/* --------------------------------------------------------------------- * * Copyright (C) 1999 - 2013 by the deal.II authors * * This file is part of the deal.II library. * * The deal.II library is free software; you can use it, redistribute * it, and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General * Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * The full text of the license can be found in the file LICENSE at * the top level of the deal.II distribution. * * --------------------------------------------------------------------- * * Author: Wolfgang Bangerth, University of Heidelberg, 1999 */ // The first few includes are just like in the previous program, so do not // require additional comments: #include #include #include #include #include // However, the next file is new. We need this include file for the // association of degrees of freedom ("DoF"s) to vertices, lines, and cells: #include // The following include contains the description of the bilinear finite // element, including the facts that it has one degree of freedom on each // vertex of the triangulation, but none on faces and none in the interior of // the cells. // // (In fact, the file contains the description of Lagrange elements in // general, i.e. also the quadratic, cubic, etc versions, and not only for 2d // but also 1d and 3d.) #include // In the following file, several tools for manipulating degrees of freedom // can be found: #include // We will use a sparse matrix to visualize the pattern of nonzero entries // resulting from the distribution of degrees of freedom on the grid. That // class can be found here: #include // We will also need to use an intermediate sparsity pattern structure, which // is found in this file: #include // We will want to use a special algorithm to renumber degrees of freedom. It // is declared here: #include // And this is again needed for C++ output: #include // Finally, as in step-1, we import the deal.II namespace into the global // scope: using namespace dealii; // @sect3{Mesh generation} // This is the function that produced the circular grid in the previous step-1 // example program. The sole difference is that it returns the grid it // produces via its argument. // // The details of what the function does are explained in step-1. The only // thing we would like to comment on is this: // // Since we want to export the triangulation through this function's // parameter, we need to make sure that the boundary object lives at least as // long as the triangulation does. However, in step-1, the boundary object is // a local variable, and it would be deleted at the end of the function, which // is too early. We avoid the problem by declaring it 'static' which makes // sure that the object is initialized the first time control the program // passes this point, but at the same time assures that it lives until the end // of the program. void make_grid (Triangulation<2> &triangulation) { const Point<2> center (1,0); const double inner_radius = 0.5, outer_radius = 1.0; GridGenerator::hyper_shell (triangulation, center, inner_radius, outer_radius, 10); static const HyperShellBoundary<2> boundary_description(center); triangulation.set_boundary (0, boundary_description); for (unsigned int step=0; step<5; ++step) { Triangulation<2>::active_cell_iterator cell = triangulation.begin_active(), endc = triangulation.end(); for (; cell!=endc; ++cell) for (unsigned int v=0; v < GeometryInfo<2>::vertices_per_cell; ++v) { const double distance_from_center = center.distance (cell->vertex(v)); if (std::fabs(distance_from_center - inner_radius) < 1e-10) { cell->set_refine_flag (); break; } } triangulation.execute_coarsening_and_refinement (); } } // @sect3{Creation of a DoFHandler} // Up to now, we only have a grid, i.e. some geometrical (the position of the // vertices) and some topological information (how vertices are connected to // lines, and lines to cells, as well as which cells neighbor which other // cells). To use numerical algorithms, one needs some logic information in // addition to that: we would like to associate degree of freedom numbers to // each vertex (or line, or cell, in case we were using higher order elements) // to later generate matrices and vectors which describe a finite element // field on the triangulation. // // This function shows how to do this. The object to consider is the // DoFHandler class template. Before we do so, however, we first // need something that describes how many degrees of freedom are to be // associated to each of these objects. Since this is one aspect of the // definition of a finite element space, the finite element base class stores // this information. In the present context, we therefore create an object of // the derived class FE_Q that describes Lagrange elements. Its // constructor takes one argument that states the polynomial degree of the // element, which here is one (indicating a bi-linear element); this then // corresponds to one degree of freedom for each vertex, while there are none // on lines and inside the quadrilateral. A value of, say, three given to the // constructor would instead give us a bi-cubic element with one degree of // freedom per vertex, two per line, and four inside the cell. In general, // FE_Q denotes the family of continuous elements with complete // polynomials (i.e. tensor-product polynomials) up to the specified order. // // We first need to create an object of this class and then pass it on to the // DoFHandler object to allocate storage for the degrees of // freedom (in deal.II lingo: we distribute degrees of // freedom). Note that the DoFHandler object will store a reference to // this finite element object, so we have to make sure its lifetime is at // least as long as that of the DoFHandler; one way to make sure // this is so is to make it static as well, in order to prevent its preemptive // destruction. (However, the library would warn us if we forgot about this // and abort the program if that occurred. You can check this, if you want, by // removing the 'static' declaration.) void distribute_dofs (DoFHandler<2> &dof_handler) { // As described above, let us first create a finite element object, and then // use it to allocate degrees of freedom on the triangulation with which the // dof_handler object is associated: // // JVB: Consider finite_element(1), (2) or (3) // static const FE_Q<2> finite_element(3); dof_handler.distribute_dofs (finite_element); // Now that we have associated a degree of freedom with a global number to // each vertex, we wonder how to visualize this? There is no simple way to // directly visualize the DoF number associated with each vertex. However, // such information would hardly ever be truly important, since the // numbering itself is more or less arbitrary. There are more important // factors, of which we will demonstrate one in the following. // // Associated with each vertex of the triangulation is a shape // function. Assume we want to solve something like Laplace's equation, then // the different matrix entries will be the integrals over the gradient of // each pair of such shape functions. Obviously, since the shape functions // are nonzero only on the cells adjacent to the vertex they are associated // with, matrix entries will be nonzero only if the supports of the shape // functions associated to that column and row %numbers intersect. This is // only the case for adjacent shape functions, and therefore only for // adjacent vertices. Now, since the vertices are numbered more or less // randomly by the above function (DoFHandler::distribute_dofs), the pattern // of nonzero entries in the matrix will be somewhat ragged, and we will // take a look at it now. // // First we have to create a structure which we use to store the places of // nonzero elements. This can then later be used by one or more sparse // matrix objects that store the values of the entries in the locations // stored by this sparsity pattern. The class that stores the locations is // the SparsityPattern class. As it turns out, however, this class has some // drawbacks when we try to fill it right away: its data structures are set // up in such a way that we need to have an estimate for the maximal number // of entries we may wish to have in each row. In two space dimensions, // reasonable values for this estimate are available through the // DoFHandler::max_couplings_between_dofs() function, but in three // dimensions the function almost always severely overestimates the true // number, leading to a lot of wasted memory, sometimes too much for the // machine used, even if the unused memory can be released immediately after // computing the sparsity pattern. In order to avoid this, we use an // intermediate object of type CompressedSparsityPattern that uses a // different %internal data structure and that we can later copy into the // SparsityPattern object without much overhead. (Some more information on // these data structures can be found in the @ref Sparsity module.) In order // to initialize this intermediate data structure, we have to give it the // size of the matrix, which in our case will be square with as many rows // and columns as there are degrees of freedom on the grid: CompressedSparsityPattern compressed_sparsity_pattern(dof_handler.n_dofs(), dof_handler.n_dofs()); // We then fill this object with the places where nonzero elements will be // located given the present numbering of degrees of freedom: DoFTools::make_sparsity_pattern (dof_handler, compressed_sparsity_pattern); // Now we are ready to create the actual sparsity pattern that we could // later use for our matrix. It will just contain the data already assembled // in the CompressedSparsityPattern. SparsityPattern sparsity_pattern; sparsity_pattern.copy_from (compressed_sparsity_pattern); // // JVB: Query and print number of nonzeros and bandwidth. // unsigned int nz = sparsity_pattern.n_nonzero_elements ( ); std::cout << " Nonzeros = " << nz << "\n"; unsigned int bw = sparsity_pattern.bandwidth ( ); std::cout << " Initial bandwidth = " << bw << "\n"; // With this, we can now write the results to a file: std::ofstream out ("sparsity_pattern.1"); sparsity_pattern.print_gnuplot (out); // The result is in GNUPLOT format, where in each line of the output file, // the coordinates of one nonzero entry are listed. The output will be shown // below. // // If you look at it, you will note that the sparsity pattern is // symmetric. This should not come as a surprise, since we have not given // the DoFTools::make_sparsity_pattern any information that // would indicate that our bilinear form may couple shape functions in a // non-symmetric way. You will also note that it has several distinct // region, which stem from the fact that the numbering starts from the // coarsest cells and moves on to the finer ones; since they are all // distributed symmetrically around the origin, this shows up again in the // sparsity pattern. } // @sect3{Renumbering of DoFs} // In the sparsity pattern produced above, the nonzero entries extended quite // far off from the diagonal. For some algorithms, for example for incomplete // LU decompositions or Gauss-Seidel preconditioners, this is unfavorable, and // we will show a simple way how to improve this situation. // // Remember that for an entry $(i,j)$ in the matrix to be nonzero, the // supports of the shape functions i and j needed to intersect (otherwise in // the integral, the integrand would be zero everywhere since either the one // or the other shape function is zero at some point). However, the supports // of shape functions intersected only if they were adjacent to each other, so // in order to have the nonzero entries clustered around the diagonal (where // $i$ equals $j$), we would like to have adjacent shape functions to be // numbered with indices (DoF numbers) that differ not too much. // // This can be accomplished by a simple front marching algorithm, where one // starts at a given vertex and gives it the index zero. Then, its neighbors // are numbered successively, making their indices close to the original // one. Then, their neighbors, if not yet numbered, are numbered, and so on. // // One algorithm that adds a little bit of sophistication along these lines is // the one by Cuthill and McKee. We will use it in the following function to // renumber the degrees of freedom such that the resulting sparsity pattern is // more localized around the diagonal. The only interesting part of the // function is the first call to DoFRenumbering::Cuthill_McKee, // the rest is essentially as before: void renumber_dofs (DoFHandler<2> &dof_handler) { DoFRenumbering::Cuthill_McKee (dof_handler); CompressedSparsityPattern compressed_sparsity_pattern(dof_handler.n_dofs(), dof_handler.n_dofs()); DoFTools::make_sparsity_pattern (dof_handler, compressed_sparsity_pattern); SparsityPattern sparsity_pattern; sparsity_pattern.copy_from (compressed_sparsity_pattern); std::ofstream out ("sparsity_pattern.2"); sparsity_pattern.print_gnuplot (out); // // JVB: Query and print number of nonzeros and bandwidth. // unsigned int nz = sparsity_pattern.n_nonzero_elements ( ); std::cout << " Nonzeros = " << nz << "\n"; unsigned int bw = sparsity_pattern.bandwidth ( ); std::cout << " Final bandwidth = " << bw << "\n"; } // Again, the output is shown below. Note that the nonzero entries are // clustered far better around the diagonal than before. This effect is even // more distinguished for larger matrices (the present one has 1260 rows and // columns, but large matrices often have several 100,000s). // It is worth noting that the DoFRenumbering class offers a // number of other algorithms as well to renumber degrees of freedom. For // example, it would of course be ideal if all couplings were in the lower or // upper triangular part of a matrix, since then solving the linear system // would among to only forward or backward substitution. This is of course // unachievable for symmetric sparsity patterns, but in some special // situations involving transport equations, this is possible by enumerating // degrees of freedom from the inflow boundary along streamlines to the // outflow boundary. Not surprisingly, DoFRenumbering also has // algorithms for this. // @sect3{The main function} // Finally, this is the main program. The only thing it does is to allocate // and create the triangulation, then create a DoFHandler object // and associate it to the triangulation, and finally call above two functions // on it: int main () { Triangulation<2> triangulation; make_grid (triangulation); DoFHandler<2> dof_handler (triangulation); distribute_dofs (dof_handler); renumber_dofs (dof_handler); }