4 July 2013 10:53:31.648 AM FEM1D_PACK_PRB FORTRAN77 version Test the FEM1D_PACK library. TEST01: LOCAL_BASIS_1D evaluates the local basis functions for a 1D element. Test that the basis functions, evaluated at the nodes, form the identity matrix. Number of nodes = 4 Node coordinates: 1 1.000 2 2.000 3 4.000 4 4.500 A(I,J) = PHI(I) at node (J): 1.000 -0.000 0.000 -0.000 0.000 1.000 -0.000 0.000 -0.000 0.000 1.000 -0.000 0.000 -0.000 0.000 1.000 The PHI functions should sum to 1 at random X values: X Sum ( PHI(:)(X) ) 1.76446 1.00000 4.34711 1.00000 3.90328 1.00000 2.96593 1.00000 2.45357 1.00000 TEST02: LOCAL_BASIS_PRIME_1D evaluates the local basis function derivatives for a 1D element. Number of nodes = 4 Node coordinates: 1 1.000 2 2.000 3 4.000 4 4.500 A(I,J) = dPHIdx(I) at node(J): The diagonal should be 0. Columns should sum to 0. 0.000 0.286 2.571 3.500 -0.600 0.000 -2.400 -3.750 9.000 4.000 0.000 0.250 -8.400 -4.286 -0.171 0.000 The dPHIdx functions should sum to 0 at random X values: X Sum ( dPHIdx(:)(X) ) 1.76446 0.00000 4.34711 -0.350414E-15 3.90328 -0.277556E-16 2.96593 0.00000 2.45357 0.00000 FEM1D_PACK_PRB Normal end of execution. 4 July 2013 10:53:31.648 AM