In this movie, we chose to use 10 generators, and we added a value of cvt_cutoff, which meant that points that were too far from a generator were not assigned. Such points display as white space in the picture. The CVT cells behave almost like balloons now. Their maximum size is a circle of radius cvt_cutoff, and when they are "pressed" against each other, they feel a pressure to move away. We hope to use this idea to make it easy to add new points to a fixed grid, and allow the new points to move through the grid to find good equilibrium locations. But that comes later.

We saved a PPMB file containing an image of each step, converted these to JPEG files with consecutive file names, fed that into QuickTime Pro to create an animation, and saved the result as an MPEG-4 file.

Last revised on 24 January 2003.