23 September 2004 02:13:57 PM HALTON_DATASET (C++ version) Generate a Halton dataset. This program is meant to be used interactively. It is also possible to prepare a simple input file beforehand and use it in batch mode. The program requests input values from the user: * NDIM, the spatial dimension, * N, the number of points to generate, * STEP, the index of the first subsequence element. * SEED(1:NDIM),the Halton sequence element corresponding to STEP = 0 * LEAP(1:NDIM), the succesive jumps in the Halton sequence. * BASE(1:NDIM), the Halton bases, usually distinct primes. The program generates the data, writes it to the file halton_NDIM_N.txt where NDIM and N are the numeric values specified by the user, and then asks the user for more input. To indicate that no further computations are desired, it is enough to input a nonsensical value, such as -1. * * * Ready to generate a new dataset: * * Enter NDIM, the spatial dimension: (Try '2' if you don't have a preference.) (0 or any negative value terminates execution). Enter N, the number of points to generate: (Try '25' if you don't have a preference.) (0 or any negative value terminates execution). Enter STEP, the index of the first subsequence element: (Try '0' or '1' if you don't have a preference.) (Any negative value terminates execution). Enter SEED(1:NDIM), the starting element index for each coordinate (Try '0 0 ... 0' if you don't have a preference). (a negative value terminates execution.) User input: 1 1 Enter LEAP(1:NDIM), the leaping multiplier for each coordinate (Try '1 1 1 ... 1' if you don't have a preference). (Another choice is any prime larger than all the bases). (any value of 0 or less terminates execution.) User input: 1 1 Enter BASE(1:NDIM), the base for each coordinate, usually distinct primes. (Try '2 3 5 7 11 ...' if you don't have a preference). (any value of 1 or less terminates execution.) User input: 2 3 The data was written to the file "halton_2_10.txt". * * * Ready to generate a new dataset: * * Enter NDIM, the spatial dimension: (Try '2' if you don't have a preference.) (0 or any negative value terminates execution). Enter N, the number of points to generate: (Try '25' if you don't have a preference.) (0 or any negative value terminates execution). Enter STEP, the index of the first subsequence element: (Try '0' or '1' if you don't have a preference.) (Any negative value terminates execution). Enter SEED(1:NDIM), the starting element index for each coordinate (Try '0 0 ... 0' if you don't have a preference). (a negative value terminates execution.) User input: 0 1 2 Enter LEAP(1:NDIM), the leaping multiplier for each coordinate (Try '1 1 1 ... 1' if you don't have a preference). (Another choice is any prime larger than all the bases). (any value of 0 or less terminates execution.) User input: 1 2 3 Enter BASE(1:NDIM), the base for each coordinate, usually distinct primes. (Try '2 3 5 7 11 ...' if you don't have a preference). (any value of 1 or less terminates execution.) User input: 5 3 7 The data was written to the file "halton_3_100.txt". * * * Ready to generate a new dataset: * * Enter NDIM, the spatial dimension: (Try '2' if you don't have a preference.) (0 or any negative value terminates execution). Enter N, the number of points to generate: (Try '25' if you don't have a preference.) (0 or any negative value terminates execution). Enter STEP, the index of the first subsequence element: (Try '0' or '1' if you don't have a preference.) (Any negative value terminates execution). Enter SEED(1:NDIM), the starting element index for each coordinate (Try '0 0 ... 0' if you don't have a preference). (a negative value terminates execution.) User input: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Enter LEAP(1:NDIM), the leaping multiplier for each coordinate (Try '1 1 1 ... 1' if you don't have a preference). (Another choice is any prime larger than all the bases). (any value of 0 or less terminates execution.) User input: 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Enter BASE(1:NDIM), the base for each coordinate, usually distinct primes. (Try '2 3 5 7 11 ...' if you don't have a preference). (any value of 1 or less terminates execution.) User input: 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 The data was written to the file "halton_7_1000.txt". * * * Ready to generate a new dataset: * * Enter NDIM, the spatial dimension: (Try '2' if you don't have a preference.) (0 or any negative value terminates execution). HALHAM_NDIM_CHECK - Fatal error! NDIM < 0. NDIM = -1 HALTON_DATASET The input value of NDIM = -1 is interpreted as a request for termination. Normal end of execution. 23 September 2004 02:13:57 PM