MONTE_CARLO - Master process: Estimate pi by the Monte Carlo method, using MPI. Compiled on : May 2 2003 at 03:11:19. The number of processes is 4. Points in the unit square will be tested to see if they lie in the unit quarter circle. The method will continue to improve the estimate until: PI is computed to within a tolerance = 0.0001 or the number of points examined reaches 1000000. Process 0 is active. pi = 3.11467 pi = 3.10533 pi = 3.12533 pi = 3.14667 pi = 3.14187 pi = 3.14756 pi = 3.152 pi = 3.151 pi = 3.14015 pi = 3.1432 pi = 3.14085 pi = 3.13378 pi = 3.13579 pi = 3.13905 pi = 3.13902 pi = 3.14033 pi = 3.14039 pi = 3.13985 pi = 3.14316 pi = 3.14253 pi = 3.14184 pi = 3.14182 pi = 3.14168 Number of points: 34500 Number inside: 27097 Number outside: 7403 MONTE_CARLO - Master process: Normal end of execution. Process 1 is active. Process 2 is active. Process 3 is active.