3rd Funky Functions: C^1 Function.
A function that is differentiable,
but the derivative is not continuous.
Let b>0 and consider the function:
f : [-a, +a] --> R
f(x) = x^b sin(1/x) if x isn't 0
f(x) = 0 if x = 0 .
In Problem 5.1.13 we (basically,
due to symmetry) showed that
a) f is cont. at x=0 iff b>0
b) f is diff. at x=0 iff b>1
c) f ' is cont at 0 iff b > 2.
In the Funky Functions assignment,
the 3rd Funky Function function was
the above function f with b=2.
Let's see how this function f looks
on the domain [-a, +a] with b=2.
> | restart;
a:= .1; b:= 2; f := x -> x^b*sin(1/x); plot(f(x),x=-a..a); |
Ok, now below you can mess around with
the domain [-a, a] of f as well as the b>0
and see what happens.
> | restart;
a:= 0.01; b:= 2; f := x -> x^b*sin(1/x); plot(f(x),x=-a..a); |
> |
If you want, you can also adjust
the range (output) of the graph (plot) of f.
> | restart;
a:= 0.01; d:= 0.00002; b:= 2; f := x -> x^b*sin(1/x); plot(f(x),x=-a..a,y=-d..d); |