Re-Take of Exam #1 You may take this exam, on your own, at your convenience. You may copy out the wording of the problems before starting the test. Spend one hour (60 minutes) working on the test. You may not use any computers, calculators, or outsude references (except on problem 5, where you may use a calculator). Your grade for this exam will be averaged with that on the original one. 1) A) Sketch a right triangle, labeling all three sides, with an angle A such that cos(A)=x. B) Simplify the expression sin( arctan(x) ). 2) Differentiation: 5.1 #39 5.5 #29 5.7 #47 3) Integration: 5.2 #11 5.5 #61 5.8 #59a 4) Differential Equations: 5.6 #1 5) Exponential Functions: 5.6 #37 (You may leave the value of k in symbolic form, or you may use a calculator, on this problem only) 6) Area: 6.1 #15 7) Volume: 6.2 #3 6.2 #11