# include # include # include # include using namespace std; # include "bins.hpp" int main ( ); void test0081 ( ); void test0835 ( ); void test0836 ( ); void test180 ( ); //****************************************************************************80 int main ( ) //****************************************************************************80 // // Purpose: // // MAIN is the main program for BINS_TEST. // // Discussion: // // BINS_TEST tests the BINS library. // // Licensing: // // This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. // // Modified: // // 29 April 2003 // // Author: // // John Burkardt // { timestamp ( ); cout << "\n"; cout << "BINS_TEST\n"; cout << " C++ version\n"; cout << " Test the BINS library.\n"; test0081 ( ); test0835 ( ); test0836 ( ); test180 ( ); // // Terminate. // cout << "\n"; cout << "BINS_TEST\n"; cout << " Normal end of execution.\n"; cout << "\n"; timestamp ( ); return 0; } //****************************************************************************80 void test0081 ( ) //****************************************************************************80 // // Purpose: // // TEST0081 tests BIN_TO_R8_EVEN2, R8_TO_BIN_EVEN2. // // Licensing: // // This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. // // Modified: // // 29 April 2003 // // Author: // // John Burkardt // { double a = 10.0; double b = 20.0; int bin; double c; double cmax; double cmin; int i; int nbin = 5; double rmax = 23.0; double rmin = 8.0; int seed; cout << "\n"; cout << "TEST0676\n"; cout << " R8_TO_BIN_EVEN2 puts a number into a bin.\n"; cout << " BIN_TO_R8_EVEN2 returns the bin limits.\n"; cout << " The bins are equally spaced between A and B.\n"; cout << "\n"; cout << " A = " << a << "\n"; cout << " B = " << b << "\n"; cout << " Total number of bins = " << nbin << "\n"; cout << "\n"; cout << " Generate some random values C and put them in bins.\n"; cout << "\n"; cout << " C Bin Bin_Min Bin_Max\n"; cout << "\n"; seed = get_seed ( ); for ( i = 1; i <= 30; i++ ) { c = r8_uniform ( rmin, rmax, &seed ); bin = r8_to_bin_even2 ( nbin, a, b, c ); bin_to_r8_even2 ( nbin, bin, a, b, &cmin, &cmax ); cout << " " << setw(10) << c << " " << setw(6) << bin << " " << setw(10) << cmin << " " << setw(10) << cmax << "\n"; } return; } //****************************************************************************80 void test0835 ( ) //****************************************************************************80 // // Purpose: // // TEST0835 tests R82VEC_PART_QUICK_A. // // Licensing: // // This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. // // Modified: // // 29 April 2003 // // Author: // // John Burkardt // { # define N 12 double a[N*2]; double ahi[2] = { 10.0, 3.0 }; double alo[2] = { 0.0, 2.0 }; int i; int l; int r; int seed = 123456789; cout << "\n"; cout << "TEST0835\n"; cout << " R82VEC_PART_QUICK_A reorders an R2 vector\n"; cout << " as part of a quick sort.\n"; cout << " Using initial random number seed = " << seed << "\n"; r82vec_uniform ( N, alo, ahi, &seed, a ); r82vec_print ( N, a, " Before rearrangment:" ); r82vec_part_quick_a ( N, a, &l, &r ); cout << "\n"; cout << " Rearranged array\n"; cout << " Left index = " << l << "\n"; cout << " Key index = " << l+1 << "\n"; cout << " Right index = " << r << "\n"; r82vec_print ( l, a, " Left half:" ); r82vec_print ( 1, a+2*l, " Key:" ); r82vec_print ( N-l-1, a+2*(l+1), " Right half:" ); return; # undef N } //****************************************************************************80 void test0836 ( ) //****************************************************************************80 // // Purpose: // // TEST0836 tests R82VEC_SORT_QUICK_A. // // Licensing: // // This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. // // Modified: // // 29 April 2003 // // Author: // // John Burkardt // { # define N 12 double a[N*2]; double ahi[2] = { 10.0, 3.0 }; double alo[2] = { 0.0, 2.0 }; int i; int seed = 123456789; cout << "\n"; cout << "TEST0836\n"; cout << " D2VEC_SORT_QUICK_A sorts an R2 vector\n"; cout << " as part of a quick sort.\n"; cout << " Using initial random number seed = " << seed << "\n"; r82vec_uniform ( N, alo, ahi, &seed, a ); // // For better testing, give a few elements the same first component. // a[2*(3-1)+0] = a[2*(5-1)+0]; a[2*(4-1)+0] = a[2*(12-1)+0]; // // Make two entries equal. // a[2*(7-1)+0] = a[2*(11-1)+0]; a[2*(7-1)+1] = a[2*(11-1)+1]; r82vec_print ( N, a, " Before sorting:" ); r82vec_sort_quick_a ( N, a ); r82vec_print ( N, a, " Sorted array:" ); return; # undef N } //****************************************************************************80 void test180 ( ) //****************************************************************************80 // // Purpose: // // TEST180 tests SORT_HEAP_EXTERNAL. // // Licensing: // // This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. // // Modified: // // 29 April 2003 // // Author: // // John Burkardt // { # define N 20 int a[N]; int i; int indx; int isgn; int itemp; int j; int seed; cout << "\n"; cout << "TEST180\n"; cout << " SORT_HEAP_EXTERNAL sorts objects externally.\n"; indx = 0; i = 0; j = 0; isgn = 0; seed = 123456789; for ( i = 0; i < N; i++ ) { a[i] = i4_uniform ( 1, N, &seed ); } i4vec_print ( N, a, " Unsorted array:" ); // // Call the sort routine over and over. // for ( ;; ) { sort_heap_external ( N, &indx, &i, &j, isgn ); // // If the return value of INDX is negative, we're asked to compare // array elements I and J; // if ( indx < 0 ) { if ( a[i] <= a[j] ) { isgn = -1; } else { isgn = 1; } } // // ...and if the return value of INDX is positive, we're asked to switch // array elements I and J; // else if ( 0 < indx ) { i4_swap ( &a[i], &a[j] ); // // ...and if the return value of INDX is 0, we're done. // } else { break; } } i4vec_print ( N, a, " Sorted array:" ); return; # undef N }