Voronoi Milestone
The Voronoi diagram is an important topic in computational geometry.
We are given a set of points which we'll call generators. These points
may lie in a 1-dimensional space (the entire line or a line segment);
most often we are interested in some 2-dimensional space, the whole
plane, or a square, circle, or polygonal region. We will see later
that the concept of a Voronoi diagram extends to the 3D case and
higher dimensions.
The Voronoi diagram is a subdivision of the original space. Every point
is assigned to the nearest generator. In a 1-D problem, this divides
the line into subintervals; in a 2-D problem, this divides the plane
into polygons, some of which will be infinite. We are often interested
in only a finite subregion of the plane. In such cases, we can simply
imagine looking at a plot of the Voronoi diagram on the infinite plane,
drawing a line that marks the border of our finite region, and throwing
the rest away. If our border line has straight sides, then all our
Voronoi subregions will be polygonal. If the border is curved,
then the Voronoi subregions that touch the border will include
a curved segment.
The exact 1D Voronoi diagram for the whole line:
What is the Voronoi diagram of the 4 points
G4 = {1/5, 2/5, ..., 4/5}?
The exact 1D Voronoi diagram for the segment [0,1]:
What is the Voronoi diagram of G4 now? Describe each
Voronoi "polygon" as an interval pi = [ai,bi].
What are the centroids c1, c2, c3, c4 of the Voronoi "polygons"?
What are the lengths l1, l2, l3, l4 of the Voronoi "polygons"?
The Voronoi polygon pi associated with gi in G4 has
an "energy" ei, which is the integral ei=Int(gi)(x-gi)^2dx.
What are the values of e1, e2, e3 and e4?
How would e1 change if we moved p1 (the point 1/5) to the
centroid c1 of the interval [a1,b1], but didn't change anything
The approximate 1D Voronoi diagram for the segment [0,1]:
Assume we have the same set G4 of generator points. Instead
of calculating things directly, we will estimate them using
sample points. Suppose we generate 1000 random value in [0,1].
We know the whole line segment has length 1. Estimate the
length li of each Voronoi polygon by counting the number of
sample points that are closest to gi, and multiplying that
by 1/1000 times the length of [0,1]. Compare your estimates
to the exact values.
Estimate each centroid ci by averaging all the sample points
that are closest to gi. Compare your estimates to your
exact values.
Estimate the energy ei by averaging the value (x-gi)^2
for all sample points closes to gi, and multiplying
by your estimated interval length. Compare your estimates
to your exact values.
We conclude from this exercise that we can approximate
the size, centroid, and energy of each 1D Voronoi polygon
by using random sampling.
The exact 2D Voronoi diagram:
In 2D, we can generate a regular grid by starting with
G4={1/5,2/5,3/5,4/5} and taking a tensor product. In
Python, this is done with the "X,Y=numpy.meshgrid(G4,G4)"
On a piece of paper, sketch the position of these 16
points and your guess as to the shape of the Voronoi
Use the scipy.spatial.Voronoi(X,Y) function to draw
the actual Voronoi diagram. Notice that some Voronoi
polygons are finite, but some are infinite. Infinite
polygons will have infinite area, centroids, and energy.
Suppose we are only interested in points within the
unit square [0,1]x[0,1]. This means we simply ignore
everything outside the square. Convince yourself that
the Voronoi polygons are now all finite. Moreover, they
are all polygonal.
Suppose we are only interested in points within the
unit circle (x-0.5)^2 + (y-0.5)^2 = 0.5. Convince
yourself that the Voronoi polygons are all finite,
but some of them no longer are polygonal!
The approximate 2D Voronoi diagram for the unit square [0,1]x[0,1]:
Suppose we are using the same set of 16 points as
discussed above, and restrict our data to the unit
square. Instead of doing exact arithmetic, we will
generate N=10,000 random sample points in the unit square,
using numpy.random.rand(10000,2).
Estimate the area a1 of polygon p1 by counting the counting
the number of sample points closest to g1, and multiplying
by the area of the unit square divided by N.
Estimate the centroid c1 of polygon p1 by averaging the
sample points that are closest to g1.
Estimate the energy e1 of polygon p1 by summing (x-g1)^2
over the sample points closest to g1, and multiplying
by a1, your estimate for the area.
The approximate 2D Voronoi diagram for any finite region:
We can estimate the area, centroid, and energy of each
Voronoi region using sampling. The quality of the
estimate improves with the number of sample points.
Our calculation is just as easy for cases where the
region is not polygonal (but still finite!), as long
as we have a way to generate uniform sample points in
that region. (To handle the case where the region is a
circle, we have to come up with a way to sample the circle
uniformly, for instance.)
Last revised on 23 October 2016.