21 August 2012 9:34:50.654 AM BISECTION_INTEGER_PRB FORTRAN77 version Test the BISECTION_INTEGER library. TEST01 BISECTION_INTEGER attempts to locate an integer root C of an equation F(C) = 0. The user supplies a change of sign interval [A,B]. The function considered here has two real roots as well as an integer root, so the algorithm can fail depending on how the change of sign interval is chosen. The initial change of sign interval is: F( 4) = -42 F( 100) = 3456630 An exact root was found at C = 10 The initial change of sign interval is: F( -10) = -11340 F( 15) = 3335 An exact root was NOT found. The change of sign interval is now: F( 0) = -70 F( 1) = 45 BISECTION_INTEGER_PRB Normal end of execution. 21 August 2012 9:34:50.655 AM