18 December 2011 08:40:02 AM BMP_IO_PRB C++ version Test the BMP_IO library. The BMP_BYTE_SWAP option being used is 1 TEST01: Call BMP_24_WRITE_TEST to store some graphics information in the file "bmp_24.bmp". BMP_24_WRITE_TEST passed. TEST02: Call BMP_READ_TEST to read the information in the file "bmp_24.bmp". BMP_READ_TEST passed. TEST03: Call BMP_PRINT_TEST to read and print the information in the file "bmp_24.bmp". BMP_PRINT_TEST: Contents of BMP file "bmp_24.bmp" Contents of BMP file header: FILETYPE = 16973 FILESIZE = 120054 RESERVED1 = 0 RESERVED2 = 0 BITMAPOFFSET = 54 Contents of BMP file bitmap header: SIZE = 40 WIDTH = 200 HEIGHT = 200 PLANES = 1 BITSPERPIXEL = 24 COMPRESSION = 0 SIZEOFBITMAP = 0 HORZRESOLUTION = 0 VERTRESOLUTION = 0 COLORSUSED = 0 COLORSIMPORTANT = 0 Palette information from BMP file: There are NO colors defined for the palette. BMP_PRINT_TEST passed. TEST04: BMP_READ can extract the RGB information from a BMP file. We will try to read the file "blackbuck.bmp". BMP_READ - Fatal error! Could not open the input file. TEST04 - Fatal error! The test failed. TEST05: Call BMP_08_WRITE_TEST to store some graphics information in the file "bmp_08.bmp". BMP_08_WRITE_TEST passed. BMP_IO_PRB: Normal end of execution. 18 December 2011 08:40:02 AM