30 August 2018 07:52:43 PM GCC_QUADMATH: C version. Test the GCC quadmath library. TEST01 Using FLOAT arithmetic: Compute smallest 1/2^DIV that can be added to 1. Number of divisions DIV = 23 1/2^DIV = 1.192093e-07 TEST02 Using DOUBLE arithmetic: Compute smallest 1/2^DIV that can be added to 1. Number of divisions DIV = 52 1/2^DIV = 2.220446e-16 TEST03 Using __FLOAT80 arithmetic: Compute smallest 1/2^DIV that can be added to 1. Number of divisions DIV = 63 1/2^DIV = 1.084202e-19 GCC_QUADMATH: Normal end of execution. 30 August 2018 07:52:43 PM