15 May 2018 08:03:04 AM DYNAMIC_ARRAY_2D: C++ version This program illustrates one way to create a dynamic 2D array in C++, that is, an array whose size and shape can be specified at run time, and whose entries can then be addressed using the notation "a[i][j]". Allocating memory for array A of size 4 by 5. Assigning values to A. Dynamically allocated matrix A: 0 1 2 3 4 10 11 12 13 14 20 21 22 23 24 30 31 32 33 34 Dynamically allocated matrix B = A' * A: 1400 1460 1520 1580 1640 1460 1524 1588 1652 1716 1520 1588 1656 1724 1792 1580 1652 1724 1796 1868 1640 1716 1792 1868 1944 DYNAMIC_ARRAY_2D: Normal end of execution. 15 May 2018 08:03:04 AM