# include # include # include # include "smolpack.h" # define uniw 32 /* total # of nodes of quadrature formulae */ # define fn 6 /* # of different basic formulas */ # define gesfn 50 /* # of basic formulae (incl. multiplicities) */ double quafo; /* cubature result */ double x[maxdim]; /* function argument */ double xnu[fn][uniw]; double dnu[fn][uniw]; /* Delta-parameter */ double ftotal; double wsum; double summe; int d; int q; /* cubature formula parameter */ int n[fn]; int ninv[fn]; int sw[gesfn]; /* working var's */ int count; int wcount; /* counter of f-calls and coefficient calls */ int indices[maxdim]; int argind[maxdim]; /* formula and nodal indices */ int indsum[maxdim][maxdim]; /* parameter for 'divide et conquer' */ int anzw[uniw]; int lookind[fn][uniw]; int invlook[fn][uniw]; int maxind; /* tree parameter */ int wind[maxdim]; /* Parameter for slow coefficient calculation */ /* Tree definitions: */ struct tnode { int empty; double *coeff; int *computed; struct tnode *left; struct tnode *right; }; struct tnode *root; double (*f) (int, double x[]); void formula (int,int); double eval (int); /* sub-formula calculator */ double fsum (int); /* sum(f(+-x_nu)) */ void init ( int dim ); double calccoeff (int); /* coefficient calculator */ double calccoeff2 (int,int); /* coefficient calculator (slow) */ double wl (int, int, int); /* 'divide */ double we (int, int, int); /* and */ void sumind ( int, int ); /* conquer' */ double coeff ( ); struct tnode *talloc ( void ); /* node generator */ void frei ( struct tnode *p ); /******************************************************************************/ double int_smolyak ( int dim, int qq, double (*ff) ( int, double xx[] ), int print_stats ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: INT_SMOLYAK approximates a multidimensional integral. Discussion: A sparse grid is used, based on a "delayed" Clenshaw Curtis quadrature rule, using the Smolyak method. The computation should be able to reach accuracy comparable to that achieved with the standard Clenshaw Curtis rule, but with considerably fewer function evaluations. Modified: 28 April 2007 Author: Knut Petras Parameters: Input, int DIM, the spatial dimension. 1 <= DIM < MAXDIM = 40. Input, int QQ, ? QQ - DIM < 48 Input, double ( *FF ) ( int D, double X[] ), the function to be integrated. Input, int PRINT_STATS, is nonzero if this routine should print out statistics for the number of function calls and weight computations. Output, double INT_SMOLYAK, the approximated value of the integral. */ { /* Make the parameters global. */ d = dim; q = qq; f = ff; /* Initialize. */ wcount = 0; count = 0; quafo = 0.0; init ( dim ); /* Call the Smolyak algorithm. Q-DIM = K, the number of stages. */ formula ( 1, q-dim ); /* Free the allocated memory. */ frei ( root ); /* Print statistics, if desired. */ if ( print_stats ) { printf ( "\n" ); printf ( " Number of function calls = %d\n", count ); printf ( " Weight evaluations = %d\n", wcount ); } return quafo; } /******************************************************************************/ void formula ( int k, int l ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: FORMULA carries out the Smolyak algorithm. Discussion: If K == D+1 evaluation. Else determine the required formula This routine constructs the quadrature result by adding contributions to the global variable QUAFO. Modified: 25 April 2007 Author: Knut Petras Parameters: Input, int K, ??? Input, int L, the index sum that may be distributed to the remaining dimensions. */ { int i; if ( k == d + 1 ) { quafo = quafo + eval ( 0 ); } else { for ( i = 0; i <= l; i++ ) { if ( sw[i] < fn ) { indices[k] = sw[i]; formula ( k+1, l-i ); } } } return; } /******************************************************************************/ double eval ( int k ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: EVAL calculates the value of a product formula. Discussion: USUAL: summe = summe + calccoeff2(0,q-d) * fsum(0); DAC: summe = summe + calccoeff(q-d) * fsum(0); TREE (recommended method): summe = summe + coeff() * fsum(0); all coefficients 1 (speed test): summe = summe + fsum(0); Modified: 25 April 2007 Author: Knut Petras Parameters: Input, int K, ??? Output, double EVAL, the value of the product formula. */ { double dummy; int i; if ( k == 0 ) { summe = 0.0; dummy = eval ( 1 ); } /* Summation corresponding to one coefficient. */ else if ( k == d + 1 ) { summe = summe + coeff ( ) * fsum ( 0 ); } /* Choice of the nodes. */ else { for ( i = 0; i <= n[indices[k]]; i++ ) { argind[k] = i; dummy = eval ( k + 1 ); } } return summe; } /******************************************************************************/ double coeff ( void ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: COEFF returns a coefficient. Discussion: The routine calculates the coefficient only if it determines that the value was not already computed and saved in the tree. Modified: 25 April 2007 Author: Knut Petras Parameters: Output, double COEFF, the value of the coefficient. */ { int i; int j; int l; struct tnode *p; struct tnode *pt; int r; p = root; /* Initialize. */ for ( i = 0; i < maxind; i++ ) { anzw[i] = 0; } /* Frequency anzw[ ] of 1-dim nodes */ for ( i = 1; i <= d; i++ ) { anzw[lookind[indices[i]][argind[i]]]++; } /* Search in the tree according to anzw[..] */ for ( j = maxind-1; 1 <= j; j-- ) { /* anzw[j] to the LEFT. Generate the node if it does not exist. */ if ( p->left == NULL ) { p->left = (struct tnode *) calloc ( maxdim, sizeof(struct tnode) ); pt = (p->left+anzw[j]); pt->left = NULL; pt->right = NULL; pt->empty = 1; p = pt; } else { p = ( p->left+anzw[j] ); } /* one to the RIGHT */ if ( p->right == NULL ) { pt = talloc ( ); pt->empty = 1; pt->left = NULL; pt->right = NULL; /* leaf with coefficient. */ if ( j == 1 ) { pt->coeff = ( double * ) calloc ( maxdim, sizeof(double) ); pt->computed = ( int * ) calloc ( maxdim, sizeof(int) ); pt->empty = 0; } p->right = pt; } p = p->right; } /* The coefficient must be computed. */ if ( !*( p->computed+anzw[0] ) ) { wcount++; *( p->coeff +anzw[0] ) = calccoeff ( q-d ); *( p->computed+anzw[0] ) = 1; } return *( p->coeff +anzw[0] ); } /******************************************************************************/ void frei ( struct tnode *p ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: FREI frees the memory allocated for the tree structure. Modified: 25 April 2007 Author: Knut Petras Parameters: Input, struct tnode *P, a pointer to the tree structure to be freed. */ { int i; if ( !( p->empty ) ) { free ( p->coeff ); free ( p->computed ); } if ( !( p->left == NULL ) ) { for ( i = 0; i < maxind; i++ ) { if ( !( p->left+i == NULL ) ) { frei ( p->left +i ); } } free ( p->left ); } if ( !( p->right == NULL ) ) { frei ( p->right ); free ( p->right ); } return; } /******************************************************************************/ struct tnode *talloc ( ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: TALLOC allocates space for a new node on the tree. Modified: 25 April 2007 Author: Knut Petras Parameters: Output, struct tnode *TALLOC, a pointer to the new tree-node space. */ { return ( struct tnode * ) malloc ( sizeof(struct tnode) ); } /******************************************************************************/ void sumind ( int r, int s ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: SUMIND sums formula indices at division of dimensions R through S. Modified: 25 April 2007 Author: Knut Petras Parameters: Input, int R, S, the range over which the summation takes place. */ { int q; /* R == S, one dimensional. Do the calculation. */ if ( r == s ) { indsum[r][s] = ninv[indices[r]]; } /* R < S, compute average Q, split to [R,Q] + [Q+1,S], and call SUMIND recursively. */ else { q = ( r + s ) / 2; sumind ( r, q ); sumind ( q+1, s ); indsum[r][s] = indsum[r][q] + indsum[q+1][s]; } return; } /******************************************************************************/ double calccoeff ( int l ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: CALCCOEFF calculates coefficients.. Modified: 25 April 2007 Author: Knut Petras Parameters: Input, int L, ? Output, double CALCCOEFF, the value of the coefficient. */ { double value; /* Calculate the subdivision parameters. */ sumind ( 1, d ); /* Start the divide and conquer process. */ value = wl ( 1, d, l ); return value; } /******************************************************************************/ double wl ( int r, int s, int l ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: WL sums in dimensions S through R with sum of formula numbers <= L. Modified: 25 April 2007 Author: Knut Petras Parameters: Input, int R, S, specify the range. Output, double WL, ? */ { int i; int p; int q; double total; total = 0.0; /* R = S, one dimensional. Do the calculation. */ if ( r == s ) { p = lookind[indices[r]][argind[r]]; for ( i = ninv[indices[r]]; i <= l; i++ ) { if ( sw[i] < fn ) { if ( i == 0 ) { total = total + dnu[0][0]; } else { if ( indices[r] == 0 ) { total = total + dnu[sw[i]][0]; } else { total = total + dnu[sw[i]][invlook[sw[i]][p]]; } } } } } /* R < S, compute average Q, split to [R,Q] + [Q+1,S] and call WE and WL recursively. */ else { q = ( r + s ) / 2; for ( i = indsum[r][q]; i <= l-indsum[q+1][s]; i++ ) { total = total + we ( r, q, i ) * wl ( q+1, s, l-i ); } } return total; } /******************************************************************************/ double we ( int r, int s, int l ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: WE sums in dimension S through R with sum of formula numbers <= L. Modified: 25 April 2007 Author: Knut Petras Parameters: Input, int R, S, specify the range. Output, double CC_WE, ? */ { int i; int q; double total; total = 0.0; /* R = S, one dimensional. Do the calculation. */ if ( r == s ) { if ( sw[l] < fn ) { if ( sw[l] == 0 ) { total = dnu[0][0]; } else { if ( indices[r] == 0 ) { total = dnu[sw[l]][0]; } else { total = dnu[sw[l]][invlook[sw[l]][lookind[indices[r]][argind[r]]]]; } } } } /* R < S, compute average Q, split to [R,Q] + [Q+1,S] and call WE recursively. */ else { q = ( r + s ) / 2; for ( i = indsum[r][q]; i <= l-indsum[q+1][s]; i++ ) { total = total + we ( r, q, i ) * we ( q+1, s, l-i ); } } return total; } /******************************************************************************/ double calccoeff2 ( int k, int l ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: CALCCOEFF2 ??? Modified: 25 April 2007 Author: Knut Petras Parameters: Input, int K, ? Input, int L, ? Output, double CALCCOEFF2, ? */ { double dummy; int i; double wprod; if ( k == 0 ) { wcount++; wsum = 0.0; dummy = calccoeff2 ( 1, l ); } else if ( k == d + 1 ) { wprod = 1.0; for ( i = 1; i <= d; i++ ) { if ( indices[i] == 0 ) { wprod = wprod * dnu[wind[i]][0]; } else { wprod = wprod * dnu[wind[i]][invlook[wind[i]][lookind[indices[i]][argind[i]]]]; } } wsum = wsum + wprod; } else { i = indices[k]; while ( ninv[i] <= l ) { wind[k] = i; dummy = calccoeff2 ( k+1, l-ninv[i] ); i++; } } return wsum; } /******************************************************************************/ double fsum ( int k ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: FSUM computes unweighted sums of function values: sum(f(+/- x_i) ). Discussion: The function is evaluated at nodes for which the same weight applies. Modified: 26 April 2007 Author: Knut Petras Parameters: Input, int K, ? Output, double FSUM, the sum of the function at several nodes. */ { double dummy; if ( k == 0 ) { ftotal = 0.0; dummy = fsum ( 1 ); } else if ( k == d + 1 ) { ftotal = ftotal + (*f) ( d, x ); } else { if ( indices[k] == 0 ) { x[k-1] = 0.5; dummy = fsum ( k+1 ); } /* Use symmetry to get both X and -X. */ else { x[k-1] = xnu[indices[k]][2*argind[k]+1]; dummy = fsum ( k+1 ); x[k-1] = 1.0 - x[k-1]; dummy = fsum ( k+1 ); } } return ftotal; } /******************************************************************************/ void init ( int dim ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: INIT does initialization. Modified: 28 April 2007 Author: Knut Petras Parameters: Input, int DIM, the spatial dimension. Local Paremeters: Local, int NJ[FN], the number of nodes in the 1D formulas. Local, int FREQ[FN], the frequencies of the basis formulas. */ { int formfakt; int freq[fn] = { 1, 2, 3, 6, 12, 24 }; int i; int j; int maxform; int nj[fn] = { 1, 3, 7, 15, 31, 63 }; /* Some parameter calculations. */ n[0] = 0; j = 0; ninv[0] = 0; for ( i = 1; i < fn; i++ ) { n[i] = ( nj[i] - nj[i-1] - 2 ) / 2; j = j + freq[i-1]; ninv[i] = j; } for ( i = 0; i < gesfn; i++ ) { sw[i] = fn; } for ( i = 0; i < fn; i++ ) { sw[ninv[i]] = i; } /* Number of the 'largest' used formula. */ i = q - dim; maxform = 0; while ( ninv[maxform+1] <= i ) { maxform = maxform + 1; } /* Total number of used 1-dim nodes. */ maxind = ( nj[maxform] + 1 ) / 2; /* Table of 1-dim nodal numbers 0..MAXIND-1 corresponding to a combination formula number/nodal number and inverse formula. */ lookind[0][0] = 0; for ( i = 1; i <= maxform; i++ ) { formfakt = pow ( 2, maxform-i ); for ( j = 0; j < (nj[i]+1)/4; j++ ) { lookind[i][j] = formfakt * ( 2 * j + 1 ); } /* In a linear ordering of all used nodes, the (2J+1)-th node of the I-th basic formula is LOOKIND[I][J]-th node. */ for ( j = 0; j < (nj[i]+1)/2; j++ ) { invlook[i][formfakt*j] = j; } /* The LOOKIND[I][2^(MAXFORM-I)]-th node in a linear ordering of all used nodes is the J-th node of the I-th basic formula. Note that MAXFORM is the number of used different basic formulas. */ } /* Root of the coefficient TREE. */ root = talloc ( ); root->empty = 1; root->left = NULL; root->right = NULL; /* One dimensional formulas (Deltas) */ xnu[0][0] = 0.5; dnu[0][0] = 1.0; xnu[1][0] = 5.000000000000000E-001; xnu[1][1] = 8.8729833462074168851793E-001; dnu[1][0] = -5.5555555555555555555556E-001; dnu[1][1] = 2.7777777777777777777778E-001; xnu[2][0] = 5.0000000000000000000000E-001; xnu[2][1] = 7.1712187467340127900104E-001; xnu[2][2] = 8.8729833462074168851793E-001; xnu[2][3] = 9.8024563435401014171175E-001; dnu[2][0] = -2.1898617511520737327189E-001; dnu[2][1] = 2.0069870738798111145253E-001; dnu[2][2] = -1.4353373284361105741349E-001; dnu[2][3] = 5.2328113013233632596912E-002; xnu[3][0] = 5.0000000000000000000000E-001; xnu[3][1] = 6.1169334321448344081410E-001; xnu[3][2] = 7.1712187467340127900104E-001; xnu[3][3] = 8.1055147336861320147034E-001; xnu[3][4] = 8.8729833462074168851793E-001; xnu[3][5] = 9.4422961643612849944521E-001; xnu[3][6] = 9.8024563435401014171175E-001; xnu[3][7] = 9.9691598160637751110426E-001; dnu[3][0] = -1.1270301943013372747934E-001; dnu[3][1] = 1.0957842920079374820185E-001; dnu[3][2] = -1.0038444269948660093556E-001; dnu[3][3] = 8.5755954568195690393677E-002; dnu[3][4] = -6.7036417312274610184300E-002; dnu[3][5] = 4.6463597657562268842947E-002; dnu[3][6] = -2.6526471514693762748452E-002; dnu[3][7] = 8.5008598149701301695137E-003; xnu[4][0] = 5.0000000000000000000000E-001; xnu[4][1] = 5.5624447156659331287292E-001; xnu[4][2] = 6.1169334321448344081410E-001; xnu[4][3] = 6.6556769662898841654632E-001; xnu[4][4] = 7.1712187467340127900104E-001; xnu[4][5] = 7.6565987182218781198605E-001; xnu[4][6] = 8.1055147336861320147034E-001; xnu[4][7] = 8.5124810324576353930490E-001; xnu[4][8] = 8.8729833462074168851793E-001; xnu[4][9] = 9.1836296908443436775138E-001; xnu[4][10] = 9.4422961643612849944521E-001; xnu[4][11] = 9.6482742871487002833506E-001; xnu[4][12] = 9.8024563435401014171175E-001; xnu[4][13] = 9.9076557477687005343368E-001; xnu[4][14] = 9.9691598160637751110426E-001; xnu[4][15] = 9.9954906248383379883111E-001; dnu[4][0] = -5.6377621538718997889636E-002; dnu[4][1] = 5.5978436510476728440072E-002; dnu[4][2] = -5.4789218672831429083502E-002; dnu[4][3] = 5.2834946790117404871908E-002; dnu[4][4] = -5.0157125382596721131319E-002; dnu[4][5] = 4.6813554990632236808329E-002; dnu[4][6] = -4.2877994543200514816583E-002; dnu[4][7] = 3.8439810249501765521353E-002; dnu[4][8] = -3.3603750473896758409784E-002; dnu[4][9] = 2.8489754747061678706099E-002; dnu[4][10] = -2.3232151026683275572245E-002; dnu[4][11] = 1.7978551653564661048389E-002; dnu[4][12] = -1.2897842450451543066137E-002; dnu[4][13] = 8.2230249271939054668942E-003; dnu[4][14] = -4.2835769453095770463562E-003; dnu[4][15] = 1.2723903957809372077014E-003; xnu[5][0] = 5.0000000000000000000000E-001; xnu[5][1] = 5.2817215652329639498598E-001; xnu[5][2] = 5.5624447156659331287292E-001; xnu[5][3] = 5.8411762577610373249116E-001; xnu[5][4] = 6.1169334321448344081410E-001; xnu[5][5] = 6.3887491101091215753268E-001; xnu[5][6] = 6.6556769662898841654632E-001; xnu[5][7] = 6.9167966209936517345824E-001; xnu[5][8] = 7.1712187467340127900104E-001; xnu[5][9] = 7.4180901347292051378108E-001; xnu[5][10] = 7.6565987182218781198605E-001; xnu[5][11] = 7.8859785502602290742185E-001; xnu[5][12] = 8.1055147336861320147034E-001; xnu[5][13] = 8.3145483001239029773051E-001; xnu[5][14] = 8.5124810324576353930490E-001; xnu[5][15] = 8.6987802217634737933861E-001; xnu[5][16] = 8.8729833462074168851793E-001; xnu[5][17] = 9.0347026597510880592815E-001; xnu[5][18] = 9.1836296908443436775138E-001; xnu[5][19] = 9.3195396909684523857321E-001; xnu[5][20] = 9.4422961643612849944521E-001; xnu[5][21] = 9.5518557847850214624890E-001; xnu[5][22] = 9.6482742871487002833506E-001; xnu[5][23] = 9.7317142918670145257425E-001; xnu[5][24] = 9.8024563435401014171175E-001; xnu[5][25] = 9.8609143737429089828903E-001; xnu[5][26] = 9.9076557477687005343368E-001; xnu[5][27] = 9.9434237877371473996926E-001; xnu[5][28] = 9.9691598160637751110426E-001; xnu[5][29] = 9.9860312968611097953823E-001; xnu[5][30] = 9.9954906248383379883111E-001; xnu[5][31] = 9.9993644406017880596898E-001; dnu[5][0] = -2.8188814180191987109744E-002; dnu[5][1] = 2.8138849915627150636298E-002; dnu[5][2] = -2.7989218255238568736295E-002; dnu[5][3] = 2.7740702178279681993919E-002; dnu[5][4] = -2.7394605263980886602235E-002; dnu[5][5] = 2.6952749667633031963438E-002; dnu[5][6] = -2.6417473395059144940870E-002; dnu[5][7] = 2.5791626976024229388405E-002; dnu[5][8] = -2.5078569652948020678807E-002; dnu[5][9] = 2.4282165203336599357974E-002; dnu[5][10] = -2.3406777495318230607005E-002; dnu[5][11] = 2.2457265826816098707127E-002; dnu[5][12] = -2.1438980012491308330637E-002; dnu[5][13] = 2.0357755058472159466947E-002; dnu[5][14] = -1.9219905124773999502032E-002; dnu[5][15] = 1.8032216390391286320054E-002; dnu[5][16] = -1.6801938573891486499334E-002; dnu[5][17] = 1.5536775555843982439942E-002; dnu[5][18] = -1.4244877374144904399846E-002; dnu[5][19] = 1.2934839663607373455379E-002; dnu[5][20] = -1.1615723310923858549074E-002; dnu[5][21] = 1.0297116957956355574594E-002; dnu[5][22] = -8.9892758695005258819409E-003; dnu[5][23] = 7.7033752332797489010654E-003; dnu[5][24] = -6.4518989979126939693347E-003; dnu[5][25] = 5.2491234548106609491364E-003; dnu[5][26] = -4.1115209485759406322653E-003; dnu[5][27] = 3.0577534110586231698391E-003; dnu[5][28] = -2.1084676488811257036154E-003; dnu[5][29] = 1.2895248973428441362139E-003; dnu[5][30] = -6.3981211766590320201509E-004; dnu[5][31] = 1.8161074092276532984679E-004; return; }