/* This is part of the netCDF package. Copyright 2006 University Corporation for Atmospheric Research/Unidata. See COPYRIGHT file for conditions of use. This is a very simple example which reads a 2D array of sample data produced by simple_xy_wr.cpp. This example is part of the netCDF tutorial: http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/software/netcdf/docs/netcdf-tutorial Full documentation of the netCDF C++ API can be found at: http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/software/netcdf/docs/netcdf-cxx $Id: simple_xy_rd.cpp,v 1.12 2006/08/18 18:57:30 russ Exp $ */ #include #include "netcdf.hpp" using namespace std; // We are reading 2D data, a 6 x 12 grid. static const int NDIMS = 2; static const int NX = 6; static const int NY = 12; // Return this in event of a problem. static const int NC_ERR = 2; int main ( void ) { // // This is the array we will read. // int dataIn[NX][NY]; // // Open the file. The ReadOnly parameter tells netCDF we want // read-only access to the file. // NcFile dataFile ( "simple_xy.nc", NcFile::ReadOnly ); // // You should always check whether a netCDF file open or creation // constructor succeeded. // if ( !dataFile.is_valid ( ) ) { cout << "Couldn't open file!\n"; return NC_ERR; } // // For other method calls, the default behavior of the C++ API is // to exit with a message if there is an error. If that behavior // is OK, there is no need to check return values in simple cases // like the following. // // Retrieve the variable named "data". // NcVar *data = dataFile.get_var ( "data" ); // // Read all the values from the "data" variable into memory. // data->get ( &dataIn[0][0], NX, NY ); // // Check the values. // for ( int i = 0; i < NX; i++ ) { for ( int j = 0; j < NY; j++ ) { if ( dataIn[i][j] != i * NY + j ) { return NC_ERR; } } } // // The netCDF file is automatically closed by the NcFile destructor. // cout << "*** SUCCESS reading example file simple_xy.nc!" << endl; return 0; }