MATH 511 (= STAT 511)
Probability - Spring 2001 Office: LeConte 313 D Office Hours: MWF 11:15 - 12:00   or by Appointment. |
Course Information
The course covers the basic principles of the theory of probability
and its applications.
Topics include combinatorial analysis used in computing
probabilities, the axioms of probability, conditional probability and
independence of events; discrete and continuous random variables; joint,
marginal, and conditional densities, moment generating function; laws of
large numbers; binomial, Poisson, gamma, univariate, and bivariate normal
Reference Text: Probability and Statistical Inference (6th Ed.), by R. V. Hogg and E. A. Tanis, Prentice-Hall, 2001. [ISBN: 0-13-027294-9]
Grading scheme: Three tests are given, each one counting 20% of the final grade. The homework, which is to be turned in on a regular basis, counts 10%, with the comprehensive final exam counting the remaining 30%. Classroom attendance is required according to official university policy.
Make-up Policy: : Make-up exams are not normally given.
Important Course Dates:
Prerequisites: Qualification through placement, or a grade of C or better in MATH 241 or its equivalent.
Homework Assignments and Worksheets
This page maintained by Robert Sharpley
and last updated January 26, 2001. This page ©2000-2001, The Board of Trustees of the University of South Carolina. URL: |