A Program to Estimate an Integral

QUAD is intended to be a program that estimates the integral of a function f(x) from A to B, prints the result, the elapsed wallclock time, and the corresponding MegaFLOPS rate.

This directory contains only partial programs - they are just sketches of the code, and you will need to finish them, adding declarations, computational statements, and print statements. Your assignment sheet will explain how you are expected to turn the program into a working OpenMP program.

Source Code:

Completed Source Code:

Here are "completed" versions of the programs.
(Access to these files may be restricted until everyone has had a chance to work on the problems!)

Batch Script:

Once you have made a quad executable, you need to copy this script file to the same directory that contains the executable, and issue the command qsub quad.sh. That submits a request to have the executable program run on 4 processors. You can type showq to see if the request has started yet.

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Last revised on 04 September 2008.