# include # include # include # include # include "c8_complex_lib.h" /******************************************************************************/ double c8_abs ( struct c8_complex *c ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: C8_ABS returns the absolute value of a C8. Licensing: This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. Modified: 14 August 2008 Author: John Burkardt Parameters: Input, struct c8_complex *C, the argument. Output, double C8_ABS, the function value. */ { double value; value = sqrt ( pow ( c->real, 2 ) + pow ( c->imag, 2 ) ); return value; } /******************************************************************************/ struct c8_complex *c8_acos ( struct c8_complex *c1 ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: C8_ACOS evaluates the inverse cosine of a C8. Discussion: Here we use the relationship: C8_ACOS ( Z ) = pi/2 - C8_ASIN ( Z ). Licensing: This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. Modified: 13 December 2008 Author: John Burkardt Parameters: Input, struct c8_complex *C1, the argument. Output, struct c8_complex *C8_ACOS, the function value. */ { struct c8_complex *c2; double r8_pi_half = 1.57079632679489661923; c2 = c8_asin ( c1 ); c2->real = r8_pi_half - c2->real; c2->imag = - c2->imag; return c2; } /******************************************************************************/ struct c8_complex *c8_acosh ( struct c8_complex *c1 ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: C8_ACOSH evaluates the inverse hyperbolic cosine of a C8. Discussion: Here we use the relationship: C8_ACOSH ( Z ) = i * C8_ACOS ( Z ). Licensing: This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. Modified: 12 December 2008 Author: John Burkardt Parameters: Input, struct c8_complex *C1, the argument. Output, struct c8_complex *C8_ACOSH, the function value. */ { struct c8_complex *c2; struct c8_complex *c3; struct c8_complex *c4; c2 = c8_i ( ); c3 = c8_acos ( c1 ); c4 = c8_mul ( c2, c3 ); free ( c2 ); free ( c3 ); return c4; } /******************************************************************************/ struct c8_complex *c8_add ( struct c8_complex *c1, struct c8_complex *c2 ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: C8_ADD adds two C8's. Licensing: This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. Modified: 14 August 2008 Author: John Burkardt Parameters: Input, struct c8_complex *C1, *C2, the arguments. Output, struct c8_complex *C8_ADD, the sum of C1 and C2. */ { struct c8_complex *c3; c3 = ( struct c8_complex *) malloc ( sizeof ( struct c8_complex ) ); c3->real = c1->real + c2->real; c3->imag = c1->imag + c2->imag; return c3; } /******************************************************************************/ double c8_arg ( struct c8_complex *c ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: C8_ARG returns the argument of a C8. Licensing: This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. Modified: 09 December 2008 Author: John Burkardt Parameters: Input, struct c8_complex *C, the complex number. Output, double C8_ARG, the function value. */ { double value; if ( c->imag == 0.0 && c->real == 0.0 ) { value = 0.0; } else { /* value = r8_atan ( c->imag, c->real ); */ value = atan2 ( c->imag, c->real ); } return value; } /******************************************************************************/ struct c8_complex *c8_asin ( struct c8_complex *c1 ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: C8_ASIN evaluates the inverse sine of a C8. Discussion: Here we use the relationship: C8_ASIN ( Z ) = - i * log ( i * z + sqrt ( 1 - z * z ) ) Licensing: This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. Modified: 13 December 2008 Author: John Burkardt Parameters: Input, struct c8_complex *C1, the argument. Output, struct c8_complex *C8_ASIN, the function value. */ { struct c8_complex *c2; struct c8_complex *c3; struct c8_complex *c4; struct c8_complex *c5; struct c8_complex *c6; struct c8_complex *c7; struct c8_complex *c8; struct c8_complex *c9; struct c8_complex *cx; struct c8_complex *ce; c2 = c8_i ( ); c3 = c8_mul ( c1, c1 ); c4 = c8_one ( ); c5 = c8_sub ( c4, c3 ); c6 = c8_sqrt ( c5 ); c7 = c8_mul ( c2, c1 ); c8 = c8_add ( c6, c7 ); c9 = c8_log ( c8 ); cx = c8_mul ( c2, c9 ); ce = c8_neg ( cx ); free ( c2 ); free ( c3 ); free ( c4 ); free ( c5 ); free ( c6 ); free ( c7 ); free ( c8 ); free ( c9 ); free ( cx ); return ce; } /******************************************************************************/ struct c8_complex *c8_asinh ( struct c8_complex *c1 ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: C8_ASINH evaluates the inverse hyperbolic sine of a C8. Discussion: Here we use the relationship: C8_ASINH ( Z ) = - i * C8_ASIN ( i * Z ). Licensing: This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. Modified: 12 December 2008 Author: John Burkardt Parameters: Input, struct c8_complex *C1, the argument. Output, struct c8_complex *C8_ASINH, the function value. */ { struct c8_complex *c2; struct c8_complex *c3; struct c8_complex *c4; struct c8_complex *c5; struct c8_complex *c6; c2 = c8_i ( ); c3 = c8_mul ( c2, c1 ); c4 = c8_asin ( c3 ); c5 = c8_mul ( c2, c4 ); c6 = c8_neg ( c5 ); free ( c2 ); free ( c3 ); free ( c4 ); free ( c5 ); return c6; } /******************************************************************************/ struct c8_complex *c8_atan ( struct c8_complex *c1 ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: C8_ATAN evaluates the inverse tangent of a C8. Discussion: Here we use the relationship: C8_ATAN ( Z ) = ( i / 2 ) * log ( ( 1 - i * z ) / ( 1 + i * z ) ) Licensing: This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. Modified: 10 December 2008 Author: John Burkardt Parameters: Input, struct c8_complex *C1, the argument. Output, struct c8_complex *C8_ATAN, the function value. */ { struct c8_complex *c2; struct c8_complex *c3; struct c8_complex *c4; struct c8_complex *c5; struct c8_complex *c6; struct c8_complex *c7; struct c8_complex *c8; struct c8_complex *c9; struct c8_complex *cx; double r; c2 = c8_i ( ); c3 = c8_one ( ); c4 = c8_mul ( c2, c1 ); c5 = c8_sub ( c3, c4 ); c6 = c8_add ( c3, c4 ); c7 = c8_div ( c5, c6 ); c8 = c8_log ( c7 ); c9 = c8_mul ( c2, c8 ); r = 2.0; cx = c8_div_r8 ( c9, r ); free ( c2 ); free ( c3 ); free ( c4 ); free ( c5 ); free ( c6 ); free ( c7 ); free ( c8 ); free ( c9 ); return cx; } /******************************************************************************/ struct c8_complex *c8_atanh ( struct c8_complex *c1 ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: C8_ATANH evaluates the inverse hyperbolic tangent of a C8. Discussion: Here we use the relationship: C8_ATANH ( Z ) = - i * C8_ATAN ( i * Z ). Licensing: This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. Modified: 10 December 2008 Author: John Burkardt Parameters: Input, struct c8_complex *C1, the argument. Output, struct c8_complex *C8_ATANH, the function value. */ { struct c8_complex *c2; struct c8_complex *c3; struct c8_complex *c4; struct c8_complex *c5; struct c8_complex *c6; c2 = c8_i ( ); c3 = c8_mul ( c2, c1 ); c4 = c8_atan ( c3 ); c5 = c8_mul ( c2, c4 ); c6 = c8_neg ( c5 ); free ( c2 ); free ( c3 ); free ( c4 ); free ( c5 ); return c6; } /******************************************************************************/ struct c8_complex *c8_conj ( struct c8_complex *c1 ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: C8_CONJ conjugates a C8. Licensing: This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. Modified: 14 August 2008 Author: John Burkardt Parameters: Input, struct c8_complex *C1, the argument. Output, struct c8_complex *C8_CONJ, the function value. */ { struct c8_complex *c2; c2 = ( struct c8_complex *) malloc ( sizeof ( struct c8_complex ) ); c2->real = c1->real; c2->imag = - c1->imag; return c2; } /******************************************************************************/ void c8_copy ( struct c8_complex *c1, struct c8_complex *c2 ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: C8_COPY copies a C8. Discussion: The order of the arguments may seem unnatural, but it is arranged so that the call c8_copy ( c1, c2 ) mimics the assignment c1 = c2. Licensing: This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. Modified: 10 December 2008 Author: John Burkardt Parameters: Output, struct c8_complex *C1, the copy of C2. Input, struct c8_complex *C2, the value to be copied. */ { c1->real = c2->real; c1->imag = c2->imag; return; } /******************************************************************************/ struct c8_complex *c8_cos ( struct c8_complex *c1 ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: C8_COS evaluates the cosine of a C8. Discussion: We use the relationship: C8_COS ( C ) = ( C8_EXP ( i * C ) + C8_EXP ( - i * C ) ) / 2 Licensing: This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. Modified: 13 December 2008 Author: John Burkardt Parameters: Input, struct c8_complex *C1, the argument. Output, struct c8_complex *C8_COS, the function value. */ { struct c8_complex *c2; struct c8_complex *c3; struct c8_complex *c4; struct c8_complex *c5; struct c8_complex *c6; struct c8_complex *c7; struct c8_complex *c8; double r; c2 = c8_i ( ); c3 = c8_mul ( c2, c1 ); c4 = c8_exp ( c3 ); c5 = c8_neg ( c3 ); c6 = c8_exp ( c5 ); c7 = c8_add ( c4, c6 ); r = 2.0; c8 = c8_div_r8 ( c7, r ); free ( c2 ); free ( c3 ); free ( c4 ); free ( c5 ); free ( c6 ); free ( c7 ); return c8; } /******************************************************************************/ struct c8_complex *c8_cosh ( struct c8_complex *c1 ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: C8_COSH evaluates the hyperbolic cosine of a C8. Discussion: A C8 is a C8_COMPLEX value. Licensing: This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. Modified: 13 December 2008 Author: John Burkardt Parameters: Input, struct c8_complex *C1, the argument. Output, struct c8_complex *C8_COSH, the function value. */ { struct c8_complex *c2; struct c8_complex *c3; struct c8_complex *c4; struct c8_complex *c5; struct c8_complex *c6; c2 = c8_exp ( c1 ); c3 = c8_neg ( c1 ); c4 = c8_exp ( c3 ); c5 = c8_add ( c2, c4 ); c6 = c8_div_r8 ( c5, 2.0 ); free ( c2 ); free ( c3 ); free ( c4 ); free ( c5 ); return c6; } /******************************************************************************/ struct c8_complex *c8_cube_root ( struct c8_complex *c1 ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: C8_CUBE_ROOT computes the principal cube root of a C8. Licensing: This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. Modified: 13 December 2008 Author: John Burkardt Parameters: Input, struct c8_complex *C1, the argument. Output, struct c8_complex *C8_CUBE_ROOT, the function value. */ { struct c8_complex *c2; double r; double t; c8_to_polar ( c1, &r, &t ); r = pow ( r, 1.0 / 3.0 ); t = t / 3.0; c2 = polar_to_c8 ( r, t ); return c2; } /******************************************************************************/ struct c8_complex *c8_div ( struct c8_complex *c1, struct c8_complex *c2 ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: C8_DIV divides two C8's. Licensing: This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. Modified: 14 August 2008 Author: John Burkardt Parameters: Input, struct c8_complex *C1, *C2, the arguments. Output, struct c8_complex *C8_DIV, the function value. */ { double c2_norm; struct c8_complex *c3; c3 = ( struct c8_complex *) malloc ( sizeof ( struct c8_complex ) ); c2_norm = c8_abs ( c2 ); c3->real = ( c1->real * c2->real + c1->imag * c2->imag ) / c2_norm / c2_norm; c3->imag = ( c1->imag * c2->real - c1->real * c2->imag ) / c2_norm / c2_norm; return c3; } /******************************************************************************/ struct c8_complex *c8_div_r8 ( struct c8_complex *c1, double r ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: C8_DIV_R8 divides a C8 by an R8. Licensing: This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. Modified: 14 August 2008 Author: John Burkardt Parameters: Input, struct c8_complex *C1, the value to be divided. Input, double R, the divisor. Output, struct c8_complex *C8_DIV_R8, the function value. */ { struct c8_complex *c2; c2 = ( struct c8_complex *) malloc ( sizeof ( struct c8_complex ) ); c2->real = c1->real / r; c2->imag = c1->imag / r; return c2; } /******************************************************************************/ struct c8_complex *c8_exp ( struct c8_complex *c1 ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: C8_EXP exponentiates a C8. Licensing: This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. Modified: 07 December 2008 Author: John Burkardt Parameters: Input, struct c8_complex *C1, the argument. Output, struct c8_complex *C8_EXP, the function value. */ { struct c8_complex *c2; double c2_norm; c2 = ( struct c8_complex *) malloc ( sizeof ( struct c8_complex ) ); c2_norm = exp ( c1->real ); c2->real = c2_norm * cos ( c1->imag ); c2->imag = c2_norm * sin ( c1->imag ); return c2; } /******************************************************************************/ struct c8_complex *c8_i ( void ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: C8_I returns the value of I as a C8 Licensing: This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. Modified: 09 December 2008 Author: John Burkardt Parameters: Output, struct c8_complex *C8_I, the value of I. */ { struct c8_complex *c1; c1 = ( struct c8_complex *) malloc ( sizeof ( struct c8_complex ) ); c1->real = 0.0; c1->imag = 1.0; return c1; } /******************************************************************************/ double c8_imag ( struct c8_complex *c ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: C8_IMAG returns the imaginary part of a C8. Licensing: This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. Modified: 12 December 2008 Author: John Burkardt Parameters: Input, struct c8_complex *C, the argument. Output, double C8_IMAG, the function value. */ { double value; value = c->imag; return value; } /******************************************************************************/ struct c8_complex *c8_inv ( struct c8_complex *c1 ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: C8_INV inverts a C8. Licensing: This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. Modified: 14 August 2008 Author: John Burkardt Parameters: Input, struct c8_complex *C1, the argument. Output, struct c8_complex *C8_INV, the function value; */ { double c1_norm; struct c8_complex *c2; c2 = ( struct c8_complex *) malloc ( sizeof ( struct c8_complex ) ); c1_norm = c8_abs ( c1 ); c2->real = c1->real / c1_norm / c1_norm; c2->imag = - c1->imag / c1_norm / c1_norm; return c2; } /******************************************************************************/ struct c8_complex *c8_log ( struct c8_complex *c1 ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: C8_LOG evaluates the logarithm of a C8. Discussion: Here we use the relationship: C8_LOG ( Z ) = LOG ( MAG ( Z ) ) + i * ARG ( Z ) Licensing: This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. Modified: 10 December 2008 Author: John Burkardt Parameters: Input, struct c8_complex *C1, the argument. Output, struct c8_complex *C8_ATAN, the function value. */ { double arg; struct c8_complex *c2; double mag; arg = c8_arg ( c1 ); mag = c8_mag ( c1 ); c2 = ( struct c8_complex *) malloc ( sizeof ( struct c8_complex ) ); c2->real = log ( mag ); c2->imag = arg; return c2; } /******************************************************************************/ double c8_mag ( struct c8_complex *c ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: C8_MAG returns the magnitude of a C8. Licensing: This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. Modified: 14 August 2008 Author: John Burkardt Parameters: Input, struct c8_complex *C, the argument. Output, double C8_MAG, the function value. */ { double value; value = sqrt ( pow ( c->real, 2 ) + pow ( c->imag, 2 ) ); return value; } /******************************************************************************/ struct c8_complex *c8_mul ( struct c8_complex *c1, struct c8_complex *c2 ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: C8_MUL multiplies two C8's. Licensing: This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. Modified: 14 August 2008 Author: John Burkardt Parameters: Input, struct c8_complex *C1, *C2, the arguments. Output, struct c8_complex *C8_MUL, the function value. */ { struct c8_complex *c3; c3 = ( struct c8_complex *) malloc ( sizeof ( struct c8_complex ) ); c3->real = c1->real * c2->real - c1->imag * c2->imag; c3->imag = c1->imag * c2->real + c1->real * c2->imag; return c3; } /******************************************************************************/ struct c8_complex *c8_neg ( struct c8_complex *c1 ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: C8_NEG negates a C8. Licensing: This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. Modified: 14 August 2008 Author: John Burkardt Parameters: Input, struct c8_complex *C1, the argument. Output, struct c8_complex *C8_NEG, the function value. */ { struct c8_complex *c2; c2 = ( struct c8_complex *) malloc ( sizeof ( struct c8_complex ) ); c2->real = - c1->real; c2->imag = - c1->imag; return c2; } /******************************************************************************/ struct c8_complex *c8_normal_01 ( int *seed ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: C8_NORMAL_01 returns a unit pseudonormal C8. Licensing: This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. Modified: 12 April 2006 Author: John Burkardt Parameters: Input/output, int *SEED, a seed for the random number generator. Output, struct c8_complex *C8_NORMAL_01, a unit pseudonormal value. */ { double r8_pi = 3.141592653589793; double v1; double v2; struct c8_complex *value; double x_c; double x_r; v1 = r8_uniform_01 ( seed ); v2 = r8_uniform_01 ( seed ); x_r = sqrt ( - 2.0 * log ( v1 ) ) * cos ( 2.0 * r8_pi * v2 ); x_c = sqrt ( - 2.0 * log ( v1 ) ) * sin ( 2.0 * r8_pi * v2 ); value = cartesian_to_c8 ( x_r, x_c ); return value; } /******************************************************************************/ struct c8_complex *c8_one ( void ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: C8_ONE returns the value of 1 as a C8 Licensing: This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. Modified: 10 December 2008 Author: John Burkardt Parameters: Output, struct c8_complex *C8_ONE, the value of 1. */ { struct c8_complex *c1; c1 = ( struct c8_complex *) malloc ( sizeof ( struct c8_complex ) ); c1->real = 1.0; c1->imag = 0.0; return c1; } /******************************************************************************/ double c8_real ( struct c8_complex *c ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: C8_REAL returns the real part of a C8. Licensing: This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. Modified: 12 December 2008 Author: John Burkardt Parameters: Input, struct c8_complex *C, the complex number. Output, double C8_REAL, the function value. */ { double value; value = c->real; return value; } /******************************************************************************/ struct c8_complex *c8_sin ( struct c8_complex *c1 ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: C8_SIN evaluates the sine of a C8. Discussion: We use the relationship: C8_SIN ( C ) = - i * ( C8_EXP ( i * C ) - C8_EXP ( - i * C ) ) / 2 Licensing: This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. Modified: 13 December 2008 Author: John Burkardt Parameters: Input, struct c8_complex *C1, the argument. Output, struct c8_complex *C8_SIN, the function value. */ { struct c8_complex *c2; struct c8_complex *c3; struct c8_complex *c4; struct c8_complex *c5; struct c8_complex *c6; struct c8_complex *c7; struct c8_complex *c8; struct c8_complex *c9; struct c8_complex *cx; double r; c2 = c8_i ( ); c3 = c8_mul ( c2, c1 ); c4 = c8_exp ( c3 ); c5 = c8_neg ( c3 ); c6 = c8_exp ( c5 ); c7 = c8_sub ( c4, c6 ); r = 2.0; c8 = c8_div_r8 ( c7, r ); c9 = c8_mul ( c8, c2 ); cx = c8_neg ( c9 ); free ( c2 ); free ( c3 ); free ( c4 ); free ( c5 ); free ( c6 ); free ( c7 ); free ( c8 ); free ( c9 ); return cx; } /******************************************************************************/ struct c8_complex *c8_sinh ( struct c8_complex *c1 ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: C8_SINH evaluates the hyperbolic sine of a C8. Discussion: We use the relationship: C8_SINH ( C ) = ( C8_EXP ( C ) - C8_EXP ( - i * C ) ) / 2 Licensing: This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. Modified: 10 December 2008 Author: John Burkardt Parameters: Input, struct c8_complex *C1, the argument. Output, struct c8_complex *C8_SINH, the function value. */ { struct c8_complex *c2; struct c8_complex *c3; struct c8_complex *c4; struct c8_complex *c5; struct c8_complex *c6; double r; c2 = c8_exp ( c1 ); c3 = c8_neg ( c1 ); c4 = c8_exp ( c3 ); c5 = c8_sub ( c2, c4 ); r = 2.0; c6 = c8_div_r8 ( c5, r ); free ( c2 ); free ( c3 ); free ( c4 ); free ( c5 ); return c6; } /******************************************************************************/ struct c8_complex *c8_sqrt ( struct c8_complex *c1 ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: C8_SQRT computes a square root of a C8. Licensing: This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. Modified: 13 December 2008 Author: John Burkardt Parameters: Input, struct c8_complex *C1, the argument. Output, struct c8_complex *C8_SQRT, the function value. */ { struct c8_complex *c2; double r; double t; c8_to_polar ( c1, &r, &t ); r = sqrt ( r ); t = t / 2.0; c2 = polar_to_c8 ( r, t ); return c2; } /******************************************************************************/ struct c8_complex *c8_sub ( struct c8_complex *c1, struct c8_complex *c2 ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: C8_SUB subtracts two C8's. Licensing: This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. Modified: 14 August 2008 Author: John Burkardt Parameters: Input, struct c8_complex *C1, *C2, the arguments. Output, struct c8_complex *C8_SUB, the function value. */ { struct c8_complex *c3; c3 = ( struct c8_complex *) malloc ( sizeof ( struct c8_complex ) ); c3->real = c1->real - c2->real; c3->imag = c1->imag - c2->imag; return c3; } /******************************************************************************/ void c8_swap ( struct c8_complex *c1, struct c8_complex *c2 ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: C8_SWAP swaps two C8's. Licensing: This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. Modified: 10 December 2008 Author: John Burkardt Parameters: Input/output, struct c8_complex *C1, *C2, the arguments. */ { struct c8_complex *c3; c3 = ( struct c8_complex *) malloc ( sizeof ( struct c8_complex ) ); c8_copy ( c3, c1 ); c8_copy ( c1, c2 ); c8_copy ( c2, c3 ); free ( c3 ); return; } /******************************************************************************/ struct c8_complex *c8_tan ( struct c8_complex *c1 ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: C8_TAN evaluates the tangent of a C8. Discussion: We use the relationship: C8_TAN ( C ) = - i * ( C8_EXP ( i * C ) - C8_EXP ( - i * C ) ) / ( C8_EXP ( I * C ) + C8_EXP ( - i * C ) ) Licensing: This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. Modified: 13 December 2008 Author: John Burkardt Parameters: Input, struct c8_complex *C1, the argument. Output, struct c8_complex *C8_TAN, the function value. */ { struct c8_complex *c2; struct c8_complex *c3; struct c8_complex *c4; struct c8_complex *c5; struct c8_complex *c6; struct c8_complex *c7; struct c8_complex *c8; struct c8_complex *c9; struct c8_complex *cx; struct c8_complex *ce; c2 = c8_i ( ); c3 = c8_mul ( c2, c1 ); c4 = c8_neg ( c3 ); c5 = c8_exp ( c3 ); c6 = c8_exp ( c4 ); c7 = c8_sub ( c5, c6 ); c8 = c8_add ( c5, c6 ); c9 = c8_div ( c7, c8 ); cx = c8_mul ( c2, c9 ); ce = c8_neg ( cx ); free ( c2 ); free ( c3 ); free ( c4 ); free ( c5 ); free ( c6 ); free ( c7 ); free ( c8 ); free ( c9 ); free ( cx ); return ce; } /******************************************************************************/ struct c8_complex *c8_tanh ( struct c8_complex *c1 ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: C8_TANH evaluates the hyperbolic tangent of a C8. Licensing: This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. Modified: 13 December 2008 Author: John Burkardt Parameters: Input, struct c8_complex *C1, the argument. Output, struct c8_complex *C8_TANH, the function value. */ { struct c8_complex *c2; struct c8_complex *c3; struct c8_complex *c4; struct c8_complex *c5; struct c8_complex *c6; struct c8_complex *c7; c2 = c8_exp ( c1 ); c3 = c8_neg ( c1 ); c4 = c8_exp ( c3 ); c5 = c8_sub ( c2, c4 ); c6 = c8_add ( c2, c4 ); c7 = c8_div ( c5, c6 ); free ( c2 ); free ( c3 ); free ( c4 ); free ( c5 ); free ( c6 ); return c7; } /******************************************************************************/ void c8_to_cartesian ( struct c8_complex *c, double *x, double *y ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: C8_TO_CARTESIAN converts a C8 to Cartesian form. Licensing: This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. Modified: 14 August 2008 Author: John Burkardt Parameters: Input, struct c8_complex *C, the argument. Output, double *X, *Y, the Cartesian form. */ { *x = c->real; *y = c->imag; return; } /******************************************************************************/ void c8_to_polar ( struct c8_complex *c, double *r, double *theta ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: C8_TO_POLAR converts a C8 to polar form. Licensing: This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. Modified: 14 August 2008 Author: John Burkardt Parameters: Input, struct c8_complex *C, the argument. Output, double *R, *THETA, the polar form. */ { *r = c8_abs ( c ); *theta = c8_arg ( c ); return; } /******************************************************************************/ struct c8_complex *c8_uniform_01 ( int *seed ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: C8_UNIFORM_01 returns a unit pseudorandom C8. Discussion: The angle should be uniformly distributed between 0 and 2 * PI, the square root of the radius uniformly distributed between 0 and 1. This results in a uniform distribution of values in the unit circle. Licensing: This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. Modified: 11 January 2007 Author: John Burkardt Reference: Paul Bratley, Bennett Fox, Linus Schrage, A Guide to Simulation, Second Edition, Springer, 1987, ISBN: 0387964673, LC: QA76.9.C65.B73. Bennett Fox, Algorithm 647: Implementation and Relative Efficiency of Quasirandom Sequence Generators, ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software, Volume 12, Number 4, December 1986, pages 362-376. Pierre L'Ecuyer, Random Number Generation, in Handbook of Simulation, edited by Jerry Banks, Wiley, 1998, ISBN: 0471134031, LC: T57.62.H37. Peter Lewis, Allen Goodman, James Miller, A Pseudo-Random Number Generator for the System/360, IBM Systems Journal, Volume 8, Number 2, 1969, pages 136-143. Parameters: Input/output, int *SEED, the "seed" value, which should NOT be 0. On output, SEED has been updated. Output, struct c8_complex *C8_UNIFORM_01, a pseudorandom complex value. */ { int i4_huge = 2147483647; int k; double r; double r8_pi = 3.141592653589793; double theta; struct c8_complex *value; if ( *seed == 0 ) { printf ( "\n" ); printf ( "C8_UNIFORM_01 - Fatal error!\n" ); printf ( " Input value of SEED = 0.\n" ); exit ( 1 ); } value = ( struct c8_complex *) malloc ( sizeof ( struct c8_complex ) ); k = *seed / 127773; *seed = 16807 * ( *seed - k * 127773 ) - k * 2836; if ( *seed < 0 ) { *seed = *seed + i4_huge; } r = sqrt ( ( ( double ) ( *seed ) * 4.656612875E-10 ) ); k = *seed / 127773; *seed = 16807 * ( *seed - k * 127773 ) - k * 2836; if ( *seed < 0 ) { *seed = *seed + i4_huge; } theta = 2.0 * r8_pi * ( ( double ) ( *seed ) * 4.656612875E-10 ); value->real = r * cos ( theta ); value->imag = r * sin ( theta ); return value; } /******************************************************************************/ struct c8_complex *c8_zero ( void ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: C8_ZERO returns the value of 0 as a C8 Licensing: This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. Modified: 10 December 2008 Author: John Burkardt Parameters: Output, struct c8_complex *C8_ZERO, the value of 0. */ { struct c8_complex *c1; c1 = ( struct c8_complex *) malloc ( sizeof ( struct c8_complex ) ); c1->real = 0.0; c1->imag = 0.0; return c1; } /******************************************************************************/ struct c8_complex *cartesian_to_c8 ( double x, double y ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: CARTESIAN_TO_C8 converts a Cartesian form to a C8. Licensing: This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. Modified: 12 December 2008 Author: John Burkardt Parameters: Input, double X, Y, the Cartesian form. Output, struct c8_complex *CARTESIAN_TO_C8, the complex number. */ { struct c8_complex *c; c = ( struct c8_complex *) malloc ( sizeof ( struct c8_complex ) ); c->real = x; c->imag = y; return c; } /******************************************************************************/ struct c8_complex *polar_to_c8 ( double r, double theta ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: POLAR_TO_C8 converts a polar form to a C8. Licensing: This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. Modified: 12 December 2008 Author: John Burkardt Parameters: Input, double R, THETA, the polar form. Output, struct c8_complex *POLAR_TO_C8, the complex number. */ { struct c8_complex *c; c = ( struct c8_complex *) malloc ( sizeof ( struct c8_complex ) ); c->real = r * cos ( theta ); c->imag = r * sin ( theta ); return c; } /******************************************************************************/ double r8_uniform_01 ( int *seed ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: R8_UNIFORM_01 returns a unit pseudorandom R8. Discussion: This routine implements the recursion seed = 16807 * seed mod ( 2**31 - 1 ) r8_uniform_01 = seed / ( 2**31 - 1 ) The integer arithmetic never requires more than 32 bits, including a sign bit. If the initial seed is 12345, then the first three computations are Input Output R8_UNIFORM_01 SEED SEED 12345 207482415 0.096616 207482415 1790989824 0.833995 1790989824 2035175616 0.947702 Licensing: This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. Modified: 11 August 2004 Author: John Burkardt Reference: Paul Bratley, Bennett Fox, Linus Schrage, A Guide to Simulation, Second Edition, Springer, 1987, ISBN: 0387964673, LC: QA76.9.C65.B73. Bennett Fox, Algorithm 647: Implementation and Relative Efficiency of Quasirandom Sequence Generators, ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software, Volume 12, Number 4, December 1986, pages 362-376. Pierre L'Ecuyer, Random Number Generation, in Handbook of Simulation, edited by Jerry Banks, Wiley, 1998, ISBN: 0471134031, LC: T57.62.H37. Peter Lewis, Allen Goodman, James Miller, A Pseudo-Random Number Generator for the System/360, IBM Systems Journal, Volume 8, Number 2, 1969, pages 136-143. Parameters: Input/output, int *SEED, the "seed" value. Normally, this value should not be 0. On output, SEED has been updated. Output, double R8_UNIFORM_01, a new pseudorandom variate, strictly between 0 and 1. */ { int i4_huge = 2147483647; int k; double r; if ( *seed == 0 ) { printf ( "\n" ); printf ( "R8_UNIFORM_01 - Fatal error!\n" ); printf ( " Input value of SEED = 0.\n" ); exit ( 1 ); } k = *seed / 127773; *seed = 16807 * ( *seed - k * 127773 ) - k * 2836; if ( *seed < 0 ) { *seed = *seed + i4_huge; } /* Although SEED can be represented exactly as a 32 bit integer, it generally cannot be represented exactly as a 32 bit real number! */ r = ( double ) ( *seed ) * 4.656612875E-10; return r; } /******************************************************************************/ void sort_heap_external ( int n, int *indx, int *i, int *j, int isgn ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: SORT_HEAP_EXTERNAL externally sorts a list of items into ascending order. Discussion: The actual list is not passed to the routine. Hence it may consist of integers, reals, numbers, names, etc. The user, after each return from the routine, will be asked to compare or interchange two items. The current version of this code mimics the FORTRAN version, so the values of I and J, in particular, are FORTRAN indices. Licensing: This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. Modified: 05 February 2004 Author: Original FORTRAN77 version by Albert Nijenhuis, Herbert Wilf. C version by John Burkardt Reference: Albert Nijenhuis, Herbert Wilf, Combinatorial Algorithms for Computers and Calculators, Second Edition, Academic Press, 1978, ISBN: 0-12-519260-6, LC: QA164.N54. Parameters: Input, int N, the length of the input list. Input/output, int *INDX. The user must set INDX to 0 before the first call. On return, if INDX is greater than 0, the user must interchange items I and J and recall the routine. If INDX is less than 0, the user is to compare items I and J and return in ISGN a negative value if I is to precede J, and a positive value otherwise. If INDX is 0, the sorting is done. Output, int *I, *J. On return with INDX positive, elements I and J of the user's list should be interchanged. On return with INDX negative, elements I and J are to be compared by the user. Input, int ISGN. On return with INDX negative, the user should compare elements I and J of the list. If item I is to precede item J, set ISGN negative, otherwise set ISGN positive. */ { static int i_save = 0; static int j_save = 0; static int k = 0; static int k1 = 0; static int n1 = 0; /* INDX = 0: This is the first call. */ if ( *indx == 0 ) { i_save = 0; j_save = 0; k = n / 2; k1 = k; n1 = n; } /* INDX < 0: The user is returning the results of a comparison. */ else if ( *indx < 0 ) { if ( *indx == -2 ) { if ( isgn < 0 ) { i_save = i_save + 1; } j_save = k1; k1 = i_save; *indx = -1; *i = i_save; *j = j_save; return; } if ( 0 < isgn ) { *indx = 2; *i = i_save; *j = j_save; return; } if ( k <= 1 ) { if ( n1 == 1 ) { i_save = 0; j_save = 0; *indx = 0; } else { i_save = n1; j_save = 1; n1 = n1 - 1; *indx = 1; } *i = i_save; *j = j_save; return; } k = k - 1; k1 = k; } /* 0 < INDX: the user was asked to make an interchange. */ else if ( *indx == 1 ) { k1 = k; } for ( ; ; ) { i_save = 2 * k1; if ( i_save == n1 ) { j_save = k1; k1 = i_save; *indx = -1; *i = i_save; *j = j_save; return; } else if ( i_save <= n1 ) { j_save = i_save + 1; *indx = -2; *i = i_save; *j = j_save; return; } if ( k <= 1 ) { break; } k = k - 1; k1 = k; } if ( n1 == 1 ) { i_save = 0; j_save = 0; *indx = 0; *i = i_save; *j = j_save; } else { i_save = n1; j_save = 1; n1 = n1 - 1; *indx = 1; *i = i_save; *j = j_save; } return; } /******************************************************************************/ void timestamp ( void ) /******************************************************************************/ /* Purpose: TIMESTAMP prints the current YMDHMS date as a time stamp. Example: 31 May 2001 09:45:54 AM Licensing: This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. Modified: 24 September 2003 Author: John Burkardt Parameters: None */ { # define TIME_SIZE 40 static char time_buffer[TIME_SIZE]; const struct tm *tm; time_t now; now = time ( NULL ); tm = localtime ( &now ); strftime ( time_buffer, TIME_SIZE, "%d %B %Y %I:%M:%S %p", tm ); printf ( "%s\n", time_buffer ); return; # undef TIME_SIZE }