Math 2984 - Fall 2017
Intro to Mathematical Problem Solving

TASK: Make a plot of the letters "VT", joined or separate, and filled in with a color.

COMMENT: The MATLAB "fill" command can outline a shape and fill it with a color.

To draw a triangle, and fill it with red, we could use the commands:

        xlist = [ 0.0, 3.0, 1.0 ];
        ylist = [ 0.0, 1.0, 4.0 ];
        fill ( xlist, ylist, 'r' );

A simple "VT" plot can be made this way. You should do this on a sheet of graph paper. Arrange "fat" versions of the letters "V" and "T" and make a list of the x and y coordinates of their corners. If the V and T are separate, you will need two separate lists, and two fill commands.

INSTRUCTIONS (for two separate V and T letters):

        Define X and Y coordinates for "V" nodes:
          vxlist =
          vylist =
        Define X and Y coordinates for "T" nodes:
          txlist =
          tylist =

        Since you are going to issue two fill commands, start 
        with a "hold on" command.

        Issue the fill commands for your "V" and "T":

          fill ( ?, ?, YOUR COLOR );
          fill ( ?, ?, YOUR COLOR );

        YOUR COLOR can be a standard MATLAB color, such as 'r' or 'b'.
        or you can define one of the official VT colors:

          orange = [ 1.0, 0.4, 0.0 ];
          maroon = [ 0.4, 0.0, 0.0 ];

        and say

          fill ( ?, ?, orange );

        Then give a "hold off" command.

        Your plot may look squashed.  Force MATLAB to use the same scale in
        X and Y using the command:

          axis ( equal )

        MATLAB likes to show the X and Y axis.  For this plot, we don't want 
        them, so add the command:

          axis off

        Your last command should save a copy of your plot:

        print ( '-djpeg', 'hw035.jpg' );

CHECK:(I combined the two letters, and I added a plot() command to draw a border around them.)

SUBMIT: I only need your script file "hw035.m". I do NOT need your plot file. Your script file should begin with:

        % hw035.m
        % YOUR NAME
        % This script (describe what it does)