Pi Mu Epsilon

PME member Tegan Watts is starting a Math Mentor Program. Below is the information she wants to get out.

The following describes a Math Mentor Program that we are trying to implement for the sole purpose of helping math students. This program is

for students by students

and we hope that it will be successful in helping you to be successful. The program will work best if a good number of people sign up, but we will do our best to match the perfect mentor with the perfect mentee no matter how many students sign up.

The Math Mentor Program

  1. The purpose of this mentor program is to provide a comfortable, enthusiastic environment conducive to education and opportunity for math students in which they can receive and give help and advice in these particular areas:
    1. Tutoring
    2. Classes and Scheduling
    3. Research and career opportunities
  2. The program will pair an upperclassman with an underclassman according to a detailed interview process. The upperclassman will act as a mentor to the underclassman through an email basis (or other basis if chosen by the mentor and mentee) and will answer any questions the mentee might have to the best of their knowledge. The mentor can also offer any extra advice pertaining in any way to mathematics, college, careers, scheduling, and any other related areas. An informational meeting will be held on Nov. 1 to explain the program in more detail. Those interested in participating should attend. This is a great opportunity for all parties to grow as individuals and as a department.
  3. Future expectations:
    • We have already had our fall session of mentor pairing, and as the semester is coming to a close, we are looking to future expectations of the program. We expect to open up the program to new mentors and mentees sometime towards the beginning of the spring semester (and every semester thereafter) where we will have another informational meeting and the newcomers will be paired. We are also in the process of applying to have the mentors qualify as Peer Leaders within the University. News updates about this process will be sent to members as new developments are made.
    • If you have any questions about the upcoming semester or the program, email Tegan at wattse2@email.sc.edu
  4. For current members:
    • For those who are currently happy with their mentor-mentee pair, then they are certainly welcome to continue mentoring. As the current semester ends, however, we expect that many of you will be looking to move forward in the program. An email will be sent to contact mentors and mentees about their happiness and success with the program to which you should reply with your comments on your pair, and your intentions with moving forward in the program. If you do not reply to the email, it will be assumed that you are happy with your current pair and wish to continue the program as planned. If your mentor services are no longer needed (or you feel that you no longer need a mentor), or you would like to request a different pair, then you must reply to the email once it has been sent (expect the email to come from Tegan during exam week).
  5. For underclassmen, you will be paired with an upperclassman that can guide you to success on your educational and career path. Being a math major can seem quite daunting at first, and many of you may feel lost, or might feel lost in the future. This program will provide you with an experienced mentor who can answer the questions you may have. Some specific questions you may have that could be answered follow:
    • What classes should I be taking now, or in the future?
    • What should my emphasis be given my specific interests in math?
    • What can I do with a career in mathematics?
    • Where could I go to find research opportunities?
    • Should I attend the career fair? When?
    • Does my career choice require any work outside of the math department requirements before I graduate?
    • Are there math clubs specific to my emphasis or interests that I should join?
    • Where do I go to get information on . . . ?
    • Do I need to apply for an internship? When?
    • Where could I work after I graduate given my particular skill set?
    • Where can I get tutoring help with [insert class name here]?
  6. For upperclassmen, this is not just an opportunity for the underclassmen to become more certain of themselves as a math student; this is a great opportunity for you as well. Not only would this mentorship look great on a resume, it gives you a chance to help the math department flourish, and to help new math students navigate the maze of making career choices. Many of you may find yourselves grasping at straws when it comes to time management, but this kind of email correspondence might take up a lot less time than you think. If you can find time in your busy schedules, this opportunity could be very rewarding for everyone including you.