Math 2984 - Fall 2017
Intro to Mathematical Problem Solving

TASK: Use bisection to find a zero of the function f(x)=x^3-2x-5.

COMMENT: Although this function is a cubic polynomial, which could have three solutions to the problem, it will actually only have one (real) solution.


        Copy the function "bisection3.m" from the homework directory.

        Write a function wallis.m that evaluates the function whose zero
        we are seeking.

        Write a script which calls bisection3 to seek a zero of the
        wallis function.  Your search should begin in the interval [0,3].

        Then print 
        * the solution x, 
        * the value of wallis(x), 
        * the width of the interval (b-a) (this should be small now!)
        display the function and your estimated solution:

        xlist = 101 points in [0,3]
        ylist = wallis ( xlist );
        plot ( xlist, ylist, 
               xlist, 0*ylist, 'k:',
               x, 0, 'r.',
               'Linewidth', 3, 'Markersize', 50 );

CHECK: Your plot should be something like hw041_noaxis.jpg:

SUBMIT: Your file should be named "hw041.m", and begin with:

        % hw041.m
        % YOUR NAME
        % This script (describe what it does)