Compute Properties of a Triangle
is a C program which
reads a triangle defined in a file, and uses the TRIANGLE_PROPERTIES
library to compute angles, area, centroid, circumcircle, edge lengths,
incircle, orientation, orthocenter, and quality.
triangle_analyze filename
where filename contains the vertex coordinates.
The computer code and data files described and made available on this web page
are distributed under
the GNU LGPL license.
TRIANGLE_ANALYZE is available in
a C version and
a C++ version and
a FORTRAN90 version and
a MATLAB version.
Related Data and Programs:
a C library which
performs geometric calculations in 2, 3 and N dimensional space.
a C library which
shows how vertex data can be interpolated at any point
in the interior of a triangle.
a C program which
computes properties of triangles.
a dataset directory which
contains examples of triangles;
Source Code:
Examples and Tests:
tex1.txt, example 1.
the output file.
tex2.txt, example 2.
the output file.
tex3.txt, example 3.
the output file.
tex4.txt, example 4.
the output file.
tex5.txt, example 5.
the output file.
tex6.txt, example 6.
the output file.
tex7.txt, example 7.
the output file.
tex8.txt, example 8.
the output file.
example of a "cap" triangle.
the output file.
example of an equilateral triangle.
the output file.
example of a "needle" triangle.
the output file.
example of a reference triangle.
the output file.
example of a right triangle.
the output file.
List of Routines:
MAIN is the main program for TRIANGLE_ANALYZE.
ARC_COSINE computes the arc cosine function, with argument truncation.
CH_CAP capitalizes a single character.
CH_EQI is true if two characters are equal, disregarding case.
CH_TO_DIGIT returns the integer value of a base 10 digit.
DTABLE_DATA_READ reads the data from a DTABLE file.
DTABLE_HEADER_READ reads the header from a DTABLE file.
FILE_COLUMN_COUNT counts the columns in the first line of a file.
FILE_ROW_COUNT counts the number of row records in a file.
I4_MAX returns the maximum of two I4's.
I4_MIN returns the minimum of two I4's.
I4_MODP returns the nonnegative remainder of I4 division.
I4_WRAP forces an I4 to lie between given limits by wrapping.
LINE_EXP_IS_DEGENERATE_ND finds if an explicit line is degenerate in ND.
LINE_EXP_PERP_2D computes a line perpendicular to a line and through a point.
LINE_EXP2IMP_2D converts an explicit line to implicit form in 2D.
LINE_IMP_IS_DEGENERATE_2D finds if an implicit point is degenerate in 2D.
LINES_EXP_INT_2D determines where two explicit lines intersect in 2D.
LINES_IMP_INT_2D determines where two implicit lines intersect in 2D.
R8_ABS returns the absolute value of an R8.
R8_HUGE returns a "huge" R8.
R8_MAX returns the maximum of two R8's.
R8_MIN returns the minimum of two R8's.
R8MAT_INVERSE_2D inverts a 2 by 2 R8MAT using Cramer's rule.
R8MAT_SOLVE uses Gauss-Jordan elimination to solve an N by N linear system.
R8MAT_TRANSPOSE_PRINT prints an R8MAT, transposed.
R8MAT_TRANSPOSE_PRINT_SOME prints some of an R8MAT, transposed.
R8VEC_COPY copies an R8VEC.
R8VEC_EQ is true two R8VEC's are equal.
R8VEC_LENGTH returns the Euclidean length of an R8VEC.
R8VEC_PRINT prints an R8VEC.
S_LEN_TRIM returns the length of a string to the last nonblank.
S_TO_R8 reads an R8 from a string.
S_TO_R8VEC reads an R8VEC from a string.
S_WORD_COUNT counts the number of "words" in a string.
TIMESTAMP prints the current YMDHMS date as a time stamp.
TRIANGLE_ANGLES_2D computes the angles of a triangle in 2D.
TRIANGLE_AREA_2D computes the area of a triangle in 2D.
TRIANGLE_CENTROID_2D computes the centroid of a triangle in 2D.
TRIANGLE_CIRCUMCIRCLE_2D computes the circumcircle of a triangle in 2D.
TRIANGLE_EDGE_LENGTH_2D returns edge lengths of a triangle in 2D.
TRIANGLE_INCIRCLE_2D computes the inscribed circle of a triangle in 2D.
TRIANGLE_ORIENTATION_2D determines the orientation of a triangle in 2D.
TRIANGLE_ORTHOCENTER_2D computes the orthocenter of a triangle in 2D.
TRIANGLE_QUALITY_2D: "quality" of a triangle in 2D.
You can go up one level to
the C++ source codes.
Last revised on 01 November 2015.