20 November 2007 03:12:41 PM HELMHOLTZ C++ version A program which solves the 2D Helmholtz equation. This program includes Open MP directives, so that it can be run sequentially, or in parallel. This program is being run in parallel. The number of processors available: OMP_GET_NUM_PROCS () = 1 The number of threads available: OMP_GET_NUM_THREADS () = 1 The region is [-1,1] x [-1,1]. The number of nodes in the X direction is M = 5 The number of nodes in the Y direction is N = 5 Number of variables in linear system M * N = 25 The scalar coefficient in the Helmholtz equation is ALPHA = 0.25 The relaxation value is OMEGA = 1.1 The error tolerance is TOL = 0.0001 The maximum number of Jacobi iterations is IT_MAX = 20 Right hand side l2 norm = 10.5786 1 Residual RMS 0.0260397 2 Residual RMS 0.0171818 3 Residual RMS 0.0114383 4 Residual RMS 0.00761634 5 Residual RMS 0.00507154 6 Residual RMS 0.00337712 7 Residual RMS 0.00224891 8 Residual RMS 0.00149772 9 Residual RMS 0.000997577 10 Residual RMS 0.000664596 11 Residual RMS 0.000442925 12 Residual RMS 0.000295376 13 Residual RMS 0.000197186 14 Residual RMS 0.000131868 15 Residual RMS 8.84447e-05 Total number of iterations 15 Computed U l2 norm : 2.12024 Computed U_EXACT l2 norm : 2.125 Error l2 norm: 0.00476507 HELMHOLTZ Normal end of execution. 20 November 2007 03:12:41 PM