Math 2984 - Fall 2017
Intro to Mathematical Problem Solving

TASK: Report the number of distinct values in X, Y, Z using IF/ELSEIF/ELSE.

COMMENT: A user will type in three numbers, and your script must report "The number of distinct values is 1" (or 2 or 3). If we only had X and Y to worry about, then the program would be something like this:

        if ( X == Y )
          print "The number of distinct values is 1."
          print "The number of distinct values is 2."
but with three values to check, things become a little trickier.

Note the rules for how to write "equals" and "not equals" in logical expressions:

        if ( X == Y )  ...X equals Y...
        if ( X ~= Y )  ...X does not equal Y...
                          You'll need the "twiddle" character in the upper
                          left of your keyboard.


        Use the MATLAB input() command three times to get values
        "x", "y" and "z" from the user.

          x = ?;
          y = ?;
          z = ?;

        Define "n" to hold the number of distinct values and start it
        at 1, representing the value of x.

          n = 1;

        Now let's look at y.  If y is equal to x, we do nothing,
        but if y is not equal to x, we want to increase n by 1, 
        since we know we have two distinct values.

          if ( ? )

        Now let's look at z.  How do we determine if z is a new value
        different from all the ones we have seen so far?  If z is
        not equal to x and z is not equal to y, then we should increase
        n one more time.

          if ( ? OR ? )

        At the end, print your result something like this:

          fprintf ( ' Number of distinct values is %d\n', n );

SUBMIT: Your work should be stored in a script file called "hw006.m". Your script file should begin with at least three comment lines:

        % hw0006.m
        % YOUR NAME
        % This script (describe what it does)
        % Add any comments here that you care to make.
If this problem is part of an assignment, then submit it to Canvas.