Math 2984 - Fall 2017
Intro to Mathematical Problem Solving

TASK: Estimate the area under the curve y=humps(x), for x between 0 and 1, using a FOR loop.

COMMENT: MATLAB has a built-in function called "humps()". You can evaluate it at a point x by the command:

        y = humps ( x );

To estimate the area under this curve, for x between 0 and 1, we can simply imagine dividing the x range into n equal parts of width 1/n. This slices the graph up. Now we can try to approximate each slice by a rectangle.

In the interval [x,x+width], we could use a rectangle whose height is height=humps(x). The area of this rectangle is height*width. Adding up the area of each rectangle gives us an estimate of the total area.

As the number n of equal parts is increased, we can hope to get better approximations to the area.


        Use the input() statement to get a value of n from the user.

        Initialze the variable "area_total" to zero.
        Initialize the variable "width" to 1/n.
        Initialize the variable x to 0.
        Start a for loop that carries out steps i = 1 to n.

          Set the height of the i-th rectangle by evaluating humps(x).

            height = ?

          The area of the i-th rectangle is width * height.
          Add this to "area_total".

            area_total = ?
          Get ready for the next interval by adding "width" to x.

            x = ?
        end your FOR loop

        fprintf ( '  Using N=%d subintervals, area estimate: %g\n', n, area_total );

CHECK: If you are doing things correctly, then using N=5 subintervals should give you an area estimate of about 25.

SUBMIT: Your work should be stored in a script file called "hw023.m". Your script file should begin with at least three comment lines:

        % hw023.m
        % YOUR NAME
        % This script (describe what it does)
        % Add any comments here that you care to make.
If this problem is part of an assignment, then submit it to Canvas.