AY 2005-06

Spring 2006 Events:

Games and Dessert Night: 7:00, January 31, LC 311

Once again, if you can, bring math-ish games and delectable desserts. But, by all means, bring yourself - it'll be fun!

Induction Ceremony: 7:00, Feburary 21, LC 312

Friends and family are welcome. Immediately after, we'll plan the rest of this semester's events, determine chairs for each, and enjoy pizza.

Clean Carolina: 5:30, March 1 2006, Gibbes Green

PME/GMC has overseen Gibbes Green (the green circular area near LeConte, with the black benches) through Clean Carolina Project for years now. So, we organize a few days to pick up trash there en masse. Come on out! Several of us came out Wednesday, March 1, at 5:30! Thanks!

Chair: April Kemp

Distinguished Lecture Series: March 23

Prof. Ron Graham of University of California San Diego will give two lecturees on Thursday 23rd of March. His first lecture combines Discrete Structures (Math 374), Discrete Mathematics I & II (Math 574 & 75), and Algorithms/Data Structures (CSCE 350). It will be in Sumwalt 213 from 12:30 pm to 1:45 pm.

The second is a Phi Beta Kappa (a national honor society for the liberal arts and sciences) lecture. This lecture is tentatively scheduled to be held in Amoco Hall in Swearingen at 4:45 pm. All are welcome.

More information about Ron Graham is available on his website.

CarMa Conference: March 24, Furman University

This is the Carolinas Mathematics Undergraduate Reserch Conference, held at Furman University this year. Attendance is free. If you are an undergraduate and would like to present original math research, or if you would just like to hear what is presented, you are cordially invited. If enough people are interested, we can get a USC car pool going. For more information, see the CarMa website. If you have any questions, contact Prof. Boylan.

Integration Bee: March 28, 7:30

This event is more fun than seems feasible, really. In teams, students try to work through each integral before the music ends. Snacks, drinks, and prizes are all provided.

Chair: Shelby

Helpers: PME/GMC Grad Students

USC Showcase: April 8, 10:00am - 3:00pm

Every Spring, the Horseshoe is host to the USC showcase, an event where every academic department sets up a booth and entertains those folks who pass by. For us, this is a wonderful chance to expose some younger folks to some nifty math stuff. PME/GMC members will man the booth with puzzles, games, and activities provided by both PME members and the math faculty.

PME/GMX members typically volunteer for a 2 hour time slot, but often stay on because they are having so much fun. We'll arrange a schedule as time nears.

Chair: Jilian Rinehart

Ongoing Activites

First Floor Bulletin Boards

PME/GMC have 2 glassed in bulletin boards on 1st floor LeConte to show off there accomplishments and events. We need folks to help showcase our club with these boards.

Chair: Mary Ellen Kustin

Helpers: Alison Wellings

Clean Carolina: Gibbes Green

Pi Mu Epsilon is in charge of keeping Gibbes Green clean. (Gibbes Green is rougly the area between LeConte and the Horseshoe.) So, we may organize a few days to pick up trash there en masse. If you're a PME member, and you see a bit of refuse while walking along, consider it your duty to pick it up.

Chair: April Kemp

Fall 2005 Events

Induction Ceremony: 7:00, October 11, LC 312

We will hold this semester's induction in LeConte 312. You're welcome to bring friends and family if you like. The induction is as formal as you like; some folks come in suits, some in tees and shorts. After the ceremony, we will adjourn to LeConte 311 for pizza.

Chair: Ben Garrett

Games and Dessert Night: 7:00, October 18, LC 311

A chance for everyone to learn and play their favorite mathematical games, while nibbling on marvelous confections. If you're able, bring your favorite strategy, board, and math-like games. Also if you're able, bring marvelous confections. Still, even if you just don't feel like bringing anything at all, come and enjoy mental and edible delights.


Chair: Matt Elder

Graduate School Information Night: 7:00, October 25, LC 312

Dr. Matt Miller, the Graduate Director of the Department of Mathematics at USC, will answer questions you didn't even know you had about applying to graduate school in mathematics. If you're even slightly interested in studying math after your bachelor's degree, this is an excellent opportunity.

Chair: Mary Ellen Kustin

USC Math Challenge: 7:00, November 15, LC 412

This will be the second annual USC Math Challenge. Try your hand at this hour-long math competition on topics from classes like calculus, abstract algebra, combinatorics, number theory, and others. Snacks will be eaten; prizes will be won.

Chair: Matt Elder

More events to follow...