program main c*********************************************************************72 c cc MAIN is the main program for EXPOKIT_PRB. c c Discussion: c c EXPOKIT_PRB tests the EXPOKIT library. c c Author: c c Roger Sidje c c Reference: c c Roger Sidje, c EXPOKIT: Software Package for Computing Matrix Exponentials, c ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software, c Volume 24, Number 1, 1998, pages 130-156. c implicit none call timestamp ( ) write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'EXPOKIT:' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' FORTRAN77 version' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' Test the EXPOKIT library.' call sample_b ( ) call sample_d ( ) call sample_g ( ) call sample_m ( ) call sample_p ( ) call sample_z ( ) c c Terminate. c write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'EXPOKIT:' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' Normal end of execution.' write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' call timestamp ( ) stop end subroutine sample_b ( ) c*********************************************************************72 c cc SAMPLE_B illustrates the use of DSEXPV. c c Discussion: c c Forward-backward problem (Example 6.4 in the Expokit report). c implicit none external dgcoov, dgcrsv, dgccsv double precision tic, tac, clock c c matrix data. c BEWARE: these values must match those in dgmatv.f c integer n, nz, nmax, nzmax parameter( nmax = 5000, nzmax = 600000 ) integer ia(nzmax), ja(nzmax) double precision a(nzmax) common /RMAT/ a, ia, ja, nz, n c c arguments variables. c integer m, mmax, lwsp, liwsp parameter( mmax = 50 ) parameter( lwsp = nmax*(mmax+2)+5*(mmax+2)**2+7, liwsp = nmax ) integer iwsp(liwsp) double precision t, tol, anorm, tmp double precision v(nmax), w(nmax), wsp(lwsp) integer i, j, itrace, iflag double precision ZERO, ONE parameter( ZERO=0.0d0, ONE=1.0d0 ) intrinsic ABS c c Executable statements. c write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'SAMPLE_B' c c Load the matrix. c n = nmax nz = nzmax call loadhb ( 'gr3030.txt', 'crs', n,nz,ia,ja,a, iwsp ) c c Compute the infinity norm of A. c anorm = 0.0d0 do i = 1,n tmp = 0.0d0 do j = ia(i),ia(i+1)-1 tmp = tmp + ABS( a(j) ) end do if ( ) anorm = tmp end do write(*,FMT='(A,E8.2)') '||A||_inf= ',anorm c c The operand vector v is set to (1,..., 1)'. c do i = 1,n v(i) = ONE end do c c Set other input arguments. c t = 1.0d0 tol = 1.0d-10 m = 30 itrace = 0 c c Compute exp(t*A)v with CRS format. c tic = clock() call DSEXPV( n, m, t,v,w, tol, anorm, & wsp,lwsp, iwsp,liwsp, dgcrsv, itrace, iflag ) tac = clock() print 9001,'----------------------------------------------------' print 9001,'DSEXPV (Forward) has completed:' print 9001,'----------------------------------------------------' print 9001,'w(1:10) =' do i = 1,10 print*,w(i) end do c c Display some statistics if desired. c print 9001,'final report----------------------------------------' print 9002,'runtime = ',tac-tic print 9002,'||A||_inf = ',anorm print 9003,'nz =',nz print 9003,'n =',n print 9003,'m =',m print 9003,'itrace =',itrace print 9003,'iflag =',iflag print 9003,'ibrkflag =',iwsp(6) print 9003,'mbrkdwn =',iwsp(7) print 9003,'nstep =',iwsp(4) print 9003,'nreject =',iwsp(5) print 9003,'nmult =',iwsp(1) print 9003,'nexph =',iwsp(2) print 9003,'nscale =',iwsp(3) print 9002,'tol = ',tol print 9002,'t = ',t print 9002,'tbrkdwn = ',wsp(7) print 9002,'step_min = ',wsp(1) print 9002,'step_max = ',wsp(2) print 9002,'max_round = ',wsp(3) print 9002,'sum_round = ',wsp(4) print 9002,'max_error = ',wsp(5) print 9002,'sum_error = ',wsp(6) print 9002,'hump = ',wsp(9) print 9002,'scale-norm= ',wsp(10) c c Compute exp(-t*A)w with CRS format. c t = -t call DCOPY( n, w,1, v,1 ) tic = clock() call DSEXPV( n, m, t,v,w, tol, anorm, & wsp,lwsp, iwsp,liwsp, dgcrsv, itrace, iflag ) tac = clock() print 9001,'----------------------------------------------------' print 9001,'DSEXPV (Backward) has completed:' print 9001,'----------------------------------------------------' print 9001,'w(1:10) =' do i = 1,10 print*,w(i) end do c c Display some statistics if desired. c print 9001,'final report----------------------------------------' print 9002,'runtime = ',tac-tic print 9002,'||A||_inf = ',anorm print 9003,'nz =',nz print 9003,'n =',n print 9003,'m =',m print 9003,'itrace =',itrace print 9003,'iflag =',iflag print 9003,'ibrkflag =',iwsp(6) print 9003,'mbrkdwn =',iwsp(7) print 9003,'nstep =',iwsp(4) print 9003,'nreject =',iwsp(5) print 9003,'nmult =',iwsp(1) print 9003,'nexph =',iwsp(2) print 9003,'nscale =',iwsp(3) print 9002,'tol = ',tol print 9002,'t = ',t print 9002,'tbrkdwn = ',wsp(7) print 9002,'step_min = ',wsp(1) print 9002,'step_max = ',wsp(2) print 9002,'max_round = ',wsp(3) print 9002,'sum_round = ',wsp(4) print 9002,'max_error = ',wsp(5) print 9002,'sum_error = ',wsp(6) print 9002,'hump = ',wsp(9) print 9002,'scale-norm= ',wsp(10) 9001 format(A) 9002 format(A,E8.2) 9003 format(A,I9) END subroutine sample_d ( ) c*********************************************************************72 c cc SAMPLE_D demonstrates EXPOKIT on small dense matrices. c c Discussion: c c Sample program illustrating the computation of small matrix c exponentials in full with Expokit. Refer to the Expokit c documentation for more details about the methods, and c especially the domain of applicability of the Chebyshev scheme. c implicit none integer m,i,j,k,ideg,mprint,lda,ldh,lwsp,liwsp,ns,iflag,iexp parameter ( ideg=6, lda=50, ldh=lda ) parameter ( lwsp=4*ldh*ldh+ideg+1, liwsp=ldh ) integer iwsp(liwsp), iseed(4) double precision t, A(lda,lda), H(ldh,ldh), y(ldh) double precision wsp(lwsp), s1, s2 complex*16 Hc(ldh,ldh), yc(ldh), wspc(lwsp) double precision DLARAN intrinsic CMPLX, CONJG, MIN, DBLE, IMAG write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'SAMPLE_D' c c REAL CASE c c set A = random symmetric negative define matrix. c t = 2.0d0 m = 5 iseed(1) = 3 iseed(2) = 7 iseed(3) = 3 iseed(4) = 7 do j = 1,m do i = j,m A(i,j) = DLARAN( iseed ) A(j,i) = A(i,j) end do A(j,j) = -2.5d0 + A(j,j) end do c c maximum number of rows/columns to be printed. c mprint = MIN(5,m) print*,"t =" print*,t print 9000,"REAL SYMMETRIC CASE","*******************************" print*,"A = " print 9001,( (A(i,j), j=1,mprint), i=1,mprint ) 9000 format( /,A,/,A ) 9001 format( 5(1X,D11.4) ) c c Pade. c call DGPADM( ideg, m, t, A,lda, wsp,lwsp, iwsp,iexp,ns, iflag ) print 9000,"With DGPADM:","exp(t*A) =" print 9001,( (wsp(iexp+(j-1)*m+i-1), j=1,mprint), i=1,mprint ) call DSPADM( ideg, m, t, A,lda, wsp,lwsp, iwsp,iexp,ns, iflag ) print 9000,"With DSPADM:","exp(t*A) =" print 9001,( (wsp(iexp+(j-1)*m+i-1), j=1,mprint), i=1,mprint ) c c Chebyshev. c do i = 1,m y(i) = 0.0d0 end do y(1) = 1.0d0 call DGCHBV( m,t , A,lda, y, wsp, iwsp, iflag ) print 9000,"With DGCHBV:","exp(t*A)e_1 =" do i = 1,mprint print*,y(i) end do do i = 1,m y(i) = 0.0d0 end do y(1) = 1.0d0 call DSCHBV( m,t , A,lda, y, wsp, iwsp, iflag ) print 9000,"With DSCHBV:","exp(t*A)e_1 =" do i = 1,mprint print*,y(i) end do c c set H = upper Hessenberg part of A. c do j = 1,m do i = 1,MIN(j+1,m) H(i,j) = A(i,j) end do do k = i,m H(k,j) = 0.0d0 end do end do print 9000,"REAL UPPER HESSENBERG CASE","************************" print*,"H =" print 9001,( (H(i,j), j=1,mprint), i=1,mprint ) c c Pade. c call DGPADM( ideg, m, t, H,ldh, wsp,lwsp, iwsp,iexp,ns, iflag ) print 9000,"With DGPADM:","exp(t*H) =" print 9001,( (wsp(iexp+(j-1)*m+i-1), j=1,mprint), i=1,mprint ) c c Chebyshev c do i = 1,m y(i) = 0.0d0 end do y(1) = 1.0d0 call DNCHBV( m,t, A,lda, y, wsp, iflag ) print 9000,"With DNCHBV:","exp(t*A)e_1 =" do i = 1,mprint print*,y(i) end do c c COMPLEX CASE c c generate the diagonal. c do i = 1,m s1 = DLARAN( iseed ) - 2.0d0 Hc(i,i) = s1 end do c c generate the lower part. c do j = 1,m do i = j+1,m s1 = DLARAN( iseed ) - 0.5d0 s2 = DLARAN( iseed ) - 0.5d0 Hc(i,j) = CMPLX( s1,s2 ) end do end do c c include the conjugate upper part explicitly. c do j = 1,m do i = j+1,m Hc(j,i) = CONJG( Hc(i,j) ) end do end do print 9000,"COMPLEX HERMITIAN CASE","****************************" print 9000," ","Re(H) =" print 9001,( (DBLE(Hc(i,j)), j=1,mprint), i=1,mprint ) print 9000," ","Im(H) =" print 9001,( (IMAG(Hc(i,j)), j=1,mprint), i=1,mprint ) call ZGPADM( ideg, m,t, Hc,ldh, wspc,lwsp,iwsp, iexp, ns,iflag ) print 9000,"With ZGPADM:","exp(t*H)e_1 =" do i = 1,mprint print*,wspc(iexp+i-1) end do call ZHPADM( ideg, m,t, Hc,ldh, wspc,lwsp,iwsp, iexp, ns,iflag ) print 9000,"With ZHPADM:","exp(t*H)_e_1 =" do i = 1,mprint print*,wspc(iexp+i-1) end do c c Chebyshev c do i = 1,m yc(i) = 0.0d0 end do yc(1) = 1.0d0 call ZGCHBV( m,t, Hc,ldh, yc, wsp, iwsp, iflag ) print 9000,"With ZGCHBV:","exp(t*H)e_1 =" do i = 1,mprint print*,yc(i) end do c c Note: the Hermitian feature is not useful vis-a-vis Chebyshev c END subroutine sample_g ( ) c*********************************************************************72 c cc SAMPLE_G illustrates the use of DGEXPV. c c Discussion: c c Non-symmetric problem (Example 6.3 in the Expokit report). c implicit none external dgcoov, dgcrsv, dgccsv double precision tic, tac, clock c c matrix data. c BEWARE: these values should match those in dgmatv.f c integer n, nz, nmax, nzmax parameter( nmax = 5000, nzmax = 600000 ) integer ia(nzmax), ja(nzmax) double precision a(nzmax) common /RMAT/ a, ia, ja, nz, n c c arguments variables. c integer m, mmax, lwsp, liwsp parameter( mmax = 50 ) parameter( lwsp = nmax*(mmax+2)+5*(mmax+2)**2+7, liwsp = nmax ) integer iwsp(liwsp) double precision t, tol, anorm double precision v(nmax), w(nmax), wsp(lwsp) integer i, itrace, iflag double precision ZERO, ONE parameter( ZERO=0.0d0, ONE=1.0d0 ) intrinsic ABS c c Executable statements. c write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'SAMPLE_G' c c load a Harwell-Boeing matrix. c n = nmax nz = nzmax call loadhb( 'orani678.txt', 'coo', n,nz,ia,ja,a, iwsp ) c c compute the infinity norm of A. c do i = 1,n wsp(i) = ZERO end do do i = 1,nz wsp(ia(i)) = wsp(ia(i)) + ABS( a(i) ) end do anorm = wsp(1) do i = 2,n if ( ) anorm = wsp(i) end do write(UNIT=*,FMT='(A,E8.2)') '||A||_inf= ',anorm c c the operand vector v is set to (1, ..., 1)^T. c do i = 1,n v(i) = ONE end do c c set other input arguments. c t = 10.0d0 tol = 0.0d0 m = 30 itrace = 0 c c compute w = exp(t*A)v with COO format. c tic = clock() call DGEXPV( n, m, t,v,w, tol, anorm, & wsp,lwsp, iwsp,liwsp, dgcoov, itrace, iflag ) tac = clock() print 9001,'----------------------------------------------------' print 9001,'DGEXPV (COO) has completed:' print 9001,'----------------------------------------------------' print 9001,'w(1:10) =' do i = 1,10 print*,w(i) end do c c display some statistics if desired. c print 9001,'final report----------------------------------------' print 9002,'runtime = ',tac-tic print 9002,'||A||_inf = ',anorm print 9003,'nz =',nz print 9003,'n =',n print 9003,'m =',m print 9003,'itrace =',itrace print 9003,'iflag =',iflag print 9003,'ibrkflag =',iwsp(6) print 9003,'mbrkdwn =',iwsp(7) print 9003,'nstep =',iwsp(4) print 9003,'nreject =',iwsp(5) print 9003,'nmult =',iwsp(1) print 9003,'nexph =',iwsp(2) print 9003,'nscale =',iwsp(3) print 9002,'tol = ',tol print 9002,'t = ',t print 9002,'tbrkdwn = ',wsp(7) print 9002,'step_min = ',wsp(1) print 9002,'step_max = ',wsp(2) print 9002,'max_round = ',wsp(3) print 9002,'sum_round = ',wsp(4) print 9002,'max_error = ',wsp(5) print 9002,'sum_error = ',wsp(6) print 9002,'hump = ',wsp(9) print 9002,'scale-norm= ',wsp(10) c c convert from COO to CCS. c call dgcnvr( 'coo','ccs','n', n,n, nz, ia, ja, a, iwsp ) c c compute w = exp(t*A)v with CCS format. c tic = clock() call DGEXPV( n, m, t,v,w, tol, anorm, & wsp,lwsp, iwsp,liwsp, dgccsv, itrace, iflag ) tac = clock() print 9001,'----------------------------------------------------' print 9001,'DGEXPV (CCS) has completed:' print 9001,'----------------------------------------------------' print 9001,'w(1:10) =' do i = 1,10 print*,w(i) end do c c display some statistics if desired. c print 9001,'final report----------------------------------------' print 9002,'runtime = ',tac-tic print 9002,'||A||_inf = ',anorm print 9003,'nz =',nz print 9003,'n =',n print 9003,'m =',m print 9003,'itrace =',itrace print 9003,'iflag =',iflag print 9003,'ibrkflag =',iwsp(6) print 9003,'mbrkdwn =',iwsp(7) print 9003,'nstep =',iwsp(4) print 9003,'nreject =',iwsp(5) print 9003,'nmult =',iwsp(1) print 9003,'nexph =',iwsp(2) print 9003,'nscale =',iwsp(3) print 9002,'tol = ',tol print 9002,'t = ',t print 9002,'tbrkdwn = ',wsp(7) print 9002,'step_min = ',wsp(1) print 9002,'step_max = ',wsp(2) print 9002,'max_round = ',wsp(3) print 9002,'sum_round = ',wsp(4) print 9002,'max_error = ',wsp(5) print 9002,'sum_error = ',wsp(6) print 9002,'hump = ',wsp(9) print 9002,'scale-norm= ',wsp(10) c c convert from CCS to CRS. c call dgcnvr( 'ccs','crs','n', n,n, nz, ia, ja, a, iwsp ) c c compute w = exp(t*A)v with CRS format. c tic = clock() call DGEXPV( n, m, t,v,w, tol, anorm, & wsp,lwsp, iwsp,liwsp, dgcrsv, itrace, iflag ) tac = clock() print 9001,'----------------------------------------------------' print 9001,'DGEXPV (CRS) has completed:' print 9001,'----------------------------------------------------' print 9001,'w(1:10) =' do i = 1,10 print*,w(i) end do c c display some statistics if desired. c print 9001,'final report----------------------------------------' print 9002,'runtime = ',tac-tic print 9002,'||A||_inf = ',anorm print 9003,'nz =',nz print 9003,'n =',n print 9003,'m =',m print 9003,'itrace =',itrace print 9003,'iflag =',iflag print 9003,'ibrkflag =',iwsp(6) print 9003,'mbrkdwn =',iwsp(7) print 9003,'nstep =',iwsp(4) print 9003,'nreject =',iwsp(5) print 9003,'nmult =',iwsp(1) print 9003,'nexph =',iwsp(2) print 9003,'nscale =',iwsp(3) print 9002,'tol = ',tol print 9002,'t = ',t print 9002,'tbrkdwn = ',wsp(7) print 9002,'step_min = ',wsp(1) print 9002,'step_max = ',wsp(2) print 9002,'max_round = ',wsp(3) print 9002,'sum_round = ',wsp(4) print 9002,'max_error = ',wsp(5) print 9002,'sum_error = ',wsp(6) print 9002,'hump = ',wsp(9) print 9002,'scale-norm= ',wsp(10) 9001 format(A) 9002 format(A,E8.2) 9003 format(A,I9) END subroutine sample_m ( ) c*********************************************************************72 c cc SAMPLE_M illustrates the use of DMEXPV and DGEXPV. c c Discussion: c c Binary Markov Model (Example 6.1 in the Expokit report). c implicit none external dgcoov, dgcrsv, dgccsv double precision tic, tac, clock c c matrix data. c BEWARE: these values must match those in dgmatv.f c integer n, nz, nmax, nzmax parameter( nmax=5000, nzmax = 600000 ) integer ia(nzmax), ja(nzmax) double precision a(nzmax) common /RMAT/ a, ia, ja, nz, n c c arguments variables. c integer m, mmax, lwsp, liwsp parameter( mmax = 50 ) parameter( lwsp = nmax*(mmax+2)+5*(mmax+2)**2+7, liwsp = nmax ) integer iwsp(liwsp) double precision t, tol, anorm double precision v(nmax), w(nmax), wsp(lwsp) integer i, j, itrace, iflag double precision ZERO, ONE, tmp parameter( ZERO=0.0d0, ONE=1.0d0 ) intrinsic ABS c c Executable statements. c write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'SAMPLE_M' c c load the infinitesimal generator (CRS format) c open( UNIT=7,STATUS='old',IOSTAT=iflag,FILE='c1024.txt') if ( ) stop 'Error - matrix could not be loaded.' read( UNIT=7,FMT=* ) n, nz if ( ) stop 'Please increase nzmax.' if ( ) stop 'Please increase nmax.' read( UNIT=7,FMT=* ) (ia(i), i=1,n+1) read( UNIT=7,FMT=* ) (ja(i), a(i), i=1,nz) close( UNIT=7 ) c c make sure the infinitesimal generator is transposed, c this encoded check prevents from falling in the famous c (or rather infamous) `transpose trap' ! c do j = 1,2*n wsp(j) = 0.0d0 end do do i = 1,n do j = ia(i),ia(i+1)-1 wsp(i) = wsp(i) + a(j) wsp(n+ja(j)) = wsp(n+ja(j)) + a(j) end do end do wsp(1) = ABS( wsp(1) ) wsp(n+1) = ABS( wsp(n+1) ) do i = 2,n wsp(1) = wsp(1) + ABS( wsp(i) ) wsp(n+1) = wsp(n+1) + ABS( wsp(n+i) ) end do if ( wsp(n+1).gt.wsp(1) ) then print*,'Transposing the input matrix... ' call tnspos( n, nz, ia, ja, a, iwsp ) endif c c compute the infinity norm of A. c anorm = 0.0d0 do i = 1,n tmp = 0.0d0 do j = ia(i),ia(i+1)-1 tmp = tmp + ABS( a(j) ) end do if ( ) anorm = tmp end do write(UNIT=*,FMT='(A,E8.2)') '||A||_inf= ',anorm c c the operand vector v is set to the first unit basis vector. c v(1) = ONE do i = 2,n v(i) = ZERO end do c c set other input arguments. c t = 10.0d0 tol = 1.0d-10 m = 30 itrace = 0 c c compute w = exp(t*A)v with DMEXPV. c tic = clock() call DMEXPV( n, m, t,v,w, tol, anorm, & wsp,lwsp, iwsp,liwsp, dgcrsv, itrace, iflag ) tac = clock() print 9001,'----------------------------------------------------' print 9001,'DMEXPV has completed:' print 9001,'----------------------------------------------------' print 9001,'w(1:10) =' do i = 1,10 print*,w(i) end do c c display some statistics if desired. c print 9001,'final report----------------------------------------' print 9002,'runtime = ',tac-tic print 9002,'||A||_inf = ',anorm print 9003,'nz =',nz print 9003,'n =',n print 9003,'m =',m print 9003,'itrace =',itrace print 9003,'iflag =',iflag print 9003,'ibrkflag =',iwsp(6) print 9003,'mbrkdwn =',iwsp(7) print 9003,'nstep =',iwsp(4) print 9003,'nreject =',iwsp(5) print 9003,'nmult =',iwsp(1) print 9003,'nexph =',iwsp(2) print 9003,'nscale =',iwsp(3) print 9002,'tol = ',tol print 9002,'t = ',t print 9002,'tbrkdwn = ',wsp(7) print 9002,'step_min = ',wsp(1) print 9002,'step_max = ',wsp(2) print 9002,'max_round = ',wsp(3) print 9002,'sum_round = ',wsp(4) print 9002,'max_error = ',wsp(5) print 9002,'sum_error = ',wsp(6) print 9002,'hump = ',wsp(9) print 9002,'scale-norm= ',wsp(10) c c compute w = exp(t*A)v with DGEXPV. c tic = clock() call DGEXPV( n, m, t,v,w, tol, anorm, & wsp,lwsp, iwsp,liwsp, dgcrsv, itrace, iflag ) tac = clock() print 9001,'----------------------------------------------------' print 9001,'DGEXPV has completed:' print 9001,'----------------------------------------------------' print 9001,'w(1:10) =' do i = 1,10 print*,w(i) end do c c display some statistics if desired. c print 9001,'final report----------------------------------------' print 9002,'runtime = ',tac-tic print 9002,'||A||_inf = ',anorm print 9003,'nz =',nz print 9003,'n =',n print 9003,'m =',m print 9003,'itrace =',itrace print 9003,'iflag =',iflag print 9003,'ibrkflag =',iwsp(6) print 9003,'mbrkdwn =',iwsp(7) print 9003,'nstep =',iwsp(4) print 9003,'nreject =',iwsp(5) print 9003,'nmult =',iwsp(1) print 9003,'nexph =',iwsp(2) print 9003,'nscale =',iwsp(3) print 9002,'tol = ',tol print 9002,'t = ',t print 9002,'tbrkdwn = ',wsp(7) print 9002,'step_min = ',wsp(1) print 9002,'step_max = ',wsp(2) print 9002,'max_round = ',wsp(3) print 9002,'sum_round = ',wsp(4) print 9002,'max_error = ',wsp(5) print 9002,'sum_error = ',wsp(6) print 9002,'hump = ',wsp(9) print 9002,'scale-norm= ',wsp(10) 9001 format(A) 9002 format(A,E8.2) 9003 format(A,I9) END subroutine sample_p ( ) c*********************************************************************72 c cc SAMPLE_P illustrates the use of DGPHIV. c c Discussion: c c Nonhomogeneous problem (Example 6.5 in the Expokit report). c implicit none external dgcoov, dgcrsv, dgccsv double precision tic, tac, clock c c matrix data. c BEWARE: these values must match those in dgmatv.f c integer n, nz, nmax, nzmax parameter( nmax = 5000, nzmax = 600000 ) integer ia(nzmax), ja(nzmax) double precision a(nzmax) common /RMAT/ a, ia, ja, nz, n c c arguments variables. c integer m, mmax, lwsp, liwsp parameter( mmax = 50 ) parameter( lwsp = nmax*(mmax+3)+5*(mmax+3)**2+7, liwsp = nmax ) integer iwsp(liwsp) double precision t, tol, anorm, tmp double precision u(nmax),v(nmax),w(nmax), wsave(nmax), wsp(lwsp) integer i, itrace, iflag double precision ZERO, ONE parameter( ZERO=0.0d0, ONE=1.0d0 ) intrinsic ABS double precision DNRM2 c c Executable statements. c write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'SAMPLE_P' c c load a Harwell-Boeing matrix. c n = nmax nz = nzmax call loadhb( 'orani678.txt', 'coo', n,nz,ia,ja,a, iwsp ) c c compute the infinity norm of A. c do i = 1,n wsp(i) = ZERO end do do i = 1,nz wsp(ia(i)) = wsp(ia(i)) + ABS( a(i) ) end do anorm = wsp(1) do i = 2,n if ( ) anorm = wsp(i) end do write(UNIT=*,FMT='(A,E8.2)') '||A||_inf= ',anorm c c back to CCS format. c call dgcnvr( 'coo','ccs','n', n,n, nz, ia, ja, a, iwsp ) c c set other input arguments. c t = 10.0d0 tol = 0.0d0 m = 30 itrace = 0 c c First Run c c the operand vector u is set to zero. c do i = 1,n u(i) = ZERO end do c c the operand vector v is set to (1, ..., 1)'. c do i = 1,n v(i) = ONE end do c c compute w = exp(t*A)*v with DGPHIV. c tic = clock() call DGPHIV( n, m, t,u,v,w, tol, anorm, & wsp,lwsp, iwsp,liwsp, dgccsv, itrace, iflag ) tac = clock() print 9001,'----------------------------------------------------' print 9001,'DGPHIV (CCS) has completed:' print 9001,'----------------------------------------------------' print 9001,'w(1:10) =' do i = 1,10 write(*,*) w(i) end do call DCOPY( n, w,1, wsave,1 ) c c display some statistics if desired. c print 9001,'final report----------------------------------------' print 9002,'runtime = ',tac-tic print 9002,'||A||_inf = ',anorm print 9003,'nz =',nz print 9003,'n =',n print 9003,'m =',m print 9003,'itrace =',itrace print 9003,'iflag =',iflag print 9003,'ibrkflag =',iwsp(6) print 9003,'mbrkdwn =',iwsp(7) print 9003,'nstep =',iwsp(4) print 9003,'nreject =',iwsp(5) print 9003,'nmult =',iwsp(1) print 9003,'nexph =',iwsp(2) print 9003,'nscale =',iwsp(3) print 9002,'tol = ',tol print 9002,'t = ',t print 9002,'tbrkdwn = ',wsp(7) print 9002,'step_min = ',wsp(1) print 9002,'step_max = ',wsp(2) print 9002,'max_round = ',wsp(3) print 9002,'sum_round = ',wsp(4) print 9002,'max_error = ',wsp(5) print 9002,'sum_error = ',wsp(6) c c Second Run c c the operand vector u is set to (1,..., 1)'. c do i = 1,n u(i) = ONE end do c c the operand vector v is set to zero. c do i = 1,n v(i) = ZERO end do c c compute w = t*phi(t*A)*u with DGPHIV. c tic = clock() call DGPHIV( n, m, t,u,v,w, tol, anorm, & wsp,lwsp, iwsp,liwsp, dgccsv, itrace, iflag ) tac = clock() print 9001,'----------------------------------------------------' print 9001,'DGPHIV (CCS) has completed:' print 9001,'----------------------------------------------------' print 9001,'w(1:10) =' do i = 1,10 write(*,*) w(i) end do c c display some statistics if desired. c print 9001,'final report----------------------------------------' print 9002,'runtime = ',tac-tic print 9002,'||A||_inf = ',anorm print 9003,'nz =',nz print 9003,'n =',n print 9003,'m =',m print 9003,'itrace =',itrace print 9003,'iflag =',iflag print 9003,'ibrkflag =',iwsp(6) print 9003,'mbrkdwn =',iwsp(7) print 9003,'nstep =',iwsp(4) print 9003,'nreject =',iwsp(5) print 9003,'nmult =',iwsp(1) print 9003,'nexph =',iwsp(2) print 9003,'nscale =',iwsp(3) print 9002,'tol = ',tol print 9002,'t = ',t print 9002,'tbrkdwn = ',wsp(7) print 9002,'step_min = ',wsp(1) print 9002,'step_max = ',wsp(2) print 9002,'max_round = ',wsp(3) print 9002,'sum_round = ',wsp(4) print 9002,'max_error = ',wsp(5) print 9002,'sum_error = ',wsp(6) c c now check ||(u + A * w) - wsave||/||wsave||. Due to the specific c previous settings, the answer should agree with tol. c call dgccsv( w, v ) call DAXPY( n, 1.0d0, u,1, v,1 ) call DAXPY( n, -1.0d0, wsave,1, v,1 ) tmp = DNRM2( n, v,1 ) / DNRM2( n, wsave, 1 ) print* print*,"relative difference (phi vs. exp) =", tmp print* c c Third Run. c c the operand vector v is set to (1, ..., 1)'. c do i = 1,n v(i) = ONE end do c c the operand vector u is set to (1,..., 1)'. c do i = 1,n v(i) = ONE end do c c compute w = exp(t*A)*v + t*phi(t*A)*u with DGPHIV. c tic = clock() call DGPHIV( n, m, t,u,v,w, tol, anorm, & wsp,lwsp, iwsp,liwsp, dgccsv, itrace, iflag ) tac = clock() print 9001,'----------------------------------------------------' print 9001,'DGPHIV (CCS) has completed:' print 9001,'----------------------------------------------------' print 9001,'w(1:10) =' do i = 1,10 print*,w(i) end do c c display some statistics if desired. c print 9001,'final report----------------------------------------' print 9002,'runtime = ',tac-tic print 9002,'||A||_inf = ',anorm print 9003,'nz =',nz print 9003,'n =',n print 9003,'m =',m print 9003,'itrace =',itrace print 9003,'iflag =',iflag print 9003,'ibrkflag =',iwsp(6) print 9003,'mbrkdwn =',iwsp(7) print 9003,'nstep =',iwsp(4) print 9003,'nreject =',iwsp(5) print 9003,'nmult =',iwsp(1) print 9003,'nexph =',iwsp(2) print 9003,'nscale =',iwsp(3) print 9002,'tol = ',tol print 9002,'t = ',t print 9002,'tbrkdwn = ',wsp(7) print 9002,'step_min = ',wsp(1) print 9002,'step_max = ',wsp(2) print 9002,'max_round = ',wsp(3) print 9002,'sum_round = ',wsp(4) print 9002,'max_error = ',wsp(5) print 9002,'sum_error = ',wsp(6) 9001 format(A) 9002 format(A,E8.2) 9003 format(A,I9) END subroutine sample_z ( ) c*********************************************************************72 c cc SAMPLE_Z illustrates the use of ZGEXPV and ZHEXPV. c c Discussion: c c Hermitian problem (Example 6.2 in the Expokit report). c implicit none external zgcoov, zgcrsv, zgccsv double precision tic, tac, clock c c matrix data. c BEWARE: these values must match those in zgmatv.f c integer n, nz, nmax, nzmax parameter( nmax = 5500, nzmax = 50000 ) integer ia(nzmax), ja(nzmax) complex*16 a(nzmax) common /CMAT/ a, ia, ja, nz, n c c arguments variables. c integer m, mmax, lwsp, liwsp parameter( mmax = 50 ) parameter( lwsp = nmax*(mmax+2)+5*(mmax+2)**2+7, liwsp = mmax+2 ) integer iwsp(liwsp) double precision t, tol, anorm, s1, s2 complex*16 v(nmax), w(nmax), wsp(lwsp) integer i, j, nnz, itrace, iflag, iseed(4) complex*16 ZERO, ONE parameter( ZERO=(0.0d0,0.0d0), ONE=(1.0d0,0.0d0) ) double precision DLARAN intrinsic ABS, CMPLX, CONJG, DBLE c c Executable statements. c write ( *, '(a)' ) ' ' write ( *, '(a)' ) 'SAMPLE_Z' c c Load a symmetric pattern. c n = nmax nz = nzmax/2 call getpat ( 'bcspwr10.txt', n, nz, ia, ja ) c c For the purpose of the experiments, expand to COOrdinates. c nnz = nz do j = n,1,-1 do i = 1,ja(j+1)-ja(j) ja(nnz) = j nnz = nnz-1 end do end do c c Fill-in an Hermitian matrix -- the conjugate part is included. c iseed(1) = 0 iseed(2) = 0 iseed(3) = 0 iseed(4) = 5 nnz = nz do i = 1,nz if ( ia(i).ne.ja(i) ) then s1 = 10.0d0*DLARAN( iseed ) - 5.0d0 s2 = 10.0d0*DLARAN( iseed ) - 5.0d0 a(i) = CMPLX( s1,s2 ) nnz = nnz + 1 a(nnz) = CONJG( a(i) ) ia(nnz) = ja(i) ja(nnz) = ia(i) else s1 = 10.0d0*DLARAN( iseed ) - 5.0d0 a(i) = CMPLX( s1,0.0d0 ) endif end do nz = nnz c c Compute the infinity norm of A. c do i = 1,n wsp(i) = ZERO end do do i = 1,nz wsp(ia(i)) = wsp(ia(i)) + ABS( a(i) ) end do anorm = wsp(1) do i = 2,n if ( ) then anorm = wsp(i) end if end do c c Convert from COO to CRS. c c call zgcnvr( 'coo','crs','n', n,n, nz, ia, ja, a, iwsp ) c c Compute the infinity norm of A. c c anorm = 0.0d0 c do i = 1,n c s1 = 0.0d0 c do j = ia(i),ia(i+1)-1 c s1 = s1 + ABS( a(j) ) c end do c if ( ) anorm = s1 c end do write(UNIT=*,FMT='(A,E8.2)') '||A||_inf= ',anorm c c The operand vector v is set to e_1 + e_n. c do i = 1,n v(i) = ZERO end do v(1) = ONE v(n) = ONE c c Set other input arguments. c t = 1.0d0 tol = 1.0d-5 m = 30 itrace = 0 c c Compute w = exp(t*A)v with ZGEXPV. c tic = clock() call ZGEXPV( n, m, t,v,w, tol, anorm, & wsp,lwsp, iwsp,liwsp, zgcoov, itrace, iflag ) tac = clock() print 9001,'----------------------------------------------------' print 9001,'ZGEXPV has completed:' print 9001,'----------------------------------------------------' print 9001,'w(1:10) =' do i = 1,10 print*,w(i) end do c c Display some statistics if desired. c print 9001,'final report----------------------------------------' print 9002,'runtime = ',tac-tic print 9002,'||A||_inf = ',anorm print 9003,'nz =',nz print 9003,'n =',n print 9003,'m =',m print 9003,'itrace =',itrace print 9003,'iflag =',iflag print 9003,'ibrkflag =',iwsp(6) print 9003,'mbrkdwn =',iwsp(7) print 9003,'nstep =',iwsp(4) print 9003,'nreject =',iwsp(5) print 9003,'nmult =',iwsp(1) print 9003,'nexph =',iwsp(2) print 9003,'nscale =',iwsp(3) print 9002,'tol = ',tol print 9002,'t = ',t print 9002,'tbrkdwn = ',DBLE( wsp(7) ) print 9002,'step_min = ',DBLE( wsp(1) ) print 9002,'step_max = ',DBLE( wsp(2) ) print 9002,'max_round = ',DBLE( wsp(3) ) print 9002,'sum_round = ',DBLE( wsp(4) ) print 9002,'max_error = ',DBLE( wsp(5) ) print 9002,'sum_error = ',DBLE( wsp(6) ) print 9002,'hump = ',DBLE( wsp(9) ) print 9002,'scale-norm= ',DBLE( wsp(10) ) c c Compute w = exp(t*A)v with ZHEXPV. c tic = clock() call ZHEXPV( n, m, t,v,w, tol, anorm, & wsp,lwsp, iwsp,liwsp, zgcoov, itrace, iflag ) tac = clock() print 9001,'----------------------------------------------------' print 9001,'ZHEXPV has completed:' print 9001,'----------------------------------------------------' print 9001,'w(1:10) =' do i = 1,10 print*,w(i) end do c c Display some statistics if desired. c print 9001,'final report----------------------------------------' print 9002,'runtime = ',tac-tic print 9002,'||A||_inf = ',anorm print 9003,'nz =',nz print 9003,'n =',n print 9003,'m =',m print 9003,'itrace =',itrace print 9003,'iflag =',iflag print 9003,'ibrkflag =',iwsp(6) print 9003,'mbrkdwn =',iwsp(7) print 9003,'nstep =',iwsp(4) print 9003,'nreject =',iwsp(5) print 9003,'nmult =',iwsp(1) print 9003,'nexph =',iwsp(2) print 9003,'nscale =',iwsp(3) print 9002,'tol = ',tol print 9002,'t = ',t print 9002,'tbrkdwn = ',DBLE( wsp(7) ) print 9002,'step_min = ',DBLE( wsp(1) ) print 9002,'step_max = ',DBLE( wsp(2) ) print 9002,'max_round = ',DBLE( wsp(3) ) print 9002,'sum_round = ',DBLE( wsp(4) ) print 9002,'max_error = ',DBLE( wsp(5) ) print 9002,'sum_error = ',DBLE( wsp(6) ) print 9002,'hump = ',DBLE( wsp(9) ) print 9002,'scale-norm= ',DBLE( wsp(10) ) 9001 format(A) 9002 format(A,E8.2) 9003 format(A,I9) END