23 June 2005 04:46:12 PM TABLE_QUALITY (C++ version): Compute measures of uniform dispersion for a pointset. Compiled on Jun 23 2005 at 16:45:14. Note: this routine assumes that the input pointset is contained in the unit hypercube. If this is not the case, then you must rewrite the routine SAMPLE_ROUTINE so that it properly returns sample points in your region, with a uniform density, or a probability density of your choosing. Triangulated data generates 188 triangles. Measures of uniform point dispersion. The pointset was read from "halton_02_00100.txt". The sample routine will be SAMPLE_HYPERCUBE_UNIFORM. Spatial dimension DIM_NUM = 2 The number of points N = 100 The number of sample points NS = 100000 The random number SEED_INIT = 123456789 The minimum angle measure ALPHA = 1.67374 The regularity measure Chi = 5.1746 2nd moment determinant measure D = 6.62849e-07 The Voronoi energy measure E = 0.0022173 The mesh ratio Gamma = 3.36968 The point distribution norm H = 0.124875 The COV measure Lambda = 0.288963 The point distribution ratio Mu = 2.31022 The cell volume deviation Nu = 5.39432 The triangle uniformity measure Q = 0.00186193 The Riesz S = 0 energy measure R0 = 0.778177 Nonintersecting sphere volume S = 0.40668 2nd moment trace measure Tau = 0.00165464 TABLE_QUALITY: Normal end of execution. 23 June 2005 04:46:26 PM