15 May 2018 08:03:31 AM LIMITS C++ version Return the limits on various data types. Compiled on May 15 2018 at 08:03:31 TEST01: Information about the FLOAT data type: min = 1.17549e-38 max = 3.40282e+38 epsilon = 1.19209e-07 max_exponent10 = 38 min_exponent10 = -37 max_exponent = 128 min_exponent = -125 TEST02: Information about the DOUBLE data type: min = 2.22507e-308 max = 1.79769e+308 epsilon = 2.22045e-16 max_exponent10 = 308 min_exponent10 = -307 max_exponent = 1024 min_exponent = -1021 TEST03: Information about the LONG DOUBLE data type: min = 3.3621e-4932 max = 1.18973e+4932 epsilon = 1.0842e-19 max_exponent10 = 4932 min_exponent10 = -4931 max_exponent = 16384 min_exponent = -16381 TEST04: Information about the SHORT data type: min = -32768 max = 32767 TEST05: Information about the INT data type: min = -2147483648 max = 2147483647 TEST06: Information about the LONG data type: min = -9223372036854775808 max = 9223372036854775807 LIMITS Normal end of execution. 15 May 2018 08:03:31 AM