July 19 and July 21th
This page contains lectures, examples and assignments for
the class "Introduction to Scientific Programming".
brent.cpp, a C++ library of functions for minimization.
brent.hpp, the include file for brent.cpp.
brent_problem6.cpp, a program which uses the brent library
to minimize function 6.
button_perm.cpp, a C++ program which searches for the combination
to a button lock, using perm_next.
counting.cpp, a C++ function which produces (and prints) every
array with N elements, with digits between DMIN and DMAX.
counting_test.cpp, tests the counting function.
f5.cpp, a C++ function to evaluate the function for problem 5.
f6.cpp, a C++ function to evaluate the function for problem 6.
floyd.cpp, a C++ library of functions for Floyd's algorithm,
which finds the shortest distance between pairs of cities.
floyd.hpp, the include file for floyd.cpp.
floyd_test.cpp, a program which uses the floyd library
on an example problem.
llsq.cpp, a C++ function to find the line which is closest
to a set of data points.
llsq.hpp, the include file for the llsq library.
llsq_prb.cpp, a program which calls llsq with some data.
local_min_test.cpp, a C++ function which demonstrates the use of the
brent function local_min to find a local minimizer.
lock_counting.cpp, a C++ program which uses the brute force "counting"
idea to find the combination of a lock.
perm_next.cpp, a function which generates permutations one at a time.
perm_test.cpp, a program which calls perm_next, and prints out
each permutation.
problem1_data.txt, the data for the extremely simple four point problem.
problem2_data.txt, the data for the dye pollution report.
problem3_data.txt, the data for the box-counting example.
problem4_data.txt, the data for the dye pollution report.
trip_counting.cpp, a program which finds the shortest round trip
through 5 cities, calling perm_next to check
each permutation.
In class exercise #10, on Tuesday: use Brent's LOCAL_MIN to find
a local minimum.
Program Homework #8 is due on Thursday. Please mail your program and output
to Detelina.
Program Homework #9, to be assigned on Thursday, will be due on July 28st.
Your Final Project: due on August 2nd (no late submissions!).
a 5 minute oral report, 3-5 page paper, C++ program.
You can go up one level to
the ISC course page.
Last revised on 20 July 2011.