FIG Files

FIG is a data directory which contains examples of FIG files.

Note that MATLAB uses a proprietary graphics file format, which it also calls a "FIG" file. MATLAB FIG files are not being discussed here.

FIG File Characteristics:


The computer code and data files described and made available on this web page are distributed under the GNU LGPL license.


  1. ../../html/fig_format.html,
    The Fig Format Version 3.2.
    the XFIG home page.
  3. Carole Blanc, Christophe Schlick,
    X-Splines: A Spline Model Designed for the End User,
    Proceedings of SIGGRAPH, 1995,
    ISBN: 0201847760.

Sample Files:

AIRCRAFT is three schematic views of a light aircraft;

ALPHA is a diagram illustrating a flow region through a channel with a bump;

ARROWS is a diagram with some thick, colorful arrows;

HOUSE is a house plan;

WATCH is a diagram of a CASIO watch;

You can go up one level to the DATA page.

Last revised on 24 September 2006.