Albany_IOSS: Loading STKMesh from Exodus file ./dome_cyl.exo IOSS-STK: number of node sets = 3 IOSS-STK: number of side sets = 0 Restart Index not set. Not reading solution from exodus (-1) STKDisc: 864 elements on Proc 0 STKDisc: nodeset basal has size 128 on Proc 0. STKDisc: nodeset lateral has size 49 on Proc 0. STKDisc: nodeset surface has size 128 on Proc 0. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Sacado ParameterLibrary has been initialized: Library of all registered parameters: DBC on NS basal for DOF U0: Supports AD = 1, Supports_Analytic = 0 DBC on NS basal for DOF U1: Supports AD = 1, Supports_Analytic = 0 DBC on NS lateral for DOF U0: Supports AD = 1, Supports_Analytic = 0 DBC on NS lateral for DOF U1: Supports AD = 1, Supports_Analytic = 0 Glen's Law Homotopy Parameter: Supports AD = 1, Supports_Analytic = 0 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Number of parameters vectors = 1 Number of parameters in parameter vector 0 = 1 SaveEigenData: Will save up to 0 eigenvectors, and output 0 as states. SaveEigenData: Will save up to 0 eigenvectors, and output 0 as states. SaveEigenData: Will save up to 0 eigenvectors, and output 0 as states. SaveEigenData: Will save up to 0 eigenvectors, and output 0 as states. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Beginning Continuation Run Stepper Method: Natural Initial Parameter Value = 0.000e+00 Maximum Parameter Value = 1.000e+00 Minimum Parameter Value = 0.000e+00 Maximum Number of Continuation Steps = 10 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Solver Type = LOCA Jacobian Operator = Have Jacobian [default] Lean Matrix Free = 0 [default] LOCASolver: Create Second Matrix = 0 [default] LOCA -> Bifurcation -> Type = None [default] Constraints -> [empty list] Predictor -> Method = Constant First Step Predictor -> [empty list] Last Step Predictor -> [empty list] Stepper -> Initial Value = 0 Continuation Parameter = Glen's Law Homotopy Parameter Continuation Method = Natural Max Steps = 10 Max Value = 1 Min Value = 0 Compute Eigenvalues = 0 [default] Max Nonlinear Iterations = 15 [default] Enable Tangent Factor Step Size Scaling = 0 [default] Min Tangent Factor = 0.1 [default] Tangent Factor Exponent = 1 [default] Return Failed on Reaching Max Steps = 1 [default] Eigensolver -> Save Eigen Data Method = User-Defined User-Defined Save Eigen Data Name = Piro Strategy Piro Strategy = Teuchos::RCP{ptr=0x56374e0,node=0x5636c00,strong_count=6,weak_count=0} Method = Default [default] Step Size -> Initial Step Size = 0.1 Method = Adaptive [default] Max Step Size = 1e+12 [default] Min Step Size = 1e-12 [default] Failed Step Reduction Factor = 0.5 [default] Successful Step Increase Factor = 1.26 [default] Aggressiveness = 0.5 [default] NOX -> Nonlinear Solver = Line Search Based Status Tests -> Test Type = Combo Combo Type = OR Number of Tests = 2 Test 0 -> Test Type = Combo Combo Type = AND Number of Tests = 2 Tolerance = 1e-08 [unused] Norm Type = Two Norm [unused] Scale Type = Unscaled [unused] Test 0 -> Test Type = NormF Norm Type = Two Norm Scale Type = Scaled Tolerance = 1e-06 Test 1 -> Test Type = NormWRMS Absolute Tolerance = 0.001 Relative Tolerance = 1e-06 BDF Multiplier = 1 [default] Tolerance = 1 [default] Alpha = 1 [default] Beta = 0.5 [default] Disable Implicit Weighting = 1 [default] Test 1 -> Test Type = MaxIters Maximum Iterations = 10 Direction -> Method = Newton Newton -> Forcing Term Method = Constant Rescue Bad Newton Solve = 1 Linear Solver -> Write Linear System = 0 [unused] Aztec Solver = GMRES [unused] Max Iterations = 43 [unused] Tolerance = 0.0001 Output Frequency = 20 [unused] Preconditioner = Ifpack [unused] Stratimikos Linear Solver -> NOX Stratimikos Options -> Use Linear Solve Tolerance From NOX = 0 Zero Initial Guess = 0 [default] Compute Scaling Manually = 1 [default] Output Solver Details = 1 [default] Throw Error on Prec Failure = 1 [default] Preconditioner Reuse Policy = Rebuild [default] Max Age Of Prec = 1 [default] Stratimikos -> Linear Solver Type = AztecOO Preconditioner Type = Ifpack Enable Delayed Solver Construction = 0 [default] Linear Solver Types -> AztecOO -> Output Every RHS = 0 [default] Forward Solve -> Max Iterations = 200 Tolerance = 1e-06 AztecOO Settings -> Aztec Solver = GMRES [unused] Convergence Test = r0 [unused] Size of Krylov Subspace = 200 [unused] Output Frequency = 20 [unused] Adjoint Solve -> Max Iterations = 200 Tolerance = 1e-06 AztecOO Settings -> Aztec Solver = GMRES [unused] Convergence Test = r0 [unused] Size of Krylov Subspace = 200 [unused] Output Frequency = 20 [unused] VerboseObject -> Output File = none [default] Verbosity Level = default [default] Preconditioner Types -> Ifpack -> Overlap = 0 Prec Type = ILU Ifpack Settings -> fact: level-of-fill = 0 [unused] VerboseObject -> Output File = none [default] Verbosity Level = default [default] ML -> Base Method Defaults = none [unused] ML Settings -> default values = SA [unused] smoother: type = ML symmetric Gauss-Seidel [unused] smoother: pre or post = both [unused] coarse: type = Amesos-KLU [unused] PDE equations = 4 [unused] Line Search -> Method = Full Step Full Step -> Full Step = 1 Printing -> Output Precision = 3 Output Processor = 0 MyPID = 0 Output Information -> Error = 1 Warning = 1 Outer Iteration = 1 Parameters = 0 Details = 0 Linear Solver Details = 0 Stepper Iteration = 1 Stepper Details = 1 Stepper Parameters = 1 Debug = 0 [default] Inner Iteration = 0 [default] Outer Iteration StatusTest = 0 [default] Test Details = 0 [default] Solver Options -> Status Test Check Type = Minimal NOX Observer -> [empty list] Save Eigen Data Strategy -> [empty list] Status Test -> [empty list] eval pVector LOCA::ParameterVector (size = 1) 0 Glen's Law Homotopy Parameter = 0.3 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Start of Continuation Step 0 : Attempting to converge initial guess at initial parameter values. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Phalanx writing graphviz file for graph of Residual fill (detail =1) Process using 'dot -Tpng -O phalanx_graph' WARNING: writeGraphvizFile() was called, but this requires a boost library version 1.42 or higher. Please rebuild Trilinos with a more recent version of boost. ************************************************************************ -- Nonlinear Solver Step 0 -- ||F|| = 3.400e+03 step = 0.000e+00 dx = 0.000e+00 ************************************************************************ Solving block system using AztecOO ... ******************************************************* ***** Problem: Epetra::CrsMatrix ***** Preconditioned GMRES solution ***** Ifpack_AdditiveSchwarz, ov = 0, local solver = ***** `IFPACK ILU (fill=0, relax=0.000000, athr=0.000000, rthr=1.000000)' ***** Condition number estimate = 1 ***** No scaling ******************************************************* iter: 0 residual = 1.000000e+00 iter: 20 residual = 7.374562e-07 Solution time: 0.080749 (sec.) total iterations: 20 Total solve time = 0.0811548 sec ************************************************************************ -- Nonlinear Solver Step 1 -- ||F|| = 2.508e-03 step = 1.000e+00 dx = 1.217e+02 ************************************************************************ Solving block system using AztecOO ... ******************************************************* ***** Problem: Epetra::CrsMatrix ***** Preconditioned GMRES solution ***** Ifpack_AdditiveSchwarz, ov = 0, local solver = ***** `IFPACK ILU (fill=0, relax=0.000000, athr=0.000000, rthr=1.000000)' ***** Condition number estimate = 1 ***** No scaling ******************************************************* iter: 0 residual = 1.000000e+00 iter: 20 residual = 2.463572e-06 iter: 22 residual = 6.846212e-07 Solution time: 0.048703 (sec.) total iterations: 22 Total solve time = 0.0490069 sec ************************************************************************ -- Nonlinear Solver Step 2 -- ||F|| = 1.717e-09 step = 1.000e+00 dx = 6.842e-05 (Converged!) ************************************************************************ ************************************************************************ -- Final Status Test Results -- Converged....OR Combination -> Converged....AND Combination -> Converged....F-Norm = 1.884e-11 < 1.000e-06 (Length-Scaled Two-Norm, Absolute Tolerance) Converged....WRMS-Norm = 7.500e-04 < 1 (Min Step Size: 1.000e+00 >= 1) ??...........Number of Iterations = -1 < 10 ************************************************************************ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ End of Continuation Step 0 : Parameter: Glen's Law Homotopy Parameter = 0.000e+00 --> Step Converged in 2 Nonlinear Solver Iterations! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Phalanx writing graphviz file for graph of Residual fill (detail =1) Process using 'dot -Tpng -O state_phalanx_graph' WARNING: writeGraphvizFile() was called, but this requires a boost library version 1.42 or higher. Please rebuild Trilinos with a more recent version of boost. Albany::STKDiscretization::writeSolution: writing time 0 to index 1 in file dome_out.exo Calling Predictor with method: Constant ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Start of Continuation Step 1 : Parameter: Glen's Law Homotopy Parameter = 1.000e-01 from 0.000e+00 Continuation Method: Natural Current step size = 1.000e-01 Previous step size = 0.000e+00 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ************************************************************************ -- Nonlinear Solver Step 0 -- ||F|| = 2.688e+03 step = 0.000e+00 dx = 0.000e+00 ************************************************************************ Solving block system using AztecOO ... ******************************************************* ***** Problem: Epetra::CrsMatrix ***** Preconditioned GMRES solution ***** Ifpack_AdditiveSchwarz, ov = 0, local solver = ***** `IFPACK ILU (fill=0, relax=0.000000, athr=0.000000, rthr=1.000000)' ***** Condition number estimate = 1 ***** No scaling ******************************************************* iter: 0 residual = 1.000000e+00 iter: 20 residual = 3.879180e-06 iter: 23 residual = 6.215604e-07 Solution time: 0.051679 (sec.) total iterations: 23 Total solve time = 0.051995 sec ************************************************************************ -- Nonlinear Solver Step 1 -- ||F|| = 1.616e+03 step = 1.000e+00 dx = 6.116e+02 ************************************************************************ Solving block system using AztecOO ... ******************************************************* ***** Problem: Epetra::CrsMatrix ***** Preconditioned GMRES solution ***** Ifpack_AdditiveSchwarz, ov = 0, local solver = ***** `IFPACK ILU (fill=0, relax=0.000000, athr=0.000000, rthr=1.000000)' ***** Condition number estimate = 1 ***** No scaling ******************************************************* iter: 0 residual = 1.000000e+00 iter: 20 residual = 1.308406e-05 iter: 25 residual = 6.582726e-07 Solution time: 0.055969 (sec.) total iterations: 25 Total solve time = 0.0562789 sec ************************************************************************ -- Nonlinear Solver Step 2 -- ||F|| = 6.275e+02 step = 1.000e+00 dx = 1.247e+03 ************************************************************************ Solving block system using AztecOO ... ******************************************************* ***** Problem: Epetra::CrsMatrix ***** Preconditioned GMRES solution ***** Ifpack_AdditiveSchwarz, ov = 0, local solver = ***** `IFPACK ILU (fill=0, relax=0.000000, athr=0.000000, rthr=1.000000)' ***** Condition number estimate = 1 ***** No scaling ******************************************************* iter: 0 residual = 1.000000e+00 iter: 20 residual = 2.549231e-05 iter: 27 residual = 6.540069e-07 Solution time: 0.060737 (sec.) total iterations: 27 Total solve time = 0.0610511 sec ************************************************************************ -- Nonlinear Solver Step 3 -- ||F|| = 1.023e+02 step = 1.000e+00 dx = 8.292e+02 ************************************************************************ Solving block system using AztecOO ... ******************************************************* ***** Problem: Epetra::CrsMatrix ***** Preconditioned GMRES solution ***** Ifpack_AdditiveSchwarz, ov = 0, local solver = ***** `IFPACK ILU (fill=0, relax=0.000000, athr=0.000000, rthr=1.000000)' ***** Condition number estimate = 1 ***** No scaling ******************************************************* iter: 0 residual = 1.000000e+00 iter: 20 residual = 3.064317e-05 iter: 28 residual = 6.451979e-07 Solution time: 0.063790 (sec.) total iterations: 28 Total solve time = 0.0641301 sec ************************************************************************ -- Nonlinear Solver Step 4 -- ||F|| = 2.768e+00 step = 1.000e+00 dx = 1.351e+02 ************************************************************************ Solving block system using AztecOO ... ******************************************************* ***** Problem: Epetra::CrsMatrix ***** Preconditioned GMRES solution ***** Ifpack_AdditiveSchwarz, ov = 0, local solver = ***** `IFPACK ILU (fill=0, relax=0.000000, athr=0.000000, rthr=1.000000)' ***** Condition number estimate = 1 ***** No scaling ******************************************************* iter: 0 residual = 1.000000e+00 iter: 20 residual = 2.951130e-05 iter: 28 residual = 6.697945e-07 Solution time: 0.064187 (sec.) total iterations: 28 Total solve time = 0.064508 sec ************************************************************************ -- Nonlinear Solver Step 5 -- ||F|| = 1.825e-03 step = 1.000e+00 dx = 2.674e+00 ************************************************************************ Solving block system using AztecOO ... ******************************************************* ***** Problem: Epetra::CrsMatrix ***** Preconditioned GMRES solution ***** Ifpack_AdditiveSchwarz, ov = 0, local solver = ***** `IFPACK ILU (fill=0, relax=0.000000, athr=0.000000, rthr=1.000000)' ***** Condition number estimate = 1 ***** No scaling ******************************************************* iter: 0 residual = 1.000000e+00 iter: 20 residual = 2.912834e-05 iter: 28 residual = 7.386765e-07 Solution time: 0.063147 (sec.) total iterations: 28 Total solve time = 0.0634871 sec ************************************************************************ -- Nonlinear Solver Step 6 -- ||F|| = 1.519e-09 step = 1.000e+00 dx = 1.214e-03 (Converged!) ************************************************************************ ************************************************************************ -- Final Status Test Results -- Converged....OR Combination -> Converged....AND Combination -> Converged....F-Norm = 1.667e-11 < 1.000e-06 (Length-Scaled Two-Norm, Absolute Tolerance) Converged....WRMS-Norm = 1.260e-02 < 1 (Min Step Size: 1.000e+00 >= 1) ??...........Number of Iterations = -1 < 10 ************************************************************************ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ End of Continuation Step 1 : Parameter: Glen's Law Homotopy Parameter = 1.000e-01 from 0.000e+00 --> Step Converged in 6 Nonlinear Solver Iterations! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Calling Predictor with method: Constant Albany::STKDiscretization::writeSolution: writing time 0.1 to index 2 in file dome_out.exo ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Start of Continuation Step 2 : Parameter: Glen's Law Homotopy Parameter = 2.180e-01 from 1.000e-01 Continuation Method: Natural Current step size = 1.180e-01 Previous step size = 1.000e-01 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ************************************************************************ -- Nonlinear Solver Step 0 -- ||F|| = 3.025e+00 step = 0.000e+00 dx = 0.000e+00 ************************************************************************ Solving block system using AztecOO ... ******************************************************* ***** Problem: Epetra::CrsMatrix ***** Preconditioned GMRES solution ***** Ifpack_AdditiveSchwarz, ov = 0, local solver = ***** `IFPACK ILU (fill=0, relax=0.000000, athr=0.000000, rthr=1.000000)' ***** Condition number estimate = 1 ***** No scaling ******************************************************* iter: 0 residual = 1.000000e+00 iter: 20 residual = 3.425564e-05 iter: 28 residual = 6.210888e-07 Solution time: 0.064888 (sec.) total iterations: 28 Total solve time = 0.0652452 sec ************************************************************************ -- Nonlinear Solver Step 1 -- ||F|| = 1.909e-01 step = 1.000e+00 dx = 7.325e-01 ************************************************************************ Solving block system using AztecOO ... ******************************************************* ***** Problem: Epetra::CrsMatrix ***** Preconditioned GMRES solution ***** Ifpack_AdditiveSchwarz, ov = 0, local solver = ***** `IFPACK ILU (fill=0, relax=0.000000, athr=0.000000, rthr=1.000000)' ***** Condition number estimate = 1 ***** No scaling ******************************************************* iter: 0 residual = 1.000000e+00 iter: 20 residual = 8.114683e-06 iter: 25 residual = 6.269560e-07 Solution time: 0.056213 (sec.) total iterations: 25 Total solve time = 0.0565319 sec ************************************************************************ -- Nonlinear Solver Step 2 -- ||F|| = 9.193e-04 step = 1.000e+00 dx = 1.475e-02 ************************************************************************ Solving block system using AztecOO ... ******************************************************* ***** Problem: Epetra::CrsMatrix ***** Preconditioned GMRES solution ***** Ifpack_AdditiveSchwarz, ov = 0, local solver = ***** `IFPACK ILU (fill=0, relax=0.000000, athr=0.000000, rthr=1.000000)' ***** Condition number estimate = 1 ***** No scaling ******************************************************* iter: 0 residual = 1.000000e+00 iter: 20 residual = 4.824280e-06 iter: 23 residual = 9.743781e-07 Solution time: 0.050964 (sec.) total iterations: 23 Total solve time = 0.0512969 sec ************************************************************************ -- Nonlinear Solver Step 3 -- ||F|| = 1.776e-08 step = 1.000e+00 dx = 3.509e-05 (Converged!) ************************************************************************ ************************************************************************ -- Final Status Test Results -- Converged....OR Combination -> Converged....AND Combination -> Converged....F-Norm = 1.949e-10 < 1.000e-06 (Length-Scaled Two-Norm, Absolute Tolerance) Converged....WRMS-Norm = 3.850e-04 < 1 (Min Step Size: 1.000e+00 >= 1) ??...........Number of Iterations = -1 < 10 ************************************************************************ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ End of Continuation Step 2 : Parameter: Glen's Law Homotopy Parameter = 2.180e-01 from 1.000e-01 --> Step Converged in 3 Nonlinear Solver Iterations! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Calling Predictor with method: Constant Albany::STKDiscretization::writeSolution: writing time 0.218 to index 3 in file dome_out.exo ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Start of Continuation Step 3 : Parameter: Glen's Law Homotopy Parameter = 3.738e-01 from 2.180e-01 Continuation Method: Natural Current step size = 1.558e-01 Previous step size = 1.180e-01 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ************************************************************************ -- Nonlinear Solver Step 0 -- ||F|| = 4.104e-01 step = 0.000e+00 dx = 0.000e+00 ************************************************************************ Solving block system using AztecOO ... ******************************************************* ***** Problem: Epetra::CrsMatrix ***** Preconditioned GMRES solution ***** Ifpack_AdditiveSchwarz, ov = 0, local solver = ***** `IFPACK ILU (fill=0, relax=0.000000, athr=0.000000, rthr=1.000000)' ***** Condition number estimate = 1 ***** No scaling ******************************************************* iter: 0 residual = 1.000000e+00 iter: 20 residual = 2.393740e-05 iter: 27 residual = 7.672530e-07 Solution time: 0.060742 (sec.) total iterations: 27 Total solve time = 0.0610731 sec ************************************************************************ -- Nonlinear Solver Step 1 -- ||F|| = 4.088e-03 step = 1.000e+00 dx = 6.090e-02 ************************************************************************ Solving block system using AztecOO ... ******************************************************* ***** Problem: Epetra::CrsMatrix ***** Preconditioned GMRES solution ***** Ifpack_AdditiveSchwarz, ov = 0, local solver = ***** `IFPACK ILU (fill=0, relax=0.000000, athr=0.000000, rthr=1.000000)' ***** Condition number estimate = 1 ***** No scaling ******************************************************* iter: 0 residual = 1.000000e+00 iter: 20 residual = 5.265359e-06 iter: 24 residual = 6.785506e-07 Solution time: 0.055033 (sec.) total iterations: 24 Total solve time = 0.0553689 sec ************************************************************************ -- Nonlinear Solver Step 2 -- ||F|| = 3.638e-07 step = 1.000e+00 dx = 1.965e-04 (Converged!) ************************************************************************ ************************************************************************ -- Final Status Test Results -- Converged....OR Combination -> Converged....AND Combination -> Converged....F-Norm = 3.993e-09 < 1.000e-06 (Length-Scaled Two-Norm, Absolute Tolerance) Converged....WRMS-Norm = 2.156e-03 < 1 (Min Step Size: 1.000e+00 >= 1) ??...........Number of Iterations = -1 < 10 ************************************************************************ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ End of Continuation Step 3 : Parameter: Glen's Law Homotopy Parameter = 3.738e-01 from 2.180e-01 --> Step Converged in 2 Nonlinear Solver Iterations! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Calling Predictor with method: Constant Albany::STKDiscretization::writeSolution: writing time 0.37376 to index 4 in file dome_out.exo ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Start of Continuation Step 4 : Parameter: Glen's Law Homotopy Parameter = 5.880e-01 from 3.738e-01 Continuation Method: Natural Current step size = 2.143e-01 Previous step size = 1.558e-01 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ************************************************************************ -- Nonlinear Solver Step 0 -- ||F|| = 1.342e-02 step = 0.000e+00 dx = 0.000e+00 ************************************************************************ Solving block system using AztecOO ... ******************************************************* ***** Problem: Epetra::CrsMatrix ***** Preconditioned GMRES solution ***** Ifpack_AdditiveSchwarz, ov = 0, local solver = ***** `IFPACK ILU (fill=0, relax=0.000000, athr=0.000000, rthr=1.000000)' ***** Condition number estimate = 1 ***** No scaling ******************************************************* iter: 0 residual = 1.000000e+00 iter: 20 residual = 2.189597e-05 iter: 27 residual = 7.040430e-07 Solution time: 0.060148 (sec.) total iterations: 27 Total solve time = 0.0604951 sec ************************************************************************ -- Nonlinear Solver Step 1 -- ||F|| = 4.421e-06 step = 1.000e+00 dx = 1.775e-03 (Converged!) ************************************************************************ ************************************************************************ -- Final Status Test Results -- Converged....OR Combination -> Converged....AND Combination -> Converged....F-Norm = 4.852e-08 < 1.000e-06 (Length-Scaled Two-Norm, Absolute Tolerance) Converged....WRMS-Norm = 1.942e-02 < 1 (Min Step Size: 1.000e+00 >= 1) ??...........Number of Iterations = -1 < 10 ************************************************************************ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ End of Continuation Step 4 : Parameter: Glen's Law Homotopy Parameter = 5.880e-01 from 3.738e-01 --> Step Converged in 1 Nonlinear Solver Iterations! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Calling Predictor with method: Constant Albany::STKDiscretization::writeSolution: writing time 0.588017 to index 5 in file dome_out.exo ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Start of Continuation Step 5 : Parameter: Glen's Law Homotopy Parameter = 8.956e-01 from 5.880e-01 Continuation Method: Natural Current step size = 3.076e-01 Previous step size = 2.143e-01 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ************************************************************************ -- Nonlinear Solver Step 0 -- ||F|| = 9.375e-05 step = 0.000e+00 dx = 0.000e+00 ************************************************************************ Solving block system using AztecOO ... ******************************************************* ***** Problem: Epetra::CrsMatrix ***** Preconditioned GMRES solution ***** Ifpack_AdditiveSchwarz, ov = 0, local solver = ***** `IFPACK ILU (fill=0, relax=0.000000, athr=0.000000, rthr=1.000000)' ***** Condition number estimate = 1 ***** No scaling ******************************************************* iter: 0 residual = 1.000000e+00 iter: 20 residual = 2.236543e-05 iter: 27 residual = 7.187988e-07 Solution time: 0.061112 (sec.) total iterations: 27 Total solve time = 0.061445 sec ************************************************************************ -- Nonlinear Solver Step 1 -- ||F|| = 2.298e-10 step = 1.000e+00 dx = 1.272e-05 (Converged!) ************************************************************************ ************************************************************************ -- Final Status Test Results -- Converged....OR Combination -> Converged....AND Combination -> Converged....F-Norm = 2.522e-12 < 1.000e-06 (Length-Scaled Two-Norm, Absolute Tolerance) Converged....WRMS-Norm = 1.392e-04 < 1 (Min Step Size: 1.000e+00 >= 1) ??...........Number of Iterations = -1 < 10 ************************************************************************ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ End of Continuation Step 5 : Parameter: Glen's Law Homotopy Parameter = 8.956e-01 from 5.880e-01 --> Step Converged in 1 Nonlinear Solver Iterations! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Calling Predictor with method: Constant Albany::STKDiscretization::writeSolution: writing time 0.895594 to index 6 in file dome_out.exo ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Start of Continuation Step 6 : Parameter: Glen's Law Homotopy Parameter = 1.000e+00 from 8.956e-01 Continuation Method: Natural Current step size = 1.044e-01 Previous step size = 3.076e-01 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ************************************************************************ -- Nonlinear Solver Step 0 -- ||F|| = 7.455e-08 step = 0.000e+00 dx = 0.000e+00 ************************************************************************ Solving block system using AztecOO ... ******************************************************* ***** Problem: Epetra::CrsMatrix ***** Preconditioned GMRES solution ***** Ifpack_AdditiveSchwarz, ov = 0, local solver = ***** `IFPACK ILU (fill=0, relax=0.000000, athr=0.000000, rthr=1.000000)' ***** Condition number estimate = 1 ***** No scaling ******************************************************* iter: 0 residual = 1.000000e+00 iter: 20 residual = 2.199773e-05 iter: 27 residual = 7.086381e-07 Solution time: 0.060397 (sec.) total iterations: 27 Total solve time = 0.0607512 sec ************************************************************************ -- Nonlinear Solver Step 1 -- ||F|| = 1.507e-11 step = 1.000e+00 dx = 9.841e-09 (Converged!) ************************************************************************ ************************************************************************ -- Final Status Test Results -- Converged....OR Combination -> Converged....AND Combination -> Converged....F-Norm = 1.653e-13 < 1.000e-06 (Length-Scaled Two-Norm, Absolute Tolerance) Converged....WRMS-Norm = 1.077e-07 < 1 (Min Step Size: 1.000e+00 >= 1) ??...........Number of Iterations = -1 < 10 ************************************************************************ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ End of Continuation Step 6 : Parameter: Glen's Law Homotopy Parameter = 1.000e+00 from 8.956e-01 --> Step Converged in 1 Nonlinear Solver Iterations! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Calling Predictor with method: Constant Albany::STKDiscretization::writeSolution: writing time 1 to index 7 in file dome_out.exo Continuation run stopping: parameter reached bound of 1.000e+00 Continuation Stepper Finished Convergence Stats: for step #1 : NumLinSolves, Krylov, Kr/Solve; LastKrylov, LastTol: 16 409 25.6 27 -1 Solving block system using AztecOO ... ******************************************************* ***** Problem: Epetra::CrsMatrix ***** Preconditioned GMRES solution ***** Ifpack_AdditiveSchwarz, ov = 0, local solver = ***** `IFPACK ILU (fill=0, relax=0.000000, athr=0.000000, rthr=1.000000)' ***** Condition number estimate = 1 ***** No scaling ******************************************************* iter: 0 residual = 1.000000e+00 iter: 20 residual = 2.232566e-05 iter: 27 residual = 7.171275e-07 Solution time: 0.062376 (sec.) total iterations: 27 Total solve time = 0.0627348 sec Finished eval of first model: Params, Responses Parameter vector 0: MyPID GID Value 0 0 0.3 Response vector 0: MyPID GID Value 0 0 85.7086667714 0 1 85.7086667714 0 2 7.88769194503e-15 Sensitivities (0,0):! MyPID GID Value 0 0 -0.00126118154331 0 1 -0.00126120736232 0 2 2.9611981324e-10 CheckTestResults: Number of Comparisons Attempted = 6 Main_Solve: MeanValue of final solution 7.88769194503e-15 Number of Failed Comparisons: 0 ============================================================================================================================================= TimeMonitor results over 4 processors Timer Name MinOverProcs MeanOverProcs MaxOverProcs MeanOverCallCounts --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Albany Fill: Jacobian 1.634 (17) 1.646 (17) 1.658 (17) 0.0968 (17) > Albany Fill: Jacobian Export 0.1967 (17) 0.2058 (17) 0.2143 (17) 0.01211 (17) > Albany Fill: Residual 0.3645 (23) 0.3782 (23) 0.398 (23) 0.01644 (23) > Albany Fill: Response Gradient 0.00019 (1) 0.0002002 (1) 0.0002189 (1) 0.0002002 (1) > Albany Fill: Response Tangent 8.297e-05 (1) 8.404e-05 (1) 8.512e-05 (1) 8.404e-05 (1) > Albany Fill: Responses 0.0006952 (7) 0.000712 (7) 0.00073 (7) 0.0001017 (7) > Albany Fill: Tangent 0.1643 (1) 0.1643 (1) 0.1643 (1) 0.1643 (1) Albany: ***Total Time*** 5.403 (1) 5.404 (1) 5.405 (1) 5.404 (1) Albany: **Total Fill Time** 2.177 (48) 2.19 (48) 2.222 (48) 0.04562 (48) Albany: Output to File 0.681 (7) 0.6866 (7) 0.6918 (7) 0.09809 (7) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Albany: Setup Time 0.7799 (1) 0.7805 (1) 0.7807 (1) 0.7805 (1) Epetra_CrsMatrix::Multiply(TransA,X,Y) 0.2754 (470) 0.3209 (470) 0.3642 (470) 0.0006829 (470) Epetra_CrsMatrix::Solve(Upper,Trans,UnitDiag,X,Y) 0.4326 (940) 0.5087 (940) 0.5851 (940) 0.0005412 (940) Ifpack_ILU::ApplyInverse 0.4372 (470) 0.5137 (470) 0.5904 (470) 0.001093 (470) Ifpack_ILU::ApplyInverse - Solve 0.436 (470) 0.5125 (470) 0.5892 (470) 0.00109 (470) Ifpack_ILU::Compute 0.2141 (17) 0.2505 (17) 0.2872 (17) 0.01474 (17) Ifpack_ILU::ComputeSetup 0.07047 (17) 0.08257 (17) 0.09414 (17) 0.004857 (17) Ifpack_ILU::Initialize 0.1149 (17) 0.1357 (17) 0.1599 (17) 0.007985 (17) NOX: Total Linear Solve Time 1.056 (17) 1.056 (17) 1.057 (17) 0.06214 (17) NOX: Total Preconditioner Generation Time 0.4929 (17) 0.5046 (17) 0.5158 (17) 0.02968 (17) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Phalanx: Evaluator 0: Gather Solution 0.01989 (414) 0.02009 (414) 0.02037 (414) 4.853e-05 (414) Phalanx: Evaluator 11: StokesFOResid 0.01686 (414) 0.01698 (414) 0.01714 (414) 4.101e-05 (414) Phalanx: Evaluator 12: ViscosityFO 0.02271 (414) 0.02316 (414) 0.02413 (414) 5.594e-05 (414) Phalanx: Evaluator 13: StokesFOBodyForce 0.006018 (414) 0.006059 (414) 0.006079 (414) 1.464e-05 (414) Phalanx: Evaluator 14: Gather Solution 0.1203 (306) 0.1226 (306) 0.1243 (306) 0.0004006 (306) Phalanx: Evaluator 15: DOFVecInterpolation 0.09045 (306) 0.09127 (306) 0.09312 (306) 0.0002983 (306) Phalanx: Evaluator 16: DOFVecGradInterpolation 0.2904 (306) 0.2965 (306) 0.3024 (306) 0.0009691 (306) Phalanx: Evaluator 17: Scatter Stokes 0.1159 (306) 0.1167 (306) 0.1173 (306) 0.0003815 (306) Phalanx: Evaluator 18: Gather Coordinate Vector 0.004757 (306) 0.004855 (306) 0.004926 (306) 1.587e-05 (306) Phalanx: Evaluator 19: MapToPhysicalFrame 0.06878 (306) 0.07454 (306) 0.07871 (306) 0.0002436 (306) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Phalanx: Evaluator 1: DOFVecInterpolation 0.007514 (414) 0.007534 (414) 0.007581 (414) 1.82e-05 (414) Phalanx: Evaluator 20: ComputeBasisFunctions 0.1826 (306) 0.1845 (306) 0.1867 (306) 0.0006029 (306) Phalanx: Evaluator 25: StokesFOResid 0.3878 (306) 0.3924 (306) 0.3943 (306) 0.001282 (306) Phalanx: Evaluator 26: ViscosityFO 0.1188 (306) 0.1199 (306) 0.1218 (306) 0.0003919 (306) Phalanx: Evaluator 27: StokesFOBodyForce 0.005121 (306) 0.005311 (306) 0.005661 (306) 1.736e-05 (306) Phalanx: Evaluator 28: Gather Solution 0.001181 (18) 0.001198 (18) 0.001212 (18) 6.656e-05 (18) Phalanx: Evaluator 29: DOFVecInterpolation 0.001099 (18) 0.001149 (18) 0.001234 (18) 6.384e-05 (18) Phalanx: Evaluator 2: DOFVecGradInterpolation 0.02762 (414) 0.02785 (414) 0.02838 (414) 6.727e-05 (414) Phalanx: Evaluator 30: DOFVecGradInterpolation 0.008423 (18) 0.009056 (18) 0.009391 (18) 0.0005031 (18) Phalanx: Evaluator 31: Scatter Stokes 0.002067 (18) 0.002093 (18) 0.002148 (18) 0.0001163 (18) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Phalanx: Evaluator 32: Gather Coordinate Vector 0.005027 (18) 0.005291 (18) 0.00558 (18) 0.000294 (18) Phalanx: Evaluator 33: MapToPhysicalFrame 0.005832 (18) 0.006175 (18) 0.006407 (18) 0.000343 (18) Phalanx: Evaluator 34: ComputeBasisFunctions 0.09277 (18) 0.09622 (18) 0.1 (18) 0.005346 (18) Phalanx: Evaluator 39: StokesFOResid 0.02635 (18) 0.02685 (18) 0.02746 (18) 0.001492 (18) Phalanx: Evaluator 3: Scatter Stokes 0.003807 (414) 0.003944 (414) 0.004069 (414) 9.527e-06 (414) Phalanx: Evaluator 40: ViscosityFO 0.004914 (18) 0.005059 (18) 0.005179 (18) 0.0002811 (18) Phalanx: Evaluator 41: StokesFOBodyForce 0.004479 (18) 0.00481 (18) 0.005155 (18) 0.0002672 (18) Phalanx: Evaluator 42: DBC on NS basal for DOF U0 0.0003076 (23) 0.0003535 (23) 0.0004194 (23) 1.537e-05 (23) Phalanx: Evaluator 43: DBC on NS basal for DOF U0 0.0005629 (17) 0.0006052 (17) 0.0006745 (17) 3.56e-05 (17) Phalanx: Evaluator 44: DBC on NS basal for DOF U0 1.502e-05 (1) 1.776e-05 (1) 2.098e-05 (1) 1.776e-05 (1) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Phalanx: Evaluator 45: DBC on NS basal for DOF U1 1.955e-05 (23) 2.265e-05 (23) 2.67e-05 (23) 9.848e-07 (23) Phalanx: Evaluator 46: DBC on NS basal for DOF U1 0.0003269 (17) 0.0003643 (17) 0.0004141 (17) 2.143e-05 (17) Phalanx: Evaluator 47: DBC on NS basal for DOF U1 9.537e-07 (1) 2.265e-06 (1) 5.007e-06 (1) 2.265e-06 (1) Phalanx: Evaluator 48: DBC on NS lateral for DOF U0 0.0001624 (23) 0.0001705 (23) 0.0001798 (23) 7.412e-06 (23) Phalanx: Evaluator 49: DBC on NS lateral for DOF U0 0.0004129 (17) 0.0004204 (17) 0.0004296 (17) 2.473e-05 (17) Phalanx: Evaluator 4: Gather Coordinate Vector 0.004341 (414) 0.004449 (414) 0.004601 (414) 1.075e-05 (414) Phalanx: Evaluator 50: DBC on NS lateral for DOF U0 8.821e-06 (1) 9.239e-06 (1) 1.001e-05 (1) 9.239e-06 (1) Phalanx: Evaluator 51: DBC on NS lateral for DOF U1 1.097e-05 (23) 1.281e-05 (23) 1.431e-05 (23) 5.572e-07 (23) Phalanx: Evaluator 52: DBC on NS lateral for DOF U1 0.0002372 (17) 0.0002498 (17) 0.0002592 (17) 1.469e-05 (17) Phalanx: Evaluator 53: DBC on NS lateral for DOF U1 9.537e-07 (1) 1.013e-06 (1) 1.192e-06 (1) 1.013e-06 (1) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Phalanx: Evaluator 54: Dirichlet Aggregator 9.06e-06 (23) 1.049e-05 (23) 1.144e-05 (23) 4.561e-07 (23) Phalanx: Evaluator 55: Dirichlet Aggregator 4.053e-06 (17) 5.007e-06 (17) 6.437e-06 (17) 2.945e-07 (17) Phalanx: Evaluator 56: Dirichlet Aggregator 0 (1) 5.364e-07 (1) 1.192e-06 (1) 5.364e-07 (1) Phalanx: Evaluator 5: MapToPhysicalFrame 0.03042 (414) 0.03114 (414) 0.03267 (414) 7.522e-05 (414) Phalanx: Evaluator 6: ComputeBasisFunctions 0.1591 (414) 0.16 (414) 0.1612 (414) 0.0003864 (414) Stratimikos: AztecOOLOWS 1.027 (17) 1.028 (17) 1.028 (17) 0.06044 (17) Stratimikos: AztecOOLOWS:SingleSolve 1.025 (17) 1.025 (17) 1.025 (17) 0.06031 (17) Thyra::EpetraModelEvaluator::evalModel(...) 4.596 (1) 4.596 (1) 4.596 (1) 4.596 (1) ============================================================================================================================================= Program terminated normally.