if operator is singular c call chksng (mbdcnd,nbdcnd,alpha,beta,gama,xnu,cofx,cofy,singlr) c c compute non-zero eigenvector in null space of transpose c if singular c if (singlr) call trisp (mit,am,bm,cm,dm,um,zm) if (singlr) call trisp (nit,an,bn,cn,dn,un,zn) c c make initialization call to BLKTRI. c if (intl .eq. 0) & call blktri (intl,np,nit,an,bn,cn,mp,mit,am,bm,cm,idmn, & usol(is,js),ierror,w) if (ierror .ne. 0) return c c adjust right hand side if necessary c 360 continue if (singlr) call orthog (usol,idmn,zn,zm,pertrb) c c compute solution c call blktri (i1,np,nit,an,bn,cn,mp,mit,am,bm,cm,idmn,usol(is,js), & ierror,w) if (ierror .ne. 0) return c c set periodic boundaries if necessary c if (kswx .ne. 1) go to 380 do 370 j=1,l usol(k,j) = usol(1,j) 370 continue 380 if (kswy .ne. 1) go to 400 do 390 i=1,k usol(i,l) = usol(i,1) 390 continue 400 continue c c minimize solution with respect to weighted least squares c norm if operator is singular c if (singlr) call minsol (usol,idmn,zn,zm,prtrb) c c return if deferred corrections and a fourth order solution are c not flagged c if (iord .eq. 2) return iord = 2 c c compute new right hand side for fourth order solution c call defer (cofx,cofy,idmn,usol,grhs) go to 360 end subroutine store (x) c*********************************************************************72 c cc STORE forces its argument to be stored. c common /value/ v v = x return end subroutine tevlc (n,d,e2,ierr) c*********************************************************************72 c cc TEVLC c integer i ,j ,l ,m , & n ,ii ,l1 ,mml , & ierr real d(n) ,e2(n) real b ,c ,f ,g , & h ,p ,r ,s , & machep c c real sqrt,abs,sign c common /ccblk/ npp ,k ,machep ,cnv , & nm ,ncmplx ,ik c c this subroutine is a modification of the eispack subroutine tqlrat c algorithm 464, comm. acm 16, 689(1973) by reinsch. c c this subroutine finds the eigenvalues of a symmetric c tridiagonal matrix by the rational ql method. c c on input- c c n is the order of the matrix, c c d contains the diagonal elements of the input matrix, c c e2 contains the subdiagonal elements of the c input matrix in its last n-1 positions. e2(1) is arbitrary. c c on output- c c d contains the eigenvalues in ascending order. if an c error exit is made, the eigenvalues are correct and c ordered for indices 1,2,...ierr-1, but may not be c the smallest eigenvalues, c c e2 has been destroyed, c c ierr is set to c zero for normal return, c j if the j-th eigenvalue has not been c determined after 30 iterations. c c questions and comments should be directed to b. s. garbow, c applied mathematics division, argonne national laboratory c c c ********** machep is a machine dependent parameter specifying c the relative precision of floating point arithmetic. c c ********** c ierr = 0 if (n .eq. 1) go to 115 do 101 i=2,n e2(i-1) = e2(i)*e2(i) 101 continue f = 0.0 b = 0.0 e2(n) = 0.0 do 112 l=1,n j = 0 h = machep*(abs(d(l))+sqrt(e2(l))) if (b .gt. h) go to 102 b = h c = b*b c c ********** look for small squared sub-diagonal element ********** c 102 do 103 m=l,n if (e2(m) .le. c) go to 104 c c ********** e2(n) is always zero, so there is no exit c through the bottom of the loop ********** c 103 continue 104 if (m .eq. l) go to 108 105 if (j .eq. 30) go to 114 j = j+1 c c form shift c l1 = l+1 s = sqrt(e2(l)) g = d(l) p = (d(l1)-g)/(2.0*s) r = sqrt(p*p+1.0) d(l) = s/(p+sign(r,p)) h = g-d(l) c do 106 i=l1,n d(i) = d(i)-h 106 continue c f = f+h c c ********** rational ql transformation ********** c g = d(m) if (g .eq. 0.0) g = b h = g s = 0.0 mml = m-l c c ********** for i=m-1 step -1 until l do -- ********** c do 107 ii=1,mml i = m-ii p = g*h r = p+e2(i) e2(i+1) = s*r s = e2(i)/r d(i+1) = h+s*(h+d(i)) g = d(i)-e2(i)/g if (g .eq. 0.0) g = b h = g*p/r 107 continue c e2(l) = s*g d(l) = h c c ********** guard against underflowed h ********** c if (h .eq. 0.0) go to 108 if (abs(e2(l)) .le. abs(c/h)) go to 108 e2(l) = h*e2(l) if (e2(l) .ne. 0.0) go to 105 108 p = d(l)+f c c ********** order eigenvalues ********** c if (l .eq. 1) go to 110 c c ********** for i=l step -1 until 2 do -- ********** c do 109 ii=2,l i = l+2-ii if (p .ge. d(i-1)) go to 111 d(i) = d(i-1) 109 continue c 110 i = 1 111 d(i) = p 112 continue c if (abs(d(n)) .ge. abs(d(1))) go to 115 nhalf = n/2 do 113 i=1,nhalf ntop = n-i dhold = d(i) d(i) = d(ntop+1) d(ntop+1) = dhold 113 continue go to 115 c c ********** set error -- no convergence to an c eigenvalue after 30 iterations ********** c 114 ierr = l 115 return end subroutine tevls (n,d,e2,ierr) c*********************************************************************72 c cc TEVLS finds the eigenvalues of a symmetric tridiagonal matrix. c integer i ,j ,l ,m , & n ,ii ,l1 ,mml , & ierr real d(n) ,e2(n) real b ,c ,f ,g , & h ,p ,r ,s , & machep c c real sqrt,abs,sign c common /cblkt/ npp ,k ,machep ,cnv , & nm ,ncmplx ,ik c c this subroutine is a modification of the eispack subroutine tqlrat c algorithm 464, comm. acm 16, 689(1973) by reinsch. c c this subroutine finds the eigenvalues of a symmetric c tridiagonal matrix by the rational ql method. c c on input- c c n is the order of the matrix, c c d contains the diagonal elements of the input matrix, c c e2 contains the subdiagonal elements of the c input matrix in its last n-1 positions. e2(1) is arbitrary. c c on output- c c d contains the eigenvalues in ascending order. if an c error exit is made, the eigenvalues are correct and c ordered for indices 1,2,...ierr-1, but may not be c the smallest eigenvalues, c c e2 has been destroyed, c c ierr is set to c zero for normal return, c j if the j-th eigenvalue has not been c determined after 30 iterations. c c questions and comments should be directed to b. s. garbow, c applied mathematics division, argonne national laboratory c c c ********** machep is a machine dependent parameter specifying c the relative precision of floating point arithmetic. c c ********** c ierr = 0 if (n .eq. 1) go to 115 c do 101 i=2,n e2(i-1) = e2(i)*e2(i) 101 continue c f = 0.0 b = 0.0 e2(n) = 0.0 c do 112 l=1,n j = 0 h = machep*(abs(d(l))+sqrt(e2(l))) if (b .gt. h) go to 102 b = h c = b*b c c ********** look for small squared sub-diagonal element ********** c 102 do 103 m=l,n if (e2(m) .le. c) go to 104 c c ********** e2(n) is always zero, so there is no exit c through the bottom of the loop c 103 continue c 104 if (m .eq. l) go to 108 105 if (j .eq. 30) go to 114 j = j+1 c c ********** form shift c l1 = l+1 s = sqrt(e2(l)) g = d(l) p = (d(l1)-g)/(2.0*s) r = sqrt(p*p+1.0) d(l) = s/(p+sign(r,p)) h = g-d(l) c do 106 i=l1,n d(i) = d(i)-h 106 continue c f = f+h c c ********** rational ql transformation c g = d(m) if (g .eq. 0.0) g = b h = g s = 0.0 mml = m-l c c ********** for i=m-1 step -1 until l do -- c do 107 ii=1,mml i = m-ii p = g*h r = p+e2(i) e2(i+1) = s*r s = e2(i)/r d(i+1) = h+s*(h+d(i)) g = d(i)-e2(i)/g if (g .eq. 0.0) g = b h = g*p/r 107 continue c e2(l) = s*g d(l) = h c c ********** guard against underflowed h c if (h .eq. 0.0) go to 108 if (abs(e2(l)) .le. abs(c/h)) go to 108 e2(l) = h*e2(l) if (e2(l) .ne. 0.0) go to 105 108 p = d(l)+f c c ********** order eigenvalues c if (l .eq. 1) go to 110 c c ********** for i=l step -1 until 2 do -- c do 109 ii=2,l i = l+2-ii if (p .ge. d(i-1)) go to 111 d(i) = d(i-1) 109 continue c 110 i = 1 111 d(i) = p 112 continue c if (abs(d(n)) .ge. abs(d(1))) go to 115 nhalf = n/2 do 113 i=1,nhalf ntop = n-i dhold = d(i) d(i) = d(ntop+1) d(ntop+1) = dhold 113 continue go to 115 c c set error -- no convergence to an c eigenvalue after 30 iterations c 114 ierr = l 115 return end subroutine timestamp ( ) c*********************************************************************72 c cc TIMESTAMP prints out the current YMDHMS date as a timestamp. c c Discussion: c c This FORTRAN77 version is made available for cases where the c FORTRAN90 version cannot be used. c c Licensing: c c This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. c c Modified: c c 12 January 2007 c c Author: c c John Burkardt c c Parameters: c c None c implicit none character * ( 8 ) ampm integer d character * ( 8 ) date integer h integer m integer mm character * ( 9 ) month(12) integer n integer s character * ( 10 ) time integer y save month data month / & 'January ', 'February ', 'March ', 'April ', & 'May ', 'June ', 'July ', 'August ', & 'September', 'October ', 'November ', 'December ' / call date_and_time ( date, time ) read ( date, '(i4,i2,i2)' ) y, m, d read ( time, '(i2,i2,i2,1x,i3)' ) h, n, s, mm if ( h .lt. 12 ) then ampm = 'AM' else if ( h .eq. 12 ) then if ( n .eq. 0 .and. s .eq. 0 ) then ampm = 'Noon' else ampm = 'PM' end if else h = h - 12 if ( h .lt. 12 ) then ampm = 'PM' else if ( h .eq. 12 ) then if ( n .eq. 0 .and. s .eq. 0 ) then ampm = 'Midnight' else ampm = 'AM' end if end if end if write ( *, & '(i2,1x,a,1x,i4,2x,i2,a1,i2.2,a1,i2.2,a1,i3.3,1x,a)' ) & d, month(m), y, h, ':', n, ':', s, '.', mm, ampm return end subroutine tri3 (m,a,b,c,k,y1,y2,y3,tcos,d,w1,w2,w3) c*********************************************************************72 c cc TRI3 c dimension a(1) ,b(1) ,c(1) ,k(4) , & tcos(1) ,y1(1) ,y2(1) ,y3(1) , & d(1) ,w1(1) ,w2(1) ,w3(1) c c routine to solve three linear systems whose common coefficient c matrix is a rational function in the matrix given by c c tridiagonal (...,a(i),b(i),c(i),...) c mm1 = m-1 k1 = k(1) k2 = k(2) k3 = k(3) k4 = k(4) f1 = k1+1 f2 = k2+1 f3 = k3+1 f4 = k4+1 k2k3k4 = k2+k3+k4 if (k2k3k4 .eq. 0) go to 101 l1 = f1/f2 l2 = f1/f3 l3 = f1/f4 lint1 = 1 lint2 = 1 lint3 = 1 kint1 = k1 kint2 = kint1+k2 kint3 = kint2+k3 101 continue do 115 n=1,k1 x = tcos(n) if (k2k3k4 .eq. 0) go to 107 if (n .ne. l1) go to 103 do 102 i=1,m w1(i) = y1(i) 102 continue 103 if (n .ne. l2) go to 105 do 104 i=1,m w2(i) = y2(i) 104 continue 105 if (n .ne. l3) go to 107 do 106 i=1,m w3(i) = y3(i) 106 continue 107 continue z = 1./(b(1)-x) d(1) = c(1)*z y1(1) = y1(1)*z y2(1) = y2(1)*z y3(1) = y3(1)*z do 108 i=2,m z = 1./(b(i)-x-a(i)*d(i-1)) d(i) = c(i)*z y1(i) = (y1(i)-a(i)*y1(i-1))*z y2(i) = (y2(i)-a(i)*y2(i-1))*z y3(i) = (y3(i)-a(i)*y3(i-1))*z 108 continue do 109 ip=1,mm1 i = m-ip y1(i) = y1(i)-d(i)*y1(i+1) y2(i) = y2(i)-d(i)*y2(i+1) y3(i) = y3(i)-d(i)*y3(i+1) 109 continue if (k2k3k4 .eq. 0) go to 115 if (n .ne. l1) go to 111 i = lint1+kint1 xx = x-tcos(i) do 110 i=1,m y1(i) = xx*y1(i)+w1(i) 110 continue lint1 = lint1+1 l1 = (float(lint1)*f1)/f2 111 if (n .ne. l2) go to 113 i = lint2+kint2 xx = x-tcos(i) do 112 i=1,m y2(i) = xx*y2(i)+w2(i) 112 continue lint2 = lint2+1 l2 = (float(lint2)*f1)/f3 113 if (n .ne. l3) go to 115 i = lint3+kint3 xx = x-tcos(i) do 114 i=1,m y3(i) = xx*y3(i)+w3(i) 114 continue lint3 = lint3+1 l3 = (float(lint3)*f1)/f4 115 continue return end subroutine trid (mr,a,b,c,y,d) c*********************************************************************72 c cc TRID c dimension a(1) ,b(1) ,c(1) ,y(1) , & d(1) m = mr mm1 = m-1 z = 1./b(1) d(1) = c(1)*z y(1) = y(1)*z do 101 i=2,mm1 z = 1./(b(i)-a(i)*d(i-1)) d(i) = c(i)*z y(i) = (y(i)-a(i)*y(i-1))*z 101 continue z = b(m)-a(m)*d(mm1) if (z .ne. 0.) go to 102 y(m) = 0. go to 103 102 y(m) = (y(m)-a(m)*y(mm1))/z 103 continue do 104 ip=1,mm1 i = m-ip y(i) = y(i)-d(i)*y(i+1) 104 continue return end subroutine tris4 (n,a,b,c,d,u,z) c*********************************************************************72 c cc TRIS4 solves for a non-zero eigenvector corresponding c to the zero eigenvalue of the transpose of the rank c deficient one matrix with subdiagonal a, diagonal b, and c superdiagonal c , with a(1) in the (1,n) position, with c c(n) in the (n,1) position, and all other elements zero. c dimension a(n) ,b(n) ,c(n) ,d(n) , & u(n) ,z(n) bn = b(n) d(1) = a(2)/b(1) v = a(1) u(1) = c(n)/b(1) nm2 = n-2 do 10 j=2,nm2 den = b(j)-c(j-1)*d(j-1) d(j) = a(j+1)/den u(j) = -c(j-1)*u(j-1)/den bn = bn-v*u(j-1) v = -v*d(j-1) 10 continue den = b(n-1)-c(n-2)*d(n-2) d(n-1) = (a(n)-c(n-2)*u(n-2))/den an = c(n-1)-v*d(n-2) bn = bn-v*u(n-2) den = bn-an*d(n-1) c c set last component equal to one c z(n) = 1.0 z(n-1) = -d(n-1) nm1 = n-1 do 20 j=2,nm1 k = n-j z(k) = -d(k)*z(k+1)-u(k)*z(n) 20 continue return end subroutine trisp (n,a,b,c,d,u,z) c*********************************************************************72 c cc TRISP solves for a non-zero eigenvector corresponding c to the zero eigenvalue of the transpose of the rank c deficient one matrix with subdiagonal a, diagonal b, and c superdiagonal c , with a(1) in the (1,n) position, with c c(n) in the (n,1) position, and all other elements zero. c dimension a(n) ,b(n) ,c(n) ,d(n) , & u(n) ,z(n) bn = b(n) d(1) = a(2)/b(1) v = a(1) u(1) = c(n)/b(1) nm2 = n-2 do 10 j=2,nm2 den = b(j)-c(j-1)*d(j-1) d(j) = a(j+1)/den u(j) = -c(j-1)*u(j-1)/den bn = bn-v*u(j-1) v = -v*d(j-1) 10 continue den = b(n-1)-c(n-2)*d(n-2) d(n-1) = (a(n)-c(n-2)*u(n-2))/den an = c(n-1)-v*d(n-2) bn = bn-v*u(n-2) den = bn-an*d(n-1) c c set last component equal to one c z(n) = 1.0 z(n-1) = -d(n-1) nm1 = n-1 do 20 j=2,nm1 k = n-j z(k) = -d(k)*z(k+1)-u(k)*z(n) 20 continue return end subroutine trix (idegbr,idegcr,m,a,b,c,y,tcos,d,w) c*********************************************************************72 c cc TRIX solves a system of linear equations where the c coefficient matrix is a rational function in the matrix given by c tridiagonal ( . . . , a(i), b(i), c(i), . . . ). c dimension a(1) ,b(1) ,c(1) ,y(1) , & tcos(1) ,d(1) ,w(1) mm1 = m-1 fb = idegbr+1 fc = idegcr+1 l = fb/fc lint = 1 do 108 k=1,idegbr x = tcos(k) if (k .ne. l) go to 102 i = idegbr+lint xx = x-tcos(i) do 101 i=1,m w(i) = y(i) y(i) = xx*y(i) 101 continue 102 continue z = 1./(b(1)-x) d(1) = c(1)*z y(1) = y(1)*z do 103 i=2,mm1 z = 1./(b(i)-x-a(i)*d(i-1)) d(i) = c(i)*z y(i) = (y(i)-a(i)*y(i-1))*z 103 continue z = b(m)-x-a(m)*d(mm1) if (z .ne. 0.) go to 104 y(m) = 0. go to 105 104 y(m) = (y(m)-a(m)*y(mm1))/z 105 continue do 106 ip=1,mm1 i = m-ip y(i) = y(i)-d(i)*y(i+1) 106 continue if (k .ne. l) go to 108 do 107 i=1,m y(i) = y(i)+w(i) 107 continue lint = lint+1 l = (float(lint)*fb)/fc 108 continue return end subroutine xercnt (librar, subrou, messg, nerr, level, kontrl) c*********************************************************************72 c cc XERCNT allows the user to control error handling. c c***BEGIN PROLOGUE XERCNT c***SUBSIDIARY c***PURPOSE Allow user control over handling of errors. c***LIBRARY SLATEC (XERROR) c***CATEGORY R3C c***TYPE ALL (XERCNT-A) c***KEYWORDS ERROR, XERROR c***AUTHOR Jones, R. E., (SNLA) c***DESCRIPTION c c Abstract c Allows user control over handling of individual errors. c Just after each message is recorded, but before it is c processed any further (i.e., before it is printed or c a decision to abort is made), a call is made to XERCNT. c If the user has provided his own version of XERCNT, he c can then override the value of KONTROL used in processing c this message by redefining its value. c KONTRL may be set to any value from -2 to 2. c The meanings for KONTRL are the same as in XSETF, except c that the value of KONTRL changes only for this message. c If KONTRL is set to a value outside the range from -2 to 2, c it will be moved back into that range. c c Description of Parameters c c --Input-- c LIBRAR - the library that the routine is in. c SUBROU - the subroutine that XERMSG is being called from c MESSG - the first 20 characters of the error message. c NERR - same as in the call to XERMSG. c LEVEL - same as in the call to XERMSG. c KONTRL - the current value of the control flag as set c by a call to XSETF. c c --Output-- c KONTRL - the new value of KONTRL. If KONTRL is not c defined, it will remain at its original value. c This changed value of control affects only c the current occurrence of the current message. c c***REFERENCES R. E. Jones and D. K. Kahaner, XERROR, the SLATEC c Error-handling Package, SAND82-0800, Sandia c Laboratories, 1982. c***ROUTINES CALLED (NONE) c***REVISION HISTORY (YYMMDD) c 790801 DATE WRITTEN c 861211 REVISION DATE from Version 3.2 c 891214 Prologue converted to Version 4.0 format. (BAB) c 900206 Routine changed from user-callable to subsidiary. (WRB) c 900510 Changed calling sequence to include LIBRARY and SUBROUTINE c names, changed routine name from XERCTL to XERCNT. (RWC) c 920501 Reformatted the REFERENCES section. (WRB) c***END PROLOGUE XERCNT character*(*) librar, subrou, messg c***FIRST EXECUTABLE STATEMENT XERCNT return end subroutine xerhlt (messg) c*********************************************************************72 c cc XERHLT aborts the program and prints an error message. c c***BEGIN PROLOGUE XERHLT c***SUBSIDIARY c***PURPOSE Abort program execution and print error message. c***LIBRARY SLATEC (XERROR) c***CATEGORY R3C c***TYPE ALL (XERHLT-A) c***KEYWORDS ABORT PROGRAM EXECUTION, ERROR, XERROR c***AUTHOR Jones, R. E., (SNLA) c***DESCRIPTION c c Abstract c ***Note*** machine dependent routine c XERHLT aborts the execution of the program. c The error message causing the abort is given in the calling c sequence, in case one needs it for printing on a dayfile, c for example. c c Description of Parameters c MESSG is as in XERMSG. c c***REFERENCES R. E. Jones and D. K. Kahaner, XERROR, the SLATEC c Error-handling Package, SAND82-0800, Sandia c Laboratories, 1982. c***ROUTINES CALLED (NONE) c***REVISION HISTORY (YYMMDD) c 790801 DATE WRITTEN c 861211 REVISION DATE from Version 3.2 c 891214 Prologue converted to Version 4.0 format. (BAB) c 900206 Routine changed from user-callable to subsidiary. (WRB) c 900510 Changed calling sequence to delete length of character c and changed routine name from XERABT to XERHLT. (RWC) c 920501 Reformatted the REFERENCES section. (WRB) c***END PROLOGUE XERHLT character*(*) messg c***FIRST EXECUTABLE STATEMENT XERHLT stop end subroutine xermax (max) c*********************************************************************72 c cc XERMAX sets the maximum number of appearances of an error message. c c***BEGIN PROLOGUE XERMAX c***PURPOSE Set maximum number of times any error message is to be c printed. c***LIBRARY SLATEC (XERROR) c***CATEGORY R3C c***TYPE ALL (XERMAX-A) c***KEYWORDS ERROR, XERROR c***AUTHOR Jones, R. E., (SNLA) c***DESCRIPTION c c Abstract c XERMAX sets the maximum number of times any message c is to be printed. That is, non-fatal messages are c not to be printed after they have occurred MAX times. c Such non-fatal messages may be printed less than c MAX times even if they occur MAX times, if error c suppression mode (KONTRL=0) is ever in effect. c c Description of Parameter c --Input-- c MAX - the maximum number of times any one message c is to be printed. c c***REFERENCES R. E. Jones and D. K. Kahaner, XERROR, the SLATEC c Error-handling Package, SAND82-0800, Sandia c Laboratories, 1982. c***ROUTINES CALLED J4SAVE c***REVISION HISTORY (YYMMDD) c 790801 DATE WRITTEN c 861211 REVISION DATE from Version 3.2 c 891214 Prologue converted to Version 4.0 format. (BAB) c 920501 Reformatted the REFERENCES section. (WRB) c***END PROLOGUE XERMAX c***FIRST EXECUTABLE STATEMENT XERMAX junk = j4save(4,max,.true.) return end subroutine xermsg (librar, subrou, messg, nerr, level) c*********************************************************************72 c cc XERMSG processes an error message. c c***BEGIN PROLOGUE XERMSG c***PURPOSE Process error messages for SLATEC and other libraries. c***LIBRARY SLATEC (XERROR) c***CATEGORY R3C c***TYPE ALL (XERMSG-A) c***KEYWORDS ERROR MESSAGE, XERROR c***AUTHOR Fong, Kirby, (NMFECC at LLNL) c***DESCRIPTION c c XERMSG processes a diagnostic message in a manner determined by the c value of LEVEL and the current value of the library error control c flag, KONTRL. See subroutine XSETF for details. c c LIBRAR A character constant (or character variable) with the name c of the library. This will be 'SLATEC' for the SLATEC c Common Math Library. The error handling package is c general enough to be used by many libraries c simultaneously, so it is desirable for the routine that c detects and reports an error to identify the library name c as well as the routine name. c c SUBROU A character constant (or character variable) with the name c of the routine that detected the error. Usually it is the c name of the routine that is calling XERMSG. There are c some instances where a user callable library routine calls c lower level subsidiary routines where the error is c detected. In such cases it may be more informative to c supply the name of the routine the user called rather than c the name of the subsidiary routine that detected the c error. c c MESSG A character constant (or character variable) with the text c of the error or warning message. In the example below, c the message is a character constant that contains a c generic message. c c CALL XERMSG ('SLATEC', 'MMPY', c *'THE ORDER OF THE MATRIX EXCEEDS THE ROW DIMENSION', c *3, 1) c c It is possible (and is sometimes desirable) to generate a c specific message--e.g., one that contains actual numeric c values. Specific numeric values can be converted into c character strings using formatted WRITE statements into c character variables. This is called standard Fortran c internal file I/O and is exemplified in the first three c lines of the following example. You can also catenate c substrings of characters to construct the error message. c Here is an example showing the use of both writing to c an internal file and catenating character strings. c c CHARACTER*5 CHARN, CHARL c WRITE (CHARN,10) N c WRITE (CHARL,10) LDA c 10 FORMAT(I5) c CALL XERMSG ('SLATEC', 'MMPY', 'THE ORDER'//CHARN// c * ' OF THE MATRIX EXCEEDS ITS ROW DIMENSION OF'// c * CHARL, 3, 1) c c There are two subtleties worth mentioning. One is that c the // for character catenation is used to construct the c error message so that no single character constant is c continued to the next line. This avoids confusion as to c whether there are trailing blanks at the end of the line. c The second is that by catenating the parts of the message c as an actual argument rather than encoding the entire c message into one large character variable, we avoid c having to know how long the message will be in order to c declare an adequate length for that large character c variable. XERMSG calls XERPRN to print the message using c multiple lines if necessary. If the message is very long, c XERPRN will break it into pieces of 72 characters (as c requested by XERMSG) for printing on multiple lines. c Also, XERMSG asks XERPRN to prefix each line with ' * ' c so that the total line length could be 76 characters. c Note also that XERPRN scans the error message backwards c to ignore trailing blanks. Another feature is that c the substring '$$' is treated as a new line sentinel c by XERPRN. If you want to construct a multiline c message without having to count out multiples of 72 c characters, just use '$$' as a separator. '$$' c obviously must occur within 72 characters of the c start of each line to have its intended effect since c XERPRN is asked to wrap around at 72 characters in c addition to looking for '$$'. c c NERR An integer value that is chosen by the library routine's c author. It must be in the range -99 to 999 (three c printable digits). Each distinct error should have its c own error number. These error numbers should be described c in the machine readable documentation for the routine. c The error numbers need be unique only within each routine, c so it is reasonable for each routine to start enumerating c errors from 1 and proceeding to the next integer. c c LEVEL An integer value in the range 0 to 2 that indicates the c level (severity) of the error. Their meanings are c c -1 A warning message. This is used if it is not clear c that there really is an error, but the user's attention c may be needed. An attempt is made to only print this c message once. c c 0 A warning message. This is used if it is not clear c that there really is an error, but the user's attention c may be needed. c c 1 A recoverable error. This is used even if the error is c so serious that the routine cannot return any useful c answer. If the user has told the error package to c return after recoverable errors, then XERMSG will c return to the Library routine which can then return to c the user's routine. The user may also permit the error c package to terminate the program upon encountering a c recoverable error. c c 2 A fatal error. XERMSG will not return to its caller c after it receives a fatal error. This level should c hardly ever be used; it is much better to allow the c user a chance to recover. An example of one of the few c cases in which it is permissible to declare a level 2 c error is a reverse communication Library routine that c is likely to be called repeatedly until it integrates c across some interval. If there is a serious error in c the input such that another step cannot be taken and c the Library routine is called again without the input c error having been corrected by the caller, the Library c routine will probably be called forever with improper c input. In this case, it is reasonable to declare the c error to be fatal. c c Each of the arguments to XERMSG is input; none will be modified by c XERMSG. A routine may make multiple calls to XERMSG with warning c level messages; however, after a call to XERMSG with a recoverable c error, the routine should return to the user. Do not try to call c XERMSG with a second recoverable error after the first recoverable c error because the error package saves the error number. The user c can retrieve this error number by calling another entry point in c the error handling package and then clear the error number when c recovering from the error. Calling XERMSG in succession causes the c old error number to be overwritten by the latest error number. c This is considered harmless for error numbers associated with c warning messages but must not be done for error numbers of serious c errors. After a call to XERMSG with a recoverable error, the user c must be given a chance to call NUMXER or XERCLR to retrieve or c clear the error number. c***REFERENCES R. E. Jones and D. K. Kahaner, XERROR, the SLATEC c Error-handling Package, SAND82-0800, Sandia c Laboratories, 1982. c***ROUTINES CALLED FDUMP, J4SAVE, XERCNT, XERHLT, XERPRN, XERSVE c***REVISION HISTORY (YYMMDD) c 880101 DATE WRITTEN c 880621 REVISED AS DIRECTED AT SLATEC CML MEETING OF FEBRUARY 1988. c THERE ARE TWO BASIC CHANGES. c 1. A NEW ROUTINE, XERPRN, IS USED INSTEAD OF XERPRT TO c PRINT MESSAGES. THIS ROUTINE WILL BREAK LONG MESSAGES c INTO PIECES FOR PRINTING ON MULTIPLE LINES. '$$' IS c ACCEPTED AS A NEW LINE SENTINEL. A PREFIX CAN BE c ADDED TO EACH LINE TO BE PRINTED. XERMSG USES EITHER c ' ***' OR ' * ' AND LONG MESSAGES ARE BROKEN EVERY c 72 CHARACTERS (AT MOST) SO THAT THE MAXIMUM LINE c LENGTH OUTPUT CAN NOW BE AS GREAT AS 76. c 2. THE TEXT OF ALL MESSAGES IS NOW IN UPPER CASE SINCE THE c FORTRAN STANDARD DOCUMENT DOES NOT ADMIT THE EXISTENCE c OF LOWER CASE. c 880708 REVISED AFTER THE SLATEC CML MEETING OF JUNE 29 AND 30. c THE PRINCIPAL CHANGES ARE c 1. CLARIFY COMMENTS IN THE PROLOGUES c 2. RENAME XRPRNT TO XERPRN c 3. REWORK HANDLING OF '$$' IN XERPRN TO HANDLE BLANK LINES c SIMILAR TO THE WAY FORMAT STATEMENTS HANDLE THE / c CHARACTER FOR NEW RECORDS. c 890706 REVISED WITH THE HELP OF FRED FRITSCH AND REG CLEMENS TO c CLEAN UP THE CODING. c 890721 REVISED TO USE NEW FEATURE IN XERPRN TO COUNT CHARACTERS IN c PREFIX. c 891013 REVISED TO CORRECT COMMENTS. c 891214 Prologue converted to Version 4.0 format. (WRB) c 900510 Changed test on NERR to be -9999999 < NERR < 99999999, but c NERR .ne. 0, and on LEVEL to be -2 < LEVEL < 3. Added c LEVEL=-1 logic, changed calls to XERSAV to XERSVE, and c XERCTL to XERCNT. (RWC) c 920501 Reformatted the REFERENCES section. (WRB) c***END PROLOGUE XERMSG character*(*) librar, subrou, messg character*8 xlibr, xsubr character*72 temp character*20 lfirst c***FIRST EXECUTABLE STATEMENT XERMSG lkntrl = j4save (2, 0, .false.) maxmes = j4save (4, 0, .false.) c c LKNTRL IS A LOCAL COPY OF THE CONTROL FLAG KONTRL. c MAXMES IS THE MAXIMUM NUMBER OF TIMES ANY PARTICULAR MESSAGE c SHOULD BE PRINTED. c c WE PRINT A FATAL ERROR MESSAGE AND TERMINATE FOR AN ERROR IN c CALLING XERMSG. THE ERROR NUMBER SHOULD BE POSITIVE, c AND THE LEVEL SHOULD BE BETWEEN 0 AND 2. c if ( .or. .or. nerr.eq.0 .or. * .or. then call xerprn (' ***', -1, 'fatal error in...$$ ' // * 'xermsg -- invalid error number or level$$ '// * 'job abort due to fatal error.', 72) call xersve (' ', ' ', ' ', 0, 0, 0, kdummy) call xerhlt (' ***xermsg -- invalid input') return endif c c RECORD THE MESSAGE. c i = j4save (1, nerr, .true.) call xersve (librar, subrou, messg, 1, nerr, level, kount) c c HANDLE PRINT-ONCE WARNING MESSAGES. c if (level.eq.-1 .and. return c c ALLOW TEMPORARY USER OVERRIDE OF THE CONTROL FLAG. c xlibr = librar xsubr = subrou lfirst = messg lerr = nerr llevel = level call xercnt (xlibr, xsubr, lfirst, lerr, llevel, lkntrl) c lkntrl = max(-2, min(2,lkntrl)) mkntrl = abs(lkntrl) c c SKIP PRINTING IF THE CONTROL FLAG VALUE AS RESET IN XERCNT IS c ZERO AND THE ERROR IS NOT FATAL. c if ( .and. lkntrl.eq.0) go to 30 if (level.eq.0 .and. go to 30 if (level.eq.1 .and. .and. mkntrl.eq.1) go to 30 if (level.eq.2 .and.,maxmes)) go to 30 c c ANNOUNCE THE NAMES OF THE LIBRARY AND SUBROUTINE BY BUILDING A c MESSAGE IN CHARACTER VARIABLE TEMP (NOT EXCEEDING 66 CHARACTERS) c AND SENDING IT OUT VIA XERPRN. PRINT ONLY IF CONTROL FLAG c IS NOT ZERO. c if (lkntrl .ne. 0) then temp(1:21) = 'message from routine ' i = min(len(subrou), 16) temp(22:21+i) = subrou(1:i) temp(22+i:33+i) = ' in library ' ltemp = 33 + i i = min(len(librar), 16) temp(ltemp+1:ltemp+i) = librar (1:i) temp(ltemp+i+1:ltemp+i+1) = '.' ltemp = ltemp + i + 1 call xerprn (' ***', -1, temp(1:ltemp), 72) endif c c IF LKNTRL IS POSITIVE, PRINT AN INTRODUCTORY LINE BEFORE c PRINTING THE MESSAGE. THE INTRODUCTORY LINE TELLS THE CHOICE c FROM EACH OF THE FOLLOWING THREE OPTIONS. c 1. LEVEL OF THE MESSAGE c 'INFORMATIVE MESSAGE' c 'POTENTIALLY RECOVERABLE ERROR' c 'FATAL ERROR' c 2. WHETHER CONTROL FLAG WILL ALLOW PROGRAM TO CONTINUE c 'PROG CONTINUES' c 'PROG ABORTED' c 3. WHETHER OR NOT A TRACEBACK WAS REQUESTED. (THE TRACEBACK c MAY NOT BE IMPLEMENTED AT SOME SITES, SO THIS ONLY TELLS c WHAT WAS REQUESTED, NOT WHAT WAS DELIVERED.) c 'TRACEBACK REQUESTED' c 'TRACEBACK NOT REQUESTED' c NOTICE THAT THE LINE INCLUDING FOUR PREFIX CHARACTERS WILL NOT c EXCEED 74 CHARACTERS. c WE SKIP THE NEXT BLOCK IF THE INTRODUCTORY LINE IS NOT NEEDED. c if (lkntrl .gt. 0) then c c THE FIRST PART OF THE MESSAGE TELLS ABOUT THE LEVEL. c if (level .le. 0) then temp(1:20) = 'informative message,' ltemp = 20 elseif (level .eq. 1) then temp(1:30) = 'potentially recoverable error,' ltemp = 30 else temp(1:12) = 'fatal error,' ltemp = 12 endif c c THEN WHETHER THE PROGRAM WILL CONTINUE. c if ((mkntrl.eq.2 .and. .or. * (mkntrl.eq.1 .and. level.eq.2)) then temp(ltemp+1:ltemp+14) = ' prog aborted,' ltemp = ltemp + 14 else temp(ltemp+1:ltemp+16) = ' prog continues,' ltemp = ltemp + 16 endif c c FINALLY TELL WHETHER THERE SHOULD BE A TRACEBACK. c if (lkntrl .gt. 0) then temp(ltemp+1:ltemp+20) = ' traceback requested' ltemp = ltemp + 20 else temp(ltemp+1:ltemp+24) = ' traceback not requested' ltemp = ltemp + 24 endif call xerprn (' ***', -1, temp(1:ltemp), 72) endif c c NOW SEND OUT THE MESSAGE. c call xerprn (' * ', -1, messg, 72) c c IF LKNTRL IS POSITIVE, WRITE THE ERROR NUMBER AND REQUEST A c TRACEBACK. c if (lkntrl .gt. 0) then write (temp, '(''error number = '', i8)') nerr do 10 i=16,22 if (temp(i:i) .ne. ' ') go to 20 10 continue c 20 call xerprn (' * ', -1, temp(1:15) // temp(i:23), 72) call fdump endif c c IF LKNTRL IS NOT ZERO, PRINT A BLANK LINE AND AN END OF MESSAGE. c if (lkntrl .ne. 0) then call xerprn (' * ', -1, ' ', 72) call xerprn (' ***', -1, 'end of message', 72) call xerprn (' ', 0, ' ', 72) endif c c IF THE ERROR IS NOT FATAL OR THE ERROR IS RECOVERABLE AND THE c CONTROL FLAG IS SET FOR RECOVERY, THEN RETURN. c 30 if (level.le.0 .or. (level.eq.1 .and. mkntrl.le.1)) return c c THE PROGRAM WILL BE STOPPED DUE TO AN UNRECOVERED ERROR OR A c FATAL ERROR. PRINT THE REASON FOR THE ABORT AND THE ERROR c SUMMARY IF THE CONTROL FLAG AND THE MAXIMUM ERROR COUNT PERMIT. c if ( .and.,maxmes)) then if (level .eq. 1) then call xerprn * (' ***', -1, 'job abort due to unrecovered error.', 72) else call xerprn(' ***', -1, 'job abort due to fatal error.', 72) endif call xersve (' ', ' ', ' ', -1, 0, 0, kdummy) call xerhlt (' ') else call xerhlt (messg) endif return end subroutine xerprn (prefix, npref, messg, nwrap) c*********************************************************************72 c cc XERPRN prints an error message. c c***BEGIN PROLOGUE XERPRN c***SUBSIDIARY c***PURPOSE Print error messages processed by XERMSG. c***LIBRARY SLATEC (XERROR) c***CATEGORY R3C c***TYPE ALL (XERPRN-A) c***KEYWORDS ERROR MESSAGES, PRINTING, XERROR c***AUTHOR Fong, Kirby, (NMFECC at LLNL) c***DESCRIPTION c c This routine sends one or more lines to each of the (up to five) c logical units to which error messages are to be sent. This routine c is called several times by XERMSG, sometimes with a single line to c print and sometimes with a (potentially very long) message that may c wrap around into multiple lines. c c PREFIX Input argument of type CHARACTER. This argument contains c characters to be put at the beginning of each line before c the body of the message. No more than 16 characters of c PREFIX will be used. c c NPREF Input argument of type INTEGER. This argument is the number c of characters to use from PREFIX. If it is negative, the c intrinsic function LEN is used to determine its length. If c it is zero, PREFIX is not used. If it exceeds 16 or if c LEN(PREFIX) exceeds 16, only the first 16 characters will be c used. If NPREF is positive and the length of PREFIX is less c than NPREF, a copy of PREFIX extended with blanks to length c NPREF will be used. c c MESSG Input argument of type CHARACTER. This is the text of a c message to be printed. If it is a long message, it will be c broken into pieces for printing on multiple lines. Each line c will start with the appropriate prefix and be followed by a c piece of the message. NWRAP is the number of characters per c piece; that is, after each NWRAP characters, we break and c start a new line. In addition the characters '$$' embedded c in MESSG are a sentinel for a new line. The counting of c characters up to NWRAP starts over for each new line. The c value of NWRAP typically used by XERMSG is 72 since many c older error messages in the SLATEC Library are laid out to c rely on wrap-around every 72 characters. c c NWRAP Input argument of type INTEGER. This gives the maximum size c piece into which to break MESSG for printing on multiple c lines. An embedded '$$' ends a line, and the count restarts c at the following character. If a line break does not occur c on a blank (it would split a word) that word is moved to the c next line. Values of NWRAP less than 16 will be treated as c 16. Values of NWRAP greater than 132 will be treated as 132. c The actual line length will be NPREF + NWRAP after NPREF has c been adjusted to fall between 0 and 16 and NWRAP has been c adjusted to fall between 16 and 132. c c***REFERENCES R. E. Jones and D. K. Kahaner, XERROR, the SLATEC c Error-handling Package, SAND82-0800, Sandia c Laboratories, 1982. c***ROUTINES CALLED I1MACH, XGETUA c***REVISION HISTORY (YYMMDD) c 880621 DATE WRITTEN c 880708 REVISED AFTER THE SLATEC CML SUBCOMMITTEE MEETING OF c JUNE 29 AND 30 TO CHANGE THE NAME TO XERPRN AND TO REWORK c THE HANDLING OF THE NEW LINE SENTINEL TO BEHAVE LIKE THE c SLASH CHARACTER IN FORMAT STATEMENTS. c 890706 REVISED WITH THE HELP OF FRED FRITSCH AND REG CLEMENS TO c STREAMLINE THE CODING AND FIX A BUG THAT CAUSED EXTRA BLANK c LINES TO BE PRINTED. c 890721 REVISED TO ADD A NEW FEATURE. A NEGATIVE VALUE OF NPREF c CAUSES LEN(PREFIX) TO BE USED AS THE LENGTH. c 891013 REVISED TO CORRECT ERROR IN CALCULATING PREFIX LENGTH. c 891214 Prologue converted to Version 4.0 format. (WRB) c 900510 Added code to break messages between words. (RWC) c 920501 Reformatted the REFERENCES section. (WRB) c***END PROLOGUE XERPRN character*(*) prefix, messg integer npref, nwrap character*148 cbuff integer iu(5), nunit character*2 newlin parameter (newlin = '$$') c***FIRST EXECUTABLE STATEMENT XERPRN call xgetua(iu,nunit) c c A ZERO VALUE FOR A LOGICAL UNIT NUMBER MEANS TO USE THE STANDARD c ERROR MESSAGE UNIT INSTEAD. I1MACH(4) RETRIEVES THE STANDARD c ERROR MESSAGE UNIT. c n = 6 do 10 i=1,nunit if (iu(i) .eq. 0) iu(i) = n 10 continue c c LPREF IS THE LENGTH OF THE PREFIX. THE PREFIX IS PLACED AT THE c BEGINNING OF CBUFF, THE CHARACTER BUFFER, AND KEPT THERE DURING c THE REST OF THIS ROUTINE. c if ( npref .lt. 0 ) then lpref = len(prefix) else lpref = npref endif lpref = min(16, lpref) if (lpref .ne. 0) cbuff(1:lpref) = prefix c c LWRAP IS THE MAXIMUM NUMBER OF CHARACTERS WE WANT TO TAKE AT ONE c TIME FROM MESSG TO PRINT ON ONE LINE. c lwrap = max(16, min(132, nwrap)) c c SET LENMSG TO THE LENGTH OF MESSG, IGNORE ANY TRAILING BLANKS. c lenmsg = len(messg) n = lenmsg do 20 i=1,n if (messg(lenmsg:lenmsg) .ne. ' ') go to 30 lenmsg = lenmsg - 1 20 continue 30 continue c c IF THE MESSAGE IS ALL BLANKS, THEN PRINT ONE BLANK LINE. c if (lenmsg .eq. 0) then cbuff(lpref+1:lpref+1) = ' ' do 40 i=1,nunit write(iu(i), '(a)') cbuff(1:lpref+1) 40 continue return endif c c SET NEXTC TO THE POSITION IN MESSG WHERE THE NEXT SUBSTRING c STARTS. FROM THIS POSITION WE SCAN FOR THE NEW LINE SENTINEL. c WHEN NEXTC EXCEEDS LENMSG, THERE IS NO MORE TO PRINT. c WE LOOP BACK TO LABEL 50 UNTIL ALL PIECES HAVE BEEN PRINTED. c c WE LOOK FOR THE NEXT OCCURRENCE OF THE NEW LINE SENTINEL. THE c INDEX INTRINSIC FUNCTION RETURNS ZERO IF THERE IS NO OCCURRENCE c OR IF THE LENGTH OF THE FIRST ARGUMENT IS LESS THAN THE LENGTH c OF THE SECOND ARGUMENT. c c THERE ARE SEVERAL CASES WHICH SHOULD BE CHECKED FOR IN THE c FOLLOWING ORDER. WE ARE ATTEMPTING TO SET LPIECE TO THE NUMBER c OF CHARACTERS THAT SHOULD BE TAKEN FROM MESSG STARTING AT c POSITION NEXTC. c c LPIECE .EQ. 0 THE NEW LINE SENTINEL DOES NOT OCCUR IN THE c REMAINDER OF THE CHARACTER STRING. LPIECE c SHOULD BE SET TO LWRAP OR LENMSG+1-NEXTC, c WHICHEVER IS LESS. c c LPIECE .EQ. 1 THE NEW LINE SENTINEL STARTS AT MESSG(NEXTC: c NEXTC). LPIECE IS EFFECTIVELY ZERO, AND WE c PRINT NOTHING TO AVOID PRODUCING UNNECESSARY c BLANK LINES. THIS TAKES CARE OF THE SITUATION c WHERE THE LIBRARY ROUTINE HAS A MESSAGE OF c EXACTLY 72 CHARACTERS FOLLOWED BY A NEW LINE c SENTINEL FOLLOWED BY MORE CHARACTERS. NEXTC c SHOULD BE INCREMENTED BY 2. c c LPIECE .GT. LWRAP+1 REDUCE LPIECE TO LWRAP. c c ELSE THIS LAST CASE MEANS 2 .LE. LPIECE .LE. LWRAP+1 c RESET LPIECE = LPIECE-1. NOTE THAT THIS c PROPERLY HANDLES THE END CASE WHERE LPIECE .EQ. c LWRAP+1. THAT IS, THE SENTINEL FALLS EXACTLY c AT THE END OF A LINE. c nextc = 1 50 lpiece = index(messg(nextc:lenmsg), newlin) if (lpiece .eq. 0) then c c THERE WAS NO NEW LINE SENTINEL FOUND. c idelta = 0 lpiece = min(lwrap, lenmsg+1-nextc) if (lpiece .lt. lenmsg+1-nextc) then do 52 i=lpiece+1,2,-1 if (messg(nextc+i-1:nextc+i-1) .eq. ' ') then lpiece = i-1 idelta = 1 goto 54 endif 52 continue endif 54 cbuff(lpref+1:lpref+lpiece) = messg(nextc:nextc+lpiece-1) nextc = nextc + lpiece + idelta elseif (lpiece .eq. 1) then c c WE HAVE A NEW LINE SENTINEL AT MESSG(NEXTC:NEXTC+1). c DON'T PRINT A BLANK LINE. c nextc = nextc + 2 go to 50 elseif (lpiece .gt. lwrap+1) then c c LPIECE SHOULD BE SET DOWN TO LWRAP. c idelta = 0 lpiece = lwrap do 56 i=lpiece+1,2,-1 if (messg(nextc+i-1:nextc+i-1) .eq. ' ') then lpiece = i-1 idelta = 1 goto 58 endif 56 continue 58 cbuff(lpref+1:lpref+lpiece) = messg(nextc:nextc+lpiece-1) nextc = nextc + lpiece + idelta else c c IF WE ARRIVE HERE, IT MEANS 2 .LE. LPIECE .LE. LWRAP+1. c WE SHOULD DECREMENT LPIECE BY ONE. c lpiece = lpiece - 1 cbuff(lpref+1:lpref+lpiece) = messg(nextc:nextc+lpiece-1) nextc = nextc + lpiece + 2 endif c c PRINT c do 60 i=1,nunit write(iu(i), '(a)') cbuff(1:lpref+lpiece) 60 continue c if (nextc .le. lenmsg) go to 50 return end subroutine xersve (librar, subrou, messg, kflag, nerr, level, + icount) c*********************************************************************72 c cc XERSVE records that an error has occurred. c c***BEGIN PROLOGUE XERSVE c***SUBSIDIARY c***PURPOSE Record that an error has occurred. c***LIBRARY SLATEC (XERROR) c***CATEGORY R3 c***TYPE ALL (XERSVE-A) c***KEYWORDS ERROR, XERROR c***AUTHOR Jones, R. E., (SNLA) c***DESCRIPTION c c *Usage: c c INTEGER KFLAG, NERR, LEVEL, ICOUNT c CHARACTER * (len) LIBRAR, SUBROU, MESSG c c CALL XERSVE (LIBRAR, SUBROU, MESSG, KFLAG, NERR, LEVEL, ICOUNT) c c *Arguments: c c LIBRAR :IN is the library that the message is from. c SUBROU :IN is the subroutine that the message is from. c MESSG :IN is the message to be saved. c KFLAG :IN indicates the action to be performed. c when KFLAG > 0, the message in MESSG is saved. c when KFLAG=0 the tables will be dumped and c cleared. c when KFLAG < 0, the tables will be dumped and c not cleared. c NERR :IN is the error number. c LEVEL :IN is the error severity. c ICOUNT :OUT the number of times this message has been seen, c or zero if the table has overflowed and does not c contain this message specifically. When KFLAG=0, c ICOUNT will not be altered. c c *Description: c c Record that this error occurred and possibly dump and clear the c tables. c c***REFERENCES R. E. Jones and D. K. Kahaner, XERROR, the SLATEC c Error-handling Package, SAND82-0800, Sandia c Laboratories, 1982. c***ROUTINES CALLED I1MACH, XGETUA c***REVISION HISTORY (YYMMDD) c 800319 DATE WRITTEN c 861211 REVISION DATE from Version 3.2 c 891214 Prologue converted to Version 4.0 format. (BAB) c 900413 Routine modified to remove reference to KFLAG. (WRB) c 900510 Changed to add LIBRARY NAME and SUBROUTINE to calling c sequence, use IF-THEN-ELSE, make number of saved entries c easily changeable, changed routine name from XERSAV to c XERSVE. (RWC) c 910626 Added LIBTAB and SUBTAB to SAVE statement. (BKS) c 920501 Reformatted the REFERENCES section. (WRB) c***END PROLOGUE XERSVE parameter (lentab=10) integer lun(5) character*(*) librar, subrou, messg character*8 libtab(lentab), subtab(lentab), lib, sub character*20 mestab(lentab), mes dimension nertab(lentab), levtab(lentab), kount(lentab) save libtab, subtab, mestab, nertab, levtab, kount, kountx, nmsg data kountx/0/, nmsg/0/ c***FIRST EXECUTABLE STATEMENT XERSVE c if (kflag.le.0) then c c Dump the table. c if (nmsg.eq.0) return c c Print to each unit. c call xgetua (lun, nunit) do 20 kunit = 1,nunit iunit = lun(kunit) if (iunit.eq.0) iunit = 6 c c Print the table header. c write (iunit,9000) c c Print body of table. c do 10 i = 1,nmsg write (iunit,9010) libtab(i), subtab(i), mestab(i), * nertab(i),levtab(i),kount(i) 10 continue c c Print number of other errors. c if ( write (iunit,9020) kountx write (iunit,9030) 20 continue c c Clear the error tables. c if (kflag.eq.0) then nmsg = 0 kountx = 0 endif else c c PROCESS A MESSAGE... c SEARCH FOR THIS MESSG, OR ELSE AN EMPTY SLOT FOR THIS MESSG, c OR ELSE DETERMINE THAT THE ERROR TABLE IS FULL. c lib = librar sub = subrou mes = messg do 30 i = 1,nmsg if (lib.eq.libtab(i) .and. sub.eq.subtab(i) .and. * mes.eq.mestab(i) .and. nerr.eq.nertab(i) .and. * level.eq.levtab(i)) then kount(i) = kount(i) + 1 icount = kount(i) return endif 30 continue c if ( then c c Empty slot found for new message. c nmsg = nmsg + 1 libtab(i) = lib subtab(i) = sub mestab(i) = mes nertab(i) = nerr levtab(i) = level kount (i) = 1 icount = 1 else c c Table is full. c kountx = kountx+1 icount = 0 endif endif return c c Formats. c 9000 format ('0 error message summary' / + ' library routine message start nerr', + ' level count') 9010 format (1x,a,3x,a,3x,a,3i10) 9020 format ('0other errors not individually tabulated = ', i10) 9030 format (1x) end subroutine xgetua (iunita, n) c*********************************************************************72 c cc XGETUA returns error unit numbers. c c***BEGIN PROLOGUE XGETUA c***PURPOSE Return unit number(s) to which error messages are being c sent. c***LIBRARY SLATEC (XERROR) c***CATEGORY R3C c***TYPE ALL (XGETUA-A) c***KEYWORDS ERROR, XERROR c***AUTHOR Jones, R. E., (SNLA) c***DESCRIPTION c c Abstract c XGETUA may be called to determine the unit number or numbers c to which error messages are being sent. c These unit numbers may have been set by a call to XSETUN, c or a call to XSETUA, or may be a default value. c c Description of Parameters c --Output-- c IUNIT - an array of one to five unit numbers, depending c on the value of N. A value of zero refers to the c default unit, as defined by the I1MACH machine c constant routine. Only IUNIT(1),...,IUNIT(N) are c defined by XGETUA. The values of IUNIT(N+1),..., c IUNIT(5) are not defined (for N .LT. 5) or altered c in any way by XGETUA. c N - the number of units to which copies of the c error messages are being sent. N will be in the c range from 1 to 5. c c***REFERENCES R. E. Jones and D. K. Kahaner, XERROR, the SLATEC c Error-handling Package, SAND82-0800, Sandia c Laboratories, 1982. c***ROUTINES CALLED J4SAVE c***REVISION HISTORY (YYMMDD) c 790801 DATE WRITTEN c 861211 REVISION DATE from Version 3.2 c 891214 Prologue converted to Version 4.0 format. (BAB) c 920501 Reformatted the REFERENCES section. (WRB) c***END PROLOGUE XGETUA dimension iunita(5) c***FIRST EXECUTABLE STATEMENT XGETUA n = j4save(5,0,.false.) do 30 i=1,n index = i+4 if (i.eq.1) index = 3 iunita(i) = j4save(index,0,.false.) 30 continue return end subroutine xsetf (kontrl) c*********************************************************************72 c cc XSETF sets the error control flag. c c***BEGIN PROLOGUE XSETF c***PURPOSE Set the error control flag. c***LIBRARY SLATEC (XERROR) c***CATEGORY R3A c***TYPE ALL (XSETF-A) c***KEYWORDS ERROR, XERROR c***AUTHOR Jones, R. E., (SNLA) c***DESCRIPTION c c Abstract c XSETF sets the error control flag value to KONTRL. c (KONTRL is an input parameter only.) c The following table shows how each message is treated, c depending on the values of KONTRL and LEVEL. (See XERMSG c for description of LEVEL.) c c If KONTRL is zero or negative, no information other than the c message itself (including numeric values, if any) will be c printed. If KONTRL is positive, introductory messages, c trace-backs, etc., will be printed in addition to the message. c c ABS(KONTRL) c LEVEL 0 1 2 c value c 2 fatal fatal fatal c c 1 not printed printed fatal c c 0 not printed printed printed c c -1 not printed printed printed c only only c once once c c***REFERENCES R. E. Jones and D. K. Kahaner, XERROR, the SLATEC c Error-handling Package, SAND82-0800, Sandia c Laboratories, 1982. c***ROUTINES CALLED J4SAVE, XERMSG c***REVISION HISTORY (YYMMDD) c 790801 DATE WRITTEN c 890531 Changed all specific intrinsics to generic. (WRB) c 890531 REVISION DATE from Version 3.2 c 891214 Prologue converted to Version 4.0 format. (BAB) c 900510 Change call to XERRWV to XERMSG. (RWC) c 920501 Reformatted the REFERENCES section. (WRB) c***END PROLOGUE XSETF character *8 xern1 c***FIRST EXECUTABLE STATEMENT XSETF if (abs(kontrl) .gt. 2) then write (xern1, '(i8)') kontrl call xermsg ('slatec', 'xsetf', * 'invalid argument = ' // xern1, 1, 2) return endif c junk = j4save(2,kontrl,.true.) return end subroutine xsetun (iunit) c*********************************************************************72 c cc XSETUN sets the error message output unit. c c***BEGIN PROLOGUE XSETUN c***PURPOSE Set output file to which error messages are to be sent. c***LIBRARY SLATEC (XERROR) c***CATEGORY R3B c***TYPE ALL (XSETUN-A) c***KEYWORDS ERROR, XERROR c***AUTHOR Jones, R. E., (SNLA) c***DESCRIPTION c c Abstract c XSETUN sets the output file to which error messages are to c be sent. Only one file will be used. See XSETUA for c how to declare more than one file. c c Description of Parameter c --Input-- c IUNIT - an input parameter giving the logical unit number c to which error messages are to be sent. c c***REFERENCES R. E. Jones and D. K. Kahaner, XERROR, the SLATEC c Error-handling Package, SAND82-0800, Sandia c Laboratories, 1982. c***ROUTINES CALLED J4SAVE c***REVISION HISTORY (YYMMDD) c 790801 DATE WRITTEN c 861211 REVISION DATE from Version 3.2 c 891214 Prologue converted to Version 4.0 format. (BAB) c 920501 Reformatted the REFERENCES section. (WRB) c***END PROLOGUE XSETUN c***FIRST EXECUTABLE STATEMENT XSETUN junk = j4save(3,iunit,.true.) junk = j4save(5,1,.true.) return end