Pairs of Files Defining a 3D Triangulated Surface

TRI_SURFACE is a data directory which contains examples of files which define a triangulated surface.

A triangulated surface is an approximation to a 3D surface, created by a collection of triangles defined in 3D. The TRI_SURFACE format requires two files:


The computer code and data files described and made available on this web page are distributed under the GNU LGPL license.

Related Data and Programs:

OBJ_TO_TRI_SURFACE, a MATLAB program which reads an OBJ file and extracts the surface mesh data as a TRI_SURFACE dataset.

PLY_TO_TRI_SURFACE, a MATLAB program which reads a PLY file and extracts the surface mesh data as a TRI_SURFACE dataset.

STLA_TO_TRI_SURFACE, a MATLAB program which reads an ASCII STL fil and extracts the surface mesh data as a TRI_SURFACE dataset.

STLA_TO_TRI_SURFACE_FAST, a MATLAB program which is a faster version of stla_to_tri_surface.

TET_MESH_BOUNDARY, a FORTRAN90 program which returns the nodes and faces of the boundary of a tetrahedral mesh, which themselves form a 3D triangular mesh or "TRI_SURFACE".

TRI_SURFACE_DISPLAY, a MATLAB program which displays the 3D graphics information in a TRI_SURFACE file;

TRI_SURFACE_IO, a C++ library which reads and writes the 3D graphics information in a TRI_SURFACE file;

TRI_SURFACE_TO_OBJ, a MATLAB program which reads a TRI_SURFACE dataset and extracts the surface mesh data as an OBJ file.

TRI_SURFACE_TO_PLY, a MATLAB program which converts a TRI_SURFACE dataset to a dataset suitable for storage as a PLY file.

TRI_SURFACE_TO_STLA, a MATLAB program which reads a TRI_SURFACE dataset and extracts the surface mesh data as an ASCII STL file.

Sample Files:

CESSNA is the surface of a Cessna airplane, defined by 3745 nodes and 7446 triangles.

CUBE is the surface of a cube, defined by 8 nodes and 12 triangles.

DART is the surface of a dart defined by 5 nodes and 6 triangles.

HUMANOID is the surface of a humanoid shape, defined by 64 nodes and 96 triangles.

MAGNOLIA is the surface of a magnolia blossom, defined by 3741 nodes and 1247 triangles.

SHARK is the surface of a shark, defined by 2560 nodes and 5116 triangles.

SHUTTLE is the surface of a space shuttle, defined by 310 nodes and 616 triangles.

SPHERE is the surface of a sphere, defined by 58 nodes and 112 triangles.

TEAPOT is the surface of a teapot, defined by 530 nodes and 1024 triangles.

TETRAHEDRON is the surface of a tetrahedron, defined by 4 nodes and 4 triangles.

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Last revised on 25 May 2012.