10 November 2006 12:35:23 PM FSU_QUALITY_PROBLEMS Test the C++ FSU_QUALITY library. FSU_QUALITY_PROBLEMS: Measures of uniform point dispersion. The pointset was read from "halton_02_00100.txt" The spatial dimension DIM_NUM = 2 The number of points N = 100 The number of sample points NS = 100000 The random number SEED_INIT = 123456789 5x5 portion of data read from file: Row: 1 2 Col 1 0 0 2 0.5 0.333333 3 0.25 0.666667 4 0.75 0.111111 5 0.125 0.444444 QUALITY_TEST01 CHI_MEASURE computes the CHI measure of quality. The regularity measure Chi = 5.1746 QUALITY_TEST02 D_MEASURE computes the D measure of quality. 2nd moment determinant measure D = 6.62849e-07 QUALITY_TEST03 H_MEASURE computes the H measure of quality. The point distribution norm H = 0.124875 QUALITY_TEST04 TAU_MEASURE computes the Tau measure of quality. 2nd moment trace measure Tau = 0.00165464 FSU_QUALITY_PROBLEMS Normal end of execution. 10 November 2006 12:35:32 PM