Math 2984 - Fall 2017
Intro to Mathematical Problem Solving

TASK: Print greatest common divisor tables.

COMMENT: The greatest common divisor of integers I and J is the largest integer K that evenly divides them both. We write "k = gcd(i,j)" to indicate this. For instance, gcd(14,35)=7, gcd(23,22)=1, and gcd(97,97)=97.

We want to print out a GCD table for all pairs of numbers between P and Q. For instance, if P = 1 and Q = 4, we want a table that shows the VALUES of the following quantities:

    gcd(1,1) gcd(1,2)  gcd(1,3)  gcd(1,4)
    gcd(2,1) gcd(2,2)  gcd(2,3)  gcd(2,4)
    gcd(3,1) gcd(3,2)  gcd(3,3)  gcd(3,4)
    gcd(4,1) gcd(4,2)  gcd(4,3)  gcd(4,4)


        Use MATLAB's input() statement to request values for p and q.

        Use a for loop, with counter "i" running from p to q,
        to handle each row.

          Inside of that loop, use another for loop, with counter "j",
          also running from p to q, to deal with each column.

            Print the value of gcd(i,j).  Use an fprintf() statement
            that does NOT include a "new line" symbol, like this:

            fprintf ( ' %d', gcd(i,j) );

          end the inner "j" loop.

          Terminate this row with a "new line".

          fprintf ( '\n' );

        end the outer "i" loop.

CHECK: If P = 1 and Q = 4, your program should print out:

    1    1    1    1
    1    2    1    2
    1    1    3    1
    1    2    1    4

SUBMIT: Your work should be stored in a script file called "hw016.m". Your script file should begin with at least three comment lines:

        % hw016.m
        % YOUR NAME
        % This script (describe what it does)
        % Add any comments here that you care to make.
If this problem is part of an assignment, then submit it to Canvas.