A Program or the Jacobi Iteration

JACOBI is a program which uses the Jacobi iteration to get an approximate solution of a (diagonally dominant) linear system A*x=b.

Your assignment is to take one of the source codes, make an OpenMP version, and compare the runs using 1 and 8 processors. You should only have to change subroutine JACOBI, and you should only have to insert OpenMP directives. The include statements and the timing calls are already there.

This assignment is to be turned in. You should turn in 3 files:

  1. your modified source code
  2. the output from the run on 1 processor on the HPC.
  3. the output from the run on 8 processors on the HPC.

Before the due date, you may ask me for guidance or help.

The assignment is due by Friday, 19 September 2008.

Send your three files to Chris Harden.

Source Code:

Completed Source Code:

Here are "completed" versions of the programs.
(Access to these files will be restricted until everyone has turned in their work)

Batch Script:

Once you have made a jacobi executable, you need to copy this script file to the same directory that contains the executable, and issue the command qsub jacobi.sh. That submits a request to have the executable program run on 8 processors. You can type showq to see if the request has started yet.

You can go up one level to the OpenMP page.

Last revised on 13 September 2008.