12 March 2014 08:17:59 PM PSLINSOL: C++/OpenMP version Call the OpenMP version of SuperLU to solve a linear system. Title: g20, symm permuted by SYMMMD Key: SYM Dimension 400x400; # nonzeros 1920 Use minimum degree ordering on A'*A. Factor time = 0.00 Factor flops = 1.944650e+05 Mflops = 158.10 Solve time = 0.00 Solve flops = 2.201600e+04 Mflops = 209.87 ||X - Xtrue||/||X|| = 1.192092e-06 #NZ in factor L = 5869 #NZ in factor U = 5539 #NZ in L+U = 11008 L\U MB 0.0871124 total MB needed 0.242752 expansions 0 PSLINSOL: Normal end of execution. 12 March 2014 08:17:59 PM