# include # include # include # include # include using namespace std; typedef struct dictent { struct dictent *alph; struct dictent *len; struct dictent *gl; char *word; int le; } dent; # define DE_SIZE ( sizeof ( dent ) ) dent *aptr[26]; dent *cptr[26][40]; dent *gptr[40]; char my_argv[10][50]; int nlets[26]; int reql[10]; int rl; dent *sptr[26][40]; int stack[50]; int tl; int trl; int main ( int argc, char *argv[] ); void check_dict ( ); void do_search ( char *es, char *sw ); void find_valid_words ( ); int get_args ( ); void initialize ( ); int parse_args ( int nargs ); void read_dict ( ); void search ( int suggp, int sugg ); void timestamp ( ); //****************************************************************************80 int main ( int argc, char *argv[] ) //****************************************************************************80 // // Purpose: // // ANAGRAM finds anagrams of a given set of letters. // // Modified: // // 06 February 2003 // // Author: // // James Cherry // { int nargs; bool VERBOSE = false; if ( VERBOSE ) { timestamp ( ); cout << "\n"; cout << "ANAGRAM\n"; cout << " C++ version\n"; cout << " Written by James Cherry.\n"; cout << " Compiled on " << __DATE__ << " at " << __TIME__ << "\n"; } initialize ( ); read_dict ( ); if ( argc == 1 ) { for ( ;; ) { nargs = get_args ( ); if ( nargs == -1 ) { exit( 0 ); } search ( parse_args ( nargs + 2 ), nargs + 2 ); } } else { for ( nargs = 1; nargs < argc; nargs++ ) { strcpy ( my_argv[nargs], argv[nargs] ); } search ( parse_args ( argc ), argc ); } // // Terminate. // if ( VERBOSE ) { cout << "\n"; cout << "ANAGRAM\n"; cout << " Normal end of execution.\n"; cout << "\n"; timestamp ( ); } return 0; } //****************************************************************************80 void check_dict ( ) //****************************************************************************80 // // Purpose: // // CHECK_DICT ?? // // Author: // // James Cherry // { int i; dent *pt; for ( i = 0; i < 26; i++ ) { cout << aptr[i]->word << " "; } cout << "\n"; for ( i = 1; i < 39; i++ ) { if ( sptr[0][i] != NULL ) { cout << sptr[0][i]->word << " "; } } cout << "\n"; pt = sptr[3][12]; while ( pt != NULL ) { cout << pt->word << " "; pt = pt->len; } cout << "\n"; return; } //****************************************************************************80 void do_search ( char *es, char *sw ) //****************************************************************************80 // // Purpose: // // DO_SEARCH ?? // // Author: // // James Cherry // { int cl; int co; int cp; int i; int j; long na; int rs; int rs2; int slev; dent *sp[50]; bool VERBOSE = false; int tn[26]; na = 0; co = 0; if ( VERBOSE ) { cout << "\n"; cout << es << " Going through the dictionary...\n"; } find_valid_words(); if ( VERBOSE ) { cout << "\n"; cout << es << " Starting search...\n"; cout << "\n"; } for ( i = 0; i < 50; i++ ) { stack[i] = 0; sp[i] = NULL; } cl = tl; slev = 0; stack[0] = 1; sp[0] = gptr[1]; for ( ; ; ) { for ( i = 0, j = 0, rs = tl, rs2 = trl; i < rl && j <= slev; ) { if ( reql[i] <= stack[j] ) { rs -= stack[j]; if ( stack[j] == reql[i] ) { rs2 -= stack[j]; i++; } if ( rs < rs2 ) { j = -1; break; } j++; } else { j = -1; break; } } if ( j == -1 ) { sp[slev] = NULL; } while ( sp[slev] != NULL ) { for ( i = 0; i < 26; i++ ) { tn[i] = nlets[i]; } for ( i = 0; i < stack[slev]; i++ ) { if ( --tn[( (int) sp[slev]->word[i] ) - 'a'] < 0 ) { break; } } if ( i == stack[slev] ) { break; } else { sp[slev] = sp[slev]->gl; } } if ( sp[slev] == NULL ) { if ( slev != 0 ) { if ( stack[slev] < stack[slev - 1] && stack[slev] < cl ) { stack[slev]++; if ( stack[slev] != stack[slev - 1] ) { sp[slev] = gptr[stack[slev]]; } else { sp[slev] = sp[slev - 1]; } } else { stack[slev] = 0; sp[slev] = NULL; slev--; for ( i = 0; i < stack[slev]; i++ ) { nlets[( (int) sp[slev]->word[i] ) - 'a']++; } sp[slev] = sp[slev]->gl; cl = cl + stack[slev]; } } else { if ( stack[0] < tl ) { stack[0]++; sp[0] = gptr[stack[0]]; } else { break; } } } else { if ( stack[slev] < cl ) { for ( i = 0; i < 26; i++ ) { nlets[i] = tn[i]; } cl -= stack[slev]; slev++; stack[slev] = 1; sp[slev] = gptr[1]; } else { cp = tl + slev + 3; if ( sw != NULL ) { cp = cp + 1 + strlen( sw ); } if ( 79 < co + cp ) { co = cp; cout << "\n"; } else { co = co + cp; } cout << "("; if ( sw != NULL ) { cout << sw << " "; } for ( i = 0; i <= slev; i++ ) { cout << sp[i]->word; if ( i != slev ) { cout << " "; } else { cout << ") "; } } na++; sp[slev] = sp[slev]->gl; } } } cout << "\n"; if ( VERBOSE ) { cout << "\n"; cout << " Number of anagrams found was " << na << "\n"; } return; } //****************************************************************************80 void find_valid_words ( ) //****************************************************************************80 // // Purpose: // // FIND_VALID_WORDS ?? // // Author: // // James Cherry // { int c; long checked; dent *dptr; long found; int i; int j; int k; long perc; int tn[26]; dent *tp[40]; bool VERBOSE = false; checked = 0; found = 0; for ( i = 0; i < 40; i++ ) { gptr[i] = NULL; } for ( i = 0; i < 26; i++ ) { for ( j = 1; j < 40; j++ ) { dptr = sptr[i][j]; while ( dptr != NULL ) { for ( k = 0; k < 26; k++ ) { tn[k] = nlets[k]; } for ( k = 0; k < j; k++ ) { c = dptr->word[k] - 'a'; if ( --tn[c] < 0 ) { break; } } if ( k == j ) { if ( gptr[j] == NULL ) { gptr[j] = dptr; tp[j] = dptr; } else { tp[j]->gl = dptr; tp[j] = dptr; } dptr->gl = NULL; found++; } dptr = dptr->len; checked++; } } } perc = 1000 - ( ( found * 10000 + 5 ) / 10 ) / checked; if ( VERBOSE ) { cout << "\n"; cout << "FIND_VALID_WORDS:\n"; cout << " Eliminated " << perc / 10 << " percent of words\n"; } return; } //****************************************************************************80 int get_args ( ) //****************************************************************************80 // // Purpose: // // GET_ARGS prompts for the arguments if they weren't on the command line. // // Author: // // James Cherry // { int i; char inp; int j; cout << "\n"; cout << "Type in a list of letters, optionally followed by word lengths,\n"; cout << "optionally followed by word suggestions. A blank line exits.\n"; cout << "-> "; i = 0; j = 0; do { scanf( "%c", &inp ); if ( ' ' < inp ) { if ( j == 0 ) { i++; } if ( 'A' <= inp && inp <= 'Z' ) { inp = inp + 'a' - 'A'; } my_argv[i][j++] = inp; } else { if ( 0 < i ) { my_argv[i][j] = '\0'; } j = 0; } } while ( inp != '\n' ); return ( i - 1 ); } //****************************************************************************80 void initialize ( ) //****************************************************************************80 // // Purpose: // // INITIALIZE initializes certain data. // // Author: // // James Cherry // { int i; int j; bool VERBOSE = false; if ( VERBOSE ) { cout << "\n"; cout << "INITIALIZE:\n"; cout << " Initializing data...\n"; } for ( i = 0; i < 26; i++ ) { aptr[i] = NULL; for ( j = 1; j < 40; j++ ) { sptr[i][j] = NULL; cptr[i][j] = NULL; } } return; } //****************************************************************************80 int parse_args ( int nargs ) //****************************************************************************80 // // Purpose: // // PARSE_ARGS parses the command line arguments. // // Author: // // James Cherry // // Parameters: // // Output, int parse_args, the number of command line arguments. { int c; int i; int j; int t; // // Replace the arguments by a simple count of each character. // for ( i = 0; i < 26; i++ ) { nlets[i] = 0; } tl = strlen ( my_argv[1] ); for ( i = 0; i < tl; i++ ) { c = my_argv[1][i]; if ( c < 'a' || 'z' < c ) { break; } nlets[c - 'a']++; } if ( i != tl ) { cout << "\n"; cout << "PARSE_ARGS - Fatal error!\n"; cout << " Non-alphabetic characters in the input set.\n"; exit ( 1 ); } i = 2; rl = 0; // // The optional numbers field forces the program to use words of specific lengths. // while ( i < nargs ) { if ( my_argv[i][0] < '1' || '9' < my_argv[i][0] ) { break; } reql[rl++] = atoi( my_argv[i++] ); } // // Descending sort the numbers list. // for ( j = rl - 1; 0 < j; j-- ) { for ( c = 0; c < j; c++ ) { if ( reql[c] < reql[c + 1] ) { t = reql[c]; reql[c] = reql[c + 1]; reql[c + 1] = t; } } } // // Sum the numbers. // for ( j = 0, trl = 0; j < rl; j++ ) { trl = trl + reql[j]; } return ( i ); } //****************************************************************************80 void read_dict ( ) //****************************************************************************80 // // Purpose: // // READ_DICT reads the word list from the dictionary file. // // Modified: // // 14 January 2000 // // Author: // // James Cherry // { int ai; ifstream file_in; char file_in_name[] = "anagram_dictionary.txt"; int i; int le; dent *tdent; char *tword; bool VERBOSE = false; char word[40]; dent *wptr; int wi; // // Open the dictionary file. // file_in.open ( file_in_name ); if ( ! file_in ) { cout << "\n"; cout << "READ_DICT - Fatal error!\n"; cout << " Could not find the dictionary file:\n"; cout << file_in_name << "\n"; exit ( 1 ); } if ( VERBOSE ) { cout << "\n"; cout << "READ_DICT:\n"; cout << " Reading the dictionary file...\n"; } wptr = NULL; ai = 0; // // Read a word from the file. // while ( 1 ) { file_in.getline ( word, sizeof ( word ) ); if ( file_in.eof ( ) ) { break; } le = strlen ( word ); // // Move any uppercase characters to lowercase. // for ( i = 0; i < le; i++ ) { if ( 'A' <= word[i] && word[i] <= 'Z' ) { word[i] = word[i] + ( 'a' - 'A' ); } if ( word[i] < 'a' || 'z' < word[i] ) { break; } } if ( i != le ) { continue; } tdent = ( dent * ) malloc( DE_SIZE ); tword = ( char * ) malloc( le + 1 ); if ( tdent == NULL || tword == NULL ) { cout << "\n"; cout << "READ_DICT - Fatal error!\n"; cout << " malloc() failed\n"; exit ( 1 ); } wi = word[0] - 'a'; strcpy( tword, word ); tdent->word = tword; tdent->le = le; tdent->alph = NULL; tdent->len = NULL; if ( wptr == NULL ) { aptr[ai++] = tdent; } else { if ( wptr->word[0] != word[0] ) { aptr[ai++] = tdent; } wptr->alph = tdent; } if ( cptr[wi][le] == NULL ) { sptr[wi][le] = tdent; cptr[wi][le] = tdent; } else { cptr[wi][le]->len = tdent; cptr[wi][le] = tdent; } wptr = tdent; } file_in.close ( ); return; } //****************************************************************************80 void search ( int suggp, int sugg ) //****************************************************************************80 // // Purpose: // // SEARCH ?? // // Author: // // James Cherry // // Parameters: // // Input, int SUGGP, the index of the first argument to be considered. // // Input, int SUGG, the index of the first succeeding argument NOT // to be considered. // { int c; int i; int j; char nullstring[] = ""; char starstring[] = "*** "; int tn[26]; // // Null range. // if ( suggp == sugg ) { do_search ( nullstring, NULL ); return; } for ( i = suggp; i < sugg; i++ ) { cout << "Target letters: " << my_argv[i] << "\n"; for ( j = 0; j < 26; j++ ) { tn[j] = nlets[j]; } for ( j = 0; j < strlen ( my_argv[i] ); j++ ) { c = my_argv[i][j]; if ( c < 'a' || 'z' < c ) { break; } if ( --tn[c - 'a'] < 0 ) { break; } } if ( j == strlen ( my_argv[i] ) ) { for ( j = 0; j < 26; j++ ) { nlets[j] = tn[j]; } tl -= strlen ( my_argv[i] ); do_search( starstring, my_argv[i] ); for ( j = 0; j < strlen( my_argv[i] ); j++ ) { nlets[( ( int ) my_argv[i][j] ) - 'a']++; } tl = tl + strlen ( my_argv[i] ); } } return; } //****************************************************************************80 void timestamp ( ) //****************************************************************************80 // // Purpose: // // TIMESTAMP prints the current YMDHMS date as a time stamp. // // Example: // // May 31 2001 09:45:54 AM // // Modified: // // 02 October 2003 // // Author: // // John Burkardt // // Parameters: // // None // { # define TIME_SIZE 40 static char time_buffer[TIME_SIZE]; const struct tm *tm; size_t len; time_t now; now = time ( NULL ); tm = localtime ( &now ); len = strftime ( time_buffer, TIME_SIZE, "%d %B %Y %I:%M:%S %p", tm ); cout << time_buffer << "\n"; return; # undef TIME_SIZE }