c ANYBUG.F 11 October 1994 c c ANYPLT/BUGPLT interface c c ANYBUG was written by c c John Burkardt c Staff Programmer c Mathematics Department c University of Pittsburgh c Pittsburgh, PA c subroutine anyplt(icom) c*********************************************************************** c cc ANYPLT is a generic graphics interface. c c This version is an interface to a dummy debugging device. c c BUGPLT graphics is actually a debugging device which writes c a file with extension BUG containing a list of the calls c to ANYPLT c c Licensing: c c This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. c c Modified: c c 24 January 2009 c c Author: c c John Burkardt c integer ldunit parameter (ldunit=3) c character*80 carray integer icom integer iplt1 integer iplt2 integer ixplt1 integer ixplt2 integer iyplt1 integer iyplt2 integer marray real xplt1 real xplt2 real yplt1 real yplt2 c common /anycom/ iplt1,iplt2,ixplt1,ixplt2,iyplt1, & iyplt2,marray,xplt1,xplt2,yplt1,yplt2 common /anychr/ carray c c c ICOM=0 Enable graphics c if(icom.eq.0)then open(unit=ldunit,file='anyplt.bug',status='old',err=10) close(unit=ldunit,status='delete') 10 continue open(unit=ldunit,file='anyplt.bug',status='new') write(ldunit,*)'BugPlt - 00 - Enable graphics.' write(ldunit,*)' Xmin=',xplt1,' Xmax=',xplt2 write(ldunit,*)' Ymin=',yplt1,' Ymax=',yplt2 c c ICOM=1 Disable graphics c elseif(icom.eq.1)then write(ldunit,*)'BugPlt - 01 - Disable graphics.' close(unit=ldunit) c c ICOM=2 Begin plot c elseif(icom.eq.2)then write(ldunit,*)'BugPlt - 02 - Begin plot' c c ICOM=3 Define plot size c elseif(icom.eq.3)then write(ldunit,*)'BugPlt - 03 - Define plot limits:' write(ldunit,*)' Xmin=',xplt1,' Xmax=',xplt2 write(ldunit,*)' Ymin=',yplt1,' Ymax=',yplt2 c c ICOM=4 Move to point c elseif(icom.eq.4)then write(ldunit,*)'BugPlt - 04 - Move to the point:' write(ldunit,'(2x,2g14.6)')xplt1,yplt1 c c ICOM=5 Draw to point c elseif(icom.eq.5)then write(ldunit,*)'BugPlt - 05 - Draw to the point:' write(ldunit,'(2x,2g14.6)')xplt1,yplt1 c c ICOM=6 Clear screen c elseif(icom.eq.6)then write(ldunit,*)'BugPlt - 06 - Clear the screen.' c c ICOM=7, Write string at position c elseif(icom.eq.7)then write(ldunit,*)'BugPlt - 07 - Write a string.' write(ldunit,*)' At the point ',xplt1,yplt1 write(ldunit,*)' Write the ',marray,' characters:' write(ldunit,'(2x,a)')carray(1:marray) c c ICOM=8 Use virtual cursor c elseif(icom.eq.8)then write(ldunit,*)'BugPlt - 08 - Use the virtual cursor.' c c ICOM=9 End plot c elseif(icom.eq.9)then write(ldunit,*)'BugPlt - 09 - End this plot.' c c ICOM=10 Ring bell c elseif(icom.eq.10)then write(ldunit,*)'BugPlt - 10 - Ring the bell.' c c ICOM=11 Mark data c elseif(icom.eq.11)then write(ldunit,*)'BugPlt - 11 - Mark data point.' write(ldunit,*)' At the point ',xplt1,yplt1 write(ldunit,*)' Mark the data with ',carray(1:1) c c ICOM=12 Return screen data c elseif(icom.eq.12)then write(ldunit,*)'BugPlt - 12 - Return maximum screen data.' c c ICOM=13 Return version c elseif(icom.eq.13)then write(ldunit,*)'Bugplt - 13 - Return version.' carray='AnyPlt - Version 1.02 11 October 1994 BugPlt' write(ldunit,'(a)')carray c c Unknown value of ICOM. c else write(*,*)'AnyPlt - Fatal error!' write(*,*)' Unknown value of ICOM=',icom stop endif return end