14 August 2009 08:03:07 PM TRIANGLE_HISTOGRAM C++ version Compute a histogram for data in the reference triangle. Compiled on Aug 14 2009 at 20:03:05. Read the header of "g10000.txt". Spatial dimension DIM_NUM = 2 Number of points DATA_NUM = 10000 Read the data in "g10000.txt". 5 by 5 portion of data read from file: Row: 1 2 Col 1 0.385592 0.285758 2 0.0398984 0.303314 3 0.455881 0.376799 4 0.228634 0.592896 5 0.0982218 0.011329 Data from file "g10000.txt". Number of points = 10000 Triangle refinement level N = 4 Number of triangles = 16 Counting number of points in each subtriangle: Minimum = 567 Average = 625 Maximum = 682 STD = 29.9577 COUNT 586 635 628 609 656 640 616 567 582 622 682 627 653 644 645 608 Number of out-or-range points = 0 TRIANGLE_HISTOGRAM: Normal end of execution. 14 August 2009 08:03:07 PM