01 September 2018 06:41:08 PM QUAD_MPI C/MPI version Estimate an integral of f(x) from A to B. f(x) = 50 / (pi * ( 2500 * x * x + 1 ) ) A = 0.000000 B = 10.000000 N = 9999997 EXACT = 0.4993633810764567 Use MPI to divide the computation among multiple processes. Process 2 contributed MY_TOTAL = 0.002228 Process 1 contributed MY_TOTAL = 0.495552 Process 5 contributed MY_TOTAL = 0.000223 Process 6 contributed MY_TOTAL = 0.000149 Process 3 contributed MY_TOTAL = 0.000743 Process 4 contributed MY_TOTAL = 0.000371 Process 7 contributed MY_TOTAL = 0.000106 Estimate = 0.4993709939550049 Error = 7.612879e-06 Time = 0.056090 QUAD_MPI: Normal end of execution. 01 September 2018 06:41:08 PM