23 December 2011 08:38:42 AM XY_IO_PRB: C++ version Test the XY_IO library. TEST01: XY_EXAMPLE sets up sample XY data. XY_WRITE writes an XY file. XY_EXAMPLE has created the data. XY_WRITE wrote the header and data for "xy_io_prb_01.xy" Number of points = 300 TEST02 XY_READ reads the header and data of an XY file. XY_WRITE_TEST created data and wrote it to "xy_io_prb_02.xy" XY_READ read the test data successfully. Number of points = 100 Sample data: 0 0.5 0.5 11 0.447795 0.480999 22 0.585116 0.571421 33 0.416667 0.355662 44 0.538588 0.718846 55 0.548236 0.226442 66 0.333333 0.788675 77 0.797906 0.250027 88 0.0823588 0.652009 99 1 0.5 TEST03 XYL_EXAMPLE sets up XY and XYL data. Example has: Number of points = 13 Number of lines = 3 Number of line items = 15 Wrote the XY file "house.xy", and the XYL file "house.xyl". TEST04 XY_HEADER_READ reads the header of an XY file. XY_DATA_READ reads the data of an XY file. XYL_HEADER_READ reads the header of an XYL file. XYL_DATA_READ reads the data of an XYL file. Examine XY file "house.xy". Number of points = 13 Point data: 0 0 0 1 6 0 2 6 7 3 3 10 4 0 7 5 4 1 6 5 1 7 5 4 8 4 4 9 5 8 10 5 11 11 4 11 12 4 9 Examine XYL file "house.xyl". Number of lines = 3 Number of line items = 15 Line pointers: 0 0 5 1 6 10 2 11 14 Line data: 0 0 1 2 3 4 0 1 5 6 7 8 5 2 9 10 11 12 TEST05 XYF_EXAMPLE sets up XY and XYF data. Example has: Number of points = 65 Number of faces = 48 Number of face items = 192 Wrote the XY file "annulus.xy", and the XYF file "annulus.xyf". TEST06 XY_HEADER_READ reads the header of an XY file. XY_DATA_READ reads the data of an XY file. XYF_HEADER_READ reads the header of an XYF file. XYF_DATA_READ reads the data of an XYF file. Examine XY file "annulus.xy". Number of points = 65 Point data: 0 -1 1.22465e-16 1 -0.965926 0.258819 2 -0.866025 0.5 3 -0.707107 0.707107 4 -0.5 0.866025 5 -0.258819 0.965926 6 6.12323e-17 1 7 0.258819 0.965926 8 0.5 0.866025 9 0.707107 0.707107 10 0.866025 0.5 11 0.965926 0.258819 12 1 0 13 -1.5 1.83697e-16 14 -1.44889 0.388229 15 -1.29904 0.75 16 -1.06066 1.06066 17 -0.75 1.29904 18 -0.388229 1.44889 19 9.18485e-17 1.5 20 0.388229 1.44889 21 0.75 1.29904 22 1.06066 1.06066 23 1.29904 0.75 24 1.44889 0.388229 25 1.5 0 26 -2 2.44929e-16 27 -1.93185 0.517638 28 -1.73205 1 29 -1.41421 1.41421 30 -1 1.73205 31 -0.517638 1.93185 32 1.22465e-16 2 33 0.517638 1.93185 34 1 1.73205 35 1.41421 1.41421 36 1.73205 1 37 1.93185 0.517638 38 2 0 39 -2.5 3.06162e-16 40 -2.41481 0.647048 41 -2.16506 1.25 42 -1.76777 1.76777 43 -1.25 2.16506 44 -0.647048 2.41481 45 1.53081e-16 2.5 46 0.647048 2.41481 47 1.25 2.16506 48 1.76777 1.76777 49 2.16506 1.25 50 2.41481 0.647048 51 2.5 0 52 -3 3.67394e-16 53 -2.89778 0.776457 54 -2.59808 1.5 55 -2.12132 2.12132 56 -1.5 2.59808 57 -0.776457 2.89778 58 1.83697e-16 3 59 0.776457 2.89778 60 1.5 2.59808 61 2.12132 2.12132 62 2.59808 1.5 63 2.89778 0.776457 64 3 0 Examine XYF file "annulus.xyf". Number of faces = 48 Number of face items = 192 Face pointers: 0 0 3 1 4 7 2 8 11 3 12 15 4 16 19 5 20 23 6 24 27 7 28 31 8 32 35 9 36 39 10 40 43 11 44 47 12 48 51 13 52 55 14 56 59 15 60 63 16 64 67 17 68 71 18 72 75 19 76 79 20 80 83 21 84 87 22 88 91 23 92 95 24 96 99 25 100 103 26 104 107 27 108 111 28 112 115 29 116 119 30 120 123 31 124 127 32 128 131 33 132 135 34 136 139 35 140 143 36 144 147 37 148 151 38 152 155 39 156 159 40 160 163 41 164 167 42 168 171 43 172 175 44 176 179 45 180 183 46 184 187 47 188 191 Face data: 0 0 1 14 13 1 1 2 15 14 2 2 3 16 15 3 3 4 17 16 4 4 5 18 17 5 5 6 19 18 6 6 7 20 19 7 7 8 21 20 8 8 9 22 21 9 9 10 23 22 10 10 11 24 23 11 11 12 25 24 12 13 14 27 26 13 14 15 28 27 14 15 16 29 28 15 16 17 30 29 16 17 18 31 30 17 18 19 32 31 18 19 20 33 32 19 20 21 34 33 20 21 22 35 34 21 22 23 36 35 22 23 24 37 36 23 24 25 38 37 24 26 27 40 39 25 27 28 41 40 26 28 29 42 41 27 29 30 43 42 28 30 31 44 43 29 31 32 45 44 30 32 33 46 45 31 33 34 47 46 32 34 35 48 47 33 35 36 49 48 34 36 37 50 49 35 37 38 51 50 36 39 40 53 52 37 40 41 54 53 38 41 42 55 54 39 42 43 56 55 40 43 44 57 56 41 44 45 58 57 42 45 46 59 58 43 46 47 60 59 44 47 48 61 60 45 48 49 62 61 46 49 50 63 62 47 50 51 64 63 XY_IO_PRB: Normal end of execution. 23 December 2011 08:38:42 AM