20 March 2005 09:05:06 AM HEX_GRID_DATASET (C++ version) Generate a hexagonal grid dataset. This program is meant to be used interactively. It is also possible to prepare a simple input file beforehand and use it in batch mode. The program requests input values from the user: * X1, Y1, the lower left corner of the region, * X2, Y2, the upper right corner of the region, * NODES_PER_LAYER, the number of nodes per layer, After the dataset of nodes is computed, it is written to a file, and another dataset may be made. * * * Ready to generate a new dataset: * * Enter X1, Y1, the lower left corner of the region: (Try '0, 0' if you do not have a preference.) (Enter "*" or "QUIT" to terminate execution.) User input X1 = 1 Y1 = 2 Enter X2, Y2, the upper right corner of the region: (Try '10, 10' if you do not have a preference.) (Enter "*" or "QUIT" to terminate execution.) User input X2 = 4 Y2 = 7 Enter NODES_PER_LAYER, the number of nodes in a layer. (Try '10' if you do not have a preference.) (1 or any smaller value terminates execution). User input NODES_PER_LAYER = 10 The number of layers will be 18 The X spacing will be 0.333333 The Y spacing will be 0.288675 The number of nodes 171 10 18 171 hex_grid_10_18_171.txt The data was written to the file "hex_grid_10_18_171.txt". Enter "Y" if you want to define another dataset. HEX_GRID_DATASET: Normal end of execution. 20 March 2005 09:05:06 AM