>> proj1demo PROJ1DEMO This function shows how to work with Kronecker products and SVD's. Suppose K = kronecker_product ( A, B ) Suppose we want to solve K*f=g using the singular value decomposition of K. In this example, we choose random values for f, A and B, then compute K and g. Instead of solving K*f=g by taking the SVD of K we compute the SVD's of A and B, which implicitly define the SVD of K. Then we can determine the solution f and we never actually formed the SVD of K, and we really never had to form K either. The matrices A and B will be 3x3 The matrix K will have order 9x9 There are two ways to form the right hand side g. To show they are the same, here is the norm of their difference: norm(G - g) = 8.082546e-16 Here is the error between the exact solution F and the solution we computed: norm(F - Fc) = 1.808874e-14 Now let's show that we really can compute the SVD of K. Does the product U * S * V' = K? Norm ( K - U*S*V' ) = 3.797148e-15 Is our U matrix orthogonal? norm ( U*U'-I ) = 1.256964e-15 Is our V matrix orthogonal? norm ( U*V'-I ) = 9.033210e-16 PROJ1DEMO: Normal end of execution. >>